Anita's Daily Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Anita's Daily Check In

Post by apomerantz » Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:31 am


My first No S day. Hopefully my first day toward normalized eating and away from the all day eating I've been doing . . .

I was excited because my three meals felt a lot more satisfying since I wasn't restricting the type of food.

Ran 90 minutes too!

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:33 am

DAY 2: Success

Yesterday was my first day. And I can safely say at 9:30 pm that today is going to be a success as well.

It was a little trickier at dinner because I was out and ordered a cup of soup - - but I was laughing because they brought out the small sandwich I ordered on this teensy tiny plate so I knew I was safely within a normal plate size. Probably a little too safely.

I was a bit hungrier today than yesterday so I did have tea after lunch and black coffee after dinner.

Cycled 45 minutes plus strength training.

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Post by apomerantz » Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:09 pm


I did everything right yesterday, but I had tacos last night, and the sodium is making me feel as though I somehow broke with the plan . . .in other words, not a "skinny feeling" day.

I did have coffee in the evening because my hubbie came home later than usual, and I really was feeling hungry right before dinner. When I'm making dinner, I think that's one of my weakest times. I'm really hungry and handling all the food. In the past, I've pretty much eaten the equivalent of a lunch while making dinner! And then gone on to eat dinner. So I'm happy I was able to hang in there until dinner time.

One quandry I had was I really wasn't all that hungry at dinnertime because the coffee really satiates/dulls my appetite. But I was a little afraid NOT to eat a good amount for fear I'd be starving later . . .

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:21 pm


Felt like yesterday was really great. Easy to get from meal to meal without the snacks..

The period before dinner was the hardest so I had some black coffee which totally did the trick. It's like willpower in a cup for me.

It was my first day on the plan where I didn't exercise, but oddly I feel kinda skinny today. I must be losing some water weight as a result of cutting out the sugar. I wonder how I'll feel when I do eat sugar today.

Yesterday, I had eggs and an English muffing for breakfast. Sushi (which I LOVE) and carrot sticks and grapefruit f for lunch. And then for dinner, two chicken drumsticks with the skin on (yum!), a baked potato topped with the best salsa, and green beans.

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Post by apomerantz » Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:57 am

DAY 5: My First S Day

I don't think you can really fail or succeed at an "S" day, can you?

I was surprised, but I think it actually went fairly well.

I actually didn't deviate from an N day strategy until dinner. I ate a big breakfast which easily carried me to lunch. I was hungry at lunchtime, and ate a good sized lunch with lots of roasted vegetables and this leftover gnocchi dish I had made earlier in the week. It was very exciting to realize that I didn't NEED snacks between the meals. I knew I COULD HAVE them, and that actually made me feel less of a desire for them.

We had dinner at a new restaurant last night. A sort of fancyish restaurant that unfortunately wasn't very good. I definitely did not stick to one plate, but I did eat pretty reasonable. I had a bowl of pumpkin soup - - it may have had a touch of cream, but not too much, a small green salad, and ahi tuna served over risotto. The tuna wasn't great so I only ate about half of it (so out of character for me). And there was about a half cup of risotto. I ate that!

Given that the restaurant wasn't great, I decided not to eat dessert there and was so looking forward to ice cream when I got home. Oddly, somehow knowing I could eat as much as I wanted to (though that's not really encouraged) and having just eaten my largest meal in a week - - I didn't have that much appetite for it. I had three small sized scoops. And I felt totally fine with that. Happy to have had it, but actually sort of feeling that I wasn't sure I really needed it or wanted it.

I felt it was important for me to eat SOME sweet treat this weekend because I can get very perfectionistic about these things, and I didn't want every day to be an N day for a month and then go off the total deep end when I finally had some sweets. I really just would like to have a moderate amount of treats and sweets through my life and be happy to have them and not feel deprived (like I can never have them again).

Ok, so one S day down. One to go.

I know S days are supposed to be the easy ones, but ironically I'm really more comfortable with the structure of the S days.

p.s. I know I'm not supposed to be weighing myself, but I've been weighing myself daily for my entire adult life. Talk about a habit. Maybe I'll work on a new habit to STOP weighing myself, but I'm going to weight until I'm further along with this new eating habit before I go there. The good news - - down just about 2.2 lbs. Gotta love the first week of a new diet. I know THAT won't keep up, but it's feeling great at the moment.

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:44 am

DAY 6: Another S day under my belt. Yeah!

I still didn't have any snacks, but my meals were getting a tad on the largish size - - still within a plate, but more of a heaped up plate. And I had a small bowl of ice cream for dessert.

All in all, I feel really good about how this weekend went.

Now might be tricky - - the first N day after the S days. I'm feeling good going into it though because I have lost weight, my pants are feeling all nice, - - it's always easier when you are seeing results.

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:31 am

DAY 7: Success

Was relieved to see that the first N day after the S days wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.

I had no struggles with eating or with being hungry. I am a little worried about today just because I was very active yesterday (skiing, running, weights), and I hope that doesn't turn into serious hunger today.

All in all, this has been easy, and I'm definitely feeling thinner.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:08 pm


I felt like I ate a LOT yesterday simply because I ate leftovers for breakfast, and it really looked like a serious meal. And then I took my friend out for a birthday lunch, and while the plate was normal size, the food was piled pretty high, and I demolished it. Dinner was reasonable though.

I did run 95 minutes through the snow so I wasn't feeling guilty. I loved all three meals I had yesterday, and I didn't eat any snacks or sweets.

I am such a happy girl; it's ridiculous. Of course, now I'm seriously wishing I had thought of this myself years ago. I can definitely see myself doing this forever (which I've never, ever felt about any diet plan in the past). It just feels very sustainable to me because I feel like my mental mindset isn't one of deprivation.

I am a little wondering how I am losing weight because I'm thinking the calories I'm consuming are higher than what I normally would be consuming. Could I really have been deluding myself SO much with the snacks and the sweets? I can't see how as I have counted calories before . . .but maybe somehow because I'm definitely losing weight now. I can totally feel it.

P.S. I moved into the "Healthy" BMI range today. Just barely mind you so tomorrow I could be back into the "Overweight", but I'm getting close.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:45 am

DAY 8: Success

I'm declaring yesterday a success, but I must say that I did have a stumbling block. I was great on no snacks and no sweets, but we went to dinner at a restaurant I had never been to before.

For the first time, I had to use "virtual plating".

That was actually harder than I thought it would be. First, I had a small salad - - so I figured that was a quarter of a plate.

Then, the entree was scallops and prime rib. That came on one plate, but the scallops were in a dish that sat atop of the plate. The proteins were terribly prepared - - especially the scallops which were like rubber balls. So I really ate a fraction of what was there.

Then, there was a side dish of potatoes. Oddly, after everything else being completely mediocre, these were yummy! And not healthy. But I ate all of those.

So, could all of that (what I ate)be piled on one plate. I'm pretty darn sure it could.

Would I have piled all that on a plate given my own druthers? Absolutely NOT.

Nonetheless, I did stick to the letter of the law, so I'm giving myself the benefit of the doubt. I'm actually not sure how I would do it over again if I had the chance because without those potatoes I'd have been starving.

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Happy Eater

Post by TexArk » Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:29 pm

I don't know how to do the quote thing. But your quote below is me exactly!! I am happy. I enjoy cooking and eating. I am not deprived. And there is no more fretting over my decisions. My only regret is all the wasted years behind me. But at least I know what my future looks like. What a relief!

"I am such a happy girl; it's ridiculous. Of course, now I'm seriously wishing I had thought of this myself years ago. I can definitely see myself doing this forever (which I've never, ever felt about any diet plan in the past). It just feels very sustainable to me because I feel like my mental mindset isn't one of deprivation."

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Post by apomerantz » Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:43 pm

TexArk - - It is sort of astonishing isn't it? I always felt like when I was dieting that I just couldn't wait until the weight was gone until I could eat normally again. lol. How deluded was that!!???

DAY 9: Success

Felt very hungry while working out in the late morning . . .but managed to hang on until noon. Got through the afternoon pretty easily with the help of a cup of coffee. I really don't like the taste of coffee, especially black, but goodness is it helpful with staving off hunger.

