Didi -- Daily Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Didi -- Daily Check In

Post by Didi » Tue Apr 10, 2007 3:14 pm

OK, sign me up.

I eat pretty sensibly most of the time - rarely go for seconds, and don't have much of a sweet tooth. BUT -- I work at home, and it's WAY too easy for me to graze during the day.

We eat early breakfast, and I know that many days I eat two smaller lunches, one around 11 and the other around 2. So that's my rule. And even a couple of almonds will count as one of those lunches.

I like this idea. I've been looking for rules. This could work for me.

So.... today is Day 1, and tomorrow I will post my first SUCCESS checkin.
Last edited by Didi on Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Day 1 -- 4/10

Post by Didi » Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:58 pm

Regular breakfast -- oatbran, protein drink

Two small lunches as planned -- rice and beans, sandwich plus some almonds

Regular dinner -- casserole, broccoli, salad.

Good day. Need to get back on track with exercise! :)
Last edited by Didi on Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:53 pm

Welcome! Sounds like you're off to a great start. :D

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Post by MerryKat » Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:01 am

Welcome to this wonderful lifestyle. Sounds as if your usual meals fit in comfortably, enjoy the rules.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Day 2 4/11

Post by Didi » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:02 pm

Usual breakfast -- oatbran, protein drink

Usual two smallish lunches -- stewed tomatoes with boca (veg) sausage, and later a sandwich with some lowfat chips

Dinner - green beans, pasta/pesto (I find it helpful to put a large serving of green beans in the bowl *before* I top with a smaller serving of pasta with pesto); salad.

Still no exercise, but no snacking! (The sweet tooth and seconds rules are not where I fall down... it's the grazing!)


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Day 3,4 4/12-13 OK

Post by Didi » Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:42 pm

Actually entering this on the 15th... note to self -- important to do this every day! Probably best to open the report after breakfast and then just update.

Thursday and Friday went mostly according to plan

Usual breakfast -- oatbran, protein drink

Two lunch strategy continues to work

Dinner -- Friday night I finished the shrimp stir-fry on my plate, and thought about just finishing up the small serving left in the Wok. Hmmm. Can't do that. OK. And I survived the experience, and Gram (who lives with us) enjoyed the leftover portion for lunch the following day.

My sole problem -- on Friday I went to the grocery store. I knew that I had a couple of dips in the refrigerator -- nothing evil -- one was silk tofu, no-fat sour cream and onion soup, for a passable onion dip; and the other was like a baba ganoush - simple dip of roasted eggplant with a little tahini, heart-healthy oil, lemon juice. I enjoy both dips with veggies, but also with chips. I decided to get baked chips, and have chips and dips for one of my two lunches. Thius was really fine, calorie-wise -- but felt like I was cheating. Maybe because those dips on a rice cake or whatever have been part of my non-stop grazing. Just know that I rushed through the "lunch" in binge-like fashion, feeling guilty and not enjoying it.

But no S, and that felt fine. Still no exercise, but hoping to restart that while I'm traveling on business next week.


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Day 5 4/14 -- S Day

Post by Didi » Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:47 pm

My first S day, and I actually made a point of eating a bit more - I like the logic of eating more calories on weekend as a way to keep my metabolism stoked and my feelings of deprivation under control, even if it slows my weight loss a bit.

Breakfast - out for breakfast. Veggie cheese omelet, hash browns, couple of bites of pancake/syrup.

Lunch #1: huge salad with avocado (I try to eat some every day, very heart-healthy and fiber-intensive -- a power food), tomato, sunflower seeds, flax seed, 1 T flax oil, Bragg's vinegar.

Lunch #2: An artichoke (plain, steamed. excellent!)

Dinner: dinner out, stuffed clams, shrimp scampi, bread, gelato for dessert.

Felt ok about the day. Still no snacking -- i can ease up on my usual way of eating on weekends -- which is VERY healthy - - and I feel fine about having a dessert on a weekend - but I really still want to avoid snacking. That's my downfall. Not to say I will never slip in a snack on an S day... but for the most part, that's one rule I want to keep in place *every* day.


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Day 6 4/15 Sunday E OK

Post by Didi » Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:54 pm

The rules really do help. I went to a grocery store yesterday, and realized just how many calories I've been taking in on those trips.... samples, a cup of soup, a container of smoked mussels, a container of veg sushi. There were lots of samples available yesterday, and I walked by each and every one. I thought about the soup. Nope. Thought about the mussels. Could have done as one of my two lunches, but had other food planned, so nope on those too.

This morning I flew to North Carolina on business - very aware of all of the food options at the airport -- some healthy, some not so healthy - -but since I had breakfast before I left the house, all would have been snacks, so no.

Virtue, thy name is Didi. :D

Breakfast (4AM): eggs, veggie bacon, toast, coffee (and another black coffee at the afore-mentioned airport)

On the plane - -water. I was thirsty, it felt great. Exactly what I wanted.

Lunch -- ate early -- shrimp scampi, linguini, bread. Also exactly what I wanted. Not my usual "two smaller lunches" -- it's 3PM now, and I'm not hungry at all -- so today will be a one larger lunch day.

Dinner - grilled salmon at the hotel, which should have been ok -- salmon, linguini, veggies - but it was as if they cooked it all and then poured half a cup of oil on it. I'm going to find somewhere else to eat tomorrow night.
Will update later with dinner. Will also find fitness center in the hotel and workout in the morning before I head off to the local office to meet with my team.

