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Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 3:32 am
by Who Me?
I think I'm finally getting better, not feeling actually healthy, but also not sick as a dog. Of course, I just passed the cold on to my partner, so now he's miserable.

I've been having some really weird health issues over the last few years, so I had an MRI tonight. What an uncanny and unpleasant sensation. I hope I don't have to have another, maybe ever.


Breakfast = latte, bread and butter
Lunch = garden salad, leftover soup, bread with home made lemon marmalade
Dinner = Thai food, and an orange.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:50 pm
by Pangelsue2
Only had one MRI and I agree it is not a pleasant experience. Thanks heavens they have them though as they help diagnose so many things. I was getting panicky toward the end of mine and the person giving it to me kept asking if I was doing OK. I asked her to stop announcing how long I had to go because it was always longer than I thought it would be. I said "please stop giving me a blow by blow and just get on with it." She laughed and said no one had ever told her that before. I felt a little guilty that I sounded sort of irritated but I told her later it was just the nerves talking.
Hope it gives you a clean bill of health. That is a relief in itself.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:43 am
by Who Me?

Still dragging from this lousy cold.

Went to the meeting of the local chapter of California Rare Fruit Growers, and came back with two baby fig plants, a pomegranate, and a dwarf cherry to be used for grafting next year. And I only spent ten bucks! I also learned a lot about which berry varieties do well in our climate. Worth hauling myself out of the house for, certainly!

I also bottled up some of our bees' honey this morning.

Breakfast = inspired by Millie (and Smitten Kitchen) I made leek toasts with leeks from the garden, and we had lattes, as usual
Lunch = leftover Thai food
Snack = I had two squares of salty chocolate at the fruit growers' meeting, espresso
Dinner = a bit more leftover Thai, and some super-lazy mac-and-cheese with peas, we had small bowls of vanilla ice cream, smothered in the lemon marmalade I made earlier this week.

Leek Toasts (I used hard Italian Cheese on mine) ... ue-cheese/

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 8:32 am
by milliem
I was eyeing up those leek toasts a few days ago, I love that blog! I just need to get some nice blue cheese.... oh and some leeks :lol:

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:12 pm
by Who Me?
We didn't have blue cheese, so I used a hard Italian cheese. Very tasty.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:54 pm
by Grammy G
I, on the other hand, just have a picture of a slug to visualize!! :shock:

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:40 am
by Who Me?

I'm going to call my health plan on Monday, to see if there's anything that can be done for this stinkin' cold. I've literally been sick for a week. A week that I planned to take as vacation.

We're planning on getting chickens next spring, and so I dragged myself to part of the local backyard chicken tour, to look at designs for hen houses. I only made it half-way through the tour.

On the way back home, I stopped at a grocery store, picked up some staples, and bought a single slice of chocolate cake. Even though it was a single serving, it was GIGANTIC. It was a five layer cake, so we each had a layer, and I stuck the remainder in the freezer.

Breakfast = fresh baked bread, cheddar cheese, half a pear, half an orange, latte
Lunch = veggie sushi rolls, and a tiny bit of seaweed salad, latte
Dinner = asparagus and egg noodles, and a thin slice of chocolate cake


Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:40 pm
by tobiasmom
That cake sounds awesome. You actually had me drooling....

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:11 am
by Who Me?

Still sick, but had to go back to work. Bleh.

Breakfast = bread, butter, home made lemon marmalade
Elevenses = coffee, French bread roll
Lunch = Thai noodle salad
Dinner = broccoli and rice, home made bread and stinky cheese, 1/2 an orange

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:05 pm
by Grammy G
Hope you begin to feel better soon ! Have you tried Sambucus? It is Black Elder Berry extract and found in health food stores. It supports the immune system..and it tastes good! I have heard more about it in the last few years and find it very useful. If I take it as soon as I feel a cold coming on, I can usually keep the cold symptoms minimal or non-existent. I also keep the lozenge form around. I've got hubby using it too and he is now a believer!
Be kind and gentle to yourself!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 1:04 pm
by Who Me?
I'll see if I can find it. Thanks for the suggestion.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:49 am
by Who Me?

Still not feeling all better, still dragging at work.

