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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:41 pm
by sarah.grace
03/03/2011 Success!

B: Oats with dark chocolate peanut butter
L: 1/2 Turkey Sandwich, Ants-on-a-Log
D: Yogurt with kashi, Ants-on-a-Log

I need to stop skipping dinner. These last couple days though I have fallen asleep pretty much right when I get home from work.. and slept through the night! 12+ hours each night. Trying to catch up from the past couple weeks I guess. Hopefully after this coming weekend I'll be back to normal. Can't wait for a day off...

Anyway, tonight I will NOT go to bed as soon as I walk in the door after work, I WILL go running, and I WILL eat something for dinner.

I haven't had much of an appetite lately, which is strange for me. Only made it halfway through my lunch today and felt almost uncomfortably full. I guess this will help me remember to eat dinner tonight- since I ate little for lunch, I'll probably get hungry by this evening!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:58 pm
by sarah.grace

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:28 pm
by sarah.grace
03/04/2011 Success

B: Oats with cocoa powder
L: 1/2 a Turkey sandwich, Ants-on-a-Log (apparently my latest food obsession)
D: Calzone

So yesterday, I managed to NOT go to bed as soon as I got home from work (yay!), went for my run (yay!) AND ate dinner (yay!). So it was a good day for habits.
My run was hard though.. Hoping today is easier! I think it's because I hadn't run since Sunday. I tried to make running easier to fit in, by saying I will run 3 days/week, without specifying which days. This way when random events come up in the evenings I can schedule my running around them. But- it also makes it easier to wait until the 'last minute' to run- Thurs/Fri/Sat.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:29 pm
by sarah.grace
03/05/2011 S Day
03/06/2011 S Day

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:52 pm
by sarah.grace
03/07/2011 Success!

B: -- skipped it
L: Grilled cheese, chicken vegetable soup
D: Vegetable soup, celery with peanut butter, cranberries, almonds

Took off work today, so I slept in and skipped breakfast. :)

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:13 pm
by sarah.grace
03/08/2011 Success

B: Oats with cocoa powder and peanut butter
L: 1/2 Turkey sandwich, celery with cranberries, peanut butter, almonds
D: Vegetable soup, grilled cheese, peanut butter with cranberries, oats

At the end of last week, I was down 13 pounds from mid-January. And then this morning, I'm back up 4 pounds. :( I know I can totally blame this on so many things- bloating/pms, eating fast food once over the weekend, water retention. But I did like seeing those low numbers on the scale, so I'm feeling a little down on myself- why did I eat so much sugar/etc on my S days?
I'll try to take it as encouragement, though, that I can lose the weight.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:53 pm
by sarah.grace
03/09/2011 Success

B: Wheat pancakes with strawberry jam, peanut butter
L: 1/2 Turkey sandwich, Ants-on-a-log
D: Vegetable soup, open-faced bean spread sandwich, Ants-on-a-log

I ate breakfast at home today, since I didn't think pancakes would stay palatable/warm until I got to work. It was kind of nice- I ate on the deck, watching the sunrise change the color of the sky from blue to purple to pink to orange. Might make this a more common occurrence!

I am not a huge pancake fan, and they don't seem like a very healthy food to me, but I was randomly craving them starting yesterday. So I made a single-serving batch. :) 2 pancakes, wheat flour, topped with no-sugar-added jam and a bit of peanut butter, since apparently I must have PB at every meal.

I found a recipe for a bean sandwich spread, which I am excited to try. I'm getting tired of turkey sandwiches- actually, I don't LIKE turkey sandwiches. Every once in a while I get a hankering for one, then I have to use up a whole container of turkey lunch meat before I can move on to something else. I did pick up some ham yesterday, and I am debating whether I can let myself throw out the turkey I don't want to finish- there's probably 2 sandwiches worth left, which equals 4 lunches.
Ah, the fantastic-ness of living alone. I eat the same thing for days on end, to use up leftovers! Generally, I only fix what I like though, so it's okay to eat these things longterm. :P

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:13 pm
by sarah.grace
03/10/2011 Success!

B: Oats with PB&J
L: 1/2 Bean spread sandwich, Ants-on-a-log
D: Bean-spread-made-into-dip with homemade tortilla chips, celery and carrot sticks, ants-on-a-log (had to! :))

It's been a good week (so far!) on my running plan. I ran Monday and Wednesday- much better than procrastinating until Wednesday to start. I was proud of myself yesterday- I knew rain was forecast for the evening, so I set out to run as soon as I got home from work. I was just starting my last mile (I run for time, but set a distance goal yesterday as well) when the rain came down. 1/4 mile later I was completely SOAKED! It was kind of nice- the rain cooled me off, and I decided that if I was already that wet, there was no point in quitting early. So I dropped my phone off in a pavilion and finished my laps around the lake in the pouring rain. I actually ran an extra quarter mile, to finish a lap, because I didn't have my phone and didn't know when my 28 minutes was officially over. So, 28 minutes, 3.25 miles. I'm pretty happy with that!

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:14 pm
by sarah.grace
03/11/2011 Success

B: Kashi cereal with greek yogurt (First meal w/o peanut butter!)
L: 1/2 bean spread sandwich, Ants-on-a-log
D: Spaghetti, salad, bread

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:37 pm
by sarah.grace
03/12/2011 S Day
03/13/2011 S Day

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:38 pm
by sarah.grace
03/14/2011 Success

B: ----
L: Kashi cereal, Ants-on-a-Log
D: Chicken nuggets, fries, celery and carrot sticks

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:24 pm
by sarah.grace
03/15/2011 Success

B: Kashi crunch with greek yogurt
L: Roast beef sandwich, fries, diet coke
D: Fries with gravy+cheese, Ants-on-a-log with PB2... had to try it out

I was really craving a salad for lunch. The restaurant I went to was OUT of salad... I don't even understand this. :| So I ended up eating this grease-filled lunch that wasn't even what I wanted! It was easy enough to throw out the remainder of my fries when I got full enough, though. So I guess that is a bright side.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:07 pm
by sarah.grace
03/16/2011 Success

B: Oats with chocolate PB2
L: 1/2 Ham and Cheese sandwich, carrot/celery sticks, peanut butter
D: Pizza

I'm pretty sure my favorite food is peanut butter. Just to clarify.

