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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:10 am
by kccc
Wow, the things I learn from this site!

The soup was a MAJOR hit with the family. Basic 15-bean soup, with the ham bone thrown in. The recipe on the bag was very close to yours, but I don't think I would have thought of using the crock pot, and that really helped my day!

Also, someone posted earlier about always cutting up an extra onion (when cooking something with onions) and freezing it for when you're in a hurry. THAT made a difference too - I don't have time in the morning to chop an onion, but having some pre-chopped I could sling in was great!

I have not really made stock before, but am now considering it after reading these posts. :)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:58 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling


B: Porridge, nuts, dried fruit
L: Tuna wraps, orange
D: Beans and rice

KCCC, I see you're being converted to the Homemade Stock Conspiracy. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Minons!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:50 am
by kccc
NoelFigart wrote: KCCC, I see you're being converted to the Homemade Stock Conspiracy. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Minons!

ROFL! Maasssster.... I await your orders....instruct me....[/fake Igor accent]

Er... I mean... is there a recipe for stock or directions that I should follow?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:57 am
by NoelFigart
KCCC wrote:ROFL! Maasssster.... I await your orders....instruct me....[/fake Igor accent]

Er... I mean... is there a recipe for stock or directions that I should follow?
I don't actually make a big deal about it. I collect enough bones to more or less fill my crock pot, cover 'em with water, turn it on low and let it go all day.

Alternatively, since I've been using my wood stove as heat, I'll do the same thing, only with a pot on the wood stove, since I'm using the wood anyway, it might as well serve a double purpose.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:20 am
by kccc
I assume you strain the bones out after you cook them? Do you skim the fat?

And then, how do you store it (freezing?) and use it (as in, how much do you add to a soup)?

I heard this wonderful story on NPR about the "fifth taste" (which had a Japanese name that my memory has lost). Basically, scientists have long said we can taste 4 things, but chefs disagree... and the chefs have been proven correct. The 5th thing is essentially stock - not sweet, sour, bitter, salty, but a definitely discernible taste.

Okay, googling brought up some stories - not the NPR one, but they cover the same territory. It's called umami. ... 653-1.html

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:33 pm
by NoelFigart


Glass Ceiling

B: Porridge w/walnuts and cranberries
L: Steak and cheese sub, potato chips (yes I could have had a salad. Just didn't feel like it)
D: Beans and rice and an orange

I was QUITE hungry before dinner, but eating my moderate dinner slowly was fine. I've been cold, so have been drinking a lot of hot peppermint tea. I did have a hot buttered rum while I was working on some stuff for my business.

KCCC: After the stock is cooked, yes I take the bones out. If I've been using a bird carcass, I'll probably pick off any meat that's been left and use that in the soup. Chicken isn't very fatty. I rarely chill and skim the fat off unless it's pork stock and there's been a lot of meat left on the bones. I'd probably do the same if it were duck stock as well. You CAN do it with chicken or fish, but according to Chinese medicine, soup should have a thousand eyes.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:54 pm
by kccc
Noel, that is a GREAT article - thank you VERY much.

Okay, I'm officially a convert. Will let you know when I actually put it into practice.

(But I don't understand the "thousand eyes" reference.)

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:42 pm
by NoelFigart
The idea is that soup should have some fat in it. If you look at a bowl of soup, the fat is melted and collects together in small bits across the top of the bowl. I suppose, if you're a peasant and are hoping for a meal where you'll be satisfied at least for a little while, you'd be very happy indeed to have some fat in your soup.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:39 pm
by kccc
Ah! Thank you, Noel. I don't think I would have EVER caught that.

But it makes sense.

I am finding in general that I'm not as afraid of fat as I used to be. It's just fine in moderation - a little butter or olive oil or some avocado "anchors" the meal a bit.

The trick is keeping it moderate - but that's much easier with REAL food as opposed to all that fake junk. (Caveat: much harder with restaurant food than home-cooked.)

I now interpret "fat-free" labels as reading "warning: highly processed foods with tons of unnecessary chemicals added." (Much like a friend of mine, who interprets the phrase "How hard can it be to..." as "I don't know jack about this, but I'll give you my opinion anyway...." Love it!)

BTW, I really am glad to see you back. I missed you when you left. I even went to your blog to see if you were okay, but left you alone after that - didn't want to look as if I was cyber-stalking or anything. :)

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:43 pm
by NoelFigart
Thanks, KCCC.

Of course you can always contact me. I'm touched and flattered and very pleased that you wanted to contact me, so please, feel free if you want to.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:52 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling


B: The Usual Porridge
L: Fried Egg sandwich, orange
D: Pork chop w/mushrooms and onions, sweet potato

Stayed up late last night working on a project. I'm glad it's the weekend. I ain'ta workin'.

Well, not entirely true. I'm letting a lot of stuff pile up and I really need to do a serious planning session. Meeting immediate deadlines is one thing, but this is absurd. I gotta clear outa this mess.

*snerk* Possibly I oughta buy some index cards. Thing is, I own MS Outlook and a Palm pilot, so I suspect the problem is more about letting myself get overwhelmed and screwing around with stuff that isn't important than it is about needing an organizational tool.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:04 pm
by howfunisthat
Mornin' ....Just wanted to pop in and say "hi"....hope your weekend goes well...


Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:27 am
by kccc
NoelFigart wrote:
*snerk* Possibly I oughta buy some index cards. Thing is, I own MS Outlook and a Palm pilot, so I suspect the problem is more about letting myself get overwhelmed and screwing around with stuff that isn't important than it is about needing an organizational tool.
I'm a PalmPilot user too (though I'm moving my to-do's to Remember the Milk) and I ALSO use index cards.

The online system covers all the to-do's from now until the end of the world. (Okay, hyperbole, but it does feel that way some days.) The index card is TODAY. And I put "habits" on it that don't show on the Palm. Exercise, meditation, journal-writing, the "morning routine" and "evening routine."

It helps me focus, and feels more manageable. Really. If nothing else, the finite amount of room reminds me that my time is also finite, so I prioritize better.

Also, the back lets me take notes until I can get things in my system. (I do a sort of GTD approach.)

So yeah, an index card works well in tandem with a Palm or other system. At least for me.

Good luck in sorting out for yourself.

(And I'm learning from you regarding "no work" days... having worked all this afternoon and having a meeting tomorrow. I'm a bit fried t the moment, and feeling resentful that I don't have time.... but we're trying to beat a deadline for a big grant, and that's the way it is for now. Still, I think that I really need to revamp as far as burning myself out...)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:26 am
by kccc
Hey, Noel,

The combination of the article you posted about stock and the approach of Thanksgiving - with all the family foibles that go with it - led to a light-bulb moment.

