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Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:36 am
by NoSRocks
Despite not posting for a few days, I'm still here and still reading the No S board, folks! Just popping in to say hi and all the best for the remainder of your No S week!!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:31 am
by NoSRocks
This week, I haven't done too badly with eating and exercise. Now that the weather is improving, i have been doing my neighborhood walks. Weighed the other day and still stuck at 170 lbs. Keep telling myself this is only temporary and will soon start losing again.... think i am kidding myself somewhat but there we have it. STILL very much enjoying No S and was slightly tempted to have a treat the past couple of nights but managed to abstain. Thanks No S for giving me the willpower!

Good Job

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:40 am
by r.jean
At times when I feel like am never going to lose all of this weight, I keep reminding myself that I gained 20 lbs in one year in 2010, and MAINTENANCE IS PROGRESS.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:48 am
by NoSRocks
Hi r.jean! Thanks again for your nice words. True indeed, to be maintaining is definitely a huge achievement. I too, have gained around 20 lbs in the past 2 - 3 yrs. In fact, at one point I was actually 30 lbs lighter (but had a very physical job at the time). I've realized it is highly improbable (nigh on impossible) that I will lose those 30 odd lbs again. It was an unnaturally low(er) weight for myself....even though it could be considered average weight for someone at 5 ft 7 inches. I have a larger frame and hadn't been anywhere near it for at least 20 yrs. Hard to imagine but I was on my feet constantly for 8 hrs a day, every day to lose that kind of weight in a matter of months. I couldn't imagine sustaining that level of exercise now under 'normal' circumstances.
Anyway - enough said! Just been reading over the newer posts this evening and some of the older ones too. Feeling really great and pretty fired up about the No S diet again, particularly after reading those inspirational posts. Thanks again, everyone!! I have had a pretty good week with consistent outdoor walking (approx. 1 hr x 4 a week). Not too many failures i.e. nibbling between meals. Still plenty of room for improvement though. Looking forward to my S Days again!! Have a great week everyone. Thanks r.jean for stopping by and taking time to post. Have a wonderful weekend.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:38 am
by NoSRocks
No S Weekend


B: 3 crepes (from Ikea) w/strawberry jam
1 yogurt
cup of mandarins

L: half a cheese and bacon panini from Panera
fruit salad cup
large black coffee

few nibbles: gummy worms, dove chocolates (2)

D: Pasta rotini w/ beef and tomato
1 large slice caramel apple cake w/cream


B: 1 slice banana bread and butter spread
mandarins, activia parfait yogurt

L: 2 scones w/butter; coffee (really heavy!)

Nibbles: a few handfuls dried fruit, 2 large stuffed olives w/cheese and ham

D: More dried fruit, slice bread and butter; 3 frozen margaritas

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:40 am
by NoSRocks

B: 1 hi fiber granola bar
1 ff greek yogurt
1 cup mandarins

L: 1 large slice banana bread and butter
1 large banana

D: 2 large slices bread and butter
4 oz. smoked salmon

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:20 am
by NoSRocks
WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY - ate almost the same both days however, had a big serving of veggies (cauliflower) on Wednesday. Didn't bother with veggies today. Lunch on Thursday was low fat berry cake (Starbux).

B: Hi Fiber granola bar
1 x activia parfait yogurt (they're a bit high in fat/sugar content so
trying to use these up quickly!!)
4 lg. prunes

L: 2 x rice cakes w/2 triangles laughing cow cheese (these are the BOMB!)
1 x banana (Wed) and 1 low fat berry cake (Thursday)

D: Spinach and feta pie
Boiled cauliflower (Wednesday only)

Not a bad couple of days. Trying not to make too many mods YET but thinking on aiming for lower fat eating during N Days (S Days still a work in progress). Weighed this am and was still 170 lbs. Not great but at least I haven't gained. Made a little goal but didn't set it in stone cos things have a habit of backfiring on me if I get too strict - try to eat lower fat as much as possible, as mentioned starting up with N Days and continue my walking regime. IF I lose anything it will be a bonus. Will try not to weigh more than once a month if possible. Someone had a good suggestion in another thread of weighing monthly and weighing again the following 2 or 3 days after just to get a more accurate reading.

Again, for someone like me who gets paranoid over the scales it may or may not be an ideal method. We'll see. Going on vacation in a few weeks - that could be an interesting 'test'. Not going to spoil my vacation by worrying too much though. Just take it as it comes, I guess.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:12 am
by NoSRocks

Not sure if I'm going to make too much a habit of checking in daily but we'll try it for a bit.

B: 2 x special k 90 cal granola bars
1 x activia parfait crunch yogurt (almost finished these. One more to go)
4 large prunes

L: Very berry crunch cake from Starbucks again...YAY!!
1 x low cal orange drink and one black coffee

D: Ready Meal: Chinese fried rice (which despite the name is not particularly high in fat)

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:36 pm
by NoSRocks

B: 3 crepes (Ikea brand) and strawberry jam
the last of the activia partait crunch yogurts (starting to get fed up with them now)
4 large pitted prunes (I know they're not everyone's favorite, but these are nice and soft and really yummy!)

L: 1 thick slice Pumpkin Bread from Starbucks --OMG to DIE for!!!!
(I also took a nibble of their banana choc chip bread from my friend's plate. Surprisingly disappointing!)
1 lg black coffee

D: 1 piece applewood smoked salmon (approx 6 oz from a package, sadly I don't do fresh from the counter very often - tasted very salty but nice!!)
lots of celery sticks dipped in chunky blue cheese dressing. Sounds a bit crazy as far as dinners go, but I enjoyed it.
1 frozen margarita (one of those Dailey's premade cocktails straight from the freezer - divine!!!)
Not sure if I'll have any dessert or not this evening. Quite full. I'd only be doing it cos its an S Day and I can.
Hope you're all having a great weekend!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:38 am
by NoSRocks

B: Large turtle brownie, 4 prunes, ff greek yogurt

L: large slice pumpkin bread, 1 margarita cocktail

D: cheese bagel with butter spread and 4 rashers bacon
1 margarita cocktail, nibbles - 3 chocolates, handful chips, blue cheese dip

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:41 am
by NoSRocks
My goodness! I've had an awful week (eating wise) on No S this week, I think one of the worst since I started! So much for my lower fat eating campaign... I knew it was a bad idea to make restrictions on myself. Over thinking is one of my biggest downfalls. As a result, I've eaten absolutely NO veggies this week whatsover, had lots of heavy, starchy foods like toast and thick slabs of butter plus I had some candy after dinner last night which is a major fail. The candy was my daughter's fudge which is very rich and full of fat. I'm a little stressed right now too and when I get stressed out...well my thoughts always turn to comfort eating. However, I did a little better today. Managed to stick to my 3 meals even though they weren't the most nutritious of choices. Can't get myself to eat my veggies... the thought seems to be turning my stomach!! But I know they are good for me and an essential so I will have to make an effort at some point. Right now, I was just glad that I didn't have any snacks or desserts after dinner although I was sorely tempted. I was up to 172 lbs this morning so maybe that deterred me from overindulging... just!
Hopefully, I will do better next week although I'm going on vacation so it might be a bit tough. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:15 am
by NoSRocks

B: 2 x special k 90 cal granola bars (these are the Pits!! but I have to use them up so....)
4 prunes, 1 greek yogurt (fat free)

L: Lower fat Berry crumb cake and large black coffee (from a certain coffee shop :lol: :lol: )

D: Spinach and feta pie; green giant steamed veg pack w/green beans, peppers and potatoes. Trying to get more veggies in. This was pretty bearable. I think the potatoes helped.

