Thtrchic's Daily Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Thtrchic's Daily Check-in

Post by thtrchic » Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:04 am

I started this a few weeks ago and after a pretty good first week, let it drop. But now I'm back and have just finished a successful first no-S day. Yay me! :)

I just thought I'd check in and celebrate that for a second.

On to tomorrow, and another successful, healthy day.

Last edited by thtrchic on Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:07 pm

Good for you!!! Keep posting. :D

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:15 pm

Congratulations, Julie! Looking forward to more.


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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:30 pm

Welcome back!!

Let me tell you - this is the BEST plan for the rest of your life. Diets don't work!

All my best in your endeavors....
~I'm still not perfect~

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Post by thtrchic » Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:03 pm

I didn't manage to check in yesterday, but I did manage to have a SUCCESS for the day.

Oatmeal and a banana for breakfast, a tuna sandwich, lf tortilla chips, and an apple for lunch. I somehow wasn't hungry/didn't feel like eating at dinner, but as a compromise I had some unsweetened dried fruit and nuts. I kept it to one serving, since a plate of that would obviously be ridiculous.

I'm struggling today, but not giving in. I just need to remember what I actually want most -- to lose weight and be healthy -- and not carb filled snacks, which is what I'm craving right now.

Had granola and banana for breakfast, lean cuisine mac&cheese, an apple, and some edamame for lunch, and have half a peanut butter and all-fruit sandwich, an odwalla smoothie drink, and a protein bar for dinner (half eaten before my hour long exercise class, and half after -- that's why it's kind of a weird dinner).

Also have been drinking tons of water -- easily 14 cups a day.

Back later to officially post the success of today. :)

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Post by thtrchic » Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:58 am

Day 3 is now an official SUCCESS!

On to day 4.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:49 am

Day 4 - SUCCESS!

It was a little different today. Usually I really struggle in the late afternoon's. Today I was fine then, had my lunch, and a bunch of water, and didn't have much trouble. Now tonight I'm having a hard time resisting eating more. Partially because my dinner wasn't super satisfying I'm sure, but I did eat basically enough food so although I do feel a little hungry I know I'm ok and don't need more.

Food today:
breakfast - bagel with lite cream cheese
lunch - whole wheat crackers, tuna fish with a little miracle whip, tortilla chips (also planned a banana but it got stolen at work)
dinner - chicken with rice, boysenberry yogurt

And tons of water again.


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Post by JustAnnie » Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:28 am

I was advised to drink a little milk or juice at night if you're hungry so your stomach doesn't rumble and keep you awake. It worked for me. You might want to try it too.
Just Annie

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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:54 am

Day 5 - success.

Slightly modified, though, allowing me to have a dinner out with a friend including an appetizer eaten in moderation and part of a dessert eaten in moderation. But decided in advance and went according to plan so I still think it's a success. I feel entirely good about what I did.

The deal is that I switched the time of my day ending to accommodate a pre-existing plan so that my S day started tonight at 6 and Sundays S-dayness will end at 6pm that day. It's a little convoluted and therefore sort of against the rules, but I think not too bad and letting life and good behavior work together.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:55 am

By the way, thanks very much for the advice Annie. That's a good thought to keep in mind "in case." Yesterday, though, I wasn't THAT hungry so it was ok to hold out.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:07 am

Today's an S day, but definitely a successful one. I haven't actually veered off usual course much. The only snack/sweet I had was a piece of homemade bread with a little strawberry butter on it. And my breakfast was a granola bar, which doesn't exactly fit. Although it's not exactly a sweet either. I might still have something else tonight, but I'm feeling much more like having an orange than the gelato I have. It's an odd experience. But it's leaving me feeling good.

I've also had my usual ton of water. And walked for half an hour. And am planning on doing some strength training tonight still.

EDIT -- I did do the strength training and did have the orange. But then also had a glass of chocolate milk, made with lowfat milk at least. I was feeling pretty hungry, but don't really like milk to drink plain and decided since it was an S day I could splurge on making it chocolate. So I did. And it tasted really good. :)


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:14 pm

Yesterday was a more sweet and snack filled S day, but I don't think into the realm of idiotic. It was chocolatey, but could have been much worse and there were actual meals mixed in there too, albeit somewhat small ones.

Today isn't over yet and I have a dinner meeting, but I know I can be successful. My lunch was also out with a group of work people and first I had me a nice salad bar lunch, two real plates, but one virtual one. And then I said no to dessert, but then our server (the husband of one of the people there) brought us out to gooey, warm, choclately desserts anyway. They looked really good, but still I abstained. And people pressured me a bit to just have a little, but I said "No thanks. I'm not eating sweets during the week." And they said "Not even one bite" and I said "I try not to." And that was that. I drank a cup of coffee and talked and they ate the yumminess. And I feel good. And at least one of them felt nauseaus from all the sugar.

Yay for day 8!

Back tonight for my official success check-in.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:59 am

It's now an officially sUCCESSFUL day 8!

Today took more willpower, but was definitely worth it.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:09 am

Day 9 - SUCCESS!

Slight cravings for chocolate tonight, which I think are entirely PMS related, but I've resisted and will keep resisting because I just don't need it. And I want to be thinner, stronger, and healthier more.

Breakfast - oatmeal, raisins
Lunch - peanut butter and all-fruit spread sandwich, lf chips, raspberry yogurt
Dinner - salmon patties with miracle whip, macaroni and cheese

Also walked 30 mins and did about 15 mins strength training.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:14 am

Day 10 - SUCCESS!!!

I'm proud of myself. And feeling great.

Breakfast -- bagel with light cream cheese, lowfat latte
Lunch - salmon patty, mac and cheese, raspberry yogurt
Dinner - triscuits with raw almond butter, fruit leather, 1/2 banana

Lots of water again.

55 minutes of boot camp exercise class.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:38 am

Day 11 -- SUCCESS.

I haven't done my exercise yet and feeling not too great about that, but can fix that by just doing it. I was about to write above that although I succeeded at no-s I didn't at exercise, but then realized that was stupid since there's no reason I can't still do it. It's inside work that takes 20 minutes and it's not even 9pm yet. So that's what I'll do and have an unqualified day of success.

