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Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:56 pm
by Sinnie
I think you bring up a good point Kevin. When I've done really well in the past, I start thinking it's easy and then sabotage my efforts -- thinking I can get right back on track -- which is never the case!!

I'm feeling huge motivation now though. Last week was finicky, maybe because DF was gone and I was using food to cope with a bit of loneliness? Who knows. But even though he is back in town, I'm still continuing to binge. It's really hard to stop a habit you've built, dammit!

But, I feel like I need to trying because my body is being cooperative. I unoficially weighed myself yesterday and it was 118.5 which is great despite my eating these days. I do not take it as anything and realize weigh is affected by so many things. However, it seems my set point has lowered in general. Last year I think I was hovering around the low to mid 120's and now it seems no matter what I hover from the high teens to low 120's without much effort. The point of this rant is I feel like my body is trying to be on my side, I just need to meet it half way.

Yesterday was a sort of excessive S day - ate more than I would have liked. Had a baby shower to go to, and DF made a phenomenal dinner.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:36 pm
by Sinnie
Sunday February 27, 2011

Breakfast: coffee, french toast (slice toast dipped in egg), real maple syrup, strawberries & blueberries

Lunch: 1/2 ham sandwich, pasta with homemade tomato sauce, and broccoli/cauliflower with butter

Had a couple slices bread before dinner, and wine. We had company over at my parents place.

Dinner: LOTS of FOOD - 2 diff kinds of sausages, sauerkraut with pork, cheese & potato perogies, fried potatoes, bread, coleslaw, corn, and probably more.

Dessert: 2-3 smallish slices of a fruit poundcake

Full but didn't binge. If I am going to eat a lot, I don't mind doing it at a gathering like tonight. The worst is eating at night by yourself standing at the kitchen counter.

I much prefer feeling a little emptier though...

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:59 pm
by coffee
Sinnie wrote:I feel like my body is trying to be on my side, I just need to meet it half way.
that's such a cool concept! And way better than the alternative, of your body NOT being on your side. Keep up the positive attitude, and keep on keeping on! :)

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:22 am
by Sinnie
Thank you, coffee. I am grateful that I haven't put on much weight but I really want to bring it down a few pounds. If only I didn't fall off the wagon every second day!!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:27 pm
by Sinnie
Monday Feb. 28, 2011

Breakfast: apple and oatmeal with pb & j
Lunch: pita with preservative-free ham, orange, water
Dinner: shake n bake chicken legs, rice, cucumber salad, orange, few peanuts, lick of muffin batter :?

After dinner I made muffins just using up leftover ingredients. I had one. And then some milk.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:23 pm
by Sinnie
March 1 Weigh in - 119.5

B: muffin and coffee, orange
L: Ham sandwich, apple, water
D: some peanuts, 2 chicken legs, rice, few baby carrots w/ ranch dip and an apple. Milk.

Had a muffin with pb just after dinner.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:25 pm
by Sinnie
I wrote a whole spiel on why I am constantly failing and then I pressed submit and lost it. :x Oh well.

B: Muffin and apple
L: pita with chicken plus an orange
D: bean soup, pork stir fry and rice

Very proud of myself. For once, I made myself wait to eat and be disciplined. I had a long gap between lunch and dinner (well long for me) and I didn't die of hunger or anything :lol: In fact, it wasn't that bad at all. I'm reminding myself that this isn't supposed to be fun, easy or even enjoyable - but that doesn't change the rules - eat for re-fueling, not for stress, boredom, loneliness or pleasure. I can kick, scream, pout, complain...but I have to deal with it.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:03 pm
by Sinnie
S day: sister's wedding rehearsal.

