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Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:49 pm
by r.jean
Thanks Berry!

Exercise log
AM: 3.5 miles...1 mile brisk walk (15:13)....2 mile walk/jog (22:46)...half mile cool down with dog and water

I will start doing 5K's with my family in September, and I want to be at or under 35 minutes. My best this year has been 36:54, but I am on track to meet my new goal. (I am not keen on doing organized runs in July and August. It is just too hot!)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:29 pm
by Who Me?
I'm impressed.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:46 pm
by NoSnacker
Jean's post to Deb's daily check in:
Trust me..if you stick with the rules, you will change. I used to be a permasnacker. I ate constantly. When I first started no s I still snacked on weekends. Now I rarely snack or have seconds, and my desserts are also moderate. I eat maybe one dessert each weekend day. Yesterday it was 2 warm chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm.
Thanks Jean, it is when I see feedback on a regular basis from those that are succeeding it gives me hope....

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:34 pm
by determined
I second that!!!


Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:54 pm
by r.jean
Thanks everyone for checking in. It truly keeps me going.

Exercise log
AM: Took it easy today. Did 2 miles mostly walking with some short jogs (27:35 mins) followed by the usual half mile cool down with the dog and a large bottle of water.

My eating yesterday left a lot to be desired. My food choices at dinner were indulgent and my snacking after dinner was excessive. I ate a couple of frozen "real" fruit bars and a couple of cheese sticks and a couple of beers. Hmmmm. It is a good thing that today is an N day.

PM: The usual half mile dog walk.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:38 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
It is cooler today so I decided this is the day that I need to start consistently doing 3 miles in preparation for upcoming 5K's. I am signed up for 3 in Sept and Oct. I was very happy today with a 34:38 time for a 3 mile walk/jog (11:33 per mile average). Also did the usual half mile cool down with dog and water.
PM: Did the usual half mile with the dog.


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:56 pm
by tobiasmom
Awesome job on the exercise. I'm hoping our treadmill will be fixed by next week so I can start a walk-to-run program also! I'd like to sign up for a 5K in a few months also!

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:06 pm
by Who Me?
You runners are awesome!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:01 am
by r.jean
Thanks for the good words! I used to run when I was younger but then did not do it for many years while busy with a career and a husband and raising 3 kids. My husband started running 5 years ago when he retired, and about 4 years ago I started joining him at races. My first 5k took me 50-55 minutes. Obviously I walked the entire thing. I slowly added a few steps of running off and on during my walks. Now that I am losing weight I have high hopes for increasing my pace and fitness level.

Soo..if I can do it at 55 years old and still 35-40 lbs. overweight, anyone can do it. Just start with a few steps. Go for it!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:06 am
by thtrchic
Wow, you kind of make me think I could do it too with that description!


Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:37 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
I decided to take a break today and walk. I wanted to stay with the 3 mile goal distance, and it took about 45 minutes. I of course had to do the usual half mile with the dog as well.

PM: Usual half mile with the dog.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:03 am
by r.jean
I had a major red day yesterday. I have been more hungry lately and this has led to some overeating. I have mostly stayed within limits, but my food choices have been more indulgent and my plates more full, mostly in the evening. I think the increased exercise may be a factor. Regardless, when I get too hungry, I make poor choices. Yesterday I ate a normal breakfast and lunch but just kept eating in the evening. I was so hungry and could not seem to get full. Today I added a little extra (healthy) food to lunch and breakfast, and it helped. But I am still feeling a bit unsatisfied even though I just ate supper. I need to continue to tweak my meals.

Exercise Log
I was pretty sluggish this morning due to last night's over indulgence, and I set off on my 3 mile walk/jog with low expectations. However, it was beautifully cool, and I finished at 34:28. YEAH!
Between morning and evening, I added another 1.5 miles by walking the dog.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:01 am
by SkyKitty
I wouldn't worry too much about fuller plates and more indulgent food, especially with your high level of exercise. I think it's really positive that you relise you need to continue to tweak your meals, and isn't it great that No S lets us do that instead of saying, no you can only eat this, and only in this amount.

