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Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:37 am
by NoSnacker
Happy Easter to you too..

Congrats on having such a sound S day, nice choices. I hope to have a good day today...


Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:27 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Great work, KL. Glad it was relaxing. Hoping to get to that point here, too!
Happy Easter!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:46 pm
by KL
Day 39 - April 8 - S Day

Thank the Lord today was an S Day. And, not to mention, thank the Lord it was Easter :!:

I got into the old behavior of munching on snacks on the way home from a vacation. I ate my breakfast that I have made the night before and then for about the next hour I munched pretty much non-stop - and then woke from my trance. Needless to say it took me by surprise but in a way it was as if all the days before were forgotten. In reality, I know this not to be true - but in real time it felt like I had never left the world of overindulging.

But the good news is that I stopped, and that I DID NOT like this compulsive/impulsive behavior at all. And I DID NOT like the way I was lethargic and grumpy afterwards. Planned in my mind not to eat for the rest of the day until tomorrow's breakfast - which again is old behavior - but by dinner time I was a little bit hungry and had some dinner - which is new behavior. :D

And I didn't go running 5 miles which would have been old behvior as well. Instead, I unpacked, did laundry, and went grocery shopping. So all ready for tomorrow - yay, an N day.

p.s. It didn't help matters that I had gotten up at 3:45 AM. :)

p.p.s. It also came to mind that I did not want to reward the behavior with throwing in the towel. Yay for NoS 8)

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:07 pm
by HabitMaker
KL, it sounds like your response to this was healthy. I'm glad you didn't react my going too far in the other direction - or reward the behavior by throwing in the towel. Good work. Now back to the glorious N Day! :)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:18 am
by KL
Yes, HabitMaker - I didn't feel like the pendulum swung too far to one side. It was a good reminder of how I felt most of the time before - and I didn't care for it. The best part of this lesson was that 1. I ate dinner and didn't skip it and 2. I moved on and 3. No guilt today - really was able to embrace the concept of an S day and 4. Only did a little bit of exercise today - didn't overdo to compensate. Yay!

Day 40 - April 9 - Success

B - Green smoothie - Spinach, celery, carrot, banana, berries, protein powder
L - Sprouted wrap w/pb/banana, salad
D - Baked potato, veggie burger, sauteed onions/shrooms/zuc, romaine
E - some yoga

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:16 am
by HabitMaker
I love sauteed mushrooms, onion, and zucchini! Such a good combination. Glad you had a nice N Day, and that you moved on and didn't overdo anything to compensate. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:22 am
by lbb (Liz)
Yum, KL:
I'm coming to dinner chez vous!
I say this daily, but it would be really easy for me to be a vegetarian.
Probably not vegan.
So (sorry if this is ignorant), but you don't eat dairy/eggs or ANY meat?
What were your purposes, out of curiosity in going vegan?
I'm always curious.
Thanks, Liz

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:25 pm
by NoSnacker
Good going on paying attention to what you don't want to feel anymore...I think the longer on No S, the more we will become aware of just that...we don't want the terrible feelings on eating mindlessly, in that trance..

Nice takeaway..


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:14 am
by KL
Thanks HM - yes, I love that combo of veggies and I did have a peaceful N day.

llb - I believe it is easier when one is a veggie to eat out in restaurants or at someone's house - a bit more challenging being a vegan (no animal products - i.e. beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy - some people say anything with a face). When I became a veggie about 6 or so years ago, I started eating a lot of soy and dairy to compensate for the animal proteins that I had been eating. Dairy can be very mucus forming and I got really sick - really bad respiratory problems. Cut the dairy out, and I haven't been sick since. This was my experience anyway, and it works for me. These days I can find substitutes for anything. But I tend to eat pretty simply as you can see from my food logs. I realize that it's certainly not for everyone. :)

Thanks for the kind words NoSnacker - eating mindlessly is such a joy stealer. Don't want it anymore - doesn't comfort me in any way. I love the stability of 3 meals regardless of an S or N day. And love the freedom of having larger meals and sweets occasionally.

