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Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:35 pm
by thtrchic
Wednesday, SUCCESS!

It was really a struggle today. I was originally thinking that I was somehow just so much more hungry today. I felt like that all day. But after thinking more, I think boredom and procrastination had a lot to do with it. I just wasn't feeling like doing much of what needed doing at work today so was wasting a lot of time and I think food just kept getting in my head. I was definitely feeling hungry, but I think the difficulty was more psychological. Anyway, I beat it and carry on successfully for another day.

B - cereal with milk and banana
L - leftover spinach pesto lasagna, piece of italian bread, peach
D - (in the works) chevre "stuffed" chicken breast with spinach basil salad in a pretty light mustard vinaigrette, grapes (if im not too full after the non-fruit part)

I really feel like adding a starch to the dinner, but know I don't need it and had more than enough of that earlier in the day so I'm not. And I know I'll be fine with that once I'm done eating.

I should take a walk tonight, but it's really hot out and that's making me lazy so I might not. We'll see.


EDIT -- my apartment is just too hot to bake chicken. I've put together the impromptu dinner plan of a bagel, 1/2 with the fancy goat cheese and 1/2 with butter, few olives, few dates.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:26 am
by thtrchic
Thursday, SUCCESS. Somehow I'm not in an exclamation point kinda mood despite being happy about the success.

B- grape nuts with milk
L - (out with work people) 1/2 turkey club sandwich and 1/2 butter lettuce salad, few "home" baked chips
D - banana, smallish, lean cheeseburger, 1 sweet potato fry

I had planned to do weights this morning and didn't. I guess I still could. And should. Ok, I will. 15 minutes. I can do it. And did about 6800 steps.


Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:02 pm
by thtrchic
I've had what I think is an important realization today. I pretty much always "virtual plate" my lunch. This started from the very real issue of tending to not have enough uninterrupted time to just eat everything. My job just isn't like that. But I'm suddenly realizing that it's slid into eating more (much more?) food than I would if it was all together and almost allowing for snacks. Because I eat it separately most days I don't just eat enough to be full. I eat enough to be close to full a few times. Now realized, I see this is very dangerous. I also sometimes have meals that involve eating nuts or chips. This portion is one that's commonly eaten on its own and I see how very, very close this is to snacking all of a sudden.

I suspect the next week or two is going to be much harder for me while I (re)learn to really follow one plate at lunch, but hopefully it'll make the difference. At the very least, I'll know what I'm doing so can really assess how it's working.


Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:41 am
by thtrchic
Friday, SUCCESS!

B - cereal with milk and sliced banana
L - 9 pieces of maki roll and about a pint of raspberries
D - (out) 1/2 a large, lean corned beef sandwich on rye with mustard, french fries with ketchup, pickle, coffee with cream and sugar

Got a good amount of walking in today. Should be about 10000 steps for the day. I've created a goal of 50,000 for the week. I'll have to do a lot tomorrow to make that happen, but that's what I'll do.


Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:22 am
by thtrchic
Saturday, S-DAY.

B - cereal with milk and 1/2 banana
L - 1/2 corned beef sandwich, tortilla chips, handful of candy corn
S - scoop of vanilla ice cream with some whipped cream
D - (at a party) garlic sausage on a roll, a few chips, a few bites of tortellini salad, mini chocolate croissant, small piece of lightly frosted birthday cake, small piece of apple cake, 1 pumpkin beer

Definitely to much sugar today, but none of it in a perma-snack kind of way or in large quantity for each item so I don't feel too bad.

Got in 10,500 steps. 5500 to do tomorrow to make the goal for the week. That'll actually probably be sort of hard -- I'm going to the gym to get on the bike, will sit and watch a run through at the theatre, and its supposed to be raining all afternoon. But I'd really like to make the goal (50K steps for the week plus 2 non-walking based gym workouts) so I'll push for it.


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:36 am
by thtrchic
Sunday, S-DAY.

I'm not feeling that great today. But I've gotten through the base things I had to do to set the week up as needed. I didn't do any exercise.

B - oatmeal with a little butter and sugar plus a couple tablespoons of chopped nuts (I pulled the serving size down from 3/4 cup dry to 1/2 cup dry)
S - about 10 M&Ms (at work from the bag I always want to eat, but don't during the week)
L - a sort of italian julienne salad (the kind of salad that's not actually healthy) from the salad bar at an italian deli -- lettuce mix, large garlicky olives, marinated mushrooms and artichokes, yummy croutons, creamy dressing, cannoli
D - (kind of a mess because I don't seem to like/want anything in particular tonight) a couple bites of pupusa before I decided I hate them, some blue corn tortilla chips, 1/2 banana, few club crackers

I'm considering going to walgreens to get a ginger ale so I might end up drinking that tonight too.

I've made tomato soup that's basically just tomatoes and chicken stock to be the base of 4 lunches this week (tomorrow is out for a work thing) and oatmeal that'll be the base of 3 breakfasts. I'll just have to make dinners, which are all planned out and shopped for.


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:31 am
by thtrchic
Monday, SUCCESS!

B - grape nuts with milk
L - (out) grilled catfish "po-boy", garlic fries, piece of bread with oil and vinegar
D - greek yogurt with honey, apple with almond butter

About 9000 steps so a good day. I've determined my baseline to be about 4500-6000 steps a day depending upon general activity at work. I'm actually surprised by this. I thought I was walking more. Guess it's good I'm finding out. The next step is upping it. 50000 steps a week is the current goal, which is a little more than 7000 a day. I ended just shy of that last week (by a few hundred steps). Doesn't sound like that much compared to so many others here, but its what it is and I can only start where I am.


Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:58 am
by thtrchic
Tuesday, SUCCESS!

B - pumpernickel bagel with butter, banana
L - tomato soup (broth, tomatoes, onions, spices so very light), piece of french bread, about an ounce of cheddar cheese, apple
D - chevre stuffed baked chicken breast, grapes

Lunch might have been a little too light as I was REALLY hungry by about 4 to the point of having a hard time concentrating. It really wasn't very much soup since it was such a light soup. I think I need to either have a little more or have something a little heavier. For the rest of this week, I'm going to turn my 3 remaining servings into 2, which I think'll work better and still be plenty reasonable.

Yoga this morning (45/180). And I'm going back to counting minutes to a minimum of 3 hours along with the steps goal (14000/50000).

EDIT -- 20+ minutes after finishing dinner was still feeling quite hungry so I decided to have a glass of milk. I'm feeling much better now and looking at it see that even with the milk, I'm under 1400 calories for the day so seems reasonable that I "needed" it.


Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:35 am
by thtrchic

Ugh, it all just fell apart today. It was a product of PMS and a chaotic day, which are things that will frequently happen so I need to learn to deal with this better.

In fact, tomorrow will be at least as crazy so I need to learn fast.

For my memory and the record....

B- oatmeal with nuts (the smaller portion size), 1/2 banana
L, part 1 - piece of french bread, about an ounce of cheddar cheese
S - handful of plain m&ms
L, part 2 - piece of mushroom pizza
S - piece of red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting (it was quite good, but very sweet)
S - bunch of wheat thins
S - vanilla ice cream with hot fudge

I'm still hungry, but really should just stop. Especially because the idea of fruit or vegetables is not appealing, which means I don't really need anything. When I'm truly needing food, I'm fine with those options.