Keep up the good work with the exercise, maybe it will motivate me to get moving again if I keep reading about your jogging.

Good luck with finding the balance to help with that hunger.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:26 pm
by determined
r.jean....Sounds as if your body just needed some more fuel. You're doing great...and SkyKitty is so right, it's wonderful to have a plan that we can manipulate to our needs instead of food manipulating us!

Keep up the good work....


Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:58 pm
by r.jean
Thanks for the encouragement. I find my daily visits to this site very motivating, and if I can help motivate someone else, that feels good too! I am a creature of habit with breakfast always eating multigrain toast or waffles with peanut butter and sometimes a banana. I am making sure to always get the banana now. Lunch has more variety but is usually pretty healthy and reasonable. I have added a bit there too, and my dinners are calming down. Dinner is still my more indulgent meal.

Exercise log
I decided on a more relaxed pace for Friday and today, and maybe I will try to do a "race pace" once or twice a week. My main goal was to go 3 miles and record the time. I started out with a half mile walk both days and finished up with 2.5 miles walk/jog at what felt good. My times were 37:47 and 35:45. And of course I am still walking the dog too!

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:13 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
I figured it was time for a break from the walk/jog routine so I decided to just do an hour of anything mild to moderate today. This includes dog walking so it is not hard to get an hour in. I have 47 minutes in already; 10 minutes with the dog and 37 minutes on my bike. Yes..I actually got it out of the spider webs, strapped on my new baby blue helmet I bought a couple months ago, and took off on a 6 mile very flat course. I discovered the upper gears no longer work, but speeds 1-5 were all I needed. I expected half an hour, but it took 37 minutes. There were some red lights and some stop signs but mostly I just was pretty slow. Nonetheless, it felt pretty good, and I did get in a little speed here and there.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:15 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
I had planned to run today but barely convinced myself to do a 2 mile walk followed by my usual walk with the dog. I was on call again this weekend due to trading to accommodate vacations. It did not start out too bad, but last night was terrible. We had a family gathering and I was on the phone half the time. It finally slowed down and I played some euchre and got home late and still had to put notes on the computer. Sooo tired!

I also ate too much which does not help much with the sluggish feeling.


Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:57 pm
by tobiasmom
So are you training for any kind of race? There's a 5K the end of October near me. I was thinking of trying to do it, but right now I only run 30 seconds...ha!!! Do you think I'm dreaming? My 10K training program if I did it the way it's supposed to would have me running a 10K in 13 weeks. So I figure half of that is 6.5 weeks........wouldn't that be in time? Just wondering your opinion.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:34 am
by r.jean
I am doing a 5K on Labor Day and another one at the end of September. I do about 7 or 8 races a year of different lengths.. There are enough walkers at 5Ks that you never have to worry about being too slow. I still do a combination walk/jog and right now I would probably do about a 35 minute 5K. With my weight going down I hope to get faster. My sister and niece come with us a lot, and they walk almost the whole thing.

And yes, you can improve pretty quickly if you work at it, especially since you are young. I think that you are wise to do two weeks for each step of your program though because you do not want to burn yourself out.

Good luck!


Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:37 pm
by tobiasmom
Thanks! I think I'll sign up and just walk/run! I am going to stick with two weeks for each one week of the program like you said. I think it will be a lot better for my body. Going from not running at all to running 6 miles is gonna take some time!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:35 pm
by NoSRocks
Sounds like a plan! :D :D


Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:28 pm
by r.jean
Thanks Roxy! And Good Luck Tobiasmom! I will look forward to hearing about your progress.

I am going to whine today. After a busy on call weekend, work continues to be extremely busy and stressful. Family has also been in town meaning that I am also busy socially, and there is little down time. I managed to get in a little over 3 miles of walking/jogging yesterday split between 2 outings. Today will be the same..splitting up exercise just to get it in. However, it feels good to get the exercise in. I do not really want to take a day off.

PM: I managed to do the minimum half hour by taking two one mile and pm. It was another stressful day at work.


Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:40 pm
by tobiasmom
I think I might need to start breaking up my exercise too. It's really tough to get one entire hour of exercise at a time......unless I do it right before bed. I've also decided to just stick with walking the rest of this month and then gradually move into the walk-to-run program. Don't want any injuries!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:49 am
by thtrchic
I took that bike ride. It wasn't very long, but it was great to go out. Thanks for the push!



Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:13 pm
by tobiasmom
Good morning, Sunshine! Have a great day!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:33 pm
by r.jean
Today is going to be another day of the minimum exercise, but tomorrow I am definitely doing a 3 mile walk/jog. I took Friday off and am looking forward to family reunion this weekend. I also got off a little early exhausted!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:02 pm
by r.jean
I am so relieved to have a day away from the insanity at work. I am going to be busy cooking and setting up with my sister today for the reunion tomorrow, but that kind of work is not stressful.

I am taking a nws day today because we have to try food as we cook it, and there will be some people arriving tonight and there will be eating.

Therefore I weighed in a day early. (My monthly weigh in is on the 20th.). I lost 4 lbs this month. Yahoo! I wanted to lose 4.8 in order to hit a BMI of 29.9, but I guess that will have to be next month

Exercise log
I did my 3 mile walk/jog at race pace and finished at 33:43. YEAH! This is the pace I need to run a 35 minute 5K. The problem is that the Labor Day 5K is pretty hilly and my daily course is fairly flat so I need to a little better. Also walked a mile doing warm up and cool down.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:15 am
by NoSRocks
FANTASTIC JOB ON THE WEIGHT LOSS, r.jean! You're AMAZING!!! :wink: :wink:

Thanks for continuing to be an inspiration for me.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:44 am
by NoSnacker
r.jean wrote: I lost 4 lbs this month. Yahoo! I wanted to lose 4.8 in order to hit a BMI of 29.9
What a great success...I love following everyone that is an inspiration...


Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:37 am
by r.jean
Thanks for the kudos! I am so happy to have found No S. I feel like I am well on my way to making this a lifetime habit. I still struggle now and again, but I have never quit or started over. That tells me I can keep on doing it.

Exercise log
I planned on the same exercise as yesterday but was interrupted by rain and lightning. I only got in a half mile walking and a mile of walk/jog. We will be playing plenty of volleyball at the family reunion today so I am not too worried about getting my exercise in.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:31 am
by r.jean
Exercise log
The weather was beautiful for the family reunion on Saturday, and I got so much exercise that I was sore Sunday. My sister's home and yard are huge which meant all the running in and out with food, setting up, etc involved stairs and distance. Then there were multiple volleyball games..maybe 7-8 games. Then on Sunday, I cleaned house and then went with hubby to a local tourist river town and walked around. I did not do any formal exercise Sunday and took a yellow, but I think I should probably make it a green.

I am debating my exercise choice this morning...something mild...

The eating was pretty horrendous this weekend..everyone brought their favorite foods plus we ate out 3 meals on Sunday with those that were still around..

PM: I ended up just walking a couple of miles this morning.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:22 am
by r.jean
Exercise log
I am still a little tired and stiff from the weekend so exercise continues to be mild. This morning was a 2.5 mile walk. This evening was 1 hour of water aerobics. This water exercise seems pretty easy while I am doing it, but I am really hungry when I am done. So maybe it is more work than it seems.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:46 am
by NoSnacker
r.jean wrote:Thanks for the kudos! I am so happy to have found No S. I feel like I am well on my way to making this a lifetime habit. I still struggle now and again, but I have never quit or started over. That tells me I can keep on doing it.
Ditto on finding No S,,,,life is so much better now..and I have hope for myself.

Great on the constant good for one...

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:52 pm
by r.jean
I also "have hope for myself." That is a good way to express how I feel. This has been a crazy week. The family reunion weekend started a week of overeating. I only had one red day, but I also had a NWS day and the 2 weekend S days. That left only three green days during which I had some pretty over the top meals that were "legal" but still over indulgent. My exercise has also been less intense. The amazing thing is that I am pretty calm about it because I know I will get back on track. That hope you refer to...that faith in myself is there to get me through.

