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Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:38 am
by FarmerHal
Well the cereal and nuts turned otu to be a snack :( because by supper I was not feelign like I had eaten enough so I had cheese ravioli's with cheese shreds and water.

Ah well, it's a new day tomorrow.
considering my past several months, one red say among many more greens isnt' that bad, right?


Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:43 am
by la_loser
Absolutely! All together now: Mark it and move on! :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:03 am
by mimi
Nope! It's not - so, on to a brand new day!

A green one!

Mimi :D

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:26 pm
by FarmerHal
You guys are the best!! :)

B: autumn wheats cereal, yogurt, toast.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:21 pm
by FarmerHal
Ok, update yesterday, was GREEN, no problems. tho probably that stack of croissants on my plate was a bit much LOL

BFast (FRIDAY!) was leftover chicken and ravioli's with rice milk.

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:49 pm
by FarmerHal
Yesterday was good, busy, but good.

B: autumn wheats cereal, 2pc toast/butter, 1 hb egg. Very fragmented because interrupted by phone calls and busy kids an dhungry pets! Need to try to get it all in one sitting I htink

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:12 pm
by mimi
Busy is good! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:59 am
by FarmerHal
well RED today, tootsie rolls, cocoa puffs. nuf said.

moving on!

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:26 am
by mimi
well RED today, tootsie rolls, cocoa puffs. nuf said
Yup! Don't dwell - just mark it and move on! Tomorrow's another day - a GREEN one!

Mimi :D

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:54 pm
by kccc
And you don't even have to wait until tomorrow to "move on" - a "catch" is a form of success.

Hang in there!

Pre-emptive-beat the blues!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:06 pm
by la_loser
OK-Tiff-here's a pre-emptive strike against an ugly weekend for you:

Got the plan figured out to do something silly and different with the kids?
Got some treats "planned" so you won't be tempted to inhale everything that's not tied down?
Got a bubble bath with aromatherapy planned for that quiet time after they're all asleep?!

Keep your spirits up and keep posting.

(And find something besides cold cereal for breakfast--that would NEVER hold me. . . even if it's a sandwich that you can throw together fast-like PB&J or ham & cheese. . . with whole wheat bread and a glass of milk. Add a piece of fruit and THAT will hold you. )

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:17 am
by FarmerHal
LA Loser,
We had a BUSY thurs, fri, Saturday. Resulting in a red, a nws Yellwo and today's yellow.

In my MIL's town they had "Czech Days" celebrating their czech heritage, it was a lot of parades and carnival stuff and crafts, but we spent 3 days seeing the sights and participateing in the kiddie parade and WE are BEAT! I am actually really happy to be HOME! Phew.

I ate TERRIBLE. Had most of a funnel cake and woke up yesterday in the middle of the night with a very bad stomach ache. MIL made most of our meals for us, and she's a meat n' potatoes kind of cook, she also made these tortilla pizzas, tasty but g r e a s y which resulted in another stomach ache. And then NO veggies in sight unless you count baked beans. I am literally craving veggies. So much so tomorrow morning I'm planning on having a chicken breast and stirfried veggies for b'fast. My tummy is very unhappy and I do NOT like that feeling!

Part of the problem I was having being so sad/depressed is that we had a very unsual start of june, half was already gone but it had been very cool and quite rainy so we were stuck inside most days so we were all going batty.

I discovered a church here holds MOPs meetings, so might check that out and see what that's about.

So we did stay busy (too busy?) and I"m pooped with a sunburn and a headache and can't wait to get kids in bed tonight (shortly!) and have a niiiiice bubble bath. <aaaah>

Thanks so much all of you for being there for me, it makes such a difference!

Busy busy busy

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:49 am
by la_loser
Hey--busy is not a bad thing. . . at least you're staying occupied. But I know what you mean about wanting to get home and get some peace and quiet. with all that going on, I'm thinking one red day wasn't too bad.