I went for a ~45 minute walk during my lunch break- it doesn't take me long to eat lunch, and I wanted to put the time to good use. It is a gorgeous day out today! It was actually pretty hard to go for a walk though... the first and last 10 minutes of my walk were out of/into the plant, so I felt like everyone driving by me as I walked was staring at me... judging me.. But, I sucked it up and ignored them. If I can make this a habit, they will just think of me as the girl who walks at lunchtime, and I won't have to worry about what they're thinking.
Also, I might bring a spare t-shirt to change into for walking- I am feeling a little sweaty and icky. :\ Though in a couple weeks that will probably be the case all day every day.

Oh goodness, I was craving snacks all afternoon! Ridiculous. I had a large plate for dinner, which helped stave off those snack cravings for the night. Phew. Made it through without giving in.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:40 pm
by sarah.grace
03/17/2011 Success

B: Cold pizza :D
L: 1/2 Ham+cheese sandwich, carrot and celery sticks with peanut butter
D: Tomato vegetable soup, Irish soda bread

St Patty's day! Not an S day for me, though. I have no plans to celebrate, though my town has what is claimed to be the 2nd largest St. P's day celebration in the country. I'm not a fan of huge crowds and drinking- maybe next year I'll convince some of my college friends to come down and visit, and we'll hit up the celebration together.

Dinner=AMAZING. Yummy. Oh goodness. It was so good! Okay, done raving. This was my 'celebration' of St. Patrick's day- 'Irish' bread. I figured a nice pot of soup goes great with fresh bread. I can't remember the last meal I enjoyed so much. Yum!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:02 pm
by osoniye
Hmmm, I have a love/hate relationship with peanutbutter. I really like it, but it's easy for me to overdo and might set up cravings for snacky foods- that I suspect but can't prove. Is your friendship with it mostly positive?? :)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:49 pm
by sarah.grace
I have mostly a 'love' relationship with peanut butter. It is definitely possible that I could go CRAZY and eat half a jar at once... Which would be the 'hate' side of the relationship. :P This doesn't happen too often with my NoS habits pretty established.
When I want to eat peanut butter, I will put a spoonful of it on my plate at a meal, and enjoy it. I try to keep it around 2 T per meal, so I'm not gorging myself on it. I do need the fat from it, but I don't need TONS of it!
I'm also trying PB2 lately- a kind of powdered peanut butter that has most of the fats pressed out of it. It tastes delicious, but doesn't have the mouth-feel of real PB. I tend to add real PB to meals where I need more fats- if I'm eating solely grains, or veggies for a meal- and PB2 in other instances, where I don't need the fats from it. :) But yes, I do love me some peanut butter.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:50 am
by NoSRocks
I'm a bit of peanut butter fanatic I must admit. It has to be the crunchy kind tho! Most people I talk to, seem to prefer the smooth. Anyway - your ants on a log lunches made me want to try them. Believe it or not, never tried pb on celery with raisins before. :lol: I think Ive had celery with pb only several years ago - think I liked it ?? Recently, (after a visit to Outback restaurant) Ive taken a big liking to blue cheese dressing with celery sticks to dip in. YUM!! I have to try my best to keep them to S Days though cos I tend to go overboard with the blue cheese dressing !! :oops:

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:59 am
by sarah.grace
Celery is another one of my favorites. I'm not so worried about going overboard on it though! :P
I used to hate celery- I thought it was gross, and the strings drove me crazy. Then I discovered celery dipped in ranch- which somehow makes it all better.
@NoSRocks- I don't do blue cheese but my celery/ranch addiction is probably similar to this. :) After a while I started liking plain celery too.

I lived with 3 girls in college, and we would usually have a candy bowl set out in our apartment. My roommate and I decided to counter this by setting out a celery bowl as well. We'd sneak a bowlful of celery sticks from the cafeteria every day, and munch on that instead of candy! Oh lordy, we were strange.

I've tried craisins in my ants-on-a-log instead of raisins. It's a little less sweet- raisins can be a bit 'sickly' sweet to me sometimes. And lately- I've been dipping my carrot sticks in PB too.. I am not sure if this is good or not, I think I just get carried away with my love for PB!

I also put tons of celery in my soup. I am such a contradiction- well, to what I used to be. I used to hate when my mom would put celery in the soup! I'd have to pick it out.

I've always loved peanut butter though.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:00 pm
by sarah.grace
03/18/2011 Success

B: Oats with peanut butter & strawberry jam
L: Leftover vegetable soup, hunk of bread
D: small plateful of leftover bread with peanut butter, jam, butter

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:03 pm
by osoniye
Wow, reading this is giving me a craving for a spoon of PB right now. Good think I'm at the office. I used to make a peanut soup with peanut butter, but it was so rich, it's probably just as well I don't remember the recipe!! :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:11 pm
by sarah.grace
03/21/2011 Success!

B: Tropical Oats (not really.. just needed to call it something! :) 5 grains + rolled oats + oat bran with sweet potato, coconut and raisins)
L: Cold pizza
D: Last of the leftover Irish bread with butter and PB2

Oh me, oh my. Such failure cravings today! But the leftover cookies from small group are now in the freezer, and the cupcake experiment is also in the freezer. Not my stomach. Phew.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:57 am
by sarah.grace
03/22/2011 Succes

B: Oats with brown sugar
L: 1/2 Ham and cheese sandwich, sweet potato
D: Baja black beans, corn and rice

I'm going to be eating dinner leftovers for a Long time to come! Cooking for 1 is hard. Oh well, it's a good, healthy meal. (black beans, corn, tomato simmered together with spices, served over brown rice)
Like grandma-great used to say- "It's nothing special, but there's plenty of it!"

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:55 pm
by sarah.grace
03/23/2011 Success!

B: Oats with chocolate PB2, almonds, mini choc. chips
L: 1/2 Ham and cheese sandwich, trail mix
D: Baja burritos and homemade tortillas = YUM! :D

Trail mix is tricky for me. Is it a sweet? I know it's a 'snack' food, but if I eat it, I plate it at my meal, so it's not a Snack. My trail mix today was a handful of kashi cereal with cranberries and mini chocolate chips. I guess the sticky factor for me is the chocolate chips- they are definitely a sweet... so does that make the trail mix a sweet if I put them in? I did choose the chocolate chips over the m&ms, which I knew I shouldn't put in.
This probably shouldn't be a big deal. Eh. I won't worry about it.

