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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:59 am
by wahine
Hey, welcome back!

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:00 pm
by nettee
Thank you Wahine. Made it to page 2 of my diary, feels like an achievement in itself :)

I have given myself an s day yesterday as I went to an event with nibbles in the evening. Should have planne better for it really. Today I am on track so far but a bit bored and so tempted to eat for entertainment. Determined not to though.....

Enjoying being back on no s and being hungry for my meals again. Makes them so much better :D

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:41 am
by nettee
success for Friday. Very pleased to report a 4lb loss in the first 5 days back on plan.

Going for a 5 S event maximum on S days this weekend. Hit the 5 yesterday but no more and I was more aware of what I was choosing to treat myself with through the day. Go again today :-)

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:11 pm
by nettee
Back again on day 1. It's gone ok but a big supper that could be counted as seconds. Feeling motivated and starting again so have copied and pasted my signature here for my old stats and will make a new one.


23.11.15: Start Weight: 11st 0.5lb

23.12.15: Weight: 10st 11.75 lb.

23.1.16: Weight: 10st 9lb

14.3.16: weight 11st 7lb

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:26 pm
by nettee

A good day today. An early supper but not really hungry before then. Managed not to eat anything from the petrol station on the way home.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 9:36 pm
by nettee
Success for Wednesday and Thursday. Getting on fine this week. A bit nervous about the weekend because I gave up after a week in March. Thinking back though it was the Monday evening when things went wrong. Perhaps I should keep off the sugar and just have a few savoury snacks this weekend.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:43 am
by nettee
Success for Friday

2 S events for Saturday. One lovely savoury cheese snack and then a slightly sweet seconds of fruit yoghurt after dinner.

Feeling positive on Sunday morning.

2.5 lb down this week Mon - Sat mornings :)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:32 am
Congratulations on a good week. :D

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:48 pm
by nettee
Thanks Rawcookie

Not a bad S day today either. Survived a children's party which is normally my nemisisis. I hade 3 S events - 2 of them fine and as yesterday. The other was a chocolate caramel wafer this afternoon when I was feeling stressed. I had planned to avoid Sweet Ss this weekend but on the bright side I did stick at one, it is an S day so it is fine as far as vanilla no S goes and I did not reach my Maximum 5 S events.

Planning another good 5 N days from tomorrow :D

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:47 pm
by nettee
Success :D

That is one day more than my last restart. I had half a costa chai latte which could be seen as an S but I didn't know, didn't like it, didn't finish it and it was a drink which seems to count for less on this plan :) Otherwise a spot on three meal day.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:34 pm
by nettee

I have been thinking about the positives of coming back to the diet over starting first time. I am much more relaxed this time round over portion size - not so scared that I will be starving if I don't eat huge meals. Good day today although I was hungry for my supper which had to be quite late. Enjoyed it when it came though.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:26 am
by nettee
A couple of mouthfuls of seconds with both lunch and dinner yesterday (Wednesday) but no catastrophic failure. Working today so more of a routine to my day. Hopefully will keep me on the straight and narrow.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 8:22 pm
by nettee
Success for Thursday and Friday.

Very tempted to snack on sweet things this afternoon but pleased to have resisted. 2 weeks in :)

The weight loss has slowed down but I am going with the habit forming target and aiming to 'eat like a normal person' as exists in my imagination😇

Two S days ahead - there is a tempting chocolate bar in the fridge but I am still aiming for no sugar and only up to 5 snacks or seconds per S day.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:04 am
by nettee
4 1/2 lbs down in 2 weeks :D :D :D

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:03 pm
:D Well done! Enjoy those chocolate bars! It's Saturday ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:26 pm
by nettee
Thanks rawcookie - chocolate bar is still temptingly in the fridge. Saturday went to plan with 3 S events but today I have been snacking to excess. Nothing sweet though so hopefully no problems getting back in the saddle tomorrow.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:06 am
by nettee
Success for Monday and Tuesday
A few nibbles on a cracker before dinner last night but now I know what proper failure is I am not going to count it. Despite the “fence around the law”.
Very stressful day at work yesterday and a trip with the children to the supermarket after school so lots of temptation and excuses but It wasn’t really much of a battle. Progress 

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:11 pm
by nettee
Success for Wednesday and Thursday. Ticking along nicely.

