JWL's log

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by JWL » Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:22 pm

Weigh in: 324.2
I feel like I'm back on track. Or at the very least, all the sodium and water-retention has worked it's way out of my system. Heh.

No-S was perfect yesterday: chili cheese fries for lunch (1 plate of leftover Silly's fries with the last of my homemade chili over it, with grated smoked mozzarella/provolone) sprinkled on top. Dinner was a carryout eggplant parmesan italian, with an apple.

I also did a full exercise routine. First I took a long walk with my daughter to the library and videostore and back, down the hill, into town, and back up the hill with a backpack full of books. Including time spent looking for books and sipping hot drinks in the coffeeshop, we were gone for about 3 hours. It was great to get out and walk again!

When I got home I did a full shovelglove routine. I planned to do a full 21-14-7 routine, regardless of time, but when I got to the end of the 21 I realized 15 minutes were up already, so I just did a 21-7 routine. Probably about 20 minutes, but it was a nice workout.

I also did my customary core/yoga stuff as well.

All in all, a great day, a good start to my week. I want to sustain that for the remainder of the week! I definitely need a good week (or two) before the holiday madness hits!

And, only 15 more days of my purification ritual, which has been going really well (at least in terms of the verboten items, I haven't indulged in any of them one single time).

Ever onward....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:38 pm

I am soooo going to have to avoid reading your checkin while I'm on the master cleanse thing... It is just too hunger provoking!!!!!

Chili cheese fries with homemade chili :P

(They don't have a drool emoticon so the tongue one has to suffice!)

See you later slim!
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:50 pm

Weigh in: 325.0

Not a bad day yesterday. Dinner was Domino's Pizza, which is full o' sodium and I probably had too big a plate, which accounts for my weigh in today.

Exercise was good, did my core/yoga stuff and my shuggage. Didn't do squats or walking.

Ever onward!

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Post by JWL » Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:23 pm

Weigh in: 324.3

Yesterday wasn't great. Didn't exercise, didn't have time before I went into work and when I got home it was too late.

No-S, for lunch I had leftover Domino's pizza, dinner was General Tso's tofu delivered from the chinese place with an apple. When I got home I had the munchies big time and allowed myself a few small pickles.

So, back to it today....

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Post by reinhard » Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:47 pm


You're doing pretty great with your 80%. Trending downwards through thanksgivings is pretty amazing, even more so given the sanity and moderaton of what you're doing. You seem to be handling the numbers well, even upticks.

What kind of scale did you buy? I've been complaining about my scale to everyone I know, but I've heard "tanita" is actually pretty acurate.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:24 pm

Hey JWL...
You are down two pounds since last week!!!
That is totally rockin!!!!!!!

Hey, I made a smoothie this morning that was to die for...
Richie and I shared it..

Unsweetened soymilk, one pack of hot chocolate mix, two tablespoons of peanut butter, and three teaspoons of maple syrup! LOL....
Add four ice cubes and frappe away...

I am going to make some chili cheese fries some time soon...
I'd think I'll make the fries from scratch in the oven, like steak fries, with some olive oil...
Can you please post your recipe for Freakwitch Chili sometime?
I bet it's very good! I have a lot of cayenne pepper from the lemonade concoction recipe, just sitting around now, and I want to make something spicy!

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Chili Recipe

Post by JWL » Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:57 pm

Freakwitch Vegetarian Chili

1lb bag of dried "soup mix" beans (like, 16 different beans in one bag)
2lb bag of dried kidney beans

Combine these, sort them (make sure there are no small stones, etc), rinse them, and then let them soak overnight in plenty of water.

The next morning, drain them, rinse them well, put them in a large stock pot with a fair amount of bouillon (ie, 6 cubes or more, depending on how potent it is) and 2-3 tablespoons of chili powder and a bay leaf, bring them to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 2-3 hours, until beans are soft.

While the beans are simmering, get another big pot (I use my large, deep 14" cast iron skillet) and chop the following ingredients, sauteeing them over medium-high heat in olive oil:

3 large onions, pref different kinds (white, yellow, red)
3 bell peppers, pref different colors
6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 medium carrots, finely cubed
1/2 cup of corn kernels, frozen corn is OK
optional: firm tofu cubes or chunks
optional: pretty much any other kind of veggie you want to use

While sauteeing, I add at least 1/4 cup of chili powder and 1/8 cup of cumin and stir it well. You could also add your cayenne at this stage, but I usually avoid it so kids will eat the chili; you can always add hot sauce at the table.

Once the onions are brown on the edges, I add the following:

2 - 28oz cans of diced tomatoes
1 - 16oz bottle of a good, dark ale (I like Long Trail Double Bag)

At this stage, I also add 3 cups of dried TVP chunks, and let the liquid (tomato juice and ale) reconsitute them. Depending on my mood I may also sprinkle some tamari over them before I stir them in.

Anyway, I let the veggie/TVP mixture cook down until most of the moisture is gone, timing it so that this happens about the same time as the beans are done.

Once the beans are done, I drain them, and pour the contents of the cast iron skillet into the stockpot with the beans and mix well. I will also add either V8 or crushed tomatoes, to get the consistency I want. I like my chili very thick, and not very liquidy. A large serving spoon should stand up on its own when placed face down in the stock pot.

Serve hot with grated cheddar cheese, sour cream, optional hot sauce, and preferably some tasty homemade bread to go with it.

This makes a huge stockpot full of chili, luckily it freezes well.

Anyway, that's it. I don't really follow a specific recipe, and I don't usually measure stuff. But that's what I do.... and it turns out very well. I tweaked and modified this recipe over years and years, and finally got it right literally earlier this year. I've made it this way a few times now and it works quite well. Best chili I've ever made by far.

It's funny, a good friend of mine and I pretty much combined our chili recipes to produce this one, now we both pretty much follow this recipe, having met in the middle. But then we pass recipes back and forth all the time, and are constantly improving on each other's ideas. Too funny.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 09, 2005 10:28 pm

Oh boy this looks so great James!
I am making it for sure next week...
The link to the TVP didn't work for me somehow.. What does that stand for?

I like the addition of the ale too.. I bet it gives the chili a nice kick!

When I try it I'll let you know how it turns out...


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Post by JWL » Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:14 am

TVP is Texturized Vegetable Protein (try that link instead), same as TSP (Texturized Soy Protein). It's a "meat substitute"... the chunks I use are about the size of, say, stew beef (as opposed to smaller, like ground beef). In fact, you could easily substitute a pound (or more) of stew beef in place of the TVP chunks in the above recipe.

BTW, I forgot to weigh myself this morning until after I'd had breakfast, so I'm skipping the weight thing for today.

Also, there are more band photos on our myspace page, http://www.myspace.com/freakwitch, but I think you have to join myspace to see them.

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Post by JWL » Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:56 pm

Weigh in: 329.0. I seem to be rollercoasting a bit, on a very small scale. I suppose that is to be expected. But I imagine this is just another spike and it will probably settle in again in the next day or two. Regardless, some strictness is in order.

It was an OK weekend. I probably overindulged on my S days quantity-wise. Worked. I skipped exercise on Friday because during the time I had allotted to it, a friend of mine locked his keys in his car during/after a snowstorm and I had to go get him to get his spare set.

Yesterday was good, I had some pasta with sauce and cheese for lunch, and subway for dinner with a couple of sourdough pretzels.

I'm noticing a correlation between eating pizza and pasta, and weight spikes. heh. Lots of carbs. Also, I'm used to utterly stuffing myself on these two dishes, and though I've dramatically reduced the amount of these that I eat (as I have all across the board), I should still probably reduce the amount of these that I eat.

Ever onward....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:01 pm

Hi James :)
You may also be very salt sensitive... But it's just a guess here...
Pizza, most bottled spaghetti sauces, and certainly, cheese are all pretty high in salt... Not to mention those pretzles...

My guess is that it's not necessarily the carbs here but the salty stuff, as with your Indian food spike last week....

I don't know about how many slices of pizza you had, but if you are stuffing yourself then that is probably not the most healthy behavior... Oh well.. (you know this anyway... heh heh...)