Interestingly, I think the more you discover that some of those foods make you physically uncomfortable, you will begin to link that more with being about to "step away from the food'. . . i.e. tonight some friends invited us to dinner and although it was an S day, I actually left some of the food on my plate (and I hadn't filled it very full at all) because I realized I'd just had enough, and I knew that there would dessert too. So I was able to leave a little room for a little of the dessert and not be miserable. Now that's a concept I never understood before No S!

Enjoy that bubble bath--add some aloe vera to your pink skin and it will be really soothing.

A Czech festival--did they have Kolaches? Yum!

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:59 am
by Kathleen
The MOPs group was so enjoyable. I had a really tough time the year that I joined MOPs, and the meetings were a time for me while the kids were cared for. I had three children 6 and under when we had a colicky baby, and it was hard. MOPs made it a lot easier. My water broke at the end of a MOPs meeting, in fact!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:53 am
by FarmerHal
Sometimes it takes me being a complete idiot to get back on track. Something really greasy and gross like that will deter me from eating it for a very long, long time.

There was a donut incident (idiot!!) once which made me very, very sick one S day a couple years ago and you cannot get me to even consider eating one, the smell of a donut makes me nauseas! lol

This last thurs- sunday were pretty crazy foodwise. Today I started out GREAT. Sauteed chicken breast with steamfresh veggies kept me very full all morning, very steady energywise and I didn't think once about any itch of hunger or wanting to eat whatsoever. I had a pbj around 2, and then ds brought out the fruit loops, and I started eating ONE, then a handful, and anothe rhandful, which led to ice cream, then a trip to the store to get hint of lime tortilla chips, then more ice cream, then another ice cream cone!

Oy. I d i o t ! lol

Ok, so live and learn, I want to have a nice, green week. I do think i will make an effort to do meat/veg for b'fast and drop the traditional carby fare. Traditional b'fast makes me feel hungrier than before I eat.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:14 pm
by FarmerHal
Well last week was rough, it didn't help that it was TOM, and I think that's where my cravings got me all off track.

All red N days last week.

Today starting ou wtih chicken and veggies for bfast.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:01 pm
by mimi
Hang in there Tif! There's a new challenge starting July 1st - you could aim to have a better month in July than you had in June! How about it? Come on - join us, huh? We'll cheer each other on!

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:28 pm
by FarmerHal
Having a bit of a bad start in July so far, unfortunately.

O well, moving on, forever moving forward. Just a quick note.

Monday Jul 6,
B: cereal/rice milk

Hang in there!

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 5:38 pm
by la_loser
Hey-July has only just begun--and it's a 31 day month! Hang in there.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:59 am
by FarmerHal
Thanks LA Loser :)

Bombed today again with snacks and sweets.

I'm having SUCH a time finding a balance for everything. I turn my attentions to the "needs to be done" category and other things go right out the window.

I completely forgot, for instance, that my potty-training 35mo old dd would need to potty and be reminded. Ugh. and DUh!

Can't wait for april... can't wait for april...

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:49 pm
by ~reneew
Make the rest of the month green and yellows! You can do it. Get a grip. :wink: Won't you be proud of yourself with all that you are doing in your life to get a hold of your diet too!!! Try for greens. We on the challenge will be waiting to see the greens. :shock: :wink:

Sorry if I sounded pushy instead of encouraging...

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:00 pm
by FarmerHal
Naw, I need the push, Renee.

Yesterday was red too. Snacked. But to be fair, I had spent a good 4 hours putting in new landscaping, digging and sweating and chugging water and digging and dumping and digging LOL.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:24 pm
by ~reneew
Green green green green green green green green green green ....

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:39 pm
by kccc
Okay, Tiffani.... I'm joining ~reneew on your support team. I'm going to be a drill sargeant (but a friendly, supportive one... if not, tell me to back off!). :)

Or maybe a professor (a more usual role for me)...because... I'm going to give you homework!!! :shock:

Your homework is to do the "senses" exercise... Really do it, in writing (but you don't have to share). Finish each stem with at least five items, bonus points for more. Write as fast as you can and don't overthink it.

