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Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:25 pm
by connorcream
I am posting this update because of the very positive results I have had from WATP. I easily walked 2 miles today enjoying the tour and reenactment of the Battle of the Alamo. It is very reassuring to see how the video exercises translate into "real walking" abilities.

I have an awareness walk for Crohn's in May for DS and was wondering if WATP would be a good training preparation for it. I think it will be.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:01 pm
by connorcream
Outstanding horse ride today. Posted for almost 40 minutes and had the sweat to prove it. It is a combination of being lighter, WATP, and breezy weather. 2 out of the 3 elements I can control. So I count this both with exercise and shovel glove (lugging tack around).

I still ride better than the twins, but my days are numbered. Their youth and masculinty will soon overtake my "wisdom" and that is fine by me:-) DD still has a ways to go but she is only 8 yrs.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:25 am
by connorcream
165.0# down 0.4#
This is close to the five month mark of counting calories. I was looking back over my past posts and thought I needed to summarize my accomplishments thus far:

1. I started at 192#, 5# from being obese for my height and age on October 6, 2009. Wow. How far I had fallen from my healthy weight. How very long this extra weight impeded the joys of my life. I have lost 27 pounds and am 0.64# away from the healthy range:-) I am ever grateful, I woke up and said enough is enough. I am also very glad to have interesected with someone with plenty experience in losing weight. BA gratis.

2. I have logged every morsel every day. It has been easy, pleasant, but mostly enlightening. I have learned what calories my body needs to function which are a lot lower than calorie calculators would assume. It was very easy for me to eat more calories than I would burn thus the gaining of 12# with Nos over a years time. It was mostly"healthy, whole, unprocessed food, clean" that packed the pounds on.

3. On 2/23/10 I started WATP after losing 26#. This shows to me that it is calories that drives weight loss and calories take pride of place with my health. However, with the lower weight I naturally gravitated to more exercise and walk with an average of 2 miles each day or posting 35 minutes. I do Shovel glove 14 minutes during the cool down protion of my workout.

4. I have been thinking very seriously about my goal weight, what it means and how it should be maintained, because I sure do not want to go through this process ever again.

5. Instead of a number I am thinking about a time frame, such as a year, and see where my body is at. I have enjoyed this journey of self discovery and acquired knowledge. I have enjoyed finally having a real measure of behaviors that I can control which ulitmately leads to success.

6. As I lose and get older, my calorie needs will decrease, and with daily calorie monitoring and weighing, I will have immediate feedback when I need to cut back. No more relying on clothes fit. What a disaster that was for me.

7. The cost of this diet program is $0.00 and 2 minutes day for logging. A lot of my regular foods are entered into my apps.

8. I am also mulling over how to anlayze my data. The difference between causality and coorelation is a major concern and I am not sure if I can distinguish between it. It might not even be necessary to some degree if my weight loss continues. I can see this being useful if I plateau but I have reason to hope I might avoid this unhappy circumstance.

It is very nice to be in pretty clothes and nice jeans. I look forward to continued enjoyment in this area. DH certainly likes the results. I mostly like knowing what I can afford. I can eat anything I want, if I can pay for it. Most of what I use to eat, like EVOO or butter isn't worth the cost most of the time. And when I eat it, I savor the moment.

Happy weekend one and all.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:06 am
by clarinetgal
Hello from another WATP lover! Leslie Sansone videos make up a good portion of my exercise video collection, and I use them several times a week (along with weights, pilates, and stretching).
I just wanted to pop in to say that I sometimes lurk in your check in, and I've found your story to be really inspiring.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:21 pm
by connorcream
164# down 1#
I am in my healthy range (164.4#) and I just had to post this. I have been trying to cut my posting time down but sometimes one has to do what one has to do:-)

I am glad you enjoy WATP too. Like you I have other forms of exercise but I have found these DVDs very beneficial in my journey. Counting calories and exercise videos, new ideas to me. Makesme wonder where I have been?Glad you lurk here. Pop in anytime and say hi :D

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:45 am
by clarinetgal
WTG, Connorcream, and thanks! :D

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:04 am
by sophiasapientia
Congratulations on reaching your healthy range! That's awesome! :D

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:18 am
by BrightAngel
connorcream wrote:I am in my healthy range (164.4#)
Congratulations ! Image

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:29 am
by connorcream
163.4# Down 1# (first time I have been at this weight in 6 yrs almost to the day)

After thinking about my goal for sometime and arriving in the healthy range a few days ago, I think I will have a secondary goal after the 160#. To continue my calorie deficit until I reach 145# or 1 year, whichever comes first. I do not like skinny and honestly at 145, which is what a weighed after SB success, I didn't look skinny. That was several years ago, so it will be something to watch.

This weight goal might change as time progresses. One major reason for the adjustment down has been how easy getting to 163 has been. After getting over sticker shock and my body's up and down daily weight loss, this process has been straight forward and honest. I am looking forward to wearing a lovely dress that had been pushed aside in the closet while attending my DD & granddaughter appearance in a benefit fashion show. I am thoroughly enjoying this lower weight.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:05 am
by clarinetgal
That's great! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:07 pm
by connorcream
DH said something interesting this morning. I am snoring much less. It is true, my sleep is more restful and I feel more refreshed waking. Both of us attribute this to a lower weight.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:18 am
by clarinetgal
That's interesting, and it sure makes sense. I noticed it says you're located in San Antonio. I was born there, and I would love to actually see it sometime. My parents and I moved from there when I was 2 months old.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:36 am
by connorcream
SA is a lovely city: friendly, fun, historic, and lots of great food. Calorie counting has allowed me to still order the things I enjoy the most, in judicious quantities, and still lose weight in a steady manner.

Thanks for posting.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:17 am
by clarinetgal
That's great! I actually started loosely calorie counting recently, and my weight has started to drop again, after being stuck in a plateau for several months. I'm just keeping my breakfast and lunch to between 400-500 calories and using portion control for dinner (making sure it fits on one plate).

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:07 am
by connorcream
clarinetgal wrote:That's great! I actually started loosely calorie counting recently, and my weight has started to drop again, after being stuck in a plateau for several months. I'm just keeping my breakfast and lunch to between 400-500 calories and using portion control for dinner (making sure it fits on one plate).
And that might be enough for youto accomplish your goals. Do you use an app or program to help in counting, like FitDay, Live Strong, or Diet Power? Having this tech help makes the process of recording almost effortless and accurate. Under estimating of calories is very easy to do, even among registered dieticians.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:58 am
by clarinetgal
Not yet. I'm only a few pounds from my goal, so I'm going to try this method first and see what happens. Which app do you use? If I do go that route, I'll probably do Fitday. What are Live Strong and Diet Power?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 10:48 pm
by connorcream
Nutriiton Menu & LoseIt. I started with NM but it didn't have a way to back up data. LoseIt does have back up and an online componet as well. Diet Power and Live Stron are not apps but programs or online programs that allows the recording and anaylzing of data. They both have active forms as well.

Best wishes on your journey.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:02 pm
by clarinetgal
Thanks for the info! I noticed you're almost at your goal. Congratulations!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:12 pm
by connorcream
I am enjoying more restaurants are posting nutrition information. DH suggested Applebees tonight because he saw their ad for 550 cal. Ordering the Asiago Peppercorn Steak which a variety of sites are posting at 390. Even eating a steak dinner brings my daily total well under my limit.

I need to eat low calorie this week to have calories in reserve for the weekend. We always go to the coast for Palm Sunday for a family retreat. The sisters fix meals that appeal to mostly children and are cost effective. This means, for me, needing calories in reserve. Then on Sunday, we go to friends nearby for another nice dinner.

As I will weigh on Monday morning, I don't want to wale on the scale due to my poor planning of calories. Nice ride today. 2mile exercise with WATP the rest of the week.

When I reach 160, I shall adjust my goal. However, at 160, I can walk into any WW meeting without buying a membership (assuming they still do this) as this is my lifetime goal with them.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:16 pm
by clarinetgal
I tried that experiment too this last week. I ate lower calorie during the week, and I ate more on the weekend. My weight did go up slightly, but I'm still within my new desired range for myself (127-129. I'm 5'1). I will try that again this week, and see if I can lower my setpoint weight a little more. I'd like to get down to around 124-125.
That's very interesting about the restaurants posting their calorie content. I don't go out to eat very often, but when I do, I will keep that in mind.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:31 am
by connorcream
I ordered the Asiago Peppercorn Steak, 390, and I think that looked right. I am embarassed to say this but I liked the steak better than Saltgrass or even Ruth's Chris. Tender, flavorful (I like spicy of pepper), and affordable calorie wise. Go figure it is cheaper than the usually places I head to for steaks.

Clarinetgal I am sure you will hit your goals:-) Being honestly aware of what one is eating is the most important part of weight management. For me, a plate wasn't accurate enough, and not weighing allowed me to have too much denial.