Darn pizza! Why must you be soooo delicious! There's always room for an extra slice! Rah!!! :twisted:
I think I'll try out making the chili this Friday :)
Keep positive!!!

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Carbs, or calories?

Post by Kevin » Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:03 pm

Pizza is a very calorically intense food. It's high in everything, but very high in fat. Pasta, when loaded with sauce and cheese is also pretty caloric.

Is it the carbs or the calories? Who knows. I mean, a slice of pizza probably has as many calories as you need in a day. Too bad it tastes so darn good, and is so easy to eat!
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Post by JWL » Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:39 pm

Good observation, I hadn't thought of salt/water retention.

Though I do make my pizza and pasta from scratch, for the most part, I do sometimes eat carryout pizza, like say at work when it's busy and they buy it for is. So when it's my own stuff the salt is under control, I don't add a ton of salt to it.

We'll see. If it's water retention, my weight will likely go down tomorrow.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:11 pm

Try out drinking several glasses of water with lemon....
Whatever happens,,, don't lose sight of the forest okay! LOL....

8) Deb

Oh damn.. Now I want some pizza~

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Post by JWL » Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:28 am

Hi Deb,

Don't worry, I'm well aware of the forest.... heh

Another notch in my belt today! w00t!

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Post by JWL » Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:59 pm

Weigh in: 325.4. I think there may be something to this water retention thing.

Yesterday was good. I made egg/bagel sandwiches for lunch for my daughter and I. I had to work yesterday, so my wife made dinner. I came home to find ... pasta! LOL, after all my ranting yesterday about pasta/pizza.... heh. No funny stuff, though. It was quite tasty, and not at all salty.

I did a full shuggage, my core stuff, and 15 squats. I want to ease back into the squats as they hurt if I'm not careful. But I definitely feel better when I do them every day.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:18 pm

Yo James... I thought as much!

This kind of *totally* annoying water retention "thing" is what we gals normally go through on a monthly basis, but the water sticks around for about a week, which totally sucks big time! LOL..

Enjoy your lovely family!

Oh, ps.. I tried to join "My Space" last night but had some bs problem with my password not being accepted..
I tried three times and then abandoned all hope...
So see if you can post the pics here for us some day :)
You have become a big inspiration to me this year James!
You be tough!
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:16 pm

Weigh in: 323.3. My lowest yet.

No S was good yesterday. Leftover pasta for breakfast, and veggie burgers/salad for dinner.

I didn't exercise yesterday, I got a late start, and a good friend of mine and I went out last night to hang out and chat and get a coffee. She and I both decided that we aren't going to beat ourselves up over skipping exercise... she is doing a near-nightly yoga routine, and is doing a similar purification to what I'm doing.

So yeah, despite the lack of exercise, it was a great day! Hanging out with dear friends is good for you, too! :)

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Post by JWL » Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:54 pm

Weigh in: 328.0. My weight is fluctuating pretty wildly these past few weeks. I did make some homemade seitan this week, which is sodium-laden.

It's been a strange week health-wise. First of all, my sleep schedule is whacked. I've been fighting serious insomnia, not quite sure why. As a result, yesterday I was up at 6am, wide awake and ravenous, after only about 4 hours of sleep. So I got up and ate an extra meal (I had 2 more meals that day).

Also, I pulled a muscle in my back. That caused me to skip shovelglove the other day, though yesterday I did a routine with the 10 pounder so as not to aggravate it. It's still a bit tender, but well on its way to healing.

So, yeah. I'm not doing great lately, but I am sustaining. After all, it's the holiday season, and I have a 2 week vacation coming up next week. So I'll have to maintain, and I think when I return from vacation after the first of the year, I'll reassert a more sustainable routine as my reality becomes significantly less crazy.

I'm also nearing the end of my purification. It has gone well. No funny stuff in terms of indulging in forbidden stuff, which is good.

I'm thinking of modifying No-S slightly, and only giving myself 1 S day per week. I'm just not sure how to implement it: after all, S days are still "sometimes." So even if it's an S day it doesn't mean I have to eat more, which lately I've been taking full advantage of all S days. One thing I've noticed with the regular weigh-ins is that when I stick to my program, I lose about a half pound a day. Then S days ruin it ;-) and I have to undo the damage from the S days.

Don't get me wrong, I know No-S is sustainable. I've been doing it for half a year now, and it's habit. But I want to accelerate the weight loss, and I know that any tweaks I attempt will not result in a total backslide. Worst case scenario, I just return to the routine I've been doing all along.

I'm down quite a bit of weight, but I still have a long way to go....

Ever onward!

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Post by carolejo » Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:00 pm

Hi Freakwitch,

Have you plotted the weight out anywhere on a graph to see the trend line? I think it's a definate downward one, week by week, which is all you really need.

On the other hand, I can understand why you might want to speed things up a little bit. Perhaps you could do something like Spiralstares does, and make your regime much stricter than it has to be with NoS alone, but with the proviso that you're allowed to mess up without it really being funny stuff if you don't exceed the NoS limits. Sort of like 'additional optional goals' for each day.

Please be careful not to overdo it though and get fed up! Also, don't forget that you're a pretty powerful guy with a huge amount of (ever increasing thanks to that 20lb sledge!) muscle mass. I wonder what percentage of your bodyweight is fat now? I'll bet it's much lower than it was when you started out, and the change will have been even more dramatic than all that weightloss and belt notches could even suggest!

Anyhow, I think you're doing really great!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:43 pm

James, not to be negative or contrary, but I just wanted to mention that in a healthy weight loss program, most people average one pound a week..
This is an average ......
There will be days when one goes up or stays the same...
But, in reference to your mention of dropping half a pound per day, when you are "good", that, in my opinion, is an unrealistic long term expectation..
I feel you are truly setting yourself up for big disappointments, on a daily basis, if you continue wracking your poor brains out over every days minor, or even major, fluctuations...

Remember NoS is about maintainability and *SIMPLICITY*....
My humble suggestion, which probably you may not decide to do, is just weigh yourself once a week or even less... If you start to notice that you are having big binges, or your clothes are starting to feel a bit tighter, or you just feel the weight, you can then "tighten in the reins" on your NOS rules... How you look and feel are so much more important than a scale readout *especially* when it is a known fact that we vacillate and deviate so much from day to day...

Also, I really feel that instead of eliminating the extra S day, you just focus on having less indulgent ones...
It's not about "all or nothing" it's about moderation and getting down with your bad habits...
You tell them who's boss!!!!! :twisted:
All this comes from a sincerely loving place so hope you aren't pissed at me for speaking my mind...

Good luck!
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:36 am

Hi all,

OK, I'm officially in holiday/vacation mode. My purification ritual ends 23.5 hours from now (not that I'm counting), and for the next 2 weeks, I'll be in no-s vacation mode. Not as strict, enjoy my vacation and seeing family. No guilt.

I'm taking my sledgehammer, though... :-)

I probably won't be posting much here for the next couple-three weeks. But I'll report back, and get back into my daily routine, upon my return.

I hope everyone has a most wonder-filled holiday!

Ever Onward!


PS- Don't worry, Deb, you'll have to try *much* harder than that to offend me.... :wink: didja try making the chili? How'd it turn out?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:00 pm

Well actually, Richard came down with a cold a few days ago and we, basically, spent the whole time indoors... The chili will be made soon!!!
You will get a full disclosure on it's deliciosity factor!

Enjoy your vacation and we will miss you!
Peace and Love,
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Thoughts on my detox

Post by JWL » Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:02 am

Well, my detox is officially over.

I made it. 7 weeks. It was easier than I thought it would be, though it got more difficult at the end.

I have several thoughts about it, which are currently somewhat fragmented.

I gained an appreciation for the sustainability of No-S. This detox is not sustainable. Not because I'd give in to temptation, inviting guilt and crash/burn, but because doing this cleared out my energy system, on all levels, consciousness, physical, metaphysical. By the end of 4 weeks I was ready to begin a new cycle. The last three I've had to keep grounded. Now I'm raring to go again.

Put another way, this detox is precisely what I'd hoped it would be: it's a way to gather energy, to be used later. It builds the energy. Now I have to figure out what to do with it.

