Sinnie's Accountability

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Sinnie's Accountability

Post by Sinnie » Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:15 pm

I've been doing BAD recently!!! I need to be publicly accountable to help motivate me. I tend to be starving after work but I can handle it if I'm not cooking (when I cook it really ups my appetite). I need to devise a plan.

Weight is up a few pounds. Starting at 122.

Breakfast: toast w/ pb and jam; fruit

Lunch: Deli meat sandwich, almond milk, fruit

Dinner: pasta with pesto, sweet potato fries and a glass of wine (some juice as well)

Exercise: walked 2.5 km

Finally a successful day.

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:35 am

Weight: 121 (I think I will make my official weigh in on Saturday from now on).

Breakfast: 1 egg fried in olive oil; slice of whole grain toast with butter; fruit; coffee

Lunch: Leftovers consisting of some pasta and sweet potato fries; fruit; 1/2 bagel with cream cheese; slice of raisin bread; yogurt; coffee

I just got into work, and forgot all about the staff breakfast. Damn!!! Oh well, I will just have to pass or maybe take something and save it for lunch :(

I am so proud of myself. I was *so* going to cave mid-morning but managed not to. I took a plate of stuff I wanted from the breakfast (bagel w/ cream cheese, yogurt, fruit) and saved it to have with my lunch. I dont even know why I wanted it that much, I guess just because free food always sounds appealing.

This day ended up horribly. I got really shaking in the afternoon grocery shopping after work. My blood sugar plummeted out of nowhere despite my big lunch (which I presume was just too high in carbs? Not enough protein?) I hate when that happens. I had to eat and then couldn't stop. I wish I just had a fruit and stopped but it was then insatiable. So I had a late dinner as I wasn't hungry.

Dinner: Tested out a stuffing for thanksgiving and chicken thighs. Also a couple of really good martini's.

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:22 pm

S Days...
Last edited by Sinnie on Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:26 pm

Back to business...

Breakfast: mini pita with peanut butter; peach; coffee

Lunch: potato, chicken breast, pasta, bun with butter, caesar salad

Dinner: spinach salad with pears, pecans, cheese, dressing; trail mix (including dark chocolate covered almond); chips; spoonful of natural peanut butter; bowl of cornflakes; glass of wine (not in that order).

Not sure why the screw up at dinner. I was going to make fresh pasta but saw we were out of eggs. Then I just picked at things for dinner which is never good. It's going to be hard not to snack the rest of the evening because I've "failed" and therefore have no motivation.

My weight is definitely up as well. Very disappointing. I will post results tomorrow morning.

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:07 pm

Yesterday ended as a total screw up. I went crazy on the snacks. Weight is up to 123.5 lbs this morning. I haven't been this heavy in awhile. I know it's not a lot to weigh, but it's a slippery slope.

I am determined to get this habit down. It's hard though, I'm a stress eater. My worst time is after work when I am tired and hungry (and I get home early too, like 3:30-4:30pm usually). I feel overwhelmed with everything I "should" be doing, that I just eat instead. Ehhhh.

Breakfast: banana and yogurt with strawberry jam
Lunch: baked beans, deli meat sandwich, pear

Well, it's 5:19pm, and I am waiting for dinner. This is a moment to relish. I never am able to do this. I come home, am alone for a couple hours, and usually don't make it to have dinner with my sister. But today I made a promise I wouldn't cheat. I went grocery shopping after work (a huge snack trigger for me) and got a lot of meat for dinners over the next week or so. When I don't have a proper dinner (say I just have carbs mainly or snack at things) I end up eating all kinds of things I shouldn't. But today I've done impecably well :)

I am having a drink currently to enjoy while dinner cooks. I put a bit of almond milk in a martini shaker, put a splash of vodka and splash of bailey's, shook it all up with ice and it's magnificent.

Dinner will be hamburgers, oven baked fries and spinach salad. I will make every effort to ensure I end off today perfectly.

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:59 pm

I am gearing up for another successful day. Day 2. Baby steps.

Weight: 122.5 lbs

Breakfast: coffee, large peach, peanuts

Lunch: large peach, full can of chicken noodle soup, crackers, water mixed with juice

Dinner: (will be) ribs, leftover baked fries from yesterday, spinach salad, maybe green beans too.

Today will also include a 2.5km walk.