Food success was good too. I was SO hungry when I got home from work and just wanted sweets, which is very typical of me when I'm hungry, but resisted that and had my good dinner. This is a victory for me as mostly in my life I would have just had the sweet thing.

B - fruit smoothie juice drink, oatmeal
L - salami sandwich, apple, coffee
D - chicken tikka, naan, 1/2 banana

14 cups water. About to do my planned exercise.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:14 am

Day 12 - SUCCESS!

For some reason it has not been THAT hard. Not nothing, but not so impossible.

I was really hungry all day today, but stuck to my plan and didn't have any snacks. Even while shopping with a co-worker for an event we're having tomorrow and being confronted with a ton of samples that she kept insisting were great.

B- bagel with lite cream cheese, raisins, coffee
L - chicken tikka, naan, apple
D - chipotle burrito bowl with chicken and chips (not the healthiest ever, but it did fit on a plate and I didn't eat past being full)


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:42 am

Just as soon as I claimed this wasn't SO hard it's suddenly become SO SO hard. Suddenly I'm going crazy wanting desert. I don't wnat to do it, though. I'm almost through day 12. And tomorrow is an S day. This would be the silliest time to give in to cravings.

Plus I've already declared success for today so I can't do anything off plan now. :)

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Post by thtrchic » Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:06 am

Days 13 and 14 - S days. Yesterday was a bit out of control even for an S day, but still within the letter of the law. Today was much better. I did have candy, but not an insane amount and also 2 real meals including a fruit and a vegetable.

Got my aerobic and strength training stuff done yesterday and strength stuff today, but not my walking today. It's been cold and snowy today making walking really tough. I did order a taebo video today that I can use in the future to help ward off weather related exercise trouble.

The start of week 3 tomorrow. Here's to it.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Jan 23, 2007 3:59 am

Day 15 - SUCCESS!

Another good day. Yay!

B - bagel with lite cream cheese, raisins
L - peanut butter and all fruit spread sandwich, tortilla chips, apple
D - tuna with low fat honey mustard dressing, triscuits, 1/3 cup fruit & nut mix

Exercise - 50 minute boot camp class, 20 minutes walking while waiting for a meeting


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:29 am

Day 16 - Success. With no-s at least. I didn't manage to do my planned exercise. Some excuses for that include being sore from last night's workout, it being cold and icy out and me not yet having a suitable inside cardio option, and me being a bit lazy.

B - oatmeal (2 packets of the instant, but whole oat kind)
L - salad with a bunch of veggies, some egg white, some cheese, a few raisings, croutons, and olives and lf french dressing, 1 flatbread, strawberries
D - pizza

Lots of water as usual.

Tomorrow is a S-pecial day. My boyfriend will be back after being out of the country for a month (and travelling for about 24 hours straight to get back) and we'll be having whatever he wants whenever he wants it. And I'm not going to worry about it. And I'm going to get right back to N days on Thrusday. This is a highly unusual circumstance so I'm going with it.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:24 am

Day 17 - S Day. But a successful one. I was very in control, ate limited quantities of fun stuff brought home from the Netherlands and India, had a very light breakfast of fruit, and a decent controlled dinner.

B - pineapple
L and snacks- about 2 oz. gouda, 1 flatbread, 2incredibly yummy siroop waffle (dutch caramel infused cookie), 2 bite size dutch chocolates, couple bites of indian sesame cookie
D- 1 falafel, some gyros meat, bit of pita bread, little hummus, rice


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:16 am

Day 18 - Success!

I think I'm going to make it through 21 days. One more day and I will since days 20 and 21 are S days. :) Tomorrow will be a little tough, though, as it's a co-workers birthday and there are plans to go out for dinner and drinks after work to celebrate. I will have one or two non-sugary drinks and some reasonable one-plated dinner.

B - apple
L - salami, bologna, and gouda sandwich on multi-grain bread, tortilla chips, nonfat strawberry yogurt
D - ethiopian -- there's no way to have that on one plate since it's not served that way, but I think it fit ok. And I passed up dessert and the little candies they gave us with the check at the end.

Lots of water again. Walked 30 minutes and did my planned strength training which took 15 minutes.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:26 am

Day 19 - Success.

There were mini cupcakes with really yummy looking frosting at work today, but I didn't touch despite being offered more than once and them sitting out for hours.

B - banana, small nonfat latte (had many hours later, but I'm counting it as ok anyway)
L - big salad with veggies, turkey, cheese, sliced almonds, craisins, edamame, olives, and low-fat raspberry vinagrette dressing
D- potatoes, dill rice with edamame

Walked a fast 20 minutes, which was my planned exercise today.

Tomorrow -- sure success on food since it's an S day and 30 minutes walking + 15-20 minutes strength training.

Sunday -- day 21 and sure food success and 20 minutes wlaking + 15-20 strength.

Monday -- round 2 day 1 and boot camp.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:54 am

Somehow I forgot to mention that in this time I officially lost 2 pounds, 1% body fat, and about 1 inch. Not dramatic or spectactular, but still good. And I know that part of that is that this week I maintained with an extra S day, 2 dinners out, a crazy Saturday S day, and frozen pizza for dinner one of the other days. Oh, and I missed one of my major exercise days this week. So, really in light of all that it's surely good to have kept the 2 pounds off.

Maybe I can manage a total of 3 off in the next 3 weeks, though?

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Post by thtrchic » Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:44 pm

Day 22 (aka day 1, round 2) -- so far so good. I won't declare it a success until tonight, though. This has been my first N-day not at work. I've been struggling a bit, but am sticking to my guns.

My lunch got a little bit off because I really really didn't like what I made so after eating about 1/4 of it I ended up getting rid of it and making something else. Im pretty positive that the amount I did eat plus the new stuff would all fit on one plate, though.

B - about 1 oz gouda, crackers, apple, 2 TBS peanut butter
L - 1/4 of grilled cheese made on whole multi grain bread, hormel frozen cheeseburger, tortilla chips
D - big bowl of cereal with milk and bananas, something else TBD after boot camp class

lots of water, 50+ minute boot camp exercise class

Back for an official success check-in tonight. I just wanted to do this now to keep me focused on the good things that I'm going to be doing and eating.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:16 am

Day 22 -- Official Success!