I see the need for balance.
For example, I need to walk more. My legs aren't in as good shape as they were several months ago, despite the fact that I'm probably carrying 20 fewer pounds on my frame. Daily walks would do wonders for my system. I wonder why I haven't been able to sustain a daily walk? The fact that I live in Maine and everything is currently covered in ice is probably not the best time to think about this. I need to be walking briskly up hills again. Regularly. And I need to squat more often. Maybe 3x per week.

I want to have both my 16 pound and my 10 pound shovelglove. There is a good balance between them. However, I've realized something: the 10 pounder and I have a bond that I don't yet have with the 16 pounder. I think much of this is due to the fiberglass handle. The energy of the hammer is just different. I may look into removing the fiberglass handle and replacing it with a wooden one.

But it feels like the 16 pounder is a training bar for the tool, which is the 10 pounder. I could use the 16 pounder part time to build strength. But then I can improvise moves, ie, tai chi sword movements, with the hammer: it feels light enough in my hand that I can wield it very precisely, think martial arts forms. I'm reasonably conscious of energy flow, so I think I can come up with a few moves. I wonder if there is a martial art of the hammer? I remember seeing a video here a while ago....

I think from now on, I need to do shovelgloving with both hammers handy each day. I can do simple movements (ie, my normal routine, only perhaps shorter) and then improvise movement, ie, freestyle, paying attention to what works and why.

I can now use another "Jedi Mind Trick" when it comes to resisting sweets or alcohol (or any of the other forbidden items): I went without for 7 weeks, I can go without until $next_s_day; without problem.

Anyway, I'm babbling. Enough about exercise.

Later today is our Yule circle. We light a bonfire at sunset, and keep it burning all night until sunrise. Then after sunrise I will sleep, and get up and drive to the midwest. So I'm acclimating my system to staying up late.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:39 pm

Have a great Solstice celebration!!!
Eat drink dance and sing!!!
Stay close to that bonfire and bundle up dude!
Sounds like fun :)
Peace and Love,
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I'm back!

Post by JWL » Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:56 pm

Survived the trip. I had fun, saw a lot of people, which was good.

I followed the No-S vacation rules, which state "My policy is: vacation days are like non-S days, with extra tolerance for screw ups." And there were definitely a lot of screwups, there probably wasn't a single day that would have qualified as good.

However, I was in an environment where I put on most of my weight, and I managed to avoid binge eating. So that's good.

I tried to compensate by doing more exercise while I was there. I did many vigorous shovelglove routines, lots of squats, lots of yoga. I even accomplished my first Hindu pushups (I was able to do 3 with good form) and my first bridge (still lots of room for improvement, but only my feet, my hands, and my forehead were touching the floor, so it counts!) :)

But now I'm home. I've decided I will give myself 2 weeks of good, solid reassert-my-No-S-reality to reset my system before I begin weighing myself again. I'm reasonably certain I've put on weight from my eating over the past 2 weeks, and I don't want to get discouraged by that. I want to stick to my routine, which I know works.

My mantra: no funny stuff this week. Or next.

Back to reality, and ever onward!

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Post by Lane » Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:37 am

Hey FW!

Isn't it great to start the New Year with new resolve? I think that's why they were given to us. Good luck, bud!


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Post by JWL » Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:27 pm

OK, I haven't updated these past couple days. Oops. :)

I haven't shovelgloved yet; I've been really tired and sore from the trip so I've been taking it easy. I also feel like I've been fighting something off; I've felt some nausea and lots of general achiness.

But, Tuesday was a good day, we got back and ordered pizza for lunch. For dinner I had some leftover chili and pasta. I skipped shugging, but did my core routine to get my body moving again.

Wednesday was OK, had veggie burgers and fries for my first meal, and for my 2nd I went out to watch the Rose Bowl. I had an order of chicken nachos that was so huge I ended up sharing it, along with some peanuts. I also had 3 Gritty's Scottish Ales. So it was a very high calorie day.

Which leads me to: after my detox, I think I'm going to relegate alcohol to S days. There are just too many calories in alcohol, and I don't really need to drink it. I've been drinking much more than normal over the past few weeks (holidaze and all), and that can't be helping my weight loss goals. Once I get into maintenance mode I may rethink this and allow a drink or two daily, as reinhard does. But in the meantime, I think it makes sense to eliminate them on S days.

As far as exercise goes, I didn't shovelglove again yesterday. But, I did walk; I urban rangered 1.25 miles each way to the sportsbar; downhill getting there and uphill coming home. That was nice. I haven't walked in far too long and really want to reassert walking as a regular part of my exercise regimen.

So my exercise consists of: Shovelglove, Urban Ranger, and the various yoga stuff I've been experimenting with. I want to formalize my yoga routine soon, and learn the names for the moves I've been doing.

Ever Onward!

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Post by JWL » Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:45 am

Today was a success.

No-S: I had some grain cereal, raisins, and vanilla yogurt for meal #1. Dinner was a stirfry I made with basmati rice, tsp chunks, onions, garlic, peppers, carrots, and broccoli.

Exercise: still feeling a bit sore and not strong. So I decided to ease back into it.

EDIT: I forgot to write that I did a full shovelglove routine with the 8 pounder to ease into it.

I also did a brief yoga session. Tried a bridge (or what I call a bridge, kripalu yoga people call it the wheel), but that's not happening on our hardwood floor. I need to get some sort of carpeted pad, not sure a yoga mat will be heavy duty enough. I did 3 hindu pushups, that were very difficult.

But I came up with a new move (I'm sure this can't be original): I took breath of joy and combined it with hindu squats. For the first part of the breath of joy, rather than bent in a V at the waist, I do a hindu squat. Then when I come up, I complete the next 2 parts of the movement, first is arms lifted up and out from the chest, parallel to the ground, the third is arms straight up over the head, then back down into the squat.

It's very good for breath: exhale deeply on the way down, fill the bottom 1/3 of your lungs when you come up, the middle 1/3 when you put your arms in front, and the top 1/3 when you put your arms over your head, then deeply out again on the way down. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. I did these very slowly, and only about 10 reps. This is gonna be a killer.

Ever onward!
Last edited by JWL on Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:19 pm

That's awesome James!!! Did you ever see the pic of me and my Yoga teacher Larry on my thread? It's supposed to be a Krishna Tree... (as opposed to a Christmas one.. LOL.)
The Yoga mats are really good for non skid standing poses.. To make the floor poses more comfy, you might just want to get two of them..
Are you sure you were doing bridge?

How's Freakwitch band going?..
Gotta run now..
Massage time..

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Post by JWL » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:20 am

yesterday was mixed.

It was an S-day (my S days are Fri and Sat), but I didn't do too badly.

But, I didn't get a chance to exercise. We ran errands all day, then I made pizza for us, then I had Freakwitchery. Ah well.

Today was an s-day, and I worked. Bleah. Not horrible but not great. Made myself a rum and coke, since alcohol is now an s-day only treat.

Tomorrow is back to N-day routine.

I cannot wait to exercise again. I miss shovelgloving, and I want to try the yoga thing I've been experimenting with: squat of joy or breath of squat or whatever I'm calling it... does anyone recognize that move and know its real yoga name?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:23 am

Correct me if I am wrong FW...
But isn't "Squat of Joy" when you have to use the bathroom really bad!?? :lol:
I don't know....
Seems I don't know squat...
Badumbum crash!

Sorry.. Couldn't resist... (but probably should have)

Sorry your job drove you to drink today! LOL...
Hope that Cuba Libre did the trick!...

Sounds like what you are doing is a James enhanced Sun Salutation...

A wonderful reference for poses is the book Light on Yoga.. by Bks Iyengar.. Dru sent it to me as a gift last year, thanks Dru!, and I am really enjoying the photo illustrations..
There's like seven hundred of them or something...

He was able to become a levitated pretzle!!! LOL...

There's a few poses you can look at online if you google "Asanas/pose finder"....
I know there's a link to poses on the www.yogajournal.com site...

Have fun breathing and squatting and being joyful!
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:07 pm

yesterday was a success.

It was a No-S day for me, and there was no funny stuff. I had lunch before I went in, and took my dinner in with me. Nothing out of the vending machines or anything... and nothing when I got home. Yay me!

