Lethaltoenails Daily Check-In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Lethaltoenails Daily Check-In

Post by Lethaltoenails » Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:43 pm

First day on NoS. Not hard to do at work, the test will be this evening with the Yankees looming on the tube. Maybe I will go read instead. :lol:

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Good luck

Post by Kevin » Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:09 pm

The association between sports and food is a strong one.

I took to listening rather than watching, and doing something useful at the same time.

Of course, be a Nationals fan (they are on TV infrequently because Angelos owns the TV rights - you gotta love Major League Baseball collusion), the choice is usually an easy one for me.

Good luck. Stick with it. I started three months ago at 196 or so. My weight this morning was 177.5, and my weight last night was 179.5... it's so cool to see a number like 180 for the last time!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:45 pm

Welcome Toenails! Best wishes during the game tonight! Diet soda or ice tea may help get you through it.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:55 am

That is one awesome screen name!!! LOL....
I am getting out my clippers NOW!

Good luck on NOS...
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Post by JWL » Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:49 am

Welcome lethaltoenails.... with a nick like that, I have to tell you this story.

There was a time in my life when I was so fat I couldn't trim my own toenails. No lie. We're talking eccentricities-in-Earth's-rotation-when-I-jump fat.

Luckily, that was then, this is now. I trim my own toenails these days. And while that first phase of weight loss I underwent many years ago wasn't due to No-S, my recent surge of fitness can definitely be ascribed to No-S. I haven't weighed myself in over a year, but I go in to the doctor for my physical next week. I'll weigh myself then.

In the meantime, I'll keep getting stronger from shovelglove and squats and cutting new notches in my belt to keep my pants from falling down.... :D

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Thanks for the encouragement!

Post by Lethaltoenails » Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:03 pm

Wow, was I surprised to see some new posts this morning! Thanks to everyone for the encouragement.

I did great last night - I did end up reading instead of watching the TV, which kept me away from the late night snacking. Dinner was controlled - some hot & sour soup and a small portion of shrimp and broccoli - with NO rice! I wasn't feeling full when I was done, but I was feeling full about 10 minutes later - so they say about this lag time between stomach and brain - fascinating.

Day two has started with a plum and a PBJ sandwich on lower carb (not "no carb") bread and no sugar jam. How do all of you out there fare with the occasional use of Splenda?

I will explain the "lethaltoenails" later... it is a good story!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:27 pm

I never use spenda; I would rather have the real thing, in small amounts and on S-days. My "no-sugar jam" is Polaner All Fruit, or sometimes, Smuckers 100% Simply Fruit.

Congratulations on your success last night! May it be the first in a long string of successful days!

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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:14 pm

Any form of artificial sugar = Yuck, double, triple YUCK.

I'd personally sooner not have any at all, if I can't have the real thing.

There's nothing in NoS that says you can't have the occasional spoonful of sugar in coffee or tea if thats what you like, just not all day every day.

I know some people actually claim to like artificial sweeteners, but they're *definately* not for me.


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Post by Blondie » Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:35 pm

I like Splenda. Equal is fine, too. In fact, I think I do like it better than sugar for coffee. I wouldn't say that I would bake with it or otherwise substitute it for sugar, but it is what I expect when I think of sweetened coffee.

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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:05 pm

Good job we're all so different! Wouldn't it be boring otherwise!

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Post by Ariel King » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:09 pm

Welcome Lethaltoenails!! Best of luck and please do tell the story behind your name soon. Sounds like it could be very amusing (and perhaps painful). :wink:

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Artificial sweeteners

Post by Kevin » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:14 pm

I'll admit that I drink a diet soda more than just occasionally.

About your screen name... is there any married man who hasn't been told he has "lethal toenails"? :0)
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Post by JWL » Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:00 pm

I sometimes use Splenda in my iced coffees, other times I use maple syrup. Those are my 2 main sweeteners, to be used in moderation. Mostly in coffee, unless I'm preparing a dish that needs a bit of sweetener. In that case I almost always use maple syrup or honey.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:44 pm

I used Equal for about 4 years, then switched to Splenda when I read how poisonous aspartame is to our brains and central nervous system, and then I found that Splenda, although a lesser evil than MSG's cousin aspartame, also did some damage... When I switched back to sugar, my taste perception of sweet was so perverted by using the fake stuff, that it took four teaspoons of sugar in each cup of coffee I had, to match what my tastebuds were *used to"... I weaned myself down to two teaspoons last year, and now I'm down to one, plus a little chocolate soymilk...
I used natural raw turbinado sugar, which tastes much nicer than white sugar.. And one teaspoon is plenty good for me now!

If you want to use those sweeteners, it is my personal belief, that you are headed for possible big health problems... Aspartame is an neuroexitotoxin, which can cause accumulation of formaldehyde in the blood and also transcend the blood brain barrier, so they can directly destroy brain cells in the hypothalamus... The hypothalamus is the main regulator of all our bodily functions, so destroying that control center causes dysfunction on many different levels..
When I cut out, I noticed an immediate increase in general better health.. I got sick less often from run of the mill colds, I was markedly less edgy and nervous, and my chronic allergy related asthma went away...

I say.. Just use normal, natural sugar.... A few spoons of that won't keep you fat... Drinking a mega gulp slurpee every day will...

In addition, there are now findings that fake sweeteners actually wreak havoc with your appetite and you wind up hungrier from them...
Maybe it's that whole excito toxin thing going on...

Mandy... I would get off those sweeteners as soon as possible... Maybe they are contributing to your migraines and insomnia.. I too had migraines when I was consuming equal for those years.. I no longer have them... Just concerned girl!!! I love you so I don't want you to get hurt by these nasty chemicals... Plus, they really taste disgusting... Try sugar for three weeks and see if you notice a difference...