In the article, it says..."Just as vitamins occupy the center of the stage in nutritional investigations today, so two hundred years ago gelatin held a position in the forefront of food research. Gelatin was universally acclaimed as a most nutritious foodstuff..." and then, below "The French were the leaders in gelatin research, which continued up to the 1950s." and then "Research on gelatin came to an end in the 1950s because the food companies discovered how to induce Maillard reactions and produce meat-like flavors in the laboratory."

So, gelatin was once regarded as being very nutritious... and that suddenly explained the "congealed salads" from the 50's, which my mother still insists on serving at holiday gatherings! (One of those "it must be on the table" dishes, whether ANYONE likes it or not.)

I've always loathed those kinds of salads. Still do... but now, I understand their genesis a bit better.

Hope you don't mind me musing on your thread - it was just a really interesting article. I am planning to take a cooler to our T-day celebration to snag the carcass of the turkey for stock!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:53 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

God, I almost didn't post about the failure on No S yesterday, then shook my head and realized that, yeah, 'fessing up would be the right thing to do .

The failure? A buttered tortilla before I went to bed.

Was I hungry? No.

Was I particularly stressed? No.

Was it a bad habit that I didn't feel like resisting? Yeppers.

I've always liked having a "little something" before going to bed, but I'd had a couple of glasses of wine, so a hot toddy was out. If I'd been more committed to resisting, tea would have been fine, but NOOOOOOO.

A red day, a failure, for a damn tortilla. How goofy is that?

On the other hand, as far as failures go, it's a mild one. And at least it wasn't one of those self-defeating, "Oh I screwed up so down the hatch" sort of things. I'm fine, today, with just eating my meals again.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:18 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

B: The Usual Porridge
L: Onigiri, leftover beans from my last batch beans and rice, apple
D: Roast chicken, butternut squash, green beans

I almost had a snack last night. God, that habit is way the heck stronger than I realized. During the day, resisting isn't too big a deal, but man the evening snack...

I was talking to my roommate and commented (as he was making himself an evening snack) that I'm really wanting to change my habits --- to look at his mother. She eats three meals a day, doesn't snack and has treats on special days. She's "naturally thin". (I don't know how far genetics go in this. She has eight siblings, most with mild to moderate weight issues).

My roommate and his girlfriend had been to a chocolate factory last weekend, and he'd brought back some chocolate for me. I'm saving it for the weekend, but it was a near thing.

At this point, I really want the habit of three meals a day ingrained deep. I'm annoyed that I've chosen to develop the permasnacking habit. What's really getting to me is how late in the evening I have to talk to myself so sternly about it. I actually had to go through the whole routine of "Noel, what's your goal here? Is what you're thinking about doing going to help or hurt that?"

I'm thinking about treats right now, but the smart thing to do would be to stop whining here and make the breakfast I'm supposed to be having! LOL.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:58 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Noel :)
I just read your last few posts. Good for you on not snacking last night.
This has been the main reason for virtually every failure day I have been having this year. It is very very hard to beat the old habit of night time eating.
It does seem ridiculous in the light of day that one would allow themselves to mess up a perfectly good day because of mindless snacking.. And it's so easy to get mad at yourself about it, cos it is just so self defeating. At least that is what goes for me the next day when I think about it..
In my case, it's a very very ingrained and ancient habit, started in pre teen years, so it's been a monster. The only times I am successful at night is when I do indeed give myself a "stern" talking to, as you did the other night. That seems to be the only way.
Good for you for being honest with yourself and keep on saying your stern mantra.. If that's what it takes, it's totally worth it!!
You are worth it!
I wanna thank you because your post has inspired and reminded me to put my "stern counselor" hat on again and try to get some successful days in again.
Have a happy Thanksgiving.
8) Debs

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:45 am
by funfuture
Great article on stock, Noel and KCCC. I didn't know about the vinegar for really drawing out the calcium. Also, v v interesting information about gelatine and its nutritional properties. Liked the recipes too. Next time I'm at the butcher I'm going to ask for the chicken feet ot go in the bag too! And for the fish heads at the fish shop. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:54 pm
by NoelFigart
Well, I had a wonderful Thanksgiving S Day yesterday and am looking forward to today being an N day. I figure that the holidays are going to be a fun and exciting challenge, containing the eating to legitimate S-days.

I'm not really being snarky with that. I work at gym and everyone was groaning about how "bad" they were yesterday. I commented that it's kind of sad that people don't consider a holiday a legitimate feast day. Someone went on about how eating too much is bad, blah, blah, blah. I replied that if your biggest problem is pumpkin pie with whipped cream on Thanksgiving, you really don't have a problem. It's what you're gonna be eating today, the non-holiday that's more of an issue.

It's amazing that food=bad has entered the culture so. Sure, I'd be the first to say that overeating isn't good. But getting worked up over holidays is striking me as silly. My habit of snacking is so very strong that I think that's a far, far more significant issue than what I do on a holiday feast.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:42 pm
by swimfit
your insight is right on the mark. and it is just this year that i am starting to see what you are talking about clearly!! :-)

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:00 pm
by 3aday
Great point Noel!

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:24 pm
by blueskighs
I work at gym and everyone was groaning about how "bad" they were yesterday.
sometimes when I hear this I think of it as a kind of "political correctness" like people believe they are SUPPOSED to make these comments because these are the comments that are socially appropriate and socially "expected" ...

but when I hear them my stomach kind of twists and flops ... because they do actually sound a bit ... fake, you know, a kind of desperate plea for negative attention ...

good thing for all the people like you around to stop all that "pretentious" whining ... hahahahahhehehhehehe :D


Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:33 pm
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling


B: Fried Egg Sandwich, apple
L: 2 onigiri, tuna salad, strawberries
D: Cheese sandwich, leftover butternut squash with ginger.

Reinhard is right about vegetables crowding out other things, I was going to have something else with the squash and cheese sandwich tonight, but I loaded on about half a plate of squash and what with the sandwich, I'd've had to have piled it on to the plate to have fit something else in.

Yeah, dinner was still "enough".

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:28 pm
by NoelFigart
Yesterday was a bit excessive as far as S-Days are concerned.

Except, I'm not all that concerned. Today has not been so far, nor do I think at this point, it will be.

Last night, I did have something happen that leads me to believe that my habits will take over eventually. I have been snacking at night a lot before I returned to No S and my one failure so far for the diet has been because of an evening snack.

I didn't even want one yesterday.