I did do 6000 steps today so am off to a good start for the week on that front.


I got interrupted halfway through lunch and never ate my soup or apple and I think that's a lot of what went wrong.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:24 am
by thtrchic
Thursday, SUCCESS.

This morning I really felt like just giving up entirely and forgetting this attempt to lose weight. It seemed like it just didn't matter and I'm not getting anywhere anyway. But I talked myself into keeping at it because I know it does matter.

B - oatmeal with nuts (smaller portion), 1/2 banana
L - tomato soup (larger portion), french bread, piece of cheddar cheese, pear
D - baked chicken breast with chevre, piece of french bread with butter, grapes

I'd really like dessert now, but I'm not having any. It's Thursday. I don't eat sweets on Thursday. That's what I keep reminding myself at least. I'm not sure what's going on with me exactly -- other than the ideas I suggested yesterday which are still true today. And maybe all the sugar in my system gnawing at me.

It was another good walking day -- about 8000 steps -- so that's good.



Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:30 pm
by tobiasmom
I totally get it! This journey takes time. It's annoying, actually! Why can't we just lose it all NOW?! ha. I think it's very normal to question why we're doing this....but deep inside you know. Something caused you to start this. You've gotta hang on to it and finish the journey! I am speaking to myself when I'm saying this too. I've been on every diet known to man and weigh more now than when I started 15 years ago!

Let's do this!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:46 pm
by thtrchic
Thanks! It's so true. And so helpful to hear another person say it.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:07 am
by thtrchic
I'm very disappointed in myself. I did a stupid thing and let myself eat a snickers bar because it could work calorie-wise. It did, but dumb.

I'm going to get the specific calories back out of my head and re-focus on vanilla No-S. Next will be a challenging one with lots of meetings and gatherings that'll have food. And then a friend visiting from Thursday-Tuesday. But I have to be strong. I know I can do it and I know I'll feel better when I do.

Did about 5500 steps and am going to do 15 minutes of weights/strength training now.

Meals are planned for tomorrow through next Friday. I'll get groceries tomorrow to make it happen.


Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:45 pm
by thtrchic
Saturday, S-DAY and doing well.

B - oatmeal with nuts, 1/2 banana
L - 1/2 a frozen digiorno pizza, apple
D - cornbread, salad
S (planned) - boston creme doughnut

I'll have at least 10,500 steps and maybe 11,000 steps today. I've also done 2 loads of laundry, scrubbed the stove, and washed a bunch of dishes. Tomorrow is the bathroom and floors plus the remaining 5-6000 steps (at least) to make the week's goal.


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:17 am
by thtrchic
Sunday, S-DAY. Wow, what was it carb-filled. I guess that shouldn't be a surprise given my love for all of them.

B - piece of cornbread, banana
L - 1/2 of frozen digiorno pizza, few bites of carrot cake
S - the rest of the heavily frosted slice of carrot cake
S - cornbread

6000 steps, which brings me to my weekly goal of 50,000. I went to Ikea and wandered around to get them in because it was way too rainy to go outside. I don't think I would have done it if it wasn't for the pedometer and step goal and was glad to get out of the house so am glad to have it. I also cleaned the bathroom, made soup for this week's lunches, and washed all the dishes.



Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:27 pm
by tobiasmom
I just ordered a pedometer. I'm hoping it will make me get out and walk more. I have no idea how many steps I walk now. Is 50,000 a week a good goal, you think? I know that's how much you do. I guess I should get a baseline and then add on. Is that what you did?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:22 pm
by thtrchic
I did start with a baseline. I was actually surprised to discover how little I was walking. I was doing about 5000-6000 steps a day most days so went for 50000/week to start, which is just over 7000 a day on average. This was only week 2. The first week I slightly missed goal, this week I just hit it. I'm to keep working at it at this number for a little while until it's a little easier for me to hit and then up it some. I figure I'll keep up that pattern til Im at something like 70K or 80K a week.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:46 am
by thtrchic
Monday, SUCCESS.

B - cereal with milk and 1/2 banana
L - cream of mushroom soup (it's a heavier soup, but still didn't seem like very much), french bread, cheddar cheese, pear
D - carrots, pretzels, and crackers with hummus, piece of french bread, 12 oz latte (slightly after the food)

About 8700 steps. Good start to the week on that front.


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:04 am
by thtrchic
Tuesday, SUCCESS!

It turns out I actually did 9500 steps yesterday so even better. Yay! Yoga this morning and about 7000 steps today. I didn't get home until about 11 last night. I'm not sure I've ever actually gotten up for exercise after getting home at that kind of time. I'm pleased that I did it.

B - cornbread, banana
L - cream of mushroom soup (filled with lots of mushrooms -- for 4 servings I used 5 cups of mushrooms), french bread, cheddar cheese, super tasty honey crisp apple
D - baked cheeseburger (no bun), baked scalloped potatoes, few grapes


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:06 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday, SUCCESS!

Its amazing how ingrained bad habits are in me. Every day mid-afternoon I want a sweet snack. Regardless of how full I am. I can usually resist it these days, but it still hits me.

B - cereal and milk with 1/2 banana
L - about 1.5 cups of scalloped potatoes, strawberries, apple
D - (planned) leftover cheeseburger sans bun, piece of french bread (making up for the bun :) ), grapes

It's been another day of walking to meetings. Looks like it'll be 8000 for the day.

Tomorrow I am getting a friend from the airport and then we're having dinner. We definitely won't eat until 8:30 and it might be 9. I think I'm simply going to have to have a small pre-dinner meal around 6 and then a smaller "regular" dinner at 9. I'll focus on disallowing snack food for that time. I hadn't planned with that pre-dinner will be because I didn't originally realize dinner would be so late, but I'll figure something out.


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:50 pm
by thtrchic
I did my "official" end of October weigh-in today since I think the next few days might be a little out of the ordinary with my friend visiting.

I lost 1.6 pounds for the month. This is a little more than September (1.2). Also down 2 inches for the month combined across hips, waist, chest, and thigh. So I'm definitely going in the right direction, just very slowly.


Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:58 pm
by thtrchic
Yesterday had somewhat limited S's, although not the healthiest food.

B- belgium waffle with powdered sugar and 5 pieces of dim sum at the farmers market
L - hot dog and fries with ketchup at the corn maze
S - 3 bites of caramel coated puffed corn on the drive home
D - about 1/2 plate of chicken nachos, mango-strawberry-pineapple smoothie (non-yogurty kind) out at a mexican restaurant
S - 3 pieces of halloween candy while watching a movie

We also walked for about 2.5 hours through a very muddy corn maze, and for a little while in the morning through the neighborhood and farmers market. About 20000 steps for the day. Did about 10000 on Friday so have already passed the weekly goal. Obviously Saturday was a abnormally high day.


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:02 pm
by thtrchic
Sunday was a pretty miscellaneous day. Meals weren't really observed, nearly entirely because of social stuff happening. Yay Sunday.