Breakfast = latte, home baked bread, home made marmalade
Elevenses = banana
Lunch = (actually came home for lunch, because I was running an errand nearby) cheese and spinach omelet, leftover broccoli and rice
Dinner = (we're both feeling sick, nobody had any energy, so we made one of our simple default diners) pinto beans, shallots, corn over tortilla chips and grated cheese

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:54 am
by thtrchic
Sorry you're still not feeling better. I've had a lousy cold for more than a week now too. It sucks, doesn't it?


Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 5:06 am
by Who Me?
Yes, this tenacious cold is tedious! Being sick at work, and being stupid and exhausted is no fun. Hope you get well soon!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:58 am
by Who Me?

I had an MRI last week, to try to figure out what's going on, health-wise. My brains okay (thank goodness!) but I have a big sinus infection. I wonder of this explains any of the freaky health stuff, or if this is just a residue of the cold I've been fighting?

Breakfast = yogurt with wheat germ and a dollop of lingonberry jam, latte
Elevenses = half a French roll
Lunch = Thai noodle salad
Dinner = kale and rice. Not home grown, and rather tough. Our kale crop is finished for the spring.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 3:14 am
by Who Me?

Still dragging. Stared antibiotics for the sinus infection.

Breakfast = latte, yogurt with wheat germ and a little sugar, a mandarin orange from our tree, and some bread, fresh from the oven
Elevenses = coffee and some French bread
Lunch =leftover Thai noodle salad (hard gross noddles, bleh)
Diner = beautiful homemade soup with odon noodles, and every spring vegetable imaginable, banana, and a really awful glass of coconut milk (wow, we're never buying this particular stuff again)

Tomorrow is our company picnic. I'm taking it as an S day, because there's going to be noting to do except eat. Hours and hours of nothing. I'm not good at these Mandatory Fun events.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 3:27 am
by thtrchic
I'm glad to hear you got antibiotics. That should definitely help!

I'm jealous of all the fresh fruit and veggies you have from your garden. I'm just starting to get a bit into gardening. All in containers, though. I moved to California a year and a half ago and am still getting used to the wonderful concept of being able to grow things all year long. I'm kind of excited about the prospect of eventually producing actual food with my very own plants.


Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:06 am
by Who Me?
Don't be too jealous. I was sick most of the winter and didn't manage to get the spring crops started. There's a class at a local garden center (Annie's Annual's) this weekend on what to plant NOW in order to keep th garden going year 'round.

Yeah, I'll be there!

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 4:07 am
by Who Me?

Still sick, but on antibiotics. I took my first non weekend special day today, for the company picnic. Showed up for a couple of hours, but skipped the sports.

Breakfast = latte, bread with butter and lemon marmalade
Picnic = we made mini muffins with the marmalade. I ate strangely, due to all my new food allergies. Very small servings of everything. Red cabbage slaw, couscous, mac and cheese. A home made Oreo cookie (really good, I want the recipe for that, and the slaw), fresh berries, some of my muffins.
Snack = bread and butter, a miniature muffin, a banana
Dinner = roasted asparagus over couscous.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 7:42 am
by SkyKitty
Hope the antibiotics start to help you feel better soon Who Me.

Company picnic definately sounds like a valid reason for a non-weekend S day, hope you enjoyed it and had good weather even if you were under the weather.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 12:56 am
by anniej
wonderfully done on the picnic!

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:08 am
by Who Me?

Really frustrated about how long I've been sick. I don't know if its the antibiotics, but on top of everything else, I'm mildly nauseous. Bleh and double bleh.

Breakfast = latte, home baked bread, home made marmalade
Lunch = frittata with all sorts of veggies and cheese, strawberries, mango and orange slices, lemonade, made with garden lemons, and our own honey
Snack = crackers with some cheese, mini lemon muffin
Dinner = chard and shallots and mushrooms over brown rice with hard cheese

And now I'm going to see how week-old frozen cake tastes.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 4:55 am
by Who Me?
So, I've been sick forever. I'm so exhausted and demoralized.

And we decide to have a bit of ice cream with the tiny slice of cake that we saved from last week. We decide to "temper" the ice cream, but this goes horribly wrong, and I end up having a total melt down because the so-called ice cream is a heap of melted mush.

The only treat I get all week, and it's horrible.

