idon'tknow's check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Post by idontknow » Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:06 pm

Thanks KCCC - I think the routine which has been imposed on me will be good for me!
I've just been to cinema with girls (Toy Story 3 - I love those films :D ). Not allowed to eat between meals so no sweets/popcorn for me. I don't drink fizzy drinks anyway - find them far too sweet and I hate the taste of diet drinks- so that is no hardship

1 hour step class
8,400 steps so far

B - yogurt/toast
L - quiche/tomatoes/half jacket potato/half cup cake
D - (planned) sunday roast

Treat after dinner will be ice cream milk shake - goes down so smoothly!

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Post by idontknow » Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:44 pm

Monday - 133.6lbs

Tuesday - 133.4lbs.

Visit to my dad yesterday. This means Macdonalds for lunch and ready meal for dinner.
Today - B - porridge/fruit smoothie
L - baked beans/toast/egg yogurt
D - tuna and pasta bake/yogurt

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Post by Scrybil » Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:31 am

Back in business now - idk, thanks for the braces info, thinking about Invisalign since my firm has a reimbursement plan for such expenses and I can get the cost down significantly.

Sounds like you're doing really well - with all things mouth-related! :wink:

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Post by idontknow » Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:28 pm

Good to see you back, Scrybil - let me know how it goes with invisalign.


B - porridge
L - cheese omelette/yogurt
D - spag bol/yogurt

This will be my last post for a while. We are off to Crete tomorrow for 2 weeks of relaxation and sight seeing. I am so looking forward to it. I'm going to try to stick to the 1 s event a day, which has been so helpful to other people on holiday. However, I'm not too worried about the food, because I'm still eating only small amounts and I have to stick to 3 meals a day.

I'll be back on 20 August :D

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Post by kccc » Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:29 pm

Have a GREAT holiday!! We'll look forward to seeing you when you get back.

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Post by idontknow » Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:04 am

2 weeks in Crete was wonderful! Hot sunshine, beautiful scenery, friendly people - and of course excellent food and drink. The 2 weeks was spent lying in the sun, swimming, sightseeing, and eating - I really didn't want to come home :(

I've put on a couple of pounds while I've been away - nothing major though - thanks to the enforced portion control of braces :D . I tried to stick to the NoS structure but it wasn't always possible. The Cretans are very hospitable people. There is always a gift of extra food at the end of a meal (fruit/small dessert) and a small drink. They also get very offended if you leave anything on your plate (quite difficult not to when they serve huge portions) but we shared main courses or had selections of starters to get round this. Another factor is alcohol: I normally only drink at weekends but on holiday I tend to drink every day (pour séparer l'après-midi du soir - as the French would say).

So it's back to real life now. This weekend will consist of 2 moderate S days (thanks to braces again) - and some much needed exercise :oops:.

The summer holidays are nearly over - back to school in a couple of weeks. I like this time of year much more than I like the official new year. It's the time when I make plans and resolutions and put new routines in place that I've reflected on while I've been away. I think HabitCal will be very useful in keeping track of some of these routines this year. I need to firm these up a bit and then I'll record some of them on this thread - it will help to keep me accountable to myself.

Post holiday weight: 135.2lbs

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Post by idontknow » Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:41 pm


No formal exercise, but walked my legs off in town buying school uniform with girls!

I'm nearly back at my pre-holiday weight. Today was my first N day since the holidays - it was a bit hard at times this afternoon, but was a success. Tomorrow will be easier :D

B - fruit/toast
L- pasta with pesto and mozzarella/salad
D - oven chips/egg/peas/1 slice bread

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Post by idontknow » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:10 am

Tuesday 133lbs
Wednesday 132.6lbs

I feel like I'm back in the No S routine now. While I was cooking last night I noticed how much I wasn't eating (if that makes sense!?). In days gone by I would have eaten mindlessly while cooking and preparing packed lunches for the following day. It doesn't even enter my head to do this now.
Yoga tonight. I feel so stiff and achey - really looking forward to it. I'm also going to start a pedometer challenge today to make sure I get in at least 8,000 steps. This will just be a start but will be a big improvement on the number of steps I'm doing at the moment.

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Post by idontknow » Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:50 am


Yoga yesterday was fantastic. I felt very stretched and relaxed afterwards - so relaxed that I fell asleep on the sofa and nearly missed the end of the programme I was watching :D
So much for my good intentions about the pedometer. I went out without it :roll: . I'll try again today.
Meeting friend for coffee this morning - she will have cake but I will say no thank you.

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Post by idontknow » Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:59 am

Yesterday was very unsatisfying in food terms. I decided to wait for breakfast until I met my friend because I knew she would be pressing me to eat. So I had a toasted teacake/butter with my coffee. It was huge and although it was nice I felt quite sick by the time I'd eaten it. It was fairly late in the morning by this time so I delayed lunch for a while. But then I went out shopping and grabbed a ready made sandwich and crisps - not nice and I didn't eat it all. I've also been very lazy since we got back from holiday and haven't really been cooking so I bought some prepared chicken to cook in the oven for dinner. Again - unsatisfying and I know my other half didn't enjoy it. All meals stuck to the rules but the food wasn't satisfying.
Back to work next week and the lazy days have to end - so I'm about to do my menu plan. To make things easy during term time I plan a 4 week menu and repeat it once. I take into account everyone's activities, plan meals that fit with those, and make a shopping list of everything I need at the same time. Then each weekend it only takes 15 minutes to input my online order and the supermarket delivers. Then another 15 minutes to visit the village butcher. It takes a couple of hours to do the preparation, but it really takes the stress off when I'm busy. It also means that everyone can have an input and choose meals they like, and whoever is home first can start cooking as they know exactly what is for dinner and they know we have all the ingredients.
Today is my birthday so it is officially a NWS day :D

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Post by ShannahR » Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:38 pm

Happy Birthday idon'tknow!
How are you celebrating? Huge party? Nice dinner out?

Have a great day!!
This version of myself is not permanent, tomorrow I will be different. --BEP

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Post by idontknow » Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:42 am

Thank you Shannah - I had a lovely birthday. A lovely meal in a quiet pub with my family. Afterwards we came home and played Let's Dance on Broadway on the Wii (one of my birthday presents) until the early hours - very good fun.

132.6lbs today. Lots of chocolates left from yesterday - good job it's an S day! :D

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Post by idontknow » Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:54 am

My weight is up slightly, but this is not surprising. I've had 3 S days - which weren't over the top compared to my old S days, but they are bound to have an impact. Yesterday was lovely - my dad is 70 this week so we had a big family get together. A walk in the sculpture park followed by a meal in a pub. Not a brilliant meal - very run of the mill - but it was nice to all be together.
Today is a bank holiday here - but it's not S day worthy. It's good to get back to the structure and lack of pressure that N days bring :D

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Post by idontknow » Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:38 am

I'm switching to weekly check-ins now. It's the start of a new term tomorrow and I'm starting a new job with more responsibility. Over the summer I have spent far too much time on the computer and I really have to put a limit on it. I will keep a paper habitcal during the week, and check in my Saturday weight on this thread.

