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Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:10 pm
by bluebunny27
Berry :
"However, all is fine this morning, the grass is very green"

- - -


"Take me down
To the paradise city
Where the GRASS is GREEN
And the girls are pretty
Oh, won't you please take me home !!!"

Guns Nnnn' Roses, wow !!!

Hey, Berry, are you one of the pretty girls mentioned in the song ?? ;-)


54F ... that's almost summertime temperature here near Montreal, we walk around wearing lil' T-shirts
when it's 54F ... ;-)

It's nice when people are supportive, like when Mimi was attacked by a dog the other day and people were writing get well messages, that was inspirational.

That bit about your face and your jeans was amusing, cos' it's so true, you can't really have your cake and eat it it too, huh ?

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
07/22/2009 : 202.8 pounds
( 8 months 22 days / -77.2 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 190.0 pounds ( 1 year / -90.0 pounds )

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:09 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Yes, I am one of those pretty girls.

Honest :roll:

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:11 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Morning All. Happy Friday to each and every one.

I feel great today - weigh 138, tried to eat more healthy fats yesterday.

Got in all my exercise, drank lots of lime flavored water, slept great.

I feel like this :D

Hope the same for each of my fellow No Sers....


Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:06 pm
by mimi
Yes, I am one of those pretty girls.

Honest Rolling Eyes
And that's why we love you Berry - you're an original!

Mimi :D

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:16 pm
by StrawberryRoan
mimi 8)

Another rainy day here!

138 this morning, purposely went off No S plan yesterday and just did Intuitive Eating, ate what I wanted when I felt like I wanted it.

Didn't really eat anything "bad", just didn't stick to the three square meals concept.

Feel okay, a little puffy - probably because of the pizza last night. I always add a lot of salt to my pizza. Also had a salad with lots of salt.
Guess it is a blessing in disguise that I have very low blood pressure because I would sure miss my salt.

Hubby uses No Salt, I have accidentally tasted it when stealing some of his food. It burns my tongue.

He said that is just God punishing me for stealing. :shock:

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:39 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Sunday Morning comin' down... (Love Kristofferson)

139 today, feel great. Had company yesterday - bought these giant cinnamon streusel covered rolls - HUGE. They were yummy. I peeled mine back and ate it inch by inch....But, to compensate for that excess, I also bought a HUGE cantaloupe as well as some very crispy red seedless grapes and some nice plump peaches. Got lots of salad fixings for the week as well so I'm all set.

Looking out my breakfast nook window, drinking my hazelnut coffee and watching the goldfinches pull every single petal out of my zinnas..


It Sounds Like...

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:26 pm
by friscobob
...a great Sunday morning coming down. You got me going, I had to go play some Kris myself! :)

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:57 am
by mimi
Sunday Morning comin' down... (Love Kristofferson)
Huh! Me too! "Help Me Make It Through the Night" - one of my all-time favorites!

drinking my hazelnut coffee...
Gotta cup for me? Bet we'd have lots to talk about!!

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:51 am
by StrawberryRoan
Morning fellow Journalers. Here, mimi, it's steamin' hot. I bet we could talk until the cows come home... as they say in my neck of the woods.

LOVE to see some more Kris fans.. I think Kristofferson is without a doubt the most talented singer/songwriter ever. He sure could paint a picture with his words. There is a rather obscure song called Darby's Castle that REALLY tells a story, listen to it if you can.

One year, for my birthday, my talented son made me a compilation of cd's of everything Kris had ever been involved with on any level - writing, singing, producing, duets, etc. It was a LOT of music, much I had never heard. What a great gift.....

Weigh 139 today, actually ate a lot on purpose this weekend. Feel better near 140 than near 135. My face has filled back in a bit, I have always had little chipmunk cheeks and kinda missed them.....Think Christie Brinkley (sadly just the cheeks)

But, 140 is my limit.... So no more Oreos and Cream ice cream with chocolate AND caramel topping (hot) as well as Cool Whip - all stirred together. But, it was gooooood.

No more (for now) that is.

Have a great Monday...

Ah, Rainy Days and Mondays always bring me down. Karen Carpenter - gone way too soon.


Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:45 pm
by Nichole
Aw man, Oreos in ice cream are my weakness (one of many), lol!!

Good to see you're doing well. :) I don't know that I've ever heard of Kristofferson..

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:51 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Oh, Nicole, you have to listen to Kris Kristofferson. PLEASE.

Pausing a moment to realize how old I am.

He is an icon in the music industry, almost everybody has covered one of his songs.

The already mentioned classics but hundreds more.. He is also a Rhodes Scholar, a Vietnam Vet helicopter pilot, currently married to an attorney - lives in Hawaii, one of the Highwaymen (outlaw rebels in country music along with Wille Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash etc.) An activist for various causes....Beutiful eyes, not hard to look at.

Just a few of his greats are..

Why Me Lord, Me and Bobby McGee, Jesus Was A Capricorn, Loving Her Was Easier Than Anything I've Ever Done Before. oh so much great music.... trust me.

I'll give you some oreo ice cream if you listen to Why Me, Lord?

okay 8)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:19 am
by StrawberryRoan
Tuesday, 137 pounds.

Went out last night all prepared to weed eat. First decent weather evening in a long time. Drug out the long heavy duty extension cord (electric weed eater), got everything all organized. Got a bit done, the string was empty.

Could NOT remove the cap to put in new string. Hubby and neighbor (very strong young man) were stranding nearby. Both tried to remove the cap. GRRR.. they said a piece of string must have fused the cap closed. Oh great, a new weed eater and I can't even use it.

Will have to deal with a return, etc. But, that didn't get my yard manicured. And now it is gonna rain again.

What's a girl to do?