Very happy to report that I did not snack at all!!! The only thing was another martini before dinner, but I think it's pretty harmless - almond milk is low in calories and I only put a small splash of vodka and bailey's - but it's a nice way of relaxing and enjoying myself after work instead of going crazy on the snacks and sweets.

Relieved beyond measure that I'm finally getting this back on track. But if I start to feel comfortable, then I begin backsliding. I'm not sure how to stay vigilant once I am doing well...

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:54 am

I am thrilled to be on Day 3. Weight is 121.5 lbs.

I was finally hungry this morning and had breakfast at home at 6:20am. I wonder how I will feel by the time lunch rolls around :o

B: toast with peanut butter; coffee with vanilla creamer
Lunch: pork sandwich; piece of cheese; apple

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:18 pm

It's 10:17am. I'm getting hungry. I feel stressed too, which always adds to that element of wanting to eat.

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:21 pm

Ending off Day 3 with a bang!

Dinner was haddock (battered and fried), rice and cucumber/tomato salad.

I also made another almond milk martini. I don't think it's bad because I put a fairly small amount of alcohol. I pretty much had that with dinner because it didn't take long at all to make tonight's meal :)

I feel so pleased with myself. I've never followed the rules so literally before. Very proud and want this to keep up.

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:39 am

Day 4: 120.5 lbs

I am still 2 lbs over my pre-binge weight. But it's coming off pretty easily. I feel soooo great, I have MUCH more energy now that I am eating 3 really well rounded and filling meals.

I am excited that it's Friday but the weekends naturally pose a challenge. Tonight bf and I are going out with some people to celebrate an engagement. I hope I'm not swayed to eat badly but social pressure usually gets me. It's after dinner so there should be no reason to eat...we'll see...

Breakfast: coffee, tangerine and toast with peanut butter
Lunch: leftover fried fish, rice and an apple

I am also going to attempt to make pad thai for dinner. I haven't made it in years.

Happy Friday!!!

Dinner didn't really turn out. The pad thai just didn't taste good. Oh well. It's been awhile since I've screwed something up. It wasnt horrible, just not out-of-this-world like it should be. The mango, red onion salad was great though.

Successful day so far.

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:42 pm

For full disclosure, I need to confess the horrific binge I went on last night. It started when we were out for drinks. I didn't need to eat anything but justified since we are technically celebrating,I would have a couple pieces of bruschetta. Failure right there, it was not socially necessary to eat. I had 2 glasses of wine as well.

Then, bf and I had to leave to go to his soccer game at 10:40pm (sometimes the games are that late). Now, I love to support him but unfortunately have zero interest sports - playing or watching. So I was tired, buzzed from the drinks and bored. I tried to be good and just got a coffee at the snack bar. I really wanted the cookies but resisted. Coffee unfortunately also has no effect on me, I'm immune to its potential for keeping you awake. So, still a bit drunk, wanted some snacks. I went to the vending machine and saw some kind of real fruit candy. So I got it and ate the little pack. Then I eventually bought a small slice of pizza. Then, I got some chocolate covered raisins from the 25cent machine (what's wrong with me).

It doesn't end there. When we got home, I still wanted food. So I had a couple dried apricots, a granola bar and 2 bowls of cereal. I have never cheated on anyone in my life, so I don't know what that would feel like the next morning. But this morning I feel like I cheated on myself. How could I do that after such a perfect few days?

Anyways, by the grace of God I was still 120.5 this morning. Actually, I went back to bed for a bit, weighed again, and was 121. But still, that's miraculous after last night.

This morning we did make a magnificent breakfast. Check it out:
Scrambled eggs
Thick cut bacon
Bagels with cream cheese, jam or butter
Fresh crepes
Fruit flambe (I use butter, brown sugar, bit of honey and maple syrup, then added peaches, raspberries and ripe banana chunks and cinnamon -heavenly)
Hawaiian coffee

I love to cook! I still plan on making this a reasonable S day.

Lunch: leftover pad thai

Snack: Way too many peanuts

For dinner I made meatloaf. Not something I'd normally make, just seems so...ordinary...or something...But I saw a recipe on TV where the chef pulsed cremini mushrooms and onion, cooked it until the liquid evaporated and added garlic and fresh thyme, then some red wine.
You softened bread crumbs but adding some tomato puree and mix all of the ingredients with a the meat (I used beef, veal and pork). The flavours were wonderful and complex. Very tender. Served with mashed potatoes with chives.