In the interests of monthly resolutions, I'm going to continue with vanilla No S this month, and I am going to add Urban Rangering for December. To make it easier to do, I'm not going to use my car to go grocery shopping. Yes, this will likely mean that I will have to walk to the grocery store every day, as you really can only get one bag or maybe two in a backpack. That's okay. I work from home and can do it on my "lunch hour" easily enough. I'm also going to walk to my job to open the gym instead of driving. It's a half a mile and I've always felt like a dork driving a half a mile.

That's going to be my criteria for awhile. If it's a half mile away or less, I walk. That's most everything in my little town.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:53 pm
by NoelFigart
Yesterday was not an excessive S-day, though I did make another Cake Inna Mug, this time adding Chocolate Chips. Om nom nom nom nom nom.

Even though it was also an S-day for exercise. I did Urban Ranger on over to the grocery store to pick up said chocolate chips (and banannas and wine).

For December, that's going to be my focus --Urban Rangering. My N days are okay. I've had one failure since I restarted and it was a minor one. I've lost two pounds in the last three weeks, which is pretty good! That's what I'm hoping to do a month as time rolls on.

I've been insufficiently active, and I've decided that for awhile, I'll just do the Monthly Resolution thing to handle it. This means I'm NOT ALLOWED to add Urban Ranger AND Shovelglove and Swim a mile every day AND lift weights. I am only allowed to add one system or habit a month (and it won't always be health stuff, but for the next six months or so, it probably will).

So this month, Urban Ranger. I walked to my gym job this morning, as a matter of fact. The weather was appalling -- a "Wintry Mix" with about an inch of icy crystals on the road. That's something I tend to avoid driving in anyway. And I have good boots. Excellent boots. Boots of sublime warmth and dryness. I bought them seven years ago when I moved to New England and have replaced the lining and laces twice, but oh, my lovely, clunky clumsy WARM DRY BOOTS. They're at LEAST a +15 for Bad Weather Walking. (What would a gamer geek call them? Mighty Boots of Sublime Dryness? Boots of Great Ass Kicking? The first time I wear them each winter, I bless those warm dry instruments of wonder.)

With the Urban Ranger mindset to get me going, I did pretend I was on an adventure, and it does make it kinda fun, though I treated myself to a nice, hot coffee when I got there.

So, the goal is to make sure I take a walk either to my gym job, the grocery store or the library at least once a day. I won't use my car to shop, so this will force me to walk more, as I can't do a week's worth of shopping in one go. Green will mean I got my butt out of the house and walked at least a mile.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:46 am
by kccc
Hey, Noel, my stock-making adventure would have made a good comic video, a la "I love Lucy" vintage. Am writing it up on my thread, but not sure I can capture it appropriately.

I'll try it again... but not soon.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:54 pm
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling
Urban Ranger

B: Tuna Salad (don't laugh. It was what I was craving)
L: 2 slices raisin toast w/some blueberry jam (I wasn't very hungry)
D: Pork Loin, mashed potatoes, broccoli

I've been good about walking to and from my gym job. I'll probably have to go get some groceries today, so I'll walk to the store for that.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:13 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling
Urban Ranger

B: Eggie basket
L: Porridge
D: Pork chop, acorn squash, broccoli

I'm trying to decide whether or not to take a NWS event or not. The gym I am working for has its monthly meeting of the desk staff and it's a cookie swap. The only other parties I have this month are on weekends, so they're already S-days.

Part of me is wondering if the cookies will be "good enough" to warrant an S-day, if you know what I mean. Still not sure, and I probably oughta decide AFTER I have breakfast rather than while I'm hungry.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:39 am
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling
Urban Ranger

I feel like Kyle from South Park: "You know, we learned something today!"

I have to declare my NWS days the day before. If I don't, it's an N day. No waffling the day OF.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:42 am
by resting52
Hey Noel,
yum. a cookie swap!

Good and wise control to decide the nws the day before.

Looking forward to seeing how it plays out.


Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:45 am
by NoelFigart
No S
Urban Ranger
Glass Ceiling

It was a success, and that's good. Not much else to say.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:17 pm
by howfunisthat
Hi Noel....

I'm just popping in to say "Hi"'re doing really well...sounds like your exercising has been great for you! I'd love to add the Urban Ranger stuff to my routine, but you'd laugh if you saw my "neighborhood". There's one road in and out of our areas...and it's often used by the surrounding farmers to take their manure-spreaders out to their fields. We're up-wind of the farms so I'm not complaining, but it's not exactly a pleasant place to walk! I'm at home most days, but I try to get to the "Y" a few times a week or walk around town when drive out to do errands.

Anyway...I didn't drop by to tell you about me :lol: ...just to cheer you on....keep up the great work!


Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:34 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Urban Ranger
Glass Ceiling

Yesterday was a great N day.

Well, actually, the day itself was stressful as hell -- project due, had to prep the house for a party, the vacuum cleaner broke, I forgot that YESTERDAY wasn't payday for one of the members of the household, that's NEXT week, so hadn't deposited my business checks because I didn't think it was urgent, so couldn't buy party food and booze. We'd gone out to eat and thank goodness we had enough to cover THAT!

God, what a pain.

But it was still a good N day because I stuck to the habits. Dinner, being at a restaurant, was not composed the way I usually make dinner at home. (Load up a plate with veggies, add some meat and maybe a starch if I feel like it). The plate was a normal sized plate rather than a platter, but the dinner composition, while completely legal, wound up with me being overfull after dinner. Which in a way was cool because I was NOT tempted to snack when the vacuum cleaner broke!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:11 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling
Urban Ranger

Had my annual Tree Decorating Party yesterday. While I did not not overindulge in Evil Grownup Cocoa, I did lose track of how many drinks I was having.

Intellectual discussion+vodka+Russian debating partner=very bad hangover.

I'm glad it's an S-day because I'm doing the lots of water and high-fat, high-protein foods today. Eggs are my friend.

Memo to me: Glass ceiling is your friend, even when the Russian is casually handing you vodka.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:01 am
by funfuture
Noel, what's an SEO writer? self-employed...?
I teach writing in Oz and haven't heard that term before...

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:54 am
by NoelFigart
Search Engine Optimized.

Cheesy, Formulaic, Lucrative.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:57 pm
by funfuture
Cheesy, Formulaic, Lucrative.
Good for you. :D

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:00 pm
by NoelFigart
Heh. The class I would teach in writing would be sure to vex any creative writing teacher. The skills are quite different.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:14 am
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling
Urban Ranger

B: Omelette, orange
L: Beans and rice
D: Hearty chicken soup, bread, wine

Today has been fine, which surprises me a bit. I have a lot of food left over from the Tree Decorating Party, but I ate my normal three meals and am fine with it.