Today is another no-s day, and back to my exercise routine. I think I'm going to shugg with the 16 pounder again. I'm feeling good!

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Hindu pushups...

Post by Kevin » Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:19 am

... are beastly. I do two clean sets of 75 pushups everyday, but I can do no more than 25 hindu pushups, and I'm huffing and puffing. They feel really good, though. Really good. It's about as far as I've ever gotten into yoga-like moves.
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Post by JWL » Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:04 am

Wow, i haven't written in 3 days.

No-S has been very good. Funny stuff today: I ate a handful of grapes. Not gonna worry too much about it, though; no one ever got fat from eating grapes.

Exercise has been spotty. I need to reassert routine. I did take a good walk last night, about 45-60 minutes total, up and down the hill. And I did a full yoga/shugg routine today, though it was light on squats.

Still trying to get back into my routine from vacation. It's easy to exercise lots when you're on vacation! I need to get back into it....

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Post by JWL » Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:33 pm

Yesterday was an unqualified success.

No-s: had tvp/tofu/spinach/cheese burritos for lunch with my daughter. Dinner was homemade seitan, mashed potatoes, gravy, and steamed broccoli. No funny stuff, though the dinner plate was large and filling.

Exercise: I did a full shovelglove routine, took a 90min walk with my daughter (up the steep part of the hill), and some yoga. I did a transition from downward dog to upward dog that isn't quite a hindu push up; I don't bend my elbows just yet. But I managed 5 reps of that. I want to get used to holding my body weight up for that long and move in and out of reps, and let the form of each rep evolve.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:51 pm

Yay James!!!! Good for you!

Try to remember to synch your movements with your breath...
Inhale on upward dog, exhale on downward dog...

Have a nice weekend :)
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:33 am

it's been up and down lately.... doing well with No-S, some funny stuff on Sunday (a No-S day for me) because I was at work and it was crazy, they bought food for us and I ate too much pizza and nachos. Bleah.

Other than that I've been doing well diet-wise.

I haven't been exercising much, partly because I've been fairly busy and I'm having trouble reincorporating exercise into my daily routine, and partly because I haven't felt great this week. I had an earache yesterday, which seems to have largely subsided.

I think I shall weigh myself again on Friday, to see where I am (and get a kick in the a$$ which I clearly need -- KICK YOUR OWN A$$, NOW! NOW!)

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Post by JWL » Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:55 am

weigh in: 329.3. At least I'm in the ballpark of where I was before the holidaze. This is good.

No-S has been going well. Today is/was an S-day. I didn't exercise, though I did play a gig which definitely has its aerobic output. It went well. Yesterday I did some exercise, my yoga routine, and an abbreviated shovelglove routine, and 22 squats. I also managed to get my head off the ground in my first-ever wrestler's bridge. Yay me!

Beginning next week it's back to my normal routine, I have to continue doing well with No-S, reassert good exercise patterns amid the chaos of daily activity, and continue with the daily weighins.

Ever onward!

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Post by 3aday » Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:48 pm

Great Job!

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Post by JWL » Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:34 am

Today was a success, but a painful one.

Weigh-in: 334.3. Ouch. I had pad thai yesterday, so maybe it's sodium/water weight.

Today I had leftover african peanut soup and toast for lunch, and a pasta/veggie/tvp/cheese casserole for dinner. Yum

Did a good exercise routine, shovelglove, yoga, tried a bridge but can't on my hardwood floor, and did 30 squats and 5 hindu pushups (modified).

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Post by JWL » Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:06 pm

Successful days. Yesterday's weigh-in: 333.2, today's is 331.7. Moving in the right direction.

No-S has been No-Problem. Exercise has been good. Last night I did a very mindful shovelglove routine. I forget how vital it is for exercise to focus my awareness on the movements and on my body as I do the movements. Mindful exercise just seems to go better with my body than when I try to distract myself.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:09 pm

Good for you James!!!!
Peace and Shuggage :)
8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:41 pm

Hi Freakwitch,
I just wanted to let you know that I did the 3 meals.
I figured if you can do 2 meals a day, then I can surely do 3!
Sooo, just wanted to thank you for the motivation.
Looks like you are doing great with No S!
You meals sound tasty and healthy too!

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Post by JWL » Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:52 pm

Weigh-in: 330.9. Still moving in the right direction.

Yesterday was good. Breakfast was leftover pasta, dinner was roasted seitan, mashed potatoes, gravy, and sauteed broccoli, spinach, and onions. Yum.

I did lots of yoga last night, and 25 squats, but I skipped shovelglove from soreness/stiffness. Nothing major, just being extra careful.

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Post by JWL » Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:37 pm

OK, lost track of posting for a while.

Things are going VERY well. With No-S, I've done a good job of sticking to the 2 meals per day. My task this week is to now reduce plate sizes. Over the holiday, I'd gotten used to eating more food, and this spilled over onto my giganto-mondo-plates of food. I need to continue to reduce quantities, this has gone well this week.

Exercise is getting better. Last week was rough; once again I failed to "reassert exercise." So this week I've been experimenting more. I did a nice shovelglove routine on Sun night when I got home from work, as well as yesterday. I'm breaking out of my old routine, and I'm trying 50 reps with the 10-pounder. Going pretty well. I just want to see what happens if I let myself do whatever exercise I feel like doing that day.

Weighins: I've decided that I'll weigh myself each Wed, Thurs, and Fri morning. That's enough to level out spikes and still give me relevent, long-term data. The up and down during the week is having negative consequences on me psychologically, so I want to limit the damage.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:48 pm

Dear James!
Please don't let yourself get psyched out!!!!!!
I know.. easier said than done, but if you take your England photo and put it next to your latest band photo, that should re-inspire you and others here! You are a rocking freakin witchin winner!!!!

It is such a hard thing to balance exercise, particularly weight training and body weight stuff, which builds muscle, and also try to lose pounds....

Can I also *suggest* that you break your two meals a day into three...
This way they are not mondo humongo giganto and they will be metabolised much more effectively, and the tendency towards low blood sugar etc.. will be decreased too...

I was thinking of you this morning, because I have wanted so badly to make some Freakwich chili, but in all seriousness, I don't have the budget to do it these days as we are subsisting on peanut butter sandwiches and oodles of noodles and such...
Keep on posting and trying! We are with you!
Hugs and Love to one of my NoS compadres!
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Post by JWL » Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:21 pm

Hey Deb,

Good luck with the finances. Freakwitch chili probably costs 10-15 bucks to make, but it makes like, a ton of chili, it will last you and your kiddo a week at least! :-)

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Post by JWL » Thu Feb 02, 2006 6:13 pm

Weigh in: 324.7. This is good, it means I'm within a pound or two of my previous best before the holidaze.

However, there is still some blockage in me about exercise. I didn't exercise the past two days. There has been some emotional stormy weather in my reality the past few days as well, nothing major, but it's part of the equation.

I've been doing a very good job with No-S, that's continued. So I'm happy about that. Apart from a beer I had on Mon night, I don't think there's been any funny stuff all week. :)

So, ever onward. I'll try to get exercise in today, though it's busy. We have circle tonight and I'm getting a new tattoo!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:03 pm

Yay James!!!!!!
You are back on track and no looking back!!!!
Sounds like you dropped about five or six real pounds this month!

Let me guess... The tattoo won't be a heart shape that says "Mom"?

Hope you feel happy soon.. Winter is tough.. But just go easy on yourself!
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:42 am

It was an odd weekend. I was still a bit grumpy, but I did OK with No-S. I took Thursday as an S-day (Imbolc), and my normal Fri and Sat. Didn't go overboard. Yesterday at work I took the equiv of 2 platefuls in, and nibbled most of the day.

Today I made egg bagel sandwiches with cheese and spinach for lunch, and dinner was a granny's burrito, or more accurately 2 granny's burritos split in half and shared with my wife, along with some side chips and some orange juice.

Now I'm hungry. I'm trying to cut portions down again, and the "hungry feelings mean my body needs fuel" Jedi Mind Trick is useful.

Exercise today was good. Warmed up with yoga, and the downward dog/upward dog pushup thingys are easier. I did about 20 reps, and then made my closest attempt yet at a genuine Hindu pushup. Still not going down quite far enough, but getting closer.

