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Yahoo to PhpBB Migration Plan

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:41 pm
by reinhard
Over the next few weeks, I'd like to transfer all new discussions from the yahoo groups to this phpBB bulletin board. So please take a moment to register an account here.

What are some of the advantages of the new board?

1. no more obnoxious full page ads from yahoo (just discreet little
ads from me via google)

2. more intuitive search and navigation

3. easier to continue separate discussions without them
drowning each other out.

4. easier to ignore discussion you don't care about

5. by default you will not get a ton of annoying email.

6. new boards and subboards can be easily added as new topics arise
without requiring additional user registrations

Don't worry, I have an archive of all the yahoo group messages and
will make it publicly available soon. I'll keep the yahoo groups
around for a bit until the new boards are past their growing pains.
I'd rather retire the yahoo groups rather than keep them going in
parallel so the community doesn't splinter. I know some of you will
inevitably prefer the old system... but I think most of you will like
the new one better, and you'll agree that the community we've built is
more important and worth preserving than the technology.

Reply to this message with complaints, encouragement, ideas for improvements.

Many thanks to nosdieter Rich Laferty for guiding me in the choice and
configuration of the new bulletin board software.