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Post by cvmom » Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:52 pm

Has anyone here ever tired Stevia? I think it is supposed to be "Natural"???

Just curious. I too am a turbinado sugar user.


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Post by JWL » Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:43 pm

I've used Stevia before. It is an herb that tastes sweet, and according to studies I've seen it is safe (though the skeptic in me points out that the above testimonials are on Stevia's webpage... I'm sure Nutrasweet's page says it is safe, too).

Most of the time, I use maple syrup. I will occasionally use Splenda; I'm not familiar with studies that say it is dangerous. I should research more. My understanding was the Splenda is just a modified sugar molecule, and is as dangerous (or safe) as sugar....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:05 pm

Stevia doesn't raise or affect blood sugar at all, though it does have a sweet taste... And several nutritionist friends swear that it's totally healthy.. But I think it tastes hellacious....

Freakwitch, I too, thought Splenda was a safe alternative, but after using it for about a year, I read a bunch of stuff that seemed to make me rethink it...
I'll see if I can find some of these studies...

For sure the aspartame is pure evil.... It denatures the DNA of the cells in the CNS.... Like denaturing alcohol in our blood...
Don't need that going on...
My brain cells are already at a critical low!!!!


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Post by JWL » Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:05 pm

Ooo, not good. I just learned that sucralose (Splenda) is a synthetic compound consisting of 2 molecules of sucrose blended with 3 molecules of chlorine(!)....

Yeah, just what my body needs: more poison. If there is even the remotest possibility that this stuff will break down into chlorine, I don't think I want it in my body.

Molecularly speaking, a sucralose molecule is closer to DDT than sugar. Ouch.

Here is some articles I just found about Splenda (sucralose):


Executive decision. No more artificial sweeteners for me. I'll budget for the calories of real, natural sweeteners like maple syrup, honey, and stevia where possible, and refined white sugar where necessary.

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Post by navin » Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:13 pm

Hmm, so the poor man's Splenda might be to take a cup of swimming pool water and add some sugar?


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:18 pm

Yeah, from the neighbor's yard! LOL...
Navin, you are just soooooo funny these days!!!! :lol:

Freakwitch, good executive decision!!!...
If it looks too good to be true, it isn't... :wink:

Thanks for the links!

Maple syrup is so yummy! And it comes from the trees!!!
We love the trees!!!

Have a sweet evening :)
Peace and Love,
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Day 2 evening

Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:55 am

Wow, what a debate over the Splenda! I knew about the aspartame, but I thought the splenda was the least of several evils out there. I think I will switch back to plain sugar instead - I must have my cuppa Barry's Irish Tea in the AM or life does not proceed - and I can't drink it without some sweet in it and a splash of white. But I have cut out the diet soda due to the aspartame madness. It's been water all day, some of it fizzy seltzer.

Day two went well. Lunch was half a Subway veggie delite and I gave most of the bread to the dogs. I also had a bit of leftover soup. Dinner was one chicken apple sausage and a grand salad with feta and pepperoncini and olives. And water!!

No TV tonight, we are packing for a 3 day weekend starting tomorrow! Off to hike and canoe in the Adirondacks.

For those of you who may be wondering about the lethal toenails - the name came from my dog Barney who is 10 now, he is a German Shorthair Pointer, and sometimes he snuggles in bed with us. He has a foot issue. The feet go everywhere. About 5 years ago, his toenail ended up in my eye... you get the picture.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! See you Monday!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:01 am

That must have been quite awful!

Sounds like you had a good day "Nails"...
Thanks for letting me and others rant on your page for a bit!
Now you can take over from here! LOL....
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Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:10 am

Thanks, Deb - I have been reading a few bits and pieces on the posts and it's cool to read your insights - also Freakwitch and everyone else.

I see you're from LI - I grew up just down the road from you in Roslyn. Haven't been back in ages. The LI Expy is too scary now.

See ya -
Karyn :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:26 am

Roslyn is a great town!
Here's a question which will give me a clue what generation you are from...
Do you remember "My Fathers Place"? :lol:

Yes, LIE is fairly congested!!! Yuck!

I actually worked in Roslyn for about 3 years...
Love the library and the duck pond!

Have a nice eve Karyn :)
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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:52 am

On the topic of things that are 'nearly the same as something else' ie, splenda, made from sugar etc.

often it's the things that are *nearly* but not quite the same that are most harmful to our bodies, biochemically speaking. For example. Carbon dioxide - waste gas that we produce ourselves. We expel it so it doesn't do us any harm. Carbon Monoxide - deadly poisonous. Bonds with the red blood cells in preference to oxygen and is hard to purge from the system.

Another example is Thalidomide. The problem was NOT due to the drug itself, but due to the fact that the stuff got contaminated by the mirror-image version of itself. That was enough to cause major birth defects in pretty much a whole generation of kids.

Nearly the same is NOT the same as being the same... if I haven't lost you already!


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Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:22 am

Deb -

You got me... - My Father's Place - the Ramones - sneaking in with my friends - never got proofed ( I was a few years shy of 18) - then there was that US Blues place down Main St. - that was cool too.
The little brown church by the duck pond was the one I went to (and got married in - (divorced now 7 years!)) - the Library was my safe haven from everything, a great place to spend a lot of time. The clocktower and the movie theater also bring back great memories....
One of these days I have to go back and see what's happened to the town.
I only went to Great NEck for the train, sorry to say,...

Have a Great No S Day, Deb!!!

