Roxy is Back and Trying Again!!

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by mimi » Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:32 am

I tend to agree with the others Roxy...I think I'd let my membership go too if I only went once last year. You'd be surprised at the deals they can come up with to lure back former customers! Maybe by then you'll see how much you really don't miss being a member!

Mimi :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:05 am

Hi Dear Mimi! Many thanks for your nice, supportive words :) I am feeling really good this evening, thanks to everyone's responses plus getting my own head around things. I've also had - so far - a very good run of N Days. I am back to not thinking about it as much (only started fretting after the unexpected weight gain :twisted: ) and the No S Plan is becoming second nature again. I actually don't feel like having an ott couple of S Days either at this stage. Not sure what I will do, whether to have any treats or just see how it goes. I guess my 'fear' is again, I will start over thinking it or trying to think too far ahead i.e. my mind could change again and old habits could sink in. I know - its kinda destructive thinking. But hopefully that won't be an issue. I definitely think the non weighing is helping too. I think if I stepped on and saw a bad result, I would start fretting and worrying again.

Anyway guys - signing off rather abruptly since DH has arrived home and will be making his dinner now. Have a great No S week all, and talk to you soon.

Lots of love, ROXY xxx
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:53 pm

Tempting though it is to weigh, I have managed to refrain for almost ONE week! Gasp ! :lol: :lol:
Yeah, it might not sound like much, but to a "scale slave" like me, it is an achievement.
(no disrespect intended to anyone who gets benefit from the scales; this I repeat, is a personal goal).

No doubt I will weigh in at some point; I do think it might (emphasis on might since it will depend on my reaction at the time!:) help to see where I am weight-wise. BUT my 'fear' is I might over-react and get all panicky/diet headed etc. if I don't like what I see.

I keep conjuring up this image of myself standing on the scales, peeking through laced fingers with a look of trepidation on my face - LOL! IF I could make the 3 month landmark, it will be an achievement in itself however. I must say, I am feeling more relaxed since I got back on to my N Days and stopped concentrating on my weight so much.

Have a great day, folks! Thanks for listening to my ramblings - ha ha!!
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:01 pm

I meant to add: a quick update on a close friend of mine who is following her own eating plan (from the sounds of it, a very strict low carb WOE) and continues to do extremely well. Again, tempting (the word of the day) though it is to try this, I just think its too darn difficult (for ME) and would only start me thinking and fretting over food again. Perhaps I am being too hard on myself and if I really wanted to see "super-duper" overnight results, I might indeed find it easier to follow than I am anticipating, particularly having done No S for so long and engraining good habits from doing so.

I am very, very happy for DF if this method is working.... but not so sure it would be as effective for me. Right now, I have to concentrate on:A: getting my thyroid (med) under control and B: less indulgent S Days.
I believe that is enough to be getting on with right now. I also believe (rightly or wrongly) that these 'simple' tweaks could make a significant difference all round.
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Post by milliem » Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:24 pm

From everything I've read about low carb eating, it is really effective for initial weight loss but requires very careful handling of eating more carbs to not regain all the weight back again afterwards! Way too high maintenance for me :)

Sounds like you are doing well on NoS at the moment, well done on the good run of N days!

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:42 pm

The proof of a diet is how people are doing on it 2-5 years later, not in the first year. And in the pain involved, if you ask me. For instance, I think someone who tried No S, lost weight, and gained it back is still better off than someone who did something more wrenching, lost and regained. Perhaps your friend will keep it off; perhaps not. On my school campus, I've seen at least two individuals in the last couple of years do that, one of them 100 lbs. They just won't keep up with the drastic change to their habits.

I got sidetracked thinking about the 17-day diet and looked at the Amazon reviews. Over 500 of them! Yet almost all of them were from people in the first week or few weeks! So excited! Oh, we've all been there, no? And the Dukan Diet which so many Europeans have used. Beginning all meat, much like Atkins, without the cured meats. I get a chill just reading them. Yet, sometimes, I make myself a meal with no starch. But I don't want to have to do it all the time now. I may choose to later. No need yet! Parameters with flexibility! I don't call getting to eat all the meat and green vegetables I want flexibility. I call No S the ultimate flexibility.

Just keep working your plan. It's a good one.
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:21 pm

Thanks again, guys for your valuable input! oolala: I hear you with considering other WOE from time to time.... and on giving it second thoughts! No S is indeed the best plan around. The only ep I can stick to long term, as I've often said here. Another way of looking at this i.e. my weight gain and my reaction to it, (without sounding like a long, drawn out broken record) if the thyroid and meds are to blame or at least contributory to the gain, then I don't think the strictest diet in the world would produce results.

Anyway - again will have to sign off for a bit.... DH has just come in and its time for dinner! LoL. Have a great no S weekend, guys. I am feeling quite good and confident this evening, having made the decision to stick with it through thick and thin. I also don't feel particularly hungry for sweets and/or desserts this weekend. I'm a little unsure (diet head??) whether to go ahead and indulge anyway. Perhaps I'm over thinking again. :roll:

And on that note - what's all this talking I'm doing about weight anyway?? Thought I was giving up weighing for the New :oops: :lol:
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:52 pm

Having an enjoyable No S weekend.... feeling particularly enthused after reading Oolala's fabulous results and testimonial! THANK YOU SO MUCH, OOLALA :D :D

Yesterday (Saturday) was a fairly good day - I had a few S treats - in fact, one good sized dessert of apple pie and ice cream and that was it.

Today, I started to get a few cravings for sweet food but I think its just withdrawal symptoms from all the junk I ate last week!

I didn't mention it and I guess i shouldn't have done it anyway but I broke my resolve on Satruday and stood on the scales ! :oops: :roll: It read 167 lbs and I felt pleased for a fleeting moment because I wished I had had the strength NOT to give into the scales and also seeing I had lost 3 lbs since last week brought on a bit of diet head (nothing worse on an S Day weekend). I started questioning whether or not to have any S Day treats and then started the ridiculous fretting/way of thinking that if I were too strict, I might give in further down the road and have a binge! :roll: If I hadn't weighed, I wouldn't have known about the loss and worried about it in the same way. You see, on the one hand, I really, really want to break free of dieting/food anxiety/weight woes entirely BUT on the other hand, there's a part of me that fears the unknown: i.e. not knowing what I weigh, will my weight/eating habits spiral out of control etc, etc.
Another reason I love No S so much is I could never give up dieting completely even though it wasn't working for me (and envied those who could stop thinking about it) I'd only be able to do it for a few days before 'fear' of gaining took over and always went back to some form of restriction counteracted by bingeing. No S has the perfect middle ground in that one has certain rules (not restrictions) to follow on N Days with the freedom of the S Days to help with compliance on N Days, this is especially important to those of us just starting out on the plan, when it can often be difficult to go 2 or 3 days without giving up!

I am still working on the scales: but I HOPE - fingers crossed - that I can stay off them now until at least March 2012 when I originally planned to weigh myself. Thanks for listening, guys, and hope you're all having a wonderful weekend.
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:06 am

Been doing okay so far this week. Managing to take advantage of the unusually good weather and been walking outside most days. Usually this time of year, I am confined to staying indoors .... so long may it last ! :D

Have managed to lay off the scales although still tempted every now and again :evil:

Hope you're all having a great week!
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:09 pm

Still doing fine and feeling okay. Because I'm not weighing, my mind is trying to play tricks on me :twisted: I feel like I might have gained but not sure either way. I AM NOT going to give into temptation, however. Working today in a different location than usual. The eating arrangements/facilities suck! As in there is nowhere to have a decent/healthy meal. But we are on NOS so that shouldn't really be much of a problem: well kinda, but I had to make do with a cinamon chip scone and a black coffee. The scones are ginormous - I guess I could have ate half and kept half for tomorrow... but oh well, I was hungry! They didn't even have any fruit scones left or I might have felt less , just kidding!

Have a great day guys!
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Post by snapdragon » Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:38 pm

I like reading your check-in, you sound so sane about food.

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Post by milliem » Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:39 pm

I just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the support on my thread :) It sounds like you are doing really well at the moment too! And well done for resisting the weigh ins :D

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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:51 pm

Aw geez, thanks guys!! :oops:

Nice of you both to pop in with your nice messages as always!

Glad you think I sound 'sane' around food! As sometimes I do question my food choices, being a bit of a lazy cook - lol (just kidding!) and thanks millie for your nice comments as well. Enjoy reading your threads very much too guys!!

I feel a bit guilty sometimes as I don't post as often as I would like and would like to post to everyone's threads, but as I've often said, I do come on here and lurk around/read all the posts as much as possible.

Have a great week, guys. Keep posting your great messages and all the best on (Y)our No S journeys.

Had a curry tonight (frozen) but crazy me, cooked the kids and DH a curry from scratch! :roll: Its funny that I tend to cook 'properly' for these guys and do frozen stuff for myself - perhaps I don't care for my own cooking?? :lol:
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:08 pm

Doing okay again today. Only 'blot on the landscape' - I'm still working at this other office where the food choices are pretty limited to say the least. I FEEL good inside, however, and part of this comes from following the NOS to the letter this past week or so after the holidays and - I'm in no doubt - the fact I haven't been weighing so I can't really tell if I've lost/put on any weight.
I will rephrase that actually: when a significant loss or gain of weight occurs, one can usually tell by looking in the mirror and the fit of one's clothes if there's a significant weight change. But when it isn't by much, its not that easy to tell sometimes. (at least, I have discovered this happens to ME personally). This seems to be working out well for me so far; fingers crossed. If I did weigh and wasn't happy right now, it might make me start fretting unneedlessly again and pondering other 'diet' clubs! (Waste of energy!)

By the way: I am not playing down any weight losses when I say 'only' a few lbs or half a pound whatever! R jean has a wonderful quote that maintenance is progress; I wholheartedly agree!!!! :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:00 am

Starting on a new thryroid medication tomorrow. Dr changed it up for me since i wasn't doing too good on the other one. We'll see how it goes. Fingers crossed! Although I'm not weighing until March, it'll be interesting to see if it has any affect on my weight. i.e. putting it on. We'll see how it goes. Will keep you posted!
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:26 am

Heck! Excuse the rather garbled message I wrote earlier today.... I was using the local library computer at work break and I felt everyone could see what I was writing. :oops: So I wasn't concentrating as much on what I was writing or should I say the way I was writing!