Uh, come inside and make fried potatoes for dinner.

So, I did.

I ate a crispy fried potato and mustard sandwich. Ate a saucer of sliced tomatoes as well.

It's all good :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:46 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Wednesday greetings all, day half gone and I realized I forgot to journal.

Ate my morning yogurt with fresh peaches, Fiber One bar and flax seed.

Now I am eating pretzels. Will have to quickly make a salad and throw on the plate so the pretzels aren't a snack but an accompaniment.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:50 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Morning all, 139 today.

Plan to eat a lot tonight as it is my anniversary. I even posted about it on the home page :wink:

Worked outside last night for three hours, just doing little farm stuff. I was pulling thistles (a sicky prickly weed that farmers don't like as it gets into their baled hay and hurts the horse's (and cow's) mouths :(

Every time I bent over to pull one, one of our more playful horses would pull on my shirttail with his mouth.. I was a bit slimy before I was done but it was fun. Love those horsies.

Enjoy your day all,

SR :wink:

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:53 pm
by Nichole
Your night sounded really interesting, lol! I didn't know you had horses. It sounds very nice :).

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:14 am
by StrawberryRoan
Thanks Nicole, Yes we own a quarterhorse ranch. My husband is a horse trainer (and very antsy to get well so he can get back to work).

Weigh 140 today, had so much fun yesterday wouldn't have cared if I weighed 142 :D

Notice I didn't say 150.... No sense in getting nutty....


Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:41 am
by StrawberryRoan
'Tis Saturday!

138 this morning, guess my celebrating didn't leave any permanent damage!
Plan to spend the day with my DIL SHOPPING and EATING. We are going to a city wide swap meet type thing as well as hitting some stores we love.

Will probably eat at Olive Garden :wink:

Wishing all journalers a healthy, happy day.

Berry :wink:

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:03 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Happy Sunday Journal!

Shopped for 11 hours straight yesterday. And get this, I bought a pair of Bill Blass jeans, size six - figured I would just be inspired if they were too tight so I didn't try them on. They are too BIG. :shock:

Weigh 136 this morning, only ate one meal yesterday, we went to a really nice Mexican restaurant instead of Olive Garden as we needed to have some quiet time to rest. Ate one of the vegetarian combos, it was great. Had some chips and salsa but not hundreds. Didn't eat anything else all day so last night I ate a SaraLee blueberry bagel that I had bought at the grocery. It was yummy - did you know those suckers have 270 calories each? We still had lemon pound cake but I didn't want anything sweet.

Wait, did I really just type that - an S day, cake in the house and I didn't ant anything sweet.


Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:33 am
by Bushranger
StrawberryRoan wrote:Shopped for 11 hours straight yesterday. And get this, I bought a pair of Bill Blass jeans, size six - figured I would just be inspired if they were too tight so I didn't try them on. They are too BIG. :shock:
I think that may need a badge. :D

(I started making a badge but when I found this one I didn't bother as it's so great)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:35 am
by Nichole
Great job!!!! I had the craziest weekend ever, food-wise, I'm still reeling from it.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:57 am
by bluebunny27
Shopped for 11 hours straight ?? is that a typo ?? ;-)

I can barely be bothered to shop for *1* hour straight.
11 hours, I can't even imagine doing that, lol !

Great work, Berry. You are an inspiration.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
08/01/2009 : 206.0 pounds
( 9 months / -74.0 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 190.0 pounds ( 1 year / -90.0 pounds )

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:32 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hey, you guys are fun. I will wear my badge with honor!

Yep, 11 hours - when we walked in the hubby and son (they stayed together and watched Burn Notice reruns all day until the Cards game came on) said,

So, are you girls tired?

I said Not a bit,

The DIL said she was going home to take a nap!

Weigh 139 this morning - ate quite a bit yesterday, don't really like the feeling. Think I will have to decompress today.

Again, thanks for the laughs (and the badge).

Berry :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:55 pm
by bluebunny27
Badge of honor !!! ;-)

I had this in my archives :


Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
08/03/2009 : 201.8 pounds
( 9 months 3 days / -78.2 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 190.0 pounds ( 1 year / -90.0 pounds )

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:51 pm
by mimi
Hey, my daughter and I are marathon shoppers too! What scares her husband is that we're training little "M" to be one too! :lol:

Love the badges guys! And the jeans Berry...I bet that made you feel REALLY great!! You're an inspiration!

Mimi :D

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:37 am
by StrawberryRoan
Morning all,

Guess I forgot to post yesterday. I was 138.

139 this morning, ate quite a bit the last few days but still holding strong.

Guess I will have to take an S day today as we have dear friends (our best man and matron of honor from our wedding) coming over to visit the hubby before he goes into the hospital on Friday. And she is bringing FOOD. Which will include a homemade angel food cake with fluffy seven minute frosting!. I had never eaten a frosted angel food cake in my life until I met her but, trust me, yummy!!!!!

Damp cool morning but expected to be about 95 this afternoon. That's okay, it's August..

Just heard a funny parody song on the radio - stop Global Whining (dedicated to Al Gore.)

To Your Health,

(Love the Badges)..

Berry :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:22 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Morning all,

A bit shaky today. Just read on another forum that one of my good cyber friends lost her husband to the exact surgery my husband is facing tomorrow. And the bad news is, I gasped OH NO when I read it so I had to tell him what it was about. Now I am literally ill.

Of course, statistically thousands of people probably have had that surgery this week and are dong well. I will just be happy when this whole nightmare is over. We have been battling for 24 weeks straight to get him back on his feet.