B: raw oatmeal with protein powder and few raisins; piece of toast w/ margarine

L: 2 slices pizza and an apple

D: Not sure but I know there will be pizza, cheese/crackers/grapes; fruit and veggie platters and cake. It will be a late dinner with everyone after the rehearsal at the church. I've confined any S's until then (which will prob be a piece of cake)

EDIT: I was really good. Before the church while people were snacking on the food, I didn't touch a thing! I can't believe myself! I thought I'd wait until dinner afterwards with the pizza and all. I only had 2 smaller slices but I did have a rich piece of cake and snacked a bit much on the munchies. Still, a success in my mind.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:57 pm
by Sinnie

B: oatmeal, toast w/ pb and an orange
L: 2 slices of pizza; few baby carrots
D: (will be) pork chop, potatoes, veggies

I had a very small glass of wine mid afternoon while discussing some wedding details for sister wedding tomorrow.

Started to snack on crackers right before dinner. Then, had a sugary pop with dinner. Then, had lots of cookies after dinner :roll:

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:21 pm
by Sinnie
S days were wild, but not that crazy. Mainly just too much at dinner and dessert. No snacking really.

Monday March 7: SUCCESS
Breakfast was slice of toast with pb & j and an apple
Lunch is a bun with deli meat (preservative free chicken) and an orange.
Dinner is salad, chicken, rice, fruit.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:18 pm
by Sinnie
Tues. March 8: SUCCESS

B: there was a breakfast at work so I kind of virtual plated. Had a piece of toast with pb on my way in and saved my fruit for the office where there was a breakfast for Shrove Tuesday. So I had a pancake (didn't finish), piece of bacon (didn't finish) and some fruit.

L: leftovers from dinner yesterday (breaded and baked chicken, rice, salad)

D: chicken legs, tortellini and green peas; apple

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:15 pm
by Sinnie
Wed. March 9: FAILURE

B: toast w/ pb + piece of fruit

Was staaaaarving before lunch. Very hungry today, but I held out. It was really hard concentrating before lunch though. I knew my lunch would not be big enough and luckily saw some bread sitting in the staff room so I added that to my lunch.
L: chicken+potatoes+pear+bread (sorta sweet tasting, with dried fruit)

D: homemade macaroni and cheese, few bites of fruit salad, small bowl of multigrain cheerios w/ milk, watered down orange juice, mini yogurt (weird dinner, was in a rush).

Was tired and hungry when I got home at 9:30 last night. Had a few handfuls of popcorn and some baby carrots.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:30 pm
by Sinnie
Thurs. March 10

B: toast w/ pb; half an apple; handful peanuts; coffee with cream

I guess I started off the day on the wrong foot. After having the popcorn and carrots last night, I felt like a failure. I've also been especially hungry recently. Anyways, I ate breakfast at home but once i got to work I had the peanuts because I felt like I needed something. Then, I got into that "mode" where I've failed and start thinking I should count calories or do something different or....etc. So, I had the apple that was for my lunch and my watered down OJ. I also grabbed some mini gumballs.

Nothing too bad, but I could feel that feeling...where I know I am on the road to another failure. If I had loose change, I'd be *this close* to buying a chocolate chip muffin at lunch. I had no money on me though. So I had what was left og my packed lunch - potatoes and mac n cheese.

I actually walked to grab more gumballs and was going to have hershey kisses too. Then I stopped and made a bargain with myself. I'm clearly feeling bad today and desperately want (need?) something sweet. Rightly or wrongly, I said I can have whatever I want at dinner. If there is cake at home, I am having it. I was actually OK with that thought, felt very satisfied with my idea, even happy, and did not have any of those sweets I was going for.

I guess my theory is this. I acknowledge I get like this sometimes. It usually leads to a binge, and I feel horrible afterwards physically. If I know I am going to do this and am not going to stop myself, I'm going to give in and make it part of the rules today. I'd rather just have a less-than-healthy dinner which includes sweets, then throw in the towel completely and go hog wild.

Will update.

Went pretty wild. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:31 pm
by Sinnie
Starting again. It seems I just can't stay on track enough to lose weight. I keep imagining, if I just did No S day in and day out, I'd be the weight I want to be instead of just maintaining around 120 lbs all the time.