3 weeks of n days coming up tomorrow 8)

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:48 pm
by nettee

Three weeks in and getting used to no S again. I have had to stop myself from absentmindedly nibbling fairly frequently so I haven't got the habits hard wired in yet.

Enjoying my meals and coping with the few hunger pangs.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 8:32 pm
by nettee
Seconds on Saturday: (eating out), and Snacks on Sunday. No sweets.

It is bank holiday Monday here tomorrow but I think I will count it as an N day as I don't have any particular plans. Wish I was going to a maypole dancing event - might Google it in a minute.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 9:27 pm
by nettee
No May Day celebrations to be found but a good relaxing bank holiday and a success

I even made rhubarb crumble for the family and kept a bit of sugar free stewed rhubarb for me which I put on my plate (in a little pot) while serving up my main course to have while everyone else had the crumble. 8)

Back to work tomorrow but only a four day week.....

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 8:59 pm
by nettee

Smooth sailing today. A colleague has gone on a vlcg and I am so glad I am not messing with that anymore. Only tried to use it to do the 5:2 but it made me feel weak and ill and in fact I never completed a day on it. So much more satisfied on no s and enjoying my tasty meals.

I think that it is useful life experience to have tried lots of diets. Calorie counting or weight watchers for awareness of portion sizes and calorie density of different food, slimming world to get into the habit of of lots of vegetables on the plate and cooking from scratch, Atkins to take away the fear of fat in foods (never done that one just read about it). I did once try the 'no carbs after 5 o'clock' diet which made me feel that I hadn't had supper every evening.

My diets have got simpler over the years. The very first one, when I was new to dieting and keen, involved counting every calorie. Then I started rounding up or down to the nearest 50. Then I did slimming world and only had to count some things again to the nearest 20 cal or so. Each time I lost enthusiasm to keep thinking so hard about it even though SW especially is fairly easy to count. The downside of Slimming world is that there are lots of foods to avoid including bread so lunches especially are hard work to prepare. Also my husband got fed up with such low fat meals all the time (he is a natural no Ser so no S fits in to our household very easily)

I have also done giving up refind sugar or more specifically fructose. I still think this is onto something although I like the no s way of not obsessing about, for example, whether or not to have a bit of ketchup. I didn't lose much weight on this alone because I snacked on nuts and cheese.

Then I had my brief go at 5:2 which again should have been less hassle I just couldn't bring myself to last a fast day. Not sure what I learnt from that one - don't do it maybe. I suppose I read about hunger and how it is not painful and passes etc. Also got put off fake food with 100% of daily vitamin and mineral requirements met.

No S is the easiest of all and the tastiest. The appetite makes me cook better meals and enjoy them more. I want vegetables and healthy food more when I am not full of snacks. I can look at the chocolate for sale in the petrol station and just see it as a load of chemicals put there to extract money from me.

So here I am on no S and I can't imagine going back to any of the other ones now. I know I can fall of the no S wagon as I have done that good and properly but I hope I won't do it very often or at least keep coming back. I wonder if I had seen this write up in my 20s could I have taken a short cut. I suspect not.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 10:00 pm
by nettee

Two quite hearty meals today at lunch and supper. Usual breakfast. No fuss.

Happy Star Wars day to you all - May the 4th be with you :wink:

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 6:17 am
by nettee
I can't claim a success for yesterday because we went out for a three course meal but I am claiming some successful moments because:

Starter was tapas and I didn't go back for more from the table.

The third course was cheese (luck but still!) and again no second helping although it was on the table

There were then some mini pastries offered round which I politely declined.