I cranked out 30 squats like it was nothing. That felt good, doing squats before shovelglove.

In both the squats and the pushups, I used a wider leg stance. That seemed to energize me.

Then I did 15 minutes of shovelglove: 50 reps each of driving the spike, shoveling with the 10 pounder, and 14 flip-lever and hoist-sack wtih the 16 pounder. A bit of freestyle thrown in as well.

I felt stronger today. And, I saw the sun for the first time in a while.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:42 pm

Yay James!

Enjoy the Sun!!!

Have a great week... If you stick with your slightly smaller portions, you really will get used to less..

At this point I only have one big meal, and that's dinner..
Breakfast and lunch are always really small... And dinner is relatively the largest meal, but it's so much less than I used to eat when I was assaulting myself with double and triple portions...

Big now means.. A nice sized deep bowl of whatever, and usually a fruit and some salad on the side too, when I have salad stuff around...

In terms of helping you with excess hunger.. Remember, besides the Jedi trick, which is great!, that thirst is often disguised as "hunger", so stay hydrated with loads of fluids...

Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:42 pm

The past few days have been quite successful! I've exercised Mon and Tues, and have done a very good job with quantity control.

morning weigh-in: 330.8. This is very discouraging. I had a decent, controlled relaxing of the rule without bingeing weekend, and a very good No-S week since Sunday, and I've gained 7 pounds since my last weigh-in last week. I know weight can fluctuate for a variety of reasons (mostly water retention), and given my size the poundage will fluctuate higher than normal (ie, 7 lbs is only about 2% of my body weight, equivalent to a 3 pound fluctuation for a 150lb person). But I'm starting to rethink the whole weighing myself thing. It's just an added source of stress that I don't need right now. If I do continue, it will probably have to be on a daily basis, so I'll see all the spikes, good and bad, not just the occasional spikes. Indeed, this was my original plan that I may have to go back to. Regardless, I'm going to weigh myself again tomorrow and probably Friday just to see where I'm at. If history is a teacher, my weight will decrease tomorrow and Friday. We'll see.

I've been doing a good job of portion control. Yesterday for lunch I had 1.5 pieces of pizza, total size was about that of an index card. Not much at all. Then for dinner I made some pasta with veggies and TVP chunks and mozz cheese. It was tasty!

I also managed to lift my head off the ground about 6" in The Wheel, for the first time ever. My "Hindu Pushups" were the first time I'd done the full form correctly: I bent my arms and arced my head downward and then back up. I could only hold the Wheel for about a second, and I could only manage 2 reps of the Hindu Pushups, but still, this is uncharted territory for me and represents HUGE progress! Yay me!

I also did 30 squats and a full shovelglove routine with the 16 pounder, something I hadn't done in a while (been using the 10 pounder).

I'm starting to feel good about my body again, so that's a good thing. I'm sure it's related to the fact that I'm starting to feel better all across the board.

I'm thinking of finding myself a new plate, a plate that is mine and is smaller than the normal ones we have in the house, thinking that this plate could become a quasi-sacred object for me, in that I fill this smaller plate with food for my meals, and all the food that I eat will come from this plate. I really do well with physical focal points like that, like talismans or something.

I'm also thinking, if I do move to a much smaller plate and subsequently smaller meals, of switching to 3 meals per day, albeit smaller than what I eat now. Must ruminate more on this.

Things are moving....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:21 pm

morning weigh-in: 330.8. This is very discouraging. I had a decent, controlled relaxing of the rule without bingeing weekend, and a very good No-S week since Sunday, and I've gained 7 pounds since my last weigh-in last week. I know weight can fluctuate for a variety of reasons (mostly water retention), and given my size the poundage will fluctuate higher than normal (ie, 7 lbs is only about 2% of my body weight, equivalent to a 3 pound fluctuation for a 150lb person). But I'm starting to rethink the whole weighing myself thing. It's just an added source of stress that I don't need right now.
I'm sorry about your discouraging weigh in... Don't let it get you down..
If anything (unless your "relaxed" weekend was a hedonistic food orgy!)
I am guessing that you are gaining muscle mass James...
For real..
If you are able to pop off thirty squats, at the weight you are at now, especially, I'm sure your quads are getting really strong... The quads are the biggest single muscle group in the body, mass wise... Maybe you are retaining some water too, but I'm guessing that you're gaining weight from muscle tone...
A sixteen pound sledge is no tinker toy either... and those body weight exercises pack a wholesome muscle building punch too...

Please James!!!
Stay off the Freaking Freakwitch scale for your mental health...
That's not to say, don't care about what you are doing, just don't expect the scale to be much of a great helper in the day to day motivation you need to get where you want to go... I would only check in once every month or so... And, do it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning... Don't even try to change the weigh in time by two or three hours, because you can "gain" three pounds by afternoon...

I say just smash the F$%ckin thing!!! LOL...
Think of all that you are accomplishing this year for yourself..
The scale can't say any of that to you...
It won't tell you that you were reasonably on target with your eating and exercise goals for the week...
Only you can do that...
Start slashing good and bad days on the calendar instead...
Or just perhaps try doing the 21 days on habit again here...
I would be glad to be your partner!!!
We could kick each others asses!!!

As for tiny plates? How about normal sized plates?
Don't swing the pendulum too far to the extreme.. This just sets up a need to rebel against yourself and internal conflict...
James likes his food! Don't start being too much of a hard ass on yer bad self! Teeny tiny plates for a big dude like you?
Me thinks not... :wink:
Just go for good old generic "normal" sized....

I bet if you cut down to three meals a day and make them normal, you will automatically downsize somewhere soon down the NOS road..
I thought of cutting my portions when things got slow on me, back around this time last year... But then the little voice inside me said, "This is for life... Don't overcomplicate this... Just stick with it"... By the Summer I had downsized without even trying, because my appetite decreased all on it's own...

Congrats on your exercising!!!
You are our hero and we are all proud of you!!!

Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:41 pm

Morning weigh-in: 326.8. Sigh. My weight is fluctuating so much that I'm beginning to wonder if my scale is a piece of cr@p. Ah well. :-D

Had a decent day yesterday. Leftover pasta for lunch and dinner was homemade cornbread, homemade baked beans, and skillet cabbage (cabbage, onions, garlic, and shredded carrots sauteed in butter with salt, pepper, and paprika).

I was (and still am) quite sore from the new yoga positions.... I feel like forrest gump... "my buh-tocks hurt" heh heh) so I took it easy on exercise, only did some mild yoga stretch-type stuff.

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Post by JWL » Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:13 am

weigh-in: 329.something. Can't remember the decimal. I've decided to do a daily weigh in again for a while. Maybe I'll stop altogether. Maybe not.

Today was good, No-S wise. Leftover pasta for lunch and homemade Indian food for dinner, I tried to make a vegetarian version of "lamb bhuna" with TVP chunks instead of lamb. It turned out really yummy! TVP chunks simmered in coconut milk with spices, carmelized onions, peppers, garlic, carrots, peas, and mushrooms, with a bunch of Indian spices, served over basmati rice. Mmmmmm....

I'm about to get up off my lazy butt and exercise, I'll report back tomorrow. I really have the winter blahs. I wish it was spring. I know deep in my heart that I am in this weight-loss quasi-rut because I'm not walking enough. I'm itching to get walking.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:13 pm

I really have the winter blahs.
Sorry James...Join the club! :twisted:
It will pass...
Until then, don't beat yourself up for laziness...
It's just seasonal laziness!

A few more weeks and I'm sure you will feel more inclined to slap on your walking boots, get your tunage, and move thine booty...

Hang in there!
Peace and Love,
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Post by david » Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:59 pm

Veggie bhuna sounds great!

One of my favorites is chana masala--so easy but so good and also warming during the winter:

Saute one or two onions and 5-7 cloves of garlic with a little salt and some chana masala powder (store-bought or homemade it's cumin, fenugreek, and various other goodies)

Add three cans of drained and rinsed chickpeas.

Stir until the chickpeas are well coated in spices and oil then add 1/2 cup of water.

