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Come on, admit it! You are confused too! LOL...

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:34 pm
by gratefuldeb67
This section is devoted to all the closet technophobes, and people too proud to admit that they have no clue, how to use this board, or even how to speel, I mean, spell...
To further confuse things, this section is devoted to "Whatever"...
I find it charming, personally...
That is way funnier than having a "Help topics" (snore.....) :roll: or "Miscellaneous" section... (blaahhhhh...) :shock:
Don'tcha think?

So... Guess what???
I got a job with the NY Health and Racquet Club today!!!
I am so happy and relieved! Whew... income... good....
Things are looking up for the Debster this month!

Anyway, who else is reading this blather I am posting? Marsha? (huh huh!) Bonnie, Sandie, Jools, Philip? Helloooooo, anyone home? LOL...
I wuv you all! Hee! And hi Penny! You are the cutest croc hunter in the USA, love that boa constrictor avatar!... When are you going back to Oz?
Hi Reinhard! I know you're there ! Are you having fun with your new and way cooler system? Hope so :D
Okay... Here's an idea...
How about posting some very basic instructions about things like
1. How to lift and copy a quote...
2. How to post a photo, like Justin did..
Have a bloody great day all!
8) Debberoo
(who is in a bloody great mood!)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:44 am
by sandie
A JOB WITH the NY Health and Racquet Club today!!!

WOW thats sounds terrific! Congrats to you Deb :)

Jeepers thats a big accomplishment, lets all give her a hand!

Regarding reply with quote, just click on the "QUOTE" icon and it will send you right into a reply box including the quote.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:18 pm
by reinhard
Congratulations, Deb! Thanks Sandie for the quote instructions. One advantage of using this system is that people are familiar with it from other sites. Many of you are probably more expert than I.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:40 pm
by sandie
I just wish I could get my avatar up, I use it on other forums but its a tad too big for this one, 90x90.

I recommend using an avatar that way we can look for your personal posts more quickly, its just a fun way of identifying yourself.

My pictures are all too big!

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:32 pm
by gratefuldeb67
For an avatar that is!
I have no clue how to "shrink" any of my existing photos or files down to submit them for my avatar! Feh!
I tried to look at the "gallery" of avatars here, but nothing came up?
What's with that?
I was trying to put up a psychedellic poster of the Grateful Dead, but it didn't take!
All advice welcome here folks :lol: :roll: :shock: :evil: :P
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:01 pm
by reinhard
Deb, an avatar is a picture that identifies you, sort of like a personal logo.

You'll like the official definition:

On this site, it's the image in the left "author" column by each post.

How big is your avatar, Sandy? I can raise the limits, but I don't want to set them too high or we'll run out of space.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:19 pm
by gratefuldeb67
reinhard wrote:Deb, an avatar is a picture that identifies you, sort of like a personal logo.

You'll like the official definition:

....Ah yes! You are right on that count! :wink:
It's so nice to keep company with people who actually can remember your interests. Thanks for the cool definition.
Your attention to detail is always a pleasure!
8) Deb

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:14 pm
by sandie
An avatar can be a picture of yourself playing the quitar, just right click on the photo of choice and it should give you the option of resizing the photo. Resize it to 70x70 and then the pixels will work out, thats what I did.
(of course this is a pastime for when you have nothing else to do :lol: )