And I just lose it. I swear I could cry.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 6:23 am
by SkyKitty

We're all behind you, cheering you on (and propping you up if you need it)

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:02 am
by milliem
Oh ouch that sucks :( It must be hard not to get demoralised when you're STILL ill, but you've been doing SO well, your green days are pretty much constant, I'm very envious!

Is there any other way you can treat yourself today? It doesn't have to be food (we all know how dangerous those 'I deserve it' treats can be.... I could find myself 'deserving' chocolate 3 times a day!) but it sounds like you could use something pampering/fun/relaxing!

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:20 pm
by Strawberry Roan
I am so sorry to read how bad you have been feeling. I don't really know what to offer other than hot lemon ginger herb tea, that cures everything :wink:

Feel better,

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:31 pm
by Grammy G
oooohhhhhh....I think you need a grammy around to tuck you into bed and serve you that special tea and a little cake to go with it! Are you remembering to eat yogurt since you are on antibiotics? (this is me in grammy mode!!) Remember healing takes energy so get lots of rest and stay hydrated. Be kind and gentle to yourself.. another oooooohhhhhhhh :cry: :cry:

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:46 am
by Who Me?

Okay, I'm better now. I really had been feeling horrible for weeks and weeks, and was being such a good little no-esser. So when my treat was messed up, I had a tantrum. I have a friend who says that some weeks end in a Happy Hour, and some need a full-on Tantrum Hour.

I got so fixated on my teeny-tiny dessert being such the sweet treat after a rotten week, that when it wasn't actually good, I flipped out. I have since apologized to those who got to experience me being a jerk about this.

Breakfast = latte, chopped mango, strawberries, and oranges
Lunch = leftover chard and rice, corn chips and home made guacamole, and home made banana bread, coffee, diluted juice
Dinner = rice noodles with a stir-fry of shredded carrots and garden greens

I went to a talk about growing veggies year 'round, and then did some major work in my garden.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:21 pm
by kccc
Who Me? wrote:So, I've been sick forever. I'm so exhausted and demoralized.

And we decide to have a bit of ice cream with the tiny slice of cake that we saved from last week. We decide to "temper" the ice cream, but this goes horribly wrong, and I end up having a total melt down because the so-called ice cream is a heap of melted mush.

The only treat I get all week, and it's horrible.

And I just lose it. I swear I could cry.
I'm so sorry!!

I hope you found something better. (Treats that are icky are, by definition, NOT a treat. And you do NOT have to eat them!!)

Do you know what your illness is? I was feeling tremendously crappy - but low-level - and finally went to a doctor. I had a low-level sinus infection that was just wearing me down. Much better now I'm on antibiotics. I hope whatever-you-have gets better soon!

Take care of yourself. You've been doing really, really well. Find a (non-food) way to celebrate that accomplishment.


Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 4:13 pm
by milliem
It's funny how something really small and seemingly insignificant can be the last straw sometimes!! Glad you're feeling better now though :)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:15 pm
by thtrchic
It seems like those "last straw" kind of things tend to be things that otherwise sound silly. Somehow in the moment, they always seem so huge, though.

I'm really glad to hear you're feeling better -- at least on that front. I hope the medicine is helping with the rest.


Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:23 pm
by Pangelsue2
Yah! You are feeling better. Just in time for spring/summer. Thank heaven for antibiotics. I don't like medicine but when it is necessary, it can make all the difference in the world. Your meltdown was probably a accumulation of all the sick days, worrying and feeling bad. I think those meltdown moments are sent to us to give us a well needed reason to let it all out. Glad you are feeling better.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:14 pm
by Who Me?

Long day at work. Still sick, on antibiotics. Now, I've got an earache.

Breakfast = latte, banana bread
Elevenses = coffee, banana
Lunch = gigantic cheese and avocado sandwich, orange
Dinner = a few crackers with cheese, black beans and corn with spinach and cheese over rice, orange

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:44 am
by Who Me?

Still sick, and I think the antibiotics are messing with my digestion. I spoke with my doctor today, I'm trying some steroidal nasal spray to help my inflamed sinuses, and I've got a referral to an ear-nose-throat doctor. For whatever it is worth, I'm told this two-and-a-half-week cold is really making the rounds.

