Glass Ceiling: "One Off"

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Glass Ceiling: "One Off"

Post by infoproj » Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:59 am

I came into this site via the Glass Ceiling and have found it inspirational (even though I haven't stuck to it always... yet...).

One thing that concerned me was that, as a former heavy drinker, my liver may need some rest periods rather than the constant steady-trickle of alcohol.

So, I aim to modify the Glass Ceiling by a "One Off" metaphor.

In a nutshell:

- 1 day off alcohol every week
- 1 week off every month
- 1 month off every year

The rest of the time is normal Glass Ceiling.

And like Reinhard's low-smoking approach, only ever my favourite tipple - no need for cheap or 'lite' variants now that the amount is controlled. Drink for the taste not the alcohol.

Whadya reckon?

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Post by NoelFigart » Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:49 pm

Well, there's no reason in the world NOT to try your system mod.

I will say that plain ole Glass Ceiling works just fine for me.

I went from the Slow Steady Drinking of a writer trying to lower mental inhibitions (how cliché!) to plain ole Glass Ceiling -- a two drink max with my favorite sweet sticky drink (an appletini) being an S cause it's really sweet.

I do not drink every day any more. I rarely have more than one, in fact, on the days I do drink. Usually it's just a nice glass of wine with dinner, and that's it.

I suspect it works out to not drinking about as much as your formal mod, but the formal mod would work.

When I was first trying to get ahold of my drinking, I said that if I did not have a month of successes, I was gonna check myself into rehab. My distaste for spending the time, money and getting myself on Formal Record as a drunk was a powerful motivator that worked perfectly for me.

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Post by reinhard » Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:15 pm

I like the idea in principle (what about a "jubilee" year off? :-)). But I'm afraid I personally might have trouble sticking with it -- and then, on the "broken windows" principle, with other things.

You might want to start with the weekly mod first and see how that goes.

Best of luck and thanks for the elegant (at least) suggestion! Keep us posted.


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Post by infoproj » Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:14 pm

I know, I know - easier said than done.

Plenty of acquaintances have January off the booze after Christmas over here, but that's probably due to financial pressures and excessive British bingeing. I doubt that one would have the motivation to take a month off if only drinking in moderation to begin with.

So I think "one-off" will extend to day-off and week-off for now.

The year-off is a definite no!

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Post by Terez » Fri May 09, 2008 3:45 am

Personally I would not do a month off. In my experience if I get too "clean" (whether with sugar, alcohol, refined flour, whatever), then my body has a sort of toxic reaction when I reintroduce the stuff. I don't care for that feeling. (I don't care for the detox feeling either and will never cold turkey off caffeine again.)

If a substance is not something I plan to give up forever, then I don't want it out of my system too long.

My two cents' worth...

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