Sinnie's System

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:43 pm

After much absence, I am returning to 3 meals a day. Occasionally when I try to do it, I notice almost immediately the peace it brings to my day. I end up feeling in a better mood, my family and I eat better and I haven't snacked my way into begrudgingly preparing a dinner I am not hungry for. It works perfect for day to day life, fits in seamlessly on vacations, takes care of so many problems at once - tracking, adherence, habit making and so on. I also find it's an easy way to watch my weight. All these benefits - why do I not stick to it?! I find I start to lose track of these things, I get bored or whatever, and maybe I like the lure of starting something new. Who knows, but I'll try my best to give it a fair shot.

The pandemic made eating right pretty difficult. The boredom, monotony, lack of need to get ready or go anywhere...and in Ontario we're only now coming out of the current lockdown but salons etc are still closed. I am getting my second vaccine finally this weekend though! Kids have been online learning again since April and they're done end of June. They enjoyed being home and I kinda liked having them here too, most of the time lol.

Okay back to food. Looking to the past, I never gained back the weight I lost on my half essed version of No S. After kids, I managed to lose the last 10 lbs by paying attention to calories, but I've put it back on (did keep it off for years though). I don't feel like obsessing over why, I just can't get it off no matter what I try, so I'd rather just forget about it, eat properly, enjoy my family and feed them correctly, too. I am positive in the process I'll lose weight for obvious reasons. I stopped weighing everyday because it wasn't helping, not because I can't handle seeing the number, to be honest I don't care that much BUT it would often affect my behaviours that day, sabotaging myself when I see a loss and whatnot. I will still weigh, just not sure when or how often. Since I typically stay the same day in and day out, there's not much to see haha.

I have dabbled in making an official system, but in the end, it's just 3 meals. There really isn't much beyond that. I don't necessarily need to stick to a plate, or avoid dessert. The only thing I am programming into my head is that I CAN HAVE ANY KIND OF BEVERAGE BETWEEN MEALS. This has been a weird (and obvious to most) way to stick to my plans. While I always knew this was allowed, I never really utilized it. I've been experimenting and noticed when I consciously think of this, very intentionally remembering I can have a drink, I lose that panic of wanting a snack. So, if I am hungry and want savory, I'll make stock or bone broth. If I want to keep eating because I don't feel like moving on with real life chores, I remind myself I can make a sweet coffee or mocha. If my kids are getting donuts, rather than getting one just because it's there, I enjoy literally just as much getting an iced coffee or latte etc. If we have people over swimming and I'd rather not down tons of chips before dinner, I can have a margarita, beer or whatever. I never feel that 'cue' to overeat from a drink so it's kinda like a secret magic weapon. I am teaching myself to ignore the calories. They are never as high as eating, ever. This could be a disaster for some people i'm sure, but my palate isn't for super sweet stuff, so it seems to be quite perfect.

So in a nutshell... eat meals, life in between? Sounds pretty nice.

Yesterday I had gluten free pancakes with greek yog and blueberries for breakfast, chicken teriyaki stirfry with brown rice and some salmon for lunch, and salmon, pasta with tomato sauce, spinach salad and a glazed donut for dinner. When my kids got donuts during the day I didn't even feel like getting a coffee from Tim Hortons! I seriously wanted nothing.

Breakfast - scrambled eggs, fruit salad, bakery cream cheese danish
Lunch - Turkey burger/salmon/spinach salad with ranch dressing; some sweet potato fries
Drink - made a mocha ☕️

I see the board is pretty quiet, but I know when people have things under control it is natural to move on. Or life gets so busy and posting is hard. I know most days I don't get a chance to sit and type like I am now. I do miss seeing the familiar names from years past! I will start reading when I have time and get to know the lovely new names :) I hope to at least pop on to record my meals, maybe it'll keep me on track. I just hope I don't abandon this by midday LOL.
Last edited by Sinnie on Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jun 16, 2021 6:26 pm

Welcome back Sinnie!

