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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:23 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
So glad you had a great day yesterday! I thought all your meals looked really healthy and I bet you will lose again this week.

Yes, feel free to email me! I check the boards daily but am taking a little break from logging on my own thread. I think I will resume after Christmas. I just really want to enjoy this week with my kids off school and not worry about having to post 'failure' if I ate an M&M or bite of a cookie with my kids. I'm realizing what a perfectionist I am!! I'd rather post nothing than have to post failure! Maybe I should just log what I'm eating and not associate failure or success with it.

I definitely am trying to stay as close to No S as I can during this week, but I've definitely been enjoying something sweet here and there. I still find it hard to stop when I eat something sweet and that just really reinforces that No S is such a great way for me to live. (I did jump on the scale today and I haven't gained any weight, so I guess whatever I'm doing can't be all that bad!! I think the running is helping with that ;)

Keep up the great work! You are so close to your goal and you have done such a great job the past month. I have been so impressed and happy for you!!! I hope your personal stresses subside. Know that I am sending positive thoughts your way!


Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:19 pm
by sidney202

I am just catching up on your posts and I am glad to see that after a slight waver, you are right back on track! I am looking forward to the day (coming very soon, I am sure) when you will hit your goal. You have been a big inspiration to me in my few weeks on the program, so just know that I am pulling for you.

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:48 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Hope you are having a great day! Merry Christmas and hope you have a wonderful holiday season!


Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:00 pm
by Over43
Merry Christmas.