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Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:03 pm
by infoproj
Instead of buying the latest, shiniest 'thing', go for an out-moded yesteryear version and wring the absolute most out of it.


1. Computer - get an old computer for next to nothing and put Linux on it - you'll probably achieve the same performance as a new computer with Vista (disclaimer: I'm not a Microsoft-bashing Linux fan-boy, but this aproach would suit most people's needs for very few £s). Maybe consider a word-processor or even a typewriter?

2. Cycling - Don't spend a fortune on a fancy new 20 speed bike, buy or build a 1 speed fixed-gear. Convert an old steel bike and you'll get something that is the same weight as a posh bike but for only a few £s. It will get you far fitter than a lightweight poser bike anyway!

3. Car - get an old-skool top-of-the-range car and learn to look after it.

Save money and gain a hobby whilst recycling old junk.

Think carefully and only buy what you need and know that you will use. If you tread the Luddite path your impulse purchases will be less frequent and less costly if you find you don't need them.

I don't have any hidden green agenda here, but I do like the idea of getting something that was once the top of the range and wringing the most out of it instead of just joining the throw-away crowd.

Does this class as a system?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:59 pm
by kctrxv8rdudtv
I definitely agree with the principle behind this one. It is satisfying to be get use out of an older object (especially gadget) and actually wear it out. Here are some things that I'm doing that with:

1. Computer - currently have an old ThinkPad (T23) that comfortably runs only XP, but was tip-top of the line when it was released (2001?). I bought it in 2005 for 80% off. It has great build quality, is solid as a rock, and was a great investment!

2. PDA gadget - using a Palm T3, released circa 2003. Not bundled with a phone, but works perfectly for what I use, and cost me a hundred dollars in great condition off eBay a couple years ago. It gives me great comfort to know that this lovely device is seeing useful service with me instead of being thrown out for "PDA Recycling".

I think the green part is great, too, but my main interest is the high I get from being "thrifty"---getting a deal (in terms of absolute dollars) and getting more for my buck.