Exercise log
Wed: 1 miles walking and 2.5 miles walk/jog (30:24)
Thurs: 1 mile walking and 2 miles walk/jog (23:09) :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:10 pm
by NoSnacker
r.jean wrote:I know I will get back on track. That hope you refer to...that faith in myself is there to get me through.
I hope you are finding your way back to the green field...I know for some reason the last 2 months there are like 3 days that I go off I'm thinking hormonal..ya know you might want to look at your tracker and see if those red days fall around the same time each month.

I was really extra hungry and find that last night and today those feelings are gone..

And I decided I'll never be a beauty queen again (not that I was), but I'm 54 and if I can have my weight in the normal BMI I'll be good with that..but perfect body at 16, I'll have have that again.. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:23 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
1 mile walk and 2 mile walk/jog (23:35)


Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:28 pm
by tobiasmom
Have a great weekend, Buddy! Great walk/jog there!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:33 pm
by r.jean
Thanks Tobiasmom! How are you doing with the jogging?

I did a race pace 3 mile today (33:55) with a half mile cool down. It was warm and humid and it has been a rough week so I was pleased with the time.

I have not mentioned this, but I lost my walking companion. The dog we have cared for a little over a year has gone home. We have a small dog but had also been caring for a large, athletic, boisterous dog. She is so interactive and lovable. I was definitely ready for her to go home, and it also meant that a loved one is safely home from military deployment. I just underestimated how much I would miss her at first. I have now adjusted to the change in routine and enjoy her more when she visits.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:51 pm
by Who Me?
You care for pets of people on active military duty?

That's awesome!


Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:54 pm
by tobiasmom
I agree with Who Me?. Wish you lived near us! ha. It's such a worry for military being gone with pets. That's wonderful.

Well, the jogging has been non-existent so far. I've gotta get back to my consistent walking before I start the jogging again. I have just been a slug with exercise and eating these days. I plan to get up tomorrow morning and walk my dog first thing before it gets hot!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:28 pm
by r.jean
Our deployed soldier was a family member so it was a given that one of us would step up to watch the dog. It started as a chore but ended with me getting pretty attached! We end up caring for other dogs regularly for various reasons, but this is our first yearlong venture.

I can sympathize with the ups and downs of exercise Tobiasmom! If i manage to go for a walk, i make myself just run a few steps every block. Anyone can do a few steps. Sometimes that is all, but often it turns into more.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:22 pm
by thtrchic
That is really great of you to help with the dog!

I am truly inspired by your talk of jogging. Your times are great, but your thoughts on just getting a few steps every bit in really hits me. I know you weren't really talking to me, but thanks for saying it. I'm going to keep that in my head for my next exercise walk.


Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:33 pm
by r.jean
Thanks for checking in Thtrchic! It would be great if I could inspire even one person to start running! I had not run for 25 years when I started again 4 years ago. My speed has been limited by my weight, but not any more! My goal is to gradually increase my speed and to do more jog and less walk in my walk/jogs.

Exercise log Sunday
Walk/jog 3 miles (34:55) and 3/4 mile walk to cool down and drink water.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:28 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
Monday: 3 mile walk/jog (35:02) followed by 1/2 mile cool down walk

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:02 pm
by thtrchic
I kept your words in my head as I went out for a walk this morning and did adding several spurts of jogging to the mix. It felt good. And was much more pleasant to just periodically do rather than constantly watching the time to switch back and forth.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:27 pm
by r.jean
Yay! Way to go Thtrchic! Hope it becomes a habit.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:17 am
by r.jean
Exercise log:
Tuesday: 3 mile walk/jog (37:01) and a cool down half mile.

Today was really a success. I am on call all week and was up about 3 hours past my bedtime last night. I started out tired and had to practice what I preach and just run what I could. After I got warmed up, it was not so bad. My time was better than I thought it would be.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:41 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log:
Wednesday: 2 mile walk jog (23:36) and no time for cool down.

Another night on call and losing sleep. Barely drug myself out to exercise and time was limited. I am taking off this afternoon for a nap. We are going to a baseball game tonight so I am hoping the phone is a little less busy. I will take my own car just in case.