When I was plating my lunch, I was pouring the trail mix onto my plate from the baggie I brought it to work in. When I had about half of it on the plate, I decided that "looked like enough" and put the rest away. Crazy. I intended to eat all of it, and normally I totally would have. But I feel satisfied with eating half and saving the rest for another day. I'm just kind of worried about having it here at work- easy access if I get tempted to snack. But I won't. Eat it, that is. I probably will get tempted. :P

Why have I never made homemade tortillas before? Only 10 minutes, and they are delicious! Thicker than store-bought.. because I'm too lazy to roll them out super-thin.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:55 pm
by sarah.grace
03/24/2011 Success

B: Ezekiel toast with mayo, hard boiled egg slices, ham slices, and cheese
L: Ribs, baked beans, coleslaw
D: Baja beans on homemade tortilla

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:19 am
by Kevin
Sounds like a great menu.
sarah.grace wrote:03/24/2011

B: Ezekiel toast with mayo, hard boiled egg slices, ham slices, and cheese
L: Ribs, baked beans, coleslaw
D: Baja beans on homemade tortilla

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:24 pm
by sarah.grace
03/25/2011 Success

B: Kashi cereal with my leftover trail mix
L: Baja beans with homemade tortilla
D: Kashi cereal, PB2

Today I had 2 bites of Sweets. For me, this instance is not a failure because: I baked some bars last night for work today. This morning when I cut them up, I tasted one bite to make sure they were okay (changed up the recipe from last time). They were rock hard... Which was sad, but I figured since they'd been in the fridge overnight they would be softer after they sat out all morning. So when I put them out around lunchtime I took another bite to make sure they had softened appropriately, which they had.
Now I have 2 bars each with a corner nibbled off, to enjoy this weekend on an S Day. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:58 am
by sarah.grace
03/26/2011 S Day
I went to a cookout at my boss' house Saturday. I was talking with his mother-in-law (a very sweet lady), and she was asking if I'd lost weight since we'd last seen each other. I haven't really, maybe 5-10 pounds depending on the day :P, but that was so flattering! People never comment to me on my appearance or anything, so I was encouraged by her lovely comments.
03/27/2011 S Day

03/28/2011 Success

B: Oats with brown sugar
L: Baja beans, cucumber slices
D: Baja beans, steamed broccoli

Mmmm I've been missing broccoli. :) Dinner was quite satisfying veggie-wise. As was lunch. I have lots of veggies cut up from the cookout this weekend.
When I made my baja beans, I made a pot of brown rice to serve them over, so to save the leftovers, I just put the rice into a big tupperware and poured the bean mix over the top. So, as I get to the end of the leftovers, I am getting more rice and less beans.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:34 pm
by sarah.grace
03/29/2011 Success

B: ---
L: Baja beans, cucumber slices
D: Baja beans, broccoli

Breakfast just didn't happen today. I made it, brought it to work, was hungry (tummy growling!), but for some reason the thought of eating made me really nauseous. :? So I'll save it in the fridge for tomorrow I guess.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:01 pm
by sarah.grace
03/30/2011 Success

B: ---
L: Baja beans, cucumber slices (leftovers from yesterday's unfinished lunch)
D: Baked oatmeal (tired of the baja beans...)

Breakfast didn't happen again today. Just wasn't feeling it.

Today was my first day of shovelglove! It was.. interesting. I thought it was going to be ridiculously easy.. turns out it's not! My biggest problem with it was that I couldn't think of moves to do. I guess I'll figure it out as I go. 14 minutes a day. :)
Last night I stopped by Lowe's to pick up the sledgehammer- I got the last one in the store! 8 pounds sounds a lot lighter than it feels. I felt pretty silly going to a store to just buy a sledgehammer. Oh well. Now I am all set for shovelgloving.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:50 am
by sarah.grace
03/31/2011 Success

B: Kashi cereal with almond milk, bacon ("smart bacon"- actually very yummy!)
L: Baja beans, applesauce
D: Grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, salad
evening: hot almond milk

I was going to have oatmeal pudding for breakfast, but it wasn't cooking fast enough for me! So I had a bowl of cereal instead. I picked up some almond milk last night, as I rarely have any type of milk in the fridge, so it was kind of fun to have a bowl of 'normal' cereal. Usually I'll eat cereal plain or with yogurt if I want it.

Shovelgloving is turning out to be pretty legit. Today was better than yesterday in terms of thinking of moves to do. I was so sore this morning though! Tough to get started. I woke up at around 3am, realized how sore I was, and took some Tylenol in hopes that I'd be less sore when I got up for the day. :) Not sure how well it worked. I know I'm sore now, though! It hurts just to lift my coffee mug to my mouth!

I also picked up some applesauce yesterday, no-sugar-added variety, to use in my baking/oatmeals. I haven't had it in such a long time! I brought some for lunch today and it was good. For some reason I always thought it was really sugary and calorie-laden. But a serving (1/2 cup) is only 50 calories, so I'm not sure where I got those ideas from. I was thinking it would be rather tart having no sugar added to it, but I was surprised to find it nearly too sweet! Couldn't imagine adding sugar. A little cinnamon, perhaps..

Dinner was very early- 4:30, compared to 7 or 8 normally. I ate lunch early to accommodate, but the evening seemed to drag on forever without taking the time for dinner. And I stayed up later than normal. I drank a glass of hot almond milk to make it through the evening- I wasn't starving, but I just wanted something to sip on. I normally don't do any milk between meals or anything, and it kind of feels like funny business to me. I'm not making a habit of it, though. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:42 pm
by sarah.grace
04/01/2011 Success
I just tried to type the date as 03/32. :P

B: Oatmeal pudding
L: Out for mexican! Enchilada, beans, rice
D: Kashi cereal, english muffin with PB2, bacon (breakfast for dinner!)

I'm kind of nervous for the weekend S days coming up. I want to do well on them. I'm trying to plan out my treats in advance so I don't end up perma-snacking, like every other weekend the past 3 months... :shock:
I have a couple candies I've been saving- someone brought in almond roca to work, so I took one piece, and I have some Riesen caramels from an event yesterday. I also have a mini brownie and smores bar, and a scotcheroo bar from last weekend in the freezer. When I list it out like that, it sounds like so much! Clearly sweets is my biggest S! Anyway. I think I will try to eat 3 discrete meals a day, but I can put sweets on my 1 plate if I want. That will probably work out better for me. And I'll eat the candies as snacks whenever I want. :)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:06 pm
by sarah.grace
04/02/2011 S Day

