Skykitty's Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Skykitty's Check In

Post by SkyKitty » Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:44 am

I'm back on the board and maybe planning to stay again.
As anyone who read my yearly check in will have seen, I dropped off the board when a new job meant I lost the time I usually used to post, but II didn't drop off No S, although I have gained a mental peace with food but not lost weight.

Today I had my usual breakfast of toast, banana and yogurt. I will have leftover beef hash and steamed cabbage for lunch, and am planning to make a red thai curry with veg (spinach and green beans) for dinner which I will have with rice. I also have a 100g chocolate bar which I will have half after lunch and half after dinner.

I have found that I can stick to the No S plan quite easily, I find it OK to say to myself, it's ONLY 5 days till I can have a treat, I can wait that long.

My concentration will be on exercise and portion control. For example I had a portion of beef hash in the freezer. Previously this would have been one meal, but I really looked at it and decided to halve it and make it 2 meals, each one bulked out with steamed cabbage. So that was dinner yesterday and will be lunch today.

I am also looking at exercise. I am doing the 30 day shred (Biggest Loser USA Jillian Michaels DVD). I did it 4 times last week and also did 1 run on the treadmill at the gym.

I have done the shred today and will go to the gym later, run 2.5km and then head into the sauna as a non-food related treat.

I'm hoping posting on the forum will make me keep thinking about portion control and food choices, looking forward to catching up with some old friends and meeting new ones....
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Post by NoSnacker » Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:48 am

Sounds like you have a plan...welcome back! I too was gone for a few months, but No S is the only sane way to deal with food...I found.
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Post by SkyKitty » Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:27 pm

To update today.
All meals as planned, Incinerated my lunch by getting distracted while it was in the oven, but ate it anyway, with stir-fried cabbage rather than steamed as it was quicker. Dinner ended up being a korma, rather than red thai curry, still made with chicken and veg and served with 75g rice. Made 5 portions curry, so have the rest in fridge/freezer.
Treats ended up being 2 packets crisps (30g bags) and 2 chocolate eggs, the kind that are the size of a real egg not the big ones, The 100g bar chocolate is still in the cupboard for next week. This, for me is an S day I am happy with.

Tomorrow will be
7am) yogurt and a banana
Morning break - any time from 9.30am - 11.30am) porridge with dried fruit, honey and skimmed milk
Afternoon break - any time from 2pm - 4pm) a bagel filled with 2 slices ham, 2 sliced tomatoes and some cucumber, an apple and an orange.
Dinner - around 7-8pm) curry and rice, small bowl blueberries and raspberries.

I have 4 small meals because I cannot predict what times I will be allocated breaks at work. I think it works for me. On a day off I would have porridge/toast, a yogurt and a banana for breakfast so I explain it to myself as not adding a meal, but splitting one up. When I am off work on an N day I only have three meals but I need to make No S work with my job.
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Post by Amy3010 » Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:22 am

Thank you for stopping by my check in! I like the way you described the beauty of this plan, and it sounds like you have really been able to make it work with your lifestyle.

I have been doing the same thing with an apple after lunch - I don't like to eat fruit right on top of a meal, so I've been carrying my apple around with me, and if I get hungry late afternoon, I'll have it. It really helps tide me over til dinner so I don't overeat then, and I feel like it is an acceptable modification, because it is a fruit I should have had with my lunch.

Best wishes for a good week!

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Post by SkyKitty » Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:53 pm

OK day today, food exactly as planned. Exercise didn't happen though. By the time the builders had left this evening all my motivation had gone. I just reminded myself that tomorrow I'll be going to the gym before work because my bathroom is being gutted and rebuilt and I don't have a shower. I will run on the treadmill for 20mins ad hopefully do just over 2.5km.
As I won't have a shower all week, I will be going to the gym every day so I don't feel too bad about missing out on exercise today.

Tomorrow's food will be exactly the same as today, aren't I dull....!!
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Post by Amy3010 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:30 am

Not having a shower is great motivation to get to the gym - hopefully the renovation goes well and you have a beautiful new bathroom to enjoy soon!

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Post by SkyKitty » Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:31 am

Have had a fully GREEN week. Some meals ended up being different than I planned but all were No S compliant. Biggest obstacle was Thursday evening when I had a plumbing crisis, water ended up pouring through my dining room ceiling and spurting into the bathroom, when the decorators accidentally went through a pipe. They had to rip up all the bathroom floor which had just been laid, and the water kept pouring through for 2 hours. By the time it was all over, around 10pm I couldn't face cooking the dinner I had planned and had to force myself to eat 2 slices toast, and I NEVER skip meals.

Exercise last week was good. One workout to Jillian Michael's 30day shred and four 20min runs at the gym.

Yesterday was a fine S day, I had my usual 3 meals:
yogurt, banana and porridge
Ham and tomato bagel
chicken salad
along with:
1 smallish bar of chocolate (aero caramel) a handful of mini chocolates from a bag being shared at work (wispa bites) and 3 packets of crisps (40 or 50g each)
This is a fairly average S day for me.

Today I plan to have along with my 3 meals of
toast, yogurt and banana
chicken salad
chicken salad again
I will have an S treat of a 100g bar chocolate.

Tomorrow I go on holiday for just over a week. I plan to treat each day as basically an N day where possible but with added treats if they are worth it. My biggest goal is to enjoy what I eat.

Today I weigh 193 pounds.
I will be interested to see what I weigh on Thursday 26th which is the next day I can weigh in at home as usual.
I'm going to Israel, to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and down to the Dead Sea for a day. I'm beyond excited, partly because my husband is already out there and I haven't seen him for 3 weeks. (which means he missed the drama with the plumbing crisis, a shame because I really needed a hug)
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Post by Sweetness » Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:24 pm

Wow, Kitty,
I'm excited for you. I would love love love to be able to go to Israel, enjoy your holiday! Is your hubby there on business? Sounds like a great plan for eating and just what I will do if I ever get a vacation/holiday! 8)

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Post by Amy3010 » Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:31 am

Wow - you had a great week, despite the water pipe crisis - good for you! Have a safe trip to Israel and enjoy your holiday - you certainly deserve a break after all that.

Thanks again for the encouraging words - I needed to hear that, actually!

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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:30 pm

YAYY! Skykitty! :D :D

Have a wonderful trip ! Sounds amazing :)

So sorry to hear about your incident with the bathroom repairs! Must have been awful. You dealt with it much better than I would have!
No S-er since December 2009
Streamlined S Days: 6/25/12
SW: 170 /CW: 127
Weight loss to date: 43 lbs

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