I love the SOUND of...
I love the SMELL/SCENT of...
I love the FEEL/TOUCH of...
I love the SIGHT of...
I love the TASTE of...

I actually recommend doing this THREE DAYS in a row. (That's because doing it once will "prime" you to look for other things to add the following days.) But I know you're busy, so I won't be that tough.

Report back when you're done!

(If it's not obvious, the goal is to find other things to turn to besides food that make you feel "taken care of" or "rewarded.")

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:11 pm
by ~reneew
Yep, I'm going to do it on my daily too. thanks KCCC

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:38 pm
by kccc
Shamrockmommy, I hope I didn't scare you off with the assigment... you know you can just sneer at my "homework" and ignore it.

Look forward to seeing you, and hope you're doing well.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:34 am
by FarmerHal
KCCC, I've been so busy the last couple of days I've hardly had time to sit down to the computer- or netwalk either for that matter.

Tonight I had a dinner party with family over here so that meant a couple days of really giving the house a once over. Plus I put in some new landscaping day before yesterday and so I was sweatin' and beat by the end of the day. But productive!!

I will get to the homework soon :)

Today, was a planned Yellow day, but still been red all week. I nearly wrote yesterday saying I was going to bow out of noS for a while. It seems like keeping a balance for everything is terribly difficult and eating becomes second-rate and I have no TIME to pay attention to plating and then craving a sweet and well, 'i work so hard i deserve this treat' mentality is really holding me up.

My mom came over and helped me clean (how embarrassing that I can't get it all done... she has to come over and give me a hand now and again because I get so behind on somethings). Like if I concentrate on laundry, then dishes pile up. And if I concentrate on dishes, then the living room becomes a mess and if I take care of the living room then the bedrooms... and then I have 2 kids wanting my attention and wanting to 'go and do' something so things are just really, really crazy right now! Phew!

I didn't want to be this way. I didn't want to be obese, but here I am, STILL 230 pounds. Still. And I wanted to be at a normal weight by the time I'm 35 but I dont' see that coming. And if this is what I am now, soon enough I'll be the fat lady in the little motor cart at Walmart who can hardly stand.... :( I DON'T want to be that way.

But, anyway, as you see I have a very hard time with balance currently. It's SO amazing how having another adult/spouse around to even help just a little bit helps a person stay no track with everything else. <sigh>
I just cannot wait until Jess comes home. It seems like a long time to go yet till April, but look, middle of next month, Noah starts Kindergarten, Evoli will get once a week ballet, I'll be on a pretty set routine at least M-F with Noah's school and the days will (should!) go by pretty quickly. Plus I am relieved that Noah will have stimulation and playmates in school, and they are doing me SUCH a favor!
It's like this (in my mind) re public school: "You want to take them ALL DAY? and feed them LUNCH? and keep them BUSY? and it's all FOR FREE?????" LOL

Then I will have one kid, who will not pester/be pestered by another sibling, whereas I might be able to get some decent meals togther (man, I miss my Noah already!) maybe actually do some real exercise, I dunno. Maybe I'll still be falling apart?!

Anyway, despite all these things and thoughts in my head, the days go by pretty quickly. I'm go go go (why am I not skinnier??) all day long taking care of everyone/thing all day long and I'm SO glad for bedtime. What a relief. Which brings me to now. And tomorrow- Friday already, hooray :)

There ya have it. I will not bow out, but I might have an awful lot of red days. Someday I'll get with it again!

Thanks to all you guys helping me through these long months, it means SO much to me to have you here supporting me at times when I feel like I might fall apart.

:) :oops:

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:38 am
by kccc
Hoping your day had a few moments of calm, and a little self-nurturing.

Hang in there.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:58 pm
by FarmerHal
Thanks KCCC. The last few days have been busy but not too crazy f that makes sense.

Today having a total idiot s day. Total. All last week days were red too. I can tell I'm putting on weight. Ugh.