Getting my sweet tooth taken care of this morning! Apparently. It's 9:30 and I've eaten:
4 Riesen caramels, 1 almond roca (all my candies for the weekeend), a PB cup from the freezer, a scotcheroo bar from last weekend, a few m&ms, and my baked oatmeal for breakfast has a few m&ms thrown in, with a chocolate PB2 sauce on top. Good golly! Well. I will do better the rest of the day.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:16 pm
by amake616
I think we might have been separated at birth. That sounds exactly like how most of my S days start out. Although I've never had a scotcheroo bar and am now consumed with curiosity :)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:42 pm
by sarah.grace
Scotcheroo bars are so good and addictive.. I feel like I shouldn't tell you what they are. :P

It's like a peanut butter/caramel rice krispy base with chocolate butterscotch topping.
Combine in large pan, boil together for a minute or so:
1c. Peanut Butter
1c. Karo syrup (light corn syrup)
1c. sugar
Stir in:
6c. crispy rice cereal
Dump into greased 9x13 pan. When it cools, top with 1c. butterscotch chips, 1c. chocolate chips, melted together.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:50 pm
by sarah.grace
04/03/2011 S Day

04/04/2011 Success

B: Kashi GoLean with almond milk
L: Ham+cheese on Ezekiel bread
D: BLT (minus the LT :P), small bowl of cereal

I guess I'd forgotten how much I like a bowl of cereal. :) I made oatmeal for breakfast today, but decided I'd rather have some cereal, and put the oats in the fridge for another time.

Left work tonight feeling very frustrated- the afternoon was full of upsetting situations. I was thinking about how I used to use food to cheer myself up- I would pick up fast food for dinner, or a snack on the way home, or eat a handful of chocolates, and I would feel better. Today I wasn't even tempted- I acknowledged the circumstances and moved on. yay NoS! :)
So I went shopping and got a new set of furniture for the living room. Nothing like a salesman working on commission to cheer you up! :P [the shopping wasn't to self-medicate .. after 8 months I've decided to furnish my apartment]

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:32 pm
by amake616
Those sound amazing! I also can see myself eating an entire pan of them in a day :shock: But I've got to try them now or I'll always wonder about what might have been.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:41 pm
by sarah.grace
04/05/2011 Success

B: Oatmeal sandwich :)
L: Ham and cheese sandwich, yogurt with kashi
D: Cauliflower, chicken patty, PB2 with 5 grains

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:31 pm
by sarah.grace
04/06/2011 Success

B: Oatmeal- cold, with almond milk, brown sugar and cinnamon
L: Vegetable soup (cleaning out the freezer :))
D: Veggie sausage-in-a-biscuit-blanket :), cauliflower, applesauce

When I plated my supper, I thought to myself "Gee that kind of looks like a lot." (I had the cauliflower and applesauce in little bowls on the plate so the juices wouldn't cross-contaminate.) Halfway through dinner I was full! So I stopped! Saved the rest for lunch tomorrow. I guess my head is getting used to the 'right' amount of food for a meal?

In other news. Hit myself in the thigh with my shovelglove today. Whoops! Kind of surprised it took a week of swinging around a sledge hammer before my first related injury. :P

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:36 am
by sarah.grace
04/07/2011 Success

B: Kashi cereal
L: Leftover 'sausage' dog, roasted sweet potato
D: Biscuit and gravy, carrots

Someone brought donuts to work today. Happens about once a week, or so. I don't like donuts, and these are just convenience store donuts, but for some reason today... I want one! I think because of the sprinkles. :) I'm not going to eat one though, and saving one until Saturday would go stale, and when I think about it, a donut I won't enjoy isn't a good S day treat. I just wanted to post on here so now I can't change my mind and eat one.

Had a cup of cocoa near the end of the workday. Not sure what got into me this afternoon- probably PMS and some frustration at being bored all the time at work, but Golly! I was ALL out of sorts cranky.

To me, the occasional cup of afternoon or evening cocoa isn't failure. It is occasional- not something I crave, or drink much of when I do have it. I can't give a good reason for why I do sometimes have it (which might be a good enough reason NOT to have it). :\ Anyway I'm not going to stress about it, I'm just going to carry on with my day and be less crabby. :)


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:03 pm
by tobiasmom
Great job resisting the donut! A store-bought donut really isn't worth it. You're right. Now a fresh homemade donut on an S day.....totally different story!!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:19 pm
by sarah.grace
04/08/2011 FAILURE!!!

B: Greek yogurt with oats, crispy rice cereal
L: PB+honey biscuit, frozen grapes
D: Calzone, broccoli

Failed. :| I intentionally tasted the cookie dough and the cookies I baked tonight, which I wouldn't consider a failure, if I hadn't then continued to eat more and more of the cookie dough, and multiple bites of the finished product. I thought to myself- STOP or this is a failure. And I didn't stop.

Last night I baked a couple kinds of cookies- oatmeal raisin (which I had pre-formed and frozen a while ago) and some m&m cookies (eggless- a new recipe). Between then and this morning I had about 3 bites of cookies to make sure they turned out right, and didn't get too hard overnight. I'm giving them to a couple electricians I had to call out for work last night- so I needed to make sure they were edible. :P After I had tasted them, I realized I didn't even really want to eat that little bit. Just too sugary, and I knew it was an N day.

I did save some at home for the weekend. I want to eat one of each kind of cookie, and I need to find a way to get rid of the rest of the leftovers!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:17 pm
by sarah.grace
Okey-dokey. I'm going to plan my S days. And write it down. And maybe it will go well for me. I'm on weekend duty for work, which gets me out of the house and into my N day routine, so Saturday shouldn't be too bad. :)

Saturday: I think I'll just have some homemade cookies. I've got a few leftover from baking last night, and I'm baking some more for the weekend crew. So I can have an m&m cookie, an oatmeal raisin cookie, and a coffee chocolate chunk cookie- IF I want them. I think I just want to try them all.

Sunday: I will somehow get my Boston cream pie! I might have a snack after church/before teaching sunday school, because they provide us goodies every week.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:08 pm
by sarah.grace
04/09/2011 S Day

B: Kashi cereal
L: Ham and cheese calzone, cottage cheese, cookie
D: Cereal again

A bunch of cookies today for S-es. That's okay.

Dinner was really late- I took a nap as soon as I got home from work and just ate a couple little bowls of cereal for dinner when I woke up.