Not a bad day today and I'm back down to 170 lbs. Maybe I'll get down a few EXTRA lbs one of these days. However, soon to be off on vacation and I will try my best to stick to the No S rules whilst away. I Don't expect a loss of weight, though.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 3:32 am
by gk
I look at vacations as a big "reset button".......enjoy and have fun....the rules will be there and easier to follow when you get back. 8)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 5:38 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi gk! :lol: thanks for your nice message :lol:
Hi everyone! Yes, I am baaaack!! Had a wonderful vacation too. Didn't go too mad (thanks to wonderful No S influencing my eating habits) but wasn't exactly No S compliant either. Well its a holiday for goodness' sake!! :lol: :oops: :lol:

I must admit the tone of my thread yesterday was a little glum since I'd gained an extra 5 lbs on top of my original weight gain and was NOT a happy bunny :( This morning, I'm quite pleased to report that after a day or two of sensible eating I'm back to 170 lbs again. Actually, I weighed myself Monday am and was 172 and this morning (Tues), back to 170 lbs. I think I will lay off weighing on a daily basis for a while though because I am in danger of getting too obsessed! Anyhow, just popping in to say hi and will update later since I have to dash somewhere now.

Here's to a great No S week everyone. Talk soon!!!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:26 pm
by r.jean
Good to see you back!

Sounds like you had a good vacation while basically having zero weight gain. That is fantastic!

Back when I was weighing myself a lot, I experienced your yo yo weight problem a lot. I could easily go up several pounds after one indulgent weekend, but it would come right back off with a couple of sensible days. I now try to stick to once a month. My weigh in is Friday.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:15 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again r.jean! Nice to hear from you as always and thanks so much for your continued support and inspiration. :D :D

Yeah, I guess that does mean I haven't gained on vacation so thanks for cheering me up!! Around the time I lost 10 lbs on No S, I too was very 'guilty' of weighing myself often - probably every day as I can recall it. Like your good self, I too would gain a few lbs after the weekend and would find (initially) that it would go back down to 160 lbs after a few N Days. Then the trend changed - almost overnight - and I would find myself up at 163 lbs during the week and so on and so forth. For a time, I quit No S in frustration, crash dieted down to 160 lbs again, couldn't sustain the diet and the rest is history !

As I was saying to oolala on another thread, I think its counterproductive (for me anyway) to weigh every day. I think weighing once a month like you do is a great idea (someone posted, they do a couple of follow up weigh ins after the monthly weigh to get their average weight; sounds good but would it make me too paranoid if I saw a gain??)

Well, I can't stress enough how happy I am with the No S plan since even though I haven't lost anything yet, I do have much more organization with my eating habits. I also realize - and surprisingly i feel more determined to suceed this time - that I will have to curb my S Days somewhat if I want to stay the same or lose anything. My exercise could also be better/more intensive, but heck, I want to be able to stick with it so what's the point of going 'gung ho' in a gym etc. if a: I'm not going to like it and b: it would only be a passing phase?

Anyway folks, feeling a bit calmer this week and definitely looking forward to the weekend but not with the same "let's eat everything and anything in sight" mentality. I'll keep you posted on how I do.... fingers crossed!!!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:55 am
by r.jean
I love it when my weigh in day falls on a Friday or Saturday after a week of N days and hate it when it falls on a Sunday or Monday. However, I just take the weight that the 20th of each month brings and figure that a low loss one month means a bigger loss the next month.

At first I had a hard time staying away from the scale for a month, but if I slipped and weighed myself, I did not write it down. If I did not write it down I tended to forget what it was.

I hope to see you here for a long time to come. I am sure we will both reach our goals! Eventually.....

No S Rocks!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:17 am
by NoSRocks
LOL, r.jean! I hear yah! By the way - just wanted to add again that your weigh in strategy sounds great and I definitely think that's the way I'd like to go. A little nervous if i'd have to weigh in on a weekend or Monday though! Perhaps I'll shoot for weighing on Fridays only - :lol: Then again, telling myself I'll get a better reading next time could work for me and might encourage me to do a little better till next month. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens when the time comes rather than plan ahead or make pledge/s that may fall by the wayside.

PS: Here's what I ate M, T and W so far. Again, not sure if I'm going to make a habit of writing down everything I;ve eaten long term (since I'm afraid of being too food conscious if you know what i mean!) Menatime, here it is. Not too bad so far:


B: 1 90 cal Kellogg's granola bar (seem to be acquiring a taste for these now!)
3 prunes and 1 fat free Greek yogurt

L: 2 x crackerfuls and 1 orange

D: 6 oz. shaved turkey breast and bean salad


B: 1 90 cal Kellogg's granola bar
Cup mandarins and 1 fat free yogurt

L: Handful of dried fruit - raisins, dates, (ate on the run)

D: 6 oz. shaved turkey breast and bean salad


B: 1 90 cal Kellogg's granola bar
Citrus salad and 1 fat free Greek yogurt

L: 1 slice berry crumb cake, 1 black coffee and 3 dates

D: 1 quorn 'chicken' breast w/breadcrumbs and cheese; bean salad
1 cough sweet (had a scratchy throat after sneezing! Is this a cheat??) Oh well, had to do something to quell the cough.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 12:01 am
by NoSRocks

Eek, i am suffering from 'too much bread' syndrome this evening. Yesterday and tonight had bread based meals for both lunch and dinner. They were yummy and just so easy to rustle up, but my oh my, I don't think they will do anything for my weight loss, especially when you slap as much spread on them as I did. However, i didn't really feel like having a vegetable and meat based dinner these past few days.

Looking forward (somewhat) to my S days but feeling a little confused this week: what on earth am I going to eat? Haven't bought too many S Day treats and feeling a bit deprived (even though its just psychological/a form of habit). Didn't help that I was in the grocery store today and feeling extra hungry!!

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:10 am
by r.jean
I am too lazy to record what I eat, but I read what others eat and find the variety interesting. Quite honestly, I would starve on what you ate Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. I have to have more protein. I have protein for almost every meal. Today was Eggos and peanut butter for breakfast....a decent roast beef and swiss sandwich on wheat and an apple for lunch....a sort of chicken pot pie casserole for supper with a few strawberries. Other than some lettuce and tomatoes on my sandwich and some veggies in the pot pie, I was lacking in the vegetable department.

I read somewhere once that some people just always crave protein while others will always crave carbs or sugars. I am not sure where I am going with this ramble, but I think my point is that this plan is probably easier for me because I am a protein person. I loved my sweets and I had gotten in the habit of eating them in an out of control way. However, the sweets were not that hard to give up.

When I get overly hungry or craving, I eat cheese; you eat bread. Hmmmmm.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:26 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again r.jean!! ALWAYS great to hear from you and many congratulations on your ongoing success with the No S plan!! Absolutely wonderful! :) :)

Just a figure of speech but you were not rambling and I found your reply very interesting and not to mention helpful too. Reading back over what I ate M, T and W and it does indeed sound very meagre! Phew - no wonder i get hungry at other times and mess up ... although I don't really want to subscribe to the "not eating enough, won't lose weight" mentality since it might get me overeating again on N Days. Even though it might look 'good' written down, I've no doubt it's probably the 'little' extra nibble here and there that may seem innocuous enough at the time but sure adds up over the week(s) and keeps my weight up too.

I have read about the benefits of protein and protein based meals from magazines like Woman's World. Now I have an explanation why I can never finish my Christmas and Thanksgiving (about the only time I ever have turkey) dinner!! LOL. I may have to start introducing more protein into my diet and see what happens. Anyway - a little tired this evening so you may have to excuse MY ramblings :p) - hope this post makes sense.

BTW - not had too bad an S Day today. One of the most controlled and sensible since I began No S I feel. I still had the urge to buy lots of sugary and starchy stuff, confectionery etc. and I will admit to purchasing quite a lot of desserts etc. since I had to go the store today anyway. BUT the food is just piling up in the pantry uneaten since even on an excessive S Day, I still can't get through all of the stuff I have in there. Again, I think it's a bit of a security blanket for me, all this buying and I do tend to be a bit of a hoarder, as i mentioned on another post. I wish I could get a handle on all the buying as well!! Oh well, on that lovely note, I will say good evening to you all and look forward to our next meeting on the No S Board. Have a great week, everyone!!!!!