I'm not sure what I am going to do about Urban Rangering tomorrow. I'm going to be teaching all day and opening the gym in the morning. I won't really have time for anything in the morning. Maybe I'll do Shovelglove and call it good.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:04 pm
by winnie96
Hi Noel -- I had your bean creation for lunch, plus two slices of light rye toast with melted cheese, while watching the Weather Channel's snowy forecast for northern New England, so am thinking of you today. What a great meal that bean recipe makes! Just love it! Hope you are doing ok and that the snow is a reasonable amount -- just enough to make using the snowblower fun! Continuing thanks for the recipe ... Winnie

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:59 pm
by NoelFigart
I'm back. I've gained a LOT of weight.

For whatever reason, I fall off the wagon frequently when it comes to trying to create good habits (though why three meals a day should be difficult, I know not).

My husband, who was always one of those "naturally skinny" types, has developed a pot belly he doesn't like. He started talking about Atkinsing and all sorts of nonsense. I rolled my eyes and commented, "For pity's sake, do No-S and let me sign you up at the gym where I work. With your metabolism, it'll be gone before you can blink."

So he is, so I decided to join him. As far as diets go, it's non-instrusive. Maybe if we both just have this as a habit, it'll stick better this time. Then again... Glass ceiling HAS stuck to the point where I just don't have a drink unless it's a party or something. I can if I want to, but just don't want to, generally. In terms of dangerous habits, it was the drinking that was the big deal, I suppose.

So, perhaps over time, corralling eating habits will work!

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:56 pm
by kccc
I thought I saw a post from you! Welcome back!! I've missed you. (I still think of you whenever I make stock, lol!)

Husband?? New addition, or am I just oblivious?

Really glad to see you. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:06 pm
by NoelFigart
KCCC: I've lived a... romantically non-standard life. (How's that for being euphemistic).

My husband and I were intending to divorce through most of the time I was on here in the past, and we referred to each other as roommates, since we lived together and were at least friendly. (Long story. It'd make a great tell-all were I tacky enough to write it).

We've since reconciled. The LEGAL relationship is coming on to 19 years this year.

And thank you for the warm welcome. It's great to talk to you again, too!

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:06 pm
by mimi
Welcome back! I think I need to go back and find that bean soup recipe of yours! Sounds delicious! Best wishes as you and your husband begin NoS anew.

Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:23 am
by NoelFigart
mimi wrote:Welcome back! I think I need to go back and find that bean soup recipe of yours! Sounds delicious! Best wishes as you and your husband begin NoS anew.

Mimi :D
1/2 package of mixed dried beans
28 oz can of crushed tomatoes
1/2 of that can of water
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 15 oz can of corn
1 1/2 c. diced carrots
3 small stalks celery
1/2 medium onion, diced
2 Italian sausage links, browned like you'd brown hamburger
1 T chili powder
1/2 T cumin
Salt and pepper to taste

Soak beans first. I usually just simmer 'em for about an hour until tender.

Toss everything in the pot, give it a good stir. Set the crock on low and walk away until dinner time (at least 8 hours).

This freezes really well and is a hearty meal. Good with a salad or cornbread.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:35 am
by NoelFigart
And for my actual check in today

No S
Breakfast: Bowl of Porridge. Shoulda added in an egg.
Lunch: Bento with a ham, cheese and lettuce wrap, strawberries, broccoli florets and red pepper.
Dinner: Shepherd's Pie and steamed broccoli.

Glass Ceiling
A hot buttered rum.


This is going to be tomorrow's lunch. I was craving onigiri. My husband and son's bento had leftover Shepherd's Pie.


Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:10 pm
by kccc
That looks SO good!

Glad to have you back!

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:06 am
by NoelFigart
Day Two of my RE-start (Going for 21)


Breakfast: Steel Cut Oats, Two boiled eggs, some strawberries
Lunch: You can see a picture of it above. Was tasty
Dinner: The Ubiquitous Fifteen Bean Soup, Corn Mufffin, a little green salad (This turned out to be too much food. I'm still full)

Glass Ceiling

I'm too full for a nightcap. I'm gonna have a (diet) soda.


Went for a walk first thing like a Very Good Girl.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:49 pm
by buttercreampillow
Just a little pop-in to say "hi!" I've enjoyed hearing from you since you came back! Glad to hear that you and your husband have reconciled--that's good news.


Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:04 pm
by kccc

I'm reading "The Sparrow" by Mary Doria Russell, and there's a wonderful 60-ish couple in it (if they were real, I'd want them for my friends). At one point, the wife says that she's been married to 4 different men in the course of their marriage... because every 10 years or so, she and her husband have to admit they're whole different people and decide if it makes sense to re-make a marriage between the people they are now.

Being married for 18 years at this point, I totally got that.

So, congrats on your "new" marriage. :) I'm glad to see you around, and glad to see you happy.



Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:49 pm
by NoelFigart
Day Three of the Re-Start


Breakfast: Two Soft Boiled Eggs and Toast Soldiers*
Lunch: Bento -- Brown Rice, Curried Chicken, some sliced bell peppers of various colors and some strawberries
Dinner: Chicken Alfredo over Linguine

Glass Ceiling

Decaf coffee with a shot of rum.


Walked to the local asian grocery to buy some good, short-grained sticky rice for onigiri.

Today was my son's first day of 8th grade. God, the paperwork. I'm bribing him to get good grades with loafing time since he doesn't care about money. Acceptable grades get an hour on the computer, honor roll two. Straight As and he can be on the computer until his brain runs out of his ears. Straight As for the entire year and he doesn't have to get a job or take classes in the summer but can be a complete slacker for eight weeks. He thinks this is a good deal. Amazing how hard the boy is prepared to work to earn the right to loaf.

*For Americans and other aliens, you put a soft boiled egg in an egg cup, slice off the top, and then dip strips of toast in the runny yolk. Ambrosia steeped in nectar.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:23 am
by funfuture
Noel, that was an hilarious post. Am still chuckling. Your son sounds great. :-)

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:32 pm
by NoelFigart
In the interests of the whole long-term habit thing, I'm not going to log WHAT I ate, HOW I exercised, or what I drank. Only whether or not I was on-habit.

Glass Ceiling

In Reinhard's words, "Let the minimum be the maximum." I stayed on habit today.


Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:20 pm
by kccc
NoelFigart wrote:
In Reinhard's words, "Let the minimum be the maximum." I stayed on habit today.