Serve after the chickpeas have "made their own sauce." This is nice with rice but I prefer it on a bed of spinach.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:09 pm

Thanks for the recipe David!
That looks good!!!
Indian food is my fave...
But I gave my cookbook to Navin!

I think I need to have you and James make me dinner!
Heh heh...
(Lazy aren't I!?)

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Post by david » Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:13 pm


I often make my interpretations of Indian dishes for groups of friends. Next time you are in Oklahoma let me know and we'll put something together! (warning: my friends will likely demand massages)


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:23 pm

So I'm gonna have to work for my supper eh??? :lol:
Just as long as it's not *after* the meal..
I tend to become way lazier once I eat!

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Post by JWL » Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:32 pm

I'll have to check into chana masala. I keep a variety or two of garam masala around, and I sometimes make my own curry spice blends. I'm just getting started on this indian food thing, I've enjoyed eating it for years and have tried to make curries before, and while they were tasty, it didn't taste like restaurant Indian food. I found that one secret (apart from using ghee, which I still don't do) is to cook the onions for 20min over high heat until they carmelize, stirring constantly, adds an essential layer of flavor to the food.


Morning weigh-in: 328.2.

Ended up doing a bit of yoga last night and 20 squats. That's about it. Not enough to get me out of my winter blahs. ;-)

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Post by JWL » Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:22 am

Well, there's hope for the winter blahs yet.

I took a walk tonight for the first time in ages. It was a good 25 minute walk up on the hill. We had a snowstorm, that was far more a windstorm than a snowstorm, but the snow is almost gone now. At 11:30, when I left the house, it was still 39 degrees. Now, it's 37. I wore some gloves, some earwarmers, and a lined chamois shirt over my tshirt and jeans. Perfect. The moon was dancing with the clouds, almost to the tune of Tryad and Porcupine Tree on my music player. It was cool.

Never underestimate the power of a good walk on the psyche. I always feel so much better when I walk. I'm glad I'm heading into the time of year when walking is possible. I love walking, but once it gets below freezing it's not nearly as much fun.

Also, I've decided to ditch the weigh ins for a while (much to the delight of the majority of my readers! heh). I mean, I'm sure I'll still weigh myself, and possibly even daily. But my weight is in a rut at the moment, and currently the scale is just reinforcing the rut. That's bad magic AND bad karma. Time to let go of that. So, I officially free myself of the tyranny of the scale for a bit. And I will not weigh myself again until I feel like I've been sustaining a good groove for a while.

I have had the first "funny stuff" in a while this week. Nothing major, no huge binging or anything, but some definite no-nos in night eating this week on Tues and Wed. Time for that to go bye bye.

I have a massage tomorrow and I want to shovelglove (I haven't all week) beforehand, so at least my muscles will be awake.

My daughter has been sick this week, and I've been kinda dragging myself. Not sick, just my energy is out of whack. We've been plowing through some books this week, taking turns reading aloud to each other.

Today was great. I got to walk. I had a bowl of soup and bread with roasted garlic/chive/amish butter broiled on top. Yum.

Dinner was homemade "cottage pie": in my large cast iron skillet, I sauteed onions, garlic, green pepper, zucchini, corn, peas, and TVP chunks in a bouillon, let it all simmer, then added corn starch to thicken it up. Then my beautiful wife made her amazing biscuit dough (with what was left of the amish garlic chive butter), rolled it out into a circle, then put it over the stuff in the skillet. Stick the entire skillet into a 425 oven until the biscuit dough is golden brown. Slice like a pie, and YUMMMM. I had 1.5 slices of this and 3/4 of an orange for dinner. If you virtual plate the dinner, no funny stuff today! w00t!

The days are getting brighter.... LONG LIVE THE SUN AND MOON!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:06 pm

Well, there's hope for the winter blahs yet.

I took a walk tonight for the first time in ages. It was a good 25 minute walk up on the hill.
Kick those Winter blahs ass!!! :twisted:
And I will not weigh myself again until I feel like I've been sustaining a good groove for a while.
Yeah!!! Why make yourself go completely non compus mentis about those annyoing little up/downs!!! (heh! I guess this is the "reader" who you expected to delight with this news! LOL..)
If you feel totally shaky, you can always take a belly and arm measurement with a tape measure.. That's what I do instead of always weighing... At this point the only scale is seven blocks away at my Moms home, and I'm not buying one any time soon, since I don't want to spend money on it right now...
If I stay within an inch or so with the measurements of my waist, I know I'm sustaining... And again, with you, and your "Herculean" arms, FW, I bet you have gained a good 15 lbs of muscle this year... No doubt!
If you virtual plate the dinner, no funny stuff today! w00t!

The days are getting brighter.... LONG LIVE THE SUN AND MOON!
Long live the *Mighty James*! :wink:
Peace and Love,
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Post by reinhard » Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:18 pm


Sorry about the scale jumps... keep in mind that:

1. (as you just pointed out in "general discussion") it's winter and the body hoards fat. I don't think it's a coincidence that we've been seeing a lot of frustration with lack of progress just recently. Come spring, not only will your body be less fat retentive, but you'll also be less loath to go outside for walks.

2. You're in maine so it's *really* winter.

3. You've made astonishing big picture progress and have an excellent foundation of habits to build on.


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Post by Jan » Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:14 pm

Are you vegeterian? I was reading some of your post and it sounded like you were. After reading some I deceided to make some Hummus today. I was eating it everyday last summer. I try to be a vegan. I don't like to say I am because sometimes I may eat something with a little milk in it but I try not to. My 21 year old son found the Peta site last year and became vegan. Then he showed me the "Meet yoour Meat" that did it for me! Then my oldest daughter and granddaughter became vegeterian. Anyway... just wondering what your favorite foods are. Do you like Indian Food? Have you tried the Morning Star "Chicken" and "Beef" Strips, they are very good.

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Indian Food

Post by Jan » Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:44 pm

Indian food is my favorite! I try to make it vegeterian. I tried to make the Potato/Cauliflower dish, I think it is called Aloo Gobhi. I make it with mustard seeds, cumin seeds, ginger, turmeric, cauiflower, Potatoes, tamari, and Tomatoes. It usually taste ok. I also try to make the chickpea dish, chana masala, but it taste better at the resterant.

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Post by JWL » Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:22 am

Contrary to rumor, I have not disappeared entirely. I went through a serious writing drought on pretty much all channels, and have only recently started blogging again. I've been busy and quite distracted and haven't been writing.

I'm glad to say that No-S is habit. I'm not worried about that these days.

I haven't been weighing myself at all. I suspect most will regard this as a good thing.

It's getting lighter! Spring is coming! Warmth is toying with us! Long live the light!

Much of my exercise lately has come from laboring in my studio, which is good. The old manual-labor overrides exercise routine argument.

I'll be checking in when I feel the need here. No promises, no worries.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:53 pm

I'm glad to say that No-S is habit. I'm not worried about that these days.
Yay Freakwitch!!!!!
I haven't been weighing myself at all. I suspect most will regard this as a good thing.
Heh heh :wink:
It's getting lighter! Spring is coming! Warmth is toying with us! Long live the light!
Ditto and Amen! :lol:

Peace and Love,
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Post by reinhard » Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:41 am

Great to see you here again, James, and to hear things are going smoothly. Not that I ever believed the rumors, but you know, evidence is a nice bonus :-).

Please don't ever feel that you're a prisoner to this check-in, but do know that your posts are appreciated!


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Post by JWL » Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:47 pm

Heeeeee's baaaa-aaaack!

I haven't updated in a while for two reasons: first, I've been VERY busy with my studio, and second I've been slacking a bit. I got sick (almost) a few weeks ago, and stopped exercising and started eating more. Nothing too bizarre out of control (esp compared to 2-3 years ago), but not the best habits.

So, as of today, I am reasserting both No-S and exercise (yoga and shovelglove). Also getting close to walking season again...

Today I did a nice exercise routine with my daughter, did shovelgloving and yoga for about a half hour.

I had a hippie burrito for lunch, and I have a yummy ravioli dinner waiting for me at home (I'm working today).

Back to it, I may try to post here more regularly again. I've missed youse guys!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:58 pm

Yay!!! He's big. He's bad, and he's back!!!
Welcome home James!
Freakwitch is back to his NoS family!
LOL.. :wink:
::big blubbery reunion movie scene crying::

We missed you too!!!! LOL...