Weigh 136 this morning, ate Sonic onion rings yesterday and two pieces of angel food cake - honestly I would have preferred the cake without the gooey icing (our friend always does the fluffy icing thing) - would have loved fresh peaches or strawberries instead. The icing kinda had a shortening on the roof of the mouth feel - but yes, I ate two pieces anyway. :roll:

However, the remainder is sitting on the counter and I will give it away today as we will be gone for several days at least.

Didn't get to exercise at all yesterday, that really throws me off. Hopefully I can do even more today. I need to destress a bit. I will really miss my heavy exercise at the hospital as the most I can do there is walk around the halls or go outside(the temps are predicted to be 100 the next few days).

Might not get to check in tomorrow morning but am taking my laptop to the hospital as it really came in handy the last couple of times, when they told me something I didn't understand or brought a new medicine, I just researched it. I even had nurses using it to see if certain meds interacted - said it was faster than going back to the nurses station.

If all goes well (and it will 8) I will check in and update.

Take care,


Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:04 pm
by sophiasapientia
Berry -- I'm really sorry to hear about your friend's DH. I'll be keeping you and your DH in my thoughts and prayers ... May you have peace beforehand and may the surgery accomplish what it needs to and be uneventful otherwise.

Take good care,

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:10 pm
by winnie96
I'm sure I speak not only for myself, but everybody on these boards ... my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:53 pm
by Nichole
You two are in my thoughts and prayers <3

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:07 pm
by bluebunny27
Hopefully all will go well.

It's shocking news though and quite a coincidence this would happen so close to your husband's surgery, makes you think !

You are so modern, researching things right in the hospital's waiting room, that's very efficient !

Good luck !


Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
08/05/2009 : 199.0 pounds
( 9 months 5 days / -81.0 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 190.0 pounds ( 1 year / -90.0 pounds )

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:39 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Morning all,

Thought I posted earlier but guess not.

Thanks SO much for your kind words. The surgery went well, about five hours or so, we are now in the Cardiac Care Unit (he went into Cardiac Arrest during his previous surgery in February so they monitor him very carefully now).

If all goes well, we should get to go home Tuesday.

I ate nothing but junk yesterday, the great grandson shoved M and M's and some sorta Sun Chips into my mouth and I literally couldn't stop him (and they weren't even that good as I was a bit ill from all the bad hospital waiting room coffee. Didn't eat any real food at all but did eat scrambled eggs and wheat toast and an orange this morning (they brought me a tray as I am staying in his room.) It was okay - not as good as my yogurt,flaxseed,Fibre One bar and fresh sliced peach but whatever.

Won't be able to weigh for days, won't get any real exercise (altho I am walking the stairwell when he is asleep - a great workout.) Each flight of stairs is actually ten stair treads - a landing - and ten more. He is on the 4th floor and I walk all the way to the ground floor and back. Helps burn off tension as well. If his heart is okay, he will probably move to the 9th floor. Wonder if I will maintain my stair activity then :roll:

Again, thank you so very much. We were surrounded by prayers and good wishes and we truly felt them all.

Berry :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:43 pm
by mimi
God is good. Don't worry about anything else, Berry - there will be time for all that later.

Mimi :D

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:08 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Thanks Mimi, I know that - I just need something else to think about is all.
Being confined to a hospital, especially a cardiac unit, really puts the value of one's health in the forefront.


Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:20 pm
by sophiasapientia
I'm so glad that the surgery went well! I think that times like these call for just doing the best you can/cutting yourself some slack and it sounds like you are hanging in there very well, given the circumstances. I hope that your DH's recovery is a swift one ...

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:30 pm
by bluebunny27
Awesome, Berry. You must be happy ! :-)

Glad everything went well ! Hopefully there will be a quick recovery, no glitches.

Oh, using the stairs was a smart idea, good way to exercise ! I wish there was a tall building nearby where I could go climb the stairs .... I'd probably be in there all the time, going up and down often !

Isn't it weird it's hard to eat well at the hospital, if there was one place where they shouldn't sell soft drinks, candy, chips, vending machines ... it should be at the HOSPITAL ... hellllllllllo !!?? :-)

Wishing you the best, Berry.


Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
08/05/2009 : 199.0 pounds
( 9 months 5 days / -81.0 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 190.0 pounds ( 1 year / -90.0 pounds )

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:33 pm
by kccc
Berry, I am so glad to hear the surgery went well. Take care of your hubby, and remember to take care of yourself too ("put on your oxygen mask first").

Warm thoughts and best wishes,


Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:45 am
by winnie96
Good news on how well the surgery went, and also a bravo for your stair-climbing distraction! I went through a much less serious deal with my brother-in-law recently, and it is so important not to get your mind wired 24/7 on the surgery alone. Your stair adventures, and maybe these boards, can provide you with some helpful distraction, although of course your main focus remains on your DH. Thoughts and prayers, Winnie.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:11 am
by Bushranger
I'm glad to hear the operation went well, Berry. Take care of yourself as well as your husband and don't be too tough on yourself during this hard period. If you can simply maintain things that's a huge leap ahead than simply backsliding like most people do.

The stair walking is an excellent idea too.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:48 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Morning fellow Nosers... Ha ha, nosers, that's funny!

Things are going great, hubby got up and walked last night - painful of course but he is in good spirits and there are no signs of infection, etc.

And listen to this - being he is on the Cardiac Care Unit (due to going into cardiac arrest during one of his previous surgeries earlier this year), the nurses are bringing not only him but ME trays of yummy healthy food - salads, fruit platters, low fat milk and yogurt, etc. Yeah...

I was talking to one of them about this board and this plan (the dietician who came by to talk to us about his eating plan at home to maintain his albumin levels, etc.) She said it is a wonderful system, she has heard others talk about it before. Good to hear. So then she must have gone back down to the kitchen and put me on the meal rotation. That was very sweet.