B: 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 pieces of toast w/ butter and strawberries
L: oatmeal mixed with protein powder and yogurt
D: linguine with tuna puttanesca and some kind of veggie (probably will also have a martini as an app and wine with dinner - once the work day is finished, March break officially starts!)

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:48 pm
by NoSRocks
Hey Sinnie! Just popped in to say I'm really enjoying reading your thread!
Despite what you think, you are doing really great! To keep going on No S and NOT give up, that is the most important thing and giant kudos to you for keeping on keeping on... if you know what i mean!! :wink: :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:52 pm
by Sinnie
Hey thanks NoSRocks! I'm really happy to read that, I love when people stop by :D You given me the extra boost of motivation as I'm starving for lunch...

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:37 pm
by Sinnie
Have not been doing terribly well. What a surprise! I have to go wedding dress shopping soon, you'd think that would motivate me!? NO!!!!

But I think a lot about how far I've come. When I was 140 lbs years ago, I'd kill to be 120. Now I'm here, it's effortless, and I feel like I did at 140 wanting to be smaller. It's funny what happens when you get used to something. And I appreciate how eating normally got me here. Until I met DF, I was an avid and obsessed dieter, thinking I had to eat little, count calories, all that dreaded stuff that never works. It felt like I wasn't eating much and yet i could not lose weight give or take 5 lbs. Now I know it was all due to binging. Start eating normally and THEN you lose weight. Too bad the dieting industry exists. It really screws people up. I guess I'm thinking of this because I still sometimes revert into that girl. The one who wants to count calories or diet to lose these last darn 10 lbs. But then I try and can't make it one morning doing it the old way..and then I think about how I got where I am and realize that is the only thing I need to be doing.



B: orange, 2 pieces turkey bacon, raw oatmeal with almond milk, small handful of dry cereal, coffee with evap. milk

L: chicken tenders in half a tortilla w/ avocado and lettuce; bean salad; mini yogurt; diet coke; apple

D: homemade lentil soup & 2 homemade buns; few baby carrots, small nectarine, few strawberries; water

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:49 pm
by Sinnie
March 15, 2011 Weigh in: 119.5


B: 2 pieces of toast with pb & j; 3 or 4 strawberries

Going out for lunch with DF. We are doing the wings/beer thing again. It seems to be the obligatory lunch whenever I am on break.

Dinner was just an apple. Not hungry. Running around from place to place.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:50 pm
by Sinnie

B: raw oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins and milk (I really enjoyed this); small piece of cheese; apple

L: Subway - 6 inch ham with cheese
*Oh, had a very small piece of dark chocolate on account of taking DF's daughter shopping today. It was the right thing to do. Not calling it a failure.

D: at a friend's house - Pasta with cheese, salad, fresh baguette with butter and orange juice.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:20 am
by Sinnie
I am noticing a trend. I do really well when I am on vacation. Meaning, I never have a string of successes. But when I was on Christmas break, it was easy and I lost weight. Now, I am on March break and it's equally easy - I have been green since Monday and I'm not having a hard time.

What does this mean? I guess work causes me to eat more for a variety of reasons. Stress, boredom, procrastinating, and so on. At home, I can more or less do what I like and take care of things I care about. It's just interesting.

Today I am off to DF's house to paint. It's my project now. I've been redecorating his house! It's looking soooo good :)

B: coffee, 2 slices of toast with peanut butter and jam
L: tequila shrimp on rice; fruit; homemade banana chocolate milkshake (skipped the danishes!!!)
D: custard pastry and salad with ground beef and ranch dressing.

Got hungry just before bed and ate a bunch of stuff. My success streak has ended. Back on track today.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:33 pm
by Sinnie
Thursday: Failed
Friday: Failed
Saturday & Sunday: went wild
Monday: Failed

Tues. March 22

B: oatmeal with protein powder and almonds; apple

L: pasta, chicken, chilli, baby carrots and water

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:14 pm
by Sinnie
In a bad mood today for a variety of reasons. Failed AGAIN yesterday, a doozie of a fail too (not like an apple, but more like a binge).