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:08 am
by milliem
Wow I'm with r.jean, your meals look tiny compared to what I can fit on one plateful! :lol:

Did you feel particularly hungry on those days? I guess if that size of meal leaves you full enough that you aren't snacking etc. later in the evening then I'm just very jealous!

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:54 am
by SkyKitty
Are those meal portions a hangover from a previous 'restricted' diet'?

Your lunch would be a small snack to me.
I don't think anyone means to criticise but rather to say, are you restricting yourself more than you need to?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:04 am
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! Thanks for stopping by my thread - always really nice to hear from my fellow no s r's!!! :D :D :D

I never really thought my meals were particularly small but I guess that's pretty much how I ate most of my life (apart from when I was a heavy binger....around 20 or so years ago). Now that I'm approaching 50, I don't get away with anything therefore the overeating or to be more precise nibbling and picking at food I do whenever I fall off the No S wagon, just piles on the pounds. Therefore, I don't know if I could get away with eating bigger meals. Perhaps I need to bulk them up a bit with the fruits and veggies but I have to confess that I tend to find them, vegetables that is, a bit boring!! oooops!! :oops:

This week, I haven't been doing so well on the No S diet both mentally and physically... keep wanting to eat snacks/sweet stuff after dinner. Lots of the aforementioned nibbling and picking at sweet stuff - cakes, etc. that I normally keep for S Days. Today, I am back to normal. I have been pretty good in fact. But I just feel so down about my weight now and it is niggling me in the back of my mind. I know i could look and feel so much better even if I lost a few lbs never mind the 20 or so that I really need to be losing!! For a few crazy days, I felt like re - joining an old slimming club that I have been back and forth with over the last 8 yrs but overall has done nothing for me long term. Anyway! sorry for the rant!! I guess I just have to get this off my chest. I get sooo disheartened whenever I step on the scale to see I'm still at the 170 lbs mark and more worryingly have been at 175 lbs this past month, albeit periodically. I do have a lot riding against me though: suspected underactive thyroid, menopause, blah blah. I probably could sweat it out in a gym for a few hours every day and maybe, just maybe, see the weight go down....but, could I keep this level of exercise up long term??? I think I know the answer to that one so I won't even go there!! I am sticking to vanilla No S that's a given, and we'll just have to see what happens, I guess.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:09 am
by NoSRocks
Here's what I ate today:

B: 1 nature valley granola bar
1 cup mandarins
1 yoplait f/f yogurt

L: McD's snack wrap and apple dippers
1 black coffee

D: Spinach and feta pie, serving of chick pea salad
small nibble at fruit scone - broke the corner off and threw the rest in trash!!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:36 pm
by Pangelsue2
Thank you for the nice post to me. I appreciate the kind thoughts. I loved reding all the conversations on your post about diet head thinking. I too bought every book on the planet at one time or another. I had a rummage sale last week and got rid of almost all of my diet books. I found that I had 2 almost new copies of Sugar Busters!! I also wish I could just throw out my scale. My opinion of myself is way too tied to that thing. Americans are so incredibly focused on dieting, that we obsess about it and therefore also obsess about food. It can be on our minds 24 hours a day if we let it. I am really trying this time to not over think Reinhard's original simple idea. 3 average sized meals and a nice treat on S days. My downfall last time was definitely trying to squeeze every craving I had all week long into those 2 S days. Reinhard says in his introduction to No S something like, "if you overfill your plates every day and stuff on the weekends, you will die young and fat. I can't help you." He is right. I spent my whole first 6 months on No S telling myself, I could eat whatever I could fit on one plate and have blowouts on the weekends. Looking back on those old posts now, I think, that I was deluding myself. I am trying to work toward the mindset, that weekends also mean one plateful of food at each meal and a SMALL treat that fits on that same plate. There is no way to lose weight except to cut calories. As a lifestyle, No S is no exception. Maintenance is all that will happen if the calories consumed on the weekend offset the calories saved during the week. I am trying to think of obsessive eating like I thought of cigarettes many years ago. I obsessively ate food many times a day for many years. To break that habit will take time, dedication and practice. I need to counter every snack attack thought the same way I fought every cigarette. It will suck but I will feel so much more free when I start having fewer and fewer attacks. I deluded myself for a long time that No S was essentially a diet where I could eat what I wanted and still lose weight. That is the diet we are all really looking for. It's strongest pros are that there is nothing to count and no totally restricted foods. It allows us a social life and limited cheating. All awesome things that could lead to freedom from diet head. The cons are that we have freedom to eat what we want in moderation. That moderation part is a big stumbling block for most of us. I am trying to keep these thoughts foremost in my head this time and when I am done eating, fill my head with other thoughts and activities. At least that is what I am telling myself this week. LOL Didn't mean to ramble on but that is another habit of mine I probably should work on. Habitcal??
I read that you don't care for vegetables. Have you ever tried V-8 Fusion drinks? They are a mixture of fruit and vegetable juices and every 8oz serving is a serving of fruit and vegetables. They are really yummy too.
Well, on to my day of gardening (yay) and cleaning (ugh).
Hope you have a great day too.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:52 pm
by Pangelsue2
By the way, I agree that your weekday meals sound a little light. Maybe that is why you are hungry all the time and craving snacks between meals. I think you might be trying to stick to your old diet within the No S format. Remember, if you want it, you can have it if it fits on one plate. Are you maybe skimping all week long and then letting out all your frustration on the weekends? Just a thought. Been there, done that. Sounds like several people here think the meals are kind of light.
Also, relax a little and let maintenance carry you through sometimes. If you are going into menopause and have thyroid issues, it may be next to impossible to lose all 20 pounds you want to lose. 20 is not a great deal of weight to take off (I need to take off 50-60). Relax and enjoy just maintaining for a while. If you are relaxed, you might accidentally lose some and that would be a nice surprise. Life is too short to stress about food. We were all originally attracted to this diet because it was so simple. One plate 3 times a day and a little treat on weekends. Throw in a little exercise and you're good to go.
Now I am definitely done being your mother for the day.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:34 am
by r.jean
Okay so here comes mother number two. I am going on vacation for 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. I would like to see you ease up a little and see how it goes.

I am going to miss this forum while I am gone and will be checking everyone when I get back. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:38 pm
by tobiasmom
Hey...since we both struggle with that darn scale, shall we toss it for a while? Wanna be accountable to each other for, say, a month or so? I've had a REALLY rough week this week....and could use a fresh start this coming week! Let's do this!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:13 am
by NoSRocks
Hello everyone!! Many, many thanks again for stopping by my thread and posting your inspirational and encouraging messages. Sending out an especially big set of KUDOS to Pangelsue for her words of wisdom!! Very calming and just what I needed to hear. Your mindset or should I say previous mindset and way of thinking regarding food/dieting and even the marvellous No S plan echo mine exactly!! I think I have to take stock and re-read the No S plan again. Not trying to create extra rules for myself since one of the big pros - and also why I've been able to stick to it for so long is the sheer simplicity of it (simplicity as in chosing what to eat and it being so obvious where you went wrong/cheated on an N Day). BUT as Pangelsue mentioned in her post - where in the No S plan does it say one can go mad and have a free for all on S Days and hope to lose weight??? You are correct, sue - even with a fabulous plan like No S, there is no miracle diet and one cannot continue to binge/overindulge on their favorite (fatty/sugary/starchy) foods and expect to lose weight. Even if only 2 days out of 7!! It's so obvious but sometimes one has to see it written down in black and white in order for it to register. :oops:

r.jean: again, thanks for popping in - you too are doing so well on the NO S Plan and are a true inspiration (my fave word of the week, I think!! :):) Have a wonderful vacation and look forward to hearing from my 'surrogate mommy' on her return. :)

tobiasmom: hi again and thanks also for posting! Enjoying reading your posts as ever, btw. I think the 'ditch weighing' idea is an AWEsome one!! Nothing worse to de-rail you when you get disappointed by the latest reading on the scale. Yes, let's try our best not to weigh for at least a few weeks. Perhaps the lack of 'scale stress' (lol - like my new name for it???) will work in our favor. Awesome job on sticking to No S by the way!!!