I also like how DH is helping me by letting me know about Applebees. He has the opposite problem, he wants to gain weight. I told him I thought it was really the same problem, wanting a healthy sustainable weight. I suggested calorie counting to him so he would know his range. Especially when he is burning calories doing chores around the yard.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:23 am
by clarinetgal
I'll have to go back to my local Applebees. I've eaten there a couple of times, and I thought the food was pretty good.
I can see how calorie counting would help someone gain weight -- even though you wouldn't think that someone who needs to gain weight should count calories. If you know your range, it really does make it easier to lose weight.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:46 pm
by connorcream
I have a son, 21 yrs, with Crohn's who also needs to gain weight. With my experience of food journaling, I have been to help him monitor his eating more accurately. Healthy eating means different things to different people. What a blessing to live in this age where technology is such a help in making wise food choices easier.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:19 am
by connorcream
I posted this on Bright Angel's Checkin and thought it was something I should have on my personal checkin as well. Correlation & Causality:

At times I am finding it very difficult to sort out if my deficit or excess calories cause a weight loss when I overlay it with my hormonal cyclic pattern. I am very much of the opinion that over time, a calorie deficit produces weight loss, regardless of how one achieves this deficit.

But the question then becomes, is this a deficit for my body at this time?

I will give a concrete example, this past weekend the family went to the coast for a family retreat. Menu is fixed and geared to children as there are a lot of them. My daily goal is 1300 cal. On Saturday, I ate 407 over and Sunday I ate over 244. Knowing this weekend was coming up, and the type of meals to expect, I ate under but still came in over 231 calories for the week. These few calories do not account for an almost 2# increase (that would need to be over 5,000 extra which I didn't eat).

On Monday, the scale shows a 1.8 # increase. Today I am already back down .8#, for an overall gain of a pound. Water drinking to flush the probable excess sodium in the diet. And I am not even bugged by the spike up because I know it will come down over time as it has in the past.

The question is rather, how do I know, and perhaps one can't know, if this increase is due to the foods or rather my cycle, or maybe it is a combination of both. And so I wonder if I graphed my weights, overlayed with both calorie counts and cycle variations, would this give me better insight into how my body works both monthly and over time? I have all the data necessary to compile these graphs and am just not sure if I did so, would it give me any useful data to implement.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:49 pm
by connorcream
I decided to put my data into a spread sheet and see if I see trends I might be missing. It felt nice seeing my progress, especially going into the holidays. I am remotivated to stay on plan.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:38 pm
by connorcream
Couple of interesting observations for me but not enough evidence to say there is a definite correlation. It was worth the time inputting the data.

- I tend to gain or remain the same weight around ovulation
- tom is more variable than I thought. Some times I gain, sometimes, I lose, sometimes it reamins the same.
- it takes 2 months to lose about 10#
- I was getting impatient being in the 160's while I thought the 170's flew by, this wasn't factual.
-NSV I am learning to run averages on spread sheet.
- I still don't feel like I have a firm calorie count average for me to point to. I have an upper limit goal of 1300, I am still working on generating these numbers. I have an average of 1068 calories over the entire time period. My nails have not gotten weak or brittle. i am exercising more now than I have in a long time, and my moods are up beat. Always satisfying getting into smaller clothes.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:33 am
by connorcream
When I started CC, I too was struck by the similarities to money. I thought the plate was like my cash envelopes which I use very successfully. However, I neglected the budgeting aspect of how much can I afford (burn) and how much do things cost (calorie counts of items I was eating (spending).

Gaining for me over time was quite easy to do. I never binged, never ate in the middle of the night, appreciated my snacking need was squashed, ate healthy (olive oil, avocadoes, whole grain bread, organic this and that). Coupled with ditching my scale, the isle of denial was where I lived. Today the weather was warm and pretty put on my capris, the one that I couldn't even button 5 months ago, and they were falling down, baggy, and I was happy. BA gratis.

Assuming 3500 cal= 1#, I gained 12# over the course of 18 months. This is on average 77 calories a day more than what my body needs. This could have been the sugar and half and half in my coffee (organic of course). The apple fritter on S day, the muffin on another S day. It is amazingly easy to eat more than what my body needs.

I will put this in my own thread as I ate my fair share of calories today and I will not wale on the scale tomorrow.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:58 pm
by connorcream
I made goal today. 160#, a healthy BMI of 24.33. I have decided to continue on this weight loss until I reach 145#. My average calorie intake over this 6 month period was 1167.94, and I lost 32#. I am so grateful to have done so in this short time frame. I think losing very slowly has as much risk as losing too quickly. The loss goal should be 1-2% of ones weight/week which I averaged out to be 1.33#/wk loss. I can't find the link for this but I found it very helpful as a benchmark for slow/fast.

I did not plateau, have my nails or hair go brittle. I found counting calories brutally honest which became liberating quite quickly. It was extremely easy to do with technology available. I enjoy WATP and do 2 miles most every day. On days I don't, I find some other form of exercise. I do not sweat buckets. It is always low impact. My family has a history of knee problem. I also use shovel glove for my weight training

I have learned so many things by CC. More than when I have done any other diet though each diet contributed to my success. Everything I put in my mouth has a cost. The question is, "Do I want to pay it?

So in a nutshell, I tracked my calories, every bite, morsel, lick, used a calorie calculator (there are many of them) did an average of all of them, ignored the exercise feature on all of them (sedentary was always chosen), and rounded down. I aimed for 1300 but actually ate 1167 calories. I also found other sites to learn tips on how to do this in various situations. Next week, I will be traveling with DH & 3 kids to Monterey CA. I have been planning on how to deal with this food situation for some time. Failure to plan is planning to fail.

However, I would be terribly remiss if I didn't single out one person in particular, Bright Angel, who more than anyone spoke the truth about weight loss often enough until I could grasp it for myself. Thank you dear friend. I think of you as a friend because a true friend helps me to be better than I am. They enrich my life and I become a better woman.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:02 pm
by Starla
Hi, connorcream -

I noticed in your signature on the main page that you had reached your goal, and I just stopped by to say congratulations! I wish you smooth sailing to 145!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:13 pm
by BrightAngel
ImageCongratulations connorcream
I am happy to see your success. Image

Image Also, Thanks for the kind words.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:37 pm
by connorcream

Last night, DSIL who is Filipino, wanted to go out to a Filipino restaurant to celebrate passing his exam at work. Glad to do it, tried to find Filipino menus ahead of time but none posted. It turns out the place he wanted to eat at closed at 6PM. So we changed gears and headed to India Palace for buffet dinner. I hadn't been there since before I started CC. My plan was to eat as I had done in the past, take note of what I usually eat (though the portions were smaller than in the past), go home, use menu online and figure out calorie counts. For Nos purposes the below amounts were for 2 separate plates with dessert plate having a lot of space on it and 1/2 piece of naan.

Totally backwards, but it was the only way I knew to figure out what I had always eaten (I just knew the food by site and not by name). I wrote the names down, glad the buffet menu is online but saved the calorie looking up for today. Wow. 1700 calories including a Mango Lassi for a total daily count of 2280. I inputted every item into my favorites and reciped the entire meal with accumulative calorie count. Next time I go, which will be a long time from now, I will have seen this calorie count many times, and I will be able to judge if the price is worth the bite. An expensive bit of data.

Today I was up 2.2#. Tom as well, however, I wasn't nervous. This was a blip. I ate 980 calories over goal. Not 8750 in excess. Drinking water and eating light today as I did Friday knowing we were going out to eat with the young marrieds. And knowing this scientific truth has made me peaceful. However, it reinforced my opinion that just because something is 1 plateful does not mean calorie deficit. Most of the items were vegetarian.

Tomorrow I head for a lovely time with the kiddos and DH in CA. I love my new size and planning on hitting the gym first thing. For those struggling to lose, it is worth the effort. Your joints will feel better, you will sleep better, the outdoors will be more fun, you will model good behavior to your precious children. The kids and I will be hiking the 3 non travel days we will be there and this is in addition to the gym in the AM. The gym will help get my joints juiced. I never sweat buckets and only do low impact. I will post next week. Losing weight can be done by anyone willing to devote the necessary discipline required and using accurate information to base ones behaviors on.

Hope that wasn't TMI.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:42 pm
by connorcream
160.4 #

A great trip, recorded my calories to the best of my ability daily. It was hard in spots such as the Muslim Chinese Restaurant we went to in Cupertino, but by and large made my best effort.

Back on plan, so glad to have BA pancakes to enjoy while getting the rest of the weight off.

DH pointed out an article in the paper about Jennifer Hudson losing 50# and she was glad about looking great. He said that was me but better:-)

It was super nice having the weight gone and hiking up Pfieffer State park to see the waterfalls. I easily walked over 2 miles each day with 2 days on 2 miles of elipticals. Even with careful eating my calorie count came up to about 2100 daily. With the 2 # bump, it shows to me again, it matters how many calories are eaten as opposed to trying to burn off the weight.