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:04 pm

I almost forgot dessert. A wonderful piece of chocolate pecan pie made by bf's daughter. It was sooo good!

Weight: 121.5 lbs

This morning i'm going to a cooking technique class that Williams-Sonoma offers. I get a lot of ideas from it, but don't buy the products, I find them way too pricey.

B: 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, 2 buckwheat pancakes with syrup, coffee

I guess you could say lunch was the samples of food at the cooking technique class.

Dinner was a mish-mash of breakfast-y type foods (cereal, toast, yogurt, nuts - quick things to eat before a meeting).

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:58 pm

Breakfast: honeydew melon, toast with pb & j, coffee
Lunch: pad thai, yogurt, cheese and a peach
Dinner: minestrone soup, 2 fried eggs and 2 piece of buttered rye bread, apple cider mixed with water

It is getting much easier to make it from meal to meal.

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:18 pm

Small trangression last night, a few cashews. I also had a glass of wine before bed.

Weight: 120 lbs...inching my way back down....

Breakfast: coffee, fruit & nut toast with pb, maple & brown sugar oatmeal
*There is coffee and muffins in the staffroom for World Teacher Day but I'm skipping it!!!

Lunch: coffee, toasted bagel with cream cheese, fruit salad, cashews

I went for my 2.5km walk afterschool and towards the end I could feel myself getting shaky. I wanted to ignore it but it kept getting worse. I had a garden salad because that's all there was. When I got home I had some cheese, peanut butter and a peach. Oh well.

I'll have a glass of wine now and wait for dinner. Just put lasagna in the oven. I have such a bad headache and lots to do tonight.

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:07 pm

Yesterday did not end well. I continued to snack a lot, had sweets too. Looking back, I tried to think what causes these crashes I sometimes have, and traced it back to lack of protein at lunch. Even if the volume of food is okay, if there is not enough protein I often get shaky. Lesson learned.

Weight: 121

B: yogurt with protein powder, bit of granola on top
L: lasanga, tangerine, yogurt with granola and sparkling juice

Very weird dinner tonight. I wasnt all that hungry and got home early. Feeling a bit out of it today. I really didnt want lasagna again. So I made a grilled cheese sandwich, sauteed some frozen greens beans and had an orange and some cashews. I still didn't feel satisfied, so I made 2 pieces of toast with pb/cream cheese and a bowl of maple brown sugar oatmeal. Had some leftover coffee too. I am so odd.

Lots more to do tonight. I'm always so busy, I think I feel worn down. We're putting our house up for sale and there is a lot to do. Shopping every night. I'm feeling a little melancholy about the whole thing. I love this place. It's amazing. My first home...

Anyways, I need to plan fo Thanksgiving too. It's my first time making the "big dinner" but I'm quite the confident chef ;) I've practiced most recipes and it doesn't hurt that i love to cook. I am making my own brine for the turkey so I'm gonna get those ingredients tonight too.

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:50 am

Weight: 120

Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, toast with butter, coffee
Lunch: Lasagna, sparkling juice, large peach, cashews
Dinner: orange, can of chicken and rice soup, slice of bread with peanut butter, cashews, a cookie type bar...oops
Last edited by Sinnie on Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:23 am

Yesterday didn't end too well. I was really stressed and ate crackers, a whole row of them, to make myself feel better.

Weight: 120.5 lbs

Here in Canada it's Thanksgiving this weekend. I am spending tonight and tomorrow prepping for all the food I'm making on Sunday. I'm doing everything from scratch. I'm really tired from the week though. I just wish for some down time.

Breakfast: whole wheat bagel with cream cheese; coffee
Lunch: cheese sandwich; crackers; cashews; fruit

Tonight I'm going to attempt butternut squash and vanilla risotto; arugula salad with a warm vinaigrette, wanuts and cranberries..not sure about the meat, will leave that up to bf!

Tonight I am also going to prepare the pie crust and freeze it, the biscuits, boil the brine for the morning and boil and peel the chestnuts. Truly it will be a weekend of cooking!

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Post by Meikmeika » Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:19 pm

Can I come over for dinner??!! YUM!