Think I better call it a night now since its way past my bedtime and i'm sitting at the PC, typing away like the clappers!! Have a great weekend, folks and all the best to you. THANKS again!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:19 am
by Pangelsue2
I like your new term "scale stress". I am weaning myself off of weighing everyday to weighing just once a week. It about drives me crazy. I can't believe how tied I am to it. I want to work toward weighing once a month but right now, I would find it very hard. So I will start thinking of it as scale stress and maybe I can expand the amount of time in between weigh ins. Wow! Diet head really sucks. We have all really been indoctrinated by the diet books, haven't we?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:18 pm
by gk
Thanks so much for your post on my check-in! Funny how you mentioned your size 12's being too small, as that is the size I am currently growing out of. :oops: But, you're does make you feel better to clear out the smaller sizes. Even though you're wearing a bigger size, at least you don't have the smaller ones staring you in the face with disgust every time you get in your closet. Makes you want to grab a brownie from the feeling of hopelessness every time!

Nice to hear you're doing better after two days back in - me, too! I've found that if you can get past 2 days, it starts to get easier, bit by bit.

We can do this!! Good luck! I'm rooting for you! :)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:22 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again girls! :D :D

Thanks for your nice posts! Been having a bit of a rough time lately (eating wise, I mean). After swearing off weighing myself, I stupidly caved in a few days ago and was disappointed that I had gained some extra lbs (on top of what I already have to lose) so I got discouraged and told myself I was gonna be extra-strict. Well, we all know where that got me, don't we???

So.. this week i am really gonna try NOT to weigh myself, just stick to No S and ignore all the diet paraphanalia (sp?) and I am sure it will be a lot less stressful. Stress has been quoted as one of the top factors for weight gain! Well, if that's the case, then I must be heck of a stressed out!! :lol: :lol:

Glad you liked my little expression about the stress of the scales, Pangelsue! It always helps if we can make light of it, no pun intended.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:43 am
by Strawberry Roan
Wanted to stop by and wish you well this week, just take it one healthy meal at a time.

Thanks for stopping by my thread with your good thoughts (I left you a note there as well).


Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:36 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks, hon - you too!!!


Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:00 am
by tobiasmom
I am right there with ya! I've been REALLY struggling this month. I'm committed to this with you.......

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:56 am
by Pangelsue2
Me too. Not such a great weekend for me but determination starting today. We will do this together.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:12 pm
by sophiasapientia
Have a fantastic week, Roxy! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:53 am
by gk
NoSRocks wrote:Been having a bit of a rough time lately (eating wise, I mean). After swearing off weighing myself, I stupidly caved in a few days ago and was disappointed that I had gained some extra lbs (on top of what I already have to lose) so I got discouraged and told myself I was gonna be extra-strict. Well, we all know where that got me, don't we???
Boy, I hear ya. I've struggled SO much lately....didn't weigh myself for awhile and when I finally did last month- just a few pounds higher! I'll just choose to look at the silver lining of this.....I'm just being more efficient....I can get dressed faster now because I don't have to take the time to put on a belt anymore. :lol:

After WEEKS of nothing but reds, I'm finally getting back on track....You CAN, too!! What's helped most for me lately is thinking ahead to how I will feel after eating the chocolate (or whatever). Also, I hop on here every time I feel "weak" and everyone here is so supportive it almost always helps me avoid a lapse.

You can do this!! Hang in there! I'm rooting for you! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:28 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again everybody! Thanks all again for your wonderful, supportive messages!! So glad I popped in this evening since I've been having a horrible couple of days, eating wise that is!! Once again, I stupidly deviated from the No S plan and thought I'd try something different i.e. having a dessert every night after dinner, thinking it might curb my S Days, since I'd have something to look forward to every night rather than save it up for the weekends and risk having a free for all, out n out binge!! Well guys, i have no clue why I did this because i wasn't even feeling hungry after dinner so i could have avoided the snack(s) and thus saved myself calories into the bargain. What is the point in trying to mend something that ain't broke, is basically what I'm asking?? :roll:

So... starting afresh tomorrow and aiming to do the 21 day challenge to get me in the proper frame of mind again. Not that I don't love No S, its just the out of control weekends i can't stand. BUT, it's up to me and only me to change it. I think my best bet is to try not to think about S Days ahead of time, other than when I feel like cheating on an N Day!
Not weighing/thinking about it all so much could make all the difference.

Anyway - after this cr^appy two day experiment, I'd just like to erase it and move on. Not planning on weighing myself for the 21 days either. It will be much more interesting to see - good or bad - what kind of reading I get on the scale after that period of time. Fingers crossed you guys.... WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

Have a great week, everyone!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:34 am
by NoSRocks
Message deleted by user :oops:

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:49 am
by oolala53
Keep at it! It's going to shake out.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:12 am
by thtrchic
Hang in there, Roxy! I know you can do it.

Do you generally start your S days with a "regular" N day type breakfast? I've learned that doing that has made a huge difference for me. Still I'm eating quite a bit of sweets on weekends, but so much less and with so much more ease than when I was starting with a sweet breakfast.


Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:22 am
by oolala53
Yeah, I started every Saturday for months with pancakes and syrup, one of my favorite binge foods. Didn't work out so well. I think I had them one morning in the last few months and the day didn't turn into a wild day, but I won't do that often. However, I'm not sure it will work to force changes, but some have benefited from mods earlier than I have.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:34 pm
by sophiasapientia
Hi Roxy -- Just wanted to say that I'm cheering you on with your 21 days! :D I'm actually finishing up my own 21 day cycle today and think that it can be helpful motivator for building habit and staying accountable.

(Thanks, too, for your kind words on my testimonial thread.)


Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:36 pm
by Pangelsue2
My weekends are still way too wild but I agree with what the others are saying. Reinhard says weekends are like weekdays but if a treat happens on those days, it is OK. He never suggested an all out eating frenzy. Eating frenzies on weekends were my interpretation of the rules because that is what I wanted them to be. I was doing the diet saying to myself that if I was a good girl all week, I could eat whatever I wanted to for 2 whole days. So when those two days came, my brain ate everything it wished for all week long. The only thing I am training my brain to do is obsess about food all week long, make a mental list of everything I feel I am "giving up" during the week so that, by golly, on the weekends, I can make up for all the food loss during the week. I am slowly coming to that realization that No S wasn't working for me because of that. It is a diet after all. I want the magic bullet diet that let's me eat and I still lose weight. Doesn't exist.....sigh. I am trying to find out what my weekends can be so I get some relief from dieting and yet still be good to myself and not undo everything I worked so hard for all week long. That, I think is going to mean choosing a few wonderful treats and otherwise eating like I do all week long. KCCC said to me yesterday that if hunger isn't the question, then food isn't the answer. I am finding out my weight problem is not about how good food is. It is more about how I use food to compensate for how I am feeling.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:36 pm
by gk
Pangelsue2 wrote:I am finding out my weight problem is not about how good food is. It is more about how I use food to compensate for how I am feeling.
That is EXACTLY my problem. Once I can figure out how to deal with things using something other than food, I'll have finally won this battle I seem to have with food.

