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Link to AA no the No S page

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:21 pm
by Francois Tremblay
Greetings. I have been shown this web site by a friend of mine (Niels, who uses the shovelglove) and I think what Reinhard is doing is actually very profound.

I am embarking on the No S Habit (I refuse to call it a diet- it simply has no relation to diets) today. However, reading the No S page, I saw there was a link to the AA. Now, I know this is a bit off-topic, and if it is please move it elsewhere, but Reinhard should know that AA is a cult designed to make people addicted to AA... nothing more. They have been proven scientifically to be no better than no treatment at all.

Here is a site on this topic:

Please understand that I don't want to argue this topic but I just want Reinhard to know that all AA does is try to destroy your free will. He of all people should know that it's not the way to go at all. The way to self-control is to improve your willpower, not to destroy it.

Here is my suggestion for a better link:
Rational Recovery programs are not based on meetings or 12 steps addiction. They are based on self-recovery- building your willpower.

And no, I have not experienced alcoholism at all, I just have some interest in the topic. I just don't want people who follow Reinhard's excellent suggestions to think that AA fits within his perspective, because it really doesn't. It is exactly like a diet.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:04 am
by reinhard
Hello Francois,

I know very little about AA... I linked to it because so far as I could tell it was the "industry leader" and I needed to deflect responsibility away from myself for a huge problem that can potentially kill someone overnight (plus we have at least one perhaps statistically insignificant friend who's life seems to have been turned around by it). It's also not quite as funny if you click on "a different sort of problem" and get a page that makes you think "what the hell is this?"

I'm a Christian with (married to) strong Jewish influences, so the higher powers stuff in AA doesn't bug me.

Thanks for the heads up and the link, but it's going to be a little while before I can do the necessary homework. I will do it, though, and post my decision and rationale here.



Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:15 am
by Francois Tremblay
Okay. But I want to make clear that this is not an anti-Christian thing. Christians should be offended by this pseudo-therapeutic scam just as much as other people. It doesn't work and it's morally wrong. So check out the info and tell me what you think.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:22 am
by carolejo
This is a very interesting discussion thread, I think. Let me just say that I have (fortunately) NO experience of Alcoholism or AA, either directly or indirectly, but I did always wonder about how you could ever develop a healthy relationship with ANYTHING if it was effectively totally banned for you..?

Perhaps this is why everyone on AA only ever refers to themselves as 'recoverING' and not 'recovered'. I admit it might very well be safer and easier to have an outright ban on Alcohol - that way (as Reinhard put it somewhere) there's no discussion even, "you're automatically pre-disallowed, so don't go there" but what does that really say about people's ability to cope for real?