Also very glad I got right back on the scales. Did I want to, no, but I need the clarity.

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:04 pm
by connorcream
157.6# down 2.8# nice

Eating events all week, business dinner at contry club with college of science with alma mater, sacraments for my children with accompanying parties, restaurants, today hosting dear grand daughter's 2nd birthday. Cake, icecream, rich appetizers, all managed and enjoyed with careful planning, small portions, and avoiding some foods altogether. Thank goodness I did not invoke the S day rule yesterday (Saturday and 3 sacraments which are very meaningful to us) as I would not have a nice loss today. Yes, I still had a marveous time with both food and people.

Yesterday, I was in on of the dresses from back of my the closet, which was a bit lose. Had several compliments on my appearance and some asked if I had lost weight. I said yes, discovered the secret, eat less move more. I think on a taller frame, it takes a greater weight loss to be noticed. More room to hide unwanted pounds.

Question of course which I didn't state was, how to eat less is accomplished with so many opportunites to eat loads of calories, most in an unsuspecting manner.

With in my thread, I want to quote two of the quotes I have found very motivating in my successful weight loss journey

Obsessed is what the weak and lazy call the Dedicated

Another has been

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

Have a marvelous day. It is shaping up to be fab in our fair city:-)


Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:41 pm
by Teemuh
Hi Connercream. I had to read your thread from the beginning and it's really inspiring to see how far you've come. Congratulations, and I have no doubt you'll reach 145.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:59 am
by connorcream
Thank you Teemuh for your kind remarks.

I really know in my core I am done being overweight. I might bounce around due to higher sodium levels in a particular meal or be up with a richer meal but next day I will be drinking water and eat lower calories yo compensate.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:33 pm
by connorcream
consequence of some s days

An article I have found very true and I wanted to refer back to it. I do not treat S days differently. I have a calorie goal and I stick to it over the course of a week. I also weigh on Monday to keep me accountable. If I want a higher calorie day, it must be compensated for by a lower calorie day, preferably before and not after. I do not like debt of any sort.

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 9:40 pm
by connorcream
156.8 Down 0.8#
Very nice seeing so many benefits to weight loss. This past week DH & I went to see the Spurs game. I had my very nice meal ahead of time and did not want any of the high calorie, no nutritional value foods and the concession stand. Instead, I enjoyed the hike up to our seats and the nice walk involved with parking.

It is nice because I have lost 35.2#. When I think of that as a heavy pack back, geeze, what a load on my poor body. I fit so comfortably in the stadium seats and people don't sigh wondering if I will encroach on their space. Same very pleasant response when I flew to CA a couple of weeks ago.

I have a wonderful peace about my eating because it is truthful. When I put food in my mouth it costs something. Eyeballing high calorie foods is asking for a weight stall or plateau . There is less wiggle room with cheese or olive oil than there is with baby carrots for example. I am not talking about cookies or candy which is obvious.

Have a great weekend.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 9:26 pm
by connorcream
I have quite a bit of data now. I am also at a lower weight and so needed to adjust my calorie budget to reflect this new weight. I have summarized my findings for my body.

Based on data fromt Oct 6, 2009 to today , when I eat calories above 1301, I gain weight the very next day. My range for weight gain was 1301-2618. 2618 was the highest calorie day I have had in the past 7 months. Whether this is bounce up is from the higher calories or from the salt usually found in the higher caloric foods I eat or both I don't know. But it doesn't take much increase in calories for me to see a gain. Avg calories for this time is 1180. Goal was 1300. New goal is 1200.

Higher cal + 14 up weight bounces
Higher cal - 3 down weight bounces

The very apt adage of Don't wail on the scale if you cheat when you eat comes to mind. The surprising thing is cheating or higher calorie count needed for weight gain is quite low.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 9:56 pm
by connorcream
Something I read that was quite true

Why SHOULD be maintaining a healthy weight be something that comes without effort, without thought, without monitoring and an ever watchful eye? Why? Who ever told us that it WOULD/SHOULD be *easy* and that it's something that should just happen *on it's own*?

I have to work for my money. No one pays me for doing nothing. No one. And I've never thought that they should, I've never expected it.

One of my favorite, oft used expressions comes to mind - "if we would only recognize that life was hard, things would be much easier."

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:52 pm
by connorcream
I ride English. It is so great being smaller. Learning to canter. Teacher asked me my weight so I can go on a smaller horse better for cantering. Proud to tell her! Glad the horse doesn't have such a heavy load anymore too.

Now I need to develop thigh muscles for gripping!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 1:00 pm
by connorcream
4 years ago today I was 156.

I had come to embrace the idea during NoS that my body was not meant to be at this weight. Following the notion of letting my body establish the weight it was naturally meant to be from eating 3 plates/day and just be happy with that. Finding peace with myself, food and all of that jazz. Add to this laissez affair attitude with no regular weighing (let the clothes fit guide me and if I gain weight it is part of the process) and no sense of what foods really cost (WW or SB didn't provide this education) and this was a recipe for disaster for me which it was.

Off to do my 2 miles with vigor.

Thank you BA, thank you, thank you.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 1:42 pm
by BrightAngel
connorcream wrote: 156.
Thank you BA, thank you, thank you.
ImageCongratulations, connorcream.Image

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:11 pm
by connorcream
155.6 Down 0.4#

Fitting in my smaller jeans comfortably. Pulled out form fitting shirts and looking fit.

Nothing tastes as good as trim feels.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:41 pm
by connorcream
Below are two posts I have asked input from maintainers weight loss, some very large weight loss. I wanted to put these thoughts here in my journal for later reflection.

The rate of weight loss tied to maintnanence has been bouncing around in my head for a long time and it is touted as an indicator of maintanence. There are some diet plans were the weight is lost so slow and this is taken as a positive. 1/2# per week regardless of weight, age, or gender. I am not talking about a crash diet with grapefruits but the goal of a quicker pace if possible. In my own case, I have lost 5.4# this past month. So not talking about extremes. I attributed my only diet failure in part to this slow rate mantra. Give it time, relapses occur, etc...

I think there is as much a danger if it takes too long to lose and people getting discouraged (i.e.plateauing) as there is if it is too quick. Also life interevenes both with one self and loved ones which puts up more hurdles to leap over in getting to a healthy weight.

I compare it to my understanding of those paying of debt. The longer it takes the more likely it won't happen. However, if one gets a lump sum, pays off debt without learning better spending habits, then debt will occur again. Moderation.

I will not be regaining because I know the truth of what my body can afford. This is independent of the rate of loss. Rate of loss is established by how quick do I want to lose versus eating healthfully for me.

So you maintainers, here is the question, did you find losing s---l---o---w a more likely indicator of you keeping it off? and if so, what is your definition of slow?

Exactly my point as well. This time is different, I know it in my gut, because I know the truth of my body that I didn't when I was successful in losing weight before. I learned so good things with SB & WW but I didn't learn that for my body to lose I needed to eat 1300 calories (up until now which is now 1200) and 1 tbs of butter has over 100 calories. I failed at Nos because I didn't know these basic facts.

It makes me so nervous when I hear counsel given to those with a lot of weight to lose to go slow, as if slow was the guarantor of successful maintenance. I think of how harder it has been to lose as I have aged, when DS was diagnosed with Crohn's, moving, building a house, death of loved ones, etc... We all have these challenging moments. Then when ones own health becomes compromised either from the excess weight or other cause, then weight becomes truly challenging and indeed very slow. And those in this position, you have my admiration for sticking to your plan and perservering:-)

I compare losing weight to becoming solvent in my mind. It is easier to be fiscally sound when economic times are better than when they are not. Don't put it off and don't drag it out for some perceived virtue of permanence.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:05 am
by Teemuh
Congrats on your continued weight loss. It's motivating for me:)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:57 pm
by connorcream
154.4 Down 1.2#

Thank you Teemuh for your encouraging words. I know I have been helped by others to get to this point and hope my success spurs the same for you.

Weight loss can be done by anyone at anytime. Maintanence will look like weight loss except for a few extra calories at times.

I am eating the most marvelous things. Not celery and water. It is a true pleasure when I eat and I feel quite satisfied until the next meal. 3 meals a day is a help with which I credit Nos. Now if I find myself hungry, which is occasionally, I will eat a couple of baby carrots, duly noted. No more drinking glasses of whole milk for me. That I cannot afford.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:12 pm
by connorcream
Down 0.2#

Yesterday, I walked 3 miles, 2 aerobically, 1 as a stroll with DH. How awesome is that! WATP is wonderful. I still like to find extra steps in my day but they don't have to be brisk because I already had brisk first thing in the morning. In fact exercise is a tip top priority now. On Bible study days, which my DD leads, or horse riding days I get in 1 mile. On the weekends, I walk around the block or hiking paths. Something different but still moving.