I do that with my S weekends, too......I remember everything I've craved and then jump right in come Saturday morning. It will be a slow process for us to gain normalcy on those days, but we'll get there. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:29 pm
by oolala53
Just to remind or let you know, there is a thread for support for S day wild ones. I'll bump it up to get it back in view, but let's pledge to get on it Friday and possibly through the weekend to help each other out.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:56 pm
by NoSRocks
OOps! :oops: deleted by mistake

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:29 pm
by NoSRocks
NoSRocks wrote:Hi girls! Wow - you have been busy since my last check in, haven't you? LOL!!

Thanks so much for all your supportive messages - I can't thank you enough or stress enough how much it helps. Meantime...I feel a little bit of a 'fraud'..... :oops: Haven't stuck to the No S plan today like I said i was going to. After denouncing my previous days' eating habits as "cr%%appy", I'm now trying a little experiment to see how it works out: basically, my three meals a day BUT after dinner, having a treat such as an ice cream (or in this instance, a Magnum ice lolly). The reason I'm going for this approach is I am really fed up with my lack of control on S Days and I thought if I allowed myself an S event ie. a treat after dinner every evening, would it prevent me from bingeing on the weekends?

I know, guys, you may be thinking this is not the way to go and TBH, I'm a bit nervous about it after having ingrained/gotten used to not having a treat after dinner. But I will stick with it for a week or two and see how it goes. Still counting it as Day one of my 21 days though. So please keep everything crossed for me meantime - LOL! If not, I can always go back to the Vanilla No S plan, I guess. It might not be as easy since already I am getting used to having a treat (only taken me a day or two, go figure??)

I did weigh myself this morning after all and was 172 lbs! Not quite as heavy as I had anticipated but not intending to weigh or at least record my weight till the 21 days are over. Once again, thanks everyone for stopping by my thread. All the best to you for the coming week(end) too.

Will keep you posted! Take care - Roxy xx

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:22 am
by oolala53
I'd say that the very fact that you think you have to have it after dinner is reason enough not to, esp, since you are probably not hungry! But it is absolutely your choice! And it is true that we all have to get used to moderate portions of sweets at some time. I know on Sparkpeople on two maintainers teams I lurk on, many long-time maintainers there have some kind of sweet after dinner every night, though it is usually something like sugar-free pudding or even jello. It's playing with the odds, but that's why they're just odds.

I suggest you let this be your last mod for several weeks, though...

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:29 am
by NoSRocks
Hi oolala! Thanks again for dropping in and also for the great advice! You know, I am feeling very confused and kind of fed up with myself this evening. I felt quite good at first, having had the ice cream for dessert and being satisfied. However, before I started this new plan, nonsense - I had been doing perfectly well without! It is my fear of the S Days that started this in the first place. I'm now worried because I might have messed up my way of thinking/approaching the No S plan now, having gotten used to having a sweet treat after dinner. This evening, ironically, I was feeling 'torn' about whether or not to have anything. I did give in eventually but upon reflection, I didn't really enjoy the treat.

I think what the underlying problem of late is I am getting impatient; I have somehow got it into my head that the vanilla no S isn't working for me now and I have to change my strategy for losing weight. Kind of silly, now I think about it since I am actually now eating MORE during the week than before. I'm also not comfortable with my eating habits anymore....amazing how a few days of eating differently can really mess with your head. I hesitate to make any sweeping statements about what to do next, however I think - in fact I know - I will feel much better if I can get back to my regular N Days again. Perhaps starting again tomorrow might be a good idea. Fingers crossed!! Will keep you posted.

Thanks so much for your words of wisdom and encouragement, love Roxy

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:58 am
by oolala53
I felt a little pushy in my comment. I feel bad to think that I contributed to your second guessing yourself. It actually sounds like you are at the point where you could take 'em or leave 'em with regard to sweets on a weeknight. Not such a bad place to be!

Two more days this week before S days. Get your three meals in! Everything else is just the lace on the collar.

I didn't go back and read all your posts since you "came back." We are really so much in the same place, I think, in weight. I have to admit I'm sometimes afraid to find out that even if I get perfect at this--all green N days, S days pretty close to N days with just casual snacks and maybe one good dessert a weekend-- that I still won't lose much weight. But I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

Anyway, we're in this together!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:22 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi there oolala! Nice to 'hear' from you again! First of all, please don't think you were being pushy! The thought never even crossed my mind! In fact, I find your comments very helpful and it is always great to get someone else's point of view.

I just posted a little comment on Berry's thread stating that I'm going to go back to Vanilla No S after my little experiment ! You're spot on when you say that it sounds like I can take or leave snacks on the N Days. The N Days were never really a problem before anyway and by introducing more snacks and stuff into the equation when I don't really need them, is a bit counter productive :lol: - having said all this, mind, if I'd been having problems with N Days, i think having a small treat after dinner may be a good idea. It's really peculiar that i can be so good on N Days yet slip up so much with the S Days! It's as if a switch flips on in my head saying "eat as much sweet stuff (trash) as you can before Monday comes around!"

As I may have stated, I think another reason was I was getting impatient with no weight loss showing on the scales. I know I should really lay off weighing / worrying about it - I even made a 'pact' with the other No Sers that I would try abstaining for a few weeks! LOL.

On the subject of weighing - just curious oolala - how often do you weigh yourself?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:27 pm
by Strawberry Roan
No S,

I used to weigh and post my weight daily (I actually weighed morning and night). Then the battery went out in my scale and I just haven't replaced it yet. Judging by my clothes, I weighed 150/151 when I recommitted to this plan a couple months ago - I weighed 158 when I rejoined on July 7 last year.

I am going to weigh and post on July 7 this year, a yearly update if you will.

I do remember how often the scale would stay at a certain weight for weeks, literally, and then budge a few pounds at once and then reset and do it all again. My body doesn't like to give up it's cushion, it seems. Never know when there might be a famine, ya know. I was at 157 for a long long time, then 154, then 149, 147.

My goal weight is 145, I achieved it easily last year - got slack and regained to 158 - and hope to be at goal at my weigh in again next month. My clothes are fitting so much better. Isn't it funny how ten or fifteen pounds make so much difference when you get down to the final stages of weight loss?

I am sure you will see the same weight loss (after the plateaus) if you stay the course. You don't have a lot of weight to lose and that makes it harder.

You can do it. Wink

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:21 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks Berry ! Yes, it is indeed harder to lose the less one has to lose. I must say, I am very impressed and interested by your weight journey since it would appear that your goals are very similar to mine. My 'ideal' goal weight would be around 140 - 145 lbs but at this stage, I'd take 150, 155 and heck, even 160 lbs if it meant I'd never have to worry about weight again. But hey - we all know how that works, don't we?? :lol:

Meantime, I was talking to a lady at work today (and bemoaning my men*pausal weight gain and how much more difficult it is to lose)...sorry guys!!

She said to me not to worry (since she was post-change) and assured me that it gets better with time i.e. easier to lose the weight once you're out of men*pause?? This obviously is of great interest and relief! Just not sure how accurate this is and does anyone have a theory/facts on it? Very interested to hear!!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:11 am
by oolala53
The metabolism does slow, but I can tell you from the 50+ Maintainers team I lurk on at there are many older women who finally take off weight even after a lifetime of being overweight. I haven't asked how many of them are past menopause. I've noticed things getting better lately for me, but I don't know if it's from having had my last period three years ago or not. I'm pretty sure that's why my skin texture has changed, though, boo hoo. Thin, droopy , and scaly. But if I'm going to have skin like that anyway, I might as well be thinner! Onward, tamer S days.

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:29 am
by Strawberry Roan
I am 62, 15 years post menopause, at least.

I find that if I avoid snacks and exercise, the pounds fall off.

If I add snacks and slack up on exercise, the pounds appear.