Karyn :)

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8/23 Tues SUCCESS

Post by Lethaltoenails » Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:49 pm

So far Tues is a successful day. I have been challenged by not sampling things when I am preparing them. I usually eat one portion by tasting while cooking and then the second when I sit down!!
I have not snacked or had a sweet today - but it is now almost 8 PM and supper is soon- I am HUNGRY!!

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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:30 am

Good for you! Keep a-goin'! Isn't it nice to know, when you do sit down to supper, that you've EARNED it!
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morning rant 8/24

Post by Lethaltoenails » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:53 pm

Thanks for the support, everyone - I enjoy checking in on the b-board and getting a reply (thanks clickbeetle!) means I am truly NOT alone...

I weighed myself today (I try not to obsess but I get on the scale a few times a week) and I am down about 2-3 pounds so far (after that hiking weekend in the 'daks) - and I feel great!! I go to Curves at least 3 times a week. The ladies there are supportive too, but it's interesting to note how many go to Curves but don't change a thing about how they eat, and not much changes in their bodies - the exercise goes hand in hand with the no S lifestyle so well - and they are both moderate. Knowing I still can eat anything (but just not a LOT of it and NOT everyday!!) has lowered my diet stress tremendously. I knew deep in my soul that I was overeating and then when I would go on a diet I would continuously OBSESS over FOOD that was forbidden and that would drive me nuts for a week, a month, 9 months (atkins), and then I would go back to my "old" way of eating again and the weight comes back on, albeit slowly - (then I don't get on the scale ha ha) - and a year later I am heavier than I was when I started ---- you all know this syndrome!!

And - the simple, simple, simple no S rules - no deprivation - can still have my occasional cake and eat it too (IF I decide I really want it on S days) - or my occasional cheeseburger, whatever... I'm NOT stuck with lists and points and grams to count... Hallelujah!

OK enough ranting, thanks for listening all you lovely people out there...
and thanks for caring!! I appreciate it!!
:D :D :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:11 pm

Good for you Karyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep up the positve vibes and work!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:17 pm

Wednesday 8/24
- another good day with NO SNACKING, NO SAMPLING, NO SWEETS or FUNNY STUFF -
Breakfast - stonyfield plain yogurt w/1 tsp maple syrup and 2 small peaches, a cup of tea
WATER during the day
Lunch - 3 rolls of sushi and miso soup and WATER
A cup of tea when I got home
Dinner - leftover eggplant salad, wierd Indian food out of a pouch (SPICY!) and most of one can of Italian Wedding soup, and some yogurt raita and a NA beer.

Went to Curves today in the morning too!!!

So far today - THURS 8/25 -
I FIT INTO A SIZE 10 pair of Capri pants I have not worn in two summers! Scale said 161.4 lbs. today!! Still heavy for my 5 feet 3 and a half inches with the BMI still up there, but getting better and now I am finally seeing the scale MOVE down on this diet without depriving myself or making myself NUTS with food lists and forbiddens and points and all that crap.

Lunch and dinner will definitely be IN CONTROL the rest of today! Gotta go and get more water.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:46 pm

Wow Karyn!!!!!!
Congratulations on the pants!!!!
I just had a similar experience with that Indian shirt I got yesterday...
The best feeling is when our clothes start to fit or be loose...

The BMI thing can "F" you up, because it's just another stupid abstract number!!!!
I say stop using that system...
None of us here, that I know of, are in professional atheletic competition and/or posing for "Musclebound Geek" magazine yet...
Try for what brings you personal joy and comfort...

Okay, I'm not completely against a reality check now and then... But I'm convinced that if we allow ourselves to buy into the mentality that in order to be happy or in "good shape" we must use these abstract, and very impersonal, measurement scales....

I am only getting all "ranty" because, you were so stoked about the Capri's, but then, without even a blink, you turned your excitement towards saying... "...But my BMI *should* be..." blah blah....
Everything is relative... 161 sounds pretty gosh darn nice to me..

Damn it girl,,, Just rejoice about your pants and leave it at that!!!
Ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are Rockin on the Hudson!!!!
Peace and Love and Loose Garments!
8) Deb

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:00 am

Deb, you are right again!!!

THanks for pointing out the self-defeating sabotaging behaviors.

I fit in my pants and I looked HOT today!!

Food was very much on program today. I also went to Curves this morning at 7:30 AM
B'fast - yogurt, 1 peach, tea
Lunch - half a turkey panini, pickle spear, teensy bit of cole slaw served in one of those dopey paper cups, water, water, water
Iced coffee in the afternoon
Late dinner out - turkey (again) w/ veg, small amt. stuffing, cranberry, few mashed potatoes (did not eat all of these), one roll, small salad and water - NO alcohol!! and NO dessert, of course!! Saving myself for S day!
Jon had ice cream for dessert and I was not even tempted. Well, not enought to eat it!

Here's a joke - what do you call a deer with no eyes?

Tomorrow is Friday and my kids are coming home from Maine!! Yay!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:09 am

In a lot of trouble??? :?

Gee, I don't know Lethal, but I bet it's a good (and possibly weird )

Keep looking HOT!!!
Enjoy S'es with the Family!

Peace and Love,
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Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:34 pm

Here's the answer to the joke -

No Idea! (No eye deer!) ha ha ha :lol:

I told that joke at curves today and got $1 in curves bucks for my trouble.

Had weigh in and measure and body fat done at curves today, I hadn't measured since May - and today there was success!!! Lost about 3 inches overall between waist, hips and thighs (YAY) and another percent or so in body fat. They want you to measure every month but I wait a few months in between. The moderate exercise three to five times a week is paying off now that I am also doing No S. :D

I'm talking to a lot of my patients about No S and sending them to the website. I hope to hear some feedback from them after they see the website.