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Post by idontknow » Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:35 am


Successes all week - which is good. And this is despite my new colleagues who have tried to feed me constantly. One used to be a chef and brings home made cakes to every meeting. Another loves savoury and again provides food at every meeting. I haven't really been tempted though - I just keep saying (to myself) 'I don't eat between meals during the week'. And of course, I can't eat it because of my braces.
This is going to be a tough new job. Long hours, lots of work, high expectations. I think I will enjoy it, but I know I will need to try and find a good work-life balance.
Pain au chocolat for breakfast this morning - special treat.

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Post by idontknow » Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:12 am

I had a grazing day yesterday. I'm not really supposed to do this (braces..) and I'm not sure why I did. I had lots of sweet stuff - although probably not as much as before NoS. I didn't feel stuffed or sick, but it didn't feel 'right'. So today I'm planning to stick to the 3 meal structure with a treat after dinner. Not sure what yet but probably some good chocolate.
This is a bit of a strange weekend - girls are back to school tomorrow. I'm trying to get organised for work. Step class this morning. Lots of tasks to do - I need to plan something fun for this afternoon which will still allow me to get all the work done I need to do. I think I need a habitcal for school work - something to do with procrastination :oops:

On a slightly different note I'm planning to start an occasional series of 'things I have learnt from living with teenagers'. This weekend I learnt that black nail polish can be removed from a beige carpet with hairspray and a clean nail brush :D

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Post by idontknow » Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:54 pm


Still losing and still managing to stick to no S. Very pleased about this as I have a new work routine. I was a bit concerned that I would find it difficult to stick to the rules as I'm getting up earlier and the job is more demanding. But it's all working out ok :D

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Post by idontknow » Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:15 pm

I've stopped posting during the week because work is so busy, but I have to come and make myself accountable for today's failure. TOM - v tired and messed up dinner, which led to a very small failure (garlic bread before proper dinner and that led to 'oh well, I might just as well have chocolate now'. Stopped after a couple of pieces of chocolate and will start again tomorrow. My first failure in a while - so will just 'mark it and move on'.

Edit - just checked my habitcal. Today was my first failure since 18 June - when I was 8.8lbs heavier than I am now. I've had some exempt days in that time (including 2 weeks hol) but no failures. Definitely not going to beat myself up - will just get back on track :D

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Post by idontknow » Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:07 am

After the failure on Tuesday I got back on track and have had successes for the rest of the week. I've noticed that I don't really think about saying no to biscuits and chocolates during the week at work now - it's sort of second nature. After dinner is still harder - but it only takes 15 minutes for the desire to pass.
I also felt that I am stuck around the 130lbs mark - but looking back at my weight record I can see that I've only been at this weight since 4 September. I need to be patient, stick to the rules and it will drop a bit further.
Exercise is difficult. Twice a week I am out of the house for 12 hours. The other days it's about 10 hours, and then there is a couple of hours work in the evening. I'm trying to stick to yoga on Fridays and step on Sundays, with some body conditioning during the week when I get up. Sometimes though, it's very tempting to have an extra 15 minutes in bed...
Oh well, I'll plod on.

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Post by idontknow » Sat Sep 25, 2010 6:52 am


Hurrah! A motivating drop to the 120s :D.

Another good week - successes every day with no S. Not so good with exercise. I did get to yoga and step, but no morning exercise. I am going to restart this on Monday. My stomach muscles are very weak and I''ve had back ache this week. I think the two are probably linked, so I'm going to work on strengthening my core. My days at work are very active - I will wear my pedometer next week and track just how many steps a day I am doing.

I have noticed the last couple of weekends that bought sweet things are not satisfying. I think I want them and then they just don't taste good enough. I think I will do some baking today - and make something worthy of S days.

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Post by idontknow » Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:53 pm

A lovely weekend - I ate no shop-bought sweets. I made a lemon drizzle cake (which was lovely), some chocolate chip cookies (which the girls ate) and a chocolate mousse for after Sunday dinner (absolutely divine). All of these were much tastier and more satisfying than anything I could have bought. The 2 helpings of choc mousse may have been a bit much :oops: but I don't feel like I've eaten to excess.

This is definitely the way to go, I think. But it's back to S days now with a light feeling and a much improved mood because my eating habits are better.

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Post by idontknow » Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:14 pm


Still under 130 after the weekend! Hurrah!!!

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Post by sophiasapientia » Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:32 pm

Woohoo! Congrats on breaking into the 120s! You're doing great! :D
Restarted No S (3rd times a charm!) January 2010 at 145 lbs

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Post by idontknow » Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:12 am


Another Saturday check-in and I'm still under 130. I'm very pleased about this as I had a NWS day during the week. This was more of a NWS event than a whole day - I had 1 piece of cake after a buffet lunch - really not excessive :).

Review of September

Starting weight: 134lbs End weight: 129.2lbs Total loss 4.8lbs :D
I think that now means I've lost a whole stone in weight. I was about 144 when I started No S, although I didn't write it down officially anywhere.
I am so pleased with the way I look - I am wearing clothes I bought a year ago after losing at ww. However, I quickly put the weight back on and have never worn some of them until now!
I feel so healthy and I have so much more energy. I run up and down stairs at work - people turn round and look at me as if I'm mad :lol:
I know my mood is better - I am calmer and more rational and I am convinced that is down to withdrawal from sugar.
I find it easy to resist sweet things during the week. I was hungry during the week and the only things around were chocolate bars. It didn't occur to me to eat them - I wanted proper food. I sit in meetings 4-5 times a week with biscuits on the table and don't even think about touching them. People comment on this - 'you're so good' etc - sometimes it takes me a minute to register what they mean because I haven't even noticed that biscuits are there!
And this is me - who could never resist sweet food 6 months ago. I would eat chocolate, biscuits, cake all day long.
I love my new job. I don't know if 1 month in is too soon to say this - maybe it's still the honeymoon period - but I feel as though I've found my niche. It is absorbing, challenging, interesting and every day is different.
I am very solution focused and this is a huge aspect of my job, which is why it suits me, I think. It's also one of the things I love about NO S - it's a solution focused eating plan :D