And it will probalby only be $300 a tray! :o

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:08 pm
by Bushranger
StrawberryRoan wrote:Weigh 136 this morning, ate Sonic onion rings yesterday and two pieces of angel food cake - honestly I would have preferred the cake without the gooey icing (our friend always does the fluffy icing thing) - would have loved fresh peaches or strawberries instead. The icing kinda had a shortening on the roof of the mouth feel - but yes, I ate two pieces anyway. :roll:
It's interesting that you mention this, Berry. I really dislike sweet and sickly icing too and would much rather more plain cakes and fruits for sweetness instead. Some nice real cream is great, but that icing makes me feel quite ill. And like you, I still manage to eat it though. :roll:
StrawberryRoan wrote:And it will probalby only be $300 a tray! :o
Woot! Score! Only twice our weekly shopping budget for one tray. Bargain. :P

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:13 pm
by Nichole
Glad that all is well! :)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:25 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Thanks All.

We are home, hubby is doing great. Actually this incision isn't bothering him nearly as much as the incision (still open) from February. However, both sides of his body are now "wounded" but he is doing so much better than they thought he would. Must be all the healthy eating. Seriously. We have worked very hard to build up his protein (prealbumin) levels, etc. as the surgery was planned well in advance.

Weigh 139 this morning, had no idea what it would be. I didn't eat terribly, stayed away from a lot of the vending machines once the hospital starting bringing heart healthy trays to me. I do know one thing, heart healthy food was TERRIBLY bland. I needed my SALT and spice cabinet. That said, last time he was in, I came home weighing 154 - right before I joined NO S so I am a happy camper.

See :D

Berry (trying to detox from all the bad coffee and Diet Soda by drinking lots of water with lemon.)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:05 am
by kccc
Really glad to hear all is going well! :)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:17 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Thanks KCCC.. :wink:

136 this morning. Ate very well yesterday - felt great to be back in charge of my own eating plan

Got back to my exercising, got in the glider but not the bike as we had the health nurse here, had company, had to unpack all the misc. accumulated during the last few days, laundry, blah blah.

Lots of excuses but hope to get back to the biking today. Hopefully the stairclimbing was enough to keep my legs from being too sore tomorrow.

Have to try to catch up on all the other threads now.

BErry :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:05 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Happy Friday

137 yesterday and today. It seems like this plan is too easy, I am eating whatever I want - I am never hungry. I honestly don't feel like I am battling the whole issue at all anymore.

Reinhard told me in the beginning when I was worried about maintenance that it would be a breeze if I changed my entire mindset.

Reinhard is SOO smart. I love smart, good looking healthy men.


Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:32 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Happy Sunday to you Journal and fellow Journalers.

Spent another Saturday marathon shopping!

Ate at Olive Garden, had the soup/salad/breadstick combo. Ate minestrone, it was yummy. No breakfast or dinner - just lunch and that was plenty.

Weigh 137 this morning. Planning to make homemade chicken noodle soup this atfernoon and cornbread.

can you say yum 8)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:13 pm
by StrawberryRoan
It is Monday, yeah - I love new beginnings. (Technically Sunday is the beginning, I know, but Monday feels more like it).

Weigh 137 this morning, the chicken noodle soup was great. Felt a little empty this morning so I had about a fourth of a big blueberry bagel (Sara Lee, yummy) to get something in my tummy. Will eat the rest later with my yogurt.

It feels like Fall around here, we didn't really have a normal Missouri summer or else I just missed it due to all the medical stuff going on.

I have been offered a part time job with a good friend (an attorney). I told her I couldn't work full time as I plan to get back into my volunteer work as soon as the hubby is released from the doc. She said I could choose my days and my hours. I said I think I could work Mon - Wed, 9 to 5 with an hour lunch. Most of my volunteer meetings, trips, etc are on Thursday and Fridays. She said fine... I would be an office manager sorta... 8) Would also accompany her to the courthouse to take notes, keep papers organized, etc. Run to the post office, bank, etc. Sorta a Girl Friday (who doesn't work Fridays.)

Sounds good to me, I could use my lunch hour to get in a walk or even go to the nearby health fitness center and do some not too strenuous treadmill work, etc. Or meet up with friends, the hubby, etc. An hour is plenty of time in a small town to get a lot accomplished.

We shall see, I have reentered the workforce a few times after retirement, when I get bored.

And, heck, the money never hurts.

Enjoy your Monday all,


Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:21 pm
by mimi
Sounds great Berry!
You know, we haven't had much of a summer here in Virginia either (although heat index today is near 100)!
Sounds like the perfect job! Keep us posted. And so glad things are doing well in your household.

Mimi :D

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:20 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Thanks Mimi,

And why the heck haven't I posted on here all week?

More importantly, where the heck has the week gone?

Weigh 136 today - seems like I am eating plenty.

This NO S plan is just crazy good, isn't it?

Have a great weekend journalers,

Berry :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:56 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Saturday check in, 137.

Think I will get in a little shopping today :roll:

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:53 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Sunday morning, 137 pounds.

Shopped a little yesterday, nothing crazy. More local stuff, even spent a lot of time at the farmer's market - not only got some great stuff (even some purple peppers) but met a lot of nice people. One guy said he had a hundred tomato plants! Wow....

I think I am going to make zucchini pancakes later (like potato pancakes but with shredded zucchini).

I slept horribly, had stupid dreams, think it is because I am drinking diet soda again. Seriously. I have been drinking too much diet soda an sweet tea - not enough cheap red wine. :D

Think I might go back to just water with lemon and herbal green teas. Need to purify a bit.