I guess it serves me right for using a public computer - lol!
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:47 pm

GAK! Not had a good couple of days! Unlike me, but I had a mini binge on Friday night. My daughter had made a new batch of fudge for school... and I just had to try some. :roll: :roll:

Today, eating has been all over the place! Lots of sweet, snacky foods - scones, chocolate cream pie.... nibbles here, nibbles there! So unsatisfying!
Oh well! I have Sunday and although its an S Day, I hope it will be a more controlled one. Just started the new thyroid med - increase in appetite already??? It can be one of the symptoms but i can't imagine it happening so quickly! :evil:

Never mind, I'm feeling fine otherwise. Just be glad when its back to my N Days again. Another thing didnt help: I had lots of goodies in the house left over from the holidays and still trying to use up. I hope that is most of it gone now. I will try not to buy so much cra^p next time I am at the store! I always get tempted and its hard but if I want to see results and feel better I have to make an effort. I just think of oolala and that gives me inspiration!! :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:36 pm

Hi folks! :D

Hope you all had a great weekend. Just getting back into the swing of things again after my two rather indulgent S Days! :oops:

Monday I was relatively good - back to 3 meals with no inbetweens. Unfortunately, not able to get the exercise in I would like: I don't like to walk in snow/slippery conditions and that's what we have right now. Had to make do with some indoor walking which isn't really enough but better than nothing, i guess. Working in a different environment this week again and the food choices are still not great; walked to Starbucks and had a low fat muffin and some fruit as well as the 'obligatory' cup of coffee - lol!

I haven't been weighing still... but oh my! my pants do feel tight and I just feel so sluggish all over. Scared to weigh incase i get a bad result .... i know that might sound a bit melodramatic. I'm hoping to get a few good N Days in and some more moderate S Days before I weigh again. I'm also holding out to see how I get on with the new thyroid medication.
It's a bit difficult right now when you're not doing the same level of exercising. I continue to ride my exercise bike though so hopefully it will help a bit.
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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:40 pm

In any case - I said I wasn't going to weigh until March, so I have quite a bit to go yet.
Sometimes, the regular weighing is a hard habit to break (for those of us who want to/think it might be more beneficial), just don't want to be piling on lots of weight and not being aware of it or trying to nip it in the bid before it gets out of hand. Irrational or OTT as that may sound, sometimes these thoughts just get into our heads. :twisted: :evil: :twisted:
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Post by idontknow » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:23 pm

Hi Roxy,
Thanks for posting on my thread. Just thought I 'd give you my thoughts on daily weighing. I weigh every day because it keeps me on track. I don't get depressed if my weight goes up, or particularly joyful if it goes down. I like to feel in control and I'm not keen on surprises. Weighing every day means I know what's going on and I can track trends over time.
I know that if I only weighed once a week I would be tempted to cheat because I would think that I could make up the progress in the last 2 days before weighing in. It also reminds me of ww - and I hated ww :evil:
However, I can see that this approach doesn't work for everyone. You need to be able to view your weight with some detachment to weigh every day. I am tracking success based on the habits of No S. I haven't lost any weight in the last 3 weeks, but I have stuck to the rules. If I'd done 3 weeks and then weighed I may have been very disappointed.

Your thyroid issues will make it very difficult to know what is working and what isn't - it must be really difficult for you. I'll be watching and cheering you on :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:27 pm

Why thank you idk, for your lovely encouraging and supportive message!

I am kinda tempted to going back to the weighing daily as you do... or at least every couple of days. For me, personally, I do tend to freak out if my weight goes up, which is really pointless and a waste of energy (but still hard to break the habit) . But I also don't like the not knowing. :roll:

BTW, your post couldn;t have come at a better time since I have been very tempted to throw in the towel today and yesterday. Have a really strong craving for sweet, starchy carby foods tonight! Its the worst cravings I've ever had since I practically started No S! I have a strong suspicion that my new thryoid med is to blame! I;ve been reading up on it and it does point to sugar cravings as one of the symptoms. No kidding!! Just about ready to chew my arm off - lol!!

Never mind, will soldier on and its only a few days till the weekend. I can do it!@
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Post by r.jean » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:13 am

A little over a year ago I was more like Roxy about weighing. I was easily frustrated over weigh ins so I quit weighing at first and stuck to monthly weigh ins. As time went on I became more confident about my progress and started to step on the scale more often. I now step on the scale frequently but still only write it down once a month. Now I am more like idk. The scale is a gauge only; the daily weights are only informational and are more of an incentive.

So I guess my point is that weighing is a personal preference, and personal preferences change. Do what works for you!
Last edited by r.jean on Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by milliem » Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:52 am

For me, weekly weighing works well. You can still see trends and it's not TOO long to wait until your next one... I never used to weigh at all, and I'm still not devastated by the results, but I weigh every Friday afternoon. I figure a week of (hopefully) green N days should give me something to be motivated about, and gives me an idea of how I'm doing.

The idea is that I won't panic by weighing on a Sunday or Monday as well and having all that S day food showing on the scales and the panic of 'oh no I have to be extra good this week'! By the next Friday the trend should be downwards again in theory... fingers crossed! I've only been trying regular weighing for a couple of weeks so we'll see how it goes :)

p.s. how about sweet potato to fill your starch craving, it's super good for you!

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Post by sophiasapientia » Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:53 pm

r.jean wrote:So I guess my point is that weighing is a personal preference, and personal preferences change. Do what works for you!
Hi Roxy! I totally agree with this. There is no right or wrong here and what works for you at one stage may change at another. This has certainly been true for many of us. Hang in there! You'll figure it out. :) :wink:

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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:08 pm


Just logged in and read all your great, supportive and soooo helpful messages! I can't say it enough: your support means so much to me.

Hey milliem: never thought of sweet potato! Great idea! Going to the store today so I will add this to the top of my list :) :)

Well, I did weigh myself this morning (Friday) and I was 168 lbs. I kinda like the once a week weighing - it might not make me so obsessive about the scale yet it is still regular enough to notice if there were any significant changes.

LOL! I know what you mean about weighing on a Friday. That sounds like a good idea; either Friday or Saturday morning (before eating, esp on the S Day). That would mean you'd had - fingers crossed - a good no. of N Days in before stepping on. I think I'll give that a try. I think I can manage to keep to once a week and then I wouldn't have the nagging question about how things were going.

As sophiasapienta wrote: it definitely is a personal choice; there's no right or wrong about this; some people are happy with the not knowing too - whatever feels comfortable for the individual is the main thing.

Have a great day, all, and thanks again for the advice!!
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:59 pm

Hi everyone! Just popping in again after a week's absence. Well, not really! I read the posts every day and I continue to follow No S...just don't always get the time to post on here and there's not much to report this week. I have slipped into the habit of daily weighing again, at least for this week! I think I'll try once a week for next time. My weight is 170 lbs. 2lbs up from last week. Haven't done anything significantly different this week.... perhaps not as much walking since I've been working a few extra days this week. Still taking the thyroid med. WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO SPEED UP THE METABOLISM!! :evil: :roll: :twisted: Mind you, I have been reading up on it online and manys a time, folks on this med do put on weight rather than lose. Not making this an excuse, btw, but it still sucks!! On the positive side, I can also say that my weight hasn't skyrocketed up by much either. I'm still eating 3 meals a day and getting into a good routine, particularly on my N Days. My S Days go up and down - overall, they're not manic free for all's (like that expression, ha!) but there are occasions when I eat something (candy) just for the sake of it. No more than a handful of candies though and not the whole bag - not that there is anything unusual about that - like I used to. Or should I say BAGS like I used to! It wouldn't have been unheard of for me to scarf several large bags of candies AND chips and we haven't even started on ice cream and cookies .... constantly on a daily basis for many years. Never walked two steps either. I didn't have too much extra weight to lose (probably youth was on my side then) although certainly carried a few lbs more than I would have liked. But I tend to think when I was younger, I was being unrealistic about my weight/body image expectations!

Have a great weekend everyone and look forward to chatting with you all again soon. Love R x
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:53 am

Hi again guys! Hope you all had a great weekend :D :D

Mine has been okay - a little disorganized, particularly on Saturday. Lots of nibbles etc. Today's been a little better - had an ice cream sundae and mcnuggets at mickey d's and a magnum for dessert after dinner this evening. Could have gone all out crazy and binged on the various candies I have stored up in the refrigerator in anticipation of hunger lol! But I held off and just had the ice cream. It rounded off my dinner nicely plus I had a whole heap of ironing to do and that managed to keep me occupied and took my mind off eating. I feel a bit bloated and sluggish this week, blaming it on lack of exercise. Working a few extra hours this week and not getting the chance to walk outside. It only seems to take a day and already my waistband is digging into my waist! :roll: Can;t get away with anything these days!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:43 am

Had a really crazy working week.... busy, busy, busy! The downside of this being that I wasn't able to fit in my walking regimen. I know, excuses, excuses~! but when you don't get home till 8 pm and its cold and dark outside, not much of an opportunity to walk outdoors. Eating wise: just had to grab whatever was handy at the canteen; although I tried my best to pick the 'healthiest' choices.

Weight was 167 lbs this morning which was quite a pleasant surprise. I was worried the lack of 'formal' exercise would have the opposite effect; however, I haven't had a chance to sit down for 5 minutes - literally! So I guess moving around on its own really can help sometimes!

Have a great weekend, guys. 'See' you all again, soon!!
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Post by sophiasapientia » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:50 am

Hey Roxy! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and are able to catch your breath after being do busy. Congratulations on the terrific weigh-in!!!!! :D 8)

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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:04 am

Thanks, sweetie! I really appreciate and NEED all the encouragement I can get right now! Still having disorganized S Days which is such a drag.... basically, I end up back at 170 lbs every time. Never mind, I will keep going, nothing else for it. Btw, many congratulations on your own great success with the No S Plan!! :D

Have a great weekend!!!
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:50 am

Hi all! :D

Still here and still hanging on....just! :roll:

Getting a bit fed up with the lack of movement on the scales. Saw 171 lbs on Monday after the weekend. Little discouraged since I hadn't gone ott ... saw 170 lbs this morning. Starting to wonder if I should try another diet plan to see if it would have any impact on my weight. However, most of those plans seem to have snacks and/or sweets every single day and I'm not sure if I want to reintroduce sweets and desserts on a daily basis. The only advantage perhaps of this kind of eating would be a more controlled weekend... i.e. there would be no demarcation line between the week days and weekends. But I've grown to like the No S way of eating. Its pretty much second nature to me now. This evening, I had a bit of a fail since I had a late night meeting at work and no time to eat a proper dinner. A scone and butter and coffee followed by some wafer thin chicken at home .... and nibbled on a home made coffee cake I made later this evening (added some fresh blueberries to the mix... yum!!) My excuse for nibbling on the cake was just to test it out. It was delicious but I guess I had somewhat of a breakthrough in that I didn't have a huge slice. In the old days, I probably would have had several large slices (plural!) and perhaps binged on other sweet stuff just for good measure.