I stll feel like I want to drop off th e list for a while. t's just another thing for me to feel sad/frustrated about.

Quick note. Check in later.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:22 pm
by mimi
Don't you dare quit Tiffani! You're just going through a rough patch right now, but it will pass. Just take one day at a time - and maybe even one meal at a time. Get some successes going and then broaden out.
I have a math teacher friend who tells her students all the time, "Inch by inch, life's a cinch. Yard by yard, life is hard!"
Soooo - one meal at a time!
Hang in there Tiffani!

Mimi :D

P.S. I hope this didn't sound bossy - I didn't aim for it to!

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:51 pm
by ~reneew
I gained 20 fast when I quit. I suggest reading some check-ins and seeing how when there's a break for a long time when someone doesn't check in, then when they return, they weigh more... I discovered that one frustrated day... it helped me get recharged.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:37 am
by FarmerHal
Ok, I'll hang in there. I definitely DON'T want ot gain any more weight. I'm up to 233.5 again :( and I can feel it in my body, my clothes, and my double chin, it's uncomfortable, especially sleeping. Bleh.

Trying to get ahold of myself... if I get around sweets or salty (chips!) I start eating and I can't stop.

I have got to get ahold of myself.
Tomorrow is a new day. Meal by meal.

I need to remind myself that when I DO eat sweets, my hands and feet swell, my heart races and I feel exhausted and terrible. (we know this is my insulin resistance and shame I'm not listening to my body when it's screaming that those foods are definitely NOT for me).

Anyway, I'll check in tomorrow. Facing a brunch tomorrow with family, not sure how that'll go.

Thanks you guys, you mean so much to me.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:44 am
by Bushranger
Remember habit is powerful, for good or for bad. Every time you do something or don't do something you reinforce that same choice. Quitting gets easier every time you quit. Not quitting gets easier ever time you don't quit when tempted.

You can do it. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:22 pm
by FarmerHal
Ok, lots of support from you guys and I sure appreciate it.

This morning I paced around the house anticipating breakfast and feeling nervous and guilty for even thinking about eating. thinking that I'd probably just flub it up again, like every other day.

B'fast was bowl of cereal and slice of cold pork roast.

DH keeps talking about the zone diet (like he needs a diet, ha!) and wants me to concentrate on balancing meals more than worrying so much about sweets or having S days.

Sweets really affect my body negatively and I already have insulin resistance. I don't want it to turn into diabetes.

Anyway, Lunch is going to be out with family and I must stay strong on portions and keep the sweets out.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:46 pm
by kccc
Hang in there, Tiffani!

I don't really buy into the zone diet, but I did find I needed a bit more protein than I thought when I first started No-S. And I tend to eat some protein, some "starch," and some fruit/veg at every meal.

And do something nice for yourself today that does NOT involve food. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:54 pm
by FarmerHal
Lunch: Chicken stir fry with wild rice and side salad with oil/vinegar and water. One cupcake in celebration of my sister's bday. I do not consider this a failure, it's kindof a light yellow day.

Supper, 2 hotdogs, chips, apple slices with cheese.

I am kindof doing a mod that if I am offered a sweet during the week (not something generic, but homemade liek the cupcake) that I will accept it and eat just one.

Good job!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:13 pm
by la_loser
Sounds like you handled a potentially risky situation very well. Since you had thought about it prior to going, perhaps you were able to consciously make smart decisions.

Good job!

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:02 am
by Bushranger
shamrockmommy wrote:Lunch: Chicken stir fry with wild rice and side salad with oil/vinegar and water. One cupcake in celebration of my sister's bday. I do not consider this a failure, it's kindof a light yellow day.

Supper, 2 hotdogs, chips, apple slices with cheese.