I'm hungry during the day. I have breakfast at 7, lunch at 1ish, and dinner is sometimes not until 8pm because the girls have new routines, too. Because I'm more active in my job I start to get hungry about 11ish. I am not eating - and I know I can cope with the hungry feeling, but I think I will try adding more food to my meals in the form of fruit and veg. These are a bit difficult to eat because of my braces - but I'll try a few things.
Fitting in all the work I have to do is a challenge. I am out of the house from 7.15 until 5.30 most days. I then do another couple of hours of work in the evening and I work most of Sunday. I'm just keeping my head above water and I need to find ways of working that will give me some free time, but will mean that I do the work properly. I have spoken to my manager and we are looking at ways of freeing up some time during the day - but I don't know if that will happen yet.
Because of the long hours I have to work hard to keep the routines going around the house, but I think I need to ask for more help with this. My family has been used to me being here and taking charge of everything, but they need to start taking the intiative. I really am not the only person who can empty the tumble drier :D
My long hours mean that I worry that my youngest is not getting the attention she needs. I need to make sure she gets some attention every day and that we do something special with her at weekends.
Ditto my husband.
My oldest one is 16 next week. She is growing up and growing away and it is breaking my heart. I know she needs to be independent. I know she is sensible and responsible - she has a good head on her shoulders and can always be trusted. I know I can't keep her as a little girl - I have to let go. I can feel my reaction to her being sharp sometimes because I want to keep her with me instead of letting her do things and go places - I need to remember to 'hold, don't grasp' - and that way she will want to be with me sometimes. I think this is the hardest time of all - way harder than potty training or sleepless nights.
I'm worried about my husband's health. His uncle, who he physically resembles, died suddenly last week of a massive heart attack at 57. His own father - my husband's grandfather - died similarly at 55. My husband is overweight (not massively- but enough) and drinks more than he should. His mother and I have a plan to get him to look after his health - but it will be hard going.

A long review of September - but there have been many changes. Personally the changes are mainly positive, but I need to make sure that the impact is positive on everything else as well. October will bring its own challenges as I start my Masters this month (a requirement of my new job).
This long review has helped me to think quite a few things through and to try to find some solutions. If anyone managed to get to the end (without losing the will to live) and wants to offer any solutions - I'll gladly listen. :D

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Post by ShannahR » Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:25 pm

What a great post! Congratulations on all of your successes! It's been a wonderful September for you. I'm glad you found a job that you enjoy--that's so important to overall mental health. It looks like you have several challenges coming up but I think the way you're looking at them is really positive. I only have one comment. I know that it's really tempting to want to "fix" another person, especially when it is someone that you love. However, I've learned that you can't "fix" someone else. They have to want to fix themselves. No matter what you do to "fix" your husband, if he really doesn't want to lose weight or eat healthier, he won't. I feel the best way to help someone change is be supportive and let them learn by your good example. I'm sure you know how popular nagging makes you. :roll:

Have a great October!
This version of myself is not permanent, tomorrow I will be different. --BEP

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Post by idontknow » Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:37 am

Hi Shannah - thank you for your kind words. It was actually you, KCCC and a few others who inspired me to review the month in this way. I really love reading other people's reviews/thoughts/resolutions - and once I had started my own I realised it was a really useful way of clearing my thoughts.
As for trying to 'fix' my husband - you are absolutely right. I can't make him do something he doesn't want to do and we have been together for long enough for me to know that telling him what to do/nagging makes him do the opposite :roll: . But I have to try something. His mum and I have to be clever enough so that he thinks it's his idea! Wish me luck :D

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Post by ShannahR » Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:03 pm

If your husband thinks that getting healthier is his idea than by all means "help" him :wink: . It all depends on the two people and the relationship I guess. My fiance wants to lose weight but I try not to nag him. He doesn't do things the same way I do (of course) and it seems to me that his way is haphazard and not very organized or systematic. I want to help, but I don't want to become the diet police! My mom is having the exact same problem with my dad. He's a cancer survivor and she wants him to change his diet--but he's been eating processed meat and really unhealthy stuff his whole life and doesn't want to change. It's sad, but she can't make him change, he has to want to.

I would love to see someone have success in helping their significant other achieve a healthy lifestyle. Keep us posted!
This version of myself is not permanent, tomorrow I will be different. --BEP

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Post by idontknow » Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:04 am

Hi Shannah - you are right - it's not easy. But I'll let you know if I have any success.


Another successful week. The next week has challenges:

daughter's 16th birthday - weekend barbecues, meal out during the week, cake... I think I will call her birthday an S event and just have cake, rather than having a whole S day.
late meeting at work with food provided. Not sure how I'm going to handle that one - I can either eat early at work, or wait until I get home. Will need to think about it.

A lot of work at the moment. I need to be organised and focussed this week.

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Post by idontknow » Fri Oct 15, 2010 6:29 pm


NWS event on Tuesday (birthday cake). Failure Wednesday - too easy to carry on the habit of cake from Tuesday. Why can I cement a bad habit in 2 days, when it takes such a long time to forge good habits??? So frustrating. Back on track Thursday and today, but just about to go out for a meal. This might mean I have dessert - depending on what's on offer....
A busy weekend ahead - family barbecue on Sunday. I'm hoping for good weather - probably in vain but it will be a good day with my family and nephews and nieces.

My weight isn't moving - I think I need to reduce my portions if I want to lose more. Or I need to tone up with exercise. Or both. But for the moment I am maintaining in a time of family celebrations and pressure at work. So I'll stick with these habits for a while and see what happens.

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Post by idontknow » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:21 am


I realised after I wrote my last post that I was kidding myself. So my weight is no longer moving downwards - could that be because this week I've had a failure and 2 NWS events???? I'll stick to strict vanilla next week and see what happens.

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Post by idontknow » Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:39 pm

Oh dear. Monday and Tuesday both failures - I am falling off this wagon big time. And after such a long time when I've done so well. So - why am I breaking the rules?
I'm tired - so so tired. I'm nearly at half term but I have been working flat out for the last 6 weeks. The days are long, busy and I think it has finally taken its toll.
I have a cold.
I feel hungrier. This has been the case for the last couple of weeks. This could be because I'm busier and moving more, or it could be because I eat earlier in the morning. I did something yesterday that I haven't done for months: I came in from work and ate my way through the fridge. I didn't eat as much as I used to - but it wasn't a small amount! When I'd finished I felt sick and didn't want dinner. Then this morning I felt grumpy and irritable - could that be the bad food??
Could it be because I'm only checking in once a week? Weekly is fine when I'm feeling strong, but maybe I need the accountability of a daily check-in at difficult times.

Actions from this minute onwards:
Back to vanilla
Daily check-in
More filling lunches
Daily weigh in to keep me on track.

Anything else I need to do? I will ponder on it.

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Post by ShannahR » Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:51 pm

Hi idon'tknow!
It sounds like you're going through a tough time! I know when I'm tired the same thing happens to me. I start thinking "who cares about this stupid diet, I just want chocolate." I hope you get some time to sleep ASAP! In the meantime, stay strong, it looks like your goals will help you get back on track.

I'm cheering for you!
This version of myself is not permanent, tomorrow I will be different. --BEP

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Post by idontknow » Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:06 am

Thank you Shannah - you are very good at cheering me on :D

Yesterday was a success even though I forgot to take my lunch to work. I thought I was going to have to turn to the stash of biscuits, but went to the shop instead and bought proper food.

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Post by idontknow » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:45 pm


Success today. Still tired, still hungry, but know that I am grumpy when I eat sugar. My mood has improved over the week as I've got back on track.