I got sucked into the 99cent 2 liters of Diet Dr Pepper (even the cherry ones) with an instant 55cent back coupon on the bottles. I bought TEN. Hey, they were 44 cents apiece! But, I came to my senses and took nine of them to our summer cabin for the time being - we are having a Labor Day picnic there so that's one less thing to buy, I bought a few of the nondiet as well so there should be something for all who like Dr Pepper.

Enjoy your day No S er's,

Berry :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:06 pm
by Nichole
lol... I was over my in-laws and had a can of Diet Dr. Pepper and thought of you. Diet Colas... I try to avoid them, but sometimes they're nice to drink while I'm making dinner and I'm tired. This usually happens around Thursday and Friday for some reason.

I can't wait until Labor Day! We are going to a bbq. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:00 pm
by bluebunny27
Hum, Diet Dr. Pepper !


Sounds like an awesome deal !

That's one thing I rarely have anymore, Diet soda ... I used to buy a 2L . bottle once a week (Diet Sprite usually) but since I started dieting I only have a lil' bit, a bottle would last me a month or more so it's mostly when I have company ...

Two's company, three's a crowd.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
08/21/2009 : 196.4 pounds
( 9 months 21 days / -83.6 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 190.0 pounds ( 1 year / -90.0 pounds )

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:55 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Ahh, quite refreshing thanks!

I have done great on my no tea (that was easy, I just didn't make a pitcher), no diet soda - so far.

I have found one thing they say is true, the more diet soda I drink, the more I want to eat Guess it is a trigger or something, for me at least

If I drink any, I will just make it a treat.

137 today, made ham and beans with cornbread for dinner last night. Will eat leftovers tonight - they will be even better!

And drink water.....

Berry :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:34 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Morning everyone, cool and crisp here, can't believe it is August. My hubby says we will pay for this good weather in January... :roll:

137 again today (my body likes this weight and so do I)

I tried on clothes all evening, what fun. Tops that I would have had to cover up with a jacket or something before I can now wear, as is. Lots of sweater sets, etc. that I plan to wear this fall.

Think I will make banana nut bread today and have a slice for breakfast with hot tea.

Still no soda or sweet tea, I love a challenge!

Berry :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:28 pm
by Nichole
Good challenge! :) Glad you found your happy weight. It's funny that it ends in a 7, that's very specific, lol. I think mine may be 135. It's manageable and I still feel like I'm eating a lot of food!

Oh, and... send me some of that banana bread ;). Mmmm, I'm going to have to buy some bananas and let them get bad, so I can make some!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:28 pm
by StrawberryRoan
yeah, 137 seems right.

135 too low
140 too high

sorta a Goldilocks thing. 8)

Thin this morning, 135.

Think I retain a lot of fluid when I drink the diet sodas!


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:31 pm
by StrawberryRoan
It's Friday.

YEAH, went out with a group I volunteer with today - shopped, had lunch, went to Aldi's and got some good healthy food.

Had chili at Wendy's - drank water. Everything was fine.

Came home and ate a salad later in the afternoon - so figure the chili was breakfast (at noon 8) then the salad at four - am making pizza for dinner, about 8.

Slightly unconventional but still three meals.

Weigh 136 today, it's all good.


Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:17 pm
by StrawberryRoan
It's Sunday, guess I missed Saturday.

Weighed 137 yesterday, 135 today.

Went shopping with my DIL and Daughter yesterday, bought a cute kelly green purse that looks like faux ostrich, feels kinda funny - somwhere between soft leather and rubber :D Also got a cute little burgundy purse at Target. Love purses!

Ate great, told them that the Wendys was reopened at renovation, I knew because I ate there Friday - they said do you want to eat there again? I said - SURE, I love Wendy's chiii. So I ate the exact same thing two days in a row -

small chili, water....

DIL ate the Baconator! = two cheesburgers, four pieces of bacon, had a baked potato on the side.

Daughter ate grilled chicken, baked potato on the side.

Had a lot of fun.

Enjoy your Sunday all.

SR :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:12 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Monday - and guess what?

I still weigh 135, hmmm... :roll:

Not had a single diet soda all weekend either, altho I was surrounded with people guzzling them down. Really makes a difference in how puffy I feel.

Almost COLD here. But not complaining - the air conditioner has gotten a rest this August.

Gotta scoot over to the Calorie Count website and do my monthly pounds lost. I have kept a chart since I started on Jan 1, 2008 when I weighed 160.

So, I can put in total pounds lost - 25!

I saw a woman the other day I hadn't seen in over a year.

She said, My - you are tiny. So much better than My, you are skinny.
Skinny in not the look I was going for, that's for sure.

Have a great day all.

SR :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:46 pm
by howfunisthat

25 pounds...congratulations! Just think about that...5 bags of flour! can you imagine carrying that all day long? I didn't read enough of your posts to know if you are happy with that number or not, but I just couldn't help but pop in to congratulate you.

Have a great & healthy day!

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:53 pm
by Nichole
25 lbs, congrats!!! :)

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:43 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Thanks guys.

Nice to "see" you howfunisthat. And how fun is that name?

Yes, I am beyond happy with 135, 140 was my goal weight, I stabilized around 137 but for some reason have been losing again. Altho 125 or so is more the desired weight for my height (5 four or 5 five, depending on who does the measuring) - I am much too thin at that weight and at sixty that really shows in the face and neck.

I literally have given up snacks, even on S days, that is probably why the weight is staying off - I was very very skinny or most of my life. Too thin, it wasn't much fun.

Now I am having fun, tho.

Stop by anytime.

Berry :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:47 pm
by Nichole
I agree! 135 is great... thin, but not too thin. So far it seems easy to maintain, even with having a couple treats on the weekend.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:12 pm
by mimi
Congratulations Berry! What a great accomplishment! And you're right...skinny is NOT the look we want when one passes 50. :lol:

Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:40 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hey there mimi - no, skinny is not a good look on an old woman.