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:14 am


This day was a pretty easy one actually because I was busy - - took my kids skiing and did snowshoeing so there wasn't lots of time sitting in my house thinking about food. I felt the most hungry after dinner, but I'm actually pretty good at just "sucking it up" after dinner and moving upstairs away from the food.

And yeah, today is an S day! I was definitely feeling ready for one . . .lol.

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Post by apomerantz » Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:02 pm

DAY 11: S Day

Ok, I know it is an S day so I can't officially stumble, but if felt like a stumble. Yesterday, after lunch, I decided to have a little bowl of ice cream. Well that little bowl ended up being more like a pint . . .sigh.

What's worse is I was going to a very fine dining restaurant for dinner to celebrate a birthday, and I was totally NOT hungry when I got there. That really didn't feel good to me after the past couple of weeks. I don't like being hungry per se, but I really enjoy the food more when I am. I still ate plenty at dinner, but I know the same level of pleasure just wasn't there.

And today I feel all bloated and blech. I'm actually looking forward to Monday. To top it all off, my workout didn't even feel good because I had eaten all that ice cream.

Hopefully I can remember these bad feelings and not do it again.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:58 am

I haven't checked in for a few days so let's catch up here.

DAY 12: S day

Ok, I'm not kidding myself here. This day was a far cry from an ideal S day. I was eating hard. But I really felt blech after doing it. I'm hoping that feeling will carry forward for me and make future weekends a bit less piggish!


I was surprised that Monday wasn't a whole lot harder given the weekend. I was actually pretty excited about it though and motivated. I really do feel better eating just meals. Hard as that is for myself to believe.


Went out to lunch, and it was a bit of a splurge, but definitely within the one plate limit. Breakfast and dinner were reasonable. I'm feeling a lot better since the weekend . . .I did check in on my weight. Ok, I won't lie, I've been checking in on my weight a lot. Right now, I'm down 2 lbs, but the truth is I've been up/down and all over the place in the intervening period so I'm a tad worried that all that's been moving has been water weight. I do have one of the body fat measuring scales, and it seems like the body fat is measuring consistently lower . . .lol, but I'm not sure I trust the body fat part of the scale very much! I think the key here is that my habits need to carry me more into the weekend, otherwise I suspect I can eat my calorie deficit right up. However, I'm going to be patient with myself as I'm definitely doing well with just nailing the habit. I'm finding myself much, much less hungry at 4 pm than I was before - - where I was famished and eating everything in sight. I seem to have a lot more control.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:35 am

DAY 15: Success

This day went surprisingly easily given we were totally snowed in (which makes it more tempting to eat). I am starting to feel less hungry now in between meals - - which is nice! I'm still eating quite a bit at meals so maybe I can begin lessening my portions soon. I'm trying to wait until I get to 21 N days before I do anything that might mess me up. I'm not eating ridiculous amounts or anything - - but I'm very small so the portions may be too big for me to really lose weight.

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We're on the same page

Post by TexArk » Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:44 am

I so agree with your posts on the general discussion and your response to Anne. I want to lose some pounds, too, but I can see how important it is to get the NoS habit down. It feels sooo good not to restrict and obsess. I just know that if I stay with the habit and gradually up my exercise to something that is enjoyable, manageable, and sustainable I will be at my best weight.

I had gotten to the point that I just couldn't maintain any more and the binge behavior was getting scary. After starting this program, I have not had a single binge, not even on an S day. I enjoy my meals and cooking again. I probably do need to up my vegetables, but after years of living on plates full of veggies and lean protein and not much else, (can we all say "grilled chicken salad") it may take a little bit longer to balance out my eating. I had actually become convinced that I was an emotional eater with an addictive personality. I know I can't control any one else's behavior, but I would like to stop anyone from going on that first diet.

Thank you for your posts. Many times you are saying what I have not been able to put into words. I have never joined a discussion board before, but I can say that I really identify with most of the NoS posters, and this has helped me to stay accountable.

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:50 pm

TexArk - Thank you so much for your kind words! I really have bought into what Reinhard is selling. It makes so much sense to me. I have the exercise habit DOWN COLD, and it's just not a big deal to me. It's part of my life. I don't agonize about it; I just do it. It occurs to me, "why can't that apply to eating?". I believe that it can. But I just don't believe it can overnight so for a change, I'm going to be patient with myself. We sound a lot alike. I definitely had the habit of restrictive behavior followed by binging (not the kind of binging where I ate a pack of oreos in a sitting - - more like eating a pack of oreos, plus three full meals, plus a pint of ice cream, plus half a loaf of bread plus a gazillion handfuls of this or that, over the course of two days). And then felt horrible and guilty! I want to be done with that and have normal eating patterns. I'm really going to give this a chance! It's nice to have folks like you do this with!!!

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:52 pm



I always find Thursdays to be fairly easy and Fridays seem like the worst. But I made it through!! This weekend is scaring me a bit because of the number of eating opportunities, but I'm just not going to worry about it . . . I'm sick of expending mental energy on food.

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Post by apomerantz » Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:52 pm

Day 18: S Day

Well, there was an awful lot of eating going on because we had a neighborhood progressive dinner party. But it didn't really feel like binging to me. I felt like I ate a good amount, but not ridiculous.

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:52 am

DAY 19: S Day

Well, it sure was an S Day with the SuperBowl. Lots of snacking I'm afraid. More snacking and not a meal. Definitely not good for the scale, but I know that I'm just retaining water from all that sugar and sodium.

So far, the no S diet isn't blowing me away from a weight loss perspective, BUT I'm very happy with everything else about it. I really believe that if I nail the habits that in fact they will carry over into the weekends (eventually), and that I will get less scared about each meal being only one of three eating opportunities (and will be okay with a less filled plate). I just feel like I'm eating like a normal person, and the best news is NOT GAINING weight. That's a big start for me.

I also think that in these first few weeks I'm letting myself eat more freely of foods that I've deprived myself of for so long. But I notice that my desire for these foods is waning. For example, I ate so little cheese, bagels, and bacon over the past year. Like next to none. So the first week, those foods were very appealing. And the second week they were still looking good. But now, they are starting to seem just like normal foods, not like something I really, really desire. I think some of this just takes time as I haven't eaten normally is so very long.

I really can take some joy in not gaining, because I'm also eating happily and enjoyably and not gaining. Before, I was eating miserably and gaining. So this is definitely an improvement!!!!

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:09 pm

DAY 20: Success

Yesterday was pretty easy. I actually think I was still full from SuperBowl Sunday. The only time I struggled at all was after dinner - - even though I had a pretty full plate, I must say!

It's interesting because 4 pm is usually my worst time of day, and that went so easily yesterday. I wonder if my habit of eating at that time is starting to diminish. The other time I really have cravings is after dinner - - just yearning for the sweet to top off the meal. That I still have! But at least now I know it is merely appetite and not hunger. Somehow that's made it easier for me to resist.

Today is my 14th "N" Day. So far, I'm doing well with sticking to the program. I really do like it.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:19 pm


Another easy day for me. I do think this is becoming a habit. I had a very long run in the morning, and usually that makes me starving. I was hungry at 4 pm, but I had some coffee, and that totally did the trick. I'm finding it much easier to just stick with the three meals now.

This week I'm trying to bring my meals into more of the normal size range instead of a very full plate. But not by much because I don't want to blow it when things are going so well . . .

The only thing left is the weight loss . . .my weight is all over the place - - up/down/sideways. I think I've probably lost a true 2 lbs in three weeks . . .nothing to write home about, however I just keep thinking if I lost 2 lbs per month all year long, next year I'd be well beyond my goal. We'll see what happens! I think once my weekends become more stable, I'm gonna be good.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:51 am

DAY 22: Success

Ok, for some reason, today, it has been the first day I've worried that maybe I'm not going to lose weight doing this.

It's wierd because all along I've had this mental mindset of (a) habit first (b)worry about weight loss later. And as a result, I've had little problem following the plan.