Good for you on your exercising again...
I'm trailing a bit behind on that, but tomorrow there will be much walking and stair climbing...
By Sunday, Yoga will resume :)
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:27 am

gah! Google ads on the forum now?!?!?!?

Bad form, Reinhard.... :wink:

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Welcome back

Post by pangelsue » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:11 pm

Welcome back Freakwitch!! I am so glad to hear you are still here and No Ssing. You were my inspiration to start this journey. I lurked for a while reading journals and when I read yours, I knew I had to try this. You are honest and straight forward. You are as open about your successes as you are about your slip ups. When you write on this forum, your journey, successes and failures are no longer just yours. They belong to everybody. Traditional diet books always just quote the success stories because it is what we all want to believe. " The weight just fell off." " I have tons of energy." "I can wear bikinis now" "etc.". This was never reality for me (and I hope the bikini part will never be for you haha). Weight loss has always been slow and prodding for some of us. It is a struggle sometimes and yet we all know we feel so much better now because we are controlling something we thought we no longer could control. Every morning when I wake up I now have something to feel good about and so do you. I know we are in for the long haul and we are success stories no matter what the #$%^scale says. Welcome back and live long and prosper.

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Post by JWL » Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:38 am

Thanks for the welcome, pangelsue!

BTW, I look great in a bikini! 8)

Glad to be back, even though now I'm JWL. Suits me better. :wink:

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Post by JWL » Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:41 am

Today was great. I did a really cool exercise routine out by the firepit, including a good shovelglove routine (still using the 10 pounder) and some yoga. I did 21 squats.

Also, for the first time this year, I got to throw the frisbee in the field! w00t!

It's clear that I've been slacking in the exercise department. I'm getting winded pretty easily. But that will change very soon.

Lunch today was some really good ravioli with onions, garlic, red pepper, and broccoli, with a creamy garlic tofu sauce. Quite good.

Dinner was some Freakwitch chili prepared by my dear friend Matt. Lots to drink today.

No slip ups!

Today is a SUCCESS!

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Post by JWL » Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:13 pm

After taking my Friday and Saturday S days, I'm here at work on Sunday and it's a No-S day. It's been difficult today. I've realized that my portions have been gradually increasing over the past several weeks so I'm trying to reign those in, and get back to my normal No-S portion size. So for breakfast this morning I had kind of a small one, 2 of my wife's buttermilk biscuits, some fakin bacon, and some fresh pineapple. The plate was maybe 2/3 full, and I thought I'd be able to hang with that.

Sadly, by about 2pm my stomach was doing backflips. I made some coffee which held me over for a while, but I ended up getting a sandwich out of the vending machine. I can technically virtual plate this as it would have fit with the rest of my breakfast. So this is definitely borderline funny stuff, I'll have to be careful for the rest of the day. Luckily, I have a wonderful dinner being prepared for me by my beautiful wife....

I did manage a short set of 21 squats earlier on my break, which is good. I normally don't get any exercise at all when I work.

So, slow but sure, I'm reasserting my No-S regime.

Ever onward!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:26 am

Hi James! :)

I don't understand why a sandwich from the vending machine at lunch time is something you even have to think about virtual plating?
Your body is asking for three meals a day, it seems..
There's no problem with that..

It will all balance out as long as each meal isn't giant..

Congrats on not eating candy and soda from those machines!

Have a nice night :)
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Post by JWL » Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:27 am

Hi Deb,

When I'm at my healthiest, I eat 2 meals per day, and I'm trying to reassert that. Good news: no more funny stuff today. I even got to do another set of yoga on my other break, I did downward/upward dog, it was awesome!

Today was a SUCCESS, even with the bit of funny stuff.....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:43 pm

Hi James!
You couldn't get through a day *without* some "funny" stuff!
(because you are so darn funny :)! LOL..)

Good for you with Advo mukha svasansana... (down dog)

That pose stretches the whole back and legs and strengthens the shoulders...
When one isn't accustomed to it, it can be quite hard, but once you are used to it, it's very relaxing and restorative...
I love it!
I'm happy you are turning into a guitar playing, shovelgloving, Yogi!
What about the other people in the office?
How about forming a AAA Yoga class! LOL..

Hugs and Love,
Have a lovely day!
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Post by JWL » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:45 pm

past few days have been reasonable, though last night I had a fever of 101.2. :( I'm feeling better today, the fever broke, but I'm still coughing a bit and kinda achy. Better now than at the end of the week, since I have a three-day recording session for our first album!

So yeah, No-S has been good. I did have a bit of leftover Indian food with TONS of hot sauce on it... I don't know why but when I get sick I often crave really, really spicy food... I ate like maybe a cup of indian food with probably 2 tablespoons of hot sauce mixed in. :shock: It was good, and just what my body seemed to need, but is technically funny stuff, although sick days are S days.

My exercise the past few days has consisted of very deep breathing, which is enough to make me hack up a lung. Blecch.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:38 am

Hi James :)
The associated tastes for the various organs as discovered in Traditional Chinese Medicine make your craving very normal...

Any imbalance can cause a craving..

Stomach/Spleen imbalance causes a Sweet craving
Heart: Burnt or Bitter (Fire!)
Liver: Sour tastes
Gallbladder: Fatty food
Kidney/Bladder: Salty (Water element, like the Sea!)

And Lung's associated taste is,,,,,
Spicy and Pungent...

So hot sauce makes sense..
Wasabi is good for opening you up too!

Now if Robitussin could only make a Buffalo Wing flavor cough syrup that would probably sell big!

Feel better soon :)
You need to be well to make that hit record that will sell millions! :wink:

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Post by JWL » Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:45 am

I'm still feeling better. I ate too much dairy today though. I think tomorrow I'm gonna have to refrain from cheese.

I did the most amazing exercise session though. I did some of the deepest breathing I've ever done. I did some good yoga. I really want to learn the Sun Salutation. I did some improvised poses to warm up, then did breath of joy longer than I'd ever done it before. As I was doing it I was visualizing all the energy blecch in my lungs clearing out. I got into a great rhythm and must have kept it up for like 10 minutes.

Afterwards, I did some upward/downward dog, breathing deeply while I did it. It felt great to clear out my lungs.

I got to play with my new guitar rig tonight, too. That was fun. 8)

Ever onward!

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Post by Simon » Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:28 pm

One of these days I'm going to have to try out this yoga stuff. Sounds like all y'all get something out of it!

Plus, those positions are really fun to say.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:28 pm

Hey James! Rock on!!!!
Good luck with your studio sessions this week!!!
I lost my connection at home finally!
Rah! Phooey!

Sending music blessings your way!
Create lots of good vibes~

Simon, yeah you would enjoy Yoga and saying things like
Woo hoo! :lol:

I taught my friend how to do a headstand the other day!
We had fun!
Peace be with you :)
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Post by JWL » Sun Apr 16, 2006 4:27 pm

OK, it's been very busy. I'm presently sitting at work (on Easter Sunday), having just finished a 3-day marathon recording session with my band in the studio. The session went well! We got what we needed, what awaits us now is many hours of sitting down in front of the tracks we recorded to listen and decide which takes are best, and just generally prep the tracks so that guitar overdubs can happen next.


We had lots of frisbification in the field during down time, which was good. Most of the goop is cleared out of my lungs now, exercise is welcome because it helps to accelerate this process (yuck).

Also, I came home late last night after wrapping the session to find that my beautiful wife and daughter had a gift waiting for me: a new pair of Tevas! Rock on! So I tested them out today by walking in to work for the first time in months. So that felt good. Spring is here! Yay!

With the mondo session behind us, and my sickness gone, this is the week where I want to settle back in to my healthy routine. No-S, exercise. My exercise needs to broaden. I've been doing lots of yoga since my sickness which has truly helped me, and I love doing it. But I want to walk this week! I miss walking! I miss my sledgehammer!

Also, that old demon of mine, late night eating, has been rearing its head again. I think it's time to reassert the no-eating-after 9pm rule.

Healthy Healthy Healthy!

Ever onward

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Post by JWL » Tue Apr 18, 2006 4:00 am

I'll call today a SUCCESS.