That is very good advice. Sometimes I have to remind myself of it too, when the perfectionist tendencies re-emerge and I want to pile on more than is reasonable.

Good enough IS good enough. Sustainable over the long term beats super-human for a day.

(At the risk of being redundant, I am VERY glad you're back. You have a gift for balancing optimism and hard-nosed realism - a helpful combination to be around.)

Off the Hook

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:52 pm
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling

While I don't really want to outline much, I am going to tell a little story about the HabitCal.

I sat down about 45 minutes ago to do my HabitCal when I realized I hadn't exercised. Not wanting to mark it red, I called out, "Hey *Husband*, wanna go take a walk around the Green?"*

He did, so we did. That counts. But I realized that having a Serious Specific Exercise Plan has been my enemy. I was always supposed to do X sort of exercise on X days and Y sort on Y days. Now, yeah, I'm going to get back into swimming and pumping iron because I LIKE it, but a walk around the Green should ALWAYS be as acceptable option as Shovelglove if that's all I'm up to that day. It's only about a mile, but I do get out and move, so that's good.

*I live in a small New England town. Small New England towns invariably have a little town center and a green with a bandstand and maybe a small playground area.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:18 pm
by NoelFigart
There is such a thing as being TOO successful on an S day.

I've had three one-plate meals and no snacks. Yeah yeah, go me.


S-days are supposed to BE S-days, darn it. I think NOT having a little treat on an S day is really as bad and silly as snacking on an N day.

I think I'm going to see if my family would be amenable to having Cake Inna Mug while we watch The Rock. I suspect I will have no trouble convincing them that this is a Good Thing.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:35 am
by NoelFigart
Yesterday wasn't a "fun" S-day.

I didn't eat three meals, but nibbled (I'd INTENDED the three meal thing, but it didn't' work out that way because of weirdness with guests).

I don't really feel like I went overboard, but I think I like three meals and then a nice dessert or something best as a way to enjoy an S-day. Not that I consider what I did a failure. It wasn't because it CAN'T be. It just wasn't as much FUN as I'd rather an S-day be, if that makes sense. Maybe I'm an effete, but nibbling all day just doesn't hold a candle to a slice of pie, or a good truffle on the good china.

Even though today is a holiday, since we're not doing a cookout or anything, I'm doing it as an N-day. Not to make up for anything, but simply because there's nothing special going on.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:07 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling


Didn't do any sort of working out today.

Dinner, however, was wonderful. Got my son to play sous-chef and we made a lasagna together.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:20 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

Today was weird. Last week there was a lot of talking to myself about why I couldn't snack. I didn't talk a lot about it, but I had to keep total focus and reminding myself that I'm No-Sing, so no snacks.

Today I had no desire at all and did not spend my day thinking No-S all the time.

I doubt that habits will just click, and who knows what tomorrow will bring, but I do know that the future will bring more days like today. The more the better!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:01 am
by gratefuldeb67
Good for you Noel!!
Here's to more "weird" days.. :)
I remember a time when I'd have to literally chant the mantra "You are pre-*disapproved*" when I'd walk down the junk food aisles at the supermarket, etc, and other times when I'd need a reminder to stay on habit.. I rarely have to do this now, but sometimes still need it..
A little self pep talk (even if people think you're a nutter who mumbles to themselves in the market) can help you stay on track. :wink:
8) Debs

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:23 am
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling


Well, didn't exercise today. But my client finally paid me, so I can get my family's gym membership paid for. We're all going together in the morning.

Back to pumping iron and swimming for Noel-san.

I'm so happy that I didn't just get mad and snack today. I've been saying that three meals a day is the sane way to eat no matter what, so I put my action where my yapper has been and even wound up waiting dinner an hour for my husband to get home from a staff meeting. He's doing No-S, too, and I know that sit-down meals become important when you do.

I'll probably get a lot of knitting done over the years, as you can't snack and do stranded knitting at the same time. Since we live in Northern New England, lots of good sweaters are Very Useful. I like hobbies with a tangible payoff.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:51 am
by buttercreampillow
Hello, Noel!

I envy you your knitting ability--it's something I've tried, but didn't devote enough time to become proficient. A group of crafty ladies at my church spent some time knitting caps for children with cancer who had lost their hair to chemo, and I did some of that and enjoyed it. It must be wonderful to make something that you or someone you love can wear!

I read your "frustrated" thread, and I can totally sympathize! Hang in there!


Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:31 pm
by kccc
NoelFigart wrote:[I'll probably get a lot of knitting done over the years, as you can't snack and do stranded knitting at the same time. Since we live in Northern New England, lots of good sweaters are Very Useful. I like hobbies with a tangible payoff.
First, big congrats on not snacking. :)

Second, I'm impressed that you do stranded knitting. I'm a relatively new knitter, and really enjoy it, but haven't tackled stranded work yet. Alas, sweaters are far less useful in the South where I live. But I just finished a lovely lace shawl. :)

(I'm also KCCC on Ravelry, if you're on there.)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:37 pm
by NoelFigart
KCCC wrote:
(I'm also KCCC on Ravelry, if you're on there.)
NoelFigart there, too.

I didn't get into knitting sweaters until I moved from Virginia to New England.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:59 pm
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling

I made far too small of a bento for lunch. I decided to tough it out. But that's a good reminder to make enough!

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:32 am
by NoelFigart

Glass Ceiling


We went out to dinner late, but I stuck to No-S just fine and ate an appropriate dinner -- no appetizers, and one plate. I was HUNGRY, but okay.


No S
Glass Ceiling

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:47 am
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling


I'm packing my gym bag to hit the pool tomorrow morning. I don't care if it's a loser workout or not, only that I do a workout.

Today has been a little more sweets intensive and less meal-oriented than my weekends usually are. Travel, you know.

Still, I hardly went crazy, so that's all good.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:51 am
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:48 am
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling


I'm teaching all week this week. This means I'm on my feet for about five to six hours and bouncing around the classroom trying to keep people interested in whatever computer application I'm teaching at the time (usually some MS Office deal).

While it's one of my favorite parts of my business, I confess it's very, very tiring. I often do skip working out on these days when I am out of shape. When I'm really back on track, it's okay, but during that "tired" phase of getting into shape, I really don't want to be dragging later in the day. My classes are high energy and high energy on purpose to keep the students involved.

There are snacks laid out for the students. I don't eat them and am not even tempted. Why? Can't teach with your mouth full. The coffee?

Well, my online sobriquet isn't Goddess of Java fer nuttin!

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:24 pm
by kccc
Lol about the coffee!! (And good for you on not being interested in snacks.)

