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Sideways drift from urban ranger?

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:20 pm
by ericb
Not sure whether this should be in here or the Urban Ranger section, but here goes.

Goal: I'd also like to drive less and walk more. I live too far away to walk (15 miles away on a high traffic highway) but I can do better...

Current test: Farparking

Explanation: I do like to walk - in fact, I do a decent job of getting out at work and walking at home with my family. However, I fall on the near side of the parking equation - not the closest spot to whereever I am going, but usually the closest convenient spot. I don't like that, and I want to change.

Farparking means I park farther away than is absolutely necessary.

Parking further away is a stretch, especially if I am on a mission to shop and leave. On days like that one stall further away is a success. I probably get more out of the one stall away days because it requires some discipline to move that far away. Weird, isn't it? The more I do those types, the more I am like "wow, am I THAT fickle?" and I am shamed a little into doing it again.

I define it this way because I can work from home, and I also commute in to work. I don't count these as farparks because I am not walking more, just driving less. Having both halfs of the goal make it so I am not off the hook just because I didn't drive.

Thoughts are welcome!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:17 am
by Kevin
Here's another mod: on nights and weekends, I semi-sprint when I'm running errands, to the door of the store and back, parking as far away as possible.

It makes you feel great after a few days.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:08 am
by idontknow
I don't do the parking far away mod but I don't email people at work - I go and find them. I don't phone first to check if they are there - I just go back later. I also run up and down all stairs (when it's not busy!).

Great Ideas!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:33 pm
by ericb
Kevin wrote:Here's another mod: on nights and weekends, I semi-sprint when I'm running errands, to the door of the store and back, parking as far away as possible.

It makes you feel great after a few days.
Wow, I am not sure I could do this with kids in tow - wait, what do they do all of the time? "Dad, hurry up!" Great suggestion for the weekend!
idon'tknow wrote:I don't do the parking far away mod but I don't email people at work - I go and find them. I don't phone first to check if they are there - I just go back later. I also run up and down all stairs (when it's not busy!).
This is also a great idea. I only do this when I am fidgety. In our company this might go over well if I ping people first. Great idea as well....