Not getting as much as exercise in this week either since I'm working extra hours at work and not getting home till later in the evening. Weather not quite good enough to go for a walk outside. All this is probably not helping my weight. But I'm trying to ignore the diet head and just keep going on No S. I don't think it would be a good idea to try another plan at this stage. Even though the little devil on my shoulder is saying just try something different for 4 weeks .... 4 little weeks! Then see how it goes. Hmmm... it could backfire and I end up derailing myself entirely. So glad I came on to the board and read the latest messages... certainly reinforced my determination to stick with it and not try other plans after all. Hope you're all having a good week, guys. Happy No S Weekend, everyone!
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Post by sophiasapientia » Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:00 pm

Hang in there, chica! Work through the iffy areas as much as possible and have a fantastic weekend! :)

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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:44 pm

Thank you, sophiasapienta! :)

I have been eating a little heavier this past week and not much in the way of exercise either which is unlike me.... I can't expect to lose weight, really. :(

But I will continue on No sing. Without the plan, I probably would have piled on 5lbs plus by now!

Have a great weekend all and talk to you again soon!!
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:06 pm

Hovering between 167 and 168 lbs on the scales this morning. Not too bad, I suppose. If I could just get out of my daily weighing habit (which I appear to have picked up again :roll: ) I would probably be impressed that I have managed to stabilize my current weight rather than fret over every .5 of a lb I gain/lose on a daily basis! LOL!

After a lunch of Cheddar bagel with grilled bacon, I got antsy and decided to eat the last 2 gourmet chocolates I had left over from a few weeks ago. I got tempted at the deli counter by those huge chocolates that actually when I think about it, was rather disappointed with. The phrase too much of a good thing definitely applies to those, I think! Choc covering too waxy and the fillings too rich and not soft enough. No, guys I am not just saying this to discourage myself! Very disappointing! Not even feeling very hungry nor in the mood for treats.... just the old "It's an S Day and I can" analogy raising its head again!! :twisted:

Not decided yet about dinner this evening. Last weekend, DH, myself and the kids ate out for the superbowl celebrations. Sooo easy! Tonight, I'll have to prepare something myself. Such a hard life, huh? :lol:

I'll try and limit the treats after dinner: if I continue to feel like this, i.e. not hungry, perhaps I'll have a fairly controlled S Day for once! I'll let you know how it goes in my next post. Have a great weekend, guys!!
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:02 am

:evil: :evil: It;s Sunday night and I'm sitting here, scarfing on candies, not because I'm hungry - just because its an S Day! Fed up with my lack of control.... sigh!!
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Post by sophiasapientia » Mon Feb 13, 2012 2:05 am


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Post by milliem » Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:50 pm

NoSRocks wrote::evil: :evil: It;s Sunday night and I'm sitting here, scarfing on candies, not because I'm hungry - just because its an S Day! Fed up with my lack of control.... sigh!!
I think I was with you in spirit yesterday, although instead of candy it was homemade flapjacks... no idea why I even made them, I knew I'd only eat too many!!

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Post by Pangelsue2 » Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:29 pm

Hi. Just browsing and thought I'd say hi. Hope the new thyroid medicine helps with the weight loss. You have your ups and downs but you always come back and continue the fight. That is the best that can be said about all of us. Hang in there.
I'm baaaack.

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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:12 pm

Awww! Thanks everybody for your good wishes and thoughts - (((hugs))) to you too Sophiasapenta! :D

This morning I got weighed at the Dr's and was disappointed that I weighed almost 7 lbs heavier than my 'current' weight. Then I remembered - thanks to Cantab on another post - that Dr's scales are notorious for weighing one heavier PLUS I was fully clothed (and wearing a cardigan) and had eaten breakfast only an hour or so beforehand. I did take off my shoes and glad I had done so, or else I could have weighed about 10 lbs more.

I had been toying with changing a few things up this morning: after my semi-overindulgent weekend, I was thinking on perhaps having one daily treat instead of saving them all up for the weekend in the hope that it might curb my temptation to eat for the sake of it. However, the ironic thing is I wasn't all that hungry/tempted by sweets or treats today, plus my subconscious has been wired (having been No S compliant for so long) not to expect S treats on N Days. I also started to overthink things/panic that I might create a habit of wanting a dessert etc. after dinner every night as well as S Days! That would probably make things worse! I say 'worse' but perhaps that is the wrong choice of word: I thoroughly enjoy No Sing and it fits in great with my life(style). it's only when I decide to weigh and see a non moving scale or in this morning's case, a (pseudo?) gain of 10 lbs that the panic and/or impatience sets in! Is there something I could be doing differently aka better to get the weight off? Then I also start to consider the peace of mind I have with this WOE and rjean's famous and wonderful quote "Maintenance is progress" and that makes me feel contented and very happy that I have found this plan and am remaining with it. Yes, perhaps I may do better and see results with another plan (but I can't shake off the nagging doubts). My Dr also advised that I should see my Endo about my thyroid meds since they may not be at optimum level for me which can also impede weight loss. I guess I have that double whammy of the change and hypothyroid which doesn't make it easy to lose weight. Perhaps I should be thankful/consider that if I hadn't found No S, I might have even more weight to lose! Sooo... the conclusion is: I am staying and I'm very glad and relieved to be here. I'm also glad I haven't eaten any extras tonight and stuck to my N Day as usual. No hardship whatsoever!

I'm still pondering whether to try a set no. of S treats over the weekend. It might give me a bit more structure than blindly reaching for S Day treats because i can. I'm not sure I'm one of the lucky No S ers whose S Days automatically trimmed down. I think my mind is too rebellious - lol! We'll see how it goes this week. Keep you posted, folks!!

Thanks again for being here for me, everyone.
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Post by idontknow » Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:36 am

Hi Roxy,
My advice (for what it's worth) is to stay with No S - at least until your meds are sorted. Changing one thing at a time will make it easier to see what specific thing makes the difference. I know from experience (my husband has thyroid issues) that it takes time to get thyroid medication right, and if you are chopping and changing your eating habits you won't know if the weight loss is due to a different plan or the meds. Plus you are already having big successes sticking to the plan during the week and establishing good habits. This will make it easier to lose weight once your meds are sorted.
Like you, when I'm following No S successfully during the week I struggle at weekends, and I was thinking of restricting myself to specific treats. I'd love for my eating habits to settle naturally, but I'm impatient.
I suppose we just need to keep going and be patient (I'd like a smiley face with a halo here!)
Good luck with your day :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:01 am

Hi idk! Thank you so much for your wonderful, encouraging post! I think you must have been reading my mind somewhat since I too had started to think perhaps I should see how the medication works out before trying anything different. As you rightly say, it is indeed difficult to achieve the perfect balance on the thyroid meds and it could get confusing if i started to change things up before waiting to see how the medication works (Patience is a virtue!) So again thanks for the advice and suggestions - much appreciated! :)

Hope your DH is doing okay on the thyroid meds also; it can be a pain to get it right and often as not, due to weight gain etc. Ive been tempted to ditch the whole medication thing .... not recommended of course!

Take care and thanks again, idk!
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Post by idontknow » Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:38 pm

Roxy, you must absolutely not ditch the medication! That is an order - albeit a very caring and concerned order :D It is absolutely vital that you get the medication right. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that your thyroid does so much for your body - you need it to work as well as it can. My DH has had his thyroid removed, and I think it is probably easier to get the medication right in those circumstances, but it still took time.

Be patient :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:21 am

Hi idk! Sorry, I hope I didn't sound serious when I mentioned coming off the medication... It can be hard to tell over the 'net! Thanks also for your concern and reassuring words.

I definitely won't be coming off it, even though I get fed up with the weight gain it causes! Like you say, it is amazing how much the thyroid controls the body! It is a very underlooked part of the body when all is said and done. I feel better physically since I changed my medication to a natural product my endo recommended. Not as tired and listless as I felt on the synthroid. However, it hasn't done much for the weight. My endo suggested I take another blood test to make sure I am on the right dosage.
She says there is "No Way" I could gain on the medication (stated quite categorically) however I have read/heard that if you are on an insufficient dose, it can indeed affect weight. I will say - again - if it hadn't been for No S I don't know what weight I would be now. I believe - hope - No S has 'saved' me from gaining more. Even though I'm more or less stuck at 170 lbs, if I look at the overall picture, I've been hovering around this weight for the past year now.
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:26 am

Hi guys! Still at 170 lbs. However, thinking back this past 10 days or so, i have been making heavier choices at breakfast and lunch. i.e. Scones or muffins for breakfast and cheddar bagel sandwiches for lunch. I have a lot of stuff in my freezer that needs using up. I loathe to throw things out - perhaps I should re-think :oops: :D
once its gone, its gone. I can get back to my granola bar breakfast and crackers for lunch. I tend to keep the muffins etc. for my S Days. Hopefully, that extra food will get used up quickly.
....I think I have a bit of an impulsive buyer personality!
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:33 am

Just having another read over the Testimonials and feeling really glad and very good about continuing to stay on the No S Plan. Another great thing about No S is that it has (give or take the 'odd' occasion when I've slipped up... okay only human - lol!) become second nature for me not to snack or eat desserts/candy on my N Days. My S days aren't as ott certainly as they were when i first embarked on the No S journey at the end of 2009 although I still have to remind myself that just because its an S Day and I can - that I don't have to eat - treats or otherwise! :roll:

The scale seems to have stuck on 170 lbs but on a positive note, I have been at 170 lbs for almost 3 yrs. Yes, I know I lost 10 lbs on my first attempt at No S and okay, somehow I found those extra lbs again... then on my second attempt at No S, I lost a fair amount once more... but I was hit (again ?) by the thyroid problems. They're not sure if I have Hashimotos where the thyroid swings from hyper to hypo etc. But the pattern of the last 3 yrs or so sure looks like it. So... even with those obstacles and the potential for 'serious and fast' weight gain, I have in actual fact maintained my weight and I am positive it is all down to the No S Plan. It has certainly cured my 20 plus years long habit of bingeing and obsessive buying and reading of various diet plans which in itself is absolutely wonderful, nothing short of a miracle in fact (my 20s and 30s were marred by food and body image anxiety, extreme though it may sound :evil: :evil:. )
I know I sometimes get tempted to try something different every now and again, but that's only because I get impatient and I am a bit of an impulsive person by nature! I am very blessed to have found this plan.
Btw, I was discussing the plan with my doctor last month and was surprised that he had never heard of it and it was as if he could not grasp the concept! What is so strange or outlandish about 3 meals a day during the week and having treats on the weekend? It would seem he is another advocate of "the snacking brigade", in that in his opinion, one should snack several times throughout the day and have several small meals instead of the standard 3. For a sweet toothed nibbler/binger like me, I can't see that working. It would certainly set me up for food anxiety and fixation about what to eat and when.
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Post by idontknow » Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:12 am

Glad you're feeling more positive, Roxy. And just remember - Doctors don't know everything. :wink: Like you - I need to abstain from the sweet stuff as much as possible or the desire for it drives me mad. You know what works best for you and you are maintaining your weight during a difficult time. That's a big success :D
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:32 pm

Stopping by to encourage you. I, too, am rather plateaued (made up that word I think). However, I remember well when I went through this before. My body really really really liked being 157. I would weigh159, 157, 159, 158, 157, never falling below no matter what I did. BUT I stayed the course. Then it suddenly went to about 155 and did the same see saw off of that number. I am currently doing this at 149, it will go to 152, 151, 149, 150, 152, 149, etc. BUT I am convinced that the drop will be to 147 or so if I stay on track.