I just realized that a friend's dog is coming tonight and will be here until Sunday. The dog is old and blind and does not do well at the kennel. I totally forgot she was coming this week. Aaaahhhh!

Also got a little bit of walking in today to reach my half hour minimum exercise.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:45 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
2 mile walk/jog (23:25)
Short walk

Another short night of sleep due to on call. it was quiet during the ball game we went to last night so that was nice, but the middle of the night stuff continues. This is by far the busiest week I have done on call..ever.. I am so glad I took yesterday afternoon off.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:40 am
by r.jean
Exercise log
1/2 mile warm up walk and then 2.5 mile walk/jog (28:28.)

Finally got some sleep last night! The on call phone did not ring once!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:09 pm
by r.jean
As of 830 am I am no longer on call! Last night was not bad...only some routine calls and only one that woke me up. This week made me realize that I am getting to the point of considering retirement sooner than I had planned. I have over 31 years in high stress employment and can retire now if I want. I had planned on 3 more years. However, I am getting more active and enjoying more leisure activities and want to enjoy life while I would be a "young" retiree. I credit No S for helping me put some sanity into my life. I have a routine now for diet and exercise that helps me to enjoy life more. Food was more of a "drug" before and now it is something to be enjoyed.

Today is a planned day off from hard exercise, but I will get in some walking with my bonus dogs. I have 2 visitors today.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:13 pm
by nbh76

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:20 pm
by r.jean
Thanks nbh76!

I decided to go buy a sledgehammer today in the interest of doing something about these flabby arms. My husband thought I was nuts. But then again he never really bought into the No S idea either until he saw the positive results. He still does not really know what I am doing, but he knows it is working for me.

I actually had him swinging the sledgehammer, and he agreed it might be an okay idea. I only did it for 8 minutes...starting slow.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:35 pm
by r.jean
I am feeling sorry for myself because my sniffles and scratchy throat from yesterday turned into a full blown cold. Yesterday I took an S day for exercise for the first time in a long time. I took a 10 minute walk and did 8 minutes of shovel glove...less than my 30 minute minimum.

Today I am resting and hoping I feel better for the 5K tomorrow. I eat a lot when I have a cold but that seems to help me get better faster so I just try to not go totally crazy.

PM: I managed to get 30 minutes of leisurely walking in with the bonus dogs today. I marked a green on my calendar even though that is not much exertion. The rest of the day I was a couch potato with a box of Kleenex nearby at all times.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:14 pm
by r.jean
I am feeling better today, but still not 100%. It was a nice cool morning for the 5K, and I was perfectly satisfied with a 35:35 time. There were some steep hills! Now on to prepare for the next 5K on Sept. 25. That one is flat and fast so I will be looking for a PR.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:12 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi do you run 5K, or speed walk?

I tried to walk/run and my lower back can't take the pounding..I end up paying for it later.

Thanks for stopping by my daily check seems a little hard to stay focused on my 3 squares...Monday's are always the toughest especially seeing it is a holiday and I'm home :).

Have a great one!

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:57 pm
by r.jean
I do a combination walk/jog....probably about 60-75% jogging and the rest brisk walking. They say that brisk walking is as good as running although you need to do it longer for the full benefit. However, for me running gives me a feeling of accomplishment that I do not get from walking alone. I used to get sore knees or ankles at times, but now I spend more money on my shoes and do not have that problem.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:09 pm
by NoSnacker
I know I was enjoying adding the jogging in there, like jog a block walk a block etc.

I have a bulging disk and with the pounding it causes some pain...very sad cause I really really enjoyed it.

But I try to walk almost 4 miles as fast as I can push myself without the pounding..

Exercise is great..I have been doing it for years..even when I gained weight I still did not give up on it...

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:27 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
2 mile walk in AM
I had a busy day yesterday and was on the go most of the day. This caused a worsening of my cold symptoms, and I am feeling pretty funky today. Oh is just a cold.

I skipped swimming tonight but managed a 1 mile walk. Going to bed early.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:27 am
by NoSnacker
Hope you are feeling better...having a cold is not fun at all......