What I ate: banana, 1/2 of a wonderful french pastry, breakfast sandwich of eggs, bacon, avocado, lettuce on croissant, baked home fries, nibbling of appetizer-y food like mushroom caps, mini spring roll, cheese, 1 small cookie, small glass of sparkling lemonade, small amount of unbuttered movie popcorn, bunch of halloween candy (I actually didn't keep count, but probably close to 10 pieces).

It seems like I pulled a muscle in my back slipping around in the mud at the corn maze the other day. It's really hurting a lot right now, but I have a big day of walking ahead of me. I'm really hoping that doesn't make it even worse.


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:21 pm
by thtrchic
Monday, SUCCESS. A good start to a new month.

B - grape nuts with milk and sliced banana
L - clam chowder in a bread bowl (of which I ate some) and a crab cake
D - bunch of bread and baked garlic, tempura lobster and greens salad

Lunch and dinner were both out. We were being touristy in SF and for part of the afternoon walking around fisherman's wharf where there was talk of ice cream or crepe getting, but I didn't and am glad for that. It was less hard to resist than I would have thought.

Walked a ton -- about 15000 steps. But the battery on my pedometer is dying and it's going in and out. It's the one that came with it and I guess was pretty shot when I got it. I need to replace that ASAP.


Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:54 pm
by thtrchic
Tuesday, SUCCESS. Sort of.

B - cereal with milk
L - biscuit, pretzel and cheese combos (from a gas station -- this was really the only place we could find food near where we were)
D - 2 pieces of thin crust mushroom olive pizza, lightly dressed caesar salad, 1 small thin crispy breadstick

My pedometer's still being wonky, but more walking than an average day as I helped my friend look at apartments.

My back/shoulder/neck is still hurting, but starting to get better. I skipped yoga because of it yesterday, but am hoping I might be able to make it up later in the week.


Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 2:39 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday and Friday were failures. Yesterday was opening of the show so NWS. But a slightly over the top one.

I feel gross. Although I also noticed good habits peaking through at various moments. And I'm very much looking forward to starting clean on Monday.

There were a few things that tripped me up this week. I had a friend in town for the beginning of the week, it was a busy week at work, and most importantly I never made a meal plan or even bought groceries this week (because of the houseguest) so wasn't at all prepared. The last part is the part that can't happen again. November is a very, very busy month for me with trips out of town, that same friend moving to town, moving apartments, and the thanksgiving holiday, but I need to at least make a plan and do my very best to follow it.

I do have the meal plan done for the weekend and next week, although there's a couple small holes in the weekend plan. And groceries are bought for next week so I'm ready to do it right.


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 12:40 am
by thtrchic
Saturday - S-DAY.

B - cereal with milk
L - half a medium-ish very thin frozen cheese pizza
S - halloween candy
D - the other half of the pizza
S - more halloween candy

The candy has now been removed from the house. It was 7 or 8 pieces total today so not total disaster, but way too much. It was surprisingly hard to give away, but I feel much better now that it's gone.

I might still have some fruit tonight, but I'll wait and see if I actually get hungry again or not.

I'm moving next week so today has been a lot of packing, plus laundry and shopping so a lot of movement over all, but not technical exercise.


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:55 pm
by thtrchic
Sunday - S-DAY.

I got some bad family news today and I literally thought -- "I should eat something nice. That'll make me feel better." It turns out I'm more of an emotional eater than I had realized. It's funny that I thought that because at the same time my appetite was knocked right out. But still I felt like it. But since I saw that was the reason to eat, I didn't despite it being an S-Day.

B - homemade banana pancakes with real maple syrup
L - about 1/2 of a chipotle chicken burrito bowl with chips
S - about 1/2 cup of cut-up fruit
D - the other half of the burrito bowl and chips
S (planned) - honey cinnamon frozen custard with hot fudge

Still packing, but it's been a quieter day. Back to pedometer life tomorrow.


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:57 am
by thtrchic
Monday, SUCCESS.

B - cereal with milk and 1/2 banana
L - smallish bagel with cheddar cheese, raisins, chips
D - largish broiled turkey burger with cheddar and bbq sauce (no bread), blackberries

About 5000 steps.


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:52 am
by thtrchic
Tuesday, SUCCESS!

B - smallish bagel with butter, banana
L - largish broiled turkey burger with cheddar and bbq sauce (no bread), apple, fruit leather, few potato chips
D - small salad of greens, craisins, walnuts, little bit of cheddar, and poppyseed dressing, 8 club crackers, 2 dates

Yoga this morning and about 6000 steps.


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:10 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday, SUCCESS!

I'm suddenly using a one step smaller belt hole. At least with the pants I'm wearing today. That was kind of exciting this morning. :)

B - grape nuts with milk and 1/2 banana
L - 1/2 turkey sandwich on sourdough, bag of potato chips, 3 dates
D - the other half of the turkey sandwich, handful of mixed nuts, apple, small skim latte (somewhat before the rest of the meal)

So far only about 4000 steps, but I'm going to take a walk shortly and try to get to 7000. I think I can do that with just a little pushing.


Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:29 am
by thtrchic
Thursday, SUCCESS. Albeit a somewhat high calorie success.

B - cereal with milk and 1/2 banana
L - (out) noodles with olive oil and prawns, raisins
D - (ordered in, kitchen is largely packed) - pepperoni and olive pizza

Ended up with only 6500 steps yesterday. A fatal flaw in my plan was that the place I was near where I could walk wasn't actually that safe so my walking was cut short. 6000 steps today. Gonna have to find time to do a bunch of walking this weekend in the midst of final packing and my board retreat.


Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:55 am
by thtrchic
Doing ok with the S days we're in the middle of. I'm also in the middle of packing and moving, which is making cooking and eating non-restaurant food hard. I officially move tomorrow and will spend the couple days after that finishing up at the old apartment so I don't think it's going to get much easier this week. I'll need to figure it at least partially out. Then the following week I'm going to my dad's for a week, which will also be very hard. I'm trying to just focus on following the basic tenets of No-S and hope that can carry me through.

Walked 10,000 steps yesterday and today. Ate one cookie too many yesterday so that I felt a little gross.

I have a plan for breakfast tomorrow, but not lunch or dinner because I don't know how the day will go time-wise. I'll have to figure that out as I go and spend at least a little time tomorrow night to make a plan for the few days after that. I guess at least I know it'll be 3 meals and no sweets or snacks.


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:35 pm
by thtrchic
So, yesterday was a fail. On the upside, I did do 9000 steps so that's good.

B - banana, 1/2 bottle big cran juice, large scone (banana eaten separately from the rest)
S - chewy granola bar
L - subway 6" turkey sandwich
S - 2 danish butter cookies
D - large piece of garlic and olive focaccia bread, handful of chocolate chips

There's nothing I can do, but try again today so that's what I'll do. The lack of an unpacked kitchen and real groceries is making this much harder, but clearly I could have avoided the cookies and chocolate chips at least.

Onward and downward! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:25 pm
by thtrchic
Yesterday was a success. Dinner was sketchy, but eaten at once so I guess fine.

I spent 3 straight hours cleaning the apartment I was moving out of and bringing the last of my things to the car. It was definitely a workout. With that I did 9500 steps for the day.