Yes I think that once people are doing well they stop posting about it as much. I know that is why Im not on these boards much anymore, but I do try to pop in an update every once in a while. That is great that you have figured out that drinking any beverage between meals satisfies you. I love the simplicity of No S. Good luck with the rest of your day!

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:38 pm

Thank you so much pinkhippie! I totally understand too, life just takes over and the eating goes on autopilot. I have been there myself in the past :D

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by ladybird30 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:42 pm

Welcome back
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Soprano » Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:56 am

Welcome back, always good to have an experienced member posting.

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Sun Jun 20, 2021 2:58 pm

Thanks, guys! I sometimes lose motivation for three meals, but here goes again. Highest weight at the moment. 124.4

Breakfast: Father’s Day at restaurant-egg bacon sandwich, breakfast potatoes, quarter waffle w/berries

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:43 am

Or they leave because they get impatient, try something else, or just fail day after day and are too embarrassed to say anything for a long while. And they realize this is sane. I did that once.

I stopped posting as much when the site was reconfigured and I stopped getting email alerts about updates to threads I was following. But I am trying to cut back.

Happy summer!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Fri Sep 23, 2022 1:58 pm

Feeling like I should really try doing some version of No S again. It makes me feel a little nostalgic. I did it for so many years, and as my kids are growing up, maybe my mind tries to go back in time or something. My weight is okay, but I do struggle with the same old what-the-hell effect a lot. I know No S wont cure that. Nothing will - except me deciding not to do it. I think I mostly want to feel in control, and like food doesn't rule my life. I know a side effect of this would be weight loss. I generally do best with plain old calorie counting, because I can eat whenever I want, but it also leads to many rationalizations. I've dabbled in intuitive eating with no success there either.

Here goes...something. Not sure of my "plan" yet. I definitely don't do vanilla because it has never worked for me.

Breakfast was peanut butter right out of the jar (i'm the only one who eats the natural one), maybe a couple tbsp, then an english muffin with pb & nutella. I'm very satisfied and the goal is to make it until 1pm to eat lunch. SInce I am used to snacking A LOT this is an hour by hour thing, never mind one day at a time :)

Lunch was a whole bag of riced cauliflower with butter, 1/2 a salami sub w/ lettuce & tomato, and a cheese string. I wasn't very hungry but ate anyways. I keep telling myself just do this for today, and if I want to change plans tomorrow I can make that decision then...for TODAY just 3 meals and life in between.

Dinner was rushed but surprisingly very good. Frozen vegetable pizza, Kraft dinner and green peas. Then I had a coffee and Bear Paw for dessert. Maybe that will be my ‘thing’. Make it all day on 3 meals, have a little something for dessert. I think it’s best to avoid blood sugar crashes by eating the sugar at night. I had such a good day and felt much better, enjoyed meals at their proper times. Makes me wonder why I don’t always do this.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Sat Sep 24, 2022 1:37 pm

Went so great yesterday I’ll do it again.
120.4 lbs

Breakfast was not relaxed bc I had so much to do before taking kids to musical theatre. I wasn’t hungry either; had a few bites of the following: scrambled eggs, English muffin, apple cinn muffin, most of the container Greek yogurt.

Lunch was also a hurried mess but that’s ok! Hair appt is worth it. Had leftovers from breakfast, another coffee w/ evaporated milk, some almond butter/jelly/Nutella on a high fiber flat wrap. Few baby carrots. Think that’s it. Just want to make sure I eat enough so I don’t get starved feeling.

Dinner: split a vodka martini w/ olives. I drink so seldom these days, for no particular reason other than it just doesn’t appeal to me, but Husband likes to drink so I joined today with a few sips. Made a seafood pasta and ate a pretty big plate. Had some baby carrots, and some of his beef. A bit of orange juice. There wasn’t much around for dessert, so I had a decaf coffee with a plain biscuit and maybe half a Mint Chocolate Clif bar. Other than gummy vitamins that was it. I felt quite full after dinner but crazy stuffed. I distinguish this as “good full” because it was enjoyed and eaten in company at the appropriate dinner time. Bad full is binging, eating when no is around, to punish myself for slipping a little.
Last edited by Sinnie on Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by ladybird30 » Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:45 pm

Yes, don't like that starved feeling either. Not necessary, not healthy and definitely not enjoyable.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:56 pm

Yes ladybird exactly!

Wt: 121

Breakfast was hard boiled eggs (1.5?), one thick slice bacon, a frozen waffle, almond butter& jam on English muffin (didn’t finish)

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Sat Dec 03, 2022 3:07 pm

I hopped on and saw the boards quite lively! How exciting. I've been thinking about No S because it seems for a lot of people, the weight lost on No S is more permanent than other ways. I know that is the case for me. I've kind of slowly moved from a place of "lose the last ten pounds" to "I just want peace with my eating and food." I hate the cycle of doing well, crashing, starting over. I don't restrict at all, from a food type point of view, but just overeating in general. I thought life would get easier as the kids got older, but I have found the complete opposite. I am too busy to think much about food. The days I did dabble in three meals were some of the most enjoyable, peaceful, and fun days. I should really make this stick, but ah that perfectionistic attitude is the death of me.

I don't weigh myself much. it's not because I'm afraid or staying away or whatever. I literally just don't have time in the morning/forget completely. I haven't wavered from the early 120's for years.

So, no specific plan or modifications. I'm just gonna try!!! Whatever that is.

Meal #1: I started to finish someone's English muffin w/ pb (then they wanted it back) so I had a spoon of pb and 3/4 of a bagel with cream cheese.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Amy3010 » Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:34 am

Hi Sinnie! I think you are right, No-S is for a lot of us the best way to get peace around food. And for some reason the boards have definitely been more lively lately! Welcome back!

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Soprano » Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:18 am

Welcome back Sinnie, peace around food is great.

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:41 pm

Thank you!

Ehh, I think it's going to be a lot harder to get this going than I thought. It's okay, though. I was never good at sticking to things, so I'll just keep trying :)

Breakfast: overnight oats and a granola bar. Just realized how similar the two items are lol

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Soprano » Wed Dec 07, 2022 3:59 am

What are you finding difficult!?
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Fri Dec 09, 2022 3:14 pm

That's a great question - it seems everything! I struggle with always wanting to just calorie count because then I have much more freedom and in some ways less stress, but once the overeating starts I realize a more firm guideline of when to eat/when not would be so helpful.

I'll give it another go today!

Breakfast was a whole bagel with cream cheese and jam

Lunch was a white bean & tuna salad, followed by a spoon of natural peanut butter

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Soprano » Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:42 pm

If you want freedom around food, ditch the calorie counting.

Start with sticking to 3 meals a day, make sure you eat stuff you enjoy and enough to satisfy yourself. Eat slowly and if possible without distraction. When this habit is solid address how much and what you are eating.

If you fail there is a quick opportunity to start again at the next meal :)

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Sat Dec 10, 2022 4:17 pm

Thank you Soprano. That’s very solid advice. I know you’re right!

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by ladybird30 » Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:45 am

I have never found calorie counting a useful way regulate how much I eat. What has helped, apart from NoS, is trying to eat in accordance with my bodies appetite signals - being hungry at meal times, and eating enough to feel satisfied but not stuffed. Still get it wrong sometimes.
It is my belief that calorie counting leads us to try to ignore these signals, perhaps setting us up for failure in the end.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:28 pm

Something I've been tampering with the last few weeks is 4 meals a day. I am not too focused on doing anything perfectly, as I know that's just not me. But it seems my physiology responds better to more meals, less calories in each. I find 400 per meal is enough to feel satisfied, if not right away, definitely 10 or 20 minutes after my meal. I like to shoot for that ballpark calorie amount, it really helps me feel satisfied, and not undereat either, and if needed I can combine the last two meals for one big one. Around 1600 calories will allow me to slowly wriggle away a few extra pounds. I am not planning on using apps like my fitness pal, my goal is actually just to ballpark in my head. I'm liking this approach right now, even though I'm only testing the waters. To keep myself on track I thought recording my meals will help with my biggest problem of all - PICKING AT FOOD UGH!

Lots of black coffee
Breakfast came late around 11am - bagel with peanut butter & jam on one side, butter on the other (didn't finish) so this came to aprox 400

Snack at mall with kids - fries and donut w/ coffee&cream

1st Dinner - brown rice w/ leftover veggies and vegan meat

2nd Dinner - brown rice w/ white fish and salad

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Wed Jan 11, 2023 5:46 pm

I have not been perfect, but I’m learning as I’m doing this. I tend to always want to change what I’m doing when it’s not Going perfectly. But I realized I really like this particular way of eating and my biggest downfall happens when I don’t plate my food. If I start picking even when it seems totally innocent, it almost always leads to binging. So trying not to do that!

Black coffee in morning (very full from binge last night)

1. Lunch: rapini sautéed in tsp olive oil, eaten with a slice of pepperoni pizza, followed by oatmeal topped w/vanilla Greek yogurt and sf maple syrup. I really liked this meal a lot. It feels like a lot of food, I’m super satisfied physically and mentally, and it was only around 400 cal.

2. Prior to school pick up snack: two slices of toast with peanut butter and jelly with a black coffee

3. While making food I fell into my picking trap and it is far less satisfying to eat that way. I’m just calling it meal number three, I don’t think it was more than 4 to 500 cal and I’m just going to work on this bad habit. Beef bean veggie chili, basmati rice and choc chip pb overnight oats

4. More chili and rice, not properly plated. Some oatmeal. It’s okay, ill get there!

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:16 pm

Meal 1: egg white French toast, sugar-free maple syrup, sliced strawberries, and plain Greek yogurt

Meal 2: 1/2 cup chili & 1/2 cup cottage cheese on lettuce. Two arrowroot cookies and some overnight oats.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by oolala53 » Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:53 am

Hi, Sinnie,

I haven't been around for a long time, at least not visiting. I saw that you said you are looking for more peace around food. I also saw that you said you've been in the low 120's for years. I don't know how tall you are. Was your motivation here ever to lose?

I also saw that you say you struggle with getting things going or possibly staying with it. If I may suggest, and I know you don't have a lot of time, but putting in some thinking up front can save time later. It can make it clearer what the priority is and the behavior easier, feeling like it's less effort. It sure did for me. I actually think Reinhard had such clear ideas from careful consideration as seems to be his wont that he didn't have to write it all, but for those of us who muddled a lot longer than he did, it can really help.

It really pays to put this stuff in writing. Ask yourself: What do I think the problem is with my eating much of the time? What do I actually like about it? What does it cost me in mental suffering? (How much time in a day am I bothered and how many years has it been an issue?) Would the pain of getting over the hump of developing a new routine be likely to be greater or less than the pain the old way inflicts? What will my life be like a year, or five years or longer from now if I just keep to the old ways? How much longer can I accept going on feeling torn? When you think about the eating, include also what it takes to get the food, i.e. shopping, meal prep, or eating out or whatever, since you are probably the one in charge of that. I think it's premature to spend too much time on solutions to differences because getting priorities clear affects those decisions.

My I'm being awful bossy for someone who hasn't been here since June of 2021! But I have continued on the journey.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:38 pm

Hey oolala! Such great questions! I did come here many many years ago to lose weight - and I did! Went from 140-someting to 120 (maybe it was 2008) and never really wavered from that weight since. I did manage to go down to around 112 and maintained for about 5 years (through calorie counting) and that was definitely my happiest, most confident weight. I tried going vegan at some point, and that really messed with me, leading to the gain back to 120-ish.

At this point, I've kinda stopped caring so much about it. BUT, I do want peace with food. I don't want this back and forth pattern of doing well one day, and not the next. I would love to settle a little lower in weight, but I know I need good everyday lifelong habits.