I am kindof doing a mod that if I am offered a sweet during the week (not something generic, but homemade liek the cupcake) that I will accept it and eat just one.
You should be proud. That's butt kickingly well controlled and a fairly intelligent mod exception. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:59 am
by FarmerHal
Been a long time since I posted on here. Lemme bring me up to date:

August 15, 2009 I started the atkins diet, since I was desperate to lose some weight. I was going back up and FAST. I topped out at 237 before I did anything about it. I had done noS quite successfully and went from 245 to 206, but I stopped noS'ing (well had a lot of red days!) and gained most of it back pronto.

First 2 weeks on atkins I saw 15 lbs disappear! Also gone was symptoms of my fibromyalgia, spondylitis and extreme fatigue.

I then transitioned to PALEO way of eating and I'm trying to stick ot the noS 3 or 4 meals a day.
SO basically now I do: MEat, Poultry, Fish, Veggies, Fruits, Nuts/Seeds.
I do best without grain, startches (potato/swt potato) soy, DAIRY- which gives me so much trouble anyway).

I have a TON more energy, I don't feel so sleepy and out of it anymore. As long as I stay away from grains my FM and spondylitis does not bother me either. ANd a side effect- zero seasonal allergies! and great lookng skin (aside from the TOM breakouts). The acanthosis nigricans on my neck, elbows, under my breasts, on my toes is GONE. My feet, which have both been so swollen for years, are now NORMAL and I can even shop for shoes at regular shoe stores!! This has been very exciting.

I am trying to eat clean/stay clean because 1. I lose weight nicely (back down to 215 today!) 2. I feel better and 3. if I get ahold of any of my no-no's then I feel like crap (digestically and otherwise!)

I think I need to be more mindful of what I'm putting in me because I have had some red days since Halloween (trying to get over the carby crap). Even having S's on weekends is too much. It takes me off track so badly.

I still miss you guys so much, I don't sortof fit in here with the way I've changed my foods, but my body really responds to it
I also feel like my muscle mass has increased in my legs especially and I have a TON more endurance when it comes to exercise (which I don't do much of).

I hope that anyone having troubles even with vanilla noS might consider cutting out Grains Dairy Starch Sugar(SHall I call it the GDSS clause!) and see how their bodies respond.

Well there's my update now for today's food;

3 eggs fried in butter
turkey taco salad (no chips/cheese) plenty of the turkey meat
SMALL BOWL ICE CREAM (mom offered, I caved)
largehandful sunflower seeds
big, juicy, chubby steak
half a plate of veggies stir fried in evoo/ sesame oil

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:26 pm
by Kevin
SURE you fit in here. If you miss us, come back and talk to us! And I'm glad to hear you are feeling so much better. :)
shamrockmommy wrote:Been a long time since I posted on here. Lemme bring me up to date:

August 15, 2009 I started the atkins diet, since I was desperate to lose some weight. I was going back up and FAST. I topped out at 237 before I did anything about it. I had done noS quite successfully and went from 245 to 206, but I stopped noS'ing (well had a lot of red days!) and gained most of it back pronto.

First 2 weeks on atkins I saw 15 lbs disappear! Also gone was symptoms of my fibromyalgia, spondylitis and extreme fatigue.

I then transitioned to PALEO way of eating and I'm trying to stick ot the noS 3 or 4 meals a day.
SO basically now I do: MEat, Poultry, Fish, Veggies, Fruits, Nuts/Seeds.
I do best without grain, startches (potato/swt potato) soy, DAIRY- which gives me so much trouble anyway).

I have a TON more energy, I don't feel so sleepy and out of it anymore. As long as I stay away from grains my FM and spondylitis does not bother me either. ANd a side effect- zero seasonal allergies! and great lookng skin (aside from the TOM breakouts). The acanthosis nigricans on my neck, elbows, under my breasts, on my toes is GONE. My feet, which have both been so swollen for years, are now NORMAL and I can even shop for shoes at regular shoe stores!! This has been very exciting.

I am trying to eat clean/stay clean because 1. I lose weight nicely (back down to 215 today!) 2. I feel better and 3. if I get ahold of any of my no-no's then I feel like crap (digestically and otherwise!)