B - bagel with cream cheese, little bit of cranberry juice
L - turkey on bagel sandwich, sunchips, raisins
D - crackers (quickly bought at walgreens when I had to run across the street for more cleaning supplies)


Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:14 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday - SUCCESS.

At least it included a piece of fruit today. I did have a cup of coffee with cream and sugar late afternoon. Not ideal, but still lets me call it a success. Given the hard day, week, and month, I'm totally fine with that.

B - bagel with cream cheese
L - eel maki roll, 6 oz of greek yogurt, banana
D - 1/2 frozen pepperoni pizza

Did about 5500 steps today.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:59 am
by thtrchic
The last couple of days did not go well No-S-wise. I really just let myself give up on it temporarily, which isnt ideal, but I think helpful for my overall mental health in that short term way.

Today has been a very mild S day. Probably because I've had plenty of sweets the last two days.

B - 2 pieces leftover thin crust frozen pizza, banana
L/S - samosa at the farmers market
S - cheese danish from the farmers market
D - (out with a friend) nachos, half a chicken burrito

I've done well on walking this week and am at about 45000 for the week right now. Getting in the last 5000 tomorrow should be fine.

I'll be on vacation all next week. I'm still figuring out the plan for S days and events. I'm not vacationing or doing much to celebrate Christmas so December should be able to be pretty normal unlike the craziness that has been November.


Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:57 am
by thtrchic
It was an S Day of chocolate and leftovers. I got in about 6000 steps so just over the goal for the week.

B - oatmeal with peanut butter and honey (made a few days ago, so also a leftover :) )
L - 1/2 leftover cheeseburger
S - a really yummy brownie from a local bakery
S - about a dozen wheat thins with some fancy (and yummy) salami from the farmers market
D - 1/2 leftover chicken burrito
S - peanut m&ms


Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:09 pm
by thtrchic
Well, I'm back from vacation. It was very S filled, although I really do think less than in years past. I'll be officially back on track tomorrow. I've just made a meal plan for the rest of the week and will head out in a bit to get the groceries needed to make that work. I'm looking forward to getting back to it and filling myself with healthy non-S things.

I'll be back to check in with my first December success tomorrow. :)


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:58 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday, SUCCESS!!

B- large bowl of cereal with milk
L - about a cup of general tsao's chicken with about a cup of white rice, small cup of egg drop like soup, dried pears and peaches
D - macaroni with tuna and cream of potato soup

About 7000 steps (17000/50000 for the week) and lots of water.


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:35 am
by thtrchic
Thursday, SUCCESS!

Yay! :)

B - cereal with milk, small banana
L - peanut butter and all fruit sandwich, veggie chips (the potato chip kind), apple
D - baked eggplant parmesan, soft breadstick

5500 steps (22500/50000), good on water and vitamins.


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:59 pm
by thtrchic
Friday, SUCCESS!

Someone brought donuts to work from a fancy donut place. Its even in honor of the holiday so so could have been justified as ok. But I'd already decided I wasn't doing any NWS's for Chanukah and I stuck to that. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.

B - cereal with milk
L - eggplant parm, soft breadstick, small banana, small apple
D (planned) - roast chicken, latkes with applesauce, (and possibly bread if it looks good enough and there's room on the plate)

I don't think I'll end up with much more than 6000 steps today, which means I have a lot of weekend walking to do. Better get my raincoat out. :)


Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:40 am
by thtrchic
Ended up also having green salad with mustard vinaigrette dressing with dinner. It was a very full plate, but a plate. And no dessert!

I also ended up doing 9500 steps so am at 32000/50000. Still need a pretty good amount each day this weekend, but not so crazy now.

I'm feeling quite good about my strong start to December. I'm determined to be diligent this month and have even shared that plan with a friend, which might help keep me honest.


Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:01 am
by thtrchic
Saturday, S-DAY. A very in control one.

B - grape nuts with milk and banana
L - leftover latkes with sour cream, applesauce
S - lightly chocolate frosted yeast donut
S - 2 dozen pistachio nuts
D - 2 mini bacon cheeseburgers with bbq sauce, handful of veggie chips, frozen grapes

8000 steps today (40000/50000). I'm planning a morning walk tomorrow to help take care of a good chunk of that needed 10000. Hopefully it won't be raining.


Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:20 am
by thtrchic
Sunday, S-Day. With one too many ice cream sandwiches and a not real dinner.

B - oatmeal with little butter, sugar, and slivered almonds
L - grilled italian sausage on bun, last 2 latkes with sour cream, applesauce, 2 bites of fudge
S - ice cream sandwich
S - another ice cream sandwich (the "wrong" part of the day)
D - pistachio nuts, various bread based appetizer-y foods at the closing (of the play) party, 2 bites of cookie at the party

I only did 6000 steps today so didn't make the goal for the week (46000/50000). I have lots of excuses including pouring rain and getting called into work for a bit this afternoon and then having to be there again tonight for closing. But really I could have found a way and just wanted to lay around instead.

Meals planned and groceries bought for the week. And I have yoga at home in the morning planned as well.


Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:54 pm
by thtrchic
Monday, SUCCESS.

There were two different cookie options being passed around work today, but I ignored them all.

B - oatmeal with butter, sugar, slivered almonds
L - 2/3 of a bbq boneless skinless chicken breast, soft breadstick, pear
D (planned) - leftover grilled sausage on bun, greek yogurt with sliced banana, few veggie chips

Did 30 minutes of yoga this morning. It felt really good.

EDIT -- Also did about 7000 steps today (7000/50000).


Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:29 am
by thtrchic
Tuesday, SUCCESS!

B - cereal with milk
L - part of a chicken breast on a roll, veggie chips, pear
D - leftover grilled sausage on a bun, greek yogurt, banana

I decided to start the Couch to 5K program and went out this morning for day 1. With that, I'm at 10000 steps for the day (17000/50000). My knees are hurting, but I think it'll be ok. I'm feeling good to be doing it. We'll see what happens with a little more time.

Yoga again tomorrow morning.


Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:44 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday, SUCCESS!

Yay! :)

B - cereal with milk
L - peanut butter and all fruit sandwich, veggie chips, small banana
D - smoked mozzarella and artichoke ravioli with mushrooms in alfredo sauce, soft breadstick, clementine like orange

Ended up skipping the yoga this morning. I was pretty sore and decided I was better off letting my body rest for the day so I can go out strong tomorrow. Called it exempt. And only did 4000 steps today -- it's been a pretty still day. That's 20500/50000.


Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:01 am
by thtrchic
Thursday, SUCCESS!

Even with an interrupted schedule and minor change in plans. :)

B - oatmeal with butter, sugar, slivered almonds
L - (on the way home from a doctor's appointment) burger king cheeseburger, small fries
D - leftover ravioli, breadstick, orange

Did day 2 of Couch to 5K this morning. Looks like 11000 steps for the day (31500/50000). My knees are a little sore, but generally I feel great about this.


Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:20 am
by thtrchic
Friday, SUCCESS!

Yay for a perfect week!

B - skim latte, apple
L - (out with a colleague) gecko gecko "virgin" pad thai, fresh spring roll
D - (with a friend) plate full of bread, cheese, salami, olives, artichokes, carrots, grapes

The friend bought apple pie, which she tells me is amazing. I didn't have any. I'll have some tomorrow and enjoy it so much more than if I'd had it today. In fact, I really didn't even want it today. I wanted to stay "vanilla."