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Post by idontknow » Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:45 pm


Failure today. Cake this morning - bought for me by a colleague to say thank you for something. It would have been rude not to eat it at the time. And then it was a small step to cake this afternoon - I met up with a friend I haven't seen for weeks and we had cake and coffee.

I have lost weight this week - despite the failures. I also found out that I am only 4lbs heavier than the friend I saw this afternoon. We are about the same height but very differently shaped. I would have said she was at least 10lbs less than me - I always think of her as very skinny. Strange how you view yourself compared with other people.

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Post by idontknow » Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:22 am


No longer losing weight - unsurprisingly. The last few days have taken their toll and I'm back to where I was. This means I have stayed the same for most of October. But I know why - too many NWS days, too many failures.

Friday was a big failure - 2 cakes and ice cream. I slept 14 hours on Friday night - I knew I was tired! All day Saturday I felt like I had a hangover (which I didn't) - sick, headache, thirsty. I think it was probably all the sugar making me feel ill. Saturday night we went out for a 3 course meal with friends. Sunday was lazy eating - lots of picking. I did go to a step class but that's about the only positive thing I did for my health all weekend.

So now it's half term. This can sometimes be difficult as we are out and about and tend to enjoy lots of treats, but I am determined that Mon-Thurs will be green. Friday we are going away for the weekend - just me and the other half - to a nice hotel with a good restaurant. So I will have dessert after dinner on Friday evening. But I am determined that will be my only non vanilla event this week. Wish me luck!

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Post by idontknow » Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:25 am


I'm calling yesterday a success - even though I couldn't be as vanilla as I wanted to be. I went to visit my dad - he had made a chocolate chip cookie cake which he wanted me to try. I had just one bite - luckily there wasn't a lot and the girls wanted to eat most of it. In the afternoon everyone else had cake but I resisted :). This meant they didn't want dinner early - so I had a sausage roll to keep me going as I knew we wouldn't eat until at least 9.30pm.
So - 2 extras during the day, but both were 'mindful' and didn't lead to a whole day of failures. So I'm calling it a success. Today should be easier

On the plus side - went shopping at an outlet village yesterday. Got lots of bargains, but it was so lovely to try clothes on and feel good - and I even had to ask for smaller sizes in some of them :D

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Post by idontknow » Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:48 am


Successes Tuesday and Wednesday. It is not easy though. At one point during the last few months I didn't have to think about No S. I felt the habits were ingrained and had become automatic. I didn't think about picking while cooking, or a biscuit with a cup of tea. Now though - it's hard. I have to talk to myself with reasons why I shouldn't eat this or that. I don't know why this is - a change in the weather? It's the onset of Autumn, clocks change this weekend, it's definitely colder - does that make me want to eat more? Am I bored with my meals? Is it because I think I deserve a treat as I'm working so hard? Is it because it's half term and I've been around the house? I have no idea why it has suddenly become harder - but I don't want to go back to the way I was eating, and I enjoyed feeling like the habits were automatic, so I will strive to return to that feeling.
London with the girls today. Shopping on Oxford Street, lunch at Camden Lock, dinner in Chinatown, visit to Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden- these are their requests for the day. I'm determined to throw in a museum to add some culture to their day. It will be exhausting but good! :D My feet will hurt tomorrow :cry:

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Post by idontknow » Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:58 am

Yesterday was a failure and as a result my weight is up.
We had a fantastic day in London - I love spending time with my girls and my niece. We did a lot of walking, talking, laughing and shopping - no museum unfortunately - but lots of interesting things to look at. We walked to Westminster to see Big Ben - we have done that before but they didn't remember. It was dark by that time and all lit up, so looked lovely.
It wouldn't have been difficult to stick to the rules yesterday, but I chose to break them. Breakfast - fine. Lunch - fine - one carton full of Thai food from Camden Lock. Very nice and very filling. Then we stopped for a drink and the girls had ice cream - very expensive ice cream!! So I chose to taste. Only a couple of spoonfuls but still a taste. We stopped again later for a drink and shared some biscuits. Again I chose to eat when I didn't need to. Dinner was a Chinese buffet. I knew we were going to have this and mentally I had planned a small plate of starters and a small plate of mains - to 'virtually' equal one big plate. My plates were bigger than I had planned and then I had dessert - another bad choice.
Today I'm going away for the weekend with my husband, so have already planned dessert after dinner and there will be alcohol...So effectively this is the end of my October. Time to review, I think....
The habitcal tells the story - 2 nws days and 5 failures. With weekends that means 18 days out of 31 that I haven't followed vanilla. And therefore my weight is the same as at the start of October. On the positive side this means that I am not eating as much as I was before No S. The first week in October was all green, but every other week contains red days. As I've posted before I feel hungry and I want to eat - do I need to increase the amount I'm eating, increase the amount of fat, or just ignore the feeling until it goes away because it's not real hunger? I was tired in October - but was I tired because I wasn't eating properly or was I not eating properly because I was tired?
I don't know the answers to these questions, but I need to find out before Monday. I want November to be positive. Events coming up are: husband's birthday, bonfire night, nephew's birthday. We are celebrating bonfire night on Saturday 6th - so that won't be a problem. Husband's birthday is on a Friday. I could adjust my S days, but I'm having my braces tightened the day before, so I don't see that being a problem :D
The problem is the 'creep'.
I love the fact that I have lost weight. I have really enjoyed clothes shopping this week for the first time in ages. My goal is to get to 126lbs - but I am fairly happy at this weight. I am wearing the size of clothes I wanted to wear and generally like the way I look. Maybe that's the problem - loss of incentive. I probably need to focus on the health benefits of No S instead of the weight aspect - increased energy, feeling of lightness, being more effective etc. If I were to see No S as the end in itself instead of the weight loss, maybe I would be more motivated? I will think about this over the weekend ready for 1st November.
Bit of a rambling post - but it's helped me get my thoughts in order.

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Post by idontknow » Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:15 am

My weight has crept up a bit further - but this is a Monday weight which is always higher - after a weekend away with a lot of lovely food.
I have been thinking about why my weight is creeping up and why I am finding it difficult to keep to the habits. I'm partly repeating what I've already written above, but want to sum up:
My weight is good - so psychologically I feel like I'm at the end of a diet
I'm tired - work is full on and I have lots to juggle
I feel hungry between meals

So - how to tackle this?
1 - No S is not a diet - it's forever. I need to remind myself of this and make it my new mantra. I would like to get to 126lbs but that is not a magic number. If I stayed around 129 that would be ok. I need to re-establish the habits and see where my weight naturally settles. So I'm going to refocus on habitcal with rewards - this worked well for me in the summer. Rewards will be after one green week, then 2 weeks, then every 3 weeks. I will continue to weigh every day - I like to chart my weight - but the habits will be my focus.
2 I know that when I stick to no S I'm not as tired.
3 If I'm hungry I need to add more food/fat/protein to my meals. I need to play around with the content like I did at the start.