I am looking at the cute summer clothes, a first in a very long time. I have never been a clothes horse but this past week I found myself looking at the ads. Maybe it is because I am wearing tailored shirts and my smaller jeans.

Gearing up for our trip to FL and seeing the space shuttle launch, disney world, etc.... I am on other forums, getting advice on strategies. Mostly though, having a kitchen in our suite, will do wonders for healthy eating.

Avoiding restaurants is what I find myself doing in general, except for places that post nutritional info & have good choices from which to choose. Panera Bread is an excellent place for me. I never get the bread, sub an apple and bring the apple home. I do like the salmon salad with some almonds and feta cheese. Dressing on the side and really not used. I am liking fresh lemon juice better.

I am also looking to seeif for my body, do grain calories react differently than lets say veggie or protien calories. I have limited the grains, SB, like, and it seems to be helping but it is way to soon to tell. Limiting grains (not elimintaing) naturally helps in keeping my calorie counts lower so it could nothing more than that.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 2:18 pm
by BrightAngel
I sent you a PM re my Maintenance Graphic.
Good luck with your design.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 2:26 pm
by connorcream
I can never repay you for the the joy and sanity you have brought to my life.


Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 6:05 pm
by connorcream
Down 0.6#

Designing my own maintanence graphic with the help of my husband and sons. Time well spent for all concerned. Especially for my son who has Crohns.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 7:51 pm
by connorcream
Down 1.6# from last weight posted

I have just returned from a 9 day driving trip to FL to see the space shuttle Atlantis launch on her final voyage, visit KSC, Cocoa Beach, Disney World, and visiting old dear friends near Tampa, then visiting my family on the way home. I considered this my end of year exam. I have a longer trip of three weeks coming up in the summer. Weight loss is possible while traveling. Weight loss is possible between October and January.

The reason I have this tremendous success to post is because I planned my meals out, called ahead when I wasn't sure what was considered a continental breakfast, fixed delicious meals for me when appropriate, used every strategy I had developed these past months. I used the gym when I wasn't walking all day and I have to say I loved it. I love being trim. I love not sweating all over FL walking here and yon. I liked fitting comfortably in the seats- whether it was a tour bus or shows. I liked family asking about how I did it.

We are in the midst of a tragedy (a friend of DS 21) with house guests coming and going. One thing is for sure, I am planning my meals out. I had incredible peace doing this on my trip- knowing this part of the decision process had already been done when emotions weren't swirling. It also allows me to focus on other more important things- like historic moments with my family in FL or sorrows of others now.

I am 7.8# from my dream goal and I am more convicted now than when I started Oct 6, 2009. Summer has started early for me. Family reunions, here I come!

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:45 pm
by connorcream
Down 0.6# 152.2#

Planning, diligence, and habit. I think they are interrelated but not the same. Case in point, our fabulous but very packed trip to FL. Taking two excursions as examples, watching the launch and Disney World. Some things we couldn't control- i.e. launch time or weather. But a lot we could.

It took a lot of planning to do both of these things well. Tickets sold out at KSC within minutes of release and we had several options going. WD we used a tour planning company plus our own research. This enabled us to do Magic Kingdom in one day with a few extra activities to boot. In both cases, we saw many, many people who had not planned and were not getting as much out of the day. But this ability to plan is because we have a habit of doing so in other areas of our lives.

Same with eating that has a calorie deficit that results in weight loss and will be sustainable in maintanence. This does indeed take planning but it quickly became an enjoyable habit. The skills I have developed to lose weight at home, enabled me to continue to do so while traveling with 4 others. It certainly would not have happened if I let the plate dictate my portions.

In the cases above, my preplanning our meals, allowed us to be quite satisfied while those at the launch were standing in line waiting for an hour for food that ran out. In Disney World, while others were waiting for their meals with characters (high prices for mediocre food) we were having our lunch with Belle during story time. One of my teenage sons was in the show. I kept thinking preplanning meals really enhanced our trip. I wouldn't know until I weighed in what my body thought of this. And preplanning with health in mind was really easy to accomplish. Quite the opposite of a drag.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 7:32 pm
by Teemuh
Hi Connorcream. Congratulations on getting so close to your goal. I just got back from vacation, and unfortunately for me, I totally went off my plan. I think the combination of heat, overtiredness, and not preplanning such as yourself, broke me down and I lost my focus. I'm back home, and have lost some of the weight gain, but I'm looking into really doing the calorie count. I'll have to find the right combination for my height/weight etc, but your story is very encouraging. I also like the idea of use a portable technology to aid me, so I'm looking into that as well. Anyway, congrats again. You're almost there :)

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:58 pm
by connorcream
I have found the technology so helpful. I plan my meals at home in my study if my days get quite busy, such as a trip, or now with many guests coming and going. I then load my menus into my iTouch and I know at a glance what I planned for. Otherwise, I have my kitchen set up for success.

In FL, I did have that Key Lime Pie and went to an Asian Buffet. I also needed to make room for those big hits elsewhere.

You can definitely do this. It isn't hard or complicated. I look forward to cheering you on in your success.

Nothing tastes as good as trim feels.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 1:49 pm
by connorcream
NSV (non scale victory)
A high school friend & best man of our wedding is over this weekend. He was one of the key people in my understanding of weight loss. He too found out that eating healthy can make one fat. So about 8-9 months ago he had made an oft hand remark.

A hamburger & fries has 1/2 calories needed for a day for the average person. It resonated deeply in me because 1. I did not know how many calories I needed & 2. How does one figure out what calories are in foods? It really helped that I couldn't fit into my 3 capris, in fact, I had gained so much weight I could not zip them. Enough was enough.

So the first thing he says when seeing me yesterdahy was you have lost weight. I said, indeed I have and it feels great! Thank you for your help in my journey. And as he is a programmer he was interested in the technology aspects that have helped me.

He is also helping DS with my maintanence graphic. However, with tragedy DS is facing via a friend it might be a while before I get it posted.

I don't understand

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 12:16 am
by heyelpea
Hello! I hope you won't take this as a criticism but I don't understand why you are posting on the No S site when it doesn't seem like you are following the No S diet. Do you mind filling me in ? Are you just modifying and, if so, why did you feel the need to do so? I appreciate your response!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:51 am
by connorcream
My personal checkin is one of positive affirmation. Please read the entire thread to understand my actions. If one has disagreement, send a PM.

There are some people on NoS I owe an immense debt of gratitude. Sometimes I post for them. Othertimes I see people making the same mistakes I did, and by sharing my success, they find it helpful. Nos isn't either/or. Many overlap the ability to develop habits with a variety approaches.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:55 am
by connorcream
Down 1# 151.2
As I near my goal my enthusiasm increases. Some slack off, I am more focused than ever. On thing is certain, I don't want a self induced weight stall.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 10:05 pm
by connorcream
Down 1# 150.2

I am in my old embrodiered jeans that fit me when I was younger many years ago. How cool is that. I have had a very challenging eating time these past few weeks and I can say that it is possible for me to lose weight at the same pace while travelling and entertaining if and only if I have a plan. Fitday is nice for long range planning, Nutrition Menu does record meals in advance but the iTouch screen being small is a little bit more cumbersome. LoseIt still does not have future input feature but it does back up all of my data both food, calories, and weight loss. I use all of these modalities in various ways. The 2 apps help to verify calorie counts while Fitday is used for the extremely challening times like now. I really don't need it most of the time.

So how much time does this take, and much at all because I have to plan menus anyway. When I have family members numbering around 15 over, inlaws, close friends, grand baby, I do need to know what is going on in the kitchen. Parties number around 30 most of the time, so again I need to coordinate menus. Adding another question, what can I afford, is a very small addition at this point. One I find extremely freeing. While travelling, it was again very peaceful knowing in advance what I could eat and still be on plan. This will not change when I am in maintanence. Mindful eating is exactly where I want to be for the rest of my life.

It is akin to budgeting. I am quite happy with how DH & I manange our money. Various bankers & tellers have commented on how well we have done. I really like knowing how much we have, how much things cost, and using cash envelopes to keep me on budget for transactions by hand. Mindful spending is exactly where I want to be for the rest of my life.

As I near my goal, I am determined to continue to refine my good habits so as to avoid the dreaded plateau. It could still happen with 5# to go. If it does, I want to be able to honestly say it wasn't because of what I was choosing to put in my mouth.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 10:16 pm
by connorcream
NSV no licking, tasting, slurping up cookie dough batter while baking 12 dozen cookies for tomorrow's graduation party for DS.