Breakfast so far - 2 peaches, tea, water.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:40 pm

Ah, a doctor eh? What's your title, other than Lethaltonails?

Oh, that joke.....
I groaned with great groaning!!! LOL.....
But thanks anyway!

Glad to hear you are seeing progress at Curves... Now I get the big picture here.. I guess being at Curves and having them do all that measuring, those numbers are going to be in your face for a while.. But hey, as long as they don't rule your day or mood, let them be a good tool for learning about your journey....
Have a great day Dr. Karyn!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

PS... You may be one of the first MDs to start touting NOS, officially.. I think Reinhard would be pleased to hear this!
After all, it is really worth touting, and scientifically, "Good enough"....

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:58 pm

Deb -

Thanks for the reply -

I am a chiropractor, practicing for 18 years in upstate NY. I've been obsessed with nutrition, diets, exercise, health, weight loss, staying young, and staying fit for a long time. I've done every diet there is with only frustration ultimately to show for it.

That's why no S is so cool - the rules are so simple and you are not deprived!

Thanks for the encouragement too.


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Post by reinhard » Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:07 pm

Much belated welcome, Lethaltoenails. Sorry you joined just as I was between vacations -- but I see you got a pretty warm and full reception nonetheless! Very nice to have a chiropracter on board, especially in the shovelglove section.

I stick with real sugar. I'd much rather have a little of the best that a lot of chemical junk. Even if the fake stuff isn't actually harmfull, and even if it did taste as good as real sugar (ha) the idea of its fakeness would interfere with my enjoyment of it.

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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:13 pm

What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs...?
Still no idea!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:28 pm

Oh Carolejo! You are so bloody clever!!!
:wink: Deb

Karyn, I can see the beginning of a beautiful friendship here..
You're a Chiro, and I'm an LMT... That makes perfect sense~

Actually my Uncles friend Dr. George Zarillo, has a practice in Kingston..
Not sure if you may somehow know him through your chiropractic circles..
He was the catalyst for me in deciding to become a massage therapist...
He also, has been in it for quite some years.. I believe he finished NY Chiropractic College (did you go there?) in 1987 or something...

I currently have an office with a terrific Chiro, named Dr. Robert Drell, again, maybe somehow, you know him... His family has been in Roslyn for many years...

Have a great day!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:53 pm

Yes, Deb, I sure know George Zarillo - a lovely man! He is not far from me in Hudson. I graduated in 1988, a year after him. I haven't seen George in years, glad to hear he is still there and that he had some influence on you becoming a LMT! That's great!

I taught Anatomy & Physiology a few years ago as an adjunct at our local community college to the school's brand new LMT program. I am happy to say that my students enjoyed their classes and many of them have really gone on to be professional LMTs, not just goof around with it. Now the program is sooooooo popular, LMTs are just popping out of the woodwork. Many of them go to Albany to work in the spas up there. And in Kingston, too.

Thanks, Reinhard, for the welcome, it's really great to be here with all of you on the noS lifestyle. I really like this!!

Today has been a little more difficult, I had a really small breakfast (2 small peaches) and by lunchtime I was ravenous, so I went with my friend Sue to this little hole in the wall Greek diner at like 2 PM and had a burger and onion rings - NO soda, which was good - and NOW MY STOMACH HURTS a LOT!! :cry: I usually don't eat that much BEEF. I am going to wait on dinner and eat light and easy, I am making some falafel for Jon and I made some tomato yogurt soup (chilled) and we'll have a little salad....

S days coming, but I plan to sin only once each day and in a small way. Probably ice cream one day and a few cookies the next. Yahoo!

hopefully I will feel better later....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:46 pm

Wow!!! Feel free to email me at my regular address and I can certainly connect you to George again if you want, or simply send him your regards.... He lives with his girlfriend in Rhinebeck (I almost just typed this *Reinbeck*, out of habit from Reinhard! LOL!!!!) and she is also an LMT...
He is a special guy for sure!
I had a sneaking suspicion that since you are upstate and came from the Island around the same time as he did, you might be connected somehow...
Ha ha!!!!
Small world eh?

Peace and Love,
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Post by Lethaltoenails » Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:46 am

Saturday - not too bad considering there was no routine to the day.
I'd call this S day half success.
B-fast - yogurt and small bowl cereal w/milk, tea
Lunch - hard to say, was spread out over a few hours while we were at a feis - three bites of a turkey pita, water, Propel, a gulp or two of gatorade - I said NO to the Coca Cola - three stella doro cookies - small ones, a few handfuls of pretzels.
Dinner - cold tomato yogurt soup, 2 small tacos w/veggie meat, one grill roasted corn. A few olives. NO seconds!
S - an icecream "drumstick"

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Post by carolejo » Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:00 pm


It's your picnic, but I'm gonna hoe in here with my size 10 feet and a little unsolicited advice anyway. Ignore if you want. I'm not trying to tell you how to run your life. I have enough trouble running my own! :lol:

Here we go:-

Let your S days be S days and DON'T try to set yourself limits.

Just let your body tell you how it's feeling and don't skimp. Seriously, if you really wanted to eat 8 chocolate bars and drink 2 gallons of coke on a saturday, then you should just cut loose and do it.

Maybe you'll 'overdo' it a little at the start, but the thing with this whole plan is that it's ultimately self limiting. By the time you get to your 3rd or 4th weekend you just won't fancy eating any junk just because you *can* anymore. You'll eventually find a balance on your own without forcing it, and save your esses for really worthwhile things.