No-S was great. No funny stuff. Dinner was yummy, I sauteed a huge pile of veggies (onions, garlic, spinach, red pepper, zucchini, celery, mushrooms), added oregano and a cup of leftover tomato sauce I'd made earlier, and threw in a box of small shells (al dente). Mixed it all together, and my daughter and I munched on that (with some mozzarella cheese) for dinner while watching the original Star Wars. Tonight was my wife's night out to herself.

We took a long walk today at a park near a river in Yarmouth; thus far that's the extent of my exercise today. Though I'm thinking of getting in some shuggage here in a bit. Not sure if I will though. Today has been recovery day from the craziness of the past week. I may just save it and do a really good session tomorrow.

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Post by Simon » Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:47 pm

Man... Star Wars goes great with ANY meal, doesn't it??
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Post by JWL » Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:10 pm

Indeed, Simon... :wink:

Today isn't over yet, but I wanted to post the exercise routine I just did before I forget what I did.... I started with about 15 minutes of yoga (including breath of joy, downward/upward dog, Hindu squats, and several other abdominal exercises that I do). I then did my first shugg routine in over a week, since before I got sick. Whew! Plus, I'm scheduled to take a good walk on the beach tonight with my dear friend Nikki.

No-s has been good so far, lunch was a bowl of leftover pasta from last night. Dinner will be scrambled tofu burritos. Mmmmmmm.....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:20 pm

Last edited by gratefuldeb67 on Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by JWL » Wed Apr 19, 2006 3:07 am

Actually, there wasn't any sitting, or trees involved. But we did take a 4.5 mile walk on Old Orchard Beach tonight. It was fabulous! The warmest day we've seen yet this year in Maine. And I haven't smelled that ocean air as much lately; though I live on a hill overlooking Casco Bay, we don't get that ozone scent of waves crashing up against the shore.

Ahhh. Today was most definitely, without reservation, a success!

Unless you count the fact that long walks in new Tevas equate to blisters on JWL's feet..... but I'll live. 8)

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Post by JWL » Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:17 pm

Yesterday was a mixed bag. No-S was a success, no funny stuff at all, but I skipped exercise completely. I wanted to take a walk, but the blisters on my feet had other ideas. So I was gonna do shovelglove and yoga, but the next thing I knew it was nearly midnight and I was wiped out. :evil:

Ah well. Today will be better.

Ever onward!

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Post by reinhard » Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:51 am


Not to stand between you and your conscience, but if you've exercised to the point where you've injured yourself (blisters count!), it's appropriate to take a day off I think.

And it sounds like you're doing great otherwise. Those walks sound great.


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Post by JWL » Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:23 am

No worries, Reinhard. Thanks for the support. :)

I just lost a detailed entry (doh!) when I had to restart my browser. I thought I'd already posted it but no.

Thursday and Fri were my S days this week. Today was back to No-S. I had leftover lasagna for lunch and a subway sub with lots of veggies for dinner.

When I got home from work I did a shovelglove routine with the 16 pounder. Man, my muscles feel dormant. That woke 'em up, though.... ;-)

I did my first wheel pose in the grass at Fort Williams the other day. I didn't get nearly the height the guy does on that page :shock: but I was all the way up with my arms fully extended. w00t! It felt amazing, like a direct circuit for energy to flow from earth to earth through my entire body. Wow. :idea:

I've been walking more. Tonight I walked to and from work. That rocked, though coming up the hill was really tough. That's the challenge for me. I need to get to the point where I can get up the hill without getting too winded. I don't mind breathing heavy, but when I'm gasping for breath enough to need to alter my course to rest on flat ground, that's a bit much.

OK, it's windsprinting, but I should be controlling my windsprints with how quickly I walk, not whether or not I'm going uphill.

One step at a time.... :arrow:

More workage tomorrow. I'd like to walk again. We'll see....

Ever Onward!

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Post by JWL » Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:59 pm

Today's weigh-in: 330.8. Whew. I was worried about this, because when I lost the plot a while back I was afraid I'd gained some weight. But I seem to be in the same ballpark as where I was. I haven't weighed myself for a few months. So, this is my new starting point!

Survived the work weekend, with a bit of funny stuff. I didn't walk yesterday because it was raining, and I didn't leave the house early enough to be able to walk to work. Ah well.

Back to it today.....

Ever onward!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:02 pm

Today's weigh-in: 330.8. Whew. I was worried about this, because when I lost the plot a while back I was afraid I'd gained some weight. But I seem to be in the same ballpark as where I was.
Good for you James! :wink:
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:24 am

Today was a success.

Mostly so with exercise. I did a yoga/shugg routine while my daughter was in gymnastics class. There were some trees and grass next to the parking lot where she takes gymnastics, so I pulled my 10 pounder out of my trunk and stood in the grass. Warmed up with some arm circles, waist turns, stretches, and the yoga warmup routine I do. Then I went into shovelglove, and did a full routine, including a gruelling 50rep set of driving spikes, shoveling, and stoke the oven, using a very tight grip. Whew! I also did a normal 21 or 14 set of all the other exercises. I finished this set with 21 Hindu Squats.

It was funny, people were staring at me the entire time. Like, "who is this freak and what is he doing with that sledgehammer?!?!?" :D

Then, tonight I took a 2.6 mile walk in Portland. If you look at that map, the stretch on Cumberland Ave from 26 (Washington Ave) up to North St is about a quarter mile of a steady uphill grade. I've panted at the top of it before. But today, I pretty much hoofed it up the hill, breathing deeply but not out of control, at a good clip the whole way up. Yessss! According to the pedometer, I burned 648 calories (at my current weight of 330).

But my Tevas and my heels aren't speaking to one another presently. The blister is back on the right foot.

So, exercise wise, today was an unmitigated success!

Technically, No-S was also a success today as I had 2 meals. The first was good, it was a leftover veggie/TVP/rice stirfry with some hot relish and mozzarella cheese. Dinner was a huge plate of domino's pizza. I was gonna make pizza tonight, but I got my finger tattoo touched up today and realized I wouldn't be able to knead the dough. Doh!

So we ordered out, and I had too much. It fit on one plate, but at way-too-gluttonous proportions. Ah well.

I think I'm getting used to No-S again, and now I want to start reducing portions of my 2 meals again. Maybe smoothies in the morning, and a good dinner..... Or I may do a smoothie in the morning, a small lunch, and a healthy dinner. I don't know yet.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:19 pm

Hi James...

The blisters from your new sandals sounds really strange to me... I never got those, and have the same shoes... Did you try adjusting the straps so they are comfortable? Are they rubbing your heel in some weird way? Maybe they just are the wrong size or something?
Can you wear sports socks with them, or is that too nerdy! LOL..
Remember to cover the blister with a clean bandaid so it doesn't get nasty, and can heal...

Congrats on your freakshow sg workout!
Hi to Mo!
I bet she's great at gymnastics, the little monkey!!!
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:22 pm

Hey Deb, it's my own fault that I have a blister. Yes, I wear socks, esp when I'm breaking in new sandals. But last night the socks I wore were a bit thinner than my heavy-duty Maine socks, but I didn't compensate by tightening the straps. So my feet were sliding ever so slightly back and forth across the sandals and rubbing against my foot too much. Hence the blister.

It's doing a bit better today. I'm not walking today, though. I did do a full shovelglove routine with the 16 pounder. The kickass shugg routine yesterday left its mark, my biceps were a bit sore for the first time in a while. So I thought I'd push them with the 16 pounder. :twisted:

I also did some yoga, and 25 Hindu squats.

Lunch today was leftover pizza from last night, but I literally had about 1/3 as much. Yay me! Dinner was "breakfast," veggie kielbasas, scrambled eggs, homemade biscuits, and oven roasted potatoes. Yum.

Gonna have a big salad for lunch tomorrow.... need veggies.

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Post by JWL » Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:20 pm

Today's weigh-in: 328.1. I'm feeling good today. Like my reduced food intake and increased exercise are starting to payoff. Yes! I love this feeling.

Just had a bagel and a salad for lunch. I think I'm gonna take a walk with my daughter today, and I'll get a shovelglove session in for sure.

More later.

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