But today, I stepped on the scale - - as I have been every day - - and I think I expected down, and it was up -- but not by much. And this is the first weigh-in in 22 days that bothered me.

I'm going to try to brush it off because I still feel something good is going on. My habits are getting so much better. And I really have been eating a LOT on the weekends - - which I'm hoping will naturally diminish. So truthfully, I should be good.

I think some of my anxiety might be stemming from my upcoming vacation . . .which inevitably means dining out for a lot of meals and less exercising (though I will be skiing all day . . .).

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Post by TexArk » Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:30 pm

Oh Yes...the post weigh in depression.
Here is what think. We are probably eating the right amount of calories to lose during the week. But..our S days are still over the top so instead of holding on to the loss from the week we actually gain some of the loss back. Your spreadsheet trend might show this. I think it takes longer to get S days stabilized. I don't want to make rules for them because I can already tell that they are getting much better. For instance, I was invited to a brunch this Saturday morning. My first thought was, "Oh no. That is sure going to mess me up." And then I realized this would be an S day. How perfect. That is what S days are for.

BEFORE NoS I was in a trap where my day in and day out of working hard to diet or maintain looked much worse than my S days do now. My bingeing not only undid all my hard fought losses, but caused gains and terrible self esteem. I have not binged at all for 40 days. That is a victory for me. I was regaining my previous weight loss at 10 pounds a year while counting, weighing, journaling, analyzing. I consider losing weight at 10 pounds a year a very slow weight loss, almost undetectable, and I really would like to have 20 pounds off right now and certainly don't want to wait 2 years. But at the rate I was going, in a year, I would then have 30 pounds to remove. So I am in it for the long journey.

I am rambling, but you get my drift. I think the weight loss will happen, but certainly not fast.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:07 pm


I can't thank you enough for your note. Frankly, I'm totally buying into exactly what you are saying on an intellectual level. It's just my emotional self that is annoying me! I know that it is the S days that keeping me from losing weight - - and frankly, I should be darn glad that I'm no longer gaining, because as you point out, I was slowly, but steadily gaining as the years go by. With short term losses punctuating the gains, but if you mapped it on a graph, the trajectory would most definitely be UP.

So level is actually an improvement! AND, I do not feel like No S is an imposition on my life at all. Another improvement! So I just need to have the confidence, as you remind me, that the S days can and will improve.

Also, I feel a little better because in conjunction with No S, I started a weight lifting routine - - I've always done cardio, but not strength training. And in my book on the topic, I just read a whole paragraph about how water retention can significantly increase with weight training initially as your muscles will hold more glycogen. So maybe I should actually be happy that the scale is pretty level and not going upward.

THANK YOU so much, TexArk, for your words of support and encouragement. I have no intention of stopping no S. What I don't want to do is modify it if I don't have to. I really don't want to. I'm really determined to just keep following it "as is" for at least 60 days just to assure myself that something more is needed to lose weight.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:09 pm

p.s. TexArk - - also, the book makes it crystal clear that this isn't the fast solution. So I really can't feel sorry for myself because I KNEW what I was getting into at the start.

I actually find it rather fascinating in general to see how much the scale fluctuates . . .which certainly makes it challenging to detect ANY trend.

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Post by apomerantz » Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:45 pm


Of course just to show me who's boss, the scale was way down today. I have a good quality scale so I'm fairly confident about the measurements -- it's more my body that is erratic! I'm sure it will be back up some tomorrow, lol. Wait until you see the graph of my weigh ins - - it is hysterical.

At any rate, yesterday went great. I really wasn't even all that super hungry. I went to a reception with cake and easily turned away. And I BAKED, and didn't taste a lick.

I'm a little worried about tonight because I have a social engagement with another family that I don't know well, and there's going to be lots of food that is outside the meal format and then the meal and then dessert. Hopefully I can hold fast.

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Post by Anne » Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:40 pm

I really wanted to give you some kind of encouragement after your “weigh-in depression†post, but I felt uncomfortable telling you “it’s all right†and “you need to be patient†when I myself have been feeling depressed for a similar reason!

It is true that our body weight fluctuates every day (probably every hour), and it does NOT necessarily mean that we have gained – or lost - any weight. I absolutely hate having the scale dictate my mood for the day!

About your social engagement tonight, stick to your one-plate meal (at least a virtual one), and when the evening’s over, I promise that you’ll be feeling so good, wise, responsible, and more importantly: normal. Good luck!

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:39 pm


Thanks, Anne, for the words of wisdom. You were right, and your encouragement helped.

I stayed on track last night, and it was much easier than I expected. No one really cared what I was eating. I just waited until the main meal and then put any nibbles I wanted on the plate with my dinner. That really kept the nibbles in check, and I ended up eating a nice meal and feeling satisfied. I did have some wine, but I rarely drink so I think that was fine too.

I will admit that I got on the scale this morning and was very thrilled. Things are going slowly, but I hit a new low today. I know now, after 23 days of tracking, that the weight just goes up and down and up and down, but I think when new lows are being reached that is just a little sign that the overall trend is downward . . .and that I just need to learn some PATIENCE.

Thank you, TexArk and Anne, for helping bring that fact into clearer perspective. Holy smokes, I'm so happy with this way of eating and now to think it actually is working is just awesome.

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:50 pm


Thanks, Anne, for the words of wisdom. You were right, and your encouragement helped.

I stayed on track last night, and it was much easier than I expected. No one really cared what I was eating. I just waited until the main meal and then put any nibbles I wanted on the plate with my dinner. That really kept the nibbles in check, and I ended up eating a nice meal and feeling satisfied. I did have some wine, but I rarely drink so I think that was fine too.

I will admit that I got on the scale this morning and was very thrilled. Things are going slowly, but I hit a new low today. I know now, after 23 days of tracking, that the weight just goes up and down and up and down, but I think when new lows are being reached that is just a little sign that the overall trend is downward . . .and that I just need to learn some PATIENCE.

Thank you, TexArk and Anne, for helping bring that fact into clearer perspective. Holy smokes, I'm so happy with this way of eating and now to think it actually is working is just awesome.

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Post by apomerantz » Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:54 pm

DAY 24: S Day

Yesterday was interesting. I certainly wasn't especially "good" because I had snacks and sweets - - albeit in serious moderation compared to past times of restriction/binges (read "diets").

But what was interesting was how much more in tune I felt with the concept of "hunger". I ate my sweet treat in between lunch and dinner, and when dinner time came, I really wasn't hungry. I don't think that's actually ever happened to me. I think that in the past, I really have confused appetite/desire with hunger. Last night, I wasn't confused. At all. I wasn't hungry.

I was at a restaurant, and I ate in spite of it - but my consciousness was totally different, and I think I'm going to be able to use that to my advantage.

First, I really realized how much nicer it is to approach a meal being hungry.

Second, I didn't order a BIG meal. I had a small salad (albeit unhealthy, but totally delicious Cesear) and an appetizer plate - - which had way too much food on it, and I leftover a lot.

So, while there's no way this day could be call virtuous, I will say that it was much, much better than other free eating days I've had before No S. It was moderate (at least for me). And that's the long term goal. Moderation.

I feel the changes coming. I'm shocked, but thrilled.

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:16 pm

DAY 25: S Day

Everything went okay - - I did have some baked goodies that I made and didn't eat on Friday.

This morning when I weighed in, I noticed something. Every Monday, my weight is at a peak (high), but each subsequent Monday, the peak is a little bit lower than the Monday before.

My lowest weight is on Saturday morning each week, and each week that weight is lower than before.

So, even though it is a slow process, the weight is coming off. Meanwhile, my body feels different. My clothes feel looser. I'm liking how I look better.

I think things are working . . .

My appetite is under much better control. Snacking in the morning is totally a non issue - - I don't even think about it. 4 pm is still hard, but the coffee carries me through everytime.

Happy, happy, happy.

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Post by Anne » Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:03 pm

Snacking in the morning is totally a non issue - - I don't even think about it. 4 pm is still hard, but the coffee carries me through everytime.
Anita, I feel the same way about snacking. Mornings are not a problem, but I need tea to get through the afternoon. I'm usually busier in the morning, and I start to relax during the afternoon. I think that explains it. 3 to 5 P.M. is a critical time.