About 7500 steps (39000/50000) without even really trying; I'm not quite sure how that even happened, but my body tells me the number is right.


Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:35 am
by thtrchic
Saturday, S-DAY. Indulgent, but contained and reasonable.

B - oatmeal with butter, sugar, almonds
L - plate of bread, cheese, salami, olives, carrots; small slice of apple pie
S - about a glass worth of wine at wine tasting
D - (out) few bite size pork dumplings, pan fried noodles with shrimp and broccoli, 1.5 pork mu shu pancakes
S - small dish of ice cream with chocolate sauce

About 7500 steps (46500/50000). Day 3 of C25K tomorrow.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:57 am
by thtrchic
Sunday, S-DAY. More reckless, but there's no such thing as failure on an S-DAY.

B - little bit of leftover oatmeal, banana
L - plate of meat, cheese, bread, olives, carrots; rich and moist bakery brownie
D - about a plateful of miscellaneous sweet and savory food at a theatre event
S - ice cream with a bit of chocolate sauce

Didn't do my walk/run. I think I should change the plan so I don't have to on Sundays. About 5500 steps so did beat my weekly step goal.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:02 pm
by thtrchic
Ugh, I ended up also having some cheese and crackers last night. Wasn't the best idea, but luckily you can't fail on a Sunday. And I still wasn't in a state of feeling sick, which is likely where I would have gotten myself in the past.

Ready for a solid Monday!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:52 am
by thtrchic
Monday, SUCCESS!

Didn't eat anything at the work related holiday party I was at from 5:30-6:30. I was really hungry and it looked really good, but it was the kind of thing where I could only politely have a tiny bit and I knew that wouldn't be enough for real dinner. I also knew if I ate then I wasn't "allowed" to eat again so I just skipped it. And I'm feeling great about it!

B - cereal with milk
L - homemade moroccan veggie soup (carrot, parnsip and pumpkin puree simmered with veggie broth) with a spoonful of sour cream, piece of cornbread, grapes
D - 2 mini cheeseburgers, baked fries, satsuma orange

About 5000 steps. Will do some weights in a bit.


Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:01 am
by thtrchic
Tuesday, SUCCESS!

I really didn't like this soup I made yesterday and just couldn't convince myself to eat it again for lunch so I ended up buying out. I was on my way to get hummus and pita when I suddenly decided to get pizza from this little place I love. It fits within the rules so is ok that way, but isn't really that sustaining so was kind of stupid. But I did it and made myself just live with the consequences, which actually wasn't really that hard. All the talk on other people's threads about commitment was in my head and really helped me focus on doing as I said I would. I'm very glad for that.

B - hot grape nuts with a bit of honey
L - 2 pieces very thin mushroom pizza, apple
D - baked potato with butter, sour cream, and manchego cheese, few olives, grapes

Didnt move around much today. My knee is really bugging me. Only about 4500 steps (9500/50000).


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:20 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday, SUCCESS!

We got a gift of a popcorn tin at the theatre today. I packed a little baggie of some cheese and caramel to keep for the weekend and left the rest alone. Perfect solution for not feeling deprived while not snacking during the week.

B - cereal with milk
L - almond butter and all fruit sandwich, veggie chips
D - lightly breaded pork chop, carrots, grapes, piece of homemade corn bread (the kind with real corn in it)

It turns out that I have to have a root canal. They're doing it in two parts. Part one is next Tuesday. I'm really not looking forward to it. I'm also not sure what it'll do to my ability to eat as normal in the days following it.

Did 7500 steps today (17000/50000) and will do some upper body weights after dinner settles.


Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:31 am
by thtrchic
Thursday, SUCCESS!

I came home tired after a long day of work and a traffic filled drive home, with my tooth hurting, and PMS and just wanted to sit and eat ice cream. But I didn't. And I'm proud of myself for sticking with it. All of those things would have still been true if I had ice cream for dinner -- I just would have also felt bad for doing the wrong thing and been slightly fatter. Instead I'm feeling strong and slightly thinner.

B - cereal with milk
L - this little frozen pot pie like thing with butternut squash, fontina cheese, and carmelized onions, apple
D - boca burger with manchego cheese on a bun, veggie chips, grapes

About 6000 steps (23000/50000).


Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 12:54 pm
by kccc
Go Julie!!!! :)

How wise of you to recognize that food wouldn't change the "stuff" that was bothering you (and would, in fact, only add to unhappiness).

This should go on the "accomplishments" thread (can't remember the exact name) on the general board.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:59 am
by thtrchic
Thanks for the encouragement, KCCC! Im glad to be making better choices for sure!

Friday, SUCCESS!

It's been hard again today. Everything bothering me yesterday is still bothering me today. Plus we have an event at the theatre tonight that involves cookies and egg nog. But I haven't given up today and I won't tonight either. I did get a skim latte right after lunch (which I didn't quite finish because chewing was hurting). I really wanted a peppermint mocha, but clearly that's an S. It wasn't exactly with lunch, but was right after so I decided it was ok especially because there wasn't any sugar added.

B - oatmeal with teaspoons of butter and sugar and a tablespoon of slivered almonds
L - half a lightly breaded porkchop, piece of homemade cornbread, carrots (yeah, not the best idea with a sore mouth, but what I had available), the slightly post-lunch skim latte
D - microwaved spinach and feta pie, apple (again, its what I have -- I'll be focusing on bananas next week :) )

I'm guessing I'll be at 7000 steps for the day (30000/50000).

I'm glad tomorrow is Saturday for so many reasons -- mostly so that I can rest, but a little so that I can have chocolate. :)


Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:07 am
by thtrchic
Saturday, S-DAY. Doing ok.

B - oatmeal like yesterday
L - 1/2 of a homemade 12"ish pizza -- whole wheat crust with a LOT of fresh mushrooms, olives, and fresh mozzarella
S - chocolate frosted old fashioned donut from a little, local donut shop picked up while on a walk this morning
S - about 2 cups of a mix of cheese and caramel corn (this is what I brought home from the tin I got at work during the week)
D - last of the mozzarella and manchego cheese, large handful of wheat thins, handful of pistachio nuts, 2 handfuls of grapes

About 9500 steps (39500/50000). Have kind of a lot to do tomorrow to hit my mark, but its do-able.

I'm left somewhat hungry after dinner. I'm planning on just pushing through, though. I woke up very hungry too, but made myself wait til 8:15 to eat breakfast because I knew otherwise I'd sabotage the day by constantly being hungry before it was time to eat. I was pretty happy with myself for that decision and the strength to carry it out. I know I can do it again tonight -- I've already had 2 snacks today and really don't need another.


Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:41 am
by thtrchic
Sunday, S-DAY. Solid.

B - hot grape nuts with milk and honey
L - rest of the pizza from yesterday
S - a rich, wonderful, warmed bakery brownie with a large scoop of great mint chocolate chip ice cream -- this was quite indulgent, but very good and very satisfying
D - 1/2 acorn squash baked with butter and brown sugar, few ounces of grilled strip steak

I didn't end up eating any fruit today, but I have to say I'm pretty surprised that my S-day meals have included 2 servings of veggies. Of course, they were covered in butter or cheese, but still I'm pleased thta happened.