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:22 pm
by r.jean
Thanks Nosnacker! I am gradually feeling better and only dragging a little today. Hopefully everything will be gone by tomorrow.

AM: 1 mile walking and 1.5 mile walk/jog (16:12)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:34 am
by osoniye
Yeah, I pretty much stopped walking this week, due to not wanting my cold to worsten. It's also cold where I live, and uninviting in the mornings.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:15 pm
by r.jean
Beautiful weather...cold is gone...exercise feels good!

Thursday: 2 mile walk/jog (21:53) and half mile cool down walk
Friday: same as yesterday with time of 22:03

I am encouraged that my 2 mile time is at 11 minutes per mile average now. I would like to extend that time to 3 miles.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:38 pm
by determined
So glad you are finally feeling better. That nasty cold certainly held on a long time - I hate colds like that!


Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:43 am
by NoSnacker
They are giving out the flu shot at work next week..I kind of was against such things, but have overcame that idea and for the last couple years do get the flu shot.

Do you get the flu shot?

I think the flu is cropping up already...

Hope your week was green...I'm happy to report my was :mrgreen:

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:54 pm
by r.jean
I get a flu shot every at work.

Exercise log
AM: 2 mile walk/jog (21:39) and 1 mile of walking

I am on call AGAIN..hope it is a quiet weekend.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:09 pm
by NoSnacker
I wanted to stop by as I saw your post on Oolala getting to much flack about the weight loss challenge. I didn't mean to offend anyone and have apologized to her. She is the one that turned me on to No S and I'm forever grateful to her.

I have definitely seen a lot of opinionated people on here, judging, etc. when they don't know the whole story. I like to believe we are all encouragers here, not discouragers.

I guess when things are in type they can come off the wrong way.

For me I chose not to do the challenge as the pressure would cause me to relapse and perhaps other newbies that don't need additional stress...

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:32 am
by r.jean
My comments were not directed at anyone in particular. I was just trying to support individual differences. :mrgreen:

I just finished another Saturday and Sunday on call, and it was the busiest yet. I worked 12-13 hours each day and did not get much sleep. That meant my Sunday exercise was minimal. I did 5 minutes of shovel glove and fit in a one mile walk/jog and a couple other short walks. I am not really sure if it added up to half an hour or not, but I am calling it green on my habitcal.
I also have no idea what I ate this weekend. I grabbed food when I could.

Today I was exhausted and left work at 1 pm. I came home and ate and slept and then walked a mile in the evening and went to a 1.5 hour dance class with hubby.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:18 pm
by r.jean
I am still tired today. I do not rebound from long work hours the way I used to. I got up late and had a rushed morning. Someone brought breakfast pizza to work in mid morning, and I caved in. I thought I could just call it an early lunch, but that is not working. I took off work early again. It is 4:30, and I am starved, and I am eating again. I am eating light due to water aerobics in a little over an hour so I am pretty sure I will be hungry again later. So...I am guessing today will be a red day for eating 4 times. It is not that big of a deal since this is also a good exercise day, and the combined food in the 4 meals will not be much more than my usual 3. However, it deserves a red. Most of my red days are not major, and I have have 1-2 a month on average.

Exercise log
1.5 mile walk/jog (17:37)...a bit sluggish and 1 mile walking
One hour water aerobics coming up

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:55 am
by NoSnacker
Hi stopping by for a visit...that is great only 1 or 2 red's a month. I think I might have asked before not sure so I'll ask, how are your weekends structured food wise? I'm hoping to focus on a more tame weekend coming up.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:44 pm
by r.jean
I head into my weekends keeping the same structure as during the week and occasionally I do not even have any S events. However, I am relaxed on weekends and I enjoy S events when something comes up that I want. I do not plan ahead. I rarely eat sweets. My S events are usually seconds or snacks. I love my S days because it gives me a couple of days of less discipline each week.