Got called for work at 2:30am so I was up for a while then. Had a 'midnight' snack, because I wanted to, and because I could. I wasn't really hungry, but I wasn't really awake either, and I just needed to kill some time before I could go back to bed.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:40 am
by sarah.grace
04/10/2011 S Day

B: Cereal
L: Cheeseburger, Fries
D: Fresh-baked bread :)

I did have my boston cream pie- kind of. I had a vanilla cupcake in the freezer (rainbow colored... oh well), and made a single-serving version. It was good.. Would have been better if I had JUST that for the day, but earlier I had indulged in turtle brownie deliciousness. Oh well, it was all good.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:05 pm
by sarah.grace
04/11/2011 NWS Day

B: Oats with walnuts
L: Vegetable soup, homemade roll :)
D: Potluck- one plate for dinner, one mini plate for dessert: cake and fondue

Today is my first ever NWS Day. They just make me nervous. :| I could skip it and do an N day, but I don't want to. I'm having a potluck dinner with my small group, celebrating the end of our 10 week study... I guess it doesn't sound like much of an occasion... but it is! I'm planning to have one plate of food and dessert-fondue!
The rest of today will be normal N day habits. And I will do my shovelglove.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:08 pm
by sarah.grace
04/12/2011 Success

B: Oats with brown sugar
L: Veggie burger patty, homemade roll with PB2
D: General Tso's chicken, broccoli, homemade roll

Dinner was YUM tonight. :) I've been craving this chicken for probably 2 months, but I don't want to go out for chinese... I tried to make my own and it wasn't good.. So I picked up a Tyson Any'Tizer at the grocery store tonight (had a coupon). It was good- too spicy for me! But good.

Another note: I had ordered some patio furniture online, and it got delivered today. It was 47.5lbs, in one HUGE box.. which I had to carry up to the 3rd floor where I live! I didn't think I could, at first. But I guess my shovelgloving has paid off a little? :)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:02 pm
by sarah.grace
04/13/2011 Success!

B: Kashi cereal, 4oz Naked smoothie
L: Salad, grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, ~8oz Naked smoothie
D: General Tso's chicken leftovers, broccoli, clementine

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:43 pm
by sarah.grace
04/14/2011 Success

B: Kashi cereal, clementine
L: Roasted zucchini + squash, homemade roll, clementine, 4oz. Naked
D: 1/2 Sausage dog, broccoli, homemade roll with PB+J, clementine

I've been working on 'spring cleaning' lately- tonight I gave the kitchen floors a good scrubbing. Man- I'd forgotten what a good arm workout that can be! Though tough on the knees. Anyway, it made me appreciate shovelglove.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:27 pm
by sarah.grace
04/15/2011 Success

B:Overnight oats
L: 1/2 Sausage roll, broccoli, clementine
D: Homemade pizza, peas, wine

Variations from routine: A couple glasses of wine (1.2 or so, to be precise :P), and shovelglove was shortened to 7 minutes instead of 14 tonight- I gave blood this afternoon and didn't want to mess things up by working out too hard.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:09 am
by sarah.grace
I don't really have a plan for this weekend's S Days... Which could be problematic. I do have a bakery cookie I saved from the blood drive this afternoon- might eat it, might not. It's not REALLY special. I do have several bars of nice chocolate that I've accumulated recently, and some skittles that were free (coupons galore) but I don't really like skittles.
Maybe tomorrow I will have a plan. I'm planning NOT to permasnack. We'll see how I do with that one.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:26 am
by Kevin
Hold out for something worthwhile!
sarah.grace wrote:I don't really have a plan for this weekend's S Days... Which could be problematic. I do have a bakery cookie I saved from the blood drive this afternoon- might eat it, might not. It's not REALLY special. I do have several bars of nice chocolate that I've accumulated recently, and some skittles that were free (coupons galore) but I don't really like skittles.
Maybe tomorrow I will have a plan. I'm planning NOT to permasnack. We'll see how I do with that one.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:28 pm
by sarah.grace
04/16/2011 S Day

B: Cereal, half a cookie- decided it wasn't worth eating and threw the rest away [proud of that!]
L: Sausage-Stuffed zucchini (veggie sausage), Clementine, snacked on a string cheese and a few pistachios while I cooked
S: Funfetti Pizzert! :) to celebrate my new furniture.
D: Whole wheat rotini topped with tomato sauce/leftover sausage stuffing
S: little bit of wonka chocolate, just to have something 'nice' after dinner

04/17/2011 S Day
B: Cereal
S: Cookie after church
L: Roasted sweet potato with greek yogurt dip
S: oatmeal raisin cookie dough
D: Chocolate "smoothie": Frozen banana, almond milk, greek yogurt, protein powder, cocoa powder, dates

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:07 pm
by sarah.grace
04/18/2011 Success

B: Oatmeal (plain...boring breakfast), Clementine
L: Wheat Rotini with leftover 'stuffing' sauce, steamed broccoli
D: ... I forget. :P but it was only 1 plate, whatever it was.

One thing I've noticed- it's easier to keep track of what I eat when I only eat 3 plates a day! :P

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:38 am
by sarah.grace
04/19/2011 Success

B: Cereal
L: Teriyaki chicken sandwich, raw veggies, clementine
D: 1 slice pizza, raw veggies leftover from lunch

Dinner was interesting. I have 3 college friends staying with me during their spring break- yay beach!- and they wanted pizza for dinner, so we picked up a couple on the way home from the beach last night. I set out plates for dinner, and I put my veggies and one piece of pizza on my plate (they all declined vegetables... lol), and ate it. They all put one piece on their plates, ate it, put another on their plate, ate it, rinse and repeat. Totally how I would've eaten pre-NoS.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:43 am
by sarah.grace
04/20/2011 Success

B: Cereal, Clementine
L: 1/2 veggie sausage dog, steamed broccoli, Clementine
D: BBQ chicken sandwich, baked sweet potato

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:55 am
by sarah.grace
04/21/2011 Success

B: Cereal, Clementine
L: 1/2 Veggie Sausage Dog, Broccoli, Clementine
D: Sweet potato chips (made in the microwave! so easy!), banana bowl smoothie (rolled oats, protein powder, frozen banana, splash of almond milk, cocoa powder--Blend!)


Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:50 pm
by tobiasmom
You are doing awesome. You are sooooo consistent! Great job!