So far I've done 8500 steps today, but I will get the last 2000 in. 1000 of that will be easy, the other 1000 will be harder, but Ill get it done so I'll be at 50000/50000 for the week.


Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:45 am
by thtrchic
I got my steps in!

But also just had some more ice cream. Based on a combination of feeling hungry and feeling the "I have to do it now while I still can" thing. Not an ideal finish to the day, but its Sunday and there was no perma-snacking thing so all is still well.


Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:15 am
by thtrchic
Monday, SUCCESS!

B - cereal with milk and 1/2 banana
L - piece of spinach mushroom quiche, bunch of raisins
D - grilled sausage on bun, chips, grapes, 1/2 banana

About 6500 steps.


Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:51 am
by thtrchic
Tuesday, SUCCESS. My mouth and jaw hurt too much for dental work for me to be enthusiastic.

B - cereal with milk and 1/2 banana
L - sausage on roll, veggie chips, apple cider (100% fruit, no added sugar, from farmers market)
D - bowl of malt-o-meal (so far I've only eaten about half because opening my mouth to get the spoon in really hurts, but I'm pretty hungry so I'll probably finish it)

Only about 4500 steps (11000/50000).


Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:56 am
by thtrchic
I also just realize that this is Day 21 of my success. My commitment is to the month (with the 23rd and 31st being NWS days), but still 21 days is a known accomplishment around here and I'm glad to hit it.


Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:37 pm
by thtrchic
Looks like I'm going to have to allow a small modification today based on my very sore mouth/jaw post-root canal -- I can eat whenever I can manage to do it. Eating at all hurts quite a bit so I can't take much at a time. But I also need to eat more than that little bit overall. So, still no sweets or snacks for sure, but actual food eaten whenever I can handle it is ok and can still constitute a success for the day.


Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:40 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday - SUCCESS!

Thanks to the power of vicodin I can be more enthusiastic today. I decided mid-afternoon to call the doctor and let her know how much I was hurting and see what she could do. And what she could do was prescribe me stronger drugs. I've now taken one and am feeling much better. Somewhat sore, but not excruciatingly so. Phew.

Clearly some habits are sinking in because even after giving myself permission to eat whenever I want, I really didn't want to eat outside of meal time. It just felt wrong and actually unappealing. I do want ice cream now, but not as much as I want to change myself and (right now, for today at least) can just not do it without much effort.

B - (in two portions, separated by about 45 minutes) bowl of malt-o-meal
L - large mixed berry smoothie
D - bunch of mashed potatoes, mid-size amount of mac and cheese, 1/2 banana chopped into tiny pieces

About 7500 steps (18500/50000). Not doing that great on water, but will get in at least 10 cups and maybe 12 so still in the realm of ok. Also no vitamins today because they're chewy and I can't chew.

Tomorrow is our office holiday party, which is a long set NWS day for me. I'm not sure what, if anything, I'll be able to eat so that issue might be moot.

EDIT -- I had half a piece of toast about 8pm when feeling quick nauseous from the medicine. I definitely don't this constitutes a failure because it truly was for the sake of not feeling sick, but I guess its a NWS. I'm quite pleased with how I did with difficult circumstances, though, so think I'm going to leave it as green on my habitcal.


Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:22 am
by thtrchic
Thursday - S-DAY (NWS declared before the month started in honor of office holiday party)

B - yogurt with 1/2 banana
L - 3 small squares of artichoke casserole thing, small scoop of corn souffle, several black olives, carbonated sweetened juice drink, piece of chocolate mousse cake
D - meatballs in bbq sauce, mac and cheese, part of a chocolate parfait

I really didn't need the sweet with dinner and am kind of annoyed with myself for doing it. On the bright side, I maintained the 3 meal structure without any trouble, drank more water today, and am getting back on actual food, albeit soft food. And, perhaps even better, in past years, I'm certain I would have had cookies and cake at lunch and more cookies mid-afternoon. And I definitely would have finished the parfait even though I was definitely full.

6000 steps (24500/50000).


Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:37 pm
by kccc
thtrchic wrote:EDIT -- I had half a piece of toast about 8pm when feeling quick nauseous from the medicine. I definitely don't this constitutes a failure because it truly was for the sake of not feeling sick, but I guess its a NWS. I'm quite pleased with how I did with difficult circumstances, though, so think I'm going to leave it as green on my habitcal.
Sick days are S-days - you have to have what you need to get well. (They're generally not over-the-top, just because of circumstances!)

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:35 pm
by thtrchic
Thanks for the validation, KCCC. It's helpful to have someone else remind me what's ok and what's not. It's easy to fool myself sometimes.

Like today, actually. It's really hard to remember that this is an N Day. I have no plans with others until AFTER dinner tonight so have no honest need to take the holiday food-wise. But for whatever reason I really want to anyway. Perhaps because I had sweets yesterday my body is in "give me more" mode. But my mind is stronger and I can do this, so I will.


Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:36 am
by thtrchic
Friday, FAILURE. :(

I'm disappointed in myself. I had a cookie after dinner -- microwaved to be soft enough for me to eat.

Positives: I just had the one cookie, I didn't go on to have any snacks at the movie, I am not allowing a post-movie snack despite feeling hungry and having already failed. And I walked 9500 steps today, including hills and pushing myself to keep going (34000/50000).

B - cream of rice cereal
L - small piece of spinach and mushroom quiche, baked fries with ketchup, small thing of greek yogurt with honey and chopped banana
D - pork and cabbage potstickers, chocolate chip cookie

Really could have been much worse, but still I should and could have done better. Moving forward now since that's all I can do....


Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:48 pm
by thtrchic
Saturday was definitely an S Day. Still, though, I'm definitely noticing a difference in how much I eat even when "un-tethered."

B - christmas cookies (and I felt gross for starting the day with sugar)
L - 2 egg omelet with cheese and bacon, piece of buttered toast, small orange
S - licorice, junior mints, and few nachos at the movies
D - pan fried noodles and fried scallops at chinese restaurant
S - glass of wine, frosted christmas cookie (both at a party)

6500 steps, which is actually kind of impressive considering I also saw 3 movies yesterday so sat a whole lot. That's 40,500/50000. Which means 9500 today. It's expected to be pouring so not the easiest endeavor, but I simply will do it whatever way I have to.


Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:46 am
by thtrchic
Sunday, S-DAY. I tried to keep it especially in control after so many days of snacks and sweets. Didn't eat particularly healthy things and have had WAY too much sodium in the last four days, but didn't just sit around and snack or have excessive sweet so I feel ok about it.

B - matzo brei
L - leftover chinese pan fried noodles
S - small dish of nice mint chocolate chip ice cream
D - frozen pizza

At 7500 steps now. It's going to be really hard to get past 8500 since its still raining, but Im sure I can march in place in my living room for a a while and push all the way to 9500 and make the goal for the week.


Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:16 am
by thtrchic
Monday, SUCCESS! I so want after dinner sweets, but I'm not. I'm feeling pretty gross after 4 days of S'ing and am focusing on that and the desire to feel and look better.