CC has brought portion control and accountability to my eating that WW, SB or Nos never did. I could chose between between tasting, cookies, beer, or German Chocolate cake (400cal) tomorrow. I chose the cake and continued weight loss.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:49 pm
by connorcream
149# down 1.2# 4# from goal almost 10# under WW goal weight of 158#

5 yrs since I last saw this weight.

NSV happily sent off several desserts remaining from the weekend parties and family celebrations family. I do not miss the past opportunites for eating. I do enjoy putting on beautiful clothes I haven't been able to think about for years. In fact, I definitely need new clothes. When I make goal, I will treat myself. I have a 3 week trip coming up in July. I hope to be at maintanence then. I will start planning out the meals this month. I cannot control the scale readings. I can control what I put in my mouth and what exercising I do.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:28 pm
by BrightAngel
Good Job !!!Image

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:28 am
by Teemuh
Wow. This is so great. You're doing wonderfully well. Four pounds to go. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:14 am
by connorcream
Teemuh wrote: Four pounds to go. :)
In a strange way I don't want to jinx it though luck has had very little to do with my success. I wonder if all of a sudden I will eat like before, even with clear evidence to the contrary that I find ways out of temptations.

Example, this weekend, among the many foods put out was ranch sour cream dip. I haven't had any of this in forever. I took 3 fritos with dip and felt this uncomfortable pull for more. I did not have the pull for eating the German Chocolate cake which was decadent and I had had a piece. The next day, my young adult kids went tubing and I sent all of the fritos and all of the dip with them. So I have evidence of sufficent strategies in place for temptations and yet there are four pounds still to go. And more importantly, maintanence.

I am hoping time will and success at maintaining will increase my confidence.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:50 pm
by NoSRocks
Connorcream: you are roughly the same height and age as myself and we both share similar goals.

It has been brilliant to read your ongoing progress. Well done and many congratulations!! You have been such an insipration to me on my No S Journey. I hope and pray I can achieve HALF as much success as you have!!

PS: Would you mind posting what you eat on a typical day? Just to give me some idea/guidelines? Particularly for lunch and dinner....I need some ideas!! Many thanks and again, well done!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:42 pm
by connorcream
I will give several different days
6/1/10 regular day at the house no emergencies, contingencies, parties

B (264)
half/half coffee 20 cal
cream cheese 1/2 tbs 51 cal
WW english muffin 134 cal
Mixed melon fruit cup 60 cal

L (297)
Havarati cheese 2oz 243 cal
4 cherry tomatoes 16 cal
7 asparagus spears 23 cal
1/2 red & yellow bell pepper strips 15 cal
Lemon juice squeezed over

D (342)
Stir fry negigible amount of hoisin sauce, spices, fresh ginger, etc...
Pork tenderloin 3 1/2 oz 135 cal
Assorted veggies from garden and frig 38 cal
rice, brown 1/2 cp 109 cal
fresh fruit 1 cup 60 cal
Total 904

5/17 Day at Disney World Crazy Day
B (245)
Egg omelet 1 white, 2 whole eggs 171 cal with pico de gallo prepared in microwave, no oil just spray in bowl, no extra calories
cantaloupe 1 cup 54
half & half 20 cal

L (291)
Sandwich on seven grain bread plus 5 baby carots 291 cal

D (1500)
Chinese Buffet I totaled it up plus looked at a few sites for average calorie counts. Note this this fit on 2 plates one the meal and one the fruit, no sweet desserts (fruit for dessert). And one reason I cringe when I think back to what fit comfortably on my plate and caused me to gain.

Total 2036 cal, 775 over my goal of 1261 at the time (really it is 1200 but using Loseit numbers)

For the entire week I was 1,078 calories under my budget of 1262/day. This changes as weight changes. So this very high calorie meal was offset throught the rest of the 9 day trip. I focus on averages, weekly, monthly.

Party Day for dear son graduation, family in town, 30 guests at open house young adult active fit males needing sustenance
B (269)
Oatmeal & egg white pancakes 158
fresh strawberries 15
half & half 20
syrup maple 1 tbs 52 cal
syrup with splenda 25 cal

German Chocolate cake 250 small piece. Again average of a variety of sites.
Veggies 15

D (385)
2 Green Chicken Enchiladas Mi Tierras 385 cal this is based on average of several counts off the web and has worked very well for me.
lettuce salad with lemon juice
No chips, had them for snack already.

corn chips 20 cal
sour cream 60 cal
cheddar cheese 1 oz 113 cal
melon 1 cup 54 cal
Total 1166 cal

63 cal under for the week with budget of 1229. Note lower number for lower weight.

Since Feb 2010 (not high point just when I started measuring my body) I have lost 8.5" off my chest, waist, hips. Before typing this, I finished 2 mile with resistance bands. I almost always do some exercise daily 1 mile minimum if I have meetings or appointments in the AM. If this is the case, I try to walk a real mile in the neighborhood after dinner with DH. But I do not record any imagined calorie loss from it. I strictly see as exercise as great for my fitness, my muscles feel jiced & limber. My legs are showing some definition. But any help in the calorie burn department is just an extra bonus.

With the exception of the start of the summer, I horse ride weekly. My snoring has completely gone. My sleep is refreshing and continuous. I like to find the exercise room at the hotel and check out my fitness progress at home compared to machines in various locales. Machines inconsistancies are for another thread. I have gone from a size 18 top/16 bottom (last summer) to size 10 according to Land's End. In fact, when I measured myself today, I did not believe the results and remeasured. It is for another thread to discuss clothing sizes. But surely LE hasn't changed their sizing drastically in a year. The $100+ swim suit needs replacing. DH is okay with that:-)

Last night I dreamed about roasting veggies, my new favorite dedication. I am incorporating them more and more. Making sure I always have good, excellent food on hand. Food that tastes great and is great for me long after the tasting has happened. I have set my standards higher.

I also do not buy junk, except for special occasions such as a dinner planning meeting, which we have another one this Friday, brisket, 50 people, others bringing sides. This will be an easy meal to stay on budget. No worries about this one.

Stay tuned for my 3 week trip to the west with the family covering 4,000 miles in July. FL trip was a warmup. But buidling on that success makes me more confident for next month. I also have a quick trip with DS to DC for a wedding. Staying with friends, so another challenge. Thinking of strategies for this.

CC forced me to find foods that had appropriate portions for me and accountability. I will use money as an example again and again. We balance our check book together every 2 weeks when DH gets paid. We see what our expenses are, what our income is, what our hopes, duties, goals are both immediate and long term and plan for them. I then implement this by using cash for hand transactions, debit card for the rest. Some would call this obsessive. The bankers, managers, tellers, and couples in finacial distress tell us differently. One well positioned husband told me one time, I wish my wife did what I did. Calorie counting is as important. It is high time I know what my budget is and to act accordingly.

To the food police whether it is in quantity or type, do not post here. If you have questions PM me.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:00 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again! Just wanted to say a very BIG THANK YOU for taking the time to answer my question. Glad you didn't think I was being too personal/nosey if you know what I mean :lol:

I've been at a plateau for quite some time now so fingers crossed this may give me some ideas/inspiration!

Very best wishes,


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:18 pm
by connorcream
I enjoyed the experience of reviewing my past decisions. I will type up a summary of my journey. I am reviewing what I did and I found this very helpful. A big part of my success was reading low cal/healthy food magazines, visiting sites, and reading posts from successful maintainers and how/what they eat.

What makes me frustrated, and I can say this because I did it too, is subcoming to others for MY health. Listening to erroneous advice and thinking my body wanted to be at a higher weight when all the time it really wantes to be at a healthy weight more than I do. It was designed to be efficient, to need few calories. I ate 884 calories yesterday and I feel great. Every calorie was packed with nutrition, fiber, color, taste. Lemon juice/lime juice on salads taste just as nice as oil ladden ones or low cal. I sometimes splurge and use Newman's if my calorie allotment allows it, but often it is the citrus juice I turn to. Tried tzatziki today, 35 cal for 2 tbs. Delish. Who knew?

My nails are nice and strong, my hair is shiny and thick, my rosacea is a lot better, no more knee pains. I get cold more easily but that is okay in San Antonio in the summer. Never going back to the other way of life. Never going back to mindless, uninterested eating. Food is a pleasure and I want to enjoy it. I like thinking about it. Kale chips, for example, is on my radar.

Off to Bible study in my capris, hanging in the back of my closet. I kept them thinking I would never really fit in them again. I need to go to the store to figure out what size do I fit in these days. I still don't trust a 10 for me but maybe that is just for catalogues. Maybe 10's today are what 14's used to be. Ordered ize 10 swim suit and med shirts. I have more to learn and that is so cool.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:23 am
by connorcream
146.8# down 2.2# since last update in checkin

NSV DH & twin sons are camping with BSA. 18 yr DS recuperating well from wisdom teeth extraction, and 21 DS tired from working on his van. This left DD 8 and myself free for a girls' night out. We have English Country Dancing at nearby Univ. We danced for 2 hrs and last time I went almost 40# ago, I was hot, sweaty, thirsty. Not tonight with DD. I was cool as a cucumber with more agile steps. DD had cookie during break and it was very easy to not want it. I want to reach goal more.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:00 pm
by connorcream
145.6 down 1.2# close to goal and definitely thinking about the maintanence process. I have thought about maintanence from the momet I started this journey in Oct 2009.