I think I need to be more mindful of what I'm putting in me because I have had some red days since Halloween (trying to get over the carby crap). Even having S's on weekends is too much. It takes me off track so badly.

I still miss you guys so much, I don't sortof fit in here with the way I've changed my foods, but my body really responds to it
I also feel like my muscle mass has increased in my legs especially and I have a TON more endurance when it comes to exercise (which I don't do much of).

I hope that anyone having troubles even with vanilla noS might consider cutting out Grains Dairy Starch Sugar(SHall I call it the GDSS clause!) and see how their bodies respond.

Well there's my update now for today's food;

3 eggs fried in butter
turkey taco salad (no chips/cheese) plenty of the turkey meat
SMALL BOWL ICE CREAM (mom offered, I caved)
largehandful sunflower seeds
big, juicy, chubby steak
half a plate of veggies stir fried in evoo/ sesame oil

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:54 pm
by FarmerHal
THanks Kevin :)

I think my GDSS Clause is too long, how about GPS (grains, potatoes [wh./swt], sugar). NoS with a GPS clause LOL.

Today food so far is:
2 eggs, bacon
"beef steak" (which was more like an overseasoned burger, probably somethin with either breadcrumbs or msg because Now I have both dire-rear and a headache! Going to have to ask many more questions = this was at a little cafe, lunch wiht my grandma) and 2 eggs because there wasn't much else I could order.
ice tea (plain, no sugar)
sunflower seeds
apple with pecans and cinnamon
3 tilapia fillets baked in buttah! with pepper and cilantro.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:34 pm
by FarmerHal
Yesterdy started ok,
No bfast,
L: taco salad
decided to accept offered sugar cookie with scoop ice cream (big, big BIG digestive misery mistake)

TOday so far:
3 eggs

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:07 am
by FarmerHal
I've missed a couple days, Eating OK. Not so much today.
My stomach's been awful since the cookies/ice cream incident. That shoud teach me, it' sbeen 4 days!! Ugh.
QUick note, hope my tummy's better by tomorrow, jess is coming home and I don't want to have <ahem> gas!!

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:00 pm
by FarmerHal
Back again! Been a LONG year! But JEss is coming home in 27 days and we move a week after that.

Have had weight gain while playing with GF sweets and ice cream. The ice cream and milk/dairy still tears me up. Need to lay off the stuff!
Gluten is a definite issue, as are most grains (cause my feet/legs to swell) but rice seems to be ok.

NEed to get back to the principles of noS, as I'm at 225, was up to 230 th eothe rday.

Chicken stiry fry with cashews and an apple

Lunch Taco salad (no chips of course) with avocado

NEed ot remember the water, sure helps fill me up.


Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:45 pm
by FarmerHal
Supper was meatballs in red sauce and a bowl of gf cereal. Odd I know.

Stomach still very angry with me, ow ow ow.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:35 pm
by FarmerHal
Stomach feeling marginally better. My innards have been on the eject button last 2 days (blush)

B: beef stir fry, water, banana.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:32 pm
by FarmerHal
S day going well. Not an idiot so far. Tummy feeling better finally.

B: beef stir fry
L: gf sandwich with pretzels and banana
S: Hm, not sure, but the Sweet for today is GF choc chunk cookies.

So my neighbor across the street is a 20's someting guy who was already lean but started working out all winter. We've all been hiding in our houses or covered up by coats. Today was gorgeous out and he's currently out in his driveway shining up his Jag and holy crap are his arms huge!! LOL. LEast I have a nice view and inspiration!! LOL

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:32 pm
by FarmerHal
Monday: N day

B: 3 scrambled eggs and sausage (homemade), apple?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:48 pm
by FarmerHal
Yesterday was red with 2 cookies. But that was kept to my supper.. oh well.