If you start out by saying "I'm only allowing myself 1 treat on each S day", you'll probably end up feeling like you're depriving yourself. I found the psychology of it all to be very important for me. The fact I know I'm allowed to eat WHATEVER AND WHENEVER I WANT means that I don't actually eat all that much junk on S days anyway! My S days now are much better than my 'every single days' were before I started the plan. Plus I'm much less likely to cave in during the week if I tell myself "If you still really want that on Saturday, you can eat as much of it as you like then" to each and every thing that pops into my head.

Feel free to take this with a pinch of salt if you want, but I just know that in my case I'd NEVER stick to any rules that I made myself about S day eating without ultimately feeling fed up with the program. I think it's much more important to build it up to something you really can stick to for the rest of your life!! That means you need to build a little slack into it and have a safety valve. Not to mention the fact that you need to be able to separate the 'eating' part from the 'feeling guilty about eating it' part. Don't sabotage yourself.

Thats my tuppence-worth anyway. As I said, feel free to ignore if you're really sure you'll be happy and able to stick with the additional restrictions you're placing on yourself. Just be careful though! The S days are there for a reason.

OK rant over.
Sorry about that. Got a bit carried away.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:42 pm

I agree.. Every week is different, but the beauty of NoS and especially S days, is that you mentally can just relax and, with no judgement, have *whatever*..... It also won't really make you gain back...
I have never put on any weight because of a "bad" weekend...
This is the polar opposite of plans like Weight Watchers, because, in programs like that, even special days, are pretty much scrutinized and "pointed"... heh... So it's really a different mindset...

This doesn't mean to intentionally go ballistic and become a weekend glutton, but it's really important to respect the sanctity of "no limitations" on the weekend (heh heh... apologies to anyone who thinks what I said was a bit irreverent...)
I mean look at Jammin Jan... By choice she has S's which are really little indulgences... eg: Jam on her toast, syrup on her pancakes.. (yeah Jammin Jan is our little 100 lb wild woman!!! No wonder she's not fat!!! LOL...) But hey.. It's her choice!

We need that "down time" or we will explode, etc...
As far as I'm concerned, as long as you don't abuse the rules during the week, the weekend should remain rule and success/failure free!!!!
You can't fail on an S day...
(unless you simply eat so much that you literally pass out! :lol: )

It's the carrot at the end of the stick...
(The N days are the stick....)

Have a great day!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:09 pm

Carole Jo and Deb-

Thanks for the notes. THis is really my first No S weekend at home, and frankly I put the "restriction" on myself because every other diet had them on weekends, so it was kind of second nature and - yes - it has been more frustrating and not as rewarding. I think I have made good choices so far, just in general eating habits, which is good, but I am going to give myself NO GUILT on weekends from here on out, thanks to you gals cluing me in.

Newbie syndrome. I think I get it now. :wink:

I like the carrot on the stick analogy, Deb. That image has worked well for me in the past.

BTW - I see "funny stuff" mentioned on posts, what is "funny stuff?"

I may try some shovelglove this week - if I can't get to Curves. I have the kids this week so my schedule may end up going out the window!

Thanks again, no S buddies!
Karyn :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:16 pm

Hey Karyn! I have to give full credit to Reinhard for the carrot and stick analogy... It's on his homepage, I think?....

That's really the way NoS works... You earn your rewards.. they are more enjoyable that way!
The weekend is that much needed "steam valve"...

And then if you put it all together, steam valves, sticks and carrots,,,,,,,,,
you get
Steamed Carrots!
And that's just not fattening at all! LOL...
(yes that was silly! :lol: )

Have a nice one "newbie" nails!
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Post by Lethaltoenails » Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:59 pm

Deb, you crack me up! :lol: Steamed carrots indeed!

Now all I have to do is figure out Pizza Night. I posted on the regular board for some input.

Wahoo! It's a great day!

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Post by carolejo » Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:41 pm

'funny stuff'. This is anything that isn't *strictly* 1 plate of food, 3 times a day, yet isn't really a stuff-up at the same time. For example, if you're eating Shepherd's pie with salad, you might not like to get your gravy on your salad, so you might keep the two on separate plates, but virtually make sure that it would have fitted on 1 plate. That would be 'funny stuff'.

communal buffet meals where it's not polite to load your plate up with a proper load of food - you might decide at the outset that you're going to have 2 (or 3) rounds, stick to it and try to fill only that proportion of you plate each time. That wouldn't be a failure, but it would be 'funny stuff'.

Check out Reinhard's sample blog for a few more examples, but I think you'll be getting the idea by now.

Good going by the way. Hang in there!

Hope your pizza night goes well.

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:02 pm

Check in for Monday -

B'fast - cereal and yogurt and tea
lunch - 6 inch subway veggie delite, a few fritos and water
water all afternoon as I was hungry!!
dinner - 2 slices PIZZA eaten alfresco at the viewpoint (it was delivered hot and tasty by Jonathan in his car) with a NA beer - and then a salad when we got home. Peach at the end.

Successful day!

Tues so far-
2 small homemade corn muffins with a bit of butter and jam and the ever present mug of steaming hot Barry's Irish tea.