B - cream of rice
L - salad of lettuce, spinach, carrots, beets, cabbage, olives, feta cheese, lite honey mustard dressing, 3/4 of whole wheat roll
D - penne with meat sauce (from ground turkey) and a sprinkling of parmesan cheese, the rest of the roll, satsuma orange

I've decided to change my exercise rules and now focus on daily minimums rather than weekly. The new rule is 7000 per weekday. There's no weekend rule and instead will let life lead me. I'm also going to do 15 minutes of some kind of strength training each weekday in the spirit of shovelglove. I'm only at 5500 so far today so have a little work to do tonight.


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:39 am
by thtrchic
Tuesday, SUCCESS!

B - hot grape nuts with brown sugar
L - (out with a colleague) plate half filled with greek salad, the other half with hummus, pita, and a couple falafel
D - large bowl of cereal with a banana

I had planned leftover pasta with fruit for dinner, but really wanted cereal and figured it wouldn't hurt anything for me to go ahead and do that. It wasn't really the the most filling dinner in the world, but I liked it and will be fine for the night.

At about 6500 steps so will be fine getting to 7000 for the day. I did hit that yesterday and the planned 9500 on Sunday, by the way. Will also spend 15 minutes on strength training stuff tonight once dinner settles.


Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:53 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday, SUCCESS!

B - cereal with milk and banana
L - last of pan fried noodles, yogurt, small handful of almonds
D - cream of mushroom soup, soft breadstick, grapes

Just under 10000 steps (yay!). About to do my 15 of free weights.


Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:47 am
by thtrchic
Thursday, FAILURE. I deserve to feel just as lousy as I do. On the upside, I am (finally) cutting myself off even though I could totally eat something else.

A day of 4 small meals and way too much candy. I guess, thinking about it right now like that, it sure could have been a lot worse. And this time last year was. It was really way too much candy, though. Especially since any is too much in itself.

Tomorrow is a holiday S Day and then we'll bet back to "normal" from there.



Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:48 am
by thtrchic
Oh, I did do about 7500 steps so success there. I'm pleased about that at least.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:16 am
by thtrchic
Yesterday was a NWS Day. It was excessive, but not too wild given the holiday.

B - hot grape nuts
L - baked potato with butter, sour cream, cheese
S - ice cream
S - some bites of chocolate pre-dinner
D (eaten slightly spread out) roast chicken, latkes with applesauce, homemade mac and cheese, salad with avocado, olives, artichokes, mixed veggies and mustard vinaigrette, fairly large piece of homemade chocolate cake, glass of milk, glass of champagne, pint of beer

Today, also an S-DAY. Much less excessive. It feels good to be back to a more structured meal pattern.

B - cereal with milk
L - mini cheese and olive pizza
S - about a dozen pieces of licorice
D - crab rangoon and pork potstickers with sweet and sour dipping sauce, mango

I haven't worn my pedometer yesterday or today, but have moved a pretty good amount today. I'd estimate about 8000 steps, which, at least so far, means my "just move on the weekends without worrying about a count" plan is working. Of course its only one day so hard to say really. :)


Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:41 am
by thtrchic
Sunday, S-DAY.

B - homemade banana buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup (real bananas, real maple syrup), bacon
L - leftover latkes with sour cream, most of a mango
S - peppermint sandwich cookies (the trader joe's ones I LOVE)
D - chicken nachos, few bites ice cream

Took a nice 50 minute walk. Planned meals for the week, bought groceries and am ready to get back to it.

Plan for January remains Vanilla No-S. I am committed for the month. I use that word consciously and look forward to keeping this commitment to myself because I deserve that.

It went so-so in December. The first half of the month was really strong. The second half had 2 failures and 2 NWS days. The failures were failure events rather than days (as KCCC says :) ), which is a vast improvement. I'd give myself a B for the month I think.


Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:16 am
by thtrchic
Monday, SUCCESS!

B - smaller bowl of steel cut oatmeal
L - tuna fish on whole wheat pita, chips, cubed pineapple
D - spinach ricotta ravioli with portabello mushrooms, olive oil and parmesan cheese, salad of greens, artichoke, avocado, olives in mustard vinaigrette

Still have to make up an extra 1000 steps and lift some weights --- will do all that after dinner.


Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:28 am
by oolala53
I was just browsing through your posts. Sounds like you are feeling good, basically, about No S. I wondered if you ever weigh yourself or feel you've lost size, or if that was even your intent. I see you also count steps and aim at 15 minutes of resistance work, I assume. Are you just going for sane health, or was weight loss one of your hopes?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:31 am
by thtrchic
Hey, oolala. Weight loss is a primary goal, but I haven't lost much. A few pounds, which is definitely something, but I have a good deal to go. I don't think it'll ever be very speedy the way I'm doing it, but I do see a visible difference in that speed when I'm stringing together success days rather than failures. I'm hoping that I can eventually largely eliminate those failures and keep the weight loss a little more steady at 2-3 pounds per month. I know that would seem way too slow for many people, but I'd be entirely happy with that.

I'm also hoping to be healthier and stronger, and less crazed about food. I am seeing definite improvement in the crazed about food department.


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:13 am
by thtrchic
Tuesday, SUCCESS!

Dinner did not quite fit the plan and I am now quite hungry. But I'm pushing through because I've made this commitment to myself.

B - steel cut oats
L - leftover salad from last night, about an ounce of havarti cheese, piece of bread, pineapple
D - banana, small assortment of chips, olives, cashews at a theatre event -- usually there is some meat and fish and bread rather than chips at these things so I thought it would work better than it did

Did my 14 minutes of resistance training (lower body today). Still have another 1000 steps to get in. 7000 each day is turning out to be much harder than an average of 7000 per day per week. But I'm doing it and will keep at it for now.


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:14 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday, SUCCESS!

B - cereal with milk
L - smallish salami and havarti sandwich, chips, raisins, yogurt with raspberry
D - last of the leftover latkes, homemade applesauce, small glass of milk

I'm really, really tired, but still have another 1000 steps and my strength training in. I'm going to push hard to accomplish it.

EDIT -- exercise complete! yay! I'm feeling very proud of myself because I was incredibly close to just letting it go today. yay!


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:57 pm
by oolala53
Julie, I think your goals sound smart. If I had averaged even 2 lbs. a month for the whole year I've been doing No S, I'd be 6 lbs. thinner than I am now! But I do feel the changes I've made are permanent, and I am pretty happy with my N days, though I still have failures. I'm trying to draw energy from your steps and resistance work!

Good job, by the way.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:08 pm
by thtrchic
Thanks, oolala! I find it really helpful to watch your great work too!

Sadly, yesterday was a failure. I had 3 chips ahoy like cookies in the afternoon. I had a lunch out with colleagues that didn't involve any fruits or veggies (there literally weren't any available). I should have virtual plated a piece of fruit when I came back. I think that would have made a big difference. So, lesson learned I guess. And now I just need to stop beating myself up and move on. I did have a real accomplishment last night in not just eating dessert. I was very close with the thought that since I already failed what difference did it make. But then realized that it (obviously) still made a difference to my body and real progress and stopped myself. So ended on a good note at least.