Yay for me. :)


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:27 am

Day 23-- qualified success.

My qualification is that I had some apple juice post dinner. It was 100% juice and dinner was a little small and I was feeling not too great. I think I'm going to consider it a success since I would have had room for an apple on my plate at dinner and I did everything else right today. Anyone think that's maybe cheating?

B - banana
L - bologna and cheese sandwich on multigrain bread, tortilla chips, fat free strawberry yogurt
D - pasta frittata (basically pasta and eggs baked together with some parmesan cheese), apple juice

A TON of water today.

About 30 minutes slow walking and 30 minutes strength training.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:06 am

Day 24 - FAILURE.

It wasn't too bad a failure and someday I wouldn't worry much, but with less than a month of this under my belt I need to call it that. While shopping at costco I took a sample that was half of a bite size cream puff. Then later I ended up eating a bunch of pistachios. The pistachios definitely fit on my dinner plate and could be virtual plated that way and my calories for the day (which I still count because I like to see what Im doing) are pretty ok, but it wasn't part of the planned meal and it was eaten in a snacking way. Neither of these are drastic and I did a bunch of other good things today, including the most important which was not letting the fact that I'd fail and would be starting over on counting days be an excuse to just start eating. I see how these could very easily lead to more snacking and sweets, though, so I need to draw the line and be strict and just say "No! This is not ok."

So tomorrow I'll just start over on Day 1 and work my way back up. I do feel a little worried right now because I feel myself wanting to say that it's ok I can make adjustments and it's ok I can wait til Monday to start again. But it's not ok and I don't want to give up. So There! :)


B- bagel with lite cream cheese
L+- 1/2 bologna and cheese sandwich, sunchips, lowfat fruit yogurt, (bite of cream puff)
D - (pistachios), oatmeal, apple

15 minutes slow walking, 45 minutes boot camp class

Something like 12 or 14 cups of water.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:14 am

Day 1 - Success.

It wasn't the absolute healthiest day ever, but within the confines of No-S. And calories.

B - banana, triscuits
L- Chipotle burrito bowl (chicken, rice, bit of cheese) and chips
D - 2 cups of blackberries, 1 cup Kashi 7 whole grain puffed cereal with 1 cup 1% milk and 1 teaspoon sugar (I figured this was ok since it's ok in coffee)

12+ cups of water.

15 minutes upper body strength training work.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:55 pm

Ugh, day 2 - FAILURE.

If it had been an S day it would have been a good one. Sadly, it was not. I did learn some things, though. If I'm going to do some exercise in the morning I need to plan my food to account for that. I need to be sure to include more protein in meals, especially early ones, especially if I work out at all in the morning. I didn't do this and just couldn't get full on the food I had and ended up giving into to a bottle of chocolate milk and a very small handful of raw trail mix. I did feel a lot better after that. But it was chocolate, which was definitely not allowed, and non-meal food (aka snacks) so also not allowed.

Today and tomorrow are S days so I'll start back over on day 1 on Monday.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:04 pm

Just wanted to quickly post to help with a little extra personal motivation.

It's day 1 again and I have food set to do this right.

For breakfast I've had granola with milk and will shortly eat my banana.

Lunch will be 1/2 a quiznos tuna sandwich, some carrots, some chips, and a yogurt.

Dinner will be oatmeal and an apple before my boot camp class and a leftover piece of super super thin italian style (the crust practically a tortilla's width) of mushroom and goat cheese pizza (no other cheese or sauce or anything) after class.

And lots and lots of water today. Tomorrow will already be an S day because it's opening night of a show at the theatre I work at (there are only 4 a year so they are special). I'll eat normally during the day and only veer at night when the event is going on. I thought about not allowing it as I'm just trying to get started again here after some trouble last week, but the true spirit of No-S does allow it so I think it's fine and I shouldn't try and over-restrict.

Back tonight to report my success. :)


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:00 am

Day 1 - Success!

It feels good to have an in control day. And I'm looking forward to a reasonable S day tomorrow. And even more to a solid N day Wednesday.

Dinner ending up being 2 eggs with some gouda cheese, grits, and that piece of italian style pizza. And exercise ended up being a 50 minute taebo video instead of class.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:07 pm

I'm really struggling. I don't know why this was so easy the first 25 days and now so hard for me.

Right now I'm just starving despite having perfectly reasonable breakfast and lunch. It's only 5pm so I just can't eat dinner yet or I'm going to be going totally before bed.

I'm also having an unhappy day regarding some work stuff which is making me want to eat for comfort. Clearly that's not a good plan, but it's what sounds good to me. I feel like it would help me relax. Stupid! What will make me feel better is being in control and losing weight.

I just need to find a way to keep that thought in my head and plan and then wait for a good dinner for a couple hours for now.

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Post by thtrchic » Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:15 am

Day 1 - Success!

Things I did right yesterday despite it technically being a FAILURE day:

-- didn't eat any sweets
-- ate one piece less pizza than I really wanted (when I really had had plenty)
-- ate a healthy breakfast and lunch
-- drank lots of water
-- stopped myself after one snack when I really felt like going into binge mode

Today I did very well.

B - granola with a cup of 1% milk
L - big salad with veggies, some cheese, edamame, peanuts, few raisins, olives, low fat raspberry vinagrette dressing, nectarine
D - oatmeal and apple with raw almond butter before boot camp, 2 oz muenster cheese after class

About 16 cups of water.
1 hour boot camp class.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:47 am

Day 2- Success!

At the theatre still and about to be confronted with pizza and beer, but will abstain.

B- bagel with light cream cheese
L - oatmeal, bit of yogurt, bit of popcorn, few raw almonds
D - 1/2 turkey club sandwich, tater tots

Lots of water as usual.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:42 pm

I was a minor idiot this weekend and rather glad to get back to healthier eating today.

So far it's been an easy transition back to N days today. I had a nice breakfast of granola and lowfat milk, and the first part of my lunch -- a frozen meal of baked chicken breast and mashed potatoes. Plus lots of water and have lots of fruit and carrots to finish out my lunch.