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Tues and Wed

Post by Lethaltoenails » Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:03 pm

Tuesday was a moderate flunk on the no S

B'fast - 2 corn muffins, tea, but I ate some of the batter.... (Sampling)
Lunch - Taco Bell (yummy) with a few sips of Coke (a Soda and a Sweet)
I snacked on sucking candies - had around 3 of them, but only 15 cal. total (Sweets)
Dinner - spaghetti with sauce, salad. No seconds though. Sampled the sauce some (Sampling)

Wednesday a Success so far!
B-fast - 1.5 corn muffins, tea
Lunch - BLT with unsweetened ice tea, cup of cream of broccoli soup and 2 pkg. crackers
Dinner - haven't gotten there yet... :shock:

No exercise this week so far, kids in the morning = can't leave as early as I would like.... so, whatever. Will be back in the groove next week.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:31 pm

Yeah, whatever!!!!!
You are groovin already...
Those little S's were not terrible...
Just keep on trying..
Today sounds like a win!!!

Let's see how you are after
Dinner :shock:

:lol: Deb

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thurs and fri 9/1 9/2

Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Sep 02, 2005 11:25 pm

Catching up on the check-in - haven't had a lot of computer time to spare.

Wed night - hmmm. what did I eat for supper? Well, I can't remember so it must not have been that interesting. Oh yes! I remember! Leftovers from the fridge! A few falafels and yogurt sauce, salad. It was late for dinner.

Thursday - tea, peanut butter and jelly sandwich for b'fast
Lunch - Japanese - the tempura box lunch with water, and I did NOT eat the white rice!!
Late afternoon - major blood sugar crash. Feeling terrible and shaky. Not enough protein during the day. Etta showed up with a chocolate frosted. I ate it and felt human again 5 minutes later. It was a Sweet and a Snack - and I struggled with it - but I felt so lousy I didn't think I could get through the rest of the day without passing out.
Dinner - baked cod, salad, water, something else... can't remember. Near beer.

Friday - matzo brie for breakfast with a little maple syrup and the ever present cuppa tea.
Lunch - a wierd assortment of a tomato, 2 small slices artisan french bread with some butter, a slice of hard cheese and three teensy sweet plums, seltzer
Dinner - salmon, rice, eggplant salad, cookajill (ask me), water. Had friends over for dinner - that was nice.

Now the kids want ice cream and I know if I take them I will be soooo tempted - maybe I can wait a while and they will forget??? Hope so!

Tomorrow is Saturday. I know Sunday and Monday will be definitely S days. Parties and the Fair. However.,... tomorrow I am thinking of making it an N day. I'll leave myself an out however...

It is amazing how this 3rd week on NoS has been the hardest, I have been feeling hungry BUT when I reach for something I STOP and THINK and then decide.... do I want to break my committment or is there a physical NEED to eat.... can I do something else to pass the feeling? Sometimes it has been minute by minute. Other times it passes no sweat. Interesting.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 03, 2005 12:07 am

Yo Lethal!!!
Just go and get the ice cream!
It's already sundown!
As far as switching S days for N days..
I tried this and I have come to the conclusion that you need to really keep the division very clear and it's better to have more S days (just don't go ballistic) than try to finagle around with the innate structure of NoS..
Reinhard, in his infinite computer programming brilliance, has really trouble shot all the problems from the system...
It works.. don't mess with it too much because you will just waste mental energy...
Okay, so what if it takes an extra few months to drop those pounds.. I suggest that you enjoy your weekend and,,,,,,,
Fuggeddaboudit!!!! :lol:

Trust me....
Just enjoy your S days and stop eating cake on N days!
ps.. Be like the Boyscouts,,,,prepared...Arm yourself with healthy alternatives to cake for those crazy low blood sugar days...
Take a pear or some grapes, with you or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...
Peace and Love,
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Post by Lethaltoenails » Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:15 am

Praise Be - the kids actually said No, they didn't want to go out for ice cream after all... so we all had a good time hanging out and playing funny word games.

Had a huge craving for a cookie I used to eat when I was young and they don't make it anymore - remember Sunshine Golden Fruit Raisin Biscuits? Well, I did a google, and there's a company that bakes a similar product out of great britain - garibaldi's biscuits - so I went online and bought some to have on hand for S days! They should be here by next weekend. Wow. I really loved those cookies.

Deb, you are right on the boy scout thing- I usually have stuff in the office to eat in these circumstances. However, Susan already ate everything we had, there was absolutely nothing edible in the office that day. I will stock up for next week so Etta's delivery can be put under Sue's desk for her to take home after work. She can afford to eat anything she wants anytime she wants.

Have a great couple of S days everyone!! 8)

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:23 pm

Saturday- enjoying S day!! I had some linguini with white clam sauce and ice cream for dessert. We stuccoed the foundation - that was hard work, so we ate out!

Sunday - enjoyed a croissant for b'fast. Off to the camp for the rest of the weekend.

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:57 am

Monday night -
I am actually GLAD to be coming up to 4 N days in a row now. Labor Day weekend is finally over. I have been to three parties and the fair - and have enjoyed all sorts of unrestricted time with food, happily NOT to excess as compared to my habits before, but nonetheless, I feel a bit bloated and overly full from the weekend.

Back to the old routine tomorrow, and to Curves and to 3 meals a day - that's it!!

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Post by carolejo » Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:53 am

I got a bit confused, but I think I've worked it out...

Have you made the same mistake I made somewhen, and mixed up the N and S day terminology?

S days are Saturday and Sunday cos you can eat eSses and they start with an S

Mon to Fri are N days (unless it's a SPECIAL S day)



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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:38 pm

Hey Carolejo!

In the USA, we celebrate "Labor Day" on the first Monday in Sept so it's an S day...

Hi Lethal!!! I just dropped off Richie to school... He was excited!
So am I...
Hee hee....

Peace and Love,
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Post by Lethaltoenails » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:37 am

Thanks, Deb for your note and thanks to Carole Jo for checking in too!! Does the UK celebrate a Labor Day?