I just need to learn that a snack can be ONE piece of red string licorice, not an entire bag. 8)

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:07 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks again, guys, for all your valuable information and insight! For the record, I'm 48 but have been post change for approx. 4 years so chances are, I should be over the worst of it and heading out the other side by now ... scuse the expression, LOL!!

It also interests me greatly why some people tend to get thinner as they get older, as opposed to putting weight on. As you were saying, oolala, about some of the posters on the Spark forum. Is this a deliberate restriction of calories and taking up more exercise or just the way some people's metabolism works? This is a rhetorical question, really, but if anyone has a theory on it, again, I'd be interested to hear.

With you on the skin condition, Berry, as i too have thinning skin, particularly on my hands, which have long skinny fingers and (i joke) are starting to look like claws!! ugh - was that TMI??? I also have thinning hair, particularly at the temples. I think this could be a change and/or thyroid symptom since I got the double whammy of both!!

Well, this evening I am feeling pretty good, despite having talked about most of my flaws ;p) I had a good run of N Days - after doubting my ability to follow the No S plan at the beginning of the week. Sounds crazy I know, since I've been No s'ing since December 2009 - but whenever I start to deviate or create outlandish or unrealistic mods for myself, its guaranteed to be a slippery slope! Vanilla No S is the best as far as I am concerned. A lot of work needed on the S Days but I feel inspired by you guys to keep going and that it will happen eventually.

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:23 am
by oolala53
I know I've read that women (at least) thicken up in their 40's and 50's and then tend to lose in their 60's and 70's. Some stay thin after that; many don't. That definitely fit my mother. She got quite thick through the middle in her 80's but not in her extremities. And she was not a big eater.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:40 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks oolala! I appreciate your response and input as ever. Very useful.

Today wasn't too over the top considering it was an S Day. Didn't feel like having a treat but felt it obligatory since it is an S Day after all....go figure!

Stuck to my 3 meals although dinner was basically a chunk of cajun smoked salmon and 1 piece of pumpkin bread and butter...NOT on the same plate, obviously! :)

After dinner, I had a white chocolate Magnum and some cake frosting that i started to dip into - but stopped after a few spoonfuls. Not too bad an S Day today overall.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:01 pm
by Pangelsue2
Best of luck with your choices. I think you are right in trying to make a plan that will work for you.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:29 am
by NoSRocks
Awww! Thanks Sue, you are so nice ! :oops:

This weekends' S Days have not been too bad overall, esp compared with what they are usually like. Fingers crossed, everybody..... scuse me if my grammar ain't its best this evening - half asleep as I write this, sorry!!


Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:17 pm
by tobiasmom
So this is totally off topic....just warning ya! Do you watch Army Wives? Well, on that show there is a very fun crazy character named Roxy. So every time I come here and see your check-in I think of her. So that's who you are to me! ha.

Great job on those S days. I'm working on those too!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:14 am
by NoSRocks
@ tobiasmom:

LOL! No - I've never seen that show...but now I want to go and check out this character Roxy! I'm taking this as a compliment too, so thanks!!

:oops: :lol: :wink:

Meantime, my S weekend was fairly controlled/moderate. Don;t know if I care for the term controlled TBH but you get what I mean. Unfortunately, and I don;t know if this is as a result of having not so many treats over the weekend, my Monday and Tuesday haven't been too great - in fact I have recorded them both as failures! :twisted: On Monday, I made a cheesecake and started nibbling at the crust then taking multiple spoonfuls of the delicious and decadent filling! Then this evening, I made chocolate fudge... which I also have been nibbling at. For the past couple of weeks, my N Days haven't been as good as they used to be. Hoping I am not slipping into new/bad habits!!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:57 am
by oolala53
Making fudge on a weekday, Someone likes to live dangerously! I could imagine it already made in the freezer and not being a temptation, but making it with the fragrance. Are you trying to drive me crazy?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:46 pm
by Pangelsue2
I agree with Oolala. Cheesecake and fudge in the same group of N days??? You must be masochistic. There is no way, short of sewing my mouth shut, I would have survived that. One of those on a weekend maybe but both during the week? Did you need them for something or was this self sabotage, plain and simple? If it was self sabotage, maybe ask yourself why? Do you feel like you need something fun in your life right now? Is the making treats compensating for something? There's usually a reason. Maybe the reason is just something as simple as making desserts for a bake sale and got caught in the magic of desserts?


Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:11 pm
by tobiasmom
Oh, ya. Check it out. She's totally hot! ha. She dresses a bit sleezy...but she has a great body! I love her character. I've been watching them on Netflix watch-it-now.

Hope you're doing well!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:05 pm
by NoSRocks
LOL again tobiasmom! I did check her out and she is indeed very good looking... so thanks for the compliment :oops:

err... not planning on posting any photos of me here any time soon so you'll all just have to use your imagination :lol: :wink: :wink: :lol:

Meantime, on a more serious note: many thanks guys for your valuable input and comments in particular re. my crazy bakefest. Actually, there are times during the day when I'm off work, sitting in front of tv, and I get a sudden urge to bake something. As you say Pangelsue albeit in jest or in seriousness, I could indeed be masochistic! I think it could be a combination of stuff: boredom, enjoy cooking, LOVE to eat! Even now, I'm getting cravings for something sweet and sickly. The fudge just got thrown in the trash - along with the half eaten cheesecake by the way. Total waste of money and I guess food but I don't really think about it like that when I'm in one of these moods. I could have given them to the kids to take to their endless list of parties, but no - I had to get the food out of my sight - quick! It's probably a form of ED if I really wanted to analyze it/go down that route. Believe me I have had my share of EDs over the years from anorexia to binge eating to just plain worrying/fretting over food, diets, weight, the whole shebang!!

So, guys thanks again for stopping by with your great advice and support. As always, very much appreciated. Since I began this message, the urge to bake fudge has now subsided I am pleased to say! Thanks all and have a great Thursday - Roxy x

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:29 pm
by r.jean
Maybe that is why I never got a sweets addiction...... I suck at baking. I am great at all kinds of grilling and other types of meat and potatoes preparation. That type of food is my weakness.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:46 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi r.jean! Yes, I do indeed have a very sweet tooth and unlike your good self, it's the sweet rather than the savory dishes that do it for me! (it's kinda cool that we all have different tastes, isn't it?)

I believe i inherited my sweet tooth from my grandmother who always put on a big spread whenever she had visitors or we went for dinner. She LOVED sweet foods and full fat butter and milk too. Yeah, you guessed it though - never had a weight problem in her whole life! Neither did my grandfather, come to think of it and he ate basically the same stuff. Well, living in the same house and getting his meals cooked and prepared by my grandmother, what choice did he have? Said half in jest since obviously - as has been mentioned manys a time on this fab board - this way of eating was natural and basically the way everyone used to eat... very rarely were there weight issues and if there was, it was niaively referred to as "someone having problems with their glands" since it was considered such an unusual phenomenon at that time.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:01 pm
by r.jean
You are so right Roxy... We all have different foods that are hard to resist... But what we all seem to have in common is that we all got off track in our relationship with food. For me it may take years to completely repair my thoughts and feelings about food because it is so easy to revert to old habits. But we are on our way...

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:11 am
by NoSRocks
You're right hon, we are indeed on our way! No S is the best plan in the world.... even though my brain would like to tell me otherwise, sometimes! :lol:

The past few days have been pretty good N Days. Recently, I've taken to nibbling after dinner, as you can see from my 21 day log. The worry is that it might develop into a habit. But unlike other 'diets', they won't sabotage my efforts since each day is a learning curve and I just pick up where I left off!

Have had a few good days of exercise too: 1 hour on the treadmill yesterday and today. I am trying out another experiment - this time with exercise: instead of my daily outdoor walk, trying the treadmill to see if it makes any difference/shift in weight. I love the outdoor walking but I wonder if it is strenuous enough to make a difference. Again, we'll see how it goes. So far, so good I've been enthusiastic over the treadmill and not getting bored with it like i usually do.
Have a great weekend, everyone. Roxy x

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:00 pm
by oolala53
I know Reinhard cooks, but I don't think he makes dinner during the week. Maybe because of that, he wasn't likely to say "no sweets-cooking/baking on N days." But it's not a bad idea.