Breakfast = latte, nothing else, very queasy from antibiotics
Elevenses = banana, a slice of dried-fruit bread
Lunch = pad thai
Dinner = really random, bread and butter, thin crust white pizza, a rice-cake cracker with peanut butter, ginger beer, lemony water

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 2:49 am
by Who Me?

Stayed home from work today, sick.

I also took a sick day on No-S.

Breakfast = latte, bread and butter and home made marmalade
Lunch = grilled cheese sandwich, cornichon pickles, two boiled eggs
Snack = crackers and peanut butter, home made vegetable soup
Dinner = spaghetti and swiss chard

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:17 am
by SkyKitty
Hang in there Who Me, hope you're feeling better soon

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:17 am
by gk
So sorry to hear you're still struggling with this sickness. Hope you feel better soon. Hang in there!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:51 am
by Pangelsue2
Here's hoping the ENT specialist can get to the bottom of this illness for you. Feel better soon.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 2:12 pm
by thtrchic
Yuck, I'm sorry you're still sick. I hope taking the day off to get some rest helped some.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 1:14 pm
by Who Me?

Still sick. Waiting to hear from the ENT people.

Breakfast = latte. (the meds upset my stomach)
Elevenses = slice of bread, banana, a few prunes
Lunch = avocado and cheese sandwich, banana
Dinner = a few thin slices of cheese on rye crackers, rice and mustard greens which were too bitter to eat. Had a bowl of cereal instead. Oddly, one of the cats really went crazy for the greens. He's got bad digestion, so we only let him have a tiny amount. It was hilarious to see him gobble down something so bitter and green.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:58 am
by Who Me?
Weird, but fun weekend.


Breakfast = I forget -- maybe just a latte.
Elevenses = A piece of French bread and a coffee.
Lunch = I had to set up for an event in my studio, and since this wasn't work-related, the set-up happened over my lunch and into the afternoon. No food for me. Gaaah!
Dinner = bread and cheese while cooking, rice and chard, an orange. (I don't consider this snacking. I was ready to gnaw my own arm off, and I had a reasonable sized meal.)


A day-long event in my studio. Very hectic, very fun. I provided cheese and crackers and Italian cookies and juices.

Breakfast = coffee, fruit, boiled egg
Lunch = cheese, crackers, fruit, boiled egg, various cookies
Dinner = toasted bread with cheese and parsley pesto, an orange


Breakfast = fruit and bread and a latte
Lunch and Dinner = I forget. Healthy vegetarian something or other, with some butter pecan ice cream after dinner. There was a glass of white wine at dinner.


Breakfast = latte, freshly baked bread, and a pear
Lunch = cheese and vegetable sandwiches on the same bread, an orange
Dinner = leek and walnut linguine, with some bread and cheese, an orange

I finally was feeling well enough to go cycling. Not a long ride, about six miles, with lots of stops to look at the wildlife.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:22 pm
by Pangelsue2
So glad you had a good weekend. You were overdue. Welcome back to the world of the living.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:49 pm
by Who Me?

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:19 pm
by Who Me?

Breakfast = latte, home baked bread with butter and home made marmalade
Elevenses = a banana, a few prunes, a few crackers
Lunch = black bean and rice salad, a few prunes
Dinner = home made Mac-and-Cheese, greenbeans with leeks

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:27 pm
by kccc
Hope you're finally feeling better!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:29 am
by Who Me?

My first failure.

Breakfast = latte bread and marmalade
Elevenses = some leftover dinner from the night before, a few prunes and a banana
Lunch = a cold Japanese tofu something or other, prunes and cherries

I was so hungry when I got home that I thought I was going to faint, so I had three crackers with some cheese before dinner.

Dinner = broccoli, tofu and rice.

I've been agonizing over this, but I'm going to have to call this a failure.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:45 am
by Grammy G
An important lesson some astute person noted about failure days: mark it and move on! have a good day tomorrow..glad you are feeling better!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:50 am
by SkyKitty
The occaisional failure, makes you appreciate every success all the more.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:08 pm
by Who Me?
I will admit that I'm having trouble with a system that says you can't eat even if you're so hungry that you're shaking, but you haven't cooked yet. This does not seem healthy or logical.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:54 pm
by kccc
1. Would a glass of milk have addressed the shakes?
2. Is this just part of the "learning curve"? Did you need more (or different) lunch?
3. Is this part of a medical issue? Doctor's advice takes precedence over diet advice.
4. Were you genuinely sick? Sick is an S as well.