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:02 am
by sarah.grace
Here comes a test of my habits- we'll see if I'm really committed or not! :P
I will be travelling for the next week. Tomorrow I'll spend 7.5 hours flying/in airports, Sunday will be 6 hours, and Wednesday will be 10 hours. I don't mind.. it means I get to spend time with friends and family I haven't seen in far too long. It just means meals will have to be creative at times. Tomorrow, for instance, I'm getting up ridiculously early for my first flight.. so when should breakfast happen? 3am? That won't hold me for 9 hours until lunch. :P My plan is to have a small smoothie (1/2 frozen banana, almond milk, protein powder, possibly some oats and cocoa or PB) before I leave the house, and a clementine with some dry cereal at some point during my flights. I'll plate all the parts of my meal at home, just to make sure it's a decent amount. Good plan, Sarah. :) It does seem like I'm taking this too far, almost, but I really don't want to compromise my habits. If I goof things up tomorrow, I can totally see myself giving in and waiting until I get back home to get back on track... Not a good idea!
Anyway, I am just going to be mindful of my habits, and try to stick with NoS as much as possible. I'm not planning any NWS days for my trip, but if an **S-worthy** event (saying this emphatically to myself) comes up, I'll partake. No permasnacking. On N days, at least.

where have I gone?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:43 pm
by sarah.grace
Well. I have been meaning to come check in, but I feel so overwhelmed because I haven't been checking in, that I couldn't make myself.

I have been ALL over the place with my eating since my last check-in. I did pretty well during my travels, taking a bunch of NWS days so I wouldn't stress out, but nothing was too crazy. Then I came back home and things kind of fell apart. It's hard to believe, but I bounced from binging to calorie counting to fasting to.. the list goes on. For some reason I just *didn't* want to come back to NoS. Which is ridiculous.. because I know this plan makes sense, and works.

Even now, I am resisting it- I want something more extreme, something with faster results (weight loss).
Maybe I can lure myself back with a combination of NoS and calorie counting- I know NoS is my long-term solution but it is not looking very appealing in the short-term, ya know?


Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:33 pm
by tobiasmom
I totally get it. I know exactly where you're at cuz it runs through my mind OFTEN!! But if you are anything like me and haven't been able to stick to ANYTHING for any length of time, this is the right plan!!!

This is what I realized after losing 2 whole pounds last month and having a pity party for myself.......if I'd followed some other crazy diet, I would have lost like 10 pounds, then I would have quit and gained back the 10 plus more while I was looking for yet another diet that I won't stick to.............has that ever happened to you? The idea of ever having to count anything again makes my brain shutdown!

The weight will come off. It would be nice for it all to drop off this very minute, but what are we in a hurry for? Let's enjoy the process!

Sorry if this is not helping at all. But I just want you to know I get it!!!! But there's more to this journey than weight loss......

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:43 pm
by sarah.grace
@Tobiasmom, thanks SO much for the encouragement.
I think I am just being contrary and need a good kick in the butt :) knowing that you understand helps.. and I AM doing better these past couple days. You're so right- this is a LONG-TERM solution and it will have the RIGHT results for the next 60 years of my life. Not some crazy fad thing that will "work" (AKA I'll lose 5 pounds) for the next 10 days then lead me back into my terrible old habits.
NoS will get us straightened out into a healthy lifestyle, build us habits that will keep us HEALTHY and less stressed out about food. This is a GOOD plan. :)
This is a plan that lets me sit here at Dunkin Donuts sipping an iced coffee, knowing I CAN have a donut if I want, because it's an S day, and knowing that because I don't WANT one- I don't HAVE to have one. Oh, the ironic freedom.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:44 pm
by sarah.grace
B: skipped it in favor of sleeping in :)
L: Grilled turkey and cheese sandwich, yogurt
S: Iced coffee
S: Chocolate-covered raisins
D: Chicken salad on homemade roll, clementine, chocolate PB banana smoothie

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 4:48 pm
by sarah.grace
B: Muffin, greek yogurt with banana slices
S: glazed donut
L: Chicken salad on homemade roll, clementines
S: cake balls

I started getting all 'munchy' yesterday afternoon so I just gave up on eating and went to bed. Sleep>Food I don't need.

N Days begin again :)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:17 pm
by sarah.grace
B: Cereal
L: BBQ chicken sandwich, iceburg lettuce salad with carrot sticks, clementine
D: Fettuccine with broccoli and afredo, clementine


Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:35 pm
by tobiasmom
So glad to see ya back in the saddle again!!! We are in this boat together! I look forward to your success as much as my own! We need some more crazy No-S success on this board. Can't that be us??? ha!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:20 am
by sarah.grace
B: Oatmeal pancakes w/ PBJ, clementine
L: Sweet potato, salad, clementine
D: Kashi Margherita pizza, 2 clementines

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:50 am
by sarah.grace

B: Cereal, clementine
L: leftover pizza, carrot sticks
D: Tostada with kidney beans, salsa, cheese, lettuce. also 3 cashew-stuffed dates (so random)

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:52 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Kidney bean porridge, clementine
L: Chicken salad on a roll, broccoli, clementine
D: Linguine with marinara, meatballs, salad, roll with garlic butter

Lunch was B-I-G (on purpose, because I had a 'game night' 4-6pm with snacks/desserts that I wanted to easily resist), so I had planned dinner to be smaller. Then I went and worked out afterwards, and ended up with a semi-full/normal sized plate for dinner.. anyway, I enjoyed it!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 11:20 am
by sarah.grace

B: Oatmeal pancake 'cookies' with almond/peanut butter and jelly
L: Chicken salad wrap, carrot sticks, clementine
D: Chicken sloppy joe, coleslaw, sweet potato fries

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 1:12 pm
by milliem
sarah.grace wrote: Lunch was B-I-G (on purpose, because I had a 'game night' 4-6pm with snacks/desserts that I wanted to easily resist), so I had planned dinner to be smaller. Then I went and worked out afterwards, and ended up with a semi-full/normal sized plate for dinner.. anyway, I enjoyed it!
If it fits on a plate all is well! :) Sounds yummy, I love linguine.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 11:35 am
by sarah.grace

Woke up around 2:30 this morning- ate some cake balls from the freezer and a couple pieces of chocolate. I think it was just a super-random chocolate craving combined with my pseudo-sleep eating. I knew at the time I didn't *really* want to eat that stuff, I just wanted to taste it. Whatever.

B: freshly-baked cinnamon swirl bread-- YUM!, cereal
L: chicken sloppy joe, coleslaw, cheesecake

I got one of those frozen mini cheesecakes on sale this week, so I cut it up into 6 pieces (supposed to be 4 servings but that is a BIG piece!) and put 5 back in the freezer in the pan. That's enough cheesecake to last me a year! Lol!


Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:02 pm
by tobiasmom
Cake balls? That sounds soooo good! Is that when you mix leftover cake with the icing and make balls out of it? I so need to try this.....