Exercise log
2 mile walk/jog (21:23) (YAY!)
1 mile walking
Finally feeling back on track after the exhausting weekend.
30 min walk with hubby

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:25 am
by NoSnacker
Sounds like the perfect weekends to me...I hope to be there someday as well. Thanks for sharing.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:21 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
2.5 miles walk/jog (27:26) (YAY!)
1 mile walking (warm up and cool down)
I have a goal of 35 mins for a 5K I am doing in 10 days, and I am on pace to do that if I can stay close to 11 minute miles. This 5K is flat so I should make it.

I am debating whether to call today red or green. I ate supper out and so we are talking virtual plating. It would have to be a pretty full virtual plate to fit what I ate, but I did stick to 3 meals with no snacks and no sweets. I guess I will sleep on it.

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:52 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
I took Friday off from exercise but ended up walking with hubby for about 1.5 miles. 5K is in 8 days...need to buckle down...

2.5 mile walk/jog (27:20) I am keeping my desired pace but need to add another half mile.
1 mile walking..warm up and cool down

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:20 pm
by r.jean
This weekend reminded me of why it is easier to lose weight now than it was raising kids. Yesterday, I went to an alumni college soccer game that my youngest daughter was playing in. It was fun to see some other parents that I got to know during her college days, but with the drive, it took a good chunk of the day. I then took my daughter's huge 4 month old puppy home for the night so she could have fun. That dog has to be watched non-stop or she is destroying something. I altered my usual exercise this morning to a slower, longer walk/jog in order to take the dog along. We did 4 miles at a slow walk/jog--at 50:38--followed by a mile cool down walk. After 5 miles total, that dog still had energy.

It takes a lot of determination to get exercise in when you are a mom or caretaker, and this was a major downfall for me when I was raising children. So to all of you with busy schedules raising children or being a caretaker, my hat is off to you!

Got in 10 minutes of shovel glove this evening.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:35 am
by r.jean
I just went berserk today. I had a big lunch out with a friend and then a disorganized evening. My supper was interrupted so I ended up eating twice this evening. My daughter left part of a pint of really good ice cream in the fridge, and I finished that off for good measure. Good grief! I have not eaten like this in months..even on S days!

My monthly weigh in is tomorrow...that ought to be interesting.

Exercise log:
AM--2.5 miles: 1 mile walk/jog (11:28.) and the rest walking.
PM--90 minute dance class with hubby.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:09 am
by r.jean
I weighed in today and was happy to see a 2.2 lb loss. I wanted to hit that 40 lb mark!

Exercise helped save me from gaining this month, but obviously my No S habits are becoming ingrained. I feel like I ate a lot this month, but I when I look back at what I would have eaten pre no s, I know the difference is huge.

It was a month of eating challenges:
Reunion weekend started the month
Extended family visits and fun continued through that week
I caught a cold one week
Labor Day weekend was indulgent
Work was stressful. I had a lot of on call, and it was busy.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:28 am
by determined
Congratulations on reaching your 40 lb weight loss! That's terrific!! I hope to join you someday...

Well done!


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:25 pm
by r.jean
I hope so too determined! The losses slowly add up, and we will eventually get to our goals. I have almost 30 lbs left to my goal, but I know now it will happen.

Exercise log Tuesday
About an hour
3 mile walk/jog (34:10)
1 mile walk
10 minutes shovel glove

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:08 pm
by thtrchic
Congratulations, Jean! That's fabulous news. And after a "bad" day even. :) You really do continue to inspire me with your fabulous dedication to exercise and pushing yourself there.

Keep up the great work!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:19 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
AM: 3 mile walk/run (36:34); half mile walk
Per advice from friends I am trying to increase my weekly mileage total and not just concentrate on speed.

Walked a mile at lunch.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:46 pm
by NoSRocks
40 LBS !!! WOW!!! CONGRATULATIONS, HON!!! :D :D :wink: :wink:

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:49 am
by r.jean
Thanks Roxy! It is adding up!

Exercise log
3 miles walk/jog (32:50)
1 mile walk

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:21 am
by Who Me?
Really impressive!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:30 pm
by r.jean
Thanks Who Me!