How wonderful that this is working so well for you! Congratulations!

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:52 pm


Ok, yesterday felt like a success to me, but I think I may have been borderline on a few things. Nothing serious though.

At lunch, I was out and had to use virtual plating. Well, I ordered mussels. Now, for a single plate do you count the shells or not? I voted NOT. Mussels are sort of small to begin with - - if I counted shells it would be almost like skipping lunch for me.

Then, at dinner time, I had a piece of cornbread. As I was eating it, I was thinking - - sheesh - - this is kinda on the sweet side. Not quite dessert, but ya know it was closer than I was comfortable with for no sweets.

So, I'm not sure what to think of today! Failure to me would be clearly eating between meals, or eating something for dessert after a meal. I did neither of those. But maybe accidently that cornbread could have been too sweet for a weekday.

Hmmm. Not sure what to mark my day!!!

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Post by TexArk » Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:18 pm

You can now join the Southern debate over cornbread. The purists say "NO SUGAR" and if you add any sugar you are not a true Southern cook. The old timers are just as adamant about that as true Texans are about beans in chili (they don't belong).

I think you are doing great. Your cornbread (at one piece) probably did not have enough sugar to make it be a "failure." Your "sugar" tastebuds are getting more fine tuned. And I know what you mean about the virtual plating. You are not eating shells and bones are you? I had a huge salad bowl last night. There is no way that it would have fit on a plate--but greens take up a lot of space. I just imagine it cooked down as I have done with raw spinach. I refuse to obsess.

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:30 pm

lol . . .that's too funny about the cornbread! I must admit that if I had made it myself, the sugar would have been minimal, but I store bought it, and I could really taste the sugar more than I expected too. It wasn't a corn cupcake or anything, but it was sweetish to me. Probably no worse than cereal though . . .

I'm with you on the not obsessing! I think I'd quite know FAILURE when I see it. That's eating something at 3 pm or having a brownie!!

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Post by howfunisthat » Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:29 pm

TexArk wrote: I refuse to obsess.
Hi there! I love that line, TexArk...I should cross-stitch it and hang it in my kitchen!

You're both doing great!!!

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy...

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:02 pm


Ok, yesterday I was really, really hungry, but I made it through. I did a long run in the morning, and I just think that extra calorie burning set off the hunger pangs big time.

I really wanted to keep eating after dinner. But I didn't. I feel like I have more strategies now for avoiding the temptation. I used to clean up immediately after dinner which basically meant I would be eating leftovers for a good amount of time post dinner. I think it takes a little while for my brain to realize that it has been fed and that it isn't hungry anymore.

Now, I wait 20-30 minutes and do something non-eating friendly - - like typing on my computer - - and when I go to clean, the compulsion to eat is gone.

Next week I'm on vacation - - I'm in a bit of a quandry of how to handle that one because it's not over the weekend at all - - just 5 weekdays. I think I am going to want to have one special day on the vacation . . .I've not taken one of those before . . .I just hope I can stick with N days on the other four.

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Vacation Days

Post by TexArk » Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:23 pm

Oh Good. Anita, you get to teach the rest of us how to do NoS on vacation!

Seriously, I would think this should be easier than anything you have ever done before. Remember in the past, you might have hauled special food around, valiantly tried and failed to stay on program, and/or said, "Phooeey, I'll deal with this when vacation is over." And then promptly gained a bunch because you were stocking up to begin a crash diet again when vacation was over.

I know you will succeed and then you can tell us all how you did it.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:34 am

Thank you so much for that vote of confidence! Sadly, I was usually in the camp of "I'll worry about eating AFTER vacation is over."

However, I'm going to share something very, very interesting about my vacations that actually supports No S theory.

I used to go on vacations, and for some reason, on vacation, I would eat 3 BIG meals per day and no snacks. I guess because there wasn't a fridge right there to take the snacks, and I'm sort of inherently a lazy person . . .

And you know what? I don't think I've ever gained weight on a vacation despite eating what I always thought was more calories. It always sort of mystified me, but I wrote it off to the fact that I tend to be quite active on vacation. The reality is - - I'm quite active ALL the time, and the difference was I wasn't snacking 24/7.

So, I guess I'm being a little silly worrying about the upcoming vacation since there's no reason whatsoever not to keep doing No S. I just want one day with a dessert because of a fabulous restaurant we are going to out there. So I am going to use one special day.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:51 am


Ok, this is day 28 of tracking, but I've actually been on No S for exactly 30 days. I'm dying to show a graph of what has been going on with my weight, but for some reason, I can't get it to display here (even using the IMG tag). The graph is so much more compelling.

Soo, instead I'll just show the numbers. But if you have Excel and pop them in there, fit a trend line to it, - - it makes it a whole lot more interesting. Essentially, in 30 days, I'm down around 3 lbs. But the weight has zig-zagged up and down, up and down the whole time. In fact, you almost wouldn't think there was a weight loss or a pattern, but when a trendline is fit to the numbers, there's definitely a strong downward trend. Each week, I am hitting a new low on the chart - - so I'm confident that I am losing weight. Very slowly, but still losing. Since my BMI is in the normal range now - - I'm not surprised it is slow. It would take a lot of deprivation for me to start really dropping pounds quickly.

You can see that every Monday, my weight blips up, but it's blipping up less. My lowest point so far is Feb. 7 - - a Saturday after 5 N days. I'm guessing tomorrow might be close to that again.

Just a slow downward trend . . .

13-Jan 130.4
14-Jan 130
15-Jan 128.8
16-Jan 129.6
17-Jan 128.6
18-Jan 128.2
19-Jan 128.4
20-Jan 128
21-Jan 127.6
22-Jan 127.4
23-Jan 128
24-Jan 127.8
25-Jan 129
26-Jan 130.8
27-Jan 129.8
28-Jan 128.4
29-Jan 128.8
30-Jan 128.4
31-Jan 127.6
1-Feb 129
2-Feb 130.2
3-Feb 128.6
4-Feb 127.8
5-Feb 128.2
6-Feb 127.6
7-Feb 126.4
8-Feb 128.6
9-Feb 129.6
10-Feb 129
11-Feb 127.8
12-Feb 127.2
13-Feb 126.8

In other news, I've been REALLY HUNGRY this week. But I'm learning that I need not succumb to that hunger. I do drink some coffee to get me through, or chew some gum. But I've kept control between meals, simply telling myself a meal is coming soon (which it nearly always is).
Last edited by apomerantz on Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by TexArk » Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:09 pm

I think your trendline is what is happening to most of us and it is really important to know that when you just have those last pesky 10 lbs. to lose. One of the things I never did like about the TV show Biggest Loser was the emphasis on fast weight loss. Unless you are very overweight, real permanent loss is just going to be slow.

About fat in the diet....I haven't included in my menus the butter or olive oil that I use. I don't measure it any more on NoS, but believe me it would use up lot of WW points. So I am not scrimping in that department.

And the vacation..I have noticed the same. I taught in an overseas program in Greece for a semester. Our 2 meals a day were prepared by an excellent chef (former NY Yacht Club!) and breakfast was cereal. I did not have access to any other food during the day unless I bought it on the street and desserts were the traditional Greek desserts, but only on the weekend. We were walking many miles a day also--no money for taxis. And...I actually maintained my weight. I did not deny myself special traditional foods, and it really was very close to NoS conditions. I had been so afraid of gaining weight and was really surprised that after 3 months I had not gained a pound. And of course, on vacation there is not the usual stress, fatigue, or boredom factor. So enjoy your vacation.

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Post by Anne » Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:54 pm

Anita, congratulations for your loss! (isn't that a strange thing to say?!)
About No S and travelling, here is what I write last december after returning from a week's vacation in NYC:
I'm back after a few days vacation in NYC. I was very worried about keeping up with the No S Diet during my trip, but I actually did VERY WELL!
I have been thinking about how I managed so well there, and not at home. I came to the conclusion that most of my bad eating habits are due to boredom. In NYC, there was so much to do and to see that I didn't have much time to think about food. And time really flew between meals! Before I realized it, suddenly it was lunchtime or dinnertime.