B - cereal with milk
L - (out with colleagues) large piece of very thin fresh mushroom and sausage pizza
S - cookies
D - (out, on a date ;) ) 3/4 of a prawn quesadilla, 2 chips

Also didn't make my exercise goal. All I can do now is try harder today I guess. I'm having the second part of my root canal this afternoon so there's some chance that I wont make exercise again due to pain. Hopefully it won't be anywhere near as bad as last time and that won't be an issue.


Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:29 pm
by NoelFigart
OF course, don't beat yourself up.

Also, you might want to consider that meals don't ALL have to have specific things in them to make them meals. Skipping the fruit or veggies for ONE meal (Say, if a pasta dish is served and there's no accompanying salad) and just putting the food that's available on the plate is okay. No, that's not how you eat all the time (who would?) but it's okay for one single meal and is still within the rules.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:53 pm
by oolala53
I know what you mean about feeling that something is missing from a meal. I just like to have something crunchy and fresh-crisp at lunch and dinner. but it is true sometimes you have to do without or make-do. I would say adding the fruit when you got back would be acceptable, if you don't want to skip it. to tell the truth, I think not letting it be the reason to go ahead and eat more is almost the bigger victory. Long-time weight loss maintainers say it is as much of a key skill to both loss and maintaining as following a plan in the first place.

One more day.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:33 pm
by thtrchic
Thanks, guys. I really appreciate the support. I am feeling good about stopping with the one incident. I think that's an area I've really made good progress on in the last few months and, as you point out oolala, really makes a huge difference in the ongoing battle.

It wasn't so much that I felt I was doing something wrong without fruit or veggies, its that having some would have kept me less hungry and more able to manage the not eating of cookies. Plus the sweetness of fruit makes a huge difference for me with that too. Clearly, I wouldn't have died without more to eat, but I think adding the fruit is a tactic that helps keep me on track in a reasonable way.


Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:10 am
by thtrchic
Friday, SUCCESS. Had the second half of my root canal today. Getting on better drugs more quickly this time so hopefully won't be so bad, but I'm not feeling great right now.

B - cereal with milk
L - butternut squash and fontina pocket pie thing, mandarin
D - piece of buttered rye toast (while my mouth is still numb), oatmeal

Only did about 4500 steps, but calling it exempt for today. I just can't march around my apartment to do the rest tonight.


Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:36 pm
by oolala53
In case you're interested, or perhaps you already know, Leslie Sansone has a huge series of videos called Walk Away the Pounds. Some walkers swear by her to supplement or replace outside walking in inclement weather, etc. But you are doing great! I'm sure you'll be over your root canal soon. I've had several. I can tell you from experience, the alternative is worse.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:22 am
by thtrchic
Thanks for the reminder of those, oolala. I used to use them years ago, but had forgotten about them.

I ended up rather sick from the vicodin last night, but my mouth is quickly improving.

B - banana, piece of banana chocolate chip bread
L - (out, with friends) some bread with olive oil, small dressed green salad, 1/2 large sausage and mushroom calzone
S - small handful of ghiradelli chocolate pieces
D - crackers, baked brie, more of the salad from lunch

I also had 2 bottles of gatorade throughout the day to help cure last night's woes.

I forgot to put my pedometer on today, but walked around an outdoor mall with my friends for a couple of hours today.


Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:44 am
by thtrchic
Sunday, S- DAY. A moderately extreme one.

B - homemade banana pancakes (frozen last week) with maple syrup, bacon
L - homemade turkey burger with cheese (no bun), homemade applesauce, chocolate pudding
S - doughnut, movie popcorn (having both was kind of over the top, although the amount of popcorn was definitely limited so that's something)
D - leftover mushroom and sausage calzone
S - something small and chocolate to be determined (it's that time of the month where I SO want chocolate and sunday so I continue to give in)

I walked about 45 minutes plus spent some time cleaning the apartment. And, in vaguely related news, I'm feeling so much better.


Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:24 am
by thtrchic
Monday, SUCCESS!

B - steel cut oats
L - piece of homemade (by my friend) chicken pot pie, banana
D - leftover turkey cheeseburger, large handful of baked chips, 3 dates

Will get to 7000 steps and do a little upper body work in a bit.


Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:05 am
by thtrchic
Tuesday, SUCCESS! Albeit high in sodium I'm realizing now.

B - cereal with milk
L - 2 slices rye bread with butter and havarti cheese, small handful almonds, mandarin, baked chips
D - whole wheat fettuccine with alfredo sauce, 4 dates

8000 steps (walked this morning before work).


Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:40 am
by thtrchic
Wednesday, SUCCESS!

B - hot grape nuts with banana
L - leftover fettuccine alfredo, almonds, mandarin
D - (out with a friend) shrimp quesadilla, chips and salsa

Did 20 minutes strength training before work and about 7000 steps. Yay for me! :)


Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:15 am
by thtrchic
Thursday, SUCCESS!

B - greek yogurt with honey and sliced banana, piece of buttered rye toast
L- salami and havarti on rye, baked chips, bunch of raisins with a few almonds
D - butternut squash pocket/pie thing, 2 dates, small latte

There's no way I'm getting my steps in today and took today off of weights work. I'm at 4000 steps now, will probably get to 5000, and won't be home til 10:30-11 tonight when doing another 2000 just isn't in the cards. But its been a solid week, I'll make it happen tomorrow, and both weekend days already have built in walking planned so I'll still end strong. And that's the best I can do so that's what it'll have to be.


Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:31 am
by thtrchic
Friday, SUCCESS!! Yay for a full week of successes!

B - cereal with milk
L - salami and havarti on rye, baked chips, 5 dates
D - the last of the leftover fettuccine alfredo, soft breadstick, frozen grapes

I'm so looking forward to getting some fresh fruits and veggies at the farmers market tomorrow. Funny how much I would have liked a salad tonight.

Did 20 minutes of weights this morning and am at 7500 steps right now. I did get to 5500 yesterday, which means I was 1500 short. I'm going to make that up today. It means I have to push myself tonight, but its doable and I look forward to this being a practically perfect week.


Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:42 am
by thtrchic
Saturday, S-DAY. Indulgent, but controlled.

Accomplishment of the day: I was hungry about 5:30, but going to a dinner party at 6:30. It's Saturday so I can have a snack. But I didn't. I didn't really need it (obviously, since my actual needs don't change depending upon what letter the day of the week starts with and I'd had fine meals PLUS a morning snack at this point) and reminded myself that in addition to technical success I want to lose weight. There's many a time in the past that I would have had a snack regardless.

B - yogurt with banana and bit of sugar, 2 pieces buttered rye toast
S - few bites of fruit and nuts walking around farmers market, light and flaky (and wonderful) danish from the farmers market
L - 1/2 chicken breast simmered with korma sauce, small roll, 2 dates, glass of chocolate milk (ok, the chocolate wasn't a necessary addition, but made it so much yummier)
D/S - (at a dinner party type thing) plate of: salad, 1/2 piece pita with hummus, 1 dolma, few bites of chicken wrap thing, slightly later: piece of (wonderful) homemade cheesecake, throughout evening: 2 glasses white wine

About 7000 steps, although no technical requirement for the day.