I know a lot of people here make their own sweets from scratch, but I've just about given up on that. I was very much a batter/dough binger, for one thing. Secondly, it is very easy in San Diego to get high quality sweets that are all done! Why spend my energy on tasks that many others are already so good at? Thirdly, I resolved to spend my cooking curiosity and pleasure learning to cook more grains and vegetables. You can't just go out and buy a good quart of cooked whole barley. This summer, I said I was going to start learning to make some of the commercial sauces I use for flavoring from scratch, but I haven't done it yet.

I suggest that until you've got a few months of green N weeks and feel you S days are moderate and sane, you keep sweets out of the equation at all on S days. EVen if your family wants them, make them on the weekend.

There's got to be something else to do with your time, and I say this with the gentlest intent. Take it from someone who spend a lot of time eating brownie batter when I know there was something else to be doing-- I just didn't know it then.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:16 am
by NoSRocks
Hey oolala! Thanks again for your nice, encouraging message this evening! Just the reinforcement I needed because I had a niggling at the back of my mind to have something sweet after dinner! Trust this doesn't sound too cheesy if you know what I mean, but your great advice (as always) and insight has significantly helped me this evening and sometimes even when the obvious is staring one blatantly in the face, just to read it here in black and white/from another's perspective can be such a great help! I hope that makes sense!

Doing well on the treadmill again. Managed to fit an hour in before work this morning. However, I am not going to get too obsessive over this: taking it a day at a time and if for any reason, I don't feel like doing a full hour (which can be quite intense, not to mention a little boring but so far, I haven't lost the novelty factor :) I can always do a half hour OR go for a walk outside instead. It just seems such a pity to have a perfectly good treadmill sitting there gathering dust - or in my case - using it to dry clothes on :oops:
I also feel - but have no evidence yet - that the treadmill gives one a more intense workout and may be just what I need to get the scales moving. When I mentioned to my dr at the end of last year how disappointed and fed up I was that I had gained an extra 10 lbs (on top of what I already had to lose), he suggested that I do something more strenuous than regular walking. At that time however, I wasn't quite ready to hear this and nor was I in the mood to attempt anything more strenuous. We'll see what happens with the treadmill though. As long as i am enjoying it and feeling some kind of benefit, I will keep going with it. I do miss the outdoor walking somewhat though but that's not to say I can't or won't mix it up sometime. Here's to a great S Weekend, everyone!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:12 am
by NoSRocks
Saturday = S Day!

Not bad as far as S Days go for me (or have went?? :lol: :wink: )

Got an hour in on the treadmill this morning. Felt really good! I hope I can keep it up - and can continue enjoying it as much. The reason I have abandoned it in the past has been basically down to boredom and I guess, laziness, although I did keep up my outdoor walking on those occasions.

Ate my 3 meals and had one decadent dessert after dinner: basically one of those single portioned fudge topped ice cream desserts that comes in a dish of apples. You heat the apples in the microwave and put the ice cream on top (can't remember the brand name of the product). I also added a side of raspberries and cool whip. Absolutely delicious! I did feel I could have done without, but I am still at the stage where I have to have S treats on an S Day without fail. However, I would have normally eaten far more than this on S Days past so I figure this is progress. My next mod may be to streamline the treat after dinner as in have a skinny cow ice cream or some such. Again, that's something for a good few months down the road. As oolala suggested and I am grateful for, its best not to make too many mods and too quickly. She speaks from her own experience and results and has lost consistently and gradually on the No S plan, as many of us have. I am hoping my time will come soon !


Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:24 am
by NoSRocks
Just had a bit of a lightbulb moment there: why try to follow an eating plan that is too restrictive in order to lose weight? You have to ask yourself is this something you can keep doing for the rest of your life? Are you willing to forego fat/carbs/points or whatever in order to keep your figure if you are fortunate enough to get your weight down? That was one of the big attractions of No S for me - particularly in the beginning when one's willpower is especially precarious/vulnerable - I could put off eating the cake/candy/dessert/chips until the weekend! It wasn't a diet of total deprivation as it had been in the past or worrying about fat grams or calories or whatever - just 3 square meals a day with (as I had planned it at that time) carte blanche to eat whatever I wanted on the S Days. Even though I'm learning now that I am not one of those 'fortunate' people who can let it all hang out at the weekend and get away with it - I don't have the food anxiety and planning of other 'diets'. Actually, with all my recent toing and froing, I have inadvertently stirred up that food anxiety awareness thingy of late. Trying to super good and not eat fats was my latest mod. I think I should take a leaf out of my own book and be honest with myself: I'm making myself uncomfortable around food choices again and it really isn't achieving anything at the end of the day.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings folks!! Once again, oolala very many congratulations on your ongoing and recent weight loss and that congratulions also goes to all no s-ers for just being here in the first place. LOL! Have a great Sunday, all!

PS: I am now going to post this in the main thread!!!

Love, Roxy x

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:42 am
by oolala53
Did you read my post on the main board about the guy I've dated off and on who lost 60 pounds over two years by releasing himself from guilt for what he ate? (I think there was probably a bit more to it, but I know he wasn't thinking about nutrition much back in the early '90's.)

I know it can be hard to think of how we're going to eat once we decide we are not going to "diet." I knew I couldn't eat crap all the time just because I was "allowed," and I didn't have to eat spartanly. If I ate light foods, was I dieting? It was a little weird when I realized I actually liked many of the meals I had eaten on diets I had been on, with a few luscious foods thrown in. but I also had a lot of dinner of half a plate of pizza and half salad. Still do.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:49 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi oolala! No, I haven't read that post and it interests me greatly so thank you for drawing it to my attention. Will do a search asap! Always great to hear about someone - alongside all us no s-ers of course - who gives up dieting and is successful!

Had a reasonably good weekend this week. Ate 3 meals albeit the meals were a little snacky - lots of bread and not enough veggies. However, I think the fact I didn't go mad nor binge is making progress! I kept thinking of your good self oolala, when you mentioned that your weekends are getting much saner now, and again it gives me hope and makes me want to keep going with the plan.

Still keeping up the treadmill and - fingers crossed - continuing to enjoy it so far.

Have a great week, everybody!!

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:35 pm
by oolala53
Here is the link.

I don't think he ever actually dieted, but he did get into moderate body building later. He eats a pretty specific diet now, but it doesn't hover in his thoughts all the time. It's just what he does.


Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:57 pm
by tobiasmom
I just love the self-awareness this plan brings. Not trying to sound like some weirdo or anything. I just think this plan forces you to realize A LOT of things about yourself! I am going through the same different ways, of course!

Keep up the good work!!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:53 am
by NoSRocks
THANKS GUYS!! oolala - thanks for sending the link! Looking forward to reading it later on as in tomorrow morning. Running a little late here! Another successful No S day today....yipee!! Hi tobiasmom - thanks for your nice message !) Here's to another successful No S day !!

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:33 am
by NoSRocks
Just incase anyone was wondering - have taken out the 21 day log I had posted here. Somehow, since I put up that thread I seem to have trouble sticking to the No S rules! Had a bad day today (Friday) - I'm going to mark it and move on folks. BUT.... sorry to let anyone - least of all myself - down, the 21 day log had to go. Maybe when I'm in a better frame of mind, I'll think about putting one up again. Meantime, back to the drawing board.... have a great weekend, everyone!

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:22 pm
by oolala53
No need to apologize. This board needs to work for you. Keep going!