This is something I need to think about, now that I'm home again.

Another important thing is stress. Visiting a city brings a lot of excitment and very little stress. It gives little reason to turn to food...
In conclusion, I'm wondering if travelling isn't the best kind of diet after all! :wink:
Last edited by Anne on Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by apomerantz » Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:17 pm

It's so funny that both of you (TexArk and Anne) have experienced the same "vacation" effect. Now I KNOW we are all partners in crime, because don't most people complain about gaining weight on vacation?? I do agree that boredom was a big driving factor in my eating - - and eliminating that factor just keeps everything under better control. Worse than boredom has been a desire to procrastinate - - "oh, I need to do this onerous chore, but first I'll sit down and have milk and a cookie". Good plan, Anita!

At any rate, thanks for the congratulations and support. I had another nice loss today. The trend is very motivating to see. I'm surprised this is working just because I'm eating so many foods that I tried to deny myself for so long . . .

I will say that this extra bout of "hunger" is yielding extra weight loss this week. I have no idea why I'm extra hungry; I'm eating plenty (pretty much as much as I can with the one plate restriction). But I am, and my weight seems to really be going down this week. It's so wierd.

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Post by apomerantz » Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:21 pm


Yesterday, I ate quite a lot. Big bowl of cereal with berries in the morning. Went to a Jewish deli for lunch and had a cup of lentil soup and a chopped liver sandwich (love it and totally fattening!) on rye. Then, I made panko encrusted pork chops for dinner with whole grains and a salad with balsamic vinegarette.

And yet I was still SO HUNGRY after dinner. Grrr. I'm not totally clear now if it is real hunger or just a generalized desire to eat. Whatever it is - - I keep feeling a little close to the brink of a failure. A little too close for comfort.

However, I'm just telling myself that tomorrow is an S day. One more day this week to go. I can do it.

Today my son is home sick. That means I'm home with him which could lead to more temptation. I need to be tough.

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:19 pm


I stuck to the plan yesterday, but I will confess to piling my plates high. I was a little tired of feeling so hungry. And that worked - - I was much better. I mostly piled on extra salad and a bit more protein. It seemed to do the trick as I wasn't quite so ravenous.

Today is an S day and a Valentine's Day dinner :). I'm planning to sort of stay Nish until dinner time so I can go to dinner with a wonderful appetite and really enjoy it.

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Post by apomerantz » Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:02 pm

DAY 31: S Day

Um, it was Valentine's Day, and I went out to dinner. The food was AMAZING. I was fair the rest of the day - - no snacks, but big meals, one of which was pancakes. I haven't had pancakes since starting No S, and I was totally craving them.

No doubt I ate a lot - - but it was all "worth it" eating as opposed to binge style, grom it down before anyone sees eating.

So I won't be checking in for a few days - - my vacation begins tomorrow! Wish me will power!!

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Post by Anne » Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:46 pm

Enjoy your vacation, Anita! I'm sure you'll do great and have a wonderful time. I look forward to reading your posts when you return.

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Post by SavvyV » Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:42 pm

Hi Anita! You're doing great! I love this quote from your day 7 :
It just feels very sustainable to me because I feel like my mindset isn't one of deprivation
I know when you come back from vacation you would have done great!
If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution. ~Author Unknown

You can't lose weight by talking about it. You have to keep your mouth shut. ~Author Unknown

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Post by apomerantz » Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:59 pm

Hi everyone! I've missed it here. I'm back from vacation, and things really didn't go too badly.

DAY 32 - S Day
DAY 35 - planned as NWS Day, but ended up as N Day - SUCCESS
DAY 38 - S Day

DAY 37 was interesting. It shows the power of social pressure. I was doing fine and had no intention of doing anything but an N day. We were flying with lots of long layovers in airports. My husband took my sons to get Ben & Jerry's, and he comes back with this teensy tiny dish of triple chocolate ice cream. He says, "I got this for us to share.". I decline, and then he says, "but I wouldn't even get this flavor for myself - - I got it because I know you like it." Sigh. Ok, I knew that to be true. I literally had no more than four tablespoons - at most - of that ice cream. But I count it as a failure because I just basically gave in. It's so unlike my husband to pressure me on stuff like that . . .but I haven't really explained the whole No S thing in detail . . .so I don't think he really thinks I'm "dieting".

Oh well, it was a failure, but in my mind, I feel great because it didn't lead to a binge or me eating like crazy the rest of the day or anything like that.

Also, on the same day, I felt like I had a bit of a victory because for dinner we were fast fooding it at the airport, and I got a burger/fries at Johnny Rocket's. I don't usually get fries so I thought it would be a nice treat. I ate a couple, but honestly, they weren't a very good rendition of fries. So I decided they just weren't worth it and didn't eat them. I NEVER do that. NEVER EVER. I almost always compulsively eat whatever is in front of me. I think because I don't feel deprived, and I now know I can have fries when and if I want them - - I was able to say to myself that there will be other opportunities . . .

Hope everyone else is doing great!!

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Post by Anne » Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:16 pm

Welcome back! You did great, and I honestly think you should call day 37 a double success: first because eating just 4 tablespoons of ice-cream is a major victory (it would be for me and for many of us I'm sure!), and also for the French fries you didn't eat.
In both cases, you were able to balance the social situation and what your your body was telling you. Congratulations, Anita!

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Post by TexArk » Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:06 am

It sounds like you had a great week and NoS worked into your vacation seamlessly!

Good to see you back on board. When I used to diet, if I came home after a vacation and weighed and had done well, then the week after things feel apart. On the other hand, if I had gained, things also fell apart! I don't think this is true with NoS because the vacation just shouldn't feel that different.

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:44 am

Oh, it's so nice to see both of you, TexArk and Anne. Thanks for the cheery notes!! My weight is up this morning, but I'm trying not to take is too seriously because although I did stick to No S pretty well last week, I also ate every single meal at a restaurant so the calorie input had to be higher. Also, while I skiied hard each day, I didn't do my normal exercise routine which I believe probably burns more calories overall.

So, I'm not going to stress - - just move forward.


No real sign of my S days slowing down much. I am definitely drawn to the 'ol chocolate. On the other hand, I'm glad I'm only eating a little bit out of control for two days per week as opposed to for weeks on end.

I'm quite glad that today is an N day! A plain old N day without eating three meals at a restaurant.

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:26 pm


Had a good, strong day yesterday even though I was quite hungry by dinner time. It seemed a little harder than it has been. Probably because on vacation I was eating more fat at each meal (restaurant food!) which I think really holds you so much better. Like I had bacon every day on vacation - - a couple of strips. I never eat bacon at home. But I wasn't even hungry at lunch though mostly I had bacon and fruit.

Now I am HUNGRY!!! I was hungry yesterday and am hungry now. I need to shrink my stomach back to where it was before vacation. I'm sure it will happen.

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Post by apomerantz » Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:09 pm


I think a post or two got gobbled up somehow - - I'm pretty sure I posted somewhere about DAY 41 and 42. Hopefully I didn't post on someone else's update by mistake!!

I won't lie. I've been successful, but I've also been darned hungry. Yesterday, I finally just made my plates really full because I was getting annoyed with feeling hungry all day. I think if I had a busy week, it wouldn't have bothered me. But I didn't, and it did!

Finally, after dinner last night, I stopped feeling so hungry. And this morning feels okay.

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Post by Anne » Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:15 pm

Anita, the same thing has been happening to me: I've been feeling so hungry all day, and it's a real challenge to make each day a success!
The good thing is we are both doing great in spite of the difficulties!

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:31 pm

DAY 44: Success

Yesterday was one of the easier days for me. Unusual for a Friday. Maybe I was fuller from eating more on Thursday. Also, I did a 15 mile run - - and that hard a workout sort of kills my hunger pangs for a few hours afterward.

I had a large dinner at Red Robin (but within a single plate for sure). So all in all, I didn't feel hungry.