When I have days like you describe, I (sometimes) do 15 minutes of yoga at the end of the day - the slow, relaxing kind - and call it good. Maybe 4 poses I hold for 3-5 minutes, like legs-up-the-wall, child's pose, etc.

The "(sometimes)" was inserted because I don't always manage to make myself do it - even though I KNOW I will feel so much better if I will!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:55 am
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:14 am
by NoelFigart
For Thurs:

No S
Glass Ceiling


I've been bad about exercise this week, but I really am not sweating it, as I want to make sure my eating habits are completely wonderful this month before I make a goal of getting my exercise in order.

I've fallen back into checking calorie counts on my food -- just to keep track. I'm averaging about 1750 calories a day, which is okay for weight loss.

The thing is, I really think in the long run I oughta get away from that and focus completely on habit. If, after a YEAR of vanilla No-S, I don't lose about fifteen pounds, then MAYBE calorie counting would be the thing to do. But until then, I don't really think that I've given the REAL issue of cleaning up my eating habits the proper try.

Same with exercise. But again, I'm waiting to get my eating habits more solid before I really get into that and even decide on a system that really works. Sure, sure, I love the gym stuff. Don't get me wrong. But I'm so on and off with that.

I keep trying to remind myself that I DID get some problem drinking under control. I NEVER have more than two drinks a day, and I was drinking a LOT more than that back in 2007 when I told myself if I couldn't stick to Glass Ceiling, I'd check into rehab.

So I guess I just need to be patient and take one habit at a time, because it really does work to do that. Cleaning up my eating really, really does need to be a hard focus, just like cleaning up my drinking needed to be. When it's as ingrained as my quite moderate drinking, why, then I'll be more hard core about ingraining the exercise habit.

One habit at a time....

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:29 am
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling


Last night was nice. My husband and I got sushi. I don't have Japanese dinnerware, so I served it on the fine china. It still made a gorgeous presentation. I know that sushi isn't an S and all, but it's kind of a treat in our household because of the expense of good sushi. You just can't feel deprived with a gorgeous plate of the naturally-colored food. I try to apply this to all my meals. I'm constitutionally incapable of the "Food is fuel" school of thought if I'm not actually poor enough to be hungry. I like it to satisfy all my senses. I try to pay attention to presentation at least a little even at dinner every night. And, of course, bento lend themselves to "pretty" no matter what you do.

The weight is starting to go in the right direction. I sometimes wonder if you've been gaining awhile, but don't do something drastic, it'll stabilize before it starts going down. A possibility, anyway. Perhaps, also, it's been that while I haven't been specifically working out, I have been teaching all week. I'm a very physically active teacher, dashing between the computer and the whiteboard, rushing around to help students, and making great big gestures to keep the students' interest.

I wore a pedometer to test this one day, because, well... Look, I'm a geek and have to TEST things. An average day, not counting any workouts I do, I might take 2500 steps in a day. On a teaching day? I took 10,900! I know you can't plot a curve from one point, but it seemed like good enough to be going on with.

I'm starting a Tai-Chi class today. This isn't so much for exercise, though yes, I will be getting that. This is because I'm really feeling the need to get back into martial arts and I want to avoid hard core in favor of moderation. Tai-Chi really is the moderate's approach to martial arts. I've sparred someone who studied it for ten years and he kicked my ass. (You can't learn to fight in six weeks of Tai-Chi, mindja. But I already KNOW how to fight. I just need something that keeps my form good).

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:47 am
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

Saturday and Sunday weren't the best S-days in the world, but hardly the worst. I didn't adhere as well as I could to the basic three meal structure. I was snacking a lot on bread or toast. Eh.

I mentioned this to my husband and he commented, "Well, S-Days are supposed to be off the hook for a reason, right?"


One thing I AM doing that pleased me: We bought some ice cream (Arent't those Ben-n-Jerry's single serving packages the BEST?) for after dinner on Sunday. Well, after dinner I felt too full.

Then a couple of hours later I still felt full. I didn't want the ice cream. No, not out of some weird virtue, but because I didn't want to eat when I felt full. Maybe I'm building an association between "not hungry" and "it's not time to eat". On N days I am ALWAYS hungry and usually with a strong adjective in front of it at meal times. Since nighttime snacking has been the bane of my eating habits, maybe I'm getting over that nonsense.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:12 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

It's so easy being green...

Seriously, it feels like there's been some switch thrown. I'm not losing very fast, though my 30 day moving average on my weight has a small trend down. When I get that over a 180 day period, then I'll probably relax about this and stop tracking.

Well, once I get my exercise straightened out, anyway.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:18 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling


Today was interesting. I got a new computer (a netbook), so it's been pretty easy to ignore food in favor of a nifty toy.

My son heated up some spaghetti noodles and sauce we had in the fridge. He served me a plate that was just LOADED. Oh, it was a plate and it was legal, but I just ate half. I wanted to eat it all, but I wasn't HUNGRY. So I gave it a miss.

I may have a glass of wine later, though. Tomorrow I teach. YA!

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:59 pm
by NoelFigart

Glass Ceiling

I had the first failure I've had on glass ceiling in.... Gosh since I got serious in 2007 or so.

Had a friend over that can outdrink a Viking and I had three martinis keeping up with her.

Did you know that when you don't drink as much, it not only takes less alcohol to mess with your judgement, you get worse hangovers? GAWD, soo not my idea of fun. I'll stick to the minimal drinking, thanksomuch.

My old computer was showing the Blue Screen of Death a few times too often. So I replaced it with a little Netbook until the good post-Christmas sales on computers roll in. Why is this significant to No-S?

I had a copy of Fitday on my old computer. I decided not to transfer it to my new one. I'm not going to track what I eat any more -- only whether nor not I stuck to the three plates a day rule.

I mentioned to a friend that I'm doing No-S and she said I was brave. I laughed, "Yeah, three meals a day. Way to go out on that dieting limb, huh?" We laughed and got to talking about the changes in perception of what is "Normal" for eating.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:26 am
by sporkfancier
Wow, I found fitday to be incredibly time-consuming. Plus, how did I know if what I was eating was the same thing as in their database. This was especially true of dinner rolls.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:54 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

I did go for an Official Swim, but I'm making a conscious effort to Urban Ranger more. Ideally what I'd like to do is just have walking 10,000 steps as a totally standard and normal part of my day, and then whatever exercise I feel moved to do on top of that. (Probably swimming and weights, which I genuinely enjoy).

I had the most delicious bento for lunch: Mini burgers, butternut squash from dinner the night before, green peppers and some blueberries.