So I will. But I so agree that is is confusing to see hard work not rewarded. I know that our body holds onto weight to avoid the whole "starvation" thing.

Keep on Keepin' On... :wink: You take care of your health, first and foremost. We care about you here, never forget that.

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Post by mimi » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:39 am

Hey, Roxy! You have accomplished a huge feat, in my opinion. Maintaining a weight - regardless of what it is - for three years is praiseworthy! Certainly much better than gaining more weight. Keep at it and it will come off, hopefully, in spite of your thyroid problems. You certainly have had a time with that.
I get tempted to try other things also...I know what you mean! I get impatient too. Presently I am working very hard on making progress towards health and weight loss, but I'm in no rush. I'd much rather develop the habits that will support weight loss and maintaining that loss.
Hope you have a good weekend!

Mimi :D
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:23 am

Gosh, thank you guys once again for all your lovely, supportive messages. You guys are the greatest, most genuine bunch of people I have ever 'met'! :D :D

Berry: was so nice of you to say that you are all here for me/each other. Thank you! Certainly makes me feel so much better and helps me realize that indeed, i am not alone in this No S journey not to mention all the ups and downs that comes with it.

Yeah, the dreaded thyroid :evil: :twisted: :evil: !! According to my latest blood test, my levels are just fine on the current medication which is great news... but... doesn't do wonders for losing weight! I guess in the back of my mind, I'm hoping in a strange way that the Dr will say I need to raise my dosage... and the raise in the dosage may in turn lead to weight loss! I know, I know guys crazy stuff and not recommended :roll:

Signing off now for the evening. Working tomorrow so i have a long day ahead of me... my eyes are getting a little heavy as I type this evening;;; therefore I apologize if you're having trouble making sense of this latest checkin tonight. Have a great evening girls. Happy weekend and good luck on your No S plan.
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Post by r.jean » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:12 pm

I have been gone on vacation so I just caught up on your posts. I have been barely maintaining over the last couple of months, and I need to be a little less indulgent with my daily meals. Weekends are not my main problem. I keep the 3 meal structure on weekends and usually just have a couple S events each day. I did not develop this routine on purpose, but it works so I consciously stick to it now.

I think that you are doing great! As you noted yourself, the thyroid issues and medication issues could have easily led to significant weight gain. Yet you have maintained, and you have formed some habits that will last you for a lifetime. Keep it up!
The journey is the reward.
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Post by ellgee » Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:34 pm

Hi Roxy,

I saw myself in your post about the thyroid medication. I have been on thyroid medication for years and each year when I check my blood, I HOPE that my dosage can be raised and I'll turn miraculously thin. HA! Hasn't happened. I also thought when I started the medication weight would drop off. It didn't. Very disappointing.

What I have discovered is if I don't take my medication for a few days, I start to feel awful! Tired, bloated, just all around awful. So I know it does make a difference in how I feel. Just not in how much I weigh. Darn it.

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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:15 am

Hi rjean, welcome back, ellgee! :D :D

Thanks so much again for dropping by with your thoughtful and supportive messages! rjean: it's really good to hear you say I'm doing good! Much appreciated and it gives me the impetus and faith to keep going. I've still been a bit naughty though on the weekends! I envy your organised S Days! Perhaps one of these days, I will be able to get into a routine and streamline those S Days! If I look at the overall picture, and compared to what I used to be like (bingeing and gorging on food and not just on weekends, I might add!) my eating habits are really not too bad; I just get a bit lazy on the S Days and can't be bothered for some reason to eat proper meals so its lots of snacks and cheesy bagels for meals (LOL)! There are rare weekends when I can be somewhat controlled and organized with eating ...but regrettably, they are still very few and far between ! :roll: :oops:

Ellgee: I hope you don't mind me saying but I lol'd with agreement at your post! I could have written it word for word since I, too, am hoping that the dr will increase my meds so i can get skinny too! I know its probably a blessing we are not on a higher dosage but when you're impatient and desperate to see some progress, you will try anything. I know I shouldn't say this but the thought did cross my mind to try taking a slightly higher dose of my meds to see what may happen. Needless to say however I did come to my senses and decided against it. I am a little too scared incase I did some real damage or got some horrid adverse affect, even if it were only a very slight increase. Its one thing to consider it, but to actually do so I worry it would be very harmful and not worth it. It doesn't do harm to daydream though, does it? ha ha.

To make matters worse, i feel like my face looks rounder/plumper than usual recently and I read online (so it must be true :p) that a side effect of (some?) thyroid meds is a moon face appearance. It could be my imagination but I think the meds seem to be having this effect.
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:52 pm

Crazy stuff! :roll: have been at the drs several times over the past couple of weeks, just following up on a few things (I am very blessed in that I don't usually go to the drs on a regular basis and it was nothing at all serious!)

Each time they have weighed me, always fully clothed having eaten breakfast although i insisted that I remove my shoes first ! :idea:

The first time I weighed in I was almost 178 lbs on their scale, the second time I went (last week) I was 176 and today when I weighed I was hovering between 172-173 lbs fully clothed. However, at home I have been weighing at 170 lbs first thing in the morning, no clothes on for going on a few months now. i am not complaining but it just goes to show how much scales can fluctuate. Normally, I'm pretty p***d off by the drs scales but was pleasantly surprised this morning to actually see a loss on their scale since the last time. I won't give it too much credence though and I won't (try at least) not to freak out if I see a higher reading on the drs scale next time. I'm not due to go back for a few months so we'll see what happens. The dr did mention that he would like me to be nearer the 160 lbs mark - perhaps now that their scales are showing a loss it will take some of the pressure off next time I go back :P
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:53 pm

Had quite a heavy S Day yesterday :roll: :twisted: :roll:

As usual, did too much baking and have an over stuffed freezer just asking to be cleared out! It would seem a pity to throw the food out (says my little devil) so I guess its just gotta keep going - and eating - until its empty again. I have a delicious blueberry coffee cake that I added fresh blueberries to rather than throw them out. FAR too delicious to throw in the trash ! Yesterday evening, I nibbled on candies and some little bags of sherbet I had found in the cupboard, even when I felt really full, I kept on eating. This reminds me of my bingeing and overeating days of old. I had to eat everything in sight in order to start afresh with the diet the next day....then I'd get cravings and before I knew it, back to square one again!!

BUT .... I have my N Days to keep me sane and its pretty much a habit by now. I wonder why I have such difficulties carrying over this behavior onto my S Days?? I started this morning (Sunday) off with a great wedge of the coffee cake again, heated mildly in the microwave so that the blueberries were warm and moist with the fluffy cake. mmmmm! Heaven on a plate! But tbh, it does feel a bit like too much of a good thing if that makes sense !? Very rich for a breakfast and the size of the slice (wedge!) was huge. Feeling bloated already....
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:34 pm

Guess I shoudnta weighed this morning.... 173 lbs GAK!! :evil:

I've been eating a little heavier this past week: full fat greek yogurt at breakfast instead of my usual lf or fat free. Also been having cheese bagel sandwiches for lunch instead of crackers etc. Trying to use up food that's taking up space in the freezer and pantry. That's my excuse anyway :oops:

I will have to put a cap on this if I don't want the weight to permanently go up to 173 or more. Had ff yogurt at breakfast this morning and stuck to my crackerfuls at lunch. Hopefully, it will help but I have to stick by it, esp on N Days. Unfortunately, I can't get away with those little 'extras', even on the wonderful No S Plan! I guess its not so bad that I can actually pinpoint where I slipped up. It sucks that I can't totally eat what I like all day, every day and not have to worry about food/weight but I still have my S Days to look forward to and keep me going.
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:09 pm

Well... I'm back to 170 lbs this morning! I still have faith - LOL!

As I just posted to Vanilla No S's (aka Kathleen) thread, there are times I get frustrated with the slow to non-existant weight loss, BUT No S has taught me and continues to do so - that there is no point in worrying or fretting or looking for the next "BIG thing" because there really is no better plan than NO S. The principals of this WOE are fantastic and once you get into the habit of your N Days, I have found for me personally, that I don't want to start another eating plan which allows for treats/snacks/extras throughout 7 days a week! It might sound tantalizingly good to be able to have a low fat ice cream or a choc bar after dinner but now that I have 'tamed' my appetite not to expect a dessert every night of the week, i would be reluctant to start again. I am indeed curious about some of these plans as to whether they would help with the slightly ott S Days - by having moderation throughout the week, rather than saving it all up for the weekend. BUT.... my S Days are getting slightly better overall even though I might not realize that at the time. I used to have binge fests on weekends at the very beginning. My eating can be disorganized and 'lazy'/snacky these S Days but I don't scarf all day long. I think if I were 20 yrs younger and didn't have the underactive thyroid to deal with, my weight would be down by now. But, I am not going to dwell on what could have been because that is simply counterproductive. So... I will continue to remind myself that I HAVE MAINTAINED FOR THREE YEARS. Albeit not at the weight I would like to be at, but I am hoping that with time, the S Days will eventually streamline and/or get more organized and this may lead to some actual (lasting) weight loss. I have to be prepared to be patient. That is another one of my 'traits'.... I want everything NOW!! Still happy to be a No S-er! Have a great weekend, all! :D
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Post by sophiasapientia » Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:55 pm

Love your post, Roxy! Hope that you have a fantastic weekend! :D

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:33 pm

Called in sick to work but had to go down to school to set up for the sub. As I was driving back, I was thinking, you know, what's the difference if I go home and make some breakfast or just get a donut and enjoy it? Theoretically, it is possible, but like you, I just can't see introducing that now.