Tuesday - doing well with food today, back on the program.
B'fast - tea, of course, and a PBJ sandwich AFTER I exercised at Curves. I read somewhere if you can delay b'fast until after you work out, that is if you work out early in the AM, you can up your calorie burn a little more as you are prolonging your fast before you eat. I don't mind waiting an extra 45 minutes, besides I have my tea in the car, which is a must.
Lunch - half a veggie delite Subway sandwich and water. No Fritos with it this time. Then I went to the dentist and had a good checkup!
Late afternoon - I experienced another blood sugar issue around 5:30. Lunch was at 1 PM, but I did not eat any protein with it, or with b'fast, so I think this is the issue at heart. However, I ate a banana and about 10 grapes which helped a great deal and it wasn't a DONUT like last week. I am going to bring a few string cheese sticks to work to add to lunch when I eat those veggie subs, or to have when I absolutely need something. They worked wonders when I was doing Atkins. I think I lived on them.
Dinner - leftovers! Cookagill (ask me), steamed broccoli, 4 olives, slice italian bread toasted with a little butter and jelly, 2 oz. leftover steak. Water.

It's 9:30 and although I am sitting on the couch watching the Yanks I am NOT eating and I am not as stressed about it as I was about a month ago. Also, several patients and friends have made remarks about noticing some weight loss. I feel fantastic and I look great and getting better every day. I love no S and doing my posts and having my buddies check up on me!
:D :D :D

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Day 21

Post by Lethaltoenails » Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:51 pm

Wednesday Day 21 (0r 22, not sure) and doing great!

b'fast - yogurt and fruit, tea
lunch - seafood salad sandwich, chips, water
dinner - salad, water and 2 slices pizza


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Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Sep 09, 2005 10:39 pm

Friday - ready for the weekend, tired from work and huge headache.

b-fast - yogurt with maple and cantaloupe. tea, water
lunch - 1/2 a subway veggie delite, 1/2 small bag Fritos, water
dinner - it will be a roast chicken, broccoli rabe and some rice, I think. More tea and water.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:37 am

weekend update - S days - not too bad. Ate grapes, had two small desserts and a glass of wine, otherwise was rather in control and I eat generally pretty well - Oh, I baked health cookies for the kids and have NOT eaten all of them... This is good! After taking the kids out for dinner last night to the Mill Rock, I was too full even though I did not eat all my pasta. Maybe next time I will do a plate share with one of the kids or with Jon and avoid that feeling.

Monday - back to N days. Worked out hard at Curves.

b'fast - tea, pb&j on a hard roll, water
lunch - gyro, cup of soup, diet soda ( :( )
Made it OK through the 5:30 low blood sugar thing
More water
Dinner - the insides of a eggplant parm hero, some of the bread, salad, seltzer.

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:31 am

Today is Wed. So...
Success yesterday and today. much less stress over food. Not even tempted by chocolate covered orange jell rings.

Tues - b'fast - i can't remember - oh yeah, egg ham and cheese on an english from dunkin donuts - NO donut or coffee - water and tea
lunch - pizza at baba louie's with dan and nina, with water
dinner - chicken breast bbq, one corn, salad, delicata squash with water

b-fast - pbj sandwich and tea
lunch - 3 sushi rolls, seaweed salad and water, miso soup
dinner - turkey burger, tomato slice w/mayo and ketchup, broccoli, mashed potatoes, eggplant salad - NO seconds of course - and a NA beer.

Went to curves on Tues but not today, got adjusted instead this morning.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:11 am

Did you do your own adjustment? LOL...
Glad you had a nice day and weren't tempted by the chocolate orange jell rings!
I like the raspberry ones!

Peace and Love,
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Post by Lethaltoenails » Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:42 pm

No, I went to a colleague - but he won't take my money for the care, so I feel guilty and don't go as often as I should - so we made a deal and will be trading adjustments every Wednesday AM at 8 AM. That assuages my guilt. I think chiropractic is so valuable, I am willing to pay for it just like my patients are!

Today is Friday... yesterday was Thursday...
oh yes.
B'fast - PBJ sandwich, tea, water
lunch - subway 6 inch sub with roast beef, provolone and lots of veggies ( I am adding protein to my subs now and hope they will tide me over in the afternoon until dinner), iced tea (w.sugar though), Sunchips.
dinner - fried clams w/tartar sauce (a very occasional treat), cole slaw, water, did not eat the bread or all of the fries. Just a few fries.
Not enough water during the day. Someone stole my water bottle.
I don't like using cups because they can spill all over my desk.

Friday so far-
b'fast -tea of course, corn muffin (from Nola bakery), more water today will be my goal...
lunch I will be going out w/girlfriends, don't know where yet,
dinner will be at a cocktail party. :wink:

WAHOOOOO! 8) 8) 8)

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:01 pm

Friday continued...
Lunch was appetizer sharing at Mexican Radio. Saved us a bunch of cash doing that and we didn't even finish everything - and I did not eat that extra slice of quesadilla - even though it would have been thrown out... this is my dilemma, throwing away good tasty food...I let the waiter take it...ok, I did have to struggle with myself but I let him take it...and I forgot all about it until now and it didn't "kill" me just made me a little anxious - hmmm. Why am I anxious when food is being thrown away?? It's like I'd rather put it to good use (making me fat maybe?) than see it in the trash. Funny, though...this does not apply to all foods, just tasty ones. I can throw away bad, stale, stinky food with no problem at all. Actually, I love cleaning out the fridge. Maybe it's the restaurant thing. At home, leftovers can be saved and I am not compelled to stuff self with tasty bits as much. :roll:

Dinner - wine and horsd'oeuvres (spelling?) party at Stair Galleries - ate tiny bits of yummy things for 2 hours or so, but did say NO to it when I was satisfied. Probably ate a virtual plate of food. Didn't think about virtual plating until afterwards, but I did not gorge self. Had 2 glasses of red wine. Did not feel too bad!! :o

Now it's Sat AM and all I have had is tea. Tomorrow we have company for lunch, so I am baking a treat (pflaumenkuchen) from an old family recipe. I am sure everyone else will eat it so I can restrict myself to only one or two pieces tomorrow.