I am exercising a lot so sort of feel my weight should be trending downward more quickly. But I feel like my body is tighter and slimmer . . .we'll see when I go clothes shopping (something I hate) if my size is different. My jeans still feel fine on my waist, but a little baggy in the rear end area. Truthfully, it seems like most of the fat I have to lose is in the waist area. Hopefully that will diminish soon.

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:51 am


Yesterday (Monday) was totally fine, but holy smokes, I really need to do something about my S days. They just seem ridiculous to me. I do feel like some of my eating was out of control this weekend, and it bums me out. I really sort of wish that the plan didn't have these S days with no structure. I'm not confident that my N day habits are going to carry over. I'm really not.

I'm going to give this three whole months to see if the S days calm down. If not, I'm going to re-visit Reinhard's podcast on S days and maybe make one of the modifications he suggests.

You'd think since I'm less happy on S days that the behavior change would come of its own accord.

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Post by caroleann » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:01 pm

I know what is like to eat because it's on your plate. I am happy for you that you were able pass up the fries! Congradulations!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!!

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S Days

Post by TexArk » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:45 pm

I am also thinking more about S days gone wild. I had one eatfest last Saturday.

I am a few weeks ahead of you on this experience. At first both of the S days were over the top. Now it seems that just my Saturday is wild. I have thought about restrictions and modifications, but I really do trust the wisdom of this plan. Everything else has proven true for me so I am not willing to make any changes either for a few months. Because I really do feel better on N days I think my emotional self will eventually get it. Also I really do not feel that deprived any more. I am just going to trust that the N day habit, as it gets stronger and truly becomes a habit, will carry over to S days. I do know for sure that my cravings for comfort foods and desserts have pretty much disappeared and that has taken about two months.

I have read other's modifications and I just don't think it is a good idea for me. I don't need more restrictions or decisions or rationalizations. I think in the long run, I should be able to handle 2 days of eating without the training wheels. And then when Monday comes around the structure is comforting instead of restricting.

Are you overdoing S days because you feel so hungry? If that is the case maybe the problem is N day meals that are not sufficient. Just a thought...

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:05 pm

I think I'd actually feel better if the reason my S days were over the top was that I was hungry.

I'm not hungry. I'm certainly no more hungry than N days.

I think what is going on is that when I eat sugar, it sets up very bad cravings. I've had this problem FOREVER. So I have some sugar on Saturday morning or whenever, and then it just sets off this very serious desire to just eat every sugary thing available. Hungry or not.

So I just am not sure how to get that back under control. I did low carb for quite awhile and that was very successful for me in many regards because so long as I didn't eat sugar, I never had the cravings, and I never binged. Of course, once I ate the sugar, I went back to my bad ways . . .

Artificial sugar doesn't seem to have the same impact . . .but real sugar just can set me off big time.

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Sugar Blues

Post by TexArk » Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:29 am

I have been trying to figure this one out for years. I have read Sugar Blues and Potatoes not Prozac and I lost weight pretending that I was a diabetic and sugar was just not an option. BUT here I am. It didn't last. I really don't know if sugar is an addiction. Some say yes. Some say no. I thought it was for me. At least it really is hard to stop at one sweet. That sounds like an addiction. I know when I left off sugar and refined carbs, the cravings did stop.

After working with NoS for 2 months, now I am not so sure I have a sugar addiction. I still have gone over the top on S days eating an entire bag of chocolate chip cookies, all the ice cream in the house (luckily not but about 4 servings were available), etc. But I have been on restrictive diets and had a restrictive mindset for so long that I am willing to give this a real try. I don't think I can be scientific about this until I have the N habit firmly in place. Baby steps you know. Now if I have more wild S days this month, I may change my mind.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:58 am

It's really interesting to me how similar our "stories" are when it comes to food. I could have really written the EXACT SAME THING. I just can't go without sugar for the rest of my life, but when I eat it - - all hell breaks loose.

I don't think it is a physical addiction per se, but I DO believe there is a physiological response in the brain that is very, very pleasant and that leads to a strong desire to keep eating it. So yes, I think it is addictive.

Your over the top S days sound quite like mine. I think I ate like 8 large pieces of chocolate caramel turtles this weekend. Sigh. I just wonder if I ever won't do that.

But let's stick together for awhile and see where we go. I'm not in a rush. I just want to do what works. Ultimately, I do want to lose weight somehow. Slowly is fine. But right now I think my S days are cancelling out the N's.

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Post by TexArk » Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:43 pm

I am going to be thinking these next 3 N days about how to handle sweets on S days. I, like you, don't want to undo all the N days with an out of control S day. On the other hand, I don't want more "rules" that will undermine the NoS principles. I do understand the "pleasure" addiction rather than a true addiction. If it were a true addiction, then abstaining totally would be the answer. But there has to be a way to enjoy a few sweets without numbing my brain. I feel like an alcoholic who loses good judgement after the first drink. One cookie and the sugar part of my brain kicks in. Let's check back on Friday with any thoughts on this.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:48 pm

I like the concept of a heavy drinker losing control after the first drink - - I do think it is something like that. It's like all judgement goes out the window, and I just am stuffing sugar in my face without regard to the consequences. Like you, I hate to pile on new rules. On the other side, I know this won't work for me if I keep doing it.

And I'm willing to soldier on without rules for awhile longer.

But I just wonder if a very simple rule - - akin to the No S philosphy - - would do the trick. Like seconds and snacks are okay on S days like they always are. But what if sweets are only allowed after 5 pm on S days. I'm just thinking something really simple, but clearly black and white (like No S is) that might limit the damage. Granted, I can eat a whole lot of sugar from 5 until bedtime if I want to - - but I think that what happens is I start way earlier, and just keep eating bite after bite all day long. It's not like I pull out the chocolate box and sit on the couch and eat it. I just grab one chocolate from the cabinet and then another and then another.

And then I have dessert after dinner.


Keep me posted on your thoughts.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:49 pm


Had to do some virtual plating at a restaurant, but the plate sizes were small so I think I did pretty well. Otherwise all was good!

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:37 am


I don't get it. My scale weight seems to be really flat now. Not down, not up. What strikes me as odd is that now it's not following the patterns it has before. Yesterday, I ran 12 miles - - you'd think that in daily weighing, the scale would reflect that. Every other week, when I did my long run, the next day would be my lowest weight of the week.

Not this week.

It's like I'm just totally not gaining or losing at all. I think I have legitimately lost 2 lbs since starting No S. Which hey, 2 lbs is better than nothing. But I am anxious to see some results . . .

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Post by apomerantz » Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:53 pm


Ok, success came easy for once! I didn't eat enormous portions, and yet somehow I wasn't all that hungry. It was a nice change. I wonder if it was the weather. It went from 10 degrees early in the week to 20 degrees to suddenly hitting 55. It felt like summer. I'm not kidding.

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Post by apomerantz » Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:34 pm


Yesterday's S Day was pretty good. I was very busy as we went to Toronto to see the World Baseball Classic. I actually only ate three meals - - no snacks. And I had one bite of a frosty. My lunch was pretty caloric as we were eating in a ballpark . ..and I had fries that I wouldn't normally eat . . .but other than that, it really was a good day.

Definitely no binging or sneaking of food (my two BAD things that happen on S days).

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:32 am

DAY 53: S Day

I'm really happy this morning because I really didn't "act like an idiot" this weekend. I mostly stuck to the three meals. I had one bowl of ice cream after dinner on Sunday. That was it for the sweets, and honestly I didn't miss them.

My meals were a little bread heavy.

But all in all, my S days felt pretty sane with no binges or sneaky eating out of the cabinet or freezer. I'm hoping hoping hoping that this is habit kicking in. But I also was just more mindful of my goals for No S and tried to not subvert them for no good reason.

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:23 am

DAY 54: Success

Yesterday went so easily for a Monday. I was a little hungry at my usual time - 3:30 pm, but honestly it just seemed natural to hang on until dinner.

I've learned that lunch really needs to be my biggest meal of the day. That's a revelation! I always make a big dinner because my hubbie doesn't have time to eat lunch. That doesn't mean I need to eat a huge portion of it. Whereas at lunch, I'm really hungry, and I think I need the extra oomph to get through until dinner.