So here's to a green November :D

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Post by idontknow » Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:23 pm


Success today and yesterday. Definitely hungrier during the day, but bearable from lunch to dinner.

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Post by idontknow » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:25 pm

Success - weight going back down daily :D

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Post by kccc » Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:34 am

You're really doing well! :)

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Post by idontknow » Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:53 pm

Thanks KCCC - I always appreciate your support :D

128.6lbs Weight is falling quickly which just proves that the increase was due to bloating from overeating. I promised myself a reward for my first week back on track but I'm not sure what to have. I could have an ebook, but I'm struggling to find time to read at the moment. I've just bought lots of new clothes - so that's no good. I don't want a food related treat so I'm really not sure what to have - maybe some earrings? Or an mp3 download? I'll have to think about it...

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Post by Sienna » Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:49 pm

Congrats on getting back on track! :-) I've always felt that getting re-started can be harder than getting started - so go you!

I vote for a pedicure. :-)
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
6/27/2010 - 226 lbs
10/17/2010 - 203 lbs - 10% weight loss goal!
1/29/2011 - 182 lbs - 2nd 10% weight loss goal!
5/29/2011 - 165 lbs - 3rd 10% weight loss goal! (one more to go)

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Post by idontknow » Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:16 pm

Thanks Sienna - a pedicure is not a bad idea at all :D


I'm now back to where I was a week ago - very pleased because I feel like I'm back on track.

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Post by idontknow » Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:45 am

I have a nice Saturday planned - yoga this morning. Hairdresser this afternoon and bonfire party with my family this evening. Tomorrow will be step in the morning and catching up with jobs at home and work. I'm not going to graze because it makes me feel sick.
I've just posted on the general board about the effect of having braces a few months ago. This has made me admit that I know when I'm full but I keep on eating. I'm going to try and work on this over the next few weeks.

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Post by idontknow » Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:18 am


Haven't posted since Saturday, but didn't realise! The weekend was 'wilder' than I wanted it to be - I did exactly what I didn't want to do and grazed. :roll: I was in 'don't care' mode.
Yesterday was technically a failure. While I was eating lunch a colleague offered me a cookie that she had made herself and brought in for me. I couldn't refuse and couldn't save it until later because I was eating. I shared it with another colleague and it was part of my lunch so I'm not logging it as a failure. If I called it a failure it would make me resent No S - there has to be room in my life for No S and a cookie offered as a gift. The important thing is that I didn't sabotage the rest of the day - I refused doughnuts and chocolates in the afternoon :D I feel I stayed true to the spirit of No S rather than the 'letter' of No S so I'm logging a green day.
On another point work is threatening to overwhelm me. At times like this in the past I have reached for chocolate - I refuse to do that this time, but I am tempted when I'm busy and tired. I need to find a way of managing the workload - it will always be huge but I need to get a step ahead and prioritise. I also need to make sure I've done the basics ahead of time so the things that get thrown at me during the day don't stress me out and throw me off course. I start my masters this week - I have no idea how I will fit anything else into my day. Routines, routines and babysteps...

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Post by idontknow » Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:21 am

Success yesterday. Evening meals seem to getting later and later - I'm so hungry by the time I get home that my eyes hurt! I probably need to push lunch back slightly - easier some days than others

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Post by idontknow » Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:49 am

Success yesterday and I'm pleased with my weight going down. I'm going to add some S day rules this weekend - one S event per day. I hate grazing, but do it because I feel 'entitled' so I'm going to add some structure and that way I should be able to avoid the hike in weight on Monday.
I had a text from a friend yesterday. She lives a long way away and we used to be in daily text contact. Since I've started the new job I have had no time to text and she is missing me. It brought me up short because it arrived as I was finishing my 3rd twelve hour day this week. I need to think about getting some balance back in my life - that's my goal for the weekend.

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Post by idontknow » Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:41 pm

Failure yesterday - not massive and caused by bad planning. I mixed up the timings when I was preparing dinner so I ended up eating bits of the meal in separate sections - I ate much more than I would have done if I'd just had one plate. And of course, I then thought 'well, a bit of chocolate won't hurt'!! Oh that :twisted: in my head ruled again!
Also - my new rules for S days haven't worked either. I had sweet stuff after lunch as well as cake this afternoon - very irritated with myself.
However, went to yoga this morning and feel stretched and supple as a result. Met up with a friend this afternoon and had a lovely time.
Need to work on the S days....

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Post by idontknow » Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:37 pm

Had my lightest ever Monday weigh-in yesterday! It's strange because I think I'm not doing well, but I keep losing weight. I think it shows how my habits have changed - a failure no longer leads to an all day binge and S days are obviously more contained than they feel.

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Post by idontknow » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:54 pm

Successful day - hungry though. And I really don't like the cold, wet, dark nights we are having.

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Post by idontknow » Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:58 pm


Success so far.... I've been to the orthodontist and he's removed the trans-palatal bar from my mouth! It was very unexpected and feels so nice. I can speak clearly again! The girls brought some chocolates home from the shop - I'm not sure if I'll be able to resist now there is no bar across the roof of my mouth.

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Post by idontknow » Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:38 am

Yep - Thursday was a fail because I couldn't delay eating chocolate until the weekend. Chocolate has not tasted good with the bar in my mouth so I couldn't wait to see how it tasted now the bar has gone.
Friday - was a planned S day for husband's birthday. We had planned a meal out at our favourite pub/restaurant. It was a lovely evening with the girls and my in-laws. Something strange happened during the day though - Eating was difficult because of a lack of planning. I had to call in at the supermarket for a couple of things and so decided to eat something. In past times I would have bought crisps and chocolate - but yesterday I wanted something more satisfying and just couldn't find anything. I ended up with a croissant - not what I wanted at all - and then decided to wait for dinner to make sure I really enjoyed it. Strange how habits take over.
Weekend - I need to make sure I don't graze. Meeting a friend this afternoon so may have cake if we go somewhere nice - will see how I feel. No yoga today - we have a house viewing so I need to clean! Step tomorrow.

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Post by idontknow » Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:11 am

Monday was a fail - TOM led to an unproductive day at work with chocolate binge. I haven't done that for ages - other fail days have just been one thing I shouldn't have eaten - not a binge, but yesterday I just craved chocolate. I'm just going to mark it and move on and not let one day derail me completely. I know I've got some good habits that I've been building for months - one day is not going to ruin them. I'm aiming for greens for the rest of the week.

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Post by funfuture » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:01 am

That's a good attitude - these days just happen sometimes. Your body was craving that chocolate for some reason, but that doesn't mean the end of this way of eating. Hang in there - this will pass and you'll feel better another day.

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Post by idontknow » Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:12 am

Thanks for your encouragement funfuture :)

129.2lbs. Success yesterday - but it was hard. I'm like Dory from Finding Nemo - just keep swimming.....