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 4:09 pm
by sarah.grace
@tobiasmom- Yup! I baked a chocolate cake a while ago, and the layers domed up so much in the oven I had a LOT leftover when I leveled the tops to stack the layers. So I made some cake balls and just threw them in the freezer for if I ever need a quick treat to bring somewhere. I can just pull them out, dip them in candy coating (which will dry really fast since the balls are frozen) and voila! :)
BUT. I have to keep my hands off them until then!

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 4:42 pm
by Who Me?
You're tougher than me. I could not keep so much cake in the house.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:07 am
by sarah.grace

B: Cereal with coconut milk
L: Peanut butter sandwich, 2 clementines
D: Tuna salad wrap, carrot and sweet potato "fries"

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:06 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Strawberry banana smoothie
L: Cereal, steamed sweet potato
D: Linguine with marinara, meatballs, salad, roll with garlic butter

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:51 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Oat pancakes
L: Fettuccine Alfredo with peas, cherries
funny business: 2 dates
D: Monster smoothie (cherries, frozen banana slices, spinach, coconut milk, protein powder, greek yogurt)

Got home from work ready to workout around 6pm- wanted to give my body some fuel but didn't want to eat dinner then wait forever before working out, so I ate 2 dates before going to the gym. I'm not making a habit of it, and it would've fit on my pseudo-dinner plate.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:53 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Cereal
L: 1 slice pizza, homemade larabar
D: Tomato vegetable soup, homemade roll, 1 piece broccoli alfredo pizza

Need to be stricter... Lunch was virtually plated, which is fine (had a pizza party for elementary school near work, only wanted 1 piece of pizza but wanted some protein...), but I want to make sure the habits are still cemented.

Dinner was so random- trying to use up leftovers in the fridge before this weekend.

Yesterday was one of THOSE days.. just wanted to fail.. All afternoon/evening, I wanted to eat something. I wasn't hungry, I wasn't craving something, I just felt like being 'rebellious' and eating something. These things are so random! Such a strong.. stupid urge. I guess it's one of those whatchamacallits-... extinction bursts.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 1:52 pm
by sarah.grace
05/27/2011 FAIL FAIL FAIL

B: Cereal
L: Leftover broccoli alfredo pizza
D: Fried chicken, rice, salad, bread

:( Today turned into not only 'wrecking the car'... might even call it a train wreck. (If I'm honest though it was not ALL that bad... just involved a hearty bit of chocolate...) I was thinking about why I gave in and failed today.. Couldn't decide if I was making excuses, or really looking to determine the causes. The 'extinction burst' from yesterday hadn't yet burst apparently, then I got stressed out about work because I had to leave at 4 instead of 5 and I was worried things weren't ready for next week, then I got all depressed about stupid personal stuff... In comes the chocolate.

But, tomorrow's a new day (an S day! :) ) and Monday is the start of a NEW week. It will be okay... it will be okay.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:58 pm
by sarah.grace

B: skipped it
L: Tuna veggie wrap
D: Tomato vegetable soup, sweet potato chips

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:18 pm
by sarah.grace

Aaaaaand she's back. Why do I wander away so much?

B: Cereal
L: Leftover mac+cheese+peas, carrot sticks
D: Mac+cheese pancakes. So weird. So yummy.


Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:02 pm
by tobiasmom
Hey! How are ya? You have done awesome. I've struggled this month too. I don't know what it is. Summer?? Boredom?

Well, anyway, glad to see you keep checking in, though!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:18 am
by sarah.grace

B: Blueberry baked oatmeal
L: leftover Mac&Cheese Pancakes
D: sweet potato fries, greek yogurt with strawberries

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:34 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Cereal, strawberries, black coffee
L: Chicken sandwich, celery, grapes
D: Fresh fruit, cheese cubes, pita chips

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:10 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Cereal
L: Pulled chicken sandwich
D: I forget...

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:15 pm
by sarah.grace

Getting this train BACK ON TRACK! Gosh

B: Cereal, grapefruit juice ('juice' = put a grapefruit and some water in the blender, liquefy. :P)
L: Grapes, PB sandwich
D: Peach "ice cream" (greek yogurt/almond milk/vanilla protein powder/frozen banana and peach slices- blended)

Yesterday was a day of stupid decisions. But I know they were.. and I'm not going to make those same decisions today. I realized this weekend, dealing with a bunch of emotional issues RE hospitalizations etc, that I STILL turn to food as my comfort. And yesterday I had a tough doctor's appointment all morning, so I ate the cookie that came with my catered lunch. *sigh* I don't want to rely on food for comfort.
But, the doc put me on a new med regimen for my headaches, which I'm hopeful will work! I think being pain-free (or at least in LESS pain) will help me make good decisions on eating.

PHEW. Anyway, yesterday I picked up some shiny star stickers to put on a calendar as a habitcal. I will start today- not going back and marking all my previous failures, but from today forward, working toward green! :)


Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:48 pm
by tobiasmom
So glad they are changing up your meds to help those darn headaches! I can totally understand eating in response to pain. It's a coping mechanism....not a helpful one but a coping mechanism nonetheless! And I LOVE the shiny sticker idea. What a fun visual every day! I was thinking of doing a sticker chart for my son...but maybe I need one too!!

Have a wonderful day today!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:26 pm
by KareBear
I really LOVE the idea of stickers to show success on a calendar. How fun is that??!! Great idea, I may use it myself.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:34 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Cereal, 'juice'
L: 1/2 PB honey sandwich, grapes, yogurt
D: Pizza, salad
S: Went back for 3 more slices of pizza throughout the night. :oops:

For some reason, I thought that getting back to NoS would be easy.
Ha ha.
Anyway, I need to remember how long I have been building the bad eating habits of snacking and eating sweets constantly, and give myself a chance to change those habits. I know it's not something that will happen overnight. I guess it's just frustrating that I was doing well on the plan, then when I wandered away (why did I do that.?) it was so easy to revert to the old ways. And now it is hard to get back to NoS!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:13 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Peach smoothie (frozen peach/banana slices, greek yogurt, almond milk, protein powder)
L: 1/2 PB Honey sandwich, salad, carrots/broccoli/cucumber
D: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, salad

One of my coworkers brought in a big bag of cucumbers today- with a note that says "Have a cucumber with your lunch!"
I was SO surprised and excited to see a NoS-compliant "treat"! So I plan on grabbing one to slice up and eat with my other raw veggies at lunch. It is going to be a big lunch, but it's mostly veggies so I think it will be okay (as in, it will all fit in my belly (and on one plate of course))!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:23 pm
by sarah.grace
My sticker chart has been going well- I have a whole 2 stickers on it.. one is red unfortunately.
I think if I find a good prominent place to hang it up, it will be effective. I'm going to go ahead and stick on the yellow S-Day stickers in advance- it will be very evident that I only have to wait, at most, 5 days until I can have any S I want. Hopefully that logic will keep me sane when the 'extinction bursts' come.