Exercise log
2 mile walk
10 minute shovel glove
5k on Sunday so the two days prior are my take it easy days

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:52 pm
by gk
r.jean wrote:I weighed in today and was happy to see a 2.2 lb loss. I wanted to hit that 40 lb mark!
Way to go! Congrats on the weight loss - you're very inspiring! :)

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:53 pm
by r.jean
Thanks gk! I am so happy to have found no s! It suits me well.

Exercise log
2 mile walk
10 minute shovel glove
5K race tomorrow

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:03 pm
by r.jean
5K today (This race is a prostate cancer benefit.)

In 2007 I did this same 5K, and I walked it all. I had a mediocre time of 53:23 (17:14 per mile pace). Nonetheless, it felt good, and it prompted me to start running again. I have done this race and several others every year since. I gradually got better but I leveled out. I was more fit, but my weight stayed the same until finding No S.

Today I had a time of 34:08 (11:01 per mile pace). This is my best time in my 50s, and I think I can gradually do better as I lose more weight.


Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:42 pm
by gk
r.jean wrote:Today I had a time of 34:08 (11:01 per mile pace). This is my best time in my 50s, and I think I can gradually do better as I lose more weight.


Way to go!!!! :D

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:53 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log AM
2.5 mile walk/jog (28:35)
1 mile walk
10 minute shovel glove

Getting readY to leave for 90 minute dance class with hubby.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:25 am
by r.jean
Exercise log
Took it easy today.
10 minutes shovel glove in AM
2 mile walk in PM

Also a red day. It started with lunch out followed by birthday cake with a couple friends. The cake was my favorite...Texas Sheet Cake. I usually can have an S event and then get back on track, but not today. I ate rather randomly the rest of the day.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:29 am
by gk
r.jean wrote:PM
Getting readY to leave for 90 minute dance class with hubby.
Sounds like fun! What kind of dance do you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:40 pm
by r.jean
Hi gk! Thanks for stopping by. I have to say that I just read your last posts and admire you for the Pilates. Pilates is hard!

Hubby and I are doing a 6 week ballroom class..waltz, fox trot, swing, cha cha. We are going on a cruise in November and figured it would be more fun with some dancing skills. We have taken this same class before and probably will again. It is fun and good exercise and inexpensive since it is at the community college.

Exercise log
3 mile walk/ jog (34:35)
1 mile walk

Way to Go!

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:24 pm
by Barb
r.Jean you are doing a great job!!! Congratulations on the 40 lbs. and all of the good exercise!


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:50 pm
by thtrchic
Yeah, days like happen sometimes. As long as it's the random day and not usual, it's just life and fine. You still totally inspire me! :)


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:31 pm
by gk
r.jean wrote:Hubby and I are doing a 6 week ballroom class..waltz, fox trot, swing, cha cha. We are going on a cruise in November and figured it would be more fun with some dancing skills. We have taken this same class before and probably will again. It is fun and good exercise and inexpensive since it is at the community college.
That sounds like so much fun! I danced alot through my childhood and early adulthood (I'm 40), but I haven't for quite a while now. I used to choose those dance-themed exercise workouts too, because it felt like something fun instead of "work". Now, I'm out of shape and my back is a stinker, so I haven't tried that again. However, it is a goal of mine! I'll throw it into the Pilates/Yoga mix when my body isn't quite so creaky. :wink: It does make a difference if it's something fun to do, doesn't it?

Enjoy your'll show everyone on the cruise how it's done, I'm sure. 8)


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:44 pm
by tobiasmom
Oh, boy! Aren't those classes fun? The hubby and I took dance classes about 15 years ago! They were so much fun. I really enjoyed swing and salsa. I must look into that again some day. Great exercise and FUN!

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:15 pm
by r.jean
I came home today just wanting to raid the fridge.. However I just had so much fun and reinforcement from reading everyone's posts that I am now waiting for the baked chicken hubby is making.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:30 pm
by r.jean
Exercise log
3 mile walk/jog (33:19)
1 mile walk

Wow I wrote this time down wrong and had to correct it...nobody goes 11:19 for 3 miles.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:04 pm
by Barb
Good job r.jean...way to wait and great exercise!