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Post by idontknow » Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:45 am

My failure to check-in this week reflects my noS failures. I've been finding it hard to stick to the rules throughout November and have had several failures. I want to eat constantly - not from hunger but from a need for satisfaction. This may be partly a reaction to having the bar removed from my mouth. That has stopped me eating a lot of things over the past few months, particularly chocolate, because it wasn't pleasant. Maybe I'm just compensating.
However, I know that I am bloated and don't feel good because of sugar and food overload. I also know that I liked how I was looking in clothes - and I was enjoying shopping. More importantly, I liked the feeling of 'lightness' I had when eating properly.
So - October and November haven't been brilliant. There are 3 weeks of term left and I plan to make every day green. I have one S event planned on 15 December - otherwise there is no reason why I can't make a success of December. I think I'm also bored with what I've been eating. I've had the same lunch for a while now so probably need to change that to add in some variety.
Looking back over my habitcal I can see that the only month where I have had no red days is July. I included 1 s event that month and the rest of the days were green. September was also good, with one red day and one s day. Otherwise, there have been red days every month. October and November both started well and went downhill at the end of the second week.
The good thing is that I've managed to lose over a stone since April. It has been slow but effective. I don't want to get 'diet mentality' though - and I think that is what's happened due to boredom with food and the removal of the bar.
Work also takes its toll. I went to yoga yesterday and could feel how tight my body was. So tight that I could do stretches, but couldn't begin to tackle a balance - I was just too tired and stiff. I need to get some balance in my life. So I'm going to add a habitcal for daily exercise.
So - the plan: one day at a time. Lunch change. Daily check-in. Daily exercise. Small reward at the end of the week.

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Post by idontknow » Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:03 pm


Success so far. Change in my sandwich was good. Not as hungry today and had to eat a bit later because of an issue at lunchtime. I think I will cope with waiting for dinner today.

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Post by funfuture » Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:53 am

Hi idon'tknow,
As a third-timer to NoS, your recent posts struck a chord with me. It sounds to me like this is crunch time for your habits. If you can just cling to those habits through this time, I'm sure they will see you through. My first time on NoS I lost about 20 lbs and it was around this time of year, under lots of stress at work and at home, that I started caving in around the edges. It wasn't long before I had shelved NoS and was soon gaining weight again. Looking back, I think the thing I had to do was focus on those habits - not get distracted into thinking about weight loss goals or any of the other things that can derail us. I also needed to find other ways to de-stress. You are at that point where the rubber hits the road - the novelty of NoS has worn off, your body may be wanting to regain the weight it has lost (return to its previous setpoint), your motivation may be waning, and we're in the midst of holiday season...if you can hang in there, focus on habit, take each day at a time, you can get through this. It would be such a pity to lose the ground you have gained. The habits are there - rely on them to get you through this tricky patch (and truly, it is just a patch - take it from me!)

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Post by funfuture » Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:49 am

BTW, I hope you don't mind me leaping in like that - it was a little intrusive, but was meant with good intentions!

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Post by idontknow » Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:41 pm

Hi Funfuture - thank you so much for your post. I don't mind at all and it was just what I needed to hear. It has spurred me on today and made me feel so much more positive about my approach to No S. Every time I looked at the biscuits and sweets I'm surrounded with at work, I thought about your post and just focussed on the habits. I can't thank you enough - a timely pep talk. Thank you :D


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Post by funfuture » Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:50 am

good-oh. :D :D

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Post by idontknow » Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:26 pm


Success today

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Post by idontknow » Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:15 pm


Success - was given a biscuit during my meeting today. I tucked it away for later and didn't eat it. V proud of myself!

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Post by funfuture » Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:19 pm

well done!

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Post by idontknow » Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:02 am


Successes all week. After Monday it was fairly easy to stick to the habits - it just felt like normal life. And as I've posted so many times before - I feel so much better when I'm following the habits: I have energy, I'm less tired, and I have that feeling of 'lightness'. I have eaten a lot at dinner each evening - I've piled my plate high! We generally eat late because of the girls' activities and this means it can often be 7 hours since lunch so I am really hungry. However, my weight has come back down so I'm not going to worry about that at the moment.
Work felt better this week - still very busy but more manageable. Was I derailed last week by TOM? I'll have to watch out for that.

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Post by idontknow » Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:51 am

Yesteday was a failure - a complete disaster in food terms but a breakthrough in understanding my reasons for failing. I hate to get things wrong - I know that's unreasonable - everyone messes up from time to time, but it makes me feel useless and then the chatter inside my head starts: you're useless - why do you think you can do anything - everything's going wrong - you might as well eat your way through 3 chocolate bars etc etc...
So I've decided I'm going to change that mindset. When I get things wrong or when I forget things or get behind I'm going to use No S as an example of something I CAN do to motivate myself. I've built good habits with No S - they take some effort to maintain at times, but with planning and thought they are manageable and always achievable.
I'm going to apply this habit principle to other areas - starting with my desk at work. I get swamped with paper all day long and I find the visual clutter paralysing. This morning I'm going to put all the paper in a box under the desk and make it a priority to keep it clear. I'm then going to spend 15 minutes each day clearing the paper from the box. Any new pieces of paper are going to be dealt with by the end of the day. Babysteps and positive thinking

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Post by funfuture » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:39 am

sounds great - I'm swamped by paper too - and there is a level where the clutter is paralysing. I like your idea of the box under the desk. :)

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Post by idontknow » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:44 pm


Success today.
Success with the paper too. My colleagues were amazed when they arrived and saw my clear desk. They just laughed when they saw the box under the desk, but I spent my 15 minutes sorting the paper in the box and was amazed at how much I achieved in that time. And my desk was clear at the end of the day. Feeling much more positive :)

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Post by idontknow » Thu Dec 09, 2010 5:58 am

Failure yesterday - but a different sort of failure. I left home at 7.15am and got back at 9.30pm - a long long day. Dinner was fast food in the car, and when I got home I had a cup of tea and some chocolate. So 2 types of failures this week - one where I beat myself up and eat everything in sight, and one where I 'deserve' something nice to eat because I've had a hard day. I'm not having many green days, but my weight is staying fairly stable. I feel like I'm just hanging on by my fingertips until the end of term.
I liked KCCC's post about the one word resolution. I think mine needs to be 'simple' - because I have the tendency to make life too complicated. Simple rules, simple routines, simple meals that are also tasty, simple procedures at work, simple answers to questions - I'll think about this.

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Post by idontknow » Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:11 pm

2 more failure days. No longer clinging on by my fingertips - I've fallen off... it doesn't feel nice, though. Over the weekend I will try to keep the 3 meal structure with one treat per day.