I have Tai Chi tomorrow and the family and I are going to the Shaker Museum. I've been into alternative cultures FOREVER, and have lived not four miles from the place for five years. But have I been? No. Tomorrow is the day. I'm making bento for all of us and we can picnic there. Nom Nom Nom.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:05 pm
by NoelFigart
I'm recording how I ate just to show people an S Day. I made no attempt to be "good".

I have Tai-Chi on Saturdays and walk to the class. It's about half a mile there. I didn't want to do it on an empty stomach, so I had a peanut butter sandwich and a cup of coffee for breakfast. But when I got home, I my husband was making bacon and eggs. Now I love bacon. So I had a slice and a cup of coffee while everyone else was having brunch.

My daughter did run across the street and get some doughnuts from this little place that sells classic old-fashioned New England style doughnuts. Speak Not of Dunkin', as This is Doughnut Purity. I had one. They're not these huge monstrosities that you find in doughnut stores, but a regular-sized doughnut no bigger around than my coffee mug.

For lunch, I made sushi bento for a family outing, so that was a sushi roll, some veggies and because it was an S-day, all the bento got a Lindt truffle.

Dinner was pierogies and kielbasa with broccoli, but I wasn't very hungry, so I loaded my plate pretty light.

After dinner we all had ice cream. Now I buy ice cream in individual serving cups -- those three and a half ounce jobs they sell and I buy the "good stuff" like Ben and Jerry's. I know it's more expensive, but I try very hard to limit my servings to real servings rather than double up. This makes it easy.

So for an S event count, that was and snack and three sweets. Believe you me, when I'm not doing No S and permasnack, my regular days could be worse.

I also walked pretty much all day, going to the Shaker Museum then the La Salette shrine across the street. (For accuracy's sake, I'm not a Christian, but an amateur sociologist with a specialty in Utopian communities and a strong interest in comparative religion).

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:24 pm
by NoelFigart
Another View of an S Day:

Today I had an eggie basket for breakfast (take a juice glass, stamp a hole in a piece of bread. Fry it in a pan with some butter and crack an egg in the hole. I like the yolk runny).

For lunch I had a cheese sandwich and some plain yogurt with strawberries sliced into it.

For dinner, I had a delicious Malaysian curry on rice. The husband and daughter are out to get a dessert because it's an S-day and it shouldn't go by with no treats at ALL.

I took my daughter and a friend of hers to the pool today. While they splashed around, I swam 1000 yards because I wasn't going to be able to get in to the pool tomorrow. We walked to the pool and then decided to walk to the grocery store to pick up a few things before returning home.

I'd say yesterday and today carry the general range of my S days, with yesterday being more excessive and today being more restrained.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:58 am
by buttercreampillow
Walked here and walked there--I'm jealous! I live in a big subdivision that's sort of out in the country. There is a grocery store, a drug store and a Blockbuster's within walking distance from my house, but it takes an hour round trip, longer if it takes you any time at all in the store. I wish I could walk places in a reasonable time like you can!

The Shakers are interesting, aren't they? You know more about it than I do, I'm sure, but those Utopian communities were interesting experiments. The town of Rugby, TN might be of some interest to you. It was begun in 1880 by Thomas Hughes who wrote Tom Brown's Schooldays (just checked the website to be sure of my date). Very idealistic and unrealistic, like most of the ones I know about.


Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:34 pm
by mimi
buttercreampillow wrote:Walked here and walked there--I'm jealous! I live in a big subdivision that's sort of out in the country. There is a grocery store, a drug store and a Blockbuster's within walking distance from my house, but it takes an hour round trip, longer if it takes you any time at all in the store. I wish I could walk places in a reasonable time like you can!

The Shakers are interesting, aren't they? You know more about it than I do, I'm sure, but those Utopian communities were interesting experiments. The town of Rugby, TN might be of some interest to you. It was begun in 1880 by Thomas Hughes who wrote Tom Brown's Schooldays (just checked the website to be sure of my date). Very idealistic and unrealistic, like most of the ones I know about.

Yes, I'm jealous too! The nearest strip mall is about 30 minutes walking distance from my house each way. It has a grocery, dollar store, hardware, hair cuttery, Chinese restuarant, Italian restaurant, income tax preparation, and a Curves. We also have a Rite Aid drug store and an ice cream stand. If you want anything more than that you have to drive about 30 minutes. Any mention of walking these days gets me longing to get out since I'm confined to the house, pretty much, for 4 more weeks!
I enjoyed the website about Rugby, TN. In my area we have the Mennonite folks (similar to the Amish) who still use horse and buggies (the Old Order) and old fashioned farming methods.Thanks for sharing Buttercream!
I enjoyed reading about your S days, Noel, which appear to be very mild and not too different from a good N day. It helps me to see what others do. Good for you! I admire your dedication to NoS and exercise!

Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:06 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

I had intended to take the day off for exercising, but I'll call it green if I walk to the grocery store. I may walk to the grocery store again today. LOL. I'll pretend I'm French!

I had something happen where I felt really angry and felt myself getting hungry. I realized I'm mapping the unsettled stomach feelings of anger or anxiety to hunger. I knew that couldn't be right at this time because I'd just eaten a proper meal. Since there was nothing genuinely positive I could do about the situation, I knitted a few more inches on a sweater, then took my netbook out on the lawn to work outside for a bit and at least get some sunshine.

I also did make a "comfort food" meal of chicken and pasta with an Alfredo sauce for dinner.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:14 pm
by Grammy G
Noel, I too can walk to the grocery shop(!) ta da ..a Joanne Fabric! My problem is my eyes are often bigger than my backpack and I am stuck with too much to reasonable carry home (a quick call to a hubby fills the bill) but .. instead of making two smaller trips on two different days..I end up taking the car. I too will be European and try to do a daily trip to the store...sounds like a good plan to me!
You didn't do your emotional eating..I passed on that this weekend too and I am so proud of both of us! My worst emotional eating happened a few years ago when I got a phone call about a close relative's failing health. I had just finished dinner and put a bowl of meatballs (dinner for four) in the freezer for another meal. I opened the freezer while still on the phone and ate the whole bowl of meatballs! Gone..just like that!! Don't remember the taste..don't remember feeling "full" . THAT is when I realized I really had to deal with my emotions and not turn to food to fill voids. Not easy!
Good luck to us both. (I think I will look into the swimming programs at the local YMCA. )

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:42 pm
by NoelFigart
I'm a big fan of swimming for exercise, Grammy G. I started about three years ago when I wasn't getting much exercise because it HURT to walk. (Arthritis and lack of movement are a bad bad combination, and I was only 37 at the time!)