STONES tonight!! We are also going out to dinner at a Thai place in Albany. 8)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:25 pm

No restrictions on Sunday! LOL...
Just let your body do the deciding..
You will be pleasantly surprised that by giving yourself that total freedom, sometimes you won't even feel like going overboard....
Look at Dru.. She was the cookie monster before and after a while at this she felt happy with just one cookie for taste...
It happened naturally..
If you keep mentally putting restrictions on the weekend, no matter how nutritionally justifiable, you are actually setting up a situation where you create more internal conflict and resistance..
This isn't what S days are about...
I guarantee that no matter how great your plumcake is (okay, I want the family secret now.. I remember eating this at a friends house as a kid.. She had a German nanny, who stayed with the family when they came to the US... She made the best plum cake on the planet!! I'm remembering this from thirty years ago, it was that good!)
You really needn't mentally restrict your weekend..
They are restriction free!
Only Navins great "Arsenic Sandwiches" are restricted..
Everything else is free game!!!

Wow.. I wish I could see the Stones with you tonight!
Hey the Stones start with an S! LOL...
Lucky Duck!
8) Deb

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:17 pm

Gosh, it's Thursday and I have been totally out of touch this entire week. However, the No S is ingrained now and I don't even have to think about it so much - but I did notice today that I ate 3 of Sue's nori roll pieces off of her plate (she was too full - imagine that!) I did eat some olives and cheese last night before my supper, however those were virtually plated -
Overall though, I have been good as gold.

Today -
b-fast - the USUAL PB&J sandwich, tea
lunch - the aforementioned sushi, miso soup, water
dinner - probably the Bistro tonight - it's cheap-o eat out night there. :)

Going away on a camping trip with the Girl Scouts this weekend. Should be fun, weather is going to be good.

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:08 pm

Last week ended with a camping trip with the girl scouts - anyway, Friday was success and so was Sat and Sun as S days - healthy camping food was eaten - sushi for Sat. lunch - can U imagine sushi while camping?

Monday this week - success again, 2 slice pizza night
Tuesday - am home sick, so there's been a bit of small time grazing this morning and lots of tea. It's a gorgeous day outside and I feel crappy. I made a veggie casserole for dinner tonight, and some more pflaumenkuchen. Realized the recipe calls for only one stick of butter, not two. No wonder the last one was rich.

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Sun Oct 02, 2005 12:24 pm

Week of end of September...
NoS is a HABIT now and each day is successful this week. No funny stuff, no soda, no cheating.

S days are relaxed and easy.

I love this plan!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:27 pm

Hi Lethal Chiro!!!
Sorry I missed your post on Tuesday.. I hope you are all better!!!
It is weird when the weather shifts so abruptly and makes us get sick..
Are you guys pulling out the sweaters yet???
I think I may just be able to come up the Saturday before Halloween...
It all depends on how quick I can get an extra job.... I really want to make the trip up for some Pflaummenkuchen~!
I don't even care about the apples at this point... I just want to see some foliage and get to hang!....
8) Deb

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:42 am

Sounds good, let me know what day and we'll hook up somewhere!

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:20 pm

Week of 10/3 - Mon, Tues, Wed. - today is Thurs - so far success this week with the exception of Tues. evening, when I had a pudding after dinner. Wed. lunch ate at Cascades and really wanted something sweet afterwards - but I held off knowing the weekend is not far away... and I did not succumb to the urge! I am NOT giving in on N days!!!!! Dammit! :twisted:

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Post by Lethaltoenails » Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:16 pm

Week of 10/10 - It's now Thursday and I would have to give myself a big FAT "C" lately for sticking to NoS. I have been able NOT to snack, but I have chosen to "sin" the following ways... yesterday I had a small dessert with lunch (rice pudding) and today I had a piece of cake that a patient brought in. I have been using more sugar in my tea than splenda (I am out of splenda) and have been rather generous with my portion sizes. The weight loss has plateaued. :cry: But I have NOT gained. :) So that is the good news. This happens with me, i am good with a program and then it all goes to heck - but this has been the best and easiest thing I have done, I just have to get motivated to get back ON track and start looking at WHAT I am eating and HOW MUCH I am shoving onto that plate!!! :?

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Post by carolejo » Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:51 am

Hey, don't worry about the Plateau. Sometimes that happens even if you're being really good. As long as it's not going up, what the hell, I say.

I also had a 'wobble' about 6 weeks in where I started to eat more junk and 'sin' in small ways, but managed to stamp on it. I'm sure you will be able to too. At least you're much more aware of it now - no more cakes 'sleepwalking' into your mouth!

You're doing great. Keep up the good work!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:34 am

Where are you Dr. Karyn!!!????

How's it goin?
8) Deb

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I'm Baaaaaack!!

Post by Lethaltoenails » Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:39 pm

Holidays over, back first day on No-S! Hello everyone!
Didn't gain more than 5 lbs over holidays, etc. It's a relief to be back on No S again so as not to continue temptation.

So far - success! Will check back in end of day.

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