On another topic- Pizza. I love, love, love pizza. And through NoS I have gotten to the point where I can put 1 piece of pizza on a plate with some salad or raw veggies and be completely satisfied with my meal. (Whereas before... it would not be uncommon for me to eat the WHOLE pizza in one sitting. Blech!) But it is 'dangerous' for me to have a whole pizza sitting around the kitchen. If 1 slice is a meal for me... How many meals will it take to go through the leftovers?!
Usually I can make my own pizza, so I can just make a mini pizza that is only 2 'slices' big, eat it for dinner and lunch the next day, and enjoy it. But if I get a craving for the 'bad' pizza- the fast food pizza, even a small pizza would last too long. I guess they do make personal pan pizzas? I always try to buy the most cost-effective foods... but in this case, maybe I should buy the more-expensive-per-serving one (the mini one) so I don't end up in a mess by having tons of pizza just sitting around.

I just needed to think that all through I guess, and having a record of it here might give me 'permission' to buy the mini pizza instead of a whole one next time.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:44 pm
by SkyKitty
The way I would look at it is, I'm saving so much cash on not buying snacks and sweets that I can use some of that to get the more sensible personal size pizza.

I would be surprised if anyone doing No S doesn't end up saving some money on not buying junk, I can't believe how much I used to buy.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:51 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Cereal, grapefruit juice
L: 1/2 bean spread sandwich, raw veggies
D: pasta, cauliflower, peas, all with tofu ranch sauce, 3 strawberries

I keep forgetting to update my daily check-in. I think because I've gotten back to a paper daily schedule/meal planner, so I can plan my meals ahead. Now I just have too many places to keep up to date!

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:54 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Cereal, grapefruit juice
L: 1/2 bean spread sandwich, raw veggies with tofu ranch, roasted chickpeas

I am starting to feel like I'm back on track- not necessarily with following NoS (but I am doing better there too) but with my mentality about eating/food. Phew. I got myself pretty far OFF track when I wandered, but now I'm getting back to being sensible.

update: that's not to say I don't still get distracted! I have to place an order today for a luncheon next week at work. I was looking through the sandwich menu, and caught myself thinking "okay what is lowest calorie that will keep me full longest?" When I realized I was thinking like this, I changed my question to: "What sounds yummiest?" It's just a sandwich, after all! I'm planning to bring in some raw veggies to eat with it, instead of the chips and cookie it comes with. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:18 pm
by sarah.grace

B: Smoothie- strawberry banana peach
L: Sweet potato, carrot & celery sticks
D: SPICY! lentil taco, corn

This weekend was GROSS S days. But the beauty of NoS is that it's all in the past, and I don't have to worry about it. I put my yellow star stickers on the calendar, and today I'm working toward a green star!
The past 2 weeks I've had one red day each week. :( Maybe this week I'll have a green week.

Had an interesting thought this morning- I'm on weekend/holiday duty at work, so I'm working today, supervising electrician/instrument mechanics.... not my usual duties.. Anyway, a couple of my electricians (unknowingly) completely frustrated me, to the point of tears (though there are extenuating circumstances making me more emotional than usual).. I thought to myself, "Well, at least it's an N day, so I won't be able to frustrate myself further by eating a bunch of crap." I feel like I would've previously thought something more along the lines of "I deserve some chocolate to cheer myself up.. or a cookie, or cupcake, or something!"


Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:34 pm
by tobiasmom
I had two GROSS S days this weekend also. Pina Coladas got the best of me!

I love your thoughts about not having an excuse for emotional eating on N days. Awesome!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:37 am
by sarah.grace
07/05/2011 Day 1 = SUCCESS!

B: Breakfast cookie, orange
L: Italian sub, carrot & celery sticks
D: Chicken Stir Fry, brown rice

I made some 'breakfast cookies' last night. I didn't realize that a 'cookie' could be seen as an S! Haha! I know these are not an S though, so I'm going to keep eating them on N days. On a plate, as a meal of course. They have mashed banana, peanut butter, oats, dried fruit and nuts. Only a little bit of honey as sweetener.

I went grocery shopping last night and accidentally bought a bag of oranges. How does one accidentally buy a bag of oranges? Well, I meant to buy grapefruit. I grabbed a bag of them- I could've SWORN it said "ruby red grapefruit" on it- I double checked because they LOOKED like oranges. Then when I tried to eat one this morning.. turns out they are indeed oranges. I don't like oranges! Ohhh well. Maybe I'll make orange juice some time this week.

Lunch- was a catered work lunch, I got to pick my sandwich last week, and I was proud of myself for picking an Italian sub rather than plain turkey, even though it has more calories. Lol. When I was eating it, I ate my (brought from home) veggies first, then only made it halfway through the sandwich before feeling full. I am (kind of ridiculously) proud of myself for throwing away half of my sandwich! "I enjoyed it, but I'd had enough." NEVER thought I would say that. haha!


Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:02 am
by tobiasmom
Day 1 was a SUCCESS!

How was your day?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:36 pm
by sarah.grace
07/06/2011 Day 2 = (technical) FAIL

B: Cereal, pears
L: Leftover stir fry, rice
D: Tuna burger, sweet potato chips, corn

I've got my day all planned out. I've never actually made tuna burgers, but I put it on my menu, so it'll be something new to try for dinner! Hope it's good!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:41 pm
by sarah.grace
I have a dilemma. Kind of.

So yesterday I started a 21 day challenge to get myself back on track. Day 1 was successful! Hooray!
Today is day 2. Here is my dilemma:
I have been taking some new meds for my chronic headaches, and they have had some significant effects on my sleep schedule/fatigue etc. Basically I'm super-tired all the time.
Anyway, the relevance: Last night, I was completely exhausted and went to bed early. I 'woke up' around 2am in the pantry, eating cookies. Yeah. Apparently I sleep-walked there and started sleep-eating??? Who does that? So technically I've already failed for today. Do I count it as a failure even though I made the decision unconsciously?

I guess I'll count it as a failure, and restart tomorrow on my 21 day challenge. (I'm not going to wreck the car today. I just can't count today as day 1.) I do want to be strict about the rules.