Day 41 - April 10 - Success

B - Oats
L - Restaurant - Basil/red pepper hummus/avocado sprouted wrap
D - Blackbean burrito, ratatouille, salad
E - Bike

Good day - spent the majority of it in fellowship with a good friend - was hungry for meals - such a good feeling for body, mind and soul. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:54 am
by NoSnacker
Congrats..I see from our April Challenge you have hit your second 21 days!!!

I did recently and just started another one :)

Hope to keep the momentum going...

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:29 am
by Ann_48
KL, You're doing so great! While I am not vegan/vegetarian, I love reading your menu for each day. You really do eat well!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:29 am
by KL
Day 42 - April 11 - Success

B - Oats
L - Hummus/lettuce wrap, PB/banana wrap, carrots, apple
D - Same as lunch
E - yoga

Thanks NoSnacker - yes, 2nd 21 day challenge. Whoo Hooo. Whew was it a hard one today. I was so hungry between each meal. Especially after lunch. Had a lot to do with the fact that I could either eat a very early dinner or a very late one. It was wigging me out to have to wait until 8:45ish - so I opted to eat around 5. I'm glad I did. I think I would have gone wacko if I had waited until 9. In the mid afternoon, I was so close to snacking but the thought of having to post a fail at the end of my 2nd challenge kept me going. So blessed to have all the support here. Next challenge is to finish out April - Vanilla No S.

Thanks Ann, I enjoy my food as well. It's very satisfying. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:43 am
by Amy3010
Thanks for stopping by my check in and the encouragement!

I am a mainly vegan eater too, primarily for health reasons.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:12 pm
by Ann_48
KL-Good luck with the Vanilla-NoS! You're going so strong that I'm sure you'll do it!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:30 am
by KL
Day 43 - April 12 - Success

B - Oats
L - Hummus wrap, PB/banana wrap, veggies, apple
D - Indian Veggie Korma, carrots/shrooms, crackers
E - none

Thanks for the support Amy and Ann...

Will be off line most likely until Monday. Family stuff going on and will be out-of-town.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:12 am
by Ann_48
KL, Looking forward to seeing you back on Monday.

Congrats on day 43!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:19 am
by Amy3010
Hope the weekend goes well and look forward to seeing you back on Monday!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:52 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Once again, you put my meals to shame with all your nummy variety!
Sounds like you are doing well!

Have a great vacation. ENJOY!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:13 pm
by HabitMaker
KL, sounds like you're still doing great! Congratulations on finishing your second 21 day challenge. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:00 pm
by Sweetness
KL wrote: Since I've been doing No. S. I really want my meals. For so long, I had gotten into the trap of night eating, then restricting the next day because of guilt and also because I felt horrible. Then by the time I would eat again, I would be so hungry I would overeat and around we go on the wheel. Such an ugly cycle. Now I'm eating enough at meals that I'm able to wait to eat for 5 or so hours and am hungry, yay, for the next meal. Establishing the habit of no snacking has made all the difference in the world to me. I'm still very new into the game - but have gotten peace back into my life. I'm not being controlled by the food anymore. Which is a huge Godsend!!
KL, enjoyed reading your postings esp. the above. You are doing great! :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:21 am
by NoSnacker
I hear ya on really wanting regular meals now...with my second round of 21 days, I too find I don't want to post a red...I like to challenge myself to stay the course...wonder how I'll handle my first red after coming back...mmmm, guess don't want to think too much about it...

This time around seems different...more focused on enjoying the food when it is time to eat and coming to except nothing after dinner...I wake up feeling so much better.

Happy Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:54 pm
by KL
Back from being with my family - there was a medical emergency - everything is a bit calmer now. The structure of NoS is really what got me through the 4 days I was gone. Followed Vanilla all the days which were very unstructured in and of themselves - yet were structured for me by the way I ate. I feel so blessed :D because I know how chaotic it COULD HAVE been. No one even knew that I was on "a different meal plan." :)

Day 44 - April 13 - Success
Day 45 - April 14 - Success
Day 46 - April 15 - Success
Day 47 - April 16 - Success

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:15 pm
by Sweetness
Good for you on following No S during a crisis!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:22 pm
by NoSnacker
Wow that is awesome and I'm sure you feel great and to top it off no one knew you were on a new adventure in how you are treating your body with food.

Hooray for you,,,,keep up the good work..

Nice to see the greens, isn't it!