I have chosen to eat instead of feeling sick, and don't consider it a failure. One time I ate crackers for the salt after having too much sun and feeling nauseated. I just virtual-plated them when it got to be dinnertime. But that was a big deal to me - something I had to be scrupulously honest with myself over, lest it become a slippery slope.

The biggest lesson...don't be so bummed about a failure. A failure is not the end of the world, or even the end of the diet...or even a major mis-step. It's just an opportunity to figure out what you can do better next time. (I know, I struggle with this concept too. But the longer I'm on No-S, the more deeply I recognize its truth.)

Best wishes!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:41 pm
by Grammy G
I agree with everything KCCCsaid...and only add that you might want to consider 4 plates as a normal day. This system does not require you to be so seriously hungry that you are shaking.. also remember you were ill very recently and your body is probably still may need a little more nutrition to help it mend. Take care of yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:05 pm
by milliem
Who Me? wrote:I will admit that I'm having trouble with a system that says you can't eat even if you're so hungry that you're shaking, but you haven't cooked yet. This does not seem healthy or logical.
You've been successful for quite some time on NoS, is this the first time you have felt this hungry before dinner? Was there anything unusual about this day compared to your others? I have quite a lot of fails really in the grand scheme of things, but few of them are for being genuinely so hungry I feel like something will go badly wrong if I don't eat.... although I have added a 4th mini-plate given that my breakfasts are small and my dinners late.

Don't give up on it now after a bad day, you've been struggling with that blimming illness for so long now it's bound to be having an impact on you in one way or another. When you are THAT hungry, eat. If you mark a failure then so be it, just look after yourself.


Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:10 am
by Who Me?
To answer the question, both my sister and I have crazy-fast metabolisms. If we let ourselves get really hungry, it isn't pretty. I've always been someone whose body and brain literally shut down when I don't eat. I've read about shipwrecked sailors who didn't eat for months and months, and I completely understand how they turned to cannibalism.



Breakfast = latte, home baked rye bread, butter and marmalade
Elevenses = a carrot and half an apple
Lunch = leftover mac and cheese, and a salad
Dinner = corn on the cob, roasted asparagus, bread with butter, horchata

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:23 am
by Sienna
Congratulations on your first failure! And I don't mean that sarcastically or meanly at all. But rather, I hope this allows you to move onto the next part of your journey.

Generally there are 3 types of people on NoS: Those who've failed, Those who haven't been on the plan long enough to fail, and Those lie about failing.

Perfection isn't possible. Not in life. Not in a diet. A fabulous part of this plan is how easy it is (or can be) to recover from those less than perfect moments.

So embrace yourself for who you are - both your triumphs and tribulations. If the specifics don't work quite right for you, tweak them (if you have a high metabolism, you might be better of with more, small meals for example). But most importantly, celebrate yourself and your ability to move forward while doing your best. Because that's way more important than a few extra crackers :)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:32 am
by Pangelsue2
Sounds like you had a bout of hypoglycemia. If, one day, your sugar is way high and then between meals it dips way low, it can cause shakes, dizziness, confusion, sweating, all kinds of things. The remedy is eating something or drinking some juice. It is not recommended to eat something sugary but something like orange juice will work. So if that is what you felt like, the sensible thing to do was to eat something. The rules here aren't carved in stone. They are sensible guidelines. To be successful, diets have to be tweaked to personalize them to our individual needs. The only diet that can work is one that you can do long term.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:43 am
by Who Me?
Hypoglycemia... crazy (no really) hypochondriac mother used "I'm having aan attack of hypoglycemia" as a way to make us stop doing any fun activity that she didn't want to participate in. We'd have to drop everything and rush with her to the car, and watch her eat. Then we'd drive home. This is also the same woman who would lose her temper and throw her young children out of the car, and just leave us on the side of the road with no pocket money and no way of getting home. This was in the pre-cell-phone era, so you can imagine how difficult this was.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:31 am
by Who Me?