I'm also feeling a big celebratory this morning as I hopped on the scale and had a really, really good weigh in for a Monday. Obviously not being an idiot over the weekend is going to pay off. Also, I really can see some changes in my body overall - - tighter, firmer, clothes are looking better. It's not extreme, but I can see it. Happy day!!

I hope some day I lose 10 lbs so I can post on the testimonials. I really can't wait to do that.

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Post by Anne » Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:33 pm

Anita, this is very encouraging, and a a great incentive not to go crazy on S-days! Keep up the good work!

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Post by TexArk » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:48 pm

I am also glad we "three" are all working on this together for the long haul because I do think it is going to take awhile. I am also aiming to post that 10 pound loss at some point. Since my mind seems to be centered, I have stepped on the scale for data info purposes only. And yes, just as I thought ...I lose during the week, gain it back over the weekend, and then gradually lose again--last week right back to where I started before the S days. This is how I am maintaining-- which I have to remind myself is actually a victory. And I agree, I have been happy doing it and have broken some really bad habits. Therefore I know when the S days settle down the loss will come.

I also feel the need to sign off with my real name, but I am too internet paranoid! So I will just be TexArk for now.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:51 pm

DAY 55: Success

My only qualm at all is that some diet soda has crept back into my days. Reinhard is not a fan, so initially I eliminated all of the diet soda, but I MUST remember to carry water with me, and I haven't done that. I work out in the am, and then when I'm waiting for my kids at school, I get so thirsty and end up drinking some diet soda that I have on hand for them. Obviously this has an easy solution, and I need to get off my arse and implement it. But I'm definitely not drinking it for the sweetness or because I love diet soda - - I don't - - but I'm just thirsty!!

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:52 pm

Don't worry about the names thing, TexArk! I understand. In fact, I have had some visions of folks googling my name only to find I've been eating like a PIG most of my life. Sigh.

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Post by apomerantz » Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:51 am

DAY 56: Success
DAY 57: Success

The N days are getting really easy for me. In fact, I'm not even feeling all that hungry until it is the time I'm supposed to eat. I'm sort of thinking that I could cut my meals down in size a little bit perhaps . . .this week I have definitely been eating more bready things than usual. Not sure why that is - - something to focus on. I'd really like more of my plate to be vegetables and fruits.

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Post by TexArk » Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:01 am

I wrote a long reply, but lost it in cyberspace somewhere. I am not too surprised that we are all readers. I seem to connect with bookworms. All my daughter's college friends have read the same books growing up and they are very impatient with others who have not read "their books." They don't want to have to explain any literary allusions or jokes I guess. I will check out the online group in a week or so when I have my spring break. My daughter tells me I need to read Evening in the Palace of Reason. Right now I don't dare start any fiction since I have papers to grade and assessment reports to write. I tend to get lost in a book and nothing else gets done.

As for S goals are no sneaking, 3 sit down meals, and purposeful rewards. I really am ready for an S Day weekend breakthrough. I know pride comes before a fall, but my N Days are not a struggle now. I am hoping I can say the same soon for S Days.

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:35 am

DAY 58: Success

I had a luncheon and a dinner out yesterday, and it all went well. I resisted dessert at the luncheon which I thought might be hard. Fortunately, they served it buffet style so no one noticed I wasn't eating it. Then, at dinner, I had my single plate - - no appetizer, no dessert - - and that was just fine.

Today is exactly my two month anniversary of tracking. I started at 130.4 lbs and today I weighed in at 127. Pretty slow loss, but a LOSS nonetheless. Plus, I really enjoyed myself for the two months and haven't felt at all deprived. I think that's something to be happy about. I'm going to try to follow the same constructs as TexArk this weekend - - three meals, no sneaking, planned treats. I will add - - planned treats AFTER dinner. That's just safer for me than treats at any willy nilly time. It won't be a rule, but something I strive for. Honestly, the N days feel so good to me that I think there's no harm in emulating them - - the exception being in the social situations on the weekends where I really want to indulge. Then, I will!

TexArk - Thx for being willing to give Shelfari a try. I think you will like it. I'm going to check out the book your daughter recommended and hopefully add it to my ridiculously long TBR pile! Sounds intriguing.

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:46 am

DAY 59: S Day
DAY 60: S Day

So, how did my weekend go you might ask? Well . . .Saturday went great! Basically an N day with one dessert. I didn't stick to my premise of eating the dessert after dinner because I forgot about my son's play that night. But I was great.

And then yesterday went to hell in a hand basket. I was cooking a special festive meal to celebrate my BIL's birthday. But that isn't even what set me off. I just had these chocolate chip muffin things after lunch, and then started to nibble on everything I was cooking while I was cooking it. I was actually FULL when I sat down to dinner. And I continued to eat anyway. Sigh. So I'm a little annoyed with myself - - S day or not - - but the good news is I don't feel like a failure so I am pretty sure it isn't going to derail my N day today.

I noticed a few things that were really helpful:

1. Eating when full really is much, much less enjoyable so it pays to avoid doing that.
2. I can't see HOW this is possible, but I think I'm losing some of my taste for sweet treats. We had a chocolate birthday cake, and I really was thinking to myself that it really wasn't all that great . . .that's VERY unusual for me.

On another positive note, my weight this week went really well. On Saturday I saw a new low for me on the scale of 126. And my average for the week was 127.7 - - almost into the normal weight BMI. Just a hair over. So, I can see that the non-crazy S days from last weekend paid off. Hopefully when I'm not making birthday celebrations and cooking while drinking wine - - I won't eat the way I did yesterday. My N day habit just wasn't quite strong enough to withstand the temptations I guess!

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Post by TexArk » Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:51 am

You know I identify with nibbling while cooking and that is without the wine!

You really are doing great. I think I hear a habit forming. I have also been surprised at the decrease in my sweet tooth. I don't trust myself though to bake except on S days. I made a pound cake on Saturday to take to an elderly friend and I will have to say I enjoyed licking the spoon and scraping the bowl. Maybe 5 N Days of abstinence tames the beast. However, I'm not ready to claim victory yet.

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:01 pm

DAY 61: Success

It felt good to be back to N days for me. It's wierd how I sort of like N days better than S days. I can't really fathom that . . .I thought it might be hard after eating so much on Sunday, but it really wasn't. My hubbie came home on the later side which freaked me out a little, but I was able to hang on just fine. I'm not so afraid of being hungry anymore.

Thanks for the supportive words, TexArk. I'm with you - - sweets still have a lot of MENTAL appeal to me, but oddly when I really focused on whether I was enjoying the dessert while I was eating it - - the answer was, not so much. Granted, cake is not one of my most favorite desserts. I love ice cream best - - preferably the Hagaan Daaz type. And very dark chocolate desserts. Nonetheless, at least I was thinking about it and whether it was worth it instead of just gromming it down mindlessly.

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:06 pm


I'm testing out a way to post my weigh in results over time . . .this is only a test (though the data is the real thing - - it's not a very pretty graphic yet).

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:25 am

Still testing!!


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Post by TexArk » Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:39 am

I gather those spikes are S days. Sometimes I think the extra salt from what I am eating on S days causes that Monday upturn. (Or perhaps my gut is full)

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Post by Anne » Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:10 am

Your chart looks good, Anita. It's going down slowly and steadily. Congratulations!
I'm with you about liking N-Days better. I like the stucture they provide.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:11 am

Anne - Thank you. It definitely is slow, but it is coming off. This week, I'm hitting in the 127's a lot more often whereas I've been in the 128's mostly before. I'm really learning patience . . .

TexArk - I tend to spike on Monday's! So the Monday after the two S days is definitely the worst. I think a big factor in that (beyond just overeating) is that when you eat a lot of carbs, you retain a lot more water. That's why low carb diets make you feel so skinny right away. So I think there's a lot of water retention on Mondays, which is then gone by Wednesday.

I'm going to try to do a better version of this chart with some labels and color and post it on the 13th of each month (since I started on the 13th of January). Hopefully it will continue to look positive and provide some motivation for continued patience. It's hard because I'm very close to normal weight so it's not going to be very dramatic!