When you feel you've got your N days solid again, let me know. I have a suggestion for the weekend.

The spring equinox is almost upon us; let's make this our most moderate eating and exercising spring ever so that by summer solstice, we will feel springy or summery!
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:20 pm

Hi guys! Great to 'see' you both again :D :D

GLAD you enjoyed my post, sophiasapienta! I wasn't sure if it was a bit 'rambly' ---- sometimes I feel like a broken record with some of the things i say - :P :lol: :wink: but another great thing about this No S board is no one judges you and we all realize that this is an ideal place to vent/air one's innermost thoughts as we venture on this journey together. Have a great weekend yourself, hon! You are doing great and thanks again for your inspirational and encouraging posts!

Same to your good self, oolala! I am indeed very intrigued and interested to hear what your recommendation(s) are for the weekend (S Days)! Please feel free to share with us anytime! My N Days are pretty stable these days - the thoughts of other diets etc. are only very fleeting and I don't ever see myself taking them up. I have been on the No S Plan too long that it has become a way of life now. I was going to post that I was a little frustrated at my poor choices sometimes; the fat and sugar contents of some foods I eat are pretty heavy. BUT as a rule, I don't tend to have these foods often on N Days. However, having said so, I just had a Trader Joe's mac and cheese for dinner this evening (talk about rich!) and that is the type of meal I would normally keep for S Days. Not that we aren't allowed it on this plan at anytime, I might add. But when all is said and done, eating calorie dense foods like this on a regular basis, is more of a recipe for putting weight on (well at least, in my case it is); on the flip side: if it weren't for No S, again I would most likely have a huge binge, having eaten a forbidden food (as it would be regarded on a regular slimming diet; full fat mac n cheese??? you can just picture the look on those health 'gurus' faces, can't you? :P
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:53 pm

Just had another idea! :idea: Think it might be a good one! :wink: :P :wink:

I've decided to try making some little 'tweaks/mods' which I will add to gradually once I get into the habit of the previous one... if that makes sense! If I approach each mod like I originally approached the No S Diet i.e. taking each N Day at a time until I had built up 5 solid days etc, etc. hopefully, these mods will become sustainable and might help with my quest for eating a little healthier. I want to do something unobtrusive (that the right word??) that given time will form into a subconscious habit. Sooo..... I took a look in the refrigerator and notice that I have several containers of full fat greek yogurt. Very yummy but also very high in fat! I also have alongside some containers of low fat or fat free yogurt which are also very yummy! Some of the fat free yogurts are in bigger containers and their calorie counts as such vary by quite a lot (not that I am paying attention to calories, I must emphasize!) but I could do with downsizing some of them. There are plenty of delicious fat free yogurts on the market these days that are in reasonably sized portions. Anyway, what I'm getting at is: once those high fat yogurts are gone (which should be by next week), my first little mod with the ultimate goal of carrying this on "for life" will be:

Only eat small pot(s) of fat free yogurts
Do not buy/eat full fat yogurts of any kind

Once I feel comfortable with this mod and it becomes automatic for me to do so, I will then assign another little 'tweak' or mod and so on and so forth. One of my biggest problems is I have a habit of impulse buying: I like the look of something so I buy it almost without thinking! Some things I buy often don't get eaten and then when I suddenly have a brainwave and want to use the stuff up to make room for something else, that is when I have a problem with over eating said thing(s) or eating it regularly.

Fingers crossed this all goes well but I am feeling optimistic and keen to get started! Its a pity i have so much of the full fat yogurt in the refrigerator in the first place but I'm hoping I will be able to convince my mind that once its gone, its gone. It wouldn't really be that big of a hardship to give up the full fat yogurt anyway. I mostly enjoy it on S Days but occasionally (as I've had some left), I've been having it on N Days too - as mentioned, to use it up. I guess I could throw it in the trash....but I can't look past that it would be a total waste of money to do so! Hope you like my idea; feel free to add your own thoughts to this, guys!

Who knows? Maybe that's the only mod I'll ever have to make to start losing weight again!?? (highly unlikely but we can dream.... :P !!)
Last edited by NoSRocks on Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:57 pm

I don't think the mac 'n' cheese is the problem as much as the volume of it you can eat at at time can't be very big. When I eat a fattier entree than usual, I try to keep the portion to the volume of two of my fists. That, veggies and fruit is usually plenty, though even today when I start eating, I'll often have the fleeting thought that it won't be. But I chew well, savor, and by the end of the meal- 20-30 minutes later- I know I'll be fine. I also think it's a good idea to have this kind of thing a few times during the week on N days so that we are not as likely to always equate them with having seconds or getting stuffed.

For weekends, look to see if you have any 4-or more hour gaps between eating events. How often do you get legitimately hungry on weekends? You can wait until after this weekend to answer, if you want. Then we'll go from there.
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:08 pm

Hi oolala! Thanks again for stopping by! Yeah, I'll have to think about that one... this weekend might not be a the ideal one to use as an example: a friend of mine is having a big birthday celebration on Saturday. We'll be eating out which doesn't help! I don't eat out very often I might add, which is probably a good thing when it comes to weight control. On the subject of portion size: well, restaurants do oversize them! But I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask for a doggy bag, now would it?? :lol:

Yeah, like you mentioned oolala: its not the food thats always the problem, most often its the portion size and the portion size of the mac n cheese was really big - enough for 2 people.... I guess my willpower isn't strong enough to resist once its been cooked which is a bit of a feeble excuse some might think. I ate it all.... but feel quite disgusted with myself and bloated right now. However, that was it. I didn't binge on ice cream or candy afterwards like I probably would have done not so long ago, siting that I'd ruined my diet anyway so might as well do it properly and start afresh tomorrow. Oh how good i was going to be 'tomorrow', it was always 'tomorrow' and we all know what happened (or didn't!) with tomorrow..... :roll:
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:14 pm

I rarely eat full fat yogurt, but I always add a fat to it, such as walnuts or flaxseed meal. But if I have it, there's not a lot of fat in the rest of the meal. There's a really good 0 fat Greek yogurt at Costco, though expensive; Trader Joe's has a fantastic "European" no fat organic yogurt that is so tart and delicious! Funny, though, as I've gone back to full fat milk.

Don't worry about how much is left. Just try eating only about a half a cup at a time and have lighter foods with it. I wouldn't try to make that my whole meal, either. I'm coming to the belief that a successful 'diet" or eating plan for weight loss and maintenance is finding what volume of dense food you can be happy with.
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:15 pm

BTW, I just wanted to add: by having ff yogurt only, I don't feel I am imposing an impossible rule or punishment upon myself since I really enjoy ff yogurt anyway and until recently i.e. the past few months, I pretty much always ate ff or lf yogurt... and that is the sentiment for any forthcoming mods I decide upon. Because the last thing I want to do is inadvertently create any food anxiety or over-awareness that could backfire and lead me to thinking all is lost because I just happened to eat a yogurt w/ fat in it, given to me by a friend or just by accident.

In which case, I should perhaps rephrase my mod to read, I'll only occasionally have a full fat yogurt. You guys get my drift.... :D
Last edited by NoSRocks on Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:20 pm

Yes, I agree. You should be able to have either one and be reasonable with it.
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:27 pm

I agree: the mac n cheese alone isn't very nutritious as a dinner choice, particularly on its own with no accompaniments. I usually have some sort of vegetable alongside my evening meal but tonight I was feeling both bloated and if I were being honest, a bit lazy before and after eating the mac n cheese - as if it were too much effort to have a veggie! :roll:

Not a big veggie fan these days tbh. Used to love them as a teenager/in my early 20s but now I really have to force myself to eat them.

However, I know they are essential for the body and good for you too.
Plus they really help to fill you up so it would make sense to include them .... okay, have I convinced myself already?? :P
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:04 am

Actually, you don't have to have them, but you can't fill their place on a plate and get the result you want, most likely. Skip them, but eat off a very small plate!

When my mom died, my brother kept asking me if I didn't want the mini-George Foreman grill she had. I finally took it and am so glad! I keep some frozen veggies aound and I can't believe how fast they heat on that thing. But you can skip them. Check other daily threads. There are a lot of people who seem to rarely eat them.
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:39 pm

Hi oolala! GREAT suggestion re. the Foreman Grill btw! I, too, have a Foreman grill but it only gets taken out every now and again.... usually when I'm cooking up steak for the family :oops: :oops: ... how original NOT!! I never thought of using it to grill frozen veggies! What a marvellous idea! Just curious: do you spray your veggies with cooking spray or anything when you put them in the grill? or do you just cook em straight from the packet?? I find steamed veggies very boring but I think grilling them would make a nice 'twist' on it. Great!! Can't wait to try this now. I have tried cooking wedges of potato in the grill and they came out great. I just added some of the non fat cooking spray and bingo!

Anyway, recorded my official weigh in figures this morning. As you can see, I am still at 170 lbs. Its kinda frustrating that I haven't lost weight however on a positive note, 'good' that I have maintained since the start of the year.

I guess the high fat foods and portion sizes on the weekends is what's doing it. It'll be interesting to see if switching over to the fat free yogurt (6oz. cups - yoplait etc) long term or at least until the next official weigh in would make a difference. As mentioned, I do have a few cups of the greek (high fat) yogurts left so I will probably transition back onto the ff ones by the end of next week. I plan on buying some really delicious ff yogurts as well as the yoplait; that will encourage me to stick with it. I don't have a problem with ff yogurts - they just get a bit boring/bland after a while, hopefully I can change it up and treat myself to some different brands/blends and it should be fine. My dr. is always reminding me that my cholesterol is a little on the high side - again, I can probably attribute this to the higher fat content of my food choices. I still eat too much cheese at the weekend..... but that's for another time!! :wink:
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Post by milliem » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:03 pm

I struggle with getting my veg portions in as well, and often will plan a meal that has few or no vegetables in it :( Last night for example I had chicken curry and rice - barely a vegetable to be seen!

I'm going to try and make sure I have a couple of meals a week at least where vegetables fill up 1/3-1/2 of my plate - things like fish with sweet potato and broccoli, or chicken with leeks and carrots. I'm hoping that days when I have something more fattening will be balanced out :) I'm not a big salad eater and I find that vegetables languish away in my fridge and just go off :oops: So, I've found packs of individually portioned mixed veg that I like, and whacking one of those in the microwave to go with a meal is a sure fire way of getting some in with a meal! It's all about finding ways that suit the individual not forcing ourselves to try and eat/prepare something that is never going to be sustainable!