I also did my mini-upper body workout (about 12 minutes) this morning and will go to boot camp tonight.

Back to tonight for a full success report.

Last edited by thtrchic on Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by thtrchic » Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:07 am

Day 5 - SUCCESS!!!

I was so perfect today. :D

B - granola with lowfat milk, banana
L - stouffers frozen chicken breast w/ mashed potatoes, baby carrots, grapes
D - oatmeal, yogurt, apple with peanut butter

Crazy amounts of water.
10 minutes morning upper body strength training workout.
50 minute boot camp class tonight.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:10 am

Day 6 - SUCCESS.

B - great grains cereal with low fat milk
L - salami and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread, sunchips, carrots, apple
D - 1/2 barbeque chicken breast (made in slow cooker), mashed potatoes, mango

Good on water.
25 minute strength training workout this morning.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:27 pm

I'm taking today as an S day since it's Valentine's Day. Had a good breakfast and a not bad lunch still, though. And drinking lots of water and did some exercise. I wanted to walk, but we have about 8 inches of snow here so I just couldn't.

Back to strong, solid N days tomorrow.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:09 pm

Day 8 - Success.

I'm really finding it so much easier to transition back to N days than I did at the beginning. I've also noticed that the habit part of breakfast and lunch on weekdays has really stuck. Even on Special days if I'm at work, I still basically always do the breakfast and lunch part right.

B - oatmeal, banana
L - frozen meal of baked fish and mac&cheese, grapes, carrots w/ some hummus
D - bagel with goat cheese (I had intended to have yogurt with this pre-class and an apple post-class, but just wasn't hungry)

Lots of water.
35 minutes boot camp class

Also, this morning I started shovelglove, although today just using a piece of leftover 1"X3' wood. Will get my actual hammer for next week. I'm thinking of just using the wood for all of next week too, though, to work up to it and then transitioning to the hammer the next week. Anyway, habit formation process started.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:51 am

Day 9 - Success.

I had frozen pizza for dinner. The whole thing did fit on a plate and I thought I'd eat it all, but after half just couldn't possibly eat anymore. This is a change for me -- in the past I would surely have eaten all of it and then still had dessert. I'm pretty amazed.

B - nonfat strawberry yogurt with granola
L - apple, bagel, 1 oz fruit & nut trail mix
D - 1/2 frozen cheese pizza

Usual weekday water goodness.
Shovelglove this morning. And half an hour walking around Costco pushing a very heavy cart (while not stopping for any samples!)


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:24 pm

Days 10 & 11 - S Days. Non-idiotic ones too. Surely S days, but within reason I think.

Started out right today with my breakfast and lunch packed and my shovelglove (with my stick) done. Plan to also walk 30 minutes and eat responsibly. And, of course, drink lots of water.

Back tonight to report my success. :)


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:04 pm

Day 12 - Success.

I'm feeling back on track, finally.

B - nonfat raspberry yogurt with granola, grapes
L - bit of a turkey sandwich (which ended up tasting bad so I threw it away), pistachios (which I had on hand and used to replace the turkey sandwich), carrots, unsweetened banana chips
D - small piece of bread with bit of olive oil, most of a chicken pesto sandwich

Dinner was out for a work thing. I made sure the extra piece of bread fit fine on the plate before having it. Not the healthiest thing ever but within the rules of No-S and that's what I'm trying to focus on.

Also did my SG (with a stick) and walked 30 minutes.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:35 pm

Tuesday was a failure. No need to dwell, could even make excuses, but I know they're not true. I just let myself fall back into bad old habits.

Yesterday was a new and successful day 1. Couldn't SG because I hurt my shoulder, but did walk for about half an hour.

Today is day 2. So far so good. Did light and modified SG to keep the habit up and burn a couple calories. Will also walk for 30 minutes.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:10 am

Day 2- Success.

B - 2 pieces challah toast with butter, packet instant oatmeal
L - frozen meal of fish and mac&cheese, yogurt, carrots, small piece challah
D - wheat thins, hummus, 1 oz. gouda

Bunch of water, morning modified SG, 30 mins walking.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:07 am

Day 3- Success. Although it's not quite over yet, but I think it will be fine.

B - packet of instant grits, banana
L - mushroom bisque, demi baguette, raspberries
D (cooking now) - tilapia filet, black rice, piece of challah

Maybe even more water than usual.
14 minutes modified, light SG and about 20 minutes slow walking. By Monday my shoulder should be completely healed and I can resume normal exercise. It's funny that I miss it. And very new and impressive of me to have kept up with something while hurt. I absolutely NEVER would have done that in the past.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:53 am

Day 4 - S Day. Not too idiotic. Had some cookies for breakfast, a reasonable lunch, an ok dinner. Had some snacks of a few small caramels and 2 natureal licorice nips, and most of a Ritter sport chocolate covered biscuit. This is something that I just love. It's very much a treat and I've been enjoying it. I'll likely finish it tonight.

Had planned to take a short walk today, but it's snowy and icy out again so I didn't. I did walk probably 20 minutes at Target, though, so I guess that's something.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:11 am

Day 5 - A definitely not idiotic S day.

Had breakfast out with a friend and walked the mile or so to and from the restaurant even though it was pretty icky out. Felt good to do. Had a perfectly reasonable breakfast there, although with some maple syrup.

Had a few more of the caramels this afternoon. And then a snack of bread and butter later. And a few wheat thins. No actual lunch, though. The wheat thins were probably unnecessary, but it was only three and it's an S day so it's no problem.

In the process of cooking pork and veggie fried rice for dinner. Also bought some cheesecake to have for dessert, but am not sure yet if I'll actually want it or not. If not, I'll just put it in the freezer til next weekend.

I bought a sledgehammer online but it seems its been lost in the shipping. I'm sad because I'm anxious to start shovelgloving with some actual weight. Oh well, we'll work it out and doing it with the stick in the meantime isn't too bad. It's working up the habit which is probably the most important part in these early weeks anyway.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:08 pm

Day 6 - Success.

B - grits, banana
L - chicken and dumplings, challah, yogurt, carrots
D - breaded, baked cod, mac&cheese

A TON of water. SG in the morning. I didn't walk as planned, though.