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:15 am


This is the closest I've come to a failure without actually failing. I was cooking dinner, and things just weren't going well. A recipe I was making was turning all to heck. I was using some leftovers and realized too late that I actually didn't have enough to feed the whole family. My husband got called into the hospital right before we were about to sit down to eat.

And I have PMS.

I really came "this close" to simply eating dinner out of the pans in front of me and to eating seconds while cleaning up. I just felt stressed.

But somehow I didn't do it, and I was fine for the rest of the evening. Thank goodness.

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Post by TexArk » Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:51 pm

Sounds like you had a close call. This is what I like about NoS, though. If you were on any other kind of diet, you would have just chunked it and started over the next day. But because we want to firm up the habit we don't like to break the chain. It is not about the weight loss at the moment of temptation; it is about staying on green! And you stayed on green on St. Patrick's Day. Whoopee!

Yes, I know about carbs retaining fluid. I can always tell when I have had too much bread. I can't get my rings on or off! Eat lots of green veggies and, bingo, skinny time.

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Post by Anne » Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:56 pm

Anita, resisting when we're about to give in, that' one of the most difficult things for me! But when we succeed, what a victory!!! You did so well, you should be proud of yourself.

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Post by apomerantz » Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:50 am

I'm a little behind here in logging -- oops


This week was fine in most regards. Thursday night I went out to eat, and it was tough because I was virtual plating AND the plate sizes were fairly ridiculous. I was close to a single large plate though so I'm giving myself the benefit of the doubt. I only ate half my entree.

Yesterday I started feeling - - not well. It's wierd because I don't have any symptoms at all except lethargy. I could BARELY get through my workout. I had to cut it into two half hour segments and reduce the difficulty on my elliptical. That's very unlike me. I'd actually feel better if I had some other symptom . . .then I'd know it was just a virus or something.

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:53 am

Day 67: S DAY

While I can't quite say my S Days were like my N days - - I can say they weren't out of control and were well within the bounds of normal eating behavior. That's all I'm asking for really. Sunday was worse than Saturday, but neither was terrible. My weight this morning is good and has been stable for the last three days.

So all in all, I'm pleased.

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:18 am


Today was a success, but while normally I have a high "fence" around my habit, today I let it down a little - - which I'm not planning to do in the future - - because I do think it is a slippery slope. The two instances were:

My young son was trying a new flavor of bagel in the mid afternoon. He really really wanted me to taste it. I didn't really want to because of No S, but he was pretty much pleading. So I had a taste that was literally the size of my thumbnail. Now, I don't really think that qualifies as a snack . . .but it isn't something I want to make a habit of.

Then, at dinner, I meant to put some fruit on my plate - -just a couple of squares of mango. And I forgot. There was plenty of room for it. So I ate it after I completed dinner. I just really prefer to put everything on the plate, and when the plate is gone, the dinner is over.

So - - two small instances that I'd consider outside my personal fences, but that I wouldn't consider to be a failure. Not something I'm going to make a habit of though because I can see how these types of things could lead to failure readily.

I'm leaving for vacation on Thursday . . .that is going to be interesting. It's an adult only vacation so eating will be features more prominently. We'll see how I do.

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Post by Anne » Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:15 am

I agree with you that these two incidents don't qualify as failures. Nevertheless, you are being very honest with yourself by acknowledging even tiny exceptions to the rule.
I'd say you're doing just fine! :D

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:26 pm


Yesterday was a close call again. I ran for more than 2 hours, and I guess I didn't eat adequate lunch given that - - so I was STARVED for dinner. I really filled my plate, but honestly it still didn't seem like enough, but I muddled through.

I leave for Orlando today for a nice five day trip without kids. We have special dinners planned every night, so not sure how No S will go exactly. I'm motivated not to blow it, because my weight is really at a low point right now. I feel very good. So hopefully that motivation will keep me on track. I'm not worried about desserts, sweets, or snacks - - just mostly about virtual plating in the evenings and not eating appetizer and then main and going over the plate. I think that's my real danger zone. Fortunately, we are doing the two really big dinners (fine dining and steakhouse) on Sat. and Sun.

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Have fun!

Post by la_loser » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:42 pm

Have fun! What a great way to welcome spring! (As I sit here looking at frost on the deck and knowing we're supposed to have snow this weekend!)

You can handle this-but this might be a time to have some S events in order to not feel like you're restricting yourself on vacation. As in they might not be full-blown idiot S days, but perhaps you can allow yourself a few "special" items. Taking a cue from KCCC's recent aggravation with herself, you won't want to make yourself miserable and not be able to enjoy your trip!

We'll want to hear about your adventures when you return! Safe travels.
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:11 pm

Thanks so much, LA, for the very kind and supportive words. I do like the idea of S events for vacation . . .I think a part of me is very afraid to modify anything at anytime because this has worked so well for me.

But on the other hand, I am going to all these great restaurants so I don't want to feel too deprived - - so your advice is good!

Maybe what I'll do is allow 1 additional non-sweet course per vacation day - - i.e. a salad or appetizer - -that's really the only thing I think I'm going to have an issue with. And it is definitely better to do that then to just call a day a FAILURE and start eating every which way from Sunday. I think I'll just have that plan in my hip pocket.

The nice thing is I will be in a bathing suit each day so of course I want to look pretty and thinnish . . .that might be motivation enough for me!!

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Post by TexArk » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:02 pm

Have fun. Isn't it great to go on vacation and not have to worry about your diet? I think your S event plan sounds solid. You can be a pioneer for us on this one. Fine tune it and let us know how it worked for you.

Actually, the bathing suit reality check should be good enough. That would certainly do it for me! Maybe I need a job where I wear a bathing suit to work every day. Or maybe Hooter's could use a senior think?

Are you going to have internet withdrawal? I think I have substituted checking my sites for snacking.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:14 pm

LOL!!! Ok, TexArk, I'm on my way out the door, but your post was just tooooo funny. Thanks for the giggle :). I just have a vision of us all going to work in our bathing suits. That would definitely motivate me to the hilt.

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:06 pm

I'm back from vacation - - all in one piece! It was interesting - - No S really did keep me in good stead though I didn't follow it as rigidly as I do at home. I did exercise every day - - as much as I would normally do at home.

Thursday - this was a travel day, and I stuck with the program (though my dinner plate was a big one!)

Friday - Again, I did No S well except plate at dinner was piled more high than normal

Saturday and Sunday were S days, but I think I actually ate less on them than I did on an N day - - except they were disproportionately heavy at dinner time, and I did have dessert both nights. But I barely ate during the day on both days.

Monday - I am calling this a failure, though I did skip lunch. I had a dessert after dinner because it was my very favorite dessert (molten chocolate cake), and I will say it was worth it. Sadly, the desserts on the S days were really not worth it . . .one of them I really only had a few bites. This is new for me - - usually I'd eat everything to the plate regardless.

Tuesday - Travel day and stuck with the program.

So, all in all, I'd say that the habit of no S really stood me in good stead! I wasn't as perfectionistic as I would be at home, but I also wasn't EATING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT as if it were my last chance to eat . . .I wasn't indulging in every single little thing that I saw that looked appealing.

My weight is up a little bit, but not much, and I expect it is more due to drinking alcohol, which I normally barely touch.

Bottom line, I didn't really follow No S in the fashion that I consider following it, but the habits I'm learning really held pretty well - - and that says something!

Also, I had the pleasure of having a non scale victory in the sense that I was wearing all my summer clothes, and everything fit me much better than last year. I felt really good.

And today, I am having no problem going right back to a normal N day.

That's the scoop - - can't wait to catch up with my No S buddies.

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Post by apomerantz » Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:23 am


Surprisingly easy transition from vacation to an N day. Weight was back down this morning so I'm guessing what little gain there was from vacation was primarily water weight.

One nice thing I have is that my scale measures body fat. I'm not sure of the accuracy, but I've gone from about 29% to 25% since combining No S with exercise. I've always exercised a lot, but I haven't been doing weight lifting in the past. When I started No S, I also started using free weights - - so I'm guessing that is making some of the difference with the weight loss making the rest.

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