Scales have registered a sudden drop this morning too. Looking good for my 4 week weigh in tomorrow.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 8:34 pm
by nettee

Ticking along - weigh in tomorrow :shock:

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 5:55 am
by nettee
Official weigh in today and I have lost 6 lb over the last 4 weeks. :D

A bit scales psycology going on in my head which goes to show that daily weighing is dangerous. see below. The main acheivment is that I have been doing No S and "eating like a normal person" for 4 weeks now :D :D

It seems yesterday's weight was a bit of an anomaly but I am still very pleased. I have just been reading the No S book again and absorbing Reinhard's experiment with the scales and I have been hovering around or just over 11st 5 for most of this week so it is probably a better representation of my actual weight than randomly being 2.5lb lighter for one day. (more to count towards next month too if that makes any sense.....)

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 7:41 am
by nettee
Reflecting on my first month this time round vs my last No S attempt - I think I am less of a perfectionist this time. This may not be a good thing as it means I forgive small slips which could turn into big slips over time. However I think the benefits outweigh the risk because the small slips are not turning into a fail day where I think go on to "enjoy" the rest of that day.

Also I am not doing habitcal or aiming for a particular length of time being "perfect". Just aiming to be mostly on plan and seeing how long I can do that for. Last time round I did three perfect weeks, signed the 21 day club page and promptly fell right off the wagon.

Having said that I have got a thought that I want to do three months as a first step (to beat my 2 month record). Hope that is not a ticking time bomb.........

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 8:21 pm
by nettee
Quite a lot of snacking throughout today. It is a Saturday but I don't like being out of control. Will aim for counting my Ss tomorrow.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 10:24 pm
by nettee
Oh dear - classic S day idiot behaviour today including 9 2 finger kit kats and 2 packets of crisps just before lunch. Feel bloated and guilty tonight. Maybe it was a post official weigh in blow out.

Moving on to Monday morning tomorrow though. A new week.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:54 pm
by nettee
Success for Monday and Tuesday. Really pleased that I got back on the wagon.

I still felt the effects of all the sugar yesterday but back to normal today.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 5:47 am
by nettee
Success for Wednesday and Thursday.

Scales are not showing it though - never mind, the weight is not shooting up.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 7:19 am
by nettee
Success for Friday

A good week, 5 weeks in now. :D

1/2 a lb up from last Saturday. My first weekly gain :( But I suppose it is not much, was bound to happen some time and perhaps I can blame it on my crazyness last Sunday.

this weekend I will go for the no sugar and up to 5 Ss per day plan. Will report back each evening......

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 5:53 am
by nettee
5 Ss for Saturday. :)

I am at a cookery course today so not sure how much tasting I will be meant to do. Will aim to keep counting and play it by ear...

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 9:30 pm
by nettee
Hmm - quite a bit of tasting and a pudding but no craziness today at least. Back to N days tomorrow.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 8:38 pm
by nettee

Quite a big lunch but that is allowed .....

Go again tomorrow.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 5:56 am
by nettee
Success for Friday :D

Fail for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday :oops:

Glad I hung on by my fingernails yesterday as it gives me hope for next week. Really don't want to give up.

By some miracle the scales are the same as last Saturday. A good week and maybe I will see a new drop?

I got home from work tired on Tuesday and raided the cupboard. Took till Friday to gain back any resolve.

Should aim for a counting Ss weekend again as usual

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 9:12 pm
by nettee
Weekend was ok, not much counting but no craziness

Success for today :D

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:07 am
by bunsofaluminum
way to go, losing 6 lbs in a month! wonderful! your journey is a great read. You seem at peace with this way of doing things.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 9:51 pm
by nettee
Thank you - it is easy to forget how far I have come. Yeah think at peace is mostly true - fairly relaxed about it - I hope not too much.

Success for Tuesday and Wednesday. Feeling back in the swing.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 5:37 am
by nettee
Success for Thursday :D

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 9:10 am
by nettee
A good day yesterday, nearly a success but I did have quite a lot of Indian takeaway which counts as seconds at dinner. Away for the weekend now and so far a few crisps as S event no 1.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 6:56 am
by nettee
3 Ss for Saturday - enjoyed them all purposefully!