I'm keeping my eyes on the mountain!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:56 am
by KL
Day 48 - April 17 - Success

B - Oats
L - Wraps w/hummus/romaine, pb/banana/celery, apple
D - Black Bean Soup, salad, ww bread, apple
E - none

Thanks Sweetness and NoSnacker, I feel so blessed to have found this simple but profound lifestyle. I felt so strong while I was with my family of origin. I ate my meals when everyone else ate. I didn't require special foods. I didn't need to snack (although I could have - but wasn't hungry and didn't want to), I didn't want any desserts (there weren't any readily available -but I could have gone to the store to specifically buy them), and didn't need seconds because my meals were very filling and satisfying. If this "event" had happened in February, this trip would have had a totally different feel to it, and I would have been miserable trying to console myself with food.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:21 am
by Amy3010
KL wrote: Followed Vanilla all the days which were very unstructured in and of themselves - yet were structured for me by the way I ate. I feel so blessed :D because I know how chaotic it COULD HAVE been. No one even knew that I was on "a different meal plan." :)
I am so sorry to hear about the emergency - hope everything is okay now. But it is also encouraging to hear you say the above - this is what I am hoping for myself this summer when we see the entire family (I refer to them as my FOO = "family of origin" too) - that despite the chaos and the way it could become a real setback for me (also as regards emotional eating), that I will be able, like you, to have my own internal compass and structure through No-S.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:15 am
by NoSnacker
You are a fine example that we can stick to No S on vacation and under stress while on vacation.

Like you said you could have walked to the store but decided not are being good to you and you so deserve it...

Happy hump day!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:45 pm
by lbb (Liz)
I'm SOOOOO happy for you and I'm reading this at such the perfect time as I have a few days left of my vacation to realign myself in the eating department.
Because regardless of what you think, it DOES over-shadow what would be the PERFECT vacation when you are constantly bogged down with sugar or thoughts of sugar...regret...compulsion.
"simple but profound lifestyle"
"filling and satisfying"
Thanks for the reminder that food IS better when waited for.
I'm proud that you made this work in a time of chaos and upheaval.
I will instill the same for the next few days.
Also, thanks for all your encouragement over in my parts!
I'm so blessed.
xo, Liz

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:43 am
by KL
Day 49 - April 18 - Success

Thank you everyone for your kind words - I really need to get to bed so will comment more tomorrow - but wanted to do my check in.

B - Oats
L - Wrap w/hummus/red pep/romaine, wrap w/pb/banana/romaine, apple
D - Lentil soup, chinese cabbage salad, Israeli salad, hummus, ww bread
E - Yoga

Yummy potluck dinner. This week I was able to wait until 8:45 to eat after we practiced yoga. Last week I thought I would starve so I ate before I practiced yoga at 7PM, which btw was not so comfortable :wink: This week I waited by distracting myself by walking my dog, taking a bath, having tea. Dinner was SO good because I was nice and hungry. :mrgreen:

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:22 am
by NoSnacker
You are doing fantastic!!!! Visiting a few of my 21 challenge virtual co-challengers..

Great to see the green! :mrgreen:

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:38 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Good for you, KL!
That potluck sounds wonderful and it would have been a hard time to not go over-board. Great job distracting yourself, too.
You're doing awesome!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:16 pm
by Sweetness
Seeing lots of green on your thread!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:54 pm
by KL
For yesterday...

Day 50 - April 19 - Success

B - Oats
L - Wraps
D - Black Bean/Veggie/Quoina Pasta Soup, crackers, apple

Made the soup the other day and added the pasta last night - yummy. :)

Whew - lots going on - living life between meals - which of course is the goal. :D

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:40 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Good for you, KL.
"Living life between meals." That's great and "eating to LIVE" not "living to EAT".
Hope all is well for you.
Enjoy the weekend!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:30 pm
by Sweetness

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:26 am
by NoSnacker
Stopping by to say hi! Hope all is going well....

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:32 pm
by KL
Thanks lbb, Sweetness and NoSnacker :) I appreciate the encouragement.