I keep reminding myself to keep going. I guess the mixture of successes and failures keeps my weight fairly steady at least (but I'm sure I'm up a few pounds at this point, too scared to weigh).

B: apple, cantaloup pieces, 1/2 pita with veggie turkey and arugula
L: pear parfait (yogurt, pear pieces, vanilla protein powder), finished the sandwich from breakfast,small can tuna and an apple.
D: a lot of "stuff" - veggie dog on slice bread, arugula salad, 2 hunks of cornbread, some chips, strawberry parfait (strawberries, yogurt, protein powder, granola, almonds).

Dinner left me uncomfortably stuffed. I'm not going to let myself keep eating even though I failed (didn't put everything on one plate at dinner and had a bite of fruit while making lunch for tomorrow). I'm feeling stressed, have lots of decisions to make for the wedding, I'm so tired after work, I feel fat and have to try on dresses...I know, woe is me. I'm just complaining. I need to vent. I feel stressed and despite what I listed, I'm not sure that's what it is. Maybe it's feeling uprooted since my sister got married, we all live in one house...I don't know. I just know that I am overeating everyday.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:28 pm
by Sinnie
Weight: 120

B: pita with veggie turkey, cantaloup and apple
L: slice bread with veggie dog; arugula salad; pear/strawberry parfait
D: pasta, veal, bun, caesar salad (provided by work)

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:19 pm
by Sinnie
Feeling very sick today. Home from work with a fever :(

B: coffee and bran muffin (late breakfast, when I was feeling a bit better)

EDIT: Didn't have lunch, was sleeping. Dinner was a pork chop, perogies and a salad. Then was at a class in the evening where I had a snack of fruit and cookies.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:27 pm
by Sinnie
Starting a countdown over again:


Breakfast was oatmeal and an apple. Lunch was 2 veggie dogs on bread and an apple. Dinner was homemade soup and pizza, and fruit salad.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:31 pm
by Sinnie
There are 110 days until my wedding. I'd like to use that as my motivation to get on a great, solid habit for life. I want my married life to be free of the addiction to snacking and overeating. Ironically, that number of days is also my goal weight.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:20 pm
by NoSRocks
Good luck, You are doing GREAT!! Also many congratulations on your forthcoming wedding!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:57 am
by Sinnie
Thank you so much!!! :D

Still siiiick :(

Not much appetite at all. This sucks.

Breakfast was oatmeal and an apple.
Lunch is pizza, a veggie dog (no bun) and slice cheese.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:25 pm
by Sinnie
Over the past couple days I've ate stuff I wasn't supposed to, but I'll chalk them up to Sick days and keep going.

I want today to be perfect. I'll just focus on today, for today.

Breakfast was a grapefruit and yogurt/oatmeal/protein powder combo.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:07 pm
by Sinnie
Just thought I would pop in and update!

Well, I got married about a month ago and everything went perfectly. Couldn't have imagined a better day :D I weighed 116.5 that morning which I was pretty happy with, despite my goal of 110-115. I really didn't try at all, so that weight was more than acceptable. I think I still looked pretty darn good ;)

Then the honeymoon came a couple weeks after. It was the most glorious vacation I've ever been on. We splurged for an all inclusive cruise to the mediterranean. I ate non-stop for 8 days. I just could not help eating with the sheer amount of 5-star quality food, the best you could imagine. Anything you want, anytime, pretty much. I felt bloated a lot which I hated. I came back truly and honestly expecting to have gained to at least 125 given how tight my clothes felt. But it was only 119 which is nothing short of a miracle. I love how my body reacts since this type of No S lifestyle. I just don't gain weight easily like I used to, I find my body much more adaptable.

