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How do I look at someone else's HabitCal?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:58 pm
by Nicest of the Damned
I've heard that I can look at other people's HabitCals. How do I do that?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:32 pm
by yoozer
There may be an easier way of doing it, but you can find someone's user ID by hovering over their Profile button, and then plug it into the URL of the public view of your own Habitcal.
I don't think there's anything naughty about this, because Reinhard makes it perfectly clear that Habitcal information is public. Not that I have ever looked at others people's pages, except to verify for the purposes of this post that the method works.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:22 am
by reinhard
That works but there's also a slightly easier (and also completely undocumented) way to plug in the user name rather than the arcane id.

Instead of "o" in the url (o stands for owner) type "on" (owner name) and plug in the username you're interested in. ... ard&t=*

t=* will show all active habits.

If the user has spaces in their name, replace them with pluses. Also you can specify the "view" type with the "v" parameter, if like me, you prefer table view (v=ta) for more than a few habits. ... *&v=ta

(Nice work, by the way!)

Related note: asterisks are problematic in this bulletin board. You have to replace them with the proper html escape sequence ("*") if you want to have the urls render correctly.