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:26 am

Hi milliem! Sounds like a plan! :D :wink:

I always feel a bit guilty for not eating my veggies and I tend to think its just me who feels that way (as we do from time to time). As oolala said in her previous post, there are many people who don't eat veggies at all. DH being one of them! It doesn't appear to have done him any 'harm' but I often wonder if he is missing out on vital nutrients. Myself included.

Anyway, better make this short unfortunately. A bit of a storm brewing outside weather wise and we just suffered a very small power outage so I don't want to lose this message!

Take care all and have a great weekend!
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Post by r.jean » Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:14 am

In the summer I grill a lot and that includes veggies. I cut hunks of zucchini and small yellow squash and red/yellow/green bell peppers and onions and maybe mushrooms. It all depends on what I have. I coat them with some olive oil and spices and stick the pan on the top rack of the grill. Do not overcook, and they are a great side to steak or chicken.

I am terrible about getting my veggies in during the winter, but I do pretty good in the summer.

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Post by milliem » Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:22 am

Ooh that sounds delicious r.jean!

One of my favourite vegetable dishes is aubergine parmegiana - grilled slices of aubergine (eggplant) layered with onions, tomatoes and parmesan cheese and then sprinkled with breadcrumbs and baked in the oven. Probably not the healthiest of ways to cook it (depending how much cheese you put in!) but it sure gets the vegetables in :) I could probably just eat it on its own although it's good as a side dish to chicken, maybe with some green beans...

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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:53 am


Well, I feel absolutely stuffed this evening!! A good family friend just had a birthday party complete with dinner at a big buffet style restaurant! Phew!! Of course, I ate too much and drank too much diet soda (no alcohol since I was designated driver :) It was fabulous but I feel slightly ill now since I really overdid it. :roll: :roll: Oh well! Tomorrow is another (S) Day.....
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:06 am

Managed to use up most of the full fat yogurts over the weekend. Have bought a really nice selection of the fat free ones to enjoy over the week. Feeling really excited and positive this evening since I just read oolala's post on the general board for handling S Days. I am really keen to try this out: I too seem to have 'trouble' with my S Days as I still look upon them as an escape gap for being compliant during the week. It's all psychological, I know, but sometimes it can be difficult to hold back on S Days. I don't know if eating 3 meals a day with a few designated treats on S Days is ever going to work; I still find myself bingeing and eating what I want and when just for the sake of it on S Days. Not a hint of organization or restraint. But I don't want restraint.... really! Do I?? If I start to put too much restraint and/or emphasis on controlling my S Days then it might affect my compliance on N Days. The eat only when hungry suggestion means I can still eat whatever I WANT TO on S Days and I strongly believe we need some kind of reward/incentive to keep going. I know I do. This mod of oolala's sounds intruiging and I am keen to try it out. I am not going into this, thinking it will be easy and I am sure there are times I may - will - fail! BUT I am willing to give it a try since again I have nothing to lose (but weight... hopefully as well as food anxiety).
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:14 am

Roxy, thanks for your post. Don't be too hard on yourself to start with the mod. When I first started, I actually put a cutoff point. I started with 7 hours. If I didn't get hungry for 7 hours, I could still eat then, even if I wasn't hungry. Then 8. Then 9. That didn't happen often, actually but it was just my safety net. I'd sometimes be having soup at 10 o'clock on a Saturday night, but it worked.

I hope I'm over the emotional cuckooness on this. I posted about it on Sparkpeople and I got so many Chicken Littles all afraid I'm ruining my metabolism and eating up my heart muscle and setting myself up for bingeing and all the other insane fears people have about not eating that I think it popped the bubble of concern. I wasn't concerned as much as miffed that I didn't get to eat with impunity! Or the enjoyment that I do when I'm hungry. But my sandwich without hunger after 24 hours was still pretty delicious. I'm going to try to be more "gracious" about it to myself, considering it a sign from my body that it's okay to let food go for the time being. It has always happened when I don't have any social plans, so there's no pressure to eat. I know my ex-yoga teacher has fasted once a week on purpose for 30 years and he is in great physical and mental health, as far as we all know. Once every couple of months is fine, IF it even happens again.
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:27 am

Oh, forgot to say that I don't usually use any spray on the mini-grill, but it's not a bad idea. Plus, I don't use paper towels in general, but I keep clean cut-up old clothes around as rags, and I wet a couple of those and put it on the grill and close it up after using at night. Then in the morning, I use them to wipe it off. It gets off any gunk, and then I can wash it with a little soapy water. Very easy! Got the idea on the web.

One way I got used to more veggies was to cut them and my meat up and mix them together with a small amount of some sauce, like barbecue or even some salad dressings. Even when I have them separate on a plate now, I often take a half bite of each together, though I love veggies on their own, too. But it got me used to the texture and volume and extra chewing, and now it just doesn't feel the same to eat a meal without them. In fact, even when I get a salad with a meal at a restaurant now, I usually skip the dressing and keep my salad until the entree arrives. Then I mix it on the fork with bites of other stuff. I love it!
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:45 pm

Hi again, oolala! Thanks for your most interesting and helpful posts. It was really great to hear from you this afternoon. I am struggling a bit today... not with cravings but with the No S Plan itself. I am soooo fed up with my ott S Days and my lack of organization with eating on those days also! It makes me want to try something different as in adding a small snack in the evenings (every evening!) in the hope that I might get over the S Day "eat what and when I want" mentality I seem to have acquired as a result of saving all treats for the S Days only. It is just the old mind playing tricks on me again! I'm not even particularly hungry this evening. I will indeed have my dinner as usual ... and now I've come back to my senses, I won't bother with the after dinner treat after all! As I've been saying all along, I don't seem to have the cravings for sweets/snacky foods on N Days - it seems nuts to reintroduce them now in a quest to iron out my S Days! :roll: :roll: It is indeed a drag how the mind works re. food/dieting, and how in a split second decisions can change!

Thanks oolala, for the advice on how you handle your S Days. Having read over your post a few times I think it is starting to sink in and I like it! I don't see any harm in giving this a try and if its working for you, I see no reason to stop. The only reservations I seem to be having for myself - emphasis on myself - and again, this is just the mind playing tricks are: would I find this to be sustainable and/or practical long term? Then I read your neat little 'mod' that you would allow yourself 6 hrs etc. before finally eating something, whether or not you were hungry. I like it! I like having rules and this would give me something concrete that I can work with. (for want of a better description lol!) I also wondered if on S Days as well as the "only eat when hungry" mod, do you still allow yourself to eat treats on S Days? or is the mod only eat sensibly when you feel like it or do you indeed eat a slice of chocolate cake if that's what you feel like eating at the time? Does this make sense? I would appreciate your input and I trust I don't come across as if I am over thinking this too much! I'm sure I'll feel better once I get a few weekends under my belt. Even if I could get a few organized S Days under my belt, I am sure I would be much happier, now I come to mention it. Thanks again oolala!!!

PS: Thanks also for responding to my veggie question! Much appreciated and very helpful.
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:36 am

I started by allowing myself to eat a lot at one sitting, including sweets, oh, good golly, yes! including sweets. Like a pizza lunch with dessert and a few ounces of chocolate. Or a taco and then 8 unbelievably rich shortbread cookies with a chocolate dollop. Of course, after that, I would be quite full for a long time. If I ate again in 6 hours, and I was still feeling full, the meal would be very light. Chicken broth with veggies and maybe a little meat. I wouldn't even want starch. I really didn't feel like doing that more than once a day.

If I did it on Saturday night, I would usually not feel like eating all morning the next day. Then I would have a lunch and usually wouldn't want dessert then. But I'd get hungry in a reasonable time, have a reasonable meal, and dessert. So yes, i would still eat sweets, often on both days. But I never ate like a lot on Sunday night.

As time has gone on, I just don't want to get that full, or if I do get that full, it's usually because a lot less food makes me feel that way. If I eat sweets both days, usually one of them is just something small. I never go a weekend (yet) without a sweet, though i can see the day coming when that happens.

This has happened over a period of months AND after nearly TWENTY months of rotten S days. Yet, the problems didn't just go away. I had to actually put some effort into it, and still am. But my pants are looser again today. Weighin in two weeks. However, if I'm not down in weight, I'm not sure I'd be willing to be much more drastic than I am.

I recommend not eating snacks or sweets during the week to ameliorate S days. OR go ahead and try it one week, but I predict that it won't slow things down on the weekend. Personally ,even now, I don't usually want just a small dessert. I want a big hunk of something!
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:04 am

Hi oolala! Again, thank you SO much for your most helpful and detailed response to my inquiry. Very much appreciated! :) It really helps to read about how you/others tackle those S Days and how you went about approaching your new 'mod' in the first place. It seems to be working very well for you too. Congratulations! However, I'm definitely with you on the 'don't go too drastic' with your eating mods/streamlining though. I think what you are doing seems perfectly sufficient and more importantly, you have found it to be sustainable. THAT indeed is the most important thing of all.
Sustainability: No matter what, after many failed attempts at dieting and all the binges over the years, I can accredit my now - almost - 2nd nature of organized and moderate weekday habits entirely to the No S Plan. Thank you Reinhard!!!

The bad news for this week though: weight is up by 3 lbs again (173)!