Anyways, I haven't been doing anything differently, but I've suddenly dropped to about 115. I am curious, but sooo happy (my lifetime goal has been 110 - I am a mere 5'2). I find I plateau for months at a time, and then drop out of nowhere. I will probably maintain this weight now until the new year at least but it stays off. Hoping this new weight is permanent. I am attributing it to my new lifestyle at hubby's place (great eating habits, mealing only etc), I am more active daily (need to re-organize his place) and I got a new adorable puppy!!! Still don't do any formal exercise. I do eat dinner much later now (around 7 or 8pm when I used to eat between 4 and 5) because DH got a new job much farther and works later.

All in all, everything is grand. I'm back at work in a couple weeks and I hope the new schedule doesn't set back my weight as I tend to eat more when working. I will occasionally pop in to update. Oh, and I certainly have not been green with No S. Everyday I have some sort of S, but since I don't binge anymore it doesn't affect my weight. I think I will just continue to do what I'm doing and see what happens. It is an incredibly "liveable" diet, because it's not a diet! I think I just eat when I am hungry, which is usually 3 times a day...although that may include dessert during meals, or on multiple plates or whatever. Totally not vanilla. But the structure of always eating 3 meals no matter what, somehow makes the difference.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:07 pm
by Sinnie
Just thought I would pop in and update!

Well, I got married about a month ago and everything went perfectly. Couldn't have imagined a better day :D I weighed 116.5 that morning which I was pretty happy with, despite my goal of 110-115. I really didn't try at all, so that weight was more than acceptable. I think I still looked pretty darn good ;)

Then the honeymoon came a couple weeks after. It was the most glorious vacation I've ever been on. We splurged for an all inclusive cruise to the mediterranean. I ate non-stop for 8 days. I just could not help eating with the sheer amount of 5-star quality food, the best you could imagine. Anything you want, anytime, pretty much. I felt bloated a lot which I hated. I came back truly and honestly expecting to have gained to at least 125 given how tight my clothes felt. But it was only 119 which is nothing short of a miracle. I love how my body reacts since this type of No S lifestyle. I just don't gain weight easily like I used to, I find my body much more adaptable.

Anyways, I haven't been doing anything differently, but I've suddenly dropped to about 115. I am curious, but sooo happy (my lifetime goal has been 110 - I am a mere 5'2). I find I plateau for months at a time, and then drop out of nowhere. I will probably maintain this weight now until the new year at least but it stays off. Hoping this new weight is permanent. I am attributing it to my new lifestyle at hubby's place (great eating habits, mealing only etc), I am more active daily (need to re-organize his place) and I got a new adorable puppy!!! Still don't do any formal exercise. I do eat dinner much later now (around 7 or 8pm when I used to eat between 4 and 5) because DH got a new job much farther and works later.

All in all, everything is grand. I'm back at work in a couple weeks and I hope the new schedule doesn't set back my weight as I tend to eat more when working. I will occasionally pop in to update. Oh, and I certainly have not been green with No S. Everyday I have some sort of S, but since I don't binge anymore it doesn't affect my weight. I think I will just continue to do what I'm doing and see what happens. It is an incredibly "liveable" diet, because it's not a diet! I think I just eat when I am hungry, which is usually 3 times a day...although that may include dessert during meals, or on multiple plates or whatever. Totally not vanilla. But the structure of always eating 3 meals no matter what, somehow makes the difference.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:16 pm
by milliem
Congratulations on your wedding, that cruise sounds amazing!!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:35 pm
by NoSRocks
Many Congratulations on your wedding! Also, not forgetting your superb results on No S - LOL!!