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Post by viktoria » Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:48 pm

Hi, Julie,
Congrats on your progress, I think you doing great. I’ve managed to read in your posts that you’ve been counting calories (so do I – old habits remain - I do it somehow unconsciously), so may I ask you a question - what is your average calorie intake on n-S days and on S days? I’m so new to this so I consider any information useful. Thanks.

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Post by thtrchic » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:03 pm

I'm actually trying to stop counting calories, but can't quite break the habit after so many years of thinking about it.

But my intake on exercise is around 1600-1800 depending upon how much exercise I do. My goal is to be at 1450 after deducting calories burnt from exercise per day.

I don't really track calories on S days very carefully, but would estimate an average is between 2000-2500 per day those days. Which is clearly too much for me (I'm only 5'), but I'm trying to embrace the No-S mentality which makes that ok in the larger picture.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:12 am

Day 7 - Success.

B - oatmeal, yogurt
L - tuna sandwich on whole wheat rye bread, sunchips, apple
D - so far 1 piece breaded cod with bbq sauce, 1 oz muenster cheese, wheat thins

I'm debating having a smoothie of fruit, milk, ice and a bit of sugar. I think that I definitely have room in my virtual plate, all the other food fit on a salad plate. And I'm still hungry after eating that part of dinner. But calorie wise I'd go over my planned limit. I'm trying not to count calories, but it also does seem to be a measurement that tells me something. And my calories are nearly all made up of healthy things today. So Im not sure what the "right" thing to do is.

EDIT -- forgot to mention that I had a small skim latte this afternoon. It's not ideal, but I felt fine with it. I rarely do this and it wasn't out of any emotional problem or difficulty so I'm not unhappy about it.
Ended up having 3 dates as the last part of my dinner. Turns out to be a great compromise. I also realized I didn't have any fresh frruit or veggies for tomorrow so I went to the store and bought some. The only other thing I bought was cream cheese to go with some bagels I have for some breakfasts. Even though I was hungry and saw lots of yummy looking things I didn't give in to any of them. Yay! :)


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:48 pm

Wednesday was a success, although I got sick and had a slightly odd day based on that. But the rules allow for that and it wasn't very off.

Yesterday was a FAILURE. I've been sort of hiding out knowing that, but realize that will only help me perpetuate it instead of fixing it. While it was pretty bad yesterday I realize it was much better than a day would have been a couple months ago for me. I've managed to get to a point that even on messed up bad days I just don't tend to eat as much bad stuff. And still I managed to eat some fruits and veggies, which NEVER would have happened two months ago.

Now I need to do the really hard thing and although I'm at home just getting over being sick and tomorrow is an S day, keep today the N day that it is. That'll be very impressive for me if I make it happen.

I've also now officially (based on my weekly weigh-in) lost 5.5 pounds, 2% body fat, and 4 inches in the last 8 weeks of doing this. I think that's a very reasonable and sustainable loss. Yay!


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:45 pm

Day 1- Saturday S Day. A successful one.

B - bit less than a serving of kheer (an indian dessert of rice, milk, few nuts, and some sugar)
L - a plate of non-fried chinese food
D - cup of lentil soup, piece of pita bread, feta cheese, few scallops, few bites of grilled salmon, grilled potatoes
Dessert - cup of coffee with baileys, piece of chocolate fudge cake split with 3 other people

So far so good today. Had cookies and coffee for breakfast and then a fine lunch on one plate. And walked about an hour. Not sure about dinner yet.

And then back on track with strict N days tomorrow.

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Post by thtrchic » Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:44 am

Day 2- Not idiotic S day.

B - 3 of my favorite dutch cookies, banana, and coffee
L - dill rice, grilled potatoes, lamb
Snack - 1 small chocolate shortbread cookie that my friend baked
D - cereal with milk, 100% orange juice
Dessert - serving size piece of cheesecake

As I said before, walked about an hour. And doing ok on water.

My meals are planned for tomorrow and I have a grocery list written of the stuff I need to get to make some decent meals for the rest of the week.


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Post by USAFwife » Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:53 am

SWEET! You're off to a great start!


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:08 pm

Thanks, Janine. :)

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Post by thtrchic » Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:51 am

Day 3 - Success.

B - banana, yogurt
L - pb & j (although the j was actually all-fruit spread), carrots, tangerine, raw pistachios
D (out) - catfish, little bit of cheese grits, little bit of mashed potatoes and gravy, little bit of fried okra, little bit of fried plantain, small piece of cornbread with butter

Great on water. SG this morning, although only something like 6 minutes with the sledgehammer and the rest with an unweighted stick because it was too heavy for me. Felt kind of lame about that, but good that I kept moving for 14 minutes however it had to be done. I'm sure I'll manage to work up to full sledgehammer use pretty soon.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:49 am

Day 4 - Success!

B - oatmeal with tiny bit of real maple syrup, pumpernickel toast with butter
L - chicken caesar salad, strawberries, apple
D - salmon cakes with miracle whip, mushroom rice

Good on water. SG this morning -- 9 minutes weight/5 minutes stick.

Meals planned for tomorrow.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:38 am

I was somehow starving again half an hour after dinner so I ended up having a glass of 100% orange juice. Still a success for the day, though I think.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:00 am

I'm poised for success today, but need to hold out another hour til dinner to make that happen. We won't eat until about 8:30, which is pretty late but my boyfriends and my schedules are pretty conflicting and I don't want to not eat dinner with him on one of the few nights I can. So I'm waiting.

And hungry. And wanting to snack. So I'm posting here instead. :)

So far so good today, though.

B - oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar, 1/2 banana (intended to eat the whole thing, but half was bad)
L - leftover salmon patties, mushroom rice, baby carrots

Dinner will be some sort of beef stir fry with rice, or home made beef fried rice dish.

Did my SG this morning, but really didn't want to so I compromised with myself and used my unweighted stick for most of it instead of my sledgehammer. I ended up grabbing the sledgehammer in the last few minutes. I think keeping the habit going/building at this point is really important so even though I was doing the "lite" version it's still very good that I did something. I also walked for about 20 minutes. And am doing good on water.