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Post by idontknow » Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:38 am

Ok - just realised I'm panicking. I know next week will be hard because the last week of term is filled with food. I know that on Tuesday I'm going to be offered cake at a meeting because a colleague is leaving. I know that on Friday there will be mince pies and chocolates as it's the last day of term. And Wednesday is the Christmas meal out - 3 courses. And because of all that I'm panicking - how can I have a green week with all these distractions. So here's the plan: Tuesday - take the cake with me to eat after lunch. I will then give it to someone else. Wednesday - will be an s event - the rest of the day will be green. Friday - I will just avoid the mince pies and chocs. I felt ill last night after eating so much the last few days. I have so much to do before the end of term that I need to keep my energy levels high - and I know No S helps with that.
Today will be nice - going to a Christmas event with an ice rink and a market - meeting the in-laws (who I adore) and having dinner with them (indian takeaway). Tomorrow is the girls Christmas concert. The little one is singing in public for the first time - we're all a bit nervous, and then maybe dinner with the in-laws again. A lovely weekend, although not a lot of time in it for catching up with household chores, Christmas shopping etc.
So I will stick to my plan this week - and reward myself at the end of the week if I manage to stick to it.

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Post by idontknow » Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:42 am

Oh dear - I just reread the post I made last Saturday and nearly felt too ashamed to post today! Plan?? What plan?? I have failed every day this week. The habit of eating to excess every day in the last week of term was stronger than the No S habits I've tried to build. So no more big plans. One day at a time - 3 meals a day, no snacks, sweets or seconds. Planned treats on S days (because I enjoy them more when I look forward to them).
This week will be easier and I am starting with moderate S days.

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Post by idontknow » Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:55 pm


Back to N day habits today - it is such a relief to resist sugar and snacks. I have enjoyed being restrained today and I am looking forward to being hungry for dinner.
B - greek yogurt, fruit, toast and fig conserve
L - cheese and ham roll, 2 satsumas, yogurt
D (planned) chips, beef, veg, bread

Why did last week's bad habits take hold so easily? It's as if my attitude was fatalistic - it's the end of term, chocolate is everywhere, I'm tired... - eat, eat, eat :evil:

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Post by kccc » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:40 pm

idon'tknow wrote: Why did last week's bad habits take hold so easily? It's as if my attitude was fatalistic - it's the end of term, chocolate is everywhere, I'm tired... - eat, eat, eat :evil:
A very wise friend of mine once told me that whenever I felt like beating myself up about something to "put that energy into the future." That is, instead of regretting the past, to figure out how to make the situation (or a similar one) come out different next time.

One day at a time...

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Post by idontknow » Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:52 am

Thanks, KCCC - sound and wise advice - as ever :D
Tuesday was a success - 3 meals felt easy and natural.
One day at a time

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Post by idontknow » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:42 am

Yesterday was technically a failure - I had a slice of bread and butter while preparing dinner. However, I didn't go on and eat other things and I had one slice less than I was going to with dinner so I am quite pleased - small steps of progress.
I do find bread irresistible. I know that when I was on ww I could never do the programme that involved not eating bread. I can do without chocolate for weeks on end - but not bread.

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Post by idontknow » Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:42 am


I've had 2 lovely family days. One was just us and my dad, the other was just us. I have done very little - lazed around - ate, drank, read, crocheted, watched tv together. It has been lovely.
We are going to the in-laws today. I love my mil and fil, but find my bil and his wife a little trying. I need to breathe deeply and bite my tongue at times. They live far away so we only see them about once a year - so I can manage to be pleasant for one day.
I have eaten too much the last couple of days. Today will be another unregulated day with snacks, sweets etc. I will have no control over the food and it will be at odd times so I will go with it and not worry. The rest of the week is within my control and I am planning one S event each day with some exercise built in.

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Post by idontknow » Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:35 am


Yesterday was fine - far too much to eat and drink, but a lovely meal and nice to see all the girls together. We came home with lots more chocolate and a breadmaker! I'm looking forward to getting to grips with the breadmaker - I have been thinking about getting one for a while. As for the chocolate..... between now and new year it is only to be eaten after dinner as a mini-dessert. It is to be savoured and enjoyed as a real treat.
Shopping with the youngest girl today. She has warned me that she is going to 'shop my feet off' - and I don't doubt that she will :D

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Post by idontknow » Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:12 am


Lovely day yesterday - shopping with the youngest girl for party dresses. It's her first big NYE party and she is very excited and determined to be glamorous :D. I also bought some new clothes - shopping feels good because of No S, and although November and December have been difficult months, I haven't really put weight back on. I'm a stone lighter than I was at this time last year. Thanks Reinhard :D
As I was walking round town there were adverts in the shops for diet books, there are adverts on TV for ww - I am just so relieved that this year I don't have to buy into that 'it's January, I'm on a diet' mentality'.
Yesterday was a successful NWS day - 3 meals, with chocolate as a mini dessert after dinner. Lunch was omelette and chips (french fries) at a new cafe I've found in town - very nice! I'm planning a similar pattern for today.

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Post by idontknow » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:07 am


I think I'm going to give up making 'eating plans' during the holidays! :D Both girls were out yesterday so my husband and I decided to go out for a pub lunch. The food was fantastic - we shared a starter (mushrooms with bacon and chilli), then I had smoked haddock risotto - absolutely perfect - followed by apple strudel with clotted cream. And it was great to sit and chat without other distractions. He is very funny and makes me laugh a lot. Dinner was just bread from the breadmaker with a bit of cheese. I really like the stilton with mango and ginger. I was very thirsty last night - probably from the smoked haddock.
So let's see what today brings. No plans - just good food.

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Post by idontknow » Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:03 am

131.8lbs - which means I've gained about 3 and a half pounds over the holidays. I'm not too worried - I have eaten a lot and done very little exercise over the holidays, so I think once I get back to 'normal life' I will lose it quickly.
2010 has been a good year in many ways, and No S has made a big contribution to that. I've being following No S since April and I am about one stone lighter than January last year. The weight loss has been slow and has happened in fits and starts, but it has happened. And one stone lighter feels fantastic. As I have said several times on this thread - when I follow No S properly I feel fantastic - light and energetic.
In 2010 I learnt that I need/enjoy/relish challenge (I'm 46 and I have only just realised this :roll: ). No S fulfills this need as it requires me to plan, reflect, evaluate and make changes. Yoga also fulfils this need - as my teacher says 'there is always another level in yoga'. My job is a huge challenge - but it feels like I am doing the job I was born to do. I have never been happier at work.
Work/life balance is the biggest challenge and this has led me to my choice of one word resolution, which is 'Attention'. Work is fast-paced, busy, and never-ending. This can lead to slapdash habits, and means it can take over my life. Attention is to remind me to give attention to all areas of my life. At work this means preparation and thoroughness, prioritising, balancing. At home this means giving attention to my family - making sure I communicate with them, know where they are and what they are doing. It means giving attention to my house (routines), and to me. To my eating habits, health, making time to do the things I love doing and not getting bogged down in work commitments.
While I am very happy about many things, I have a nagging feeling of foreboding about 2011 in one area. My girls are growing up and growing away and this may well be a year of 'lasts'. The last time the big one comes on holiday with us, spends new years eve with us, etc. For me, this is hard - for them, it is exciting and invigorating. However, they are still young and so still need boundaries and guidance. The challenge is to put these in place while maintaining strong relationships. 'Hold, don't grasp' is something I need to remember. I also need to remember to look into myself and ask why I'm not happy about something they want to do. Is it just because it's different, it takes them further away, and I'm no longer in control - or is it because I really think it's unsuitable or unsafe? I need to give attetion to how I feel about this whole process - the hardest phase of my life, I think.
A long post, but again one that has helped me put my thoughts in order. I am grateful for this space to put down my thoughts. While it is public, it is also very private - more so than a paper diary or journal - and it also brings comment from others at times, which is always interesting and helpful. Thank you to everyone who has helped me since April. I plan to keep posting and I look forward to seeing where I am in January 2012 :D

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Post by idontknow » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:56 pm

Success today. It was a relief to go back to N days - like putting on an old comfortable pair of jeans. I liked the lack of pressure today - the rules were simple and easy to follow.
Back to work tomorrow.