We want to be healthy, fit, toned, slim, trim - lots of other adjectives....

134 today.

It is so cool and breezy this morning, feels like late October. I even bought some decorative Fall potpourri (with the big old slices of dried oranges and some other funny seedpods that I don't even know what they are) to put on my kitchen island. They smell like apple cinnamon which is what I have in my glade plug ins so it all works!

Except now I wish I had an apple pie :roll:

Enjoy your Tuesday all,


Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:55 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Happy Wednesday,

135 today. Made spaghetti last night - no meat for me, just salsa and olive oil and garlic salt. Also had my second salad of the day....

Pouring rain here this morning, the news last night said that we had the coolest August on record (but don't tell Al Gore)...

Healthy thoughts to you all

Berry :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:44 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Happy Thursday fellow Journalers -

133 today, been very busy.

Have a committee meeting tomorrow, shopping all day Sat with the daughter and DIL, church and lunch with friends on Sunday, family picnic on Monday (Labor Day) and start work on Tuesday.

I am woman, hear me roar. 8)

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:43 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Happy Friday,

Forgot to check in this morning, left pretty early.

Weighed 135, shopped and lunched with friends. I had a veggie burger and onion rings - burger great, onion rings not so much. Next time I will skip them.

Making mini penne with olive oil and garlic with fresh spinach and herbs with garlic bread for dinner. Just saw the mini penne in the store for the first time today, they are so cute :)

Enjoy your evening all

Berry :wink:

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:24 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Rainy, foggy Saturday morning here.

But, of course, that will not deter we girls from our day of shopping. 8)

Weigh 134 today, plan to eat lunch at CiCi's, a pizza buffet place that has a great salad bar, homemade chicken noodle soup, various pizzas (I love the spinach one) and great dessert pizzas and cinnamon rolls.

I haven't been very hungry lately so I will be curious to see if I eat as much at this place as I used to. Looking forward to the spnach/whitecheese pizza, that's for sure.

Don't really need anything at the mall so I might start looking for (don't hate me for typing this word - Christmas - gifts! :shock: I like to look for good deals at the bookstores, etc (books, puzzles, etc.) for the holidays.

Also think I will get some Fall candles, tarts, etc.

Enjoy your day all.

Berry :wink:

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:31 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Morning all - 135 today.

Enjoyed my day of shopping, got a real cute pair of wine colored boots with a thin strip of leather braid going down each side. Also got a peach colored Tommy Hilfiger bag - promise not to wear them together :D

Ate plenty yesterday, not overstuffed but didn't worry about a bite.

Only drank water, still on my anti diet soda kick - I swear I lost two or three pounds immediately and the weight never came back. The puffiness is gone....

Rainy today, have moved tomorrow's picnic inside just in case - so I will precook a slab of ribs in the oven wrapped in foil and then crisp them under the broiler. Will also make chicken quarters and burgers (veggie burger for me). Had planned to grill zucchini strips, onions and tomatoes - I have a couple grill pans so will probably just do that.

Hope everyone is having a fun "S" day.

Berry :wink:

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:25 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Happy Labor Day all. Don't work too hard (get it, Labor, work!) I am SOOO funny :lol:

Weigh 136 today, ate more than I should have yesterday, didn't feel good last night. I made homemade blueberry muffins and had three (big ones), one would have been enough.

But, the others did eat ice cream last night and I said, Uh, no thanks.

Enjoy your day all.

SR :wink:

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:32 am
by StrawberryRoan
Morning healthy people !

133 this morning, feel great - ready to start my new job. I plan to take my yogurt/cereal bar/flaxseed mix for breakfast as well as a salad for lunch. I am prepared!

Didn't get to exercise like I normally do this weekend due to company, etc. Hope I have time to do at least the glider this evening. I will work in a beautiful residential neighborhood and the weather is lovely today so I will walk during my lunch hour - yes, it is a whole hour!

Enjoy your day fellow journalers,

Berry :wink:

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:12 am
by mimi
Hope you have a wonderful first day on you new job Berry!

Mimi :D

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:56 am
by StrawberryRoan
Thanks a lot mimi :wink:

I survived my first week of work - well Monday was a holiday so I worked Tuesday and Wednesday. The first day was a little stressful, so much info - but yesterday was better. I remembered a lot so I asked fewer questions. I really like everyone and love the area. I get to walk during my lunch hour so I can still get in my exercise. The homes are at least a century old so there is a lot of lovely flowerbeds and landscaping to admire. People are starting to put out their Fall decorations so that is fun to see.

Weight is 134, no problems there, I took healthy stuff to work with me like yogurt, boiled eggs, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, etc. Luckily, everyone is a healthy eater there so the cabinets in the kitchen have healthy snacks and lots of different kinds of herbal teas and stuff like that.

Going for a trip with my volunteer group today - that is always fun. I am very grateful to have gotten a part time job that still allows me free time (gotta have some time to spend my earnings :P )

To your health all,


Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:18 pm
by Nichole
Sounds like you're doing great! I'm 134 today too, lol. Enjoy your new job and your time with your volunteer group :).

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:23 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Thanks Nicole.

I always said that if I got to a point in my life, financially, where I could give back - with time and talent - I would.

I love my volunteer group activities, have met some lifelong friends.

Weigh 135 today, I think my best weight was about 137 - all my
"little" clothes fit great and yet my face/neck weren't too thin.

133 is a little underweight for me so I am trying to eat a bit more. I bought a big bag of homemade whole grain dinner rolls at the bakery yesterday. The are yummy so I am popping one of those now and then. I don't have any desire to eat chips or cupcakes or anything (thankfully) so I will just eat a little more of the good stuff.