I have been devouring the lectures (Dartmouth & UC Berkley) and detailed synopsis of Gary Taubes research. I was already predisposed to this line of thinking because of my own success with SB. Then when DS was diagnosed with auto immune disease (Crohn's). I have read various posts by those with AI finding relief from eating low carb. SIL has problems with cholesterol and gout so this research had bearing on that too. In addition, I have listened to others who have lost enomorous amounts of weight for many years stating emphatically how the white stuff is evil for them.

It also helps that my background is in Applied Physics and DH had similar thoughts to Cold Fusion as Gary did. So his methodology is familiar to me though the topic has not been. However, I am quickly learning.

NSV- shopping for cute clothes, wearing a cute swimsuit, and DH helping me to visualize how my new body looks. I love the energy and restful sleep I enjoy.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:06 pm
by connorcream
NSV My Rosacea has also imprived considerably and I do IPL treatments. It could be another blessing from being trim. Or it could have been my body's reaction to carbs. SIL has severe eczema. She also has a high carb low fat diet and gets bigger and bigger each time I see her. There are too many instances to not really give GT a very serious hearing.

It also helps immensely that I have a food journal to refer back to. I can easily and happily track carbs (processed or not) with the backgraound of calories. There is more to consider but VBS calls. I am in helping with snacks.

Made Goal

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:19 pm
by connorcream

144.2 Down 1.4#
I started calorie counting Oct 6, 2009 at 192#. I hit my second and secret goal weight of 145# on June 18, 2010 eating an average of 950 calories over that time and exercising 1-2 miles/day. I have ridden horses throughout the entire weight loss period but I did not start Walk Away the Pounds (WATP), ellipticals, weights or resistance bands until I had lost 25.8#. Carrying the extra fat was enough exercise for me. I was following these 3 principles of weight loss: 1. Calories are for losing weight; 2. Exercise is for fitness; 3. Food is for nutrition. All three are important for good health but are not interchangeable.

I have successfully lost and maintained weight loss 3 times in the past: 2 times with Weight Watchers (life time member) and once with South Beach. My success with these programs did not teach me as much as my last attempted weight loss failure on NoS. With NoS, I gained 7 # in 18 months. This occurred by not weighing regularly as I had done in the past, not knowing calorie counts, not knowing 3500 cal=1# and most importantly that a calorie is not a calorie. These diet programs or in Nos case a moderate eating program had done the thinking for me. As I found out, it is very easy to over eat with one plate filled with “healthy†food.

After trying on my capris that I could not even zip on Oct. 6, 2009, I had an enough is enough moment never again will I be in this place. I needed to do the thinking for myself which has proven to be critically important. I determined my calorie budget and the corresponding rate goal. I learned what calorie counts there are for various foods. I got my out WW scale out and started using it along with my measuring cups and spoons. I had made the horrific mistake of not weighing myself regularly. I had for years weighed once a week. I succumbed to the idea of just using my clothes as a guide and it turns out there was a lot of room to expand into my clothes especially at the larger sizes. This time it was daily weighing. Not an obsessive but dedicated routine, once in the morning on an accurate and easy to read Tanita scale. So my never to be broken rules for the rest of my life are:

1. Weigh daily when at home

2. Record everything I eat.

This will minimize me living on the isle of denial. I also had to overcome my preconceptions of calorie counters as obsessive celery eaters. CC has shown me another enjoyable way to eat and appreciate food. It doesn't replace the ideas from WW or SB but builds on them. NoS has broken me of my snacking habit which I do like. I would rather have 3 larger meals that 5 smaller ones. This larger meal pattern fits into the way the rest of my fit and trim family eats. NoS also helped me develop a sustainable way of establishing a habit which is also essential to successful maintenance.

Keeping the weight off has been on my mind almost since the beginning of this process. CC has built in portion and accountability. I have also experimented to see if fructose/sucrose (within healthy foods not candy) or grain calories effects my weight loss which I can say without a doubt that they do. The next step is to determine by how much. I continue to fine tune the CC process. In April, I will join the National Registry For Weight Loss.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:58 pm
by andreamuse
Wow, I just read your whole adventure!! What an amazing determination you have! Very inspiring.

I've decided that when the first day of my period is over (tmi, I know, but it's a HUGE part of my weight and hunger issues and not a good time to start anything new), I may take that on myself. I am not mathematical (and I suck at budgets), and I tend to get bored with spending time on these things and give it up. Last summer I counted calories very strictly and yes, lost about 8 pounds in a month, but I was hungry all the time and couldn't stop thinking about when I was allowed to eat next. :( So I'm wondering if the hunger I'm enduring by creating these no snacking habits for me through NoS might help.

Re: Made Goal

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:16 am
by BrightAngel
connorcream wrote:

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:17 am
by connorcream
andreamuse wrote: I was hungry all the time and couldn't stop thinking about when I was allowed to eat next. :( So I'm wondering if the hunger I'm enduring by creating these no snacking habits for me through NoS might help.
It might be worth your time to listen/read Gary Tauber and Dr. Robert Lustig. I am not hungry and I eat delicious food that satisfies me long after I am done chewing. For me, it matters were the calories are coming from. Just because something is whole/clean/natural/good for someone else does not makes it good for me. I have had to limit my whole grain/starch consumption and will add it back in very slowly.

The time I have spent on my health is time very well spent. It is at the top of my list of things to do, just like my money and my family are. I spend a lot of time on my family and money much more than I do on my calorie observations. But with my excellent health, I enjoy those things even more.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:24 am
by Teemuh
Congrats, Connorcream! Well done. Are you tempted to keep losing weight?

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:41 pm
by connorcream
Teemuh wrote:Congrats, Connorcream! Well done. Are you tempted to keep losing weight?
I am presuming your meaning and correct me if wrong but not in the way most mean by that. I want to set a "fence" around my goal which I did not know I wanted to do. For example, I really do not like seeing my fluctutation bounces go above 145, so I am happy to lose to 140 so that the bounce up won't exceed 145. This changes my maintance goals which is also a work in progress.

I am travelling and sociallizing quite a bit over the next 6-8 weeks, visiting family & friends, making accurate observations more challenging, i.e. daily weighing. Calorie counting is independent of activities. I do CC every day. I have elected to not raise my caloric amounts which would come with maintanence and stay at my low calorie/carb levels. I find this to be no hardship, entailing no/little hunger, and freeing in a surprising way. After Aug 9, when things will settle down and I can then determine what I can raise while still maintaining my sleek trim self. I am very much watching how carbs whether processed or complex affect me. I don't need to wait for academic studies to determine how my body reacts to different things. I just need to be very mindful of causality and correlation.

NSV: This weekend, for Father's Day, the family went to nearby state park for a day of tubing in spring fed river. First time I was in a tube since last summer. What a huge difference being lighter and more limber from exercise made. DH was surprised how easily I got in and out of the tube. We both liked the new me in my swimsuit. Too much fun. Went to a wedding Sat. night. What a blast dancing, eating healthy, and seeing the shifting in social dynamics. Summer is more fun being thin:-)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:20 pm
by BrightAngel
connorcream wrote: Calorie counting is independent of activities. I do CC every day.
I have elected to not raise my caloric amounts which would come with maintanence and stay at my low calorie/carb levels.
I find this to be no hardship, entailing no/little hunger, and freeing in a surprising way.
After Aug 9, when things will settle down and I can then determine what I can raise while still maintaining my sleek trim self.

I am very much watching how carbs whether processed or complex affect me.
I don't need to wait for academic studies to determine how my body reacts to different things.
I just need to be very mindful of causality and correlation.
Excellent Plan Image

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:50 am
by Teemuh
Makes sense . Keep us updated as to your status :)

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:16 pm
by connorcream
Copied from another thread. I realized I was veering off topic. I wanted to continue my thoughts. This calorie counting/journaling has been such a help, it is hard to overstate it. A number of people have seen my results and ask me what I have done. Some are having difficulties losing weight, others having an autoimmune response within their bodies in various forms.

After my 3 week trip, I will see what I weigh, determine if any corrective measures are needed, then decide about my sensitivity to grains as well as processed carbs. During the trip I will continue to eat beans on my salads because I like them and there has not been weight stall so far as I can tell. I will also continue to avoid grains- it helps with keeping low calorie counts. Contrary to what I would have thought, I don't get hungry by NOT eating them. My desire for them subsides as well. I have a memory of wanting them but not this intense must eat them.

wosnes wrote:
You can probably diet down to the weight you think is ideal, but it will always be a struggle to maintain it.