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:33 am

Congrats on your successful year and your insight into issues of being a mom.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by kccc » Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:42 pm

What a wonderful reflective post at the end of the year, IDK. I love your word choice for the year, and how you're applying it.

Transitions are always challenging... even good ones. It's good to recognize that in advance and prepare to make it a positive transition. (That applies to my life too, in different ways, but I won't hijack your thread with that! But I did want to let you know I find your reflections personally useful.)

And I agree... going back to normal No-S feels good. What a difference from the old "January diet mentality"!

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:31 pm

Thank you Oolala and KCCC. And thank you both for your help and support over the course of the last 8 months - it is one of the reasons I have kept coming back and haven't given up.

131lbs today - success. Canteen lunch today, so more than I normally would have eaten, but that is useful on the first day back at school. It helps me to get back into the rhythm of work meals which are generally further apart than holiday meals. Dinner tonight was a big plate. It was only one, but piled high. I need to eat more slowly and savour my food - I did this when my braces were first fitted from necessity. I managed fine with less food. I will experiment with this.

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Post by idontknow » Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:48 pm


Success. My weight is slowly creeping down as I am back into the routines and on my feet all day. I was surrounded by biscuits at tonight's meeting, but resisted well.

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:34 pm

By biscuits do you mean flat, sweet things Americans call cookies? I ask because I was at a voiceover workshop last night and one of the scripts was about some new Bisquick products that are flavored with who-knows-what, but I tell you, they sounded pretty good!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by idontknow » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:16 pm

Hi Oolala. Yep - I suppose I do mean 'cookies'. There were chocolate fingers, chocolate chip shortbread, and jaffa cakes (don't know if you have those in the US - they're a bit odd, but more-ish). Not sure what Bisquick products are, but a voiceover workshop sounds fantastic. You do some really interesting activities outside of work :D

Success today. Hungry when I got home, but coffee filled the gap. Shepherd's pie for dinner. Still enjoying the home made bread, but I think I am eating more than I was at lunchtime. It still fits on a plate and I feel more satisfied than I did before Christmas but I think there are more calories and fat than I was having. I'll just have to see how the weight goes and adapt if I need to.
A very solution focussed day at work - the sort I like best.

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:48 pm

Bisquick is used to make products that are a bit more like scones, but as bread with dinner rather than sweet. I usually eat breads that have more fiber than that, but they are delicious! There have been a few times I've been able to keep myself from eating between meals when I promised myself a biscuit at dinner.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:29 pm

I'm not sure what American biscuits are like - I imagine they are similar to what we call a dumpling, but I'm probably wrong. People have tried to explain them to me, but I just can't grasp it.

130.6lbs. Success today, even though it was biscuit (cookie) day at work. I just handed them out and didn't take one. Dinner was good - chorizo and roasted red pepper risotto - but I'm hungry now and looking forward to something sweet tomorrow.

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:03 pm

Please scroll down. You'll see a picture of a golden kind of roll. ... uit-thread.

And congrats on not partaking of the biscuits. That will become routine.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by idontknow » Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:25 am

Thanks Oolala - that really made me giggle. And now I know - your biscuits are similar to our scones. I was reading KCCC's thread where she has just posted a recipe for 'biscuits' and had sort of come to that conclusion - but your link has confirmed it. I love the comments about Oreos (which I hate but my kids love!).

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Post by idontknow » Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:24 pm


2 wild S days and an 'epic fail' today. My weight is rising. I don't feel good, healthy, light, or happy after 3 days of non-stop eating. I need to give attention to my eating habits. I need to make a good packed lunch which satisfies me. That is my goal for tomorrow.

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:28 pm

Success today. It's a good job because I can't keep on eating and putting on weight. I am tired and overwhelmed at the moment and I know eating well helps me to cope with all the demands on my time. I need to remember my one word resolution - attention. While driving home I had the urge to eat, but instead I used a KCCC 'trick' and thought about what I really wanted. I realised all I wanted to do was sit still and relax before I started the evening chores. So that's what I did. I sat quietly for a while with a cup of coffee and then I asked for help from the family - (not something I normally do). This made me feel much better - it's a good 'trick'.

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:14 am

Awesome life skills!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:11 am

Thanks Oolala - if only I'd been able to apply those awesome life skills on Wednesday and Thursday.... :roll:


This week has been very difficult. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday have all been failures. I have been overwhelmed at work this week and that leads to negative self-talk. I think I have posted about this before on this thread. It is a bad habit I have - 'I should have planned that better, I'm behind, I'm useless, I can't do anything, I might as well eat....'
If anyone is reading this and has strategies to reverse this thought pattern, then please feel free to post :)

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Post by kccc » Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:06 pm

IDK, first I want to say how flattered I am that you termed your excellent strategy a "KCCC trick." These are skills I am always learning and re-learning myself, so I am very pleased that some of the lessons show enough to be visible to others!

In terms of negative self-talk (which I also am prone to)... there's a lot of research on strategies to change that and develop "learned optimism." Cognitive behavioral therapy (which you can learn from books) and meditation practices sort of converge in the area of recognizing and combating that stuff. :)

If you recognize you are doing it, you have already made progress. So stop and pat yourself on the back for that.

The next step is simply to take issue with those thoughts - argue back, like you would with someone who was criticizing you inappropriately. I listen to Zencasts, and on one recent episode the speaker said "don't believe everything you think." In "My Stroke of Insight," a memoir of a neuroscientist who had a stroke, she talks about how the left brain makes up explanatory stories, and as it came back online she was amused by the fictions it created until she realized that it expected her to believe them! So challenge those "I can't" thoughts with counter-examples, and PROVE them wrong with positive action!

Inspirational readings and affirmations/mantras also help. If you have iTunes, do a search on "Stin" - she's a reader who does short meditations and affirmations. She has a series called "My Thought Coach" which is very nice - about 5-10 minutes of short statements around a topic (like anger) that usually has something that resonates.

I hope some of this is useful.

Very best wishes!


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