Last edited by Didi on Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:46 pm

You're really doing well, Didi! :D

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Day 7 - Monday 4/16 - business trip -

Post by Didi » Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:02 pm

No go on the exercise this morning - did not get up in time. Spent 15 minutes on treadmill yesterday - not much, but at least *something.*

Breakfast at the hotel: scrambled eggs, fruit, biscuit, hash browns.

(I found my way to work this morning -- first time at this site. I know how to find the cafeteria at work now, so can have my usual oatmeal for breakfast the remainder of the week!)

Lunch at work: large salad, tuna wrap, small chips

Dinner -- not hungry - oatmeal in hotel room.

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Tuesday 4/17 Day 8 E

Post by Didi » Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:53 pm

15 minutes on hotel treadmill early this morning - but my knee really hated it. I do better on the elliptical at home. But enough to put an E in today's subject line.

Breakfast at work: oatmeal and breakfast burrito (because I know that I need some protein or I will be ravenous by 10AM -- at home I have a protein drink with breakfast)

Lunch at work: Middle Eastern combo plate -- hummus, baba ganoush, tabouli, stuffed grape leaves, pita bread.

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Wednesday April 18 Day 9 OK

Post by Didi » Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:37 pm

breakfast: eggs and oatmeal
lunch: gardenburger and salad
dinner at the hotel: salad, shrimp cocktail, crab cakes. Bread and butter. (following no-s faithfully... but on this business trip I am definitely adding some "usually do not eat" things like bread and butter with meals)

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Thursday April 19 Day 10 OK

Post by Didi » Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:40 pm

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, bagel with cream cheese
Lunch #1: tuna wrap and salad
Lunch #2 at the airport: small pizza and a handful of raw almonds
Dinner at home: PB&J, milk

Not a great day - within the letter of the "no-s" law, but I'm not happy about how many calories were included in breakfast and both lunches.

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Thursday April 19 Day 10 OK

Post by Didi » Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:42 pm

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, bagel with cream cheese
Lunch #1: tuna wrap and salad
Lunch #2 at the airport: small pizza and a handful of raw almonds
Dinner at home: PB&J, milk

Not a great day - within the letter of the "no-s" law, but I'm not happy about how many calories were included in breakfast and both lunches.

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Friday April 20 Day 11

Post by Didi » Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:45 pm

Breakfast: oatbran, protein/green drink
Lunch: amy's frozen rice/tofu bowl (not bad, and 260 calories
Dinner: out to the 99. Not very hungry. Cup of chowder, and fish and chips -- ate most of the fish, some tartar sauce, only a few fries, that was all. Still not very hungry.

There is an element of eating simply because I *can* eat -- not because I'm hungry. Did not need that chowder last night, was not particularly hungry in the first place. But it was there and I *could* eat it, so I did. Weird.

Overall not a bad day.

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Saturday 4/21 Day 12

Post by Didi » Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:19 pm

Breakfast: perfectly scrumptious huevos rancheros -- two corn tortillas, pinto beans cooked with chipotle hot sauce, two fried eggs, and salsa. Mighty fine. Also four strips of veg fake bacon and a small juice with my vitamins. Definitely worth taking the time to prepare the huevos rancheros!

Lunch: don't remember, nothing too extreme!

Dinner out: bread and olive oil; mussels; shrimp scampi

Starting to think about how I am going to manage eating while we're on vacation for nine days -- we're going to an inclusive resort, all buffet food. Snacks will not be a problem -- and sweets are usually not a much of an issue for me -- but seconds will likely be a problem with the buffets. Sometimes I do better to take very small amounts of lots of different things, and then go back for more of the one or two things which I really like. I guess I will need to see what it's like there, and then try to set some guidelines in place for the week we're there. On the one hand, this is our first vacation together in two and a half years (we care for an elderly grandmother in our home, so we generally cannot go away at the same time... this is a rare and wonderful exception), and I want to relax and enjoy the time away. On the other hand, getting control of my weight and my eating has been a very high priority for me (VERY high), and I don't want to declare every day a full-blown S day, and regain some of the pounds I have worked to lose.

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Post by Didi » Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:11 pm

An S day and not a good one. I know I can snack etc on an S day, partly to avoid the feelings of deprivation which will inevitably sabotage me. And last weekend I managed to loosen up a bit without feeling binge-y. Today felt binge-y. Not that I ate so so much - but there is a sense of rushing through the eating, and not enjoying it -- that I associate with "binge."

Breakfast - the usual, oatmeal and protein drink

Lunch - don't remember

Dinner - hmmm, don't remember that either

Not a good day.

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Monday April 23

Post by Didi » Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:15 pm

Not a terrible day, not a great day.

Bfast -- sandwich, faux roast beef, cheese, horseradish. Protein drink.

Lunch #1 -- leftover rice and beans

Lunch #2 -- corn tortilla with cheese and avocado and salsa

Dinner -- onion rings as appetizer ( I need to get my head around "no, we're not kidding ONE PLATE -- which means no appetizers on weeknights). Dinner - grilled salmon, mashed potatoes, veggies. Ate about half, and brought rest home for lunch Tuesday. The onion (actually a "bunyan onion") was sort of unsatisfying, with oil actually pooling on the plate. I should have skipped the appetizer.

I feel like I should go and write "Just skip the appetizer" on a wall somewhere 1000 times.

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Tuesday April 24

Post by Didi » Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:17 pm

Breakfast: sandwich, faux roast beef, lite cheese, avocado. Some yogurt with salsa. Protein drink.


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