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Hallelujah!!! It walks!!!!! LOL...

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:21 am
by gratefuldeb67
Well folks,,,the "I'm *going* to start walking" talk, has finally, after months, turned into walking the walk!!!

Thanks to Richard reminding me, and a cool but lovely morning, I was motivated to walk round the perimeter of the large park we live by, 2 times with him! I think it was just about 1.5 miles or so.... We walked for 25 minutes... My legs were all itchy at first from the blood pumping.. LOL..
Boy! I forgot how nice it feels to have a walking partner :)!!!!
I'm lucky to have such a great son!

We plan on doing this at mininmum, five days a week! Since weekends are easy, we will definitely walk then...
I noticed some nice hills around our area which I hope to add on to this "starter" route, as hill climbing definitely adds wayyyyy more bang for your buck when burning fat and calories...

It was a great day!
Now I'm pooped!

Have a lovely evening and rest of the weekend all :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:30 am
by reinhard
I'm glad to hear it, Deb. The whole point of this board is to transform talking into walking, so please don't make any apologies. Hope the weather stays nice to help you cement this new habit. Keep us posted.


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:18 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks Reinhard!
I am sick today, so no work or walking.. However I really enjoyed the walk and want to have it become a really ingrained habit...
Once I'm over my sore throat, etc, I will be going four days a week, with the exception of the one day a week that we drive into Queens for Richard's sax lesson.....

Incidentally, this isn't about walking, lol,,, I am just recently really realizing the amazing power of N and S day delineation...
On the weekends there's just too much going on to delegate, homework, practicing intruments (Richie and his sax and me and my guitar and singing) and exercise, in any scheduled way...
So round here, S days are really turning into a pleasuable relaxation time for fun, and then it's back to the N day "grind"! LOL..

Thanks for your great systems and structure for good living my friend!

ps... With all the extra exercise, home improvement, and lighter eating, I think I am possibly down another pound or two :)
I'll weigh in about ten days as my period is coming this week and it always skews my readouts...

Have a nice day Reinhard et al.....
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:06 pm
by gratefuldeb67
I've had a couple of good walking days in the past week, so I'm really happy!!!
One was a lovely weekend trip to something called the "Walking Dunes" out in Mountauk Long Island, NY...
They are wind created parabolic dunes which constantly shift with the direction of the wind, hence "walking"....
We really enjoyed looking at nature up close and personal, at walking speed! Saw lots of indigenous species of plants and birds... The piping plover! :)
And I think I may have even come accross a tiny little indigenous orchid growing in the sand... very cool!!
Took lots of pictures... Walking rocks!
But I didn't put sunscreen on, so see my other post about what happened, entitled "Sunscreen 101 for dummies"
Today was a gorgeous morning and I walked Richard to school, and then as I came back, since I have today off from work, I took the opportunity to make it into a full walk... I think I was going, including the little walk with Richard, for at least half and hour...
Reinhard is right about how the hardest part of exercise is the "starting"..
Once we are moving already, and past the inertia in our body and brain, it really feels so nice!!!
It also feels nice to finally be actually doing this.. I haven't really walked, but I've talked about it, for about 2 and a half years...
It's nice to really
(Forgive me,,,,,)
Just do it!

And yeah! It really is very pleasurable!
I am certain that this will make a huge impact on my rate of weight loss..
When I stopped walking, my metabolism plummeted...

Have a groovy day friends :)
Glad to be here!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:55 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi friends!
I am happy to report that since Fathers day, I've had three decent walks..
Last week I was too immersed in my Dad's hospitalization, but I started again yesterday after Richard took the bus to camp...
I walked about 20 minutes, and just enjoyed the rain... Then when it got heavy I turned in..
Today it's much nicer out! Heat is returning and sun!!!
So I strolled along for about 30 minutes, roughly...
I don't know... I don't even really care..
Mainly I'm really glad I'm doing this daily!
I saw lots of neat things you would only see while walking, as they are too small to see when driving, or that pace just isn't right for absorbing details in your environment... I noticed some really big old trees, and on one, the owner nailed a really cute wooden cat climbing it! LOL.. I thought it was a squirrel... Then at the end of the yard, at the base of another really big one, in the shade, they put a little wooden squirrel, and I think, a turtle?? LOL..

I am walking for the sake of walking... I don't care what my "heart rate" is or if I'm doing exactly 30 minutes (the amount supposedly necessary for raising your metabolism and losing weight).. I just care about it becoming a daily, non-optional activity... Fortunately, it's so nice, I look forward to it! Its easy enough to do in my neighborhood, without having a destination in mind...
I added a nice hill to the walk today at the end, and I must say that I came home feeling pleasantly sweaty!
If I have to go to work in the morning, I will just go walk in the evening!
That's nice too!

It really feels good to finally be doing this.. I have put it off for so long!
It's an upper for sure :)

Have a nice day all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:25 pm
by operababe
Hi Deb,

You are such an inspiration! It's hard to get started, but once you start, there's no stopping you now!

Keep up the great work!

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:38 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thank you Babe!!!
Have a lovely day :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:31 pm
by Daisy
Glad you'e enjoying your walks Deb. I love walking - which is just as well having such a big dog. Still when you have a dog it does mean you have to get off your backside and walk even when you can think of a hundred other things you could be doing.

My problem now is that since I got my great dane, I can't walk for more than a few minutes before I am stopped by people wanting to pat the dog and ask about her - shes becoming a bit of a local celebrity. Never had this problem when I had labradors.

Great danes seem to have this effect on people, she always manages to bring a smile to everyones face (well nearly everyone - there's always one miserable **** around), and I think it probably looks quite funny with me walking her as I'm only small (5'2") so shes nearly as big as me. At the moment she weighs less (but shes still got quite a bit of growing to do) but with a few more months of No Sing then hopefully this will be reversed.

Happy trecking and kindest wishes Daisy

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:03 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks Daisy!!!
I saw a little lady walking down my block today who was carrying her groceries in two bags, and she just had the most euphoric grin plastered on her face! I guess walking is really a natural upper!!!
I wish I could have taken her pic! You guys would have loved it!! LOL..
It was the picture of pure bliss!

Anyway.. off I go now to walk around!
Have a nice evening :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb