cvmom's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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cvmom's daily check-in

Post by cvmom » Tue May 17, 2005 11:21 pm

Hmmm....I am not sure if I am eating enough. It seems like it doesn't take too much food to fill me up. And then, it seems like hours pass before it is time for another meal. Having said that, the last time I ate was 5 hours ago and I'm not hungry!

Still tweakying but not falling off the wagon...cvmom

P.S. I am only on day 8 and I have found a few "unconsious" habits that were contributing to my additional body cushion. I have caught myself a least two or three times automatically reaching for second helpings. Then I'm like "Oh yeah, one of those "S"'s is Seconds...

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Post by reinhard » Wed May 18, 2005 7:47 pm

This sounds very encouraging. Not starving yourself but catching the auto-pilot eater before damage is done -- that's what this is all about.

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Post by cvmom » Sat May 21, 2005 2:23 pm goes my 2nd "S" weekend...

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Post by cvmom » Tue May 24, 2005 3:58 pm

It is Tuesday, a day after my food hangover. I overdid it on the food on the S days and really felt awful, even yesterday. I am realizing that I am probably eating 30 to 50% more then my body needs. Then, I saw some photos of myself taken on a special event and I started to get depressed. I look so heavy!!! I know I'm not obese, nor do I have a high BMI index, but 20 pounds extra on someone my height 5'3" is too much. I dont' want to be a roly poly....

So, here I go again for another week. I am trying not to get discouraged.


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Post by cvmom » Thu May 26, 2005 11:30 pm

Today is Thursday. I must be having some kind of PMS attack because my No S-ing is in a bit of a holding pattern.

I did manage to walk for 45 minutes yesterday and did 40 minutes today at Curves...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri May 27, 2005 12:47 am

Hey CV!
When my period is around the bend I just avoid weighing myself... I'm not sure what you mean by "holding pattern" but I'm assuming you are referring to your weight. If that's the case, just weigh in once your cycle is over... My weight goes up, predictably 3-4 lbs because of water retention. As logical as my mind may be, seeing that just is depressing!
Well good luck and try to avoid very salty foods as that makes all the pms symptoms even worse... Everything will look better once you're out of those yuckky pms doldrums!
Have a nice weekend!
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Post by cvmom » Fri May 27, 2005 2:09 pm

Thanks Deb. That is so nice of you to respond to my pity-party!!! Unfortnately "holding pattern" meant that I was not adhereing to the simple No S solution.

I was kind of using this check in thing as a journal and then I realized that a lot of people might see it!!! Well, I am a very fallible human being with a propensity towards sugar especially the few days leading up to my cycle. At least I know myself well enough to know that I am predictable. Once a month when I am "swollen" I swear that I'm going to march back to Weight Watchers and re-join. Then, a few days later I am fine and in control. Weight Watchers is a temporary fix. I have lost the same 20 pounds 3 times there. I don't recommend it.

So, today, even though I feel bloated like a baloon I am going to start my No S again. I'm considering it Day One.


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri May 27, 2005 4:03 pm

Recipe for success in any area of life, including No-S and weight control:

Begin. Continue. Repeat.

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Post by reinhard » Fri May 27, 2005 5:36 pm

Sorry you're having trouble, cvmom. But don't be discouraged. It can take a few false starts to get it right. Resetting your count to day one is a good idea. Better clear, limited progress than a reckless, murky advance.

Again, don't worry so much about the S days. The week is hard enough. Get that down before you worry about the weekend at all.

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Post by cvmom » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:25 pm

It is time for me to check in with myself.

Okay, as Reinhard is in true confession mode so shall I be. I have been having and S-fest. Everyday is an S day in my house lately!!!! Alright, I am exaggerating, but truthfully I have been reading the boards, applauding everyone's efforts and then not adhering to what is probably the easiest food plan I've ever met. (Sorry about the run on sentence...)

So, I am going to be accountable to myself. Today is an S day but I don't really even want to eat.

Will check in tommorrow.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:34 am

Congratulations for nipping that binge in the bud!
Think in relative terms... For some, a bad binge could mean a weekend, for some a week, and for others a month...
The main thing that you should be focused on is your awareness of this and the fact that you are now taking responsibility...
No slipping into unconsciousness which might go on indefinintely, till the clothes no longer fit, and you can't even recognize yourself... And that can happen and does happen to people.
Forgive yourself, learn from it, and move on :)
8) Deb
PS... What's your name CV, or would you rather stay incognito? LOL...

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Post by reinhard » Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:06 am

Hi Cvmom,

There's a big gap between knowing the right thing and the pesky business of doing it, but it's a necessary start. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, don't make yourself crazy or punish yourself. Just start fresh on Monday. Do what I did in my check-in and reset your count to day one. A long time ago Valerie posted a link to an article about how it takes an average of 12 attempts for people to change a dietary habit. Trying and failing, learning from your mistakes and recalibrating your efforts, is progress.

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Post by cvmom » Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:02 pm

Dear Deb and Reinhard:

Thank you so much for the enouraging responses!!! I do appreciate it and I will post tommorrow to let you know of my progress. Accountability has not always been my strong point but since people are obviously reading these posts then I am going to do my best.

Deb, I used to be really into yoga. It is an easy thing to get hooked on. I do Pilates now because I injured my hip doing yoga so pay attention to your body and don't push it.

Reinhard, my heart goes out to you having a child have to go through hospitalization. I hope all is well.

CV Mom (Carmel Valley Mom - no specific anonymity, just my yahoo handle LOL! My name is Dru

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Post by cvmom » Tue Jun 07, 2005 1:39 am

Okay Day One went well

Meal 1: steele cut oats, flax oil and blueberries, cup of coffee

Meal 2: Bagel Sandwich: tuna, avo, cheese, sprouts and tom
Starbucks tall nf latte

Meal 3: Veggie Cassoulet with herbed dumpling, steamed broccoli and
4 strawberries

40 minutes on my treadmill.

All and all a successful day. CVmom

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:41 am

CV Mom: Would you mind posting your recipe for the Veggie Cassoulet with herb dumpling? That really sounds good! There is a recipe thread over on the general discussion board. Thanks!

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Post by cvmom » Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:59 am

Day 2: Success!!!

B: l/f plain yogurt with flax oil, mueseli, walnuts and cherries, coffee

L: BBQ Chicken tostada (only about 1/2 it was like a mountain)

D: Ginger Chicken breast with chinese cole slaw and 1/2 piece of Naan bread, coffee

55 minute Pilates session.

Yeah for me.

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Post by cvmom » Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:38 am

Day Three: Success!!!!!!!!!!

B: low fat plain yogurt with flax oil, mueseli and raspberries

L: Leftover chix and cole slaw and cassoulet

D: Cracker crusted Dijon fish, mixed green salad, 1/3 cup capellini

Treadmill for 40 minutes.

Feeling lighter. And realizing that this is something I don't have to over-analyze.
CV Mom

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:21 pm

Excellent! 2 more SUCCESSes and then you get to add a free +2 exempt weekend days to your tally. After Friday, you're effectively 1/3 of the way to habituation. So if the culinary reward on the weekend weren't enough, let the math inspire you!

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:27 am

Day Four: Success!!!!!!!!!!

B: scrambled egg with cheese, slice of ww toast with P.Butter, 4 strawberries and coffee

L: 1 chix taco, 1 fish taco

D: Turkey Reuben Sandwich

55 minute private pilates session

This is getting too easy....I don't even feel deprived.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 10, 2005 11:59 am

Yeah CV! When you can opt to eat such things as Tacos, Reubens etc... you tend to not really feel like you are "dieting"... Reinhard is right about targeting the main problems for most overweight people, the behaviors of just overeating and eating when not hungry (snacking)....
Congratulations and keep on gliding to your goal!!!
The nasty little word "deprivation" does not figure in here, so get used to it! :wink:

You are honoring yourself when you eat this way... Good work on the Pilates too! That is a very cool exercise, and NoS really works best if you combine it with daily exercise...
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Sat Jun 11, 2005 4:01 am

Day 5 Success!!!

B: Steele cut oatmeal, flax oil, walnuts and necterine

L: veggie burrito

D: green salad and slice of pizza

Deb: Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it.

No exercise today as it was a wierd and hectic day. I'll get something done tommorrow. Speaking of tommorrow, isn't it an "S" day????


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Post by cvmom » Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:59 pm

Day 6 "S" day - Success

B: Steele cut oats, flax oil, walnuts and dried blueberrie

L: Bagel with Lox, cc, etc. choc. chip cookie

D: veggie faux chix patty, green salad and quinoa, B&G ice cream for dessert.

Regarding the ice cream: I ate it but truthfully, it did not taste very good. Here I was waiting for the big payoof and it was a bit of a let down. The cookie rocked though.


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Post by cvmom » Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:56 am

Day 7 Success!!!

I am so happy that I have made it through the first week. Today I had three moderate meals and then had dessert at a nice restaurant. Even though it was an "S" day I didn't really even have the urge to eat between meals. So I guess it is working.

The jeans I wore to a party last Saturday feel looser. I don't think this is psychological.

Yeah for moderation.


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Way to go, CV...

Post by Kevin » Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:19 pm

When you say "steele cut oats", do you mean those Irish ones that take forever to cook? I've purchased steel cut oats in the past, but I've never had the 45 minutes it takes to cook them...

Way to go on the diet.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:13 pm

The key is to soak them overnight before you cook them...

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Post by cvmom » Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:26 am

Day 8 - Success!!!!!

No sweets, no seconds and no snacks

B: museli with all bran, plain yogurt and coffee

L: Tuna Sandwich with ginger wasabai mayo, coffee

Dinner: Chix tamale, cup of tom soup, steamed veggies, 3 mushroom appetizers and 4 grapes.

Gee, it sounds like a lot for dinner, but I didn't finish everything. I just needed variety and lots of veggies.

Kev: I bought quick cook steele cut oats. I think I got them at Trader Joe's or at Whole Foods, I can't remember. They cook in 5 minutes. I prefer them to plain oatmeal. They just seem to have more texture.

Oh, and I did 55 minutes of vinyasa yoga today. It was very warm here so we ate dinner outside. Very pleasant.

I weighed myself today and I weigh the same that I did a month ago. But, true my personality that I should think I have lost about 5 pounds in a week!!! Let's just say I have issues with the scale. I think I'm just going to stick to trying on my jeans and using my measuring tape. That is the safest thing for me. I'm going to give my scale to Goodwill.


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Post by cvmom » Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:33 am

Day 9 Success !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B: steele cut oatmeal, a peach, topped with vanilla rice milk and 1/2 cup coffee
L: Egg Salad sandwich on rye bread, coffee
D: sauteed veggies with curried beans, side of angel hair pasta and 4 grapes

40 minute uphill stroll in my neighborhood.

The structure of this program is helping my sanity. I am getting a lot more accomplished each day.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:05 am

You Rock Dru!!!
Yes, it's amazing how we can allocate the extra energy which previously was used to "worry" over what we can and can't eat, from the generally confused thinking, to the other extreme of being overly obsessed "carb counting"/"point calculating"...
It's nice to be able to wing it a little and just think "What am I in the mood for for dinner tonight?"
Keep up the great work!
Peace and Love,
ps... Your dinner sounds super yummy!

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Post by cvmom » Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:43 am

Day 10 Success

B: plain yogurt, all bran mixed with mueseli, blueberries, cherries and coffee
L: Salad from Whole Foods Salad Bar
D: Leftover veggie curry thing from last night wrapped in some sprouted whole grain tortilla with guac and salsa.

Note to self: Vegetables are good but remember to balance things. You are vegged out...

Exercise: Does running around at the mall count? How about running around at the mall in pants that used to be tight but are now loose?

I now realize that 10 days is 1/3 of the way to a month. And today at the Whole Foods Bakery, as I was getting each of my boys one cookie for their dessert tonight I realized that as much as I wanted one all I have to do is wait. (Waiting is not usually my strongpoint.) But intead of thinking I can never have one I simply have to shift my perspective. Because I can have one. As long as it's an S day and I plan for it. This is a whole new freedom for me.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:00 am

Vegged out? Not you Dru! :wink:
And Guac Rocks!!!!
Woo hoo for those loose pants!!!!!!!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:54 am

Day 11 - Success!!

B- (the usual - probably should mix it up a bit but I like it): plain yogurt, flax oil, mueseli/all bran combo, fresh cherries and coffee
L - chicken stew and quinoa
D: (Japanese Restaurant): filet mignon teriyaki, veggies, rice and salad (brought half of the plate home)

No exercise today. Kid's graduation, worked at 2 school functions and our pet mouse died. All busy, hectic and traumatic. Still, stuck to my no S.


P.S. Deb you are an awesome cheerleader :)

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Post by ClickBeetle » Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:11 pm

Dru, if you got thru a day like that, you are on the right track, lady!
Well done!!!
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Post by Kevin » Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:09 pm

Great going. Keep it up!
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Post by cvmom » Sat Jun 18, 2005 8:51 pm

Day 12 - Success
Happy to report that I stuck to the rules. I went to a BBQ at dinner time and just stuck to the one plate rule and no stacking. I really wanted a piece of carrot cake, but I knew that tommorrow was an S Day.

Day 13, which is an S day is not quite done but I have had 2 meals and included a bag of Honey Dijon Chips. (I consider that a snack. And I like them so much that I could eat them every day.) Also I went on a 2 hour and 20 minute vertical hike today with some friends (I was dying!!!) so I hope that makes up for my lack of excercise over this past week. My kids are out of school now for the next 2 months so while the "no S ing" is going well I am going to have to make a concerted effort to exercise.

I dont' have time to record all that I've eaten but you all know by now.


P.S. Welcome to all the new people.

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Post by cvmom » Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:26 am

Day 15 - Sucess!!!

B: pl. yogurt, flax oil, museli, blueberries and coffee
L: CPK Thai Chix pizza 2 slices and waldorf salad.
Dinner: Not yet.

The reason that I am counting this day a success is because I managed to go to the movies with my kids and I had a water bottle. I really wanted to just get something but "no Snacks" means "no snacks". Besides, I had a great S day yesterday and had lots of treats down by the river so I really didn't want to slide into my old behavior after 15 days.

On Friday I got on the scale (that I said I was going to give to goodwill) and I found that I'd lost 1.5 pounds. I was pretty shocked since my scale never seems to budge. I like Spiral's idea of weighing in on Saturday am after a good 5 days of restraint.

I cannot thank Reinhard enough for this simple plan. It is so doable and liveable and has truly given my hope. I don't need to lose that much weight but I was at my limit.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:51 am

Congratulations on your resistance at the movie, and on losing that weight!

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:20 pm

cvmom, congratulations! I'm a bit oatmeal fan too, except usually for lunch and I'm too lazy to cook the steel cuts (they tend to explode when I try the microwave shortcut). Don't worry about recording everything you've eaten if it's a pain. I don't, for one. It's a useful exercise for a bit, but then, as you point out, at least if you're behaving, it's no longer information. We know (more or less) without the explicit details. I'm looking forward to the day (soon!) when "success" will no longer be information for you, but safe to assume! Then you can change this from a daily log to only when funny stuff happens, and once a week or month in any case maybe to just let us know you're still on it.

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Post by cvmom » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:59 am

Today, day 16 was a success!!!

No sweets, snacks or seconds. Sorry my posts are so dry. I can't even figure out how to do the little faces in the message. (Being married to a techie...well, lets just say that we balance each other out).


P.S. I think the last time I lasted this long on a "plan" was last year during Lent.

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Post by cvmom » Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:19 am

Day 17 Success!!!

Feeling good. No sweets, no snacks and no seconds. It's a miracle.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:43 am

You're almost there...the magic "21" day is coming up soon! :D

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Post by cvmom » Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:42 pm

Wow. Thanks Jan TZ

I didn't realize that anyone else was counting with me. (big grin, because I don't know how to make those smiley figure come on the screen. I missed the whole computer thing by about 2 or 3. Hey, I wrote all my college papers in longhand!!!)


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Post by margaret » Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:41 pm

Your kind words on my posting and your miracle, feeling good comments on yours are keeping me at bay till lunch. You are a role model. (Whoops, at first I spelled it roll was that a Freudian Slip.)
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Post by margaret » Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:16 pm

when i read how you didn't know how to do the little yellow faces, it made me realize, me neither. I figured I'd practice with this group 'cause they're so forgiving. Image
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Post by margaret » Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:17 pm

gee, guess, I don't quite have it down yet. :oops: [/img]
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Post by margaret » Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:11 pm

Ok, I think I've got it now. Forget about the img* thing and just doubleclick the little face where you want to place the emotion. :) [/img]
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:29 pm

Hi Gals!
Yes we are very forgiving! But if you need to, you can "edit" anything you have written using the "preview" and then "edit buttons"....
Even after you submit a post, you can go back and totally edit out or in anything... So have fun!

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:19 am

Margaret. You have totally made my day. :D :D :D

I can't believe it was that simple. Like Deb, I tend to over-analyze things. :lol:

Well, as far as day 18 goes, I am happy to report that it has been a No S Success.

Looking forward to Saturday.


P.S. I have already started to think about July 4th. Since it is on Monday I think I am going to make Saturday a no-S day. Just throwing that out there so that everyone can get ready.

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Post by margaret » Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:15 am

We've just legalized fireworks in Georgia, so I'm gonna' get some sparklers. It's really a long vacation weekend around here. I hadn't thought much about it (One day at a time for me) But, I'm going to try to have regular meals and I think that will keep me from oversnacking.
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Post by cvmom » Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:17 am

:D Day 19 has been a success!!!! :D

Not too much else to report. I've blabbed enough on other people's folders for one day.

Going on another 2 hour hike tommorrow. That should be fun. I haven't done too much "formal" exercise this week but one of the kids starts camp at "the club" on Monday so I can work out when I drop him off.

Have a great weekend everyone. D.

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Post by cvmom » Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:22 am

"We've just legalized fireworks in Georgia"

Margaret, are you kidding? My kids would die without fireworks. Actually we can't have them where I live because it is all hilly and dry. Still, we get to go watch the display that they have on the ocean.

Have a great weekend.


P.S. I went to Atlanta last April. We stayed at Reynold's Plantation. Is that anywhere near you?

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Post by cvmom » Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:13 pm

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Hello All.

Well, I made it to the 21 club. (A little different then when I turned 21 on a greek island and tried to drink 21 drinks, but that's another story for another board).

I had good S days. The habit thing is really kicking in. I actually found myself saying Oh, I can eat this? or that, etc.

Yesterday I went for it because I had to drive one of the boys to a camp and driving and XM and food all seemed natural. I enjoyed it but I felt kind of gross this morning. In my mind I was thinking: "Thank God it is Monday because I can't take any more excess of food'.

I haven't weighed myself because I am scared to. I have issues. But it looks like my very expensive jeans may be getting loose. I only bought them last month. :lol:

So, it's all good. CVMom
P.S. I hiked for over 2 hours on Saturday with some friends. Also, I went into our gym this morning and did 35 minutes on the elliptical trainer. :)

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Post by Kevin » Mon Jun 27, 2005 8:22 pm

21 drinks on a Greek Island at 21... you sound like fun!

Anyway, post in the 21 club thread. Let's see how many of us get there!
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Post by reinhard » Mon Jun 27, 2005 8:52 pm

Congratulations on making it to 21, and on outgrowing the expensive jeans so quickly-- that's money well wasted, if there is such a thing! Do join us at the 21 club, as Maitre-d Kevin suggests.

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Post by cvmom » Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:49 pm

Hello All

Tues. was a good day. I stayed to the No-S rules. I had a bit of a stomach ache as did the rest of my family. My children are like Petrie dishes. They bring home all kinds of things. :D

Love reading about everyone's weight loss. I was so inspired that I got on my scale and it hadn't budged. So, off to Goodwill it goes today. (In fairness to myself I am PMS so it is probably water). Still, the scale doesn't really work properly in the house anyway because the tiles aren't flat. So, who needs it? I know how much I will weigh intuitively when my levi's go on easier. :lol:


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Post by sibyl » Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:43 pm

Sending the scale to Goodwill sounds like a good plan to me. :wink:

I use the 'how do my jeans fit' measure of weight gain/loss myself.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a bunny with a pancake on its head".

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Post by cvmom » Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:35 pm

This may sound bizarre or it may not. I had this pair of 501 Levi's that were my brother's (from when he was in high school) and I found them in the closet of my parent's house about 5 years later. This was in the early 90's when everyone wore Levi's and those low Guess boots. Anyway, I found these levis and they fit me so I kept them. (He had long grown up and got taller, etc.) So, I had them and knew when I put them on that I was at my ideal weight. Those Levis eventually wore out but I bought an identical pair (I even brought the old ones to the shop to make sure) about 7 years ago. So, really the Levis are my scale.

The Levis have been too loose to wear, snug, impossible to pull over my butt, and just right. Of course I prefer them too loose to wear but currently they are on and buttoned but very snug. I would not really wear them out of the house.

There is something that really threw me off over the past 4 years or so, and that is stretch denim. You know, the spandex type jeans that make you think you are a size smaller then you are? Well, I woke up to that one finally.

So, being that my 501's are so high-waisted they currently live in my dresser drawer. However, with the help of this No S way of living I feel confident that I will be wearing them again.


P.S. It is the end of day 24 and everything is going fine. I am feeling like this No S thing is becoming a habit.

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:46 am

Today was a success!!!!!!!!!!! yipee hooray. I even managed to get my JoLo-esque butt up on the eliptical trainer for 35 minutes...

I do need to talk about dinner though. I had leftover roasted veggies and a slice of cheese pizza. One slice. I then placed a leftover crust of my son's pizza on my plate. It fit, but it bothered me that I had to do that. I guess old habits die hard. I felt like if I didn't do that that I'd want another piece of pizza and that definately wouldn't have fit on my plate. :lol:


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Post by Samurai » Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:13 am

Our posts are starting to sound a lot alike! For you it was a pizza crust, for me it was a small handful of peanuts, lol. Yes, it fit.. but we kinda knew it was just a little extra, you know? And your belly probably wouldn't have known the difference with or without the crust either way. :)

But my real question is, why are you so anxious to rid yourself of a "J-LO like butt?" :wink:
Last edited by Samurai on Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:33 pm

Oh my God, I'm so embarrassed. Please forget that I mentioned my "asset". :D

Happy 4th to all.


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Post by 3lilgals4me » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:02 pm

Dru--congrats on making it 21 days a few days ago! Sounds like you have made some excellent changes and news habits! I think you mentioned issues with th scale in your posts--I am with ya there. In fact I got messed up for a day a few days beck from weighing myself and then feeling stresssed and sorry for myself. Gee, no-ssing and exercise probably would have helped more than the junk-laden grazing I did in response. So, I will strive to go by the "how do my jeans feel" method too!

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Post by cvmom » Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:22 pm

Hello Judy. Thanks for the post.

I have a funny story. Our Club introduced some new weight lifting equipment called "Strive". Apparently it is used by the Marines, etc. So, a friend and I went on the training yesterday.

Well, let's just say that I could barely get out of be this morning. :lol:

My legs and behind were (are) so stiff that I missed my Saturday hike with the girls.

So I'm hobbling around my house today. Did a bit of weeding in the garden and enjoyed my S lunch.

S days are fun now. I don't even really feel like eating just because I can. Still, I had a bag of my favorite chips. (Kettle, Honey Dijon) For some odd reason they didn't taste as good as they usually do. Maybe it's because I'm eating healthier. Don't know.

So, just checking in to say hey. My computer has a fatal error, whatever that means so I'm on husband's laptop.

Hope you all enjoy our Great Country's Birthday.

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Post by cvmom » Tue Jul 05, 2005 3:57 pm

Checking in after a long 3 S days.

Boy do I feel like @#$%! I mean, really. It is getting to the point that I don't even want S days. I didn't realize that I was so sensitive to foods. Now, I didn't really eat too terribly but there was one day where I just snacked all day long. (But, I got almost 20 pages scrapbooked :lol: )

As I told Deb, this July 4th party that we went to had the worst food. Almost unedible. I think we need to start going to the beach party.

Anyway, I'm glad it's a Non S day so that I can detox. I am going to work on portion control this week so I can see some improvement. I am not losing weight as fast as I'd like.


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Not losing weight as fast as you'd like...

Post by Kevin » Tue Jul 05, 2005 4:51 pm

Does anyone lose weight as fast as they'd like? :0)
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Post by cvmom » Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:06 pm

You are right Kev. I know that it will take a lot more then a month. Still, I am an impatient person and I want it all now!!!! :D

How are you doing? Did you get through the 3 day weekend okay?

I have only had one meal today as I wasn't hungry until 11am.


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Post by cvmom » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:41 pm

Day 32 and still going strong.

Going to the gym to weight lift. Should be interesting.


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Post by ClickBeetle » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:56 pm

I read over the weekend that a study showed that women in particular overestimate the amount that they expect to lose. Most women in the study stated that they would be unsatisifed if their ending weight reflected a loss of 30 pounds. The study concluded that such a loss in one long period of dieting and exercise was unrealistic. It also said that setting an unrealistic initial goal may set people up for perceived "failure" when they only lose 5 or 10 pounds.

I have a problem with setting goals too high initially, so I decided to try lose 5% of my body weight and then come back for another 5% if I can.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:43 pm

Hey Dru and Betsy! :D
Here's to being realistic!!! Our goals may seem more "boring" if they are not fast and immediate, but, heck why would we want it to be that way if we know it's not maintainable? And it doesn't mean we shouldn't have goals either. We are not "settling" for any less than anyone who ever set a "quick" goal, infact, I believe we are expecting more of ourselves by adding endurance to the mix....

It's very easy to be duped into thinking you can lose weight fast, and yes it is possible through extreme measures.... And I'm willing to bet we've all been there, and "done that".... (I bet even our adored Reinhard has had some experiences with "quick loss" stuff which didn't really stick, though that's pure speculation on my part! :wink: ) It's just all pervasive in modern Western society, and probably Eastern too...

Today, I met a woman who is going to be one of the people on the show "The Biggest Loser" I'm not going to mention her name, but she works out at the gym I'm at... She got to chose her trainer and he just happens to be at this location... Well I pulled her aside today since she is a seemingly very sweet person and I noticed that she looked really like she had changed a lot... I wanted her to know how great she looked, so we got to talking....
Okay, she divulged that besides all the personal training sessions, she has been only allowing herself to eat 6-7 hundred calories a day....
Is she changing? Yes. Will she be able to maintain that big loss some far away day in the future, if she goes back to eating more? Who knows....
But what I thought was fairly interesting about her, was her stand on sweets... She seemed to be a natural Nosser in that respect... She only lets herself and her kids have candy or treats in small amounts, and not as a daily occurence, though she admitted to previously having a major problem with polishing off whole bags of Oreos! And, btw, her personal training is being paid for by the show, but will she keep up with it when the show is over?.....

There was another woman I saw today, actually one of my massage clients, who was jumping up and down after her personal training session, because she had lost 6 pounds in her first week... I congratulated her for that, and the next thing she mentioned was "Okay now I just have to lose another ten pounds by next week!"..... Who knows? I wish her well, but couldn't help saying, "It's normal, and even healthier, if your weight loss comes to you a little more slowly..." But then she said, "Well my challenge is to lose 20 lbs in two weeks...."
All I could do was think

But I was there too, at one time or another... Society and diet fads, plus the countless weight loss "challenges" which the gyms use to sell their memberships, all send a very skewed message to people about what healthy weight loss should be... We then adopt this distorted idea as our own, rather than just being patient... I guess being slow, and patient is a minority attitude.

Another guy I just saw today told me he had liposuction over the weekend to get rid of his tummy... This is someone who *works at a gym and has a free membership!*
The stats are totally against him, though, that he'll be able to keep his weight loss through this means of reduction....
There is just no substitute for taking responsibility, and creating new healthy habits...
But I predict that there will be a total shift towards moderation and NoS will be in the forefront! It's already starting...
I saw some tv news story, yesterday (without the sound, so sorry not really sure what they were saying) with the story headline "Smart Sizing"
They were holding up Burger King (I think) hamburgers, and then showing a smaller size version....
So there seems to be a growing consciousness about downsizing, instead of supersizing....

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:29 pm

Okay, I've been thinking (always a bit scary) and I've come to this conclusion that No S works because of the cumulative time that you do it, not what you eat.

For the past 33 days I've been doing this. Faithfully. So, out of those days I have "S'ed" 9 days. (July 4th was an S day too)

Prior to that every day was an S day. Unless I was on a diet. Some were moderate S days and some were SSSS days, if you know what I mean.

So, what I'm trying to say is that yes, I've lost weight (3 or 4 pounds) and yes I've lost 4 inches!!! And really, I have never had an easier time. I am not pulling out a little calculator to find "Points". I am not doing math. I am not calculating carbs. I'm just sticking to the rules.

I am very confident that I will lose 10, 15 or even 20 (my bikini weight) pounds! I believe this simply because eating like a normal person my weight will stabilize where it is supposed to be. It may take a year but I know that it will happen.

So to those people here who are lurking or having starts and stops I have to use the old Nike slogan: Just Do It. I did. And it is working.


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:12 pm

A wonderful, inspirational post, Dru. You'll be in that bikini in no time!

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Post by navin » Sat Jul 09, 2005 1:44 am

Way to go Dru! Yeah, it's the "law of averages"... The 5/2 ratio of "good" to "bad" days wins out over the long run.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:11 am

Dru!!! Congrats on a very nicely done month!
You go girl!!!
Good luck with the bikini goal!
I'll see you there by next year! Hopefully :lol:
Love and Hugs!

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Post by cvmom » Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:57 pm

Thanks for the encouragement guys.

Seriously, I didn't intend to have such a positive message it just flew out of me. (Stream of consciousness writing...)

I am finding that Friday evenings are my last "hill to climb", so to speak.

I had dinner with a friend and all of our kids. Mexican food. No prob. Just don't eat the chips. I had a very normal enchilada rice and beans. Then we took the kids to Coldstone at the mall. I soooo wanted one. But, hey, knowing that tommorrow was an S day I could deal with it. The problem (there is always a problem, isn't there?) is that I never tend to get to the mall on Saturdays or Sundays lately. Today we are all hanging out at our club and taking the kids swimming all day. I may just have to plan "S"pecial trips to the mall if you know what I mean.

Regarding the bikini I am pretty sure I could wear it.
I have been doing pilates for a year and a half now. My "core" is very defined, it is just under a layer of cookies. :lol:
Deb, you will have to meet me at Carmel Beach next year. Or I'll head over to Long Island. 8)

Have a great weekend guys. Dru

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Post by peetie » Sat Jul 09, 2005 4:52 pm

I am impressed how you could bypass Coldstone knowing that tomorrow, Scarlet, is another day.

Sometimes I think, "But what if I die in my sleep tonight?"

If only I was as good at life in general as I am in, I'd be something!!!!


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Post by Ariel King » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:05 pm

Dru -- I'm very impressed too by your strength at the ice cream place. I think Friday nights are going to be one of my hardest issues too. The main problem is that Friday evening has always been the start of the weekend in my mind. Last Friday night I was battling monstrous cravings. I fought them off all evening, and then about 11 pm, my husband came in with a bowl of ice cream. Grr. I explained my quandary to him and he said I should just define my S days as Friday evening to Sunday evening... you know, the whole "sundown to sundown" thing that's been discussed before. I'm considering it, but I don't like the idea of tampering with Reinhard's rules. I may just have to observe myself for a few weekends and see if Friday nights get any easier. OK, I'll stop hijacking your discussion now! :wink:

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Post by cvmom » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:11 pm

Checking in after a splendid S weekend.

I have now realized that 2 S days is perfect. What did I indulge in? Saturday I had 2 slices of pizza (instead of 1) and a normal bowl of ice cream later. I did not feel the need to devour the entire pint so that it true progress.

Yesterday I ate chocolate in the middle of the day and after dinner someone broke out some chocolate covered popcorn. I've never had it before. Pretty darn decent.

I woke up this morning feeling light and not stuffed and looking forward to my N days. I feel as though the structure is just enough. I don't think I'd want to go an entire month without chocolate but having it every 6 days is A-OK with me.

Another perk of being here on this board is that life, in general, seems more productive . I am getting more done around the house because I'm not wasting time thinking about food and dieting, etc.

Also, I love knowing that there are other people doing NoS so I don't feel alone in my journey. We are all in this together. A bit odd to have to "Pioneer" to eat like normal people, but what the heck? It works.

I hope you guys all have a great week. Dru

P.S. to Ariel: I was just about to hit Submit when I saw your post!!! Friday night is the final hill. I know what you mean about starting your weekend on Friday night but I wouldn't mess with it. Waking up Saturday, knowing that you have gone 5 days (5 Days!!!!) is very empowering to say the least. Unless Friday night is someone's birthday or wedding or funeral I wouldn't mess with it. D.

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Post by Ariel King » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:17 pm

cvmom wrote: Another perk of being here on this board is that life, in general, seems more productive . I am getting more done around the house because I'm not wasting time thinking about food and dieting, etc.
Amen to that! I have had several weeknights where I was literally wondering what to do with myself because I would normally be snacking at that time. And on some of those occasions I went and played the piano instead. Talk about a GREAT substitution!! :D

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Post by peetie » Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:34 pm

Yes....this plan forces us to get a life. No more filling countless hours with counting points, calories, carbs and fat grams....not to mention hours of evening pigouts when we get tired of counting the points, calories, carbs and fat grams!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:12 pm

Hey Dru!!!
You're doing great work! I'm so impressed with your insights, and I am happy for you that you are, as Prunie Peetie said "getting a life"! LOL....
As far as knowing that others are with you on your journey... That is really something that can make all the difference... There's such cumulative pressure on us in so many ways to fulfill "weird" body images, go on totally insane diets, take drugs and have frickin plastic surgery at the drop of a hat, that it really is great to know that you don't need to be one of the masses of unhappy, *un-normal*, (heh I know that's not really a word...) people floating from one bizarre fad to another, or counting points till you want to kill someone! LOL! That is, as Reinhard would say, a "joyless" approach to food... NoS let's you enjoy eating, and Life!

Every now and then I like to re-read Reinhards mainpage... It's about as important to me, and as rare as the Lost Dead Sea Scrolls!!!
Let's all raise our glasses and toast to ourselves, life and NoS!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:38 am

gratefuldeb67 wrote:
Every now and then I like to re-read Reinhards mainpage... It's about as important to me, and as rare as the Lost Dead Sea Scrolls!!!
Okay Deb, there are a few times when reading people's posts that I actually can't stop laughing That was one of them :lol: I love your insights too!!! The Dead Sea Scrolls - :o

You are hilarious. For someone having stress at work you certainly haven't lost your sense of humor.

I was in a panic b/c I couldn't log on earlier. I figured out that the computer was logged on to my son so it was all blocked. This is worrisome to me. I am realizing just how much I depend on my friends and the support that I get here.

I'll be thinking of you Deb. I hope all goes well at work. Dru

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Post by cvmom » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:18 am

Today's challenge: to sit in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory watching an entire movie about candy while DH was popping whoppers in his mouth. :roll:

Happy to say that I survived.

Sooooo looking forward to tommorrow.


P.S. It was a great movie, for those that are interested in such things.

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Post by peetie » Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:27 pm

Dru, the must be a special place for you in Willpower Heaven!!!


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Post by cvmom » Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:27 pm

Another freeform stream of consciousness analysis:

Food doesn't work anymore. Yesterday I was stressed (trying to put those bloody Ikea things together) and kept going to the kitchen to find food. It was an S day so it was allowed. The trouble was that the food didn't make me feel better. In the end my "Snack" was an heirloom tomato with slices of mozzerella cheese and balsalmic dressing :!: :!: What is going on here? I am starting to crave real food. Yes, I still had the ice cream later in the evening so it's not like I'm miraculously cured of my sweet tooth. But there is a shift happening to me. I look forward all week to my chips or cookie or whatever and they taste good but their allure has diminished. Has anyone else had this happen?


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:00 pm

Hi Dru,

If you don't eat sweets, you will lose your sweet tooth after a while. Yes, it's true!

As you are beginning to notice, food only satisfies hunger, not boxed furniture, or other annoying occupations. It took me a long while to learn this, but it is learned now, thanks to the No-S Diet. I used to head for the fridge during transition moments, just on autopilot, and find stuff to eat. Now I don't do that anymore.

You should try to begin exercising even before the munchkins go off to school. 14 minutes is pretty reasonable. If you don't have any equipment at all in the house, try "lifting weights" with one-pound bags of rice or beans -- they're easy to hang on to. Try 14 min. of marching up and down in place in the living room; do it to children's music that your kids like. Add some Leslie Sansone moves: march, kick, side step, knee left, all to the beat of the music. Or do a few minutes of "weights" and a few minutes of all works!

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Post by ClickBeetle » Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:05 pm

YES!! It has happened to me. My sweet tooth has been tamed considerably, and in general I am just not as interested in krunchy things that come in krinkly bags.

I am so impressed with your "snack" of "real food." That is just the kind of result I am looking for in retraining myself.

In my posts here I've spilled a lot of ink about heirloom tomatoes, specialty breads from the French bakery, corn fresh out of the field, etc. etc. It's not that I want to be a food snob (although probably that is ego-gratifying on some level) -- it's more about re-learning real food pleasure, savoring quality instead of quantity -- healthily enjoying life's most abundant pleasure, being a mindful eater not a mindless one.

I don't want to be a super-sized, industrialized, commercialized, anonymized Consumer Unit. I want to spend time working in the fields where some of my food is grown. - - I want to know the names of my farmers, and the varieties of tomatoes I like best. When it's time for a snack, I don't want to turn to the Frito-Lay corporation ... I want to turn to the good earth, and healthy systems that work in harmony with it.
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Post by cvmom » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:49 pm

Jammin Jan:

You are right!!! Even though I know that I'm a pretty active person I should be doing something every day. I will set a goal, but not today. I have too much going on. Plus, the treadmill is buried in the garage. :oops:


I am in agreement with you. I too would like to live off the land. I refuse to shop at Wal Mart or take my kids to FF restaurants. (Both boys have seen Supersize me and the older one has sworn off FF. The younger one still likes nuggets but he eats veggie ones unbeknownst to him!)

I am very fortunate that where I live we have numerous Farmer's Markets, the Earthbound Farms farm, Whole Foods, etc. Our produce here is amazing which makes it easy for my kids to eat their vegetables. I do have a fantasy though of living off the land and growing all my own food. I keep telling my family that I'm going to apply for the next "Frontier House". The boys are all techies. I'd like to see how they'd survive. I think building furniture out of logs may be easier then Ikea. :lol:


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Post by Prodigalsun » Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:01 pm

Good on you for boycotting walmart. I've come to the conclusion that Walmart is a cancer on our economy and small businesses.