That's where I've stumbled upon 4 smaller meals a day as a really happy place. It's allowing me to practice actually making a proper plate of food, thinking about what I'm going to eat, being hungry without being ravenous and I can log each meal mentally with a tally of around 400 calories - no need to use apps or write it down because I'm aiming for the same amount each plate. I find it really enjoyable and simple. The reason I'm writing it down here is because I'm still on a learning curve as I've spent years just grazing all the time - and its REALLY hard to remember not to just pick at food when Im preparing it, really tired, cleaning up after others etc so this helps me stay conscious of it. I don't love writing it down like I used to, so I often forget.

I love looking forward to each meal now, knowing I have a solid amount to eat. 400 calories can be very filling for me, and when it's not, I know after a few minutes the food will settle in and Ill feel satisfied. I like not wondering what plan ill follow today, I like not worrying that I should fast until a certain time, I like not thinking I should eat the smallest amount to satisfy. I have my 400 calorie plate to play with and it feels weirdly very liberating! What I'm trying to do is ask myself 1) Am I hungry? 2) Am I relaxed? 3)Am I sitting down? 4) Is my plate made before I start eating? These questions help me focus on eating in the proper way as my biggest hurdle is eating when stressed/hurried and barely remembering what I had. The 400 calorie amount helps control my mental battle of thinking I ate too much and then binging, or equally, thinking I ate too little and then give myself an excuse to overeat.

No hunger at all yet today, so first plate might be lunch.

Meal #1: oatmeal, pecans/walnuts/almonds, banana
Meal #2: two spinach/cottage cheese lasagna rolls and 1/2 cup chili
Meal #3:
Meal #4:

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:59 pm

Okay, I have a lot to catch up on around here and read up on everyone’s journeys but I want to commit to myself that I’ll really try eating 3 meals. My habits have truly gotten horrible. This is my pledge to myself to honestly give it my all and not change my mind every two days.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Sat Jul 15, 2023 4:45 pm

Day 1:
Breakfast: eggs & avocado on a slice of toast with few cherries/Coffee with vanilla oat creamer

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:21 pm

Welcome back Sinnie!

How did the 4 meals a day work for you? It seems like it would be fairly sustainable, but I haven't tried it.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:08 am

Sinnie! thanks for dropping by my thread. We really are right in sync. Hoping we both can get back to a little sanity! 🤞♥️
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by WINhappy » Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:19 am

Hi sinnie, I just wanted to say welcome back. I hope everything is going well for you so far. Best regards, WINhappy
Sometimes the coolest thing when you were a kid- remains the coolest thing.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:40 pm

Life just got too crazy for awhile and I’m going to try and get this going now. I am just about to start Lexapro, and am worried about potential weight gain. I turned 40 recently and decided I’ll finally get the help I need for my anxiety. Will see if anything changes. All I can do at this point is try to instil good habits again.

Breakfast: one bite of hubs wrap, finished kids oatmeal. I would like to stop this picking at food. My actual meal was 2 eggs, toast w/butter and 1/2 avocado (didn’t finish eggs or avo)

Lunch: 2 beef tacos with cheese which I didn’t finish. Raspberry yogurt cup and 4 dried apricots with maybe 4 walnuts.

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Fri Sep 15, 2023 5:10 pm

Yesterday’s dinner was this and that, random stuff, because we were in a rush, and I did snack before bed. But overall it felt like a pretty good day.

Breakfast: little appetite, I made a thick piece of whole-grain bread with PB&J. I put some pumpkin spiced whipped cream on my coffee. Didn’t finish as I shared with the dog :)

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Re: Sinnie's System

Post by Sinnie » Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:05 pm

Keep trying.

Breakfast: slice of pb&j toast and coffee with cream

Lunch: just gonna include all this together but some of it was snacks. Baked beans, yogurt, small apple, piece of buttered bagel, oatmeal with nuts, more nuts, cup of sugar free chocolate pudding. I really am struggling with my eating these days! I always want to snack the moment my kids come home.

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