Day 51 - April 20 - Success
Day 52 - April 21 - S Day
Day 53 - April 22 - S Day

Feeling a little burned out - lots going on with my job that is not sitting well with me. Had to do a challenging presentation that I didn't really feel that prepared for - I was feeling anxious - got into Girl Scout cookies Saturday after dinner and again Sunday after dinner - thank goodness for S days - didn't really feel so much guilt - but today my stomach is paying the price. And of course, the job stuff is still there - cookies didn't resolve it. :)

Glad it's Monday - back to sanity. At least with eating 3 meals, I can have the structure and confidence that I don't necessarily feel in my head and heart concerning all the other stuff.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:12 pm
by lbb (Liz)
"At least with eating 3 meals, I can have the structure and confidence that I don't necessarily feel in my head and heart concerning all the other stuff."

Love that thought! Making life easier to live with the structure of NoS!

Take care and good luck wading through all this job stuff. Real world!
Nowhere out but through, is what I always say... :?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:03 pm
by NoSnacker
lbb (Liz) wrote:"At least with eating 3 meals, I can have the structure and confidence that I don't necessarily feel in my head and heart concerning all the other stuff."

Love that thought! Making life easier to live with the structure of NoS!

Take care and good luck wading through all this job stuff. Real world!
Nowhere out but through, is what I always say... :?
I totally like the eating 3 meals, etc. and love how ibb closed with Take care....nowhere out but darn true!!

I hear ya about putting together presentations..not always an easy task!!

Let us know how you make out..

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:21 am
by KL
Day 54 - April 23 - Success

B - Green Smoothie
L - Hummus wrap w/romaine, PB wrap w/banana/romaine, apple
D - Same wraps as lunch, cucs & carrots
E - some yoga

Very hard to eat breakfast today. Wanted to go running and skip meals to compensate for yesterday's indulgences. I didn't follow through on any of those ideas. I ate 3 meals, kept them simple and went about my day. Best thing I could have done inspite of a queasy stomach.

Yes, lbb - nowhere out but through - so want to go around sometimes.

NoSnacker - presentation went well. I struggle with perfectionism (no surprise there) and I always want an A+ when I do something. I felt it was about a B. But got a lot of positive feedback. My goal is to do my best and strive for patience with myself.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:12 am
by lbb (Liz)
Like you said, "do your best and strive for patience with yourself."!
Great realization. And good job not putting on your "diet head" after indulging. It will ALWAYS come back to bit ya!
the 3 meals will help set you up for the rest of the week!
take care, Liz

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:54 am
by Amy3010
KL wrote:Glad it's Monday - back to sanity. At least with eating 3 meals, I can have the structure and confidence that I don't necessarily feel in my head and heart concerning all the other stuff.
I feel the same way - happy and relieved when Monday rolls around.

Glad to hear your presentation went well!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:38 pm
by KL
Day 55 - April 24 - Success

Major stomach cramps today - not to mention sore joints - and lots of fatigue. I'm thinking from all the sugar on Sat. and Sun. It can be pretty hard on my body to digest all that when I'm not used to it.

So, ate lightly today - not diet head (which I totally get lbb) but because I didn't want to stuff food in my sore belly.

B - Green smoothie
L - Wrap w/pd/banana, apple, carrots
D - Rice cakes, pb, banana, orange

Thanks for stopping by Amy - it feels so good to have encouraging words.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:11 am
by lbb (Liz)
I'm sorry about your cramps today. :(
Glad you listened to yourself and ate lightly. That's very intuitive!
Take care.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:20 am
by Amy3010
Sorry you weren't feeling well - hope it's better today!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:15 am
by NoSnacker
Sorry you were feeling :cry: under the weather...hope you feel better today!

Not sure if anyone mentioned to you how to do the quote thing when you want to reference someone's message in a post...

You go to the one you want to reference, in upper right hand corner is the Quote button, click on that and it will copy the whole thing for you...go in between the quote marks to delete what parts you don't want...

Then you can comment right under the closing of the quote...I had to ask..


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:16 am
by NoSnacker
NoSnacker wrote:Sorry you were feeling :cry: under the weather...hope you feel better today!

Not sure if anyone mentioned to you how to do the quote thing when you want to reference someone's message in a post...

You go to the one you want to reference, in upper right hand corner is the Quote button, click on that and it will copy the whole thing for you...go in between the quote marks to delete what parts you don't want...