Enjoy your day all, it is raining here (AGAIN)

Berry :wink:

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:57 am
by StrawberryRoan
Evening all - didn't get a chance to post this morning - weighed 134 (Monday).

Worked VERY hard today, learned a lot. Boy, this is a busy law firm considering this is a small town. So very interesting, each case is different of course.

I have been walking for my entire hour lunch hour, just leisurely, can't get too "worked up" and go back to the office - but it allows me to get in some exercise and get some fresh air. I just eat something when I get back to work, we have a family style kitchen so it's not a problem to take a break now and then. I can answer the phone from in there :wink:

Have been eating great - still haven't had a diet soda. It's a control issue now, I love a challenge.

My daughter is still home and my son was visiting tonight (she is 35, he is 41) so I made everybody a big breakfast for supper. Sausage, pancakes, real hashbrown potatoes and eggs made to order. I ate two pancakes and a scrambled egg with a little mound of potatoes. It was all yummy.

Watching the St Louis Cards play - love those Redbirds!

Berry :D

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:04 am
by StrawberryRoan
132 yesterday and today. Hmm

Have been working really hard, still have houseguest (daughter) hubby is still in a lot of pain -

No wonder I've lost my appetite!

Nah, it's all good. I just have to figure out some more high calorie, yet healthy, snacks to eat.

132 is too low.

But, man, this plan works :D

Enjoy your Wednesday all,


Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:35 am
by StrawberryRoan
134 this morning, purposely ate more yesterday and today. Honestly wasn't even hungry (this is sooo weird) - but I want to get back to 137-140 range. 132 is too thin for me. Don't like how I look in the mirror.

Isn't it funny how even five or six pounds make a difference? I guess because we lose weight in our faces first.

SO, I will try to maintain at a little higher level. I knew maintenance would be my problem. It is easy to lose weight, easy to gain weight - maintain a certain weight is the difficulty.

But, it can be done I am sure.

Millions seem to do it every day.

Berry :)

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:11 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Morning all.

134 today. Beautiful weather - clear, cool, breezy (but not cold). Hoodie weather.. Think I will make some pumpkin cookies or some gingerbread.

Enjoy your Friday all.

Think health.

Berry :wink:

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:12 pm
by Nichole
Very true! The other day my mom said she can see my weight loss in my face all of a sudden. Have fun getting back to 137 ;) Maybe go for a 1400 cal diet instead of 1200?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:58 am
by StrawberryRoan
Morning Journal (and Journalers)

What a busy, busy week. What with work, company and severe weather that kept me from the computer - heavy lightning almost every night,

I haven't been here for a while.

Weight is stable at 135, been there for days now. Am eating whatever I want, haven't been doing my structured exercise but have been walking a lot and doing a lot of bending up and down at work (lots of filing had stacked up). Enjoying the job a lot - got a key to the law firm yesterday.. :)

Saw lots of people I hadn't seen all year at a reunion on Sunday - all thought I had lost too much weight.... well, okay - that's a concensus....
Pass me some cheesecake...

Wishing everyone a healthy day,


Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:46 am
by StrawberryRoan
Saturday already?????

Well, I finally weigh 137 today - my face has filled in a little - probably could use another pound or two.

140 was my goal weight, 132 was way too low. Kinda scary how easy it was to get there. Had I been younger, I would have gone for 125 probably, just to prove I could eat good, normal meals and still lose weight.

However, that isn't necessary at this stage in my life.

I don't weigh what I did a year and a half ago - 160 - and that's a good thing indeed.

Gonna try to maintain around here, won't allow myself to get over 140 (at least not for a day or two :D )

Love, love, love having my fellow journalerls to listen to my ramblings. Nobody else could tolerate my carrying on this much over a few measly pounds.....

But, I KNOW you guys get it...


Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:31 am
by buttercreampillow
Hi, Berry. I've been reading your journal and enjoying it. I also just got a new part time job at a local law firm. My starting weight is also 160, but I'm still there. I hope I can be as successful as you have been.

Have a great weekend!


Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:37 pm
by mimi
Hey Berry! Been missing you! Glad to hear you've been away for good reasons, and not because you've gone down the *slippery slope* of bad habits and weight gain! You've done so well with your maintenance. I can only hope to be half as successful when I reach that stage!
I'm recovering (week 2) of a badly broken ankle... :cry: had surgery to put it back together with a titanium plate and I'm not allowed to put any weight on it for six weeks. And it's the same leg as the dog incident...I guess it's not been my year!! :roll:
I've been sticking with my NoS habits - but eating very small meals. I've also been allowing myself a very TINY amount of desert each evening...friends and family have been so good to us bringing in meals with all kinds of deserts. I've already wrapped and put two cakes in the freezer. Being laid up for a long period of time is sort of like being *sick*, I thought.
Anyway, enough rambling about me. I'm just glad everything is going well with you!

Mimi :D

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:55 am
by blue
Enjoyed your Journal. Its interesting my face also looks better at a higher weight but my body looks better at the lower weights. Frustrating. I wish i could pull my fat up to my Face LOL. I'm 40 so my face can look 35 or 45 depending. Anyway I'm glad to see No s works so well for you Inspiring!!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:12 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hi buttercreampillow and blue - how sweet of you to stop by. I need to take a day off and visit the Journal neighborhood so I can get to know everybody better.... That's my plan :D

mimi, So sorry to hear about your ankle. Wonder if your leg was weakened somehow from the earlier incident or if you were "favoring" it or something? You sure have had a rough time of it, hoping you feel better soon.

Doing great here, weigh 135 today - will weigh 155 tomorrow :roll: I went to a 50th wedding anniversary dinner/party today and MAN was there some good food. Talk about yummy lasagna.. And two pieces of pie, not to mention the obligatory piece of cake. Felt good to eat and not even care about the calories.