A lovely day. We went to see a phenomenal exhibition, of the work of Belgian artist, Isabelle de Borchgrave, who makes full-sized garments our of paper and paint. Mind-boggling.



Breakfast = latte, home baked bread, butter and marmalade, strawberries
Lunch = cafe au lait, a beautiful salad of greens, beets, pears, pistachios, and bleu cheese, stweet potato fries, and a shared apricot pistachio custard tart
Dinner = we had such a huge lunch that we just had a salad and popcorn

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:01 am
by milliem
Wow those dresses are beautiful!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:21 am
by Grammy G
I would love to see this exhibit and I would more than love to see the artist at work! Thanks for posting the pics!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:07 pm
by gk
Who Me? wrote:Hypoglycemia... crazy (no really) hypochondriac mother used "I'm having aan attack of hypoglycemia" as a way to make us stop doing any fun activity that she didn't want to participate in. We'd have to drop everything and rush with her to the car, and watch her eat. Then we'd drive home. This is also the same woman who would lose her temper and throw her young children out of the car, and just leave us on the side of the road with no pocket money and no way of getting home. This was in the pre-cell-phone era, so you can imagine how difficult this was.
Oh my gosh, how awful! So sorry you had to deal with that as a child. It breaks my heart when I hear stories like that. :(

On a happier note, I love the pics you posted of those paper dresses. Amazing!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:02 pm
by Who Me?
Leaving home was one of the best things I ever did. Walked away from the crazy and never looked back.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:47 pm
by snapdragon
Beautiful dresses.
If I am really hungry between meals I drink some skim milk.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:20 am
by Who Me?

Worked in the garden and restarted work on a sweater I was knitting. This sweater and its potential bad fit is what inspired me to take a critical look at my eating habits.

Breakfast = latte, bread and marmalade
Lunch = home made cream of mushroom soup, grilled cheese sandwich, cucumber salad
Snacks = a few crackers, a few small cookies, cafe au lait, nothing drastic
Dinner = more soup, stir fried veggies, dumplings

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:13 pm
by Who Me?

I was up at 4:15 am, dealing with a household emergency. As a result, I was really exhausted at dinnertime and ate strangely. I'm still struggling with allergies.

Breakfast = latte, bread and a bowl of cereal
Elevenses = two small ciabatta rolls, a nectarine
Lunch = leftover stirfry and dumplings
Dinner = (how do you spell) cessadilla, green beans with shallots, a slice of bread with cheese

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:05 pm
by milliem
quesadilla? :)

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:19 pm
by Who Me?
Thank you! I just could not picture that word, even though I've read it countless times.

Cheesy Dillahs.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:34 am
by Who Me?

Breakfast = latte, bread and marmalade, raw carrots (weird, I know...)
Elevenses = coffee
Lunch = salad and raw carrots
Dinner = salad

I went out with my knitting group for the first time in ages. We're looking for a new place to knit, and all the baked treats at the cafe looked wonderful. I had a very nice hot chocolate. And I didn't feel cheated.

Tomorrow will be an all-day meeting. It will be snack-centric. I'm not looking forward to this, particularly as they're providing lunch, and I'm worried about my freaky food allergies.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:39 pm
by Who Me?

Breakfast = latte, bread and marmalade
Elevenses = plain bagel and cream cheese, nectarine, coffee, sparkling water
Lunch = I ordered a salad, and somehow ended up with a grilled cheese sandwich, a couple of barely sweet lemon sodas

On the drive home, I started feeling really sick. Like stomach flu sick. Had some vegetable broth and rice and shallotty green beans for dinner and went to bed. Uuuuugh.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:35 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Oh dear, stomach flu is dreadful. Hope you are all better now.

The photos of the dresses are amazing, true artistry. :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:19 am
by Grammy G
remember the BRAT foods when you feel a bit better:
Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast!

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:45 pm
by Who Me?

Took a sick day. Ate reasonably well.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:33 pm
by kccc
Feel better soon. :)

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:09 pm
by thtrchic
Yuck. I'm sorry you're sick again. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:15 am
by Who Me?

Breakfast = ran out of time for anything but a latte
Lunch = a vegetarian bento box
Dinner = home made asparagus and mushroom pizza, some mango

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:03 pm
by Who Me?
A nice weekend.