Best wishes to you, love Roxy x

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:35 pm
by kccc
What a great update - just like a fairytale story with a "happy ending." :)

Best wishes to you and your husband! Hope things continue to go well for you.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:16 am
by Sinnie
Thank you so much millie, Roxy and KCCC :D xoxo

I did have a small binge yesterday. For the first time in a long time, I just felt....something....I don't know - unmotivated? I still to watch myself for emotional eating, a bad habit of mine I've somewhat learned to control.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:21 pm
by Sinnie
Need to start some tracking, have been overeating again. I want to nip this before it becomes a problem.

W: 118.5

Breakfast: coffee with evap. skim milk, big bowl of strawberry bran flakes with ff soy milk (no regular milk left).

Lunch: (will be)...pasta with cheese and meatballs, 2 apples

Dinner: (will be)...roasted whole chicken, roasted potatoes, tomato salad

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:42 am
by Sinnie
Yesterday was a FAILURE. I had lots of desserts.
I am not feeling well today, I can sense a cold coming on.

W: 118

B: small slice of banana bread, apple
L: pasta with meatballs, apple, peach
D: chicken wings, tomato salad, rice or perogies (not sure yet)

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:03 pm
by Sinnie
Weight is jumping around a bit, but still settling too high as I've been snacking big time. Up to 118.5 today. Not a good number for me. I really need to re-focus, I am disappointed in myself. I'm stressed a lot these days, so much to do so little time.

Maybe keeping a journal again will help. So badly want to make my goal finally.

B: small bowl of granola cereal with soy milk. One piece of toast with pb and bit of jam. 2 coffees - one with milk, the other with sugar. Swig of milk.

L: chicken skewers, kale with bacon, rice, an apple and a homemade apple/nectarine sauce.

D: I made pumpkin soup (with a maple syrup, pecan, apple, chive topping), shrimp linguine, homemade bread and butter.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:40 pm
by Who Me?
I seems like you're agonizing about an awfully insignificant amount of weight. While good habits *are* really important, do those three pounds really matter? They're just numbers, and as we all agree, those numbers move around a lot in the course of a day.

Forgive me if I'm stepping out of line with this comment. You seem to be a healthy weight, but you're being so hard on yourself.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:21 am
by Sinnie
You're not stepping out of line at all. My husband says the same thing, it doesn't matter what I weigh, he just hates to see me snack all the time when it leads me down a bad path. His words always are, just eat three meals and let it be whatever it may be.

I guess I frustrate myself when I know what I should be doing and yet don't do it. I am at a fine weight, but if I didn't pay attention, it could easily go up and up and up. I do find it tremendously easy to maintain, so I beat myself up because if I stuck to the plan, I could be down a few lbs and just maintain there. Although, back to your point, what's 8 lbs anyways.

Having said all that, I finally didnt snack today. Well, not in the truest No S sense, I always pick a bit cooking dinner, and don't follow the No seconds but as far as things go for me it was a success.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:02 pm
by Sinnie
W: 117

I ate bigger meals yesterday for breakfast and lunch, and that definitely helped out.

B: cookie dough pancake (my step daughter makes these and they are yum!) and some apple/nectarine sauce...and of course coffee :)

L: apple, banana, few nuts, noodle soup, pumpkin soup, piece bread w/butter

D: going to fancy resto for DH's birthday...portions are small but we do eat a few courses and drink quite a bit..should be good...really looking forward to an evening out alone

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:51 pm
by Sinnie
I ended up snacking quite a bit before dinner which sort of ruined my appetite. That didn't stop me from eating loads of bread at the restaurant though. We split oysters and foie gras for an app with a vodka martini, then I had my main with maybe 2 glasses of wine. I was was too full for dessert and said no, but they brought us some chocolates, shortbread cookies and raspberries anyways, so I had some of that.

W: 118

Brunch...2 pieces of french toast with real maple syrup, an apple, few bites of applesauce, and a cup of milk.

Snack...trail mix, large peach, made pumpkin muffins (didnt have one!) but licked the batter, and had some raisins.