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Post by ClickBeetle » Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:18 pm

I don't like callapillows (caterpillars) so living off the land is out for me. Also, I have to be within 10 minutes of an art museum. 8) ... What to do? Well, I found that a farmshare is a great way to keep in touch with the earth while going about my business as a city gal ... in less than two years I have gone from an entirely industrialized diet to getting nearly all my food locally ... here is what I now get from near home:

Milk, butter: All local, from one of two local dairies that don't use BGH and do pasture their cows (most dairy in the US is feedlot now :cry: )
Chicken, beef, pork: All from one farm. Beef and pork are not always available (they only raise a couple beeves at one time), so I eat lots more chicken. This is the way things used to be, anyway.
Eggs: All from one farm + sometimes my neighbor has some extra. Eggs from pastured hens are SO much tastier. And wow, what they do for your cakes, muffins, and cookies!
Veggies: Mostly from farmer's market. If not local, at least organic, for the most part.
Coffee: Not grown in N.Carolina :wink: but I can get it from a co-op that doesn't turn coffee farmers into virtual slaves.
Bread: Trying to switch over from supermarket bread to local bakeries (pita, french bread, etc.)
Beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc: Not local but I have turned to these as much more of a dietary staple (vs. white flour and meat as the centerpiece of most meals).

I go out to the organic farm about 2x per year and it lifts my mood for weeks. The whole system is a kind of "win-win-win-win" situation. Better for the farmer ... better for the land ... better for the animals ... better for the environment ... better for one's health ... not to mention one's psychological and spiritual states. I know, I am so preachy about this. It's just that it has made such a difference in my life!!!
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Post by cvmom » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:30 am

Hi Betsy:

It sounds like you are having a good time going to all of those places. I wish I had the time to do that.

We went to Farmer's Market tonight and guess what my 11 year old boy wanted? Local Balsalmic vinegar!! It cracked me up. I bought he and his friend some fresh bread and they had the bread and vinegar as a snack when they got home. It beats sugary fruit snacks masquereding (sp?) as food.


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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:50 am

Hi Dru -- The farmshare has a dropoff location near me so I just place my order over the internet and then once a week they put the bags of stuff in the carport at the dropoff house. The local milk & butter are available at the supermarket. Which is a good thing because I have no patience or time for driving around.
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Post by Ariel King » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:42 pm

Hi Dru. Your son asked for balsamic vinegar?!? That's gotta be a first. Not only that a kid actually likes something like that, but that he would actually ask for it. WOW! I'm impressed with you for teaching him to enjoy the finer things early in life. :)

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Post by cvmom » Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:22 pm


When your baby starts eating (okay, I know we are projecting into the future here) let me give you advice on what not to do. I have (had) very picky eaters. But I think that my older son is starting to grow and is actually trying all kinds of adult foods. The younger son is another story. He rarely tries anything new. But, his whole life is like that. He just has to be talked into going to new places, trying new things etc. I have to say that he is maturing and in fact next week selected "Invasion Games" for his week at camp. They play dodgeball, capture the flag, king ball, etc. I was surprised at his choice so maybe he is growing up too.

Okay, enough rambling. I think if I spend too much time on this message board then I may qualify for a computer geek too :!:

Have a great day. Dru

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:32 pm

Hmm. So is there anything you can do to minimize the pickiness? I don't mind getting advice early...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:33 am

Hi Dru and Ariel!
I think the earliest you can expose your baby to new and varied tastes the more open they will be to new foods in later life...
But whatever you do, don't nag or threaten, bribe or use dessert as a "reward" or "punishment" (ie the withholding of it...)
I say, put the food in front of them very matter of factly, and let them try it....
One of my favorite books on "fussy eating" was an adorable childrens classic called
"Bread and Jam for Frances".... I recommend that as a great bedtime story for people with toddlers...
8) Deb

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Post by Ariel King » Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:22 pm

Whoa, I remember that book! I liked that one a lot. I think it was about a little bear named Frances who wouldn't eat anything but bread and jam, until one day she got absolutely sick of it and finally tried something different. Great book.

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Post by Prodigalsun » Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:46 pm

We've got all the Frances books. My personal fav, A Bargain for Frances. Bread and Jam is a close second.

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Post by cvmom » Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:14 pm


I think where I went wrong in creating picky eaters was that I didn't expose them to mixed foods. I always made a plate that had 3 or 4 things on it that didn't touch. Unfortuately, now they won't eat casseroles or stews or soups or anything that is blended. It is a bummer because sometimes it would be nice just to throw stuff into a crockpot. I do agree with Deb that you can't force them to eat everything on their plates. My little one recently had a check up and I gave the Pediatrician a food diary just to make sure he was eating well enough. I'm happy to report that he is fine on the growth chart and perfectly healthy. (Of course, my parents think he has an eating disorder because he won't eat a hamburger. They think it is abnormal. Wrong!) We could start an entire thread on meddling parents. :lol:

Regarding Frances: is she the muskrat that lived on an island with her little muskrat family? Is that the same character? There was one book that I used to love as a child and it was about a family of muskrats who traveled around on a raft.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:15 am

Now I'm really confused! I think Frances was not a bear or muskrat.... maybe a badger???? Doy!
Whatever she was, she would only eat bread and jam until she was so sick of it she finally caved in and tried spaghetti and meatballs at the end!
I didn't know there was another one.. Thanks Prod.. If I have any other kids I'll look into it! :wink:
ps.. Dru, parents are meddling (But not us!!! :lol: )...

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:14 pm

I am going to meddle for as long as I can get away with it. I am very subtle though. :D

Yeah, today is Friday.


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Post by Prodigalsun » Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:17 pm

Frances was a badger.

Lived with Mom, Dad, and younger sister.

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:37 pm

Okay Prod.

Now I am going to have to go on Amazon for a missing muskrat.

I will let you all know when I find her.


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