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:40 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks oolala! I've been having a bit of a rough couple of days with the No S Plan. Letting Diet Head creep back in and thinking about trying new diets etc. Doesn't work! Just messed up my head and didn't achieve anything. However, came on to the board and read the latest messages and listened to a couple of Reinhard's very helpful podcasts and I'm feeling much better now. Ready for a (fingers crossed) all green N Week!!

Have a great week everyone and "talk" to you all again soon!


Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:38 pm
by tobiasmom
Are we secretly related? I just feel like your posts ring so true for me also! I struggle with diet head just about every other week! I was just thinking this morning about possibly finding something else AGAIN after a weekend of horrible eating. But I know that No-S is the plan for me. Moderation is the key. Diets just don't work for me long-term.....

Let's do this!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:30 pm
by Pangelsue2
Many of us had a rough weekend; Holidays are not diet friendly days. Sorry to hear you are having a rough time again. I still think you need to find the part of you that has issue with dieting and ask yourself why you want to quit. For me it is usually my child throwing a fit because dieting is hard and I don't want to do it. When I let the adult me rule, I make good decisions. When I let that bratty kid have her way, she screws up more than eating. She buys stuff I don't need, she feels sorry for herself and pouts, she says "I won'[t do it" at lot and she is frightened and needs a lot of comforting. I think there is something in you that wants to diet and be in vcontril and there is something that wants to be crazy and do just what it shouldn't. Maybe???

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:48 am
by oolala53
I don't know. I've had some very good holiday experiences on No S. Just not this one. Glad it's over.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:49 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi everyone! Thanks all for your wonderful and supportive posts! Pangelsue: you hit the nail on the head as ever. Yes, it is indeed the naughty child inside of me that wants to rebel and loves the taste of 'goodies' too much to want to give them up!! Then I have the flip side, the changeable adult who gets excited at the prospect of trying something new and finally getting a handle on the weight loss, so much so she works herself into a frenzy..... Then, cold hard reality (and cravings!) creep in and she realizes there are no quick fixes and there are going to be cravings and wanting to eat the "naughty" snacks....almost to the point of depression and she eats to compensate, telling herself she'll be 100% on plan and never eat another chocolate/cake/chip again in her life, starting tomorrow. Yes, always tomorrow, never right now!!

I wonder if I did a straight 21 days on No S with no weighing and I guess with no over-indulging at the weekends, what the outcome would be? I am a bit skeptical of ever getting below 170 even if I am compliant with the rules, since it would seem my body has settled on this weight and nothing I do will budge it. Perhaps I have in some way programmed myself to expect failure or no losses ?? Why?? I wish I knew!!

tobiasmom: thanks for your nice comments and for cheering me up. I don't feel so bad when I read others' posts and can relate to how they're feeling. Same with oolala!
I am trying to write off the beginning of this week as a NWS day and it's helping somewhat. If I can get through the next few days and have not too ott a weekend, then I know I'll start to feel better/more comfortable again.

Here's to us all, guys!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:09 am
by NoSRocks
Feeling really great today, folks! Not sure why... or does it have to do with the fact I'm back on track with No S???? :wink:

Have been taking a high dose of Biotin for about a month and starting to see some benefits now. Takes a while to kick in but starting to see improvements in my skin, hair and nails. I have been taking biotin supplement for several years now but for a few months, I had been on a different brand/slightly lower dose than usual with the result that nothing happened. So I'm really pleased to see my thinning hair - particularly at the temples seems to be re-growing a bit. Biotin is supposedly a good aid for the metabolism but not sure if it has or will affect my weight. We'll give it a few weeks and see what happens. I've read lots of online posts where users claim to have fantastic weight loss results with it but I refuse to get sucked into those claims. If it works, then fantastic but I won't get too disappointed (I hope!) if it doesn't. At least its helping where I need it more as in the thinning hair and seems to be encouraging it to grow too. I've also read somewhere that hair tends to grow quicker in the summer months so this may also have a hand in it.

Feeling good/uplifted within myself this past week than I have in quite a few months so if it helps with my mood and energy as well, then bring it ON!!


Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:35 pm
by tobiasmom
Yay! Have a wonderful weekend!

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:56 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks tobiasmom! YOU TOO!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy :wink: :wink:

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:02 pm
by NoSRocks
....PS: All - re-started my 21 day cycle of No S Habit last week but have decided not to post it on the board since I seem to do better when I keep it to myself. LOL! So far, apart from the beginning of the week, I've been fine and feeling good about No S, eating and life in general. It's funny - for want of a better expression - how one's worry over eating patterns and weight can spill over onto their everyday lives, isn't it?

On that note, have a great No S weekend, everyone!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:32 pm
by NoSRocks
Just finished my dinner with a decadent S day dessert - yummy! One of those individual apple blossom tarts with a scoop of caramel praline icecream and some whipped (aerosol) cream on top! Lovely!! Today has been a pretty good S Day for me, for once. Stuck to 3 meals a day and just had the dessert. TBH, I didn't really feel like having dessert this evening, but wanted to make the most of my S Day! I guess that feeling might wane if I give it time, but hey - i really enjoyed it and I have been pretty good all week so I figure I deserved it anyway.

As well as the Biotin supplement, I also take chromium picolinate (500mcg) daily. It was on sale at my local store for half price and I'd read that its helpful for sugar cravings. Have only been on it for around a week or so, again I will have to give it time to kick in. Probably too soon to say, but I didn't have the same urge to gorge myself silly on the desserts/sweet stuff today, so we'll see how it works out.


Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:32 pm
by tobiasmom
That dessert sounds amazing!!!! I mean, I really want it! ha. Now I'm going to be thinking about that all week!!! Great choice!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:52 pm
by Pangelsue2
Does sound really good. I am glad to hear you feel more confident and back on track. Little by little, we will get there if we just stay focused. Keep up the good work.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:44 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks guys! I've just remembered the name of the dessert: It's the Edwards Singles that come in a box of two. You should find them in your freezer cabinet at the Store. You get a choice of three sauces/varieties: turtle, apple (my favorite), and chocolate chip cookie. I like mine with the cool whip or whipped cream topping since I have a very sweet tooth and I love the cream/ice cream combination.

:roll: :roll: I am making myself hungry, just talking about it!! And on an N Day, of all things!! What am I like??? :oops: :roll: :oops: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:52 pm
by NoSRocks
PS: Pangelsue: Thanks for your nice, supportive message. Really helps!! This week however, I have failed miserably: I had a bad Monday (yesterday) - ate a large slice of frosted sponge cake after dinner and then to make myself feel worse (punishment??) I weighed this morning and I am back up at 173 lbs!! :oops: :roll:

This is twice in a row I've had a failure on a Monday and I am hoping it is not turning into a habit!! I had a fairly moderate S weekend with just one dessert at the end of each day rather than the mindless grazing and bingeing I used to do....
BUT its as if my mind is rebelling by telling me I haven't made the most of my S Days i.e. scarfed myself silly! and I'm carrying my S Day mentality over into my N Days. I also as a result of last night's little indiscretion started to think about other diets etc. AGAIN this is just diet head talking and all a part of the learning process. Thankfully, I have got myself back on track today and I am looking forward to a compliant No S week.

Sorry guys - I hope I am not coming across too depressing, especially after feeling so confident last week. This whole eating and body image thing it is a rollercoaster ride. But its always great to have this excellent board and you guys' posts to cheer me up and keep me going!
THANKS SO MUCH!! Here's to another great no S week!!!


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:38 pm
by tobiasmom
Just wanted to tell ya I'm here! We're in this together! I know exactly what you're going through. It's a struggle for me daily MENTALLY! We can do this. We won't stick with those "other" plans and we'll end up back here anyway! ha. I'm rooting for ya!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:49 pm
by Joyofsix
Don't be too hard on yourself. Talk to yourself like you'd talk to a friend. And don't worry about being depressing, if we can't talk here where can we?