Perhaps and perhaps not. I have continued to lose past my goal without hunger, fatigue, or brittle nails. I hit my first goal back in April, second goal in June and with my upcoming travels, I intend to continue on what I have been doing.

One thing I have been studying is how different calories (Gary Taubes) effect me differently. This is where the perhaps not may come into play. The awesome thing about journaling my food, is that I can conduct my own study of one. Do grains encourage my appetite, does fat make me fat, do I feel as full with complex carbs or just protein or fat, etc... Does my cycle play a part in my journey if so when, how, extenuating circumstances?

I was recently travelling to DC, staying with friends, no control over meals at times. I was served processed carbs (note all food was organic, clean, local, yada, yada, yada) both in type & quantity that I hadn't had in a long time. After the mac & cheese (1 cup) my rosacea flared up. In fact, my skin has been under such great control another plus for this new life style of mine. I don't have typical wheat allergie's but this autoimmune response was quite interesting. I had a 1/2 scone the next day without the flare but I did have elevated temps for awhile. Could be my cycle or the carbs. This is where further observation is needed.

As I didn't have much control over the menu, I took the occasion to just watch and see what symptoms would present themselves. It was time well spent.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:49 pm
by BrightAngel
One thing I have been studying is how different calories (Gary Taubes) effect me differently.
Image Please keep us informed as to your findings on this topic.
This is an interest I also currently share.
At present I am experimenting on IF and HOW different food ratios, Image
and lower carb intake effect my body.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:52 am
by connorcream
BrightAngel wrote: This is an interest I also currently share.
I am indebted to you and will happily post. I will be gone for 3 1/2 weeks travelling the West. I have preplanned my meals which is good for me and good for the family. When I have grains, they are in the morning- your pancakes, oatmeal, or kashi go lean which is 3 times a week for breakfast. For the rest of my meals, I have protein, some fat and veggies with fruit for dessert. I also have quit drinking alcohol for the time being.

I have had great success in terms of loss and saiety. It is hard to determine at this point if it is because of the lower calorie counts (easier to hit when not eating processed carbs and now grains). Just because I could eat more fats or meat because I could calorie wise, I find myself not wanting to because I am full. This is why I don't find this method a hardship.

There will be a couple of meals at the family reunion where I may choose to eat them. Same with my twins BD- they turn 14 yr while traveling, and I may eat some cake then. If it turns out to be a constant battle of desire, where once I have a bite I want more (so far this has not occured except with the fritoes and ranch dip) then I would back off of them entirely.

When I return, and I will reintroduce these foods one at a time over a couple of weeks trying my best to distinguish between causality and correlation.

BA- happy thoughts to you and yours.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:36 pm
by connorcream
We have been hiking often over different terrains during our western vacation. DH said I couldn't have done this before losing my weight. I am restricting sides & ordering double veggies or fruit. I am reading Atkins bs Taubes. I am so glad I record all of my food easily. This brings immediate accountability with measuring. Sugar has a pull that I am not sure how I will handle.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:39 pm
by BrightAngel
connorcream wrote:Sugar has a pull that I am not sure how I will handle.
If you are interested,
I posted a reply to this quote on my Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:37 am
by connorcream
I do like Splenda and use it in my coffee & coke. I am sanguine about the health concerns. I have seem these videos and when I get back home in a couple of weeks I will rewatch them.

My unknown is if I can have a small taste rarely and not start to think about the next taste. I don't/haven't binged but that doesn't mean I don't think about it. It will be a cold day in @@@@ before I eat Fritoes & sourcream dip again. I

I also am not weighing while traveling and that is the ultimate judge as to whether food items will return.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:14 pm
by connorcream
I love looking like the rest of DH family. Not the heavy one anymore, family reunion is even more fun. I have been able to hike & eat on plan. Wearing a swimming suit has been a delight. I will post more later. Heading for dinner. Low carbing

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:06 am
by connorcream
DH skinny family asking me my eating and exercise routine in a matter of fact way. Being trim has opened up different conversations with thin people.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:25 pm
by connorcream
140.8 Down 3.4# since the last weight recorded

1. 140 is the number I want to bounce around as it will insure the strict compliance of 145. Still working on my maintanence graphic- first it was DS dealing with a best friend's brother who committed suicide. Then it became what numbers do I want to maintain which has shifted as I arrived. I am enjoying this process of discovery and do not want to rush it.

2. Back from a 3 week family vacation/reunion/ DD 24 BD party. We went to some of the most spectacular sites and locations with attendant food choices. I have read the forum while on the road but with only an iTouch screen was limited in how much I wanted to type. I hiked many miles, over varied terrain and altitudes with my young fit family. This was such a blessing that makes getting the weight off imperative for me. I could never have had the fantastic trip I did carrying around over 50# at every turn.

PSA- get the weight off now, today, in a speedy manner. One never knows how events will turn out the next day. When I started my weight loss journey Oct 6, 2009, I could never have anticipated ALL of the health and attitude help this loss would have initiated or supported directly.

3. While on the trip, I had time to read several times Gary Taubes book, Atkins books, many interviews, lectures, summaries down loeaded. I have been experimenting with carbs>insulin>fat storage(among other things). I recorded everything I recorded easily on my hand held device but wasn't able to weigh daily. I estimated calories at times but eating out every day has a lot of unknowns. Based on my reading, I chose to limit my carbs (which naturally limits calories). With meals, I would sub out starchy side for extra veggie/salad serving for example. This allowed for greater fat consumption. As it turns out, it worked very well for me. No hunger, more energy for hiking or swimming (in my cute bathing suit), and flexibility in ordering at restaurants/lodges/resorts.

4. Now that I am home for a while I will monitor my calories/carbs. I am cognizant of 2 realities- weight gain and cravings. I have some treat meals in mind which I will enjoy but I don't want carb (especially sugar) carvings to start up. When I hit 140 firmly (next day or so) I will try one of these treats.

5. 2 weeks from now DH & I will be managing a very large charity event (10,000+ attendees) staying in a historical hotel for 3 days with a challenging food situation again. I would like an entire month of no events to really have an experiment of reduced carb eating but that may not be realistic and ultimately unnecessary if I continue to maintain happily.

6. Off to my delicious omelet and braised local peaches (family is having muffins). Heading to the river this afternoon with family, again in swimsuit, and not being embarassed or uncomfortable. Some exercise involved, mostly lazing around in the water. I love looking and shopping for clothes.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:35 pm
by connorcream
Canning local peaches for 2 1/2 hours and my back is not hurting.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:37 pm
by connorcream
DH asked when was the last time a weighed this, almost 18 yrs ago Oct 1992, 7 months after the birth of my 4th child. I am shocked at how I got complacent with my higher weight over the years. I might actually like the 130's so I am seeing how this goes. DH said I don't look skinny or anorexic but healthy and fit.

Tonight heading to a movie and Maggianos my first treat meal (140 was my benchmark) since I attained maintenance. It will be a higher carb/calorie meal than is usual so I will be very interested in how my body responds, weight gain, cravings, rosacea flare ups, lethargic, etc... It will definetly not by intuitive, mindless, or wishing for good results. It is planned for just like anything else that is important to me.

I love the new me:-)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:45 am
by clarinetgal
Your weight loss journey is so inspiring to me. I don't have much to lose, only about 5-10 more pounds (tops), but you're one of the ones who has inspired me to give calorie counting another try. So if I understand right, you're also limiting your carbs? I've thought about this (I have MAJOR problems with sugar addiction), but I haven't been 100% sure of how to go about it. For now, I'm not eating any sugary treats or fruit with or after dinner, but I'm not sure what to do beyond that. What is the name of the Gary Taubes book you read?

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:31 pm
by connorcream
Good Calorie Bad Calorie is Gary Taubes well written, well researched book. He also has a number of distinguished lectures on you tube which you might want to preview before buying a 600+page book. Another excellent resource to ponder is Dr. Robert Lustig, pediatric endocronologist at UCSF and coauthor of numerous papers. His lecture Sugar the Bitter Truth is also on youtube.

Dear friend, we each have a freedom that researchers commenting on public health do not have, we can do a study of one on ourselves that costs very little both in terms of time and money using online soft ware to monitor our nutritional consumption. I have unfortunately found that carb calories are processed by my body differently than other types of calories (protein & fat namely). As I have been having a heavy travel schedule as of late, I have not been able to customize my diet as well as I would like to see what level of carbs I can eat without weight gain, hunger, suger cravings, or lethargy. I mgiht need to be cold turkey with the carbs (which I hope is not the case) or it might be closeer to 150 grams a day. I am very mindful of the difference between causality and correlation.