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Post by reinhard » Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:11 am


Sorry it's been so long since I've popped in here.

I'm very impressed! A few slip ups, but mostly success. And you seem to be honest with yourself without being ruthless -- that's great.

Nice save with the orange juice the other day -- always go for the beverage before a solid snack. Even if that calories are the same, it's the symbolism that's important for the habit. You need to keep that hard, firm, clear barrier.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:46 am

Thanks, Reinhard. It's good to hear you think I'm doing well. I'm pretty happy with my changing habits. It's slow to do that and I'm far from perfect, but I think it is actually happening and I'm making a true change in my life.

And, day 5 - success!

Had a homemade beef and veggie fried rice and some strawberries for dinner.

And breakfast and lunch are packed for tomorrow.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:03 am

Day 6 - Success.

B - oatmeal with a little brown sugar, yogurt, banana
L - roast beef sandwich with cheddar cheese, corn chips, carrots
D - cereal with milk, apple with peanut butter, maybe a few cashews

Lots of water. I'm about to leave for my 50 minute boot camp class.

I REALLY wanted candy this morning, which we have laying around the theatre where I work to sell as a concession, but I didn't. Then during a meeting this afternoon there was a bag of veggie chips out which smelled so good, but again I ignored them. Yay me. :)


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:20 pm

Day 7 - Success with some funny stuff. I had 2 drinks at dinner. But only two. And still no snacks and no sweets and ate my food (and one bite of my boyfriends guacamole, but one bite could have been added to my plate so I think it's fine).


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:23 pm

Days 8&9 - S days. Non-idiotic ones.

Yesterday was surely an S day, but I think not totally unreasonable. I had 3 good meals, but then also candy as a snack twice during the day, and then at night hung out with a friend and split a bottle of wine and 2.5 bags of unbuttered microwave popcorn. Which is a lot, but not horribly bad.

Today I had a good and very yummy breakfast out, a lite lunch of a homemade fruit smoothie, and will have pasta and salad for dinner with friends. I assume there'll be some sort of dessert there as well and I'll have some of that too. But it's been a very moderate and in control S day.

Also walked my planned 20 minutes yesterday and about 45 today.

For my records meals were:

B - cereal with milk
L - homemade red curry with scallops and white rice
Snack- serving of small chocoalte covered caramels
D - toast with cheddar cheese, tortilla chips, grapes
Snack - Baby Ruth bar at the theatre where I was seeing a play
Evening Stuff - 1/2 bottle wine, 1.25 bags microwave popcorn

B - 2 wedges french toast with about 1 TBS fresh lightly whipped cream and fresh fruit compote, 1/2 chicken salad sandwich on pretzel roll, few french fries
L - homemade mixed berry smoothie
D - pasta, bread, salad (at book group)
Dessert - don't know what, but expect it to exist


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:16 pm

Day 10 - shaping up to be a success.

B - bagel with lite cream cheese, small banana
L - mushroom soup, bread, raw pistachios
D (planned to be) - oatmeal with a little brown sugar, apple and then something else like an couple ounces of cheese after boot camp

Doing great as usual on water. SG'd this morning and will go to boot camp tonight.

Will post the official success tonight. Just using this as a way to keep me focused and on-track.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:42 am

It's now an officially successful day 10.

The post-class part of my dinner ended up being about 1.5 ounces of salami and 2 ounces of cheddar cheese.

Class was hard tonight -- good to be pushed hard.

Breakfast and lunch are packed for tomorrow.


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Post by pangelsue » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:54 am

You are really just stacking up those successes. Good for you. Your determination is inspiring. Keep it up.
A lot of growing up happens between "it fell" and "I dropped it."

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Post by thtrchic » Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:34 pm

Days 11, 12, 13- S-ick days.

Drinking lots of juice and gatorade. Trying to eat some bits of whatever I can convince myself won't be too bad. Just not hungry, but calories are actually probably not too low from all the drinking. I haven't been paying any attention, though.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:31 pm

Day 14 - Sick. I'm at a point where eating anything at all is good. Today that's been going much better on that front. And mostly it's been a lot of fruit and 100% fruit juice.

I think tomorrow should be more normal, although techincally an S day anyway. Then Monday should be back to normal.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:01 pm

Some results:

Since starting back with No-S the first week of January I've lost 7 pounds and 5 inches. Not dramatic, but pretty consistent. And sustainable I think at an average of about 2/3 of a pound a week.

At the same rate, that'd be a total 35 pounds in a year. That'd be an excellent result! And not only would I be 35 pounds lighter, I'd be a lot healthier eating good foods in good proportions a good amount of the time and doing decent exercise a decent amount of the time. I'm looking forward to continuing on my path towards that life.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:32 pm

Day 15 and 16 - S Days. Moderate ones.

I'm basically better and am eating regularly again.

No restrictions placed on my weekend as usual, but stayed pretty simple. Yesterday I had:

B - piece of whole wheat toast with cream cheese, orange juice
L - pancakes with real maple syrup, 2 small sausage links, few bites scrambled eggs, orange juice
Snack -- some licorice
D - beef pho, spring roll

B - dutch caramel cookie
L - sauteed chicken with rice
Snack - 3 bites of a new, somewhat mysterious chocolate candy bar (we have a grocery store next to us with a european section that has a lot of candy that has no english on it and is unfamiliar looking based on the packaging that we like to try sometimes)
D - salmon, potatoes
Dessert - piece of pound cake with cool whip and a bunch of strawberries

Breakfast and lunch packed for tomorrow. Back to work and health.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:03 am

Day 17 - Success.

B - oatmeal with a bit of milk and sugar, banana
L - tuna salad, crackers, corn chips, raisins
D - baked chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuit, cranberry juice

Good on water. Did 2 minutes of SG this morning. I'm slowly recoverign from being sick and still can't handle barely any physical activity, but I did that much to help re-inforce the habit.

I'll be even better tomorrow.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:51 pm

Day 18 - Success.

B - little oatmeal, raisins
L - carrots, apple, chicken and dumplings
D - bit of hummus and pita, grilled chicken, rice

Good on water. Did 5 minutes SG, working my way back up as my illness wanes.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:10 am

Day 19 - Success.