That regular lap swimming combined with a weight training program made walking easier again, thank goodness. But I still swim simply because it's enjoyable as well as good exercise.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:43 pm
by kccc
NoelFigart wrote:I had something happen where I felt really angry and felt myself getting hungry. I realized I'm mapping the unsettled stomach feelings of anger or anxiety to hunger. I knew that couldn't be right at this time because I'd just eaten a proper meal. Since there was nothing genuinely positive I could do about the situation, I knitted a few more inches on a sweater, then took my netbook out on the lawn to work outside for a bit and at least get some sunshine.

I also did make a "comfort food" meal of chicken and pasta with an Alfredo sauce for dinner.
Wow, Noel, that's a really impressive realization. And good choices of actions to take. :)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:08 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

I'm declaring it a green on No S even though I haven't had dinner yet. As hungry as I am, if I'm willing to wait for dinner (and I am), it's clear I'll follow through.

I was going to declare it a "fend for yourself" night with my son. I do this if I don't feel like cooking sometimes. But when I thought about what I wanted to have, I realized it'd be just as easy to make a meal for both of us (which would ensure the boy ate veggies -- something not entirely sure if he cooks for himself).

I was going to go for a walk to the grocery store when it started raining, so I didn't. What I did instead was fifteen minutes of Tai-chi.

Drinking? I may have a martini later if I'm in the mood. Right now I don't know if I want one.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:58 am
by harmony
Oooh, Tai Chi!! I started learning Tai Chi last March and I love it. It's an exercise I actually want to do on a regular basis. In fact, I am off to do some now.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:22 pm
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling

I am sooo enjoying my meals. I mean, I do really just eat a one-plate meal, but GOD they're wonderful. I am quite serious when I say that one of the big motivations for staying on No-S is that meals taste so GOOD when you're hungry for them. I know, immature hedonist, that's me.

I swam today, 1,000 yards. I guess I can call that good.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:29 pm
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling


I suppose I should get out and walk today.

It seems that the proper way of eating has just clicked this time. No failures on the No-S front.

Getting exercise every day is now my habit-focus for the month of Oct. While not thrilled about starting with a failure, I suppose the fact I don't feel down or discouraged is a good thing.

I lost four pounds last month, which is a bit more than I was hoping for. Half a pound a week and I'm all good. Since earlier in September, I was vexed about the fact that I had GAINED a bit, this is good. I think my body must have felt shocked or something, but I would swear I hadn't really been eating THAT much less.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:49 pm
by Nichole
Great job on losing 4 lbs! :)

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:00 pm
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

I didn't do my swim, but got out and took a walk. It was longer than fifteen minutes, but fifteen minutes is all I "had" to do.

I've got Tai-Chi today, even though it's an S-day. I could say "five days of exercise a week" but I want to keep the clear boundaries of N-days and S-days, so this is just an extra.

As the weather gets worse, I expect Tai Chi will become my exercise. That's okay.

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:56 pm
by NoelFigart

Glass Ceiling

It was an okay S-day. I did snack rather than have real meals, but when I add it up, it wasn't really much more than I usually eat even on an N day.

While I am exempt from working out on weekends, I did go to my Tai-Chi class, and spent the rest of the day working on getting my windows shrink-wrapped. For those of you who don't live in very cold climates or have adequate insulation, shrink-wrapping a window involves using double-sided tape all around the window frame, then taping down really thick plastic wrap to create a seal. After that, you use a hair dryer to shrink the film to transparency, thus creating an insulating air pocket at your window. Poor man's storm windows, I suppose you could say.

I was really tired at the end of the day and didn't want a nightcap. Unusual.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:04 pm
by NoelFigart

Glass Ceiling

I was a slug yesterday, except for my usual stuff in gearing up for the week (getting my bedroom cleaned up, clothes ironed and a meal or two made for the freezer in case I don't feel like cooking during the week).

But it was an S-day and I'm allowed.

I'm finding myself thinking of all these systems and resolutions I can do to clean up my act and I'm having to say, "Woah there, Hoss. Slow down. October is making sure you get at least fifteen minutes of exercise in an N day. C'est tout! You wanna do other things, fine, but they can't be tracked systematic stuff yet. Not yet."

So, for exercise, I'm doing fifteen minutes of Tai-Chi, because I desperately need the practice. Oh, I do other stuff as well. I'm still swimming laps and I do walk, but that's for fun. I don't HAVE to. I'm green if I do the Tai-Chi. That removes the guilt and pressure from the other stuff, which means on par, I'll probably do it more.

I found myself wanting to snack on bread today, and got to thinking, "Hey, you wanna do that on Saturday, go ahead. Let's just worry about today, 'kay?"

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:39 am
by NoelFigart
No S
Glass Ceiling

All green, all happy.

Here's a fall recipe for those that like such things:

Sweet Potato Bake

3 medium sweet potatoes, sliced into 1/4" discs with skin on
3 cooking apples (You want something firmly tart)
1 small onion, sliced into rings
salt to taste

Preheat oven to 350.

In a 3 qt baking dish, layer 1/2 the sweet potatoes across the bottom, covering the dish. Add a layer of 1/2 the apples, and finish with 1/2 the onions. Add a couple of pats of butter and a sprinkle of salt, then repeat layers. Add some walnuts if desired.

Bake for ~45 minutes until sweet potatoes are tender.

This is a favorite fall dish of mine. A lot of people put brown sugar on sweet potatoes, but don't even try it with this dish. It'd make it cloyingly sweet. This goes especially well with pork and poultry dishes.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:39 pm
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling

My son asked for home fries with dinner, so I made them. Weird to eat them on a diet. LOL.

I did my Tai Chi today for fifteen minutes. Sometimes I swim, too, but not today.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:32 am
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling

I turned down apple pie at a meeting. I was mildly tempted, but I said no.

(Here's the joke: This meeting was at a part-time job I have..... at a GYM).

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:57 am
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling


I nibbled a bit while cooking and had an extra glass of wine. (Forgot I was having one while cooking and had an extra glass after dinner).

As far as slip-ups go, mild. I can't bring myself to do more than shrug, say "Oops" and remember that I need to be more conscious in the kitchen.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:44 am
by NoelFigart
Glass Ceiling


That red may not stay red. I may do my Tai-chi before I go to bed.

I'm going to be alone this weekend, and while I like the time alone, I do sometimes snack too much when I am by myself. I'm stop-punching this by making some bento for myself for meals. I LIKE bento, and if I have a proper meal that's easy to grab, I'm less like likely to eat crap or permasnack.