Today, piece of gf toast/butter for Breakfast
Lunch finally now is chicken stir fry and I think an apple.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 3:27 pm
by FarmerHal
Yesterday was pretty much green. Chasing after the kids and such makes my meals a bit fragmented but I did well at eating paleo style, which is my ultimate goal. I do not mind allowing an afternoon meal/snack though.
B: Steak with a GF pb/honey sandwich.

As an aside, I am TOTALLY HAPPY that it's finally APRIL!!! 23 days until Jess comes home!!

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:18 pm
by FarmerHal
Man, I keep falling off the wagon.

So, to bring me up to date, I am in Monterey, CA now, new house, one of my dogs died, new neighbors, left family behind after DH returned from a 13 month overseas deployment. TONS of change ,needless to say, lots of adjusting.

I am still eating gluten free and mostly dairy free, aside from the dash of cheese here and there. I mainly use goat milk if needed. I feel much better.
Need to get back into the noS habit though, as now I'm up to 230 :(

B: bowl of brown rice/fruit cereal with goat milk, latte (got to wean off these!!) banana.

L: home made GF noodles, butter, salt/pepper, latte (did I mention I was going to wean off these!!! they are a complete weakness, and very warm, sweet and so COMFORTING) they've been the last hardest thing to let go of.

D: Not sure yet.

I also got a new dog and I HAVE to walk her briskly at least once a day. Twice would be better if I could roll myself out of bed in the mornings and walk her before DH leaves for work.

DS is 6 and DD is almost 4. We'll be starting Home School this fall, very excited about that!

I have been a permasnacker pretty much since we moved away from SD. Went from 218 to 230 in a nanosecond. I HATE that I have such a hard time with weight. I woud LOVE to be under 200. 199 would be great.
That would be 31 less pounds to carry around all day.

I have become really sensitive to: wheat, dairy (cow), soy, yeast, corn, sodium nitrite, MSG, red dye #40. If I get "Glutened" (wheat) boy do I know it!! I am recovering from being glutened with 2 bites of a chicken in teriaki sauce which has wheat in it. Very unpleasant and very much NOT worth it!

That is all for now!

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:53 pm
by dmarie710
Oh my goodness. I will try not to complain about having my house in disorder. You have really been through alot of change. I hear Monterey is so beautiful. My parents go on motocycle rides up there once a year I think they have some type of race of something along those lines. I'm sure you'll be able to get right back on habit.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:27 am
by FarmerHal
THanks, Denise!

D: chicken noodle soup (homemade, gf)

I have to remind myself to NOT snack between meals yet. Day one!

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:04 pm
by kccc
Welcome back!

Hang in there, and be as strict with your "snacking impulse" as you would be with a whiny child who wants something bad for her. ;) Kind, but firm. (I love the "strictness" podcast that Reinhard did.)

Looking forward to seeing you around now that you're getting settled.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:15 pm
by FarmerHal
Thanks, KCCC! It's good to see you again :)

B: beef stir fry in evoo and curry. Iced TEA instead of latte. Still get my caffeine kick and NO SUGAR from the latte. Save lattes for S days.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:21 pm
by FarmerHal
B: a LOT overboard but, to be accountable here it is
2 thin pork chops, a nutrition bar and a bowl of cereal. Ice tea.

L: 5 hot n spicy chicken wings, few GF chicken nuggets., tea.

D: meatballs/spaghetti (gf)

Spending my day worrying about the dog, who has dire-rear!

I did have 2 apples with peanut butter, one as a mid day snack and another just this evening- I have a feeling I am not eating enough to fill me up for a good while. Oh well. No biggie though.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:35 pm
by FarmerHal
I guesss the apple/peanut butter S's did me in. Back up to 230 from 228 yesterday.
Am I just doomed to be over 200? All I really want is to be UNDER 200. 199 forever would even be fine. Sigh

B: Beef stir fry with curry.
L: gf sandwich, natural cheetos, raisins, yogurt, tea. STill HUNGRY. Not sure if I should add to it or just wait it out.
MD (mid day): almonds handfull and banana

MD (mid day) definition to me: Basically a small meal, a fruit/nut combo, etc. not big served on a saucer rather than a plate.