I worked hard, scraping 85 year old paint on Saturday, and doing major garden work on Sunday.

I ate lovely food, in reasonable quantities. Two pieces of French toast, made from home made bread... Lovely mixed salads. I think I had about half a dozen tiny cookies this weekend. Other than that, so sweets, no snacks, no seconds. I really didn't do this consciously. Just ate what I wanted.

Can I get a big pat on the back?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:57 am
by SkyKitty
***pat, pat, pat***

You earned it.

I long for when I will finally be able to have S days like that.

My Sunday included

3 packets of crisps in one sitting
a bowl of ice-cream
4 glasses of wine, 1 at lunch and 3 in th evening (we have alcohol on S days only)
snacky starters before a pub dinner - (onion rings, garlic bread and chicken wings shared)
chocolate cheesecake dessert after dinner

This not including the 3 perfectly decent meals I had
toast, yogurt and fruit
leftover curry and naan bread
fishcakes and salad

Sorry to digress, but looking at that in comparison I will give you another pat on the back

***pat, pat, pat***

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:47 pm
by Who Me?
Oh thank you!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:54 pm
by Pangelsue2
My weekend was much larger than I had planned. I will also give you a large pat on the back. I think the final leg of this journey is having S days just like the one you had last week. Way to go.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:36 pm
by milliem
Well done on an excellent weekend! :) Hope you are feeling better this week.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:40 am
by gk
Good job this weekend! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:32 am
by Who Me?

Breakfast = a plum from our tree, eaten in the back yard!!!! Latte and a small bowl of cereal
Elevenses = coffee
Lunch = Thai noodle salad
Dinner = veggie and dumpling soup, juice, another plum

Went out to my knitting night. Loads of treats for sale. I had a home made cucumber soda. Cucumber juice, sugar and seltzer. Really weird, and really delicious.

Thanks for the nice feedback, y'all!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:22 am
by kccc
How nice that you have a knitting group! (I knit, and have been thinking of finding/creating a group.)

Sounds as if you're now feeling better too, which is good. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:53 pm
by Who Me?
Our group has been knitting together for something like three years. They're a great bunch.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:12 am
by Who Me?

Breakfast = latte, home baked bread, with butter and honey from our beehives, two plums from the backyard tree
Elevenses = coffee, two ciabatta rolls
Lunch = about as random a selection of food as one could imagine: raw snap peas, a mango, a kefir yogurt drink and a mandarin orange
Dinner = home made mac-and-cheese, broiled asparagus, fresh cherries

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:37 am
by Who Me?

Breakfast = latte, bread and butter, with fresh honey from our bees, a plum from the garden
Elevenses = coffee, a ciabatta roll, a plum
Lunch = leftover mac-and-cheese (home made and so so tasty), asparagus, another plum
Dinner = a white pizza, with home made crust (amazing!), leeks from our garden, and feta cheese, a green salad, lemony water

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:57 am
by Who Me?
A nice weekend. Our plum tree is coming ripe, so we ate quite a few plums, fresh from the tree. What could possibly be nicer?

For some strange reason, I ate breakfast food three time on Friday. I took my intern our for a last-day-of-the-internship meal, and we went to a place known for serving fresh interesting breakfast all day. I ordered carrot and blackberry pancakes (excellent) and an side order of home fries, totally forgetting that I can no longer eat any foods in the nightshade family. I've become so allergic that any of these foods will send me to the hospital. I honestly just forgot that I could no longer eat potatoes. I'm in awe of small children who manage food allergies. I'm a grown woman and I totally forgot about this allergy. What a bummer.

Breakfast = fresh baked bread, latte, plums
Lunch = the aforementioned carrot-blackberry pancakes, coffee
Dinner = a beautiful vegetable frittata, including leeks from our garden


Goofy eating schedule
Breakfast = I forget, it involved a latte, no doubt, and plums
Snack at 4pm = banana and some Scandinavian rye crackers
Very Late Lunch = a spinach, cheese and avocado wrap
Dinner = home made mac-and cheese with spinach



Breakfast = cereal with fresh fruit and almonds, latte, plums
Lunch = home baked biscuits and home made jams, plums
Dinner = Chinese food with friends
Later = a small bowl of ice cream

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:23 am
by Who Me?