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:26 am

hehehe thank you!! I must say, it was quite lovely :D

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:01 pm

My Thanksgiving Dinner went off perfectly. I worked on it Friday night and all Saturday plus Sunday morning (with lots of help from bf and his lovely daughter):

-butternut squash soup with sauteed pears and crispy proscuitto
-cheddar, bacon and chive biscuits
-croissants (the one thing that was not homemade)

-turkey (probably the juiciest, most flavourful turkey I've ever had, got rave reviews - brined it for 36 hours!!)
-apple orange cranberry sauce
-brussel sprouts and butternut squash in a bacon vinaigrette
-glazed multi-coloured carrots
-mashed potatoes with chives
-chestnut and sausage stuffing
-perogies & beet salad (mom made those)

-apple caramel pie
-pumpkin pie (sister made that)
-vanilla ice cream

Sometimes when I cook I lose my appetite so I couldnt really enjoy the meal totally. I actually lost weight over Thanksgiving!! Went down to 118.5 but then went a little nuts on Monday and gained back to 120.5

I am starting my pilates class here at work today.

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:04 pm

Tuesday Oct. 12

Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter
Lunch: turkey, ham and cheese sandwich; leftover biscuit; fruit salad; sparkling juice

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:59 am

Dinner last night was leftovers.

I hate being a stress eater. I went crazy on the snacks last night, be it cheesecake, biscuit with butter and cream cheese, peanut butter, trail mix, grapes, chocolate...among other stuff...

Weight: 121.5

So depressed. I just can't seem to continually do well.

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:00 pm

Feeling pretty lousy. I right back where I started. 122. I wish I could stop using food for emotional reasons. It never makes me feel better.

Not very motivated. I just always end up screwing up. What's the point? I can't visualize myself every being able to do this. I know if I just stuck to it, I'd be where I want to be.

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Post by tobiasmom » Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:35 pm

I'm sorry you're feeling down. Not sure there's anything I can say to make you feel better. Just wanted you to know that a fellow No-S'er is here and understands. BUT you CAN do this. One day at a time. This is a long journey. You're learning more and more each day.


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Post by Sinnie » Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:05 pm

That was very sweet of you to write. Believe it or not, it makes me feel better. Thank you tobiasmom.

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:35 pm

Yesterday I went to get a sandwich for dinner from this place that is usually amazing, but was really nasty yesterday (I couldn't even chew the proscuitto apart). So I ate it without the meat but then bought myself a really good coffee and chocolate chip muffin! It was a long day at work.

It was also bf's birthday so I went after work and had a martini (vodka, dry, few olives) and some snacks of pretzels, tortilla chips and salsa, and cashews. Weight was 121 this morning.

I intend on being PERFECT today, so I can at least have one day this week.

B: toast with peanut butter
L: yogurt, cheese, crackers, fruit
D: snacked on trail mix, almond milk, sausage on a large pita with tomatoes, mustard and hot sauce. Baked oatmeal.

The baked oatmeal was a recipe ive been meaning to try. Its 2 cups of oatmeal mixed with 2 cups milk, dried cranberries, raisins, slivered almonds, vanilla...i didnt add the cinnamon/nutmeg but DID add a little bit of chunks of dark chocolate and whole almonds as was divine! I think I will sometimes bring this as lunch sort of like the intelligent dietary default b/c its so good. Maybe it will help with my satiety issues.

I definitely snacked while waiting for dinner. I am excellent at rationalizing (e.g. ooooh what's wrong with my weight, I dont need to lose anything, I can be happy here...look how much I eat and barely gain weight, what's so wrong with a little snack before dinner.....etc etc). Only leads down a bad path.

Onward. I won't snack this evening. At least there can still be some victory.

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:13 pm

I haven't been too concerned with me eating recently. I've been doing so-so I guess. 120.5 this morning. I had a lot more stress to do deal with sunday/monday.

I was thinking about all this food related stuff though. A part of me just wants to accept where I am currently weight-wise. It's not a bad place to be. It's just that I still overeat/binge/snack and I figured if I could get that under control, I'd lose those last few pounds. But even if I drop a few, I'll always then gain a few, and it just evens out in the end. So, that's where I'm kind of thinking I should just stop obsessing and learn to be happy and NOT WANT to lose more weight. Since as far back as I can remember, probably 12 years old, I've always been on a journey to WEIGH LESS. But why at this point? My BMI is exactly where it should be (I'm about 5'2). And this constant trying isn't leading to anywhere.