I think this will help me make the jump from noon to 6:30pm.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:24 pm
by FarmerHal
B: steak, eggs and 3 pcs bacon with banana. Tea.

L: Small bit of leftover gf mac n cheese what the kids didn't eat. PB sandwich on gf yf bread, apple, gf pretzels.

I guess it goes w/out saying everything I eat is gf!

Cleaned entire house and garage today like a mad woman! Hopefully I burned a few calories!!
Last night another long walk with the doggers.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:44 pm
by FarmerHal
Monday was RED.
WEekend was actually pretty good. Probably od'd on the cupcakes. Definietly od'd on the cupcakes.

So bummed out. None of my clothes are fitting and I'm bulging out of everything and today I weighed in at a wonderful 233.5 :*( I feel so hopeless.

I am trying hard to recall what I did to get down from 230 to 206 last year, I think it was no grains/dairy/sweets.
Heck if I could get back to 218lbs so that I could at least fit into my clothes.
Woe. I am ready to just give up and quit. I've been overweight since the 2nd grade why should i expect anything different now???

B: 2 eggs, 2 bacon, 2 pc gf toast w/pb, water.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:06 pm
by ShannahR
Hi Shamrockmommy,
I just read your post and I'm sorry things aren't going like you hoped. I also wanted to say:


I know that's probably not much help because it's easier said than done but I truly believe that this is a healthy way to live. I'm not sure about your plan to give up grains/dairy/sweets. It seems like you're thinking about punishing yourself...and I don't think you've done anything to deserve punishment. Try to be nice to yourself. You're going through a rough time right now, do something that you enjoy and that will make you smile. You've been putting in effort and you deserve to be rewarded for that even if the scale doesn't reflect it!

PS No food rewards. :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:09 pm
by FarmerHal
I'm still here. Still gaining. Up to 235 this morning.

Shannah, thanks so much for the encouragment.

The reasons I do no grains/dairy is that I just do not tolerate them. They make me pretty ill in a variety of ways. Top that off with insulin resistance and anything my body can change to glucose and store as fat- it will.

Have not started to eat yet today. Have noticed that having coffee will turn me into a giant appetite.
I eat for emotional reasons (snacking). Loneliness and stress.
I am not fitting into my clothes anymore. Had to buy sweat pants so that I would have something to wear.

Not sure what I'm going to eat yet.
Just checking in an dhoping to do so more often.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:53 pm
by FarmerHal
I need to have something to focus on:

NoS- 3 meals a day. No more excuses for that 4th meal= sometimes it's ok to be a little hungry!

Eating paleo style (meat, veggies, fruits, nuts/seeds) for the most part with a few "open" meals.
(this is mostly because I am gluten intolerant- wheat, barley and rye cause me all kinds of inflammation issues, as do oats and to a lesser degree, rice. Dairy tears up my tummy so the pain is not worth eating it)

OK, sounds GOOD. 235 lbs this morning. My first goal is to get back to 218 so I can fit into my clothes again! Next woud be 199 I think. And after beign over 200lbs for the last 13 years, I could be totally happy there!

You can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this.
3 meals a day, asweet or 2 on the weekend!

Ok. Deeep breath. It's time to take care of me. At the rate I'm going I'll be immobile by the time I'm 50. My feet hurt to walk on them, my clothes don't fit. I feel trapped in this huge, ugly body.

Time for change. Time to free myself up a bit, at least give my feet some relief!

B: 1 egg, 2 chicken thighs, tea.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:25 pm
by ShannahR
Hi Shamrockmommy,
Good to see you back. You CAN do this.

I can totally relate about food intolerances. I've got a couple myself-dairy mostly. Somehow, even though I know it's bad for me, dairy always seems to creep back into my diet after I've banished it. Why does something so bad for me taste so good? :?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:24 pm
by FarmerHal
Lunch: Taco salad (taco meat, romaine, salsa) Apple and peanut butter.