Then you can comment right under the closing of the quote...I had to ask..

just an on quote in the posted i just typed to you and it opens a whole new note for you.. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:54 am
by KL
Day 56 - April 25 - Success

B - Oats
L - Pb/banana/romaine wrap, crackers, carrots, orange
D - Rice Cakes w/pb&j/banana, apple
E - yoga

Feeling somewhat better today - but got a stomach ache after lunch - my system feels all out of whack.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:56 am
by KL
NoSnacker wrote:
NoSnacker wrote: Not sure if anyone mentioned to you how to do the quote thing when you want to reference someone's message in a post...

You go to the one you want to reference, in upper right hand corner is the Quote button, click on that and it will copy the whole thing for you...go in between the quote marks to delete what parts you don't want...

Then you can comment right under the closing of the quote...I had to ask..

just an on quote in the posted i just typed to you and it opens a whole new note for you.. :)

I think I got it - thanks Deb :!:

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:17 am
by Sweetness
Praying you feel better! :) get well!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:01 am
by NoSnacker
Noticed on our April challenge, you are doing fantastic!!! Way to go.....

Looking forward to our May challenge...

I'm on vacation for 2 weeks in May, staying home so my work week schedule will be off, so I'm hoping I keep from sitting around too much and use this time to do some Spring cleaning and fishing...


Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:03 pm
by KL
Thanks for stopping by everyone - I really do appreciate it.

Had a sick daughter home from school - past few days - kinda threw me off my schedule. I'm also thinking her stomach bug could have been what my stomaches were all about...

Day 57 - April 26 - Success
Day 58 - April 27 - Success

We went to a movie last night right around dinner time. I had the choice of eating early or really late or in the movie, which I've done before. I choose the early route and was okay until around 10 PM. Wanted CHOCOLATE so desparately. Toyed with staying up to midnight so it would legally be an S day :!: But had a feeling that I wouldn't feel so good going to bed on a choco belly, and I fell asleep anyway.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:39 pm
by lbb (Liz)
way to go! i felt that same way about chocolate many times this week!
glad you had an enjoyable night!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:31 pm
by NoSnacker
I say your update on the challenge thread...glad you feel asleep..that is too funny in a good way that you wanted to stay green so you feel asleep...

have a great sunday...

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:00 pm
by ~reneew
What a perfect month! You should be very happy with yourself!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 3:15 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Hi, KL!
How are you? Just checking in to say hi!

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 12:45 am
by KL
Took a little breather from posting. Life got a little bit busier, and I was neglecting stuff at home - so needed to set priorities. Happy to report that No S is still at the top of my list of importance - after my faith, that is.

April 28 - S day
April 29 - S day
April 30 - Success
May 1 - Success
May 2 - Success
May 3 - Success
May 4 - Success
May 5- S day
May 6 - S day
May 7 - Success
May 8 - Success

Last Saturday was an unstructured with lots of sugar in the early part of the day. Didn't feel well later on - but not a lot of guilt. Went to movies and dinner out - was not going to eat anything - but knew that would be a set-up. So ordered a really good Indian dinner. Sunday was much calmer with no sugar - just didn't want it at all - and didn't get into the mind set of "you better eat it since it will be a whole week until you get the chance again" which I've done before. So progress there.

I'm trying to incorporate more variety into my meals. It's VERY easy to get into a rut and eat the same ole, same ole. Part of it is comfort and part of it is laziness. So, between this week and last, made 6 different dinners. My family is benefiting from this as well. :) My breakfasts are still oat combo or green smoothie and lunches are usually some kind of wrap, veggies, and fruit or salad, crackers and fruit. It feels good to mix it up.

I dropped a couple of pounds, which I think was part of the sugar free-for- all on Saturday. I weighed on Thursday - it had been awhile since I had been on the scale - and it was a weight that I haven't seen for a long time. I felt really thin - a this is what played around in my head for several days. I guess I felt justified to eat all the junk. But when is it ever a good idea to be an idiot on an S day? Oh yeah, forgot about the sometimes part. :wink: The good news was that I didn't have the usual guilt that I do - I knew that it was a Saturday, and I was pretty much okay with it. My stomach didn't necessarily agree though. N day Monday was looking pretty good to me at that point.