The last couple of weeks, whilst sticking to the N Day rules of 3 meals a day, I must admit have been heavier than normal and this weekend I also had some additional extras :twisted: :roll: that I wouldn't normally have on a weekly basis i.e. eating out at a restaurant followed by several cocktails after dinner to celebrate my DF's birthday etc, etc. Then all the high fat dairy I've been consuming lately as well. It's a drag, and yes disappointing... but its certainly no wonder I was at 173 lbs again this week! I am hoping that once things settle down again, I will get back to 170lbs and maybe - just maybe - I may even get a few lbs off again if I can streamline and/or organize my S Days. I am looking forward to trying your mod this weekend, oolala! I was thinking on just diving right in there: seeing how long i can go before - legitimately - emphasis on legitimately - feeling hungry and wanting to eat something. Hope I can do it!! And on this topic...
Another quick question, oolala, if you don't mind: I note that you say in your last post, that you would (esp at the start) eat a large-ish meal on your S Days and then wait to see how long it was until you felt hungry again. Just starting out, I was wondering what you thought about if I ate my usual S Day breakfast in the morning (which is usually quite rich compared to my N Days) and then waited after that to see how long I felt hungry/before eating. Or do you think eating just for the sake of it, hungry or not, just to - literally - "break the fast" is breaking the rules and I'd be 'better off' just starting as I mean to go on? Not eating unless I really, really feel like it? Not because my head says I should eat something? Or my dr thinks I'll cause irreversible damage to my muscles/heart/lungs etc. by not eating? I say this somewhat tongue in cheek since I don't want to come across (I hope) as over-thinking things and worrying too much!! I'm thinking you might also respond that it is pretty much up to myself how I decide to do it, which is perfectly reasonable. However, I guess it would be useful to have some sort of guidelines, particularly at the start. Having followed the No S Plan for a few years, I am finding out about myself and my likes and dislikes: I find that having some kind of rules and guidelines to follow (as in N Days) is very helpful even though the "eat what you like" mod of the S Days, particularly when starting out, is very attractive.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:40 pm

I don't know if you've done anything like this before, but it can be very anxiety-provoking. And it can happen either way. You can get antsy waiting for "breakfast" and you can get antsy waiting to eat later. I guess I shouldn't anticipate that you will get antsy. I just know I did and do to some extent, I realize now, when I'm not sure when that next meal is coming. Weird, because I know it will. I know I will get hungry.

The only reason I was willing to try eating "for hunger" again is that No S has taught me how hungry I can get. I used to have to eat as soon as I felt hungry; now I can wait if I'm a bit hungry, if there's a reason to.

Not sure why I said that last thing.

Anyway, I don't think it matters very much. Just know that it might be a very long time-- possibly even until dinner-- before you're hungry after a rich breakfast. Or not! But don't be surprised if you want only two meals.

But really, this is an experiment! you don't have to hit on the magic right away. That's diet head.

BTW, ARE you hungry for your Nday meals? Are you comfortably full or very full after your meals? I'd say not to even try for a few weeks if N days still feel wobbly. Better to get really used to the feeling of hunger AND SATIETY-- not feeling really stuffed still two hours later.

Or just have two really good N days before you try.

OMgosh, this is beginning to sound a little obsessed.... just go with what feels right Saturday morning and then hang on!
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:33 pm

Hi oolala! :D :D

I know I'm always saying thanks but... THANK YOU SO MUCH again for your insightful and inspirational post. (I trust I am not making you feel self-conscious or anything ! LOL! Just kidding...:)

Yes, I probably will feel antsy ... in fact, I'm even starting to feel a little antsy now and I haven't even started yet. The reason I say this is because I know from past experience when I have tried something along this line before (PRE No S, I might add), that I kept fretting about where and when my next meal was coming from; would I do harm to myself; would I be able to sustain this for the next few hours never mind for life?; will I go overboard when I finally do eat something?; what will I chose to eat? A 'proper' meal; a snack?; something savory?; something sweet?; what if I have to go to a friend's house for dinner?; what if we decide to eat out tonight?? yada, yada, yada.... you get the picture! I think I 'tormented' myself with these thoughts until I couldn't take it any more and threw in the towel!

Actually, I was out on a walk today and I started to think about the forthcoming weekend (S Days) and it could just have been the frame of mind I was in at that particular time, i.e. a positive one! lol but somehow - early days I know!! - I felt confident that I might be able to make this work. It felt good in fact to have guidelines to follow this weekend - could it be that I have some confidence in my ability to be moderate i.e. 3 yrs and counting I have stuck to the No S plan, my week days are compliant and i don't even think about them anymore. I also thought: heck its the weekend - S Days! You can't fail on an S Day so even if it takes a few false starts, or it doesn't work for me for any reason i.e. willpower and said 'antsy-ness', I have choices. I can either start again afresh next weekend OR leave it until I feel like tackling it again sometime in the future. OR I could try some other mod i guess... but i really like this one so I figure I will at least give it a good try. As you can see, I really haven't got over diet head mentality yet but I am hopeful that will change and all I can do meantime is keep on keeping on!

Thanks oolala, again for the great advice and information. I realize that ultimately any decision will be up to myself to make in the end and it will be interesting to find out if this 'mod' will be a good fit for me.

Anyways - its always great to hear from my fellow No Sers and what has worked best for them on this journey. All the best to everyone and have a blessed day.
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:41 pm

Oops, i just realized I forgot to answer your question re. the N Days before signing off, oolala. Generally, no I don't feel exceedingly hungry or just general hunger on my N Days either. Sometimes, particularly when I get bored or I've made an S day treat to be enjoyed on the weekend, I do get cravings esp for sweet foods. But nothing like I used to be when i binged on a daily basis and/or got severe chocolate cravings and withdrawal.

Which leads nicely into a question I have for your good self, oolala do you see your eat when hungry mod extending to the N Days in future and would this indeed be your intention? once again, just curious and interested to hear your opinion.
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:07 am

Even now, I occasionally skip breakfast because I've awakened feeling a little nauseous or queasy. I just plain don't feel like eating then. Occasionally I'll skip lunch, usually for the same reason. On those days, I'll bring a lunch and a big jug of broth. If I still feel queasy at lunch time, I'll have just broth. On those days, even if I get rather hungry in the afternoon, I'll still wait until dinner time, though it might be an early dinner, say 5 p.m. But I haven't ever skipped lunch yet because I wasn't hungry. I just go ahead and eat. It's rare!

I don't see myself doing the straight hunger thing unless I end up becoming an incredible loner. I like eating my meals at about the times others do so that I'm ready to share meals when I can. I don't actually get to eat with other people very much, but it's still worth it to me to keep to the general meal structure for the occasions when I do. I used to try to do the thing of just having a beverage or something light like soup when I was with others and not hungry, but it wasn't fun. However, now if a situation comes up at which I've eaten dinner and then join others who end up eating more, I am happy to just have my drink.

I do get hungry for most of my N day meals and actually plan what I eat at meals so that I do. In fact, that's one of the reasons I decided on No S. I knew that if I was left to my own devices, I would eat bigger meals and not get hungry often enough to eat three times. But I LIKE eating more often. The trade off is that my plates are covered with smaller and smaller dense-food portions all the time. But the plate is still pretty much covered! And it still tends to be enough. And I STILL want a big hunk of cake or more than two cookies at a time on S days!
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:39 am

Thanks again oolala! :D Very helpful as always !

I'll certainly give the S Day mod a try this weekend and we'll see how it goes. Will keep you posted!

Don't think I'm 'brave' enough - yet - to try the eat when hungry mod on my N Days though. I like my routine of the 3 meals a day at present. I enjoy breakfast too much, I think - lol!

Weighed this morning - back at 170 lbs. Phew!! Kids and I have been doing a lot of walking recently. Maybe it is starting to pay off a bit! ? :roll:
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Post by r.jean » Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:45 am

For what it is worth, the eat when I am hungry mod would be a dangerous one for me personally. I definitely tend to overeat if I wait too long to eat. I am better with the three meal structure 7 days a week with some treats on the weekends. I am actually more likely to just eat some more indulgent meals on S days and maybe push the plate size than I am to have sweets or snacks. However, if a snack or sweet is offered on the weekend, I am more likely to accept.

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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:41 pm

Hi r.jean! Thanks for your post! You must have been reading my mind.... after deciding to give it a try this weekend, I must admit I am(now) in a bit of a 'quandry' about using this mod. I guess it must be because weekend is looming and its one thing to talk about doing something but another to actually carry it out. Whilst I think oolala's mod is great, particularly as it is working so well for her good self, I'm not quite sure if it would work for me either ... or I will rephrase that: not sure if it will work for me at this stage. Another mod I was thinking of for my S Days was to try to get some form of organization first of all - i.e. making my S Days not so far removed from my N Days by eating my 3 proper meals (when I say proper I mean nutritionally balanced instead of just snacking on cheese bagels and blueberry scones as I have been doing) and having one or two really nice treats after lunch and/or dinner. Now that I am writing this down, I don't really think I DO eat much differently than this; perhaps i will just have to accept that my weight will stick at 170 lbs and be done with it. I haven't totally ruled out trying the Eat when Hungry mod tomorrow either... yikes! See what I'm dealing with?? how quickly I can change my mind from one thing to another??? I dunno, maybe I'm overthinking again on my S Days. You see, that's the great thing about the N Days pattern, once you get the hang of it, you don't even have to think about it and there's nothing I would change about my N Day eating patterns. Hmmmm....? sorry guys for rambling and changing my mind so much! It must be a nightmare trying to keep up with my posts, sometimes!
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Post by r.jean » Sat Mar 10, 2012 3:00 am

Hmmmm. It is hard to say what to try. I have been at a standstill for a couple months. This is fine, but I would like it to start to slowly go down again. When I started being honest with myself, I knew what the problem areas were. One was too many calories from alcohol. I was not generally drinking too much per day, but I was drinking too often. This came on during the holidays when drinking is more prevalent and then just hung on as a habit. The other was too many unhealthy foods on my plates. Kettle cooked chips and too much cheese and butter are a couple examples.

I do not log food, but I have started rating myself daily and logging problem areas in hopes of slowly changing those problem areas. We will see....
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:29 am

Hi r.jean! I know - it is difficult.... even with the No S Plan being as wonderful as it is, how much peace it has brought me i.e. - I don't suffer the food anxiety and obsession with diets anymore even though I do slip back into old habits by overthinking it at times.

I hear what you're saying with regards weight (although you have done a fabulous job, rjean!) and I also feel that way: I feel like my weight has come to a standstill. 170 lbs at 5 ft 7 in might not be considered drastically overweight but I could still do with losing some.

I keep going up and down about how to approach my S Days. One minute, I think the eat when hungry mod would be really helpful.... then the doubts start to creep in. Perhaps I should just go for it - or indeed whatever happens - and try it without thinking too much. Just as I approach my N Days - almost without thinking.

Either way, have a great weekend, all, and I hope I haven't bored you all with my rambling and constant chopping and changing !! :lol:
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:25 pm

Roxy, if we were bored, we wouldn't be here. Or we'd just be busy! :)

Hang in there, girl! Try to approach S days with humor and curiosity. Experiment. Are you never getting legitimately hungry during the day? How many times a day are you eating even a mouthful? Are you eating every hour? Half hour? Permasnacking? Or are you having big lunches and big dinners just because you can and not hungry at all? I did all these and more. Just reduce one of them. Permasnacking? Go 2 hours. Big meals? Have just one big one. Eat less at the next one. See? Chip away.