Quite pleased with that. Travelling today, will see what I can do.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 7:56 am
by nettee
Sunday was ok - probably lost count of nibbles but not a binge.

Success for a lovely sunny bank holiday Monday

I have been drinking a bit much this weekend - much more than normal. Time to have some dry days I think.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:51 pm
by nettee
Fail for Tuesday - children's left overs were just too tempting

Success for today :D

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:44 pm
by nettee

Official weigh in on Saturday. It's not going to be spectacular this month but I am expecting a bit of a loss. Much better than a large gain from not being on plan. I wonder if I should get a bit stricter with myself or if my slightly relaxed attitude is keeping me mostly on plan rather than giving up altogether.

2 months is my record from last time round so it will be good to be continuing past that milestone.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:20 am
by Merry
nettee wrote:Success

Official weigh in on Saturday. It's not going to be spectacular this month but I am expecting a bit of a loss. Much better than a large gain from not being on plan. I wonder if I should get a bit stricter with myself or if my slightly relaxed attitude is keeping me mostly on plan rather than giving up altogether.

2 months is my record from last time round so it will be good to be continuing past that milestone.
Congratulations on beating your record! I think small Losses but the ability to stay on plan trumps getting stricter and wanting to throw in the towel any day! I also find that over time, I'm more open to making small tweaks and that they don't seem as "strict" as they would have in the first months. Anyway, keep up the great progress!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:56 pm
by nettee
Thanks Merry - you are right. Better to keep at it over time.

I think I need to put more veg on my plate generally - maybe a positive tweak.

Success for today :D

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:38 am
by nettee
Official weigh in this morning and I have lost 1 lb in 4 weeks. Not spectacular but better than my gain when I went off plan earlier in the year. Also I know I have had quite a big wobble earlier this month.

1/2 stone off in total and 8 weeks on plan which is brilliant!

Now for next month - goals are to keep to habit, bring in more veg as I said last night - that was a good slimming world habit which I am loosing a bit, and to be a bit more portion conscious. I think I will also start reporting my smaller failures on here as a half way position between success and failure - maybe as success

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:47 am
by nettee
Two S days ahead. Plan continue to stay off the sweets and count seconds and snack up to a max of 5. I do find this almost harder than N days - maybe because officially there are no rules but I know how crazy I can go and 5 Ss is quite generous.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:36 pm
by nettee
Hmmm 8 Ss today - had a wobble before dinner, a tricky time of day. First three Ss were very tiny though!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:30 pm
by nettee
3 Ss today - 2 of them grapes. Good S day :D

Lovely evening and got the bbq and new patio furniture out - :)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 10:04 pm
by nettee

I was working on the stricter rules today and stopped myself at near nibble a couple of times. More veg too today...

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:12 pm
by nettee

I was quite hungry this afternoon but waited till supper without too much temptation. Small lunch because I didn't like what I chose - full plate is so much better.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:51 pm
by nettee
As part of my more veg goal I am replacing crisps at lunch Time with Salad.

Less filling but so much healthier and I can fill up on my sandwich

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 10:02 pm
by nettee

On a roll at the moment - resisted temptation this afternoon when the children had chips and leftovers.

Out to a restaurant tomorrow night. Suspect I will have more than one course but will aim to avoid any sweets.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:42 am
by nettee
A three course dinner but not sweets on Thursday so maybe a 8) s event day

Success for Friday - a couple of afternoon nibbles ( literally two bites) and quite a big portion for supper

1lb up this morning on last week after that - just shows how good N days are. Family party today and Queens birthday village event tomorrow. Will endeavour to keep to my 5 S limit.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:28 pm
Hiya - you are quietly doing well here - keep going!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:02 pm
by nettee
Just saving my old stats on here as I have started a new thread. Total madness set in since I last posted here but I am back again and determined. Here is the last signature update from my spring attempt:

new start 11th April 2016 - start weight 11st 11lb

7th May - 4 weeks on habit :D - 11st 5lb
4th June - 8 weeks on habit :D - 11st 4lb