So, that's pretty much summing up the past week or so.

Thanks Liz for checking in on me. :D
Renee - thanks for noticing :!: I think I'm going to join the May challenge - always good to have the accountability.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:14 am
by NoSnacker
Glad to see you back on the threads,,,,we all missed you!!!

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:10 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Good to have you back.
I agree with "shaking it up" on the meals. That's part laziness on my part and scariness: I like knowing exactly how a certain food makes me feel. And not varying.
Hoping your weekend went well!

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:07 pm
by KL
Back on the No S wagon. Didn't totally fall off. Was complient from March 2012 (when I first discovered it) to about Sept/Oct. 2012. Then I found Joel _ Furhrman and followed his plan for about a month (not sustainable at all for me) then that morphed to following John _ McDougall's high starch/low protein/low fat plan. I felt good on it - but started to snack again and the amounts where enormous. It was very affordable but didn't like that I wasn't eating as many veggies as I had in the past. Then in January 2013, I got bronchitus and my cough and wheezing were horrible. Took meds and got rid of the infection but it took a long time to feel better and for my cough to totally go away. During this time of recovery I was watching Dr._Oz and saw a show on The_ Plan- an elimination diet which reduces inflamation. This, of course, interested me because I was eating a lot of foods considered inflamatory which led me to believe why I had gotten sick. So, did that for about 2 months and felt fantastic. I learned a lot of good things from doing that but it definitely kicked in my diet head/obsession mind - which I'm trying to recover from.

NoS has always been in the back of my mind - and now especially because I want peace again. During all my shinanagins I maintained my weight and actually lost several pounds - so all my clothes fit now - nothing tight - which is nice.

That's all for now. This is day 15 of getting back to the habit. The N days have been green and the S days exempt. Kinda had a wild one on Saturday - (first day of vacay in the south) but had no guilt whatsoever! Whoo Hoo - major achievement for me. :D

KL's Veggie Tales - Check In

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:32 am
by KL
Day 16 - March 26 - Success

B - Brown Rice Flakes/Coconut Milk/Chia Seeds/Banana
L- Greens/Steamed Veggies & EVOO/Sunflower Seeds/Rye Crisps/Apple
D - Greens/Sauted Veggies & EVOO/Hemp Seeds/Potato/Apple
E - Ran

Getting into the groove of vacation - not leaving until April 7 - ran this morning - felt good - didn't need to go forever - moderate instead.

Felt a little squirely in the afternoon - family went to the movies and they were getting their snacks ready to eat in the movies - wanted popcorn BADLY - but said NO and knew my dinner would be extra special if I was hungry for it. :D

Feels awesome to be on the boards and have some accountability. Even in the time I wasn't actuallly doing NoS - I still pretty much stuck to meals - but got into the habit of having sweets more often which tends to eventually backfire for me.

Re: KL's Veggie Tales - Check In

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:04 am
by No BS
KL wrote: Feels awesome to be on the boards and have some accountability.
Totally agree! It is an awesome motivator for keeping your focus! :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:22 am
by KL
Day 17 - March 27 - Success

B - Cooked rice cereal w/banana/chia seeds/coconut milk
L - Greens w/evoo/steamed veggies, wrap w/almond butter/banana
D - Greens/w/evoo/steamed veggies, sweet potatoe/pumpkin seeds/apple
E - walked

On vacay for another 10 days - so my meals will be very similar - since simplicity is the name of the game right now.

When I was eating all raw, I definitely felt I was part of an elite group of peeps - as if I knew the secret to health. This self- righteousness really messed with my head for a long time and I bought into the mind set that my health would deteriorate if I ate any cooked food.