Did I tell you (or the board somewhere else) that I had a colleague (who SO struggles with eating at times) ask me if I was trying to lose more because I was looking skinny? (I'm still in the overweight BMI.) I think she just doesn't want to believe that you can eat the foods you want in moderate amounts most of the time. I think she actually does eat well most of the time, but she still cherishes eating and drinking too much as forms of entertainment. Excess is still the point too much of the time. I say TOO much of the time because even know I want to hold out for occasional excess on purpose. But I don't preach. However, I do believe I am going to keep losing weight for awhile more as my habits are getting more moderate on their own. Maybe after awhile she'll want to know more... I would love for her to find some peace on this.
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:35 am

Thanks for stopping by, oolala! You are so SWEET! :D

As you may have noticed, I just posted my latest comings and goings on your thread. i.e. my ill fated visit to the diet center again! :oops: :roll: I mistakenly thought it might help me to focus more on my goals and keep me in line on the S Days.... but it has had the opposite effect.... I have felt nothing but hunger pangs and cravings this past couple of days since I rejoined. I almost felt like giving in on a few occasions since the hunger pangs were so strong! However, fortunately and I take it because I have been No S Compliant for so long... I managed to resist having extras or dessert after dinner (although the pangs are still persistant!) You may be relieved to hear that I have decided to cancel my next appointment at the club and continue with No Sing on my own. WITH the great support of this board and you wonderful No Sers, I hasten to add!! :P :D

I do think however, this might have taught me a lesson and also might help with regards taming my No S days. Better not speak too soon, tho!
oolala's excellent advice and guidelines on reducing amounts over time are also very helpful and encouraging too. I must say, oolala has certainly been a big inspiration and role model for me, particularly as we are around the same height and have similar weight loss goals... although oolala has fast overtaken me on the weight loss stakes (just joking.... there's no competition in this! lol) I have kinda given up on ever losing anything though, esp since starting the thyroid meds..... sigh! Those 12 lbs just flew on in a matter of days.... and seem to be taking forever to lose.... :x
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:06 pm

I occasionally over the past couple of years thought to try intermittent fasting, usually on a Monday after a crappy weekend. Up would come the old anxious, crabby feelings and desires. Yet, over the past few months, I've had such "fasts" come on with no intent. I think I've had two of them. They were a little funny because it was obvious I wasn't eating, but I kept giving myself permission to eat as soon as I felt hungry. And this time, I wasn't getting the feeling that I was being cheated out of nibbles. Recently as people read, I did feel some resentment, but on another day, there was none.

So, back to the drawing board.
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:47 am

Yeah, its funny how the mind works, isn't it, oolala? I tell you, since rejoining that darned club, I have been having very strong cravings for sweet foods after dinner (on N Days). Last night, I caved in for what must be the first time in several months! and ate some bread pudding I was experimenting with (supposedly for a weekend treat!)

This evening, I have still got strong cravings and mindset of how can I carry on another day without sweets! :twisted: just like starting from scratch with No S ! :evil: :evil:

BUT I haven't succumbed... so that is something at least. I am still planning on having a very moderate couple of S Days though! I think I may be in the frame of mind to do so..... but at what cost? I feel like I am struggling and finding the whole process now unpleasant! What is going on? Food anxiety has also reared its ugly head again. :evil: sigh!! Hopefully, this is just a minor 'bend in the road' and by next week, I shall be feeling back to normal. Still weighting 170 lbs.
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:04 am

I already told someone else this story but it applies to the scale issue.

I officially weigh in only once every three months. I've failed at that a few times, but not much. And, I decided that I would weigh every day for one week before my official day and average all the days for the final tally on Mar. 20. It's more accurate and scientific.

Well, I weighed yesterday and today. Yesterday, I was actually a little lower than I thought I would be . Guess what. I had a fail last night after dinner. Today I was up and do you know what I started doing later in the day? Figuring out what I could eat less of so that I could get the scale back down. Lunacy! However, because it's only once every three months, I'm going to go ahead with my weighing plan, not the crazy food bargaining plan, and just try to be cool with it. Then I'll weigh again the week before the first day of summer.

I'm toying with the idea of not weighing at all between my next birthday in Sept. and the one after that.

What do you think I'm saying? Try to drop the concern with the scale. Be concerned with your waist measurement, if you must. At least with that, it's obvious that daily measurement is rather silly.

I don't know what to tell you about S days. I wish you could have a few weekends on which the activities were such that you could have only three meals and one or two treats, so that the pressure was off your having to decide. It seems like there's just too much attention on it, don't you think? But I don't know how to make that go away. I always think my problem is that I'm single and have too much discretion over my time, but I guess that's not it.
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:28 am

Hi again oolala and thank you so much for your post! I'm still online as you can see and just spent some time reading over everyone's latest posts as well as the testimonials and I am so glad I did! It really helps when the willpower is flagging! In fact, I feel very excited and eager to keep going!

I am with you on the scale issue too which is another habit I would like to modify. I can also identify with how you were feeling this past few days after weighing and it has happened manys a time to me, probably since I weigh myself on a daily basis! There was a time a few years ago, ironically when I was getting a lot of exercise in and thus losing weight - when I didn't weigh myself and had no clue how much I exactly had lost since the exercise regime, but I am figuring it was close to 35 lbs lighter than I am at present. I had a very physical job at the time involving hours and hours of walking and lifting.

Thanks for thinking of me and solutions for the S Days. Actually, I do work sometimes on S Days and you would think that would help to curb my appetite/take my mind off food, but it sometimes has the opposite effect: I am handy for the stores and eating out so I tend to impulse buy etc. on those days. BUT if I want to see some change, I think I have to stop blaming the thyroid meds etc. and make a real effort to streamline my S Days. Until I give this a real try, there's no way to be sure if it really IS the medication/thyroid at fault, is there? One thing at a time, I know, but I may also give the weighing every 3 months a try again. Properly this time. My signature says I'm not due to weigh in officially till June. I think it will be more exciting (or maybe I will be disappointed) and make more of an impact if I give it a few months before weighing. Weight fluctuates so much - or at least it used to for me - she says, stuck at 170 lbs. It might give a clearer picture of where I am and how the Plan is working for me, if I give it some time inbetween.
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:36 am

Not the best S Day I could have had, although it started off pretty well. I seem to get to lunchtime and there is the dilemma of what to eat! Should I have a dessert or not? etc. etc. I managed to go to McDonalds and just stick to cheeseburger, apple slices and black coffee. Somehow though, it didn't feel very special. I still have the S Day mindset in that I should indulge just for the sake of it, hungry or not :roll: :oops: :roll:

So..... tonight, lots of nibbles on ice cream and cake and this n that. I didn't feel very hungry as in having a full meal. So just the usual S Day nibbling and grazing which probably just adds on extra calories and ruins my good work during the week! Sigh!!

We'll see how it goes tomorrow....
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:47 am

It does not ruin your work during the week. You can't do that. The days of compliance have a value in themselves. Now, it may keep you from losing the weight FOR NOW, but just keep going.

At some point, it will be less important to have every S day meal be special. Consider making more N days meals "special." You don't want to eat junk all the time and you don't want to be a Spartan. A satisfying regime is somewhere in between. Just keep experimenting.
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Post by milliem » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:49 am

I'm in exactly the same position as you, I think I'm losing/regaining the same 2-3 pounds over and over again each week!

My philosophy is, that compliant N days are allowing me to eat as I like on weekends and not continue to gain weight in a spiralling, out of control way! Which is good :) I have S days that are sane, and S days that are not - but I figure eventually they will settle down and 'eating as I like' won't include quite so many sweets and snacks.

Maybe I'll start experimenting with some rules for S days, but I do worry that if I try to control what I eat too much on those days, I'll rebel! The reason that my N days are (mostly) compliant is because I know that there's only a short period I'll have to wait before I can have that sweet thing I crave... I guess the problem is I don't crave one sweet thing and done, I crave ALL THE SWEET THINGS :lol:

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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:59 pm

Thanks for popping in, guys ! I really needed that pep talk, oolala! Thank you both again for your words of wisdom and insight. I am indeed hoping that the S Days will taper off as and of themselves....with a little bit of help from me, of course! :oops:

One thing I have stuck with, that is the non fat yogurt. Since I created my mod of cutting out full fat (Greek) yogurt, I have managed to stick to it for over a week (GASP! :P )and haven't even thought about it til now. Perhaps you may be thinking that I shouldn't focus too much on the yogurt and just eat any kind of yogurt I wish - after all No S has no forbidden foods and I might just be setting myself up for diet head. But I'm not really doing it for weight loss as such (although that would be nice !) as more of breaking a recently acquired habit: I wasn't a big eater of full fat yogurts before the No S plan and if taking little baby steps like this; slowly cutting down on the 'not so healthful foods in larger quantities' kinda thing might be more beneficial than being overly strict about what I chose to and not to eat.
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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:24 pm

Hi again milliem ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

Wanted to add: I am hearing ya on those 'darn' S Days lol! At the beginning of the diet, if someone had said I'd be enjoying my S Days much less than my N, I never would have believed them! :evil: :roll:

Like your good self, I too think about adding in mods for the S Days but the 'crazy' thing is, like a switch, my brain is programmed to EAT what and when I like on S Days. Just goes to show (oft tho its been said) how much of this is psychological over physical. WOW!!

I might add that overall, my S Days are significantly getting better than they used to be; no more free for alls and bingefests but there still is the little devil on the shoulder, coaxing me and making me feel deprived for refusing (some of) those sweets! For example, i went over to McD's Sunday lunchtime and rather than the cheeseburger and apple dippers which I had a notion for at the start, I just couldn't resist and had apple pie with a hot fudge sundae, complete with nuts on top. I didn't feel like balancing it out with fruit or veggies or anything so sensible or uninteresting! Impulse bought two cartons of Ben n Jerrys and started dipping in most of the afternoon... I'd already HAD ice cream and WHY the 2 cartons of ice cream instead of one? I guess my eyes were bigger than my tummy!!

Thanks again so much to oolala for giving me her insight and experience ! She gives me hope that my S Days over time WILL improve. I also have to be patient. PATIENCE! PATIENCE! PATIENCE! Which I admit is not my strong suit! Have a great evening, fellow NoS-ers and I'll chat with y'all again next time! :D
No S-er since December 2009
Streamlined S Days: 6/25/12
SW: 170 /CW: 127
Weight loss to date: 43 lbs

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Post by ZippaDee » Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:22 am

Enjoy your posts!! I'm cheering for ya!! GOOOOOOOO!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

A Flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms!

Diets Don't Work.

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