I think my only goal at this point is to maintain 120 (which is super easy, no big effort involved) and eat big, proper meals. When I do that, I don't feel a need to really snack. But if I'm light on the calories, or protein or volume, I end up getting shaky hungry and it's happened too many times that I've finally learned how my body works. I want to keep up with the way of eating because it's simple, practical and allows for eating whatever you want, REAL FOOD, in ample quantities but no more worrying. I need to learn to accept and only do this for its benefit. It's so nice to enjoy a meal because you are not full on snacks.
Last edited by Sinnie on Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:53 pm

I would really like to get back to tracking. Looking back at old posts, I can see what worked and what didn't. The drink after work does seem to make a big difference in my success. I think because it both provides some relaxation, and keeps my mouth busy while dinner cooks. Did that successfully yesterday.

Weight: 122

Breakfast: bagel with cream cheese; apple; coffee

Lunch: small apple, chicken and rice; salad; peach

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:15 pm

I should update. I was doing horribly and enlisted my boyfriend to help. He originally helped me stay on track and without his support, I never had good N days. I wrote up a contract to myself and did quite good for one week so far!

Started at 123 lbs last friday.
This Friday I am 119 lbs!! Cant believe what a little bit of effort does. I havent been exercising though. And I did mess up and have sweets one day.

Looking good.

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Post by sophiasapientia » Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:25 pm

Way to go, Sinnie! You're doing great! I think the contract sounds like a terrific idea and it is helpful to have an accountability partner too. :D
Restarted No S (3rd times a charm!) January 2010 at 145 lbs

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:44 am

Thank you Shannon! I feel so much better being back in control. I really needed the accountability from bf, and he has been a tremendous support. I feel great that one week is under my belt. I really don't want to fall back into old habits because I tend to hover around 120ish and I'd really like to get my weight to settle a bit lower. I don't know how low I can realistically get it, but I *know* if I followed No S properly always, didn't binge etc it would go down. Have a great weekend!!!

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:08 pm

I want to have a perfect week until Friday. Therefore, I'm going to record my meals here just as an extra effort. I would love to lose about 1 pound per week, so my goal for Friday's weigh in is 118 lbs. Not a big deal if I dont make it but it would be nice! Also, for every indiscretion, I give $20 to my boyfriend. I already lost $60 last week! Huge incentive to not cheat! He wanted to put it into a jar and spend it on something for the both of us, and I said NO, that's almost like a reward, I need a deterrent!!! He is sweet, though.

Breakfast: pb and jam on toast; coffee
Lunch: whole wheat wrap with back bacon and tomato; pineapple
Dinner: chicken chili, cheese bun toasted with cream cheese, almonds, onion crackers

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:00 pm

Breakfast: almonds, Just Right cereal with milk

Lunch: cheesebun toasted with cream cheese, breaded chicken, baked fries, small apple, bean salad (can't finish)

Dinner: bloody caesar, leftover bean salad from lunch, butternut squash soup, crackers, apple

Exercise: pilates

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:18 pm

I hadn't seen a co-worker for a while and she thought I looked much skinnier :) Maybe it's working.

Breakfast: bite of apple strudel, 2 pieces of toast with pb

Lunch: beef goulash, polenta, apple, almonds

Dinner: black bean soup, lamb stew, rice, salad and I'll probably also have a couple drinks (at BF's house tonight)

I'm really crossing my fingers I make my goal this Friday

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:28 pm

Just to update, last week on Friday I was 119.5 which certainly wasn't motivating. I felt annoyed because I did fine that week and certainly thought I would have at least maintained! My bf brought me back to earth by reminding me I should not pay the least attention to the scale right now. He said I should only focus on the HABIT (duh!) and the weight will come. He goes "come to me in a year if you still haven't lost weight and we can tweak". It was fantastic advice. At such a low weight, it's awfully difficult to steadily lose. So, I am not taking too much from weigh ins and truly feel good about just getting the habit down first.

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:58 pm

So far my rehabituation has not been stellar. But in the past two weeks I've really come a long way with the snacking, which is good. I guess my meals are too big, and I usually eat till way past full. Which would make sense given I am not losing weight.

Weigh in is every Friday. My weight looked like this:
1. 123
2. 119
3. 119.5
4. 120 (today)

I guess I'm still down from the start. I think I'll start paying attention to how full I am at meals.

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