Work is going fine, haven't made any mistakes the paralegal couldn't fix before the attorneys saw them.. 8)

Wishing everybody well, hoping we all have a happy healthy week ahead.


Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:15 pm
by Nichole
Hi Strawberry!!! Hope you are doing well out there.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 1:27 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hey Nicole... Doing great, thanks.

Hello fellow Journalers -

Holding strong at 137/138, face has filled back in - it is so funny how just a few pounds made such a difference in how I looked (or felt like I looked.)

Going to maintain below 140 as that is the wieght that most of my clothes fit best. I have donated a lot of things as I don't ever plan on being 160 again, unless I have some medical issues or something. If so, I will worry about that then - no sense in letting good clothes go to waste or get outdated when others can use them now.

Still enoying the job, the hubby is getting better by the day, our Fall weather has been glorious (a bit damp and dreary, but the leaves are very pretty in the Ozarks.)

Hope everyone is healthy and happy

Will check in again when I can.

SR :wink:

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 1:01 am
by kccc
Nice to see you and hear that everything's still going well! :)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:53 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hello all, thanks for the hello KCCC.

Doing fine, lost a few pounds this week but it was because I was vey sick. Didn't have the flu or anything - just a 24 hour virus of some kind - but I have VERY low blood pressure and it got to me. I passed out twice yesterday and hit the floor HARD, hubby called the ambulance but I refused to go - told them I would be okay if I could just rest (I have a history of doing this over my lifetime) they told me what to watch for, told him to wake me every hour and ask me his name, so I said Mark Harmon.... Hahhh, My blood pressure when they were here was 84/42 with a 42 pulse. Oh well...

I hadn't been eating much so my salt was way down, that caused the drop. I still haven't felt like eating much but did eat some today. EVERYBODY around me is sick - the attorney and paralegal were out all week sick - their kids were sick, everybody at church is sick - but hopefully we will all survive.

I feel better today, a little sore around the ribcage and my center lower back from coughing but a hot bath tonight will help that I am sure.

And MAYBE a glass of wine :D

Hope everybody is doing well.....


Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:40 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Happy Saturday Journalers,

Weighed 139 this morning, right on target. Went to the doctor last week, weighed 142 fully dressed, etc. so I guess I am maintaining at around 140 which is my goal. Funny thing is I used to weigh morning and night now I rarely weigh at all. For some reason, this NO S thing really kicked in and either changed my metabolism or my entire way of thinking/eating or both.

I am feeling fine, doctor said I am okay - just need to watch my salt and make sure I drink enough water, etc. All my test results were fine, as my hubby says - So all the womanly stuff is okay?

Yeah, so far..

To your health,


Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:14 pm
by Nichole
Glad to see you're doing well!!!

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:33 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Almost couldn't find my thread :shock:

Lots going on the last couple of months, I have been very busy at the new job - it is going well. I got two weeks off with pay for Christmas and had only been there since Labor Day! I also got a great gift and lunch out. Love it...

My weight had gotten too low (way too low at 132) I managed to get back to 145 and stabilized there. I felt better and looked better. It was kinda fun being in the skinnier jeans but my face looked so drawn it wasn't worth it.

Well, now I am at 152 (holiday excess) But, no problem. I know that this plan works and actually felt so much better when I was faithfully following it. Allowed myself to do "whatever" for the past two months, but now I am ready to recharge. I just updated another board where I have been tracking my weight for several years. I was 160 on January 1, 2008 so I'm still ahead of the game......

I am back on track, will hopefully get back to my 145 or so by my March birthday. I need to be thinner in the summer as I am not wearing so many layers that hide the flaws - so to speak.

Hope everybody is doing well.


Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:22 pm
by kccc
Good to see you, 'Berry! :)

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:07 am
by mimi
Great to hear from you Berry!

Mimi :D

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:47 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Thanks guys, I've missed you. Had so much trouble with my old dial up connection, it was awful - many days I couldn't even stay on line long enough to post. BUT, I now have high speed AND wireless....

Weigh 152 this morning but a whole new mindset. Ironically, I weighed 152 when I first posted here in April. I have been waking up and immediately going to get my hot coffee AND a couple homemade cookies from the Christmas stuff. Well, they are all gone - they were fun while they lasted and part of the celebration of the season - but this is a new Year.

Another problem I will have to address starting tomorrow (of my own making) is that the office is stuffed with food, cookies - chips - and a huge candy bowl on my desk, because I am the reception area.

Well, guess what? I am not eating one piece tomorrow. Not one. I have been eating the cherry Hershey's kisses and some little soft mint divinity candy that is white with a little Christmas tree design in the middle. I guess they are seasonal, but very good. Just melt in your mouth.

Tomorrow I will eat a normal breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I love a challenge, don't really like the feeling of being out of control (and really don't like that my gray dress pants are getting snug)... :roll:


Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:38 am
by StrawberryRoan
Day two of my rebirth. Weigh 151.

It was hard to not reach for the pretzles, cookies, cheese sticks, etc at work today - I had gotten into very bad habits because we are allowed to eat at our desks, all day long!

I had a breakfast bar and an orange for breakfast, a chef salad for lunch and am having chicken and dumplings and a slice of buttered bread for dinner.

NO SNACKS - NO SWEETS - NO SECONDS. Not one piece of candy from the candy dish...

I am so happy to be back on track.

Berry :D

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:37 pm
by kccc
Berry, there was a funny story I told while you were gone about some food being "just for decoration" and not for eating...the idea helps me a lot in situations like you describe. I'll see if I can search it out for you.

On this thread: ... decoration