Focusing on one aspect of Nos, I can also say that I have found the desire to snack directly proportional to my carb intake, including rolled oatmeal for breakfast. I have eaten oatmeal, for almost 30 yrs and it might be off my diet. I will need to try after this next week and see for sure. But I ahve found delicious, nutritious, satisfying all morning other alternatives.

NSV: Pursuant to my travel, by focusing on planning and journaling, I have continued to lose and am currently in my fourth month of maintanence. The compliments continue to accrue, especially Friday night at a gala dinner. Friday & Saturday, I was walking all over the AT&T Center. So very glad I was close to 60#s lighter! I am one of the few people who isn't worrying about losing a couple of extra pounds:-)!

And for the record, I too have found that the last thing I want to give up is sugar (which I eat very little of). I will need to determine if I should treat it like cocaine and just give it up or is it possible to enjoy it in very small doses (whatever that might mean for me). Journaling my food will make this process of discovery easier and frankly enjoyable.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:45 pm
by BrightAngel
connorcream wrote:we each have a freedom that researchers commenting on public health do not have,
we can do a study of One on ourselves that costs very little
both in terms of time and money
using online soft ware to monitor our nutritional consumption.
I, also, take advantage of the freedom and ability to be my own "Experiment of One".
connorcream wrote:I am very mindful of the difference between causality and correlation.
A very good thing to watch out for.
It is amazing how few people seem to be aware of this difference.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:32 am
by clarinetgal
Thanks, Connorcream! :D I love the idea of beng a study of one. I will definitely look into the info you gave me. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:12 pm
by connorcream
I weigh in the upper 130's which is so much easier than being fat. Fat is hard. DH gets salt for water softener, 40# bags at a time. I have lost almost 60# with portion control. My poor body, the damage I did to it. Joints, heart, breathing, rosacea, fatigue, poor sleeping, self esteem at times. I am over 4 months on maintanence and will never, ever go back to ignorance.

Nothing in my life that is important to me I wing it. I am methodical and planning with my family(education/schools,neighborhoods, doctors, activities, friends, meals, vacations, etc...), my money (balance checkbook, no debt, use cash, budget expenses, insurance, estate planning, investing, constantly reading to improve my knowledge base), or my faith walk (I don't randomly go into any Church hoping to find something suitable).

My health is my tiptop priority and it deserves the same level of intelligent, thooughtful, planning and study. In fact the time it takes to record my eating is less than the above mentioned interests. Food has to not only taste good but be good for me long after I have finished eating. And how will I know what that might mean for me without monitoring my intake both in quantity (calories-portion control) and type (carbs, fiber, protien, fat). I have found many intersting things about my body and what would be considered healthy for one (grains in particular) must be severely limited for me and I have no allergies to gluten. How much I must curtail don't know yet but oatmeal is off the table except in BA's pancakes once per week on Sunday when the family has their pancakes or waffles. Gratis for the recipe.

Copied from Bright Angel's checkin. I am spending my time at other forums. If one wants to know where that is pm me and I will send the info. However, when BA posts, it is always worth a careful read.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 5:12 pm
by connorcream
Insight I want to reference easily.

The only insight I can offer is that our bodies are the sole authorities on what our maintenance calories are. Regardless of past experience, what calculators tell us, or what works for other people, the only information that matters is what our bodies tell us. If we're gaining weight, then we know we're in a calorie surplus. If we're losing weight, we know we're in a calorie deficit. And if our weight is staying the same, then we know we're in calorie equilibrium. If we listen to what our bodies are telling us about our calorie intake, then we know everything necessary for weight loss and maintenance.

I'd caution you not to draw any conclusions on only two weeks of data, but it's possible that your body is telling you that your calorie needs at this weight and point in your life are less than what you thought. Silver is right that there are so many variables that go into metabolism and calorie needs -- apparently there are more than 400 hormones that control weight and appetite! -- that science has yet to untangle. Our maintenance calories may not be logical or what they used to be, but -- our bodies make it pretty clear to us what they are.

And my experience is like Silver's that my calorie needs are a lot less as I get older. Even though I've worked hard to maintain the same muscle mass as I did nine years ago when I lost the weight, my maintenance calories are several hundred less than they were at first (I'm 55 now). There must be some wonderful, magical hormone that kicks in when we get older that lets us survive on nothing but air!

My suggestion is to keep tracking calories as religiously as possible, keep track of your weight, and reassess in another two weeks or so. If your weight continues to go up at 2000-2100 calories, then you have your answer (as frustrating though it may be!)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:05 pm
by connorcream
From a maintainer whom I admire. I wanted to put this in my thread for easy reference.

I knew the only way this weight loss thing would *work*, permanently that is, would be if I could find something that I could stick with LONGTERM, forever in fact, because not only do I want to lose the weight, but I want to keep it off - forever. It simply won't *work* if you dont' stick with it. Consistiency, consistiency, consistiency. STICKING with it is of course the key. Lifestyle change. Creating a new normal. No going back to the old ways. Permanent, sustainable lifetime changes.

But never mind being able to stick with something, I think the most important factor is finding/developing something that one is WILLING to stick with. Because at some point one has to be WILLING to change their routine and adhere to a sensible plan.

Things I needed/still need to be on my plan:

- I could never, ever be hungry. Just not for me. I despise that feeling and need to AVOID it all costs. It would only set me up for failure.
- I need LOTS of food, volume that is.
- I love food, always will and need to get enjoyment from it. So eating delicious, very tasty, satisfying foods was a MUST.
- I am terrible with portion control. I have no boundaries. My intuitive eating button is totally broken or just missing completely. So I need to fake it. I need something that forces me to set limits.

So therefore, let's see if I can do this with one breath - I eat frequently, every 2 hours or so, choosing low calorie/high volume items (veggies), lots of protein and fiber (to keep me full longer), I count calories (forced portion control/accountability), I eat foods with high nutritional values, I've found foods that I LOVE, not *diet* foods per se, food that any one and every one can eat.

I also set myself up for success. By ridding my home of the junk (very crucial in the beginning, and still is). I got rid of the sugar, the rice, pasta, bread, cookies, cakes, ice cream, etc... Sure I love the stuff, but I have no control with it. I figured I can not have it both ways. I simply can not have those foods in my life (very strict with it especially in the beginning, cold turkey in fact) and be that healthy, fit person I so longed to be. I have no control over them and realized I was just better off without them.

I keep my home fully stocked with tons and tons of veggies. I discovered fabulous ways to prepare them and now enjoy them more then the other garbage I was eating prior. Amazing how ones tastes change when you stop feeding it junk. Fruits and low fat proteins are my other main foods. I cook fabulous meals that my whole family enjoys. So finding yummy recipes that you like is essential. No reason to go off plan, when on plan is so good.

I also prepare ahead, as it is the ONLY way to succeed, IMO. Eating healthy does not happen by accident. Therefore it MUST, MUST be planned out in advance. I know what I'm having for my meals and snacks days in advance. I pack food with me, taking it with me wherever I go, leaving nothing to chance. It's just THAT important.

I drink lots of water. It's something to do with my mouth; a delaying tactic and it keeps my tummy full. I also drink hot tea and 20 calorie hot chocolate.

And of course, there is the calorie counting. Would be nowhere without it. Nowhere. Since I don't know how to set limits for myself, counting calories is my answer. Counting and tracking my calories keeps me honest and keeps my food in check. It is built in accountability and forced portion control.

Exercise has now become part of my life and is a big part of "my plan". I started out slowly and built up. Cardio & strength training. I make sure there is some kind of daily movement going on, 7 days a week.

Probably the biggest part of my plan though, was making a commitment. Deciding once and for all that I was going to "do this". I told myself enough is enough. I realized, once and for all that I didn't have to be fat if I didn't want to be. That it was something that I did indeed have total and complete control over. No reason on earth for me to waste another second of my life being miserable, worrying about my health and not living up to my full potential. Not being the very best ME that I could be. So I made a commitment to good eating and good health.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:17 pm
by BrightAngel
Excellent Post. Image
Shows great insight about personal requirements for continued individual success.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:53 am
by clarinetgal
That IS a good post. It's so true that you need to find something that works for you, and that you can willingly stick with for the rest of your life.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:42 pm
by connorcream
Read and thought this tied into Bright Angel's post beautifully:

An obesity researcher once explained to me that when fat cells empty out (the fat is burned for energy), sometimes the cells fill up with water. The net result is no change on the scales and we get frustrated because we think nothing is happening. When, in fact, wonderful things can be happening in our bodies -- losing fat, gaining muscle -- that don't show up on the scale right away since stupid scales measures everything in our bodies, not just fat.

Then the water decides it's time to leave, we spent the day and night running to the bathroom, and then we have a big whoosh on the scale the next day. What we're seeing is the result of weeks of dedication and hard work -- it just shows up all at once.

Considering that 60% of our body weight is water, it's no wonder that the scale messes with our heads!