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Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:15 pm
by sophiasapientia
Hi Karen -- I hope that tonight is better and that you (and your DS) are able to get some rest! Those "nights-up-with-kid(s)" are rough :P ....

Your goals for your first month sound very sane and kind and important. It sounds like you are right on target and the fact that you are feeling better about yourself is terrific. 8)

Have a nice time with your friend!

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:04 pm
by KareBear
Thanks so much Sophia. Being tired is not my strong suite and yet, when you have kids, it seems like you are ALWAYS tired for one reason or another. This week, so far has gone well. I have found places to exercise the last two days, knowing my nights were going to be busy and I needed to get it in.

Eating wise, things are going well. I ended up going out to Mexican food with my girl friend last night. The chips and salsa are my fav and I let myself have what I wanted as I knew that by the time dinner came, I would not over eat, which is what happened. I boxed up left overs for the hubby but after looking at what I ate, I know I did not have more than one plate. And I was not stuffed, but felt just right.

Even though my weight has not changed, I feel good and I feel really GREAT about the habits I am starting to form and I really LOVE the freedom from obsessing about food. My life is still pretty stressful, kids, job, husbands job...yadda yadda yadda. But I really am trying to learn not to turn to food for comfort and NO S really helps with that.

One day, I would like to try for the 21 day club but I again, I want to wait until I feel like I have this down. Have a great day all my friends.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:34 pm
by Pangelsue2
You sound much more grounded than before. Keep up the good self talk.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:08 pm
by gk
stubby1234 wrote:Even though my weight has not changed, I feel good and I feel really GREAT about the habits I am starting to form and I really LOVE the freedom from obsessing about food. My life is still pretty stressful, kids, job, husbands job...yadda yadda yadda. But I really am trying to learn not to turn to food for comfort and NO S really helps with that.
Through my experiences I've had in my short time with No S (since 11/10), I've found that when I'm doing well on the diet I feel more grateful for the healthy habits and lack of obsessing about food than I do from any weight loss I've ever had. It's as if the weight loss starts out as the main goal in the beginning and then almost takes a backseat to all the other benefits you gain. Funny, how I KNOW that is true, but I still struggle to keep on track! We'll get there.... :D

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:02 pm
by KareBear
I really appreciate all the kind words and encouragement. :)

Although, yesterday I had a FAIL. I was not off the hook with my mistake, but I think I just started to feel very overwhelmed by my life right now and kinda out of control....and a few pieces of licorice here and a bite size butterfinger there...

Brush off and move on right? Was not a total binge. Mostly because I don't have much in the house and THATS A GOOD THING.

Today feels better and I am back on track. Started thinking that I would love lose like 10 pounds before Vegas next month. Realize that it's not very realistic and then decided that I look just fine the way I am. I'm gonna keep the pace I have and focus on habit!

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:57 pm
by KareBear
Yesterday was good. I stayed on track and today has been good to. However, I do feel bad about not exercising more this week. I have so not been in the mood! I may go for a walk tonight, well see.

All in all, it's been a good week. I only had one day that was off track and like I said, I did not manage to "wreck the car" too badly. Just a little fender bender. The last two days I've been driving just fine.

I am looking forward to my weekend. I'm gonna sleep in. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:44 pm
by kccc
stubby1234 wrote: I'm gonna keep the pace I have and focus on habit!
You go! :)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:58 am
by Pangelsue2
Sounds like you have an on track weekend. Congratulations.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:48 pm
by KareBear
Thanks guys!! I feel like I am doing A LOT better with the eating. I only had one fail last week and my weekend was pretty mild. Sunday was a little snacky but, it was all social situations (not me in front of the TV with a pint of ice cream). I was thinking of trying to exercise more this week, but so far it has not happened. If I don't wake up early, it does not happen and so far I have not wanted to wake up @ 5 am to go run.

Yesterday was a success. I did not eat dinner until 7 as I could not figure out what I wanted. Nothing really sounded good. So I had cereal. I know that my last meal is usually my lightest. I don't really like to eat a heavy meal at night. Tonight is going to be a crazy night as we have Middle School Graduation. Once the kids are out of school, things should settle down a bit.

Have not lost any weight, but have not gained any that is a win.
Have a great day everyone!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:52 pm
by Pangelsue2
Great attitude. Hope your summer is relaxing and fun.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:32 pm
by KareBear
Hi Pangelsue2! Not sure about the relaxing part, but it will be easier with the kids home. A little less stress anyway. Of course, now they will be bored :).

It happened again today. I brought my lunch to work, some potatoes and Wheat Thins (weird combo huh?). Anyway, heated up my potatoes as that was the bulk of my meal. Took a few bites and realized that I did not want them. So I ate my wheat thins telling myself that I could eat something later if I got hungry. Did not get hungry. Dinner time: Had to eat on the go, and grabbed Taco Bell for the kids but it did not sound good to me so I did not eat. Got home about 7:30 and now I'm hungry but still, nothing sounds good. Had a banana and some milk.

I am wondering if the habit is getting more in place and therefor, I don't feel I have to eat at a lot of every meal if I'm not hungry????? Don't know. Went for a nice run this morning @ 5 am. Been up since 3 am, don't really like not being able to sleep but at least I got some exercise in.

Have a great day everyone!!!! :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:46 pm
by KareBear
It's excited. Looking back over my very green week, and feeling pretty good. I would have liked to exercise more, but I did what I could and I have been fighting sleep depirvation.

Last night I got home and had to run my boys to and fro. Got home and made dinner, which was Beef Enchiladas. But I don't really like them so I had cereal and some chips. Then, I just bought some frozen cookie dough for a fund raiser and my son wanted some so I made 6 cookies and did not have one. I was very happy with myself b/c I really wanted one. I looked at them, touched and smelled them and then put it down. It's like the voice in my head that sounds like the Taco Bell dog...."DROP THE COOKIE"

Got up early and went for a run. Having lunch with a friend at Taco Bell. Will be my normal, 2 tacos and some chips. Don't know about dinner yet and I have a softball game tonight @ 9:00 pm plus I am running in the morning with my hubby. Definately getting my exercise in the last part of the week. This weekend I am looking forward to sleeping in (I hope) and hanging out with friends on Saturday night.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:35 pm
by KareBear
It's already Wednesday! So far my week has been GREEN in regards to No S but I have not been able to work in any exercise. It seems like if I wait until I get home from work and then running the kids around, I'm so exhausted, I just want to get in my jammies. So today, I am going to try to run during my lunch hour and see how that goes. I can at least do 30 minutes a day that way. I just don't like getting all sweaty and then having to go back to work. But I want to try it at least.

Anyway, like I said, my eating has been on track. I actually had something besides cereal last night for dinner. Okay, it was pancakes but, still. I have lost about 2 pounds and for me that is pretty good. I don't mind going slow as long as I am not gaining :) :D

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:31 am
by KareBear
There are two parts to me. The one that is doing really good being nice to myself and the one who sabotages myself. This week has been rough, job wise and kids wise. I feel powerless and I feel PMS'd all in the same week. When I look back at my fails, they are not very bad but I feel like a slacker.

I am marking and moving on. Next week will be better...maybe less stressful? Hope so. Just needed to vent. I love No S and will do nothing other. I just seem to get in my own way most of the time. My husband says I'm adorable....I want to feel that way about me to :)