Breakfast = latte, two plums
Lunch = leftover mac and cheese, coffee, ciabatta roll, a mango
Dinner = a cheese and avocado sandwich, a green salad

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:48 pm
by SkyKitty
Who Me, your daily food recording always sounds so yummy. The fresh plums of course but everything else too.

I'm curious, did you realise at the time that you weren't having any sweets or seconds? Was it a deliberate decision? I'm amazed and impressed.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:01 am
by Who Me?
On Saturday, I ate what I wanted to eat, and was aware (but not negatively) that I wasnt having sweets or seconds. On Sunday I had seconds at dinner because I barely ate lunch, and was ravenous. And I had a small bowl of icecream because it was Sunday night and I wasn't going to see dessert for a week.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:28 pm
by Who Me?
I continue to struggle with unidentified food allergies. My throat and ears are closed up, and my tongue burns ALL THE TIME. So I'm going to experiment with eliminating foods, to see if I can improve my level of comfort. I'm cutting out dairy to see what happens.


Breakfast = espresso, plums
Elevenses = a plum, a few crackers, some carrot
Lunch = avocado, and lettuce sandwich, a few cornichon pickles, cherries and a peach
Dinner = bread, vegetable dumplings.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:56 am
by Who Me?

I forgot that I declared a moratorium on dairy after we planned tonight's menu. Had friends and their twin sons over to pick fruit, and we made pizza from scratch.

Breakfast = espresso, plums, bread with honeycomb
Lunch = boiled eggs, plums
Dinner = a fritatta, and white pizza with homegrown leeks, lemonade from our tree

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:13 pm
by Grammy G
Allergies are such a strange thing! I have a son who cannot eat raw green beans, apple skins, raw pineapple, or soy milk.. and there is apparently something that relates all these things. His daughter cannot have tree nuts and, at 3 years old, she knew enough to ask "does this have nuts in it?" before accepting any food not delivered by her parents! I'm sure that has saved her from many an epi-pen injection! Good luck to you as you try to figure out what your problem food(s) might be!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:46 am
by Who Me?
I haven't been checking in, but that's just fine. I've been eating well. Had another weekend where I never had a urge for either sweets or snacks. I took a four hour kayaking class, and have been scraping the paint off of my house. We made plum honey wine (which won't be ready for a year and a half -- talk about Delayed Gratification) and I also made a batch of plum jam.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:13 pm
by kccc
Mmmm, homemade jam. The only time I tried jelly/jam I ended up with pear syrup. Which was good over ice cream and waffles, but not what I'd intended. :)

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:28 pm
by Who Me?
I imagine you'd have to cook pears a long time...

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:45 am
by Who Me?

Home made plum jam! Our backyard tree drops fruits, and I keep them from going to waste, by cutting off the split part, and freezing them until there's enough to make jam. Three gallon sized bags made a dozen jars of jam.



Breakfast = fresh baked bread with butter and plum jam, latte (I didn't see any difference with the allergies if I ate dairy or not)
Lunch = leftover grilled corn on the cob, a pasta salad with home grown peas, garbanzo beans and greens
Dinner = Israeli couscous and Swiss chard

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:47 am
by milliem
Those plums look delicious!

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:04 am
by Who Me?
I haven't been doing daily check-ins. I've been on vacation, which we spent at home. Brewed beer and wine. Had friends over. Went to the beach. Read a lot. Hung out in the garden. Worked on improving my hand-spinning. Worked with our bees.

Cooked and ate some yummy meals. Ate well.

I think we will be getting chickens next spring.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:59 pm
by Joyofsix
So they'll be spring chickens :lol: Your plum jam looks delicious. I made black raspberry jelly last week. All those preserves taste awfully good on a gloomy February day.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:35 pm
by Pangelsue2
I love your pictures. Makes me want plums and jam. I agree with Joyofsix. Home made jam is awesome in the dead of winter when we are really longing for the taste of fruit. It's like a bit of summer.
Congratulations on your S days. Haven't arrived there yet but hope to. I think you are so busy, you wouldn't have time to eat. Please send pictures of the house before and after painting. Or is too late for before?