B - cereal with milk, apple
L - dry granola, brie with bagel chips
D - cereal with milk, apple juice

I don't know why breakfast and dinner ended up being so similar -- I just really felt like cereal for dinner again and didn't see any very compelling reason not to have it.

Ok, on water. Need to get a little more in before bed. Didn't exercise. Did go to the doctor and it turns out I have bronchitis, which explains why breathing has been hard. Although I still could have done 5 minutes of SG -- that was just tiredness and laziness. Will do better.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:58 am

Day 20 - Success.

B - cranberry juice, carrots
L - bologna & cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread, tortilla chips, apple
D - whole wheat pasta with scallops, mushrooms & pesto sauce, 2 strawberries

Good on water. Walked 20 minutes.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:39 am

Day 21 - Success.

B - yogurt, few walnuts
L - quiznos tuna sandwich, baked doritos
D - frozen pizza

Not the healthiest day ever, but perfectly within No-S rules. I'm focusing on finding a balance of those 2 things. I'm not ok with me eating 3 meals of fast food a day even if they all fit on one plate, but I'm also not being very rigid about being sure everything is super healthy all the time. And rarely do I eat anything very bad anymore, especially while observing no sweet rules so I think the best plan is to not worry about these things. I think that's what makes it perfectly reasonable to do for life.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:04 am

Days 22&23 - S days. Non-idiotic ones. Both with some chocolate and some snacks, but nothing too ridiculous.

Planning my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow now. And tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest I need to get to the store for more fresh fruits and veggies.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:12 am

Day 24 - Success.

B - yogurt, cashews
L - oatmeal, banana, raisins
D - leftover Thai food, bagel crisps

Decent on water. Still no exercise as I'm STILL trying to get over my newest malady -- a back I've somehow hurt. I don't know what my problem is these days but something seems to be constantly wrong with me these days. I'm not letting it deter me foodwise, though.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:46 am

These couple of days have been really hard for some reason. But I've managed to make it through another one that can be called a success. That's day 25.

I really wanted ice cream tonight. I was at the store and sat in the ice cream aisle looking at them and also picking one out, but then told myself "No. not today." Maybe tomorrow. I couldn't even handle saying Saturday. But I figure tomorrow I'll be able to do the same thing and in this way make it til the cravings stop. Or it's Saturday.

B - oatmeal, raisins, cashews
L - bologna & cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread, tortilla chips, banana, cranberry juice
D - seafood salad, crackers

Good on water. Still no exercise, but the back is starting to get a little better.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:58 pm

I've realized this morning as I see my lost weight creeping back on and me feeling generally less fit that especially while I'm hurt and therefore not exercising I need to be stricter about food. I don't think that's unreasonable given I'm talking about being more careful for a week or so. The last 2 days have been technical No-S successes and I didn't really eat anything bad, but I did eat too much of it for someone who is only 5' tall, isn't doing any exercise, and wants to lose (or at least maintain) weight.

And to help me firm up my committment I thought I'd post it here.

So today I planned meals that are a tiny bit smaller and, more importantly, more calorie effcient.

Breakfast will be oatmeal, yogurt, banana; Lunch seafood salad with crackers, carrots, an apple, dinner will be half a package of rice mixed with tuna and some applesauce.

I'll post my success with this tonight.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:01 am

Day 26 - success.

I did just as planned today except didn't eat the apple I said I would. Never really got to it. And have tomorrow's meals planned with a good amount of fruit and veggies again.

Also did good on water.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:22 pm

Day 27- Failure. I think this about how far I got last time before a failure day. I think I see a pattern of getting into the same mode of sort of successes and then not. And today I really just didn't care. I didn't feel like eating healthy and I didn't feel like caring about that. The good news is I still inadvertently ate a banana with breakfast (the other half of which was a snickers bar) and spinach with lunch (in a good salad with some crackers, but then also a Ritter Sport bar). I also just had a sweet drink with some co-workers. I don't know what dinner will be yet. I'm really not aiming either way -- I just can't make myself care today about doing anything other than what I feel like and can easily get.

Tomorrow is actually a planned S day for me as I'm going out with my friends to celebrate my birthday (which is Tuesday). And then there's the weekend. And then there'll be Monday free of sweets and snacks (and seconds, but that's not really my issue).


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:16 am

Days 1-3: Non-idiotic S days. I did drink quite a bit on Friday night (of sweetened drinks), but given the occasion that was fine. And food-wise wasn't too bad at all. And I've had snacks and sweets over the weekend, but nothing ridiculous.

Breakfast and lunch, and tentative dinner, is planned for tomorrow.

I've been reading some of the posts of the main message board and realized that I could be focussing a bit more on building the habit. The habit part is definitely coming along, but I think I've recently been focusing more on weight and less on habit. And actually I think it's been working against me anyway. So even though it's sort of hard for me I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow and then not again til the end of the month and in the meantime just focus on strict No-S'ing. And hopefully by the end of this week also be able to add exercise back in.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:53 pm

Day 4 is shaping up to be a success.

B - matzo with butter and cream cheese, banana
L - seasoned rice, apple, carrots
D - pasta with pesto and mushrooms, bread

Great on water.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:59 pm

Day 5 - S day (My birthday).

Day 6- Success.

B- oatmeal, spiced pecans, banana
L - soup, crackers, carrots, apple
D - indian cooked cabbage, bit of dal, paratha


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:10 pm

Day 7 - Failure.

I did very well for breakfast and lunch. But then we were going to see a play at 7:30 and although I had brought dinner food to work that I could eat before leaving I didn't have time. So then I was starving and ate a snickers and some ritz bits at the theatre. And then a few fries and potato wedge things of my boyfriends at Arby's where he and the friend of his we were with went to get some quick dinner before the show. If I'd realized we were going to do that I could have waited and just had a roast beef sandwich and been fine. Oh, well. Could have been worse. I didn't eat anything after the show at least.