Dinner...salmon with balsamic reduction, basmati rice, bbq wings and sauteed spinach, white wine

Dessert - piece of cookies and cream cake

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:58 am
by Sinnie
W: 116

B: I made steel cut oatmeal in the slow cooker last night - Cherry Vanilla Irish Oats (vanilla soy milk, dried cherries, maple syrup). Had some this morning and 1/2 a pumpkin muffin. Coffee.

L: leftovers - basmati rice drizzled with some of the buffalo sauce from the wings last night, salmon, an apple and water.

D: glass of white wine, bratwurst on a bun, perogies, broccoli, slice of cookies n cream cake, 1/2 muffin, few bites of oatmeal

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:47 pm
by Who Me?
Restaurants still serve foie gras? Good gracious! I thought that practice was long-gone.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:45 pm
by Sinnie
Really!?! Wow, I still see it often enough! I wouldn't say it's popular unless it's a french inspired restaurant, but I do order it whenever I see it.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:10 pm
by Sinnie
W: 116.5

I've made a realization recently that's helped me. I am much better off eating large meals rather than trying to cut back and binging. If I am having an off day, I'd rather eat anything I want at meals and not snack at night (which is waaaay more caloric in the end). I can't believe how much less I've been doing that since I've increased my breakfast and lunch sizes.

B: piece of muffin, whole blueberry bagel with cream cheese. Coffee with evap milk, black coffee

L: bratwurst, naan, large peach, water

D: I made calzones (mozzarella and sauce); 3 chicken wings; coke; apple; piece of pancake and muffin

Soccer tonight!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:42 pm
by Sinnie
W: 117

B: toast with pb & j, coffee

L: calzone, apple, water

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:52 pm
by Sinnie
Yesterday ended up being snack-o-rific. 117.5 this morning.

Today was also not the greatest as I snacked after work before dinner.

B: plain blueberry bagel, apple

L: banana, apple, oatmeal, cheese

S: licks of peanut butter, some nuts, yogurt covered raisins, peach halve

D: 2 chicken legs, some pork vindaloo, rice and canned peach slices

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:59 pm
by Sinnie
I feel like I've been doing quite badly. Although, on the weekend I saw my mom and sister and they both thought I looked skinny. It was a bit exaggerated, I thought.

Anyways, somehow this morning I went back down 116.5. After a very S-filled weekend, I don't know how.

B: whole wheat eng muffin w/ pb and j; steel cut oats w/ maple syrup, blueberries and pecans; whole yogurt (this was a bit much food, I felt too stuffed after).

L: homemade beef and barley stew and a large peach

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:43 pm
by Sinnie
I had snacks and dessert after dinner yesterday :(

I am doing a new schedule for today because of an appt and soccer tonight.

Didn't have breakfast early (just a coffee, and then vanilla soy milk with instant coffee - surprisingly really good!)

"Breakfast" is at 11am which is usually my lunchtime. I am having leftover potato salmon strata, cottage cheese and grapes.

Lunch will be after work around 3pm.

I will eat dinner around 6pm.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:48 pm
by Sinnie
Been doing OK, gained a bit @ 118 because I have been snacking a lot and eating dessert.

I really want to try Vanilla. I just never have the willpower to stick it out.

B: oatmeal and coffee

L: fish soup, full fat yogurt with low sugar mango jam and a peach

D: perogies with sour cream, 2 chicken legs, salad, some risotto, potato/veg, glass wine

Very stressed with lots to do for work and a course I am taking. Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and just don't see a way out with some dessert tonight. I don't know how the rest of you do it.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:43 pm
by Sinnie
I want to end this year off with a bang. Re-committing. Yesterday was successful.

B: soy vanilla latte, toast with pb
L: egg salad sandwich, apple
D: pork ribs, rice, spinach

Will be playing soccer tonight, too!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:54 pm
by Sinnie
Day 1: SUCCESS (saying this preemptively)

Breakfast was pb toast and apple (virtual plated). Lunch is pasta with cheese, leftover prime rib and brocoli and an apple.