Back on track today. Had my oatmeal for breakfast and have my lunch planned.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:49 pm

Things are falling apart a bit. My back injury got worse and I used that as an excuse to eat whatever yesterday. I can't even remember what my excuse was on Thursday and Friday. Today so far I've been on track, but I somehow am not envisioning success keeping up through the night. That's very bad. I need to see me doing this or I won't. There's nothing to do other than me getting it together and JUST DOING IT!

It is so much harder without being able to exercise to help burn some stuff off and so much harder when I'm feeling bad and so much harder when I'm stressed like I am now. But being hard is not the same as being impossible. It's a matter of mind over body -- it's time for my mind to win!


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:18 am

Ugh, this last week has been a healthy eating mess. I've been in so much pain with my hip/back soreness that I just let myself do whatever stupid thing I wanted. Stupid, of course.

I'm pulling myself together again. Really. Had a decent weekend.

Printed out a calendar that I'll tape to the fridge and will mark each day starting tomorrow as red, green, or yellow as Reinhard suggests.

And will put together a plan for meals tomorrow before going to bed tonight.

I don't want to give up on this. I don't want to just be fat. It's clear what needs to be done to get healthier -- and it's not even all THAT hard. I was doing it and can surely do it again. I just need to force myself to stick with it for a bit to get the habit in place.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:47 pm

I'm moving well towards a successful day 1 today.

B - oatmeal and raisins
L - turkey sandwich, unsweetened banana chips, yogurt
D - planned to be a chicken caesar salad at the restaurant where I have a business meeting

I've done great on water. Still no exercise as I'm still recovering. I'm feeling so much less sore today. I suspect light exercise can be added back in by mid-week and real exercise next week.


EDIT to say that yesterday was in fact an officially successful day 1.

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Post by thtrchic » Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:50 pm

So far so good on Day 2. It's a little hard because I'm hungry now so want to eat something, but would wait for my boyfriend if he'll come home and have dinner soon, but he's not sure yet and I said I'd wait a while and see how things work out. So since I said that he'll be disappointed if I eat now and he comes home in an hour. Sounds weird as I write it out to wait. But also I won't starve in the next hour -- it's not even 7 yet and I ate lunch late.

Anyway, the day was good.

B - whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, cranberry juice
L - bologna & cheese sandwich, apple

Back later to report my official success.

EDIT -- Day 2 official success.

Dinner was pasta with pesto, italian bread, applesauce

Also did do great on water again. And walked slowly about 10 minutes.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:39 am

Day 3 - Success.

Ate out twice, but perfectly according to no-s rules. Including not even having the fortune cookie at the chinese restuarant tonight.

B - grape nuts, milk, banana
L - turkey and jarlsberg sandwich, chips
D - empress pork with rice, bit of soft shell crab with spiced salt

Good on water. Some stretching, helping to further my recovery.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:00 pm

Im closing in on a Day 4 Success.

I haven't actually had dinner yet,but a plan is in place and I think it'll be fine.

B - grape nuts with milk, banana
L - left over empress pork, brown rice, strawberries, yogurt
D - homemade wheat bread, cream of mushroom soup, applesauce

Good on water as usual. 15 minute slow walk. A little stretching and continuing on my path towards full recovery.


EDIT -- the soup turned out to be disgusting so I had a piece and a half of bread with brummel and brown spread, and a big piece with taramousalata. And the applesauce. Not the most well rounded meal, but not too bad and all on one plate.

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Post by thtrchic » Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:27 am

It got a little dicey this afternoon, but I made it. It's a success for Day 5! It's been a long time since I've had a fully successful week so I'm very pleased. And now I'll get a couple days to relax and then week 2, which is usually easier for me. I do think having the calendar that I mark red, green, or yellow helps. It's weird to me that it does since I post here anyway, but that repeated visual seems to inspire me.

B - oatmeal, bit of granola, strawberries
L - salad with honey mustard chicken and a bit of cheddar cheese, piece of pita bread, banana
D - 2 pieces of spinach and black olive stuffed pizza (yes, a lot of calories, but easily on a plate and letting me participate in life, which is a big part of why I think this system can work for life)

Very good on water as usual. Walked 30 minutes. Building my strength back up. Will do 30 minutes each of the weekend days too. Plus more stretching. And I think I'll be able to start with some light weights on Monday. I think I'll hold off another week on the sledgehammer, but some light freeweights will probably be ok for some upper body work. Yay! I'm getting antsy about wanting to exercise, which is incredibly weird for me. I've never never never in my life felt this way, but I just can't wait to move now. And lift some weight. And throw around a sledgehammer.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:48 pm

Days 6 and 7 - S Days. Not horribly idiotic ones. I did drink a bit too much on Saturday. Actually it wasn't that many drinks (less than 3), but they were really strong. Didn't get crazy with food, though. Had one snack and some syrup with pancakes, but that was it other than the drinks on Saturday. Yesterday I had 2 cookies, some cheddary popcorn and a couple bites of marzipan. Plus 2.5 meals. For an S day, though, I don't think idiotic.

Did pretty good with water. At least 10 cups each day. Walked about 20 minutes Saturday and 40 minutes yesterday. Made my soreness a little worse yesterday by lifting up a bag. Ugh, will this never end? Given that I decided lifting any sort of weights today was a bad idea.

I have my breakfast packed and with me for today. I'm having lunch with a friend today, but will eat appropriately.

Back tonight to report my success.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:35 am

Day 8 - Success.

B - grape nuts with milk
L - steak sandwich with mushrooms and onions, about a cup of popcorn, apple
D - chicken and rice

Good on water.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:19 am

Day 9 - **$&*#!

In other words, FAILURE!

I'm so annoyed with myself. I did entirely well except that I ate a frickin' sncikers bar. A king sized one (because that's what we had in the office). Why did I give in to that????

B - oatmeal, yogurt
L - tuna with some miracle whip, matzo, carrots
Snack - Snickers!!!
D - 1/2 extra thin pizza (the whole thing fit on a plate)

Lots of water. Walked 25 minutes, stretched for 5.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:38 pm

Yesterday, Day 1- Success.

B - grape nuts with milk, banana
L - bologna & cheese sandwich, dried pineapple, carrots
D - chipotle bowl with some chips

Lots of water.

Onwards and downwards!


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