It's taken me several years to get over that restrictive head. When I started No S last year, it was exactly what I needed for peace of mind. But, I kind of got back into it a bit these past months. Especially after getting sick in January. Right now I'm aiming for balance. I'm so proud of myself for my S days that I've had these past couple of weekends because I really relaxed and had sweets in front of others with absolutely no guilt - it was really awesome. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:04 am
by KL
Day 18 - March 28 - Success

B - cooked rice cereal, chia seeds, banana
L - chopped salad w/evoo, pumpkin seeds/cuban bread (yum!)
D - greens/veggies w/evoo, hemp seeds, sweet pot, apple
E - none

Family outing today got home late - didn't eat dinner until 8 - family picked up fast food, which I didn't want - waited to make my dinner - it was so good :D

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:08 am
by No BS
I like your menus, KL, and food choices. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:20 am
by KL
Thanks No BS - I eat pretty simply and aim to stay away from processed food - it really makes me feel so yukky. I just discovered chia and hemp seeds - so tasty!

Last Saturday (1st day of vaca) went to a coffee shop with family and got a large pb and chocolate chip cookie. My husband looked at me and asked if it was a special kind of cookie (meaning vegan) - I said "no, it's an S day" and ate the whole thing with a smile on my face :D So much better than the girl * scout cookies that I sneak and pop in my mouth for comfort.

I'm getting more relaxed with sweets with dairy or egg in them. I'm not a strict vegan - if I have a lot of dairy, I get very congested - but if I have it sometimes (S!) it doesn't bother me. Yay! Win - win :)

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:37 am
by KL
Day 19 - March 29 - Success

B - cooked rice cereal mixture
L - greens/steamed veggies w/evoo/sunflower seeds/rye crackers/apple
D - greens/steamed veggies w/evoo/pumpkin seeds/potato/apple
E - ran

My meals are very simple and the same when on vaca. We are in a condo and not a whole lot of space for things. I don't mind and actually like that I don't really have to think what I want for meals.

I had a dilema when first started back up with No S. Prior to No S I was usually eating my lunch and dinner in a big bowl - everything pretty much mixed together - unless I had soup of course. But started using plates a couple of weeks ago - with everything teetoring on it - it seemed I always had half my food ending up on the place mat around my plate because the greens and other veggies would kind of fly off. My salads are usually 2 big handfuls of greens + another handful of chopped raw veggies + a couple of cups of cooked veggies - then I add the protein and starch and fruit and evoo. It really wasn't working on the plate - but I felt guilty thinking I had to use a plate. But I switched back to a bowl where everything fits into it nicely and still stick with still putting a fence around the law!

Body image wasn't too hot today - think maybe I've gained a few since on vaca - maybe my bowls ARE too much. But feel peaceful since the habit it back - I know that is the ultimate goal.

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:35 am
by No BS
KL, I favour bowls over plates, too. Bowls seem more user-friendly somehow!! :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:41 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Hi there KL,

Happy Easter to you as well. You seem to do great & your meals sound delicious.

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:33 pm
by KL
Went to the grocery store today and the young man bagging my groceries (what a treat- I usually do it myself!) commented on all the fruits and veggies. I said "yup, they are the name of the game!" he said, "yeah, but so expensive!" I said "well, I guess it's where you want to spend your money - either with dr.'s and meds or on food" cashier said "Amen to that!" Did I mention that the bag boy was overweight and slow moving? :)

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:32 am
by No BS
KL, I must confess when I am in one of those big grocery stores down south I always scrutinize others shopping cart contents in the checkout lineup. :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 2:51 pm
by KL
Whew! A couple of busy days coupled with internet problems, kept me from the boards - and I really needed the peace and common sense that I glean from them.

Finished up my 21 day challenge on Sunday - not too hard since it was an S day :) So starting up another one yesterday.

My S days were interesting - On Saturday had a lot of sweets throughout the day in front of my family, which is something very new and liberating. Had kind of had an upset stomach on Sunday, which was Easter. Went running in the morning, which helped clear my head, then went to an early church service. Food was light throughout the day since I wasn't feeling the best, until after dinner when I started to stress about the next day's activities. We were going to go to an amusement park. This is the third year in a row doing this on a vacation. It always requires a lot of patience and perserverance. The days are usually at least 12 hours long at the park, waiting in lines and lots of walking - one really needs to be on their A game. So Sunday night around 8 I started whigging out about it and started searching for food for comfort to calm me down. Such a great solution :roll: Ended up going to bed with a horrible upset stomach which I already kind of had from the sugar the day before. Didn't sleep well at all and was up at 6 am to get ready. Not the best scenerio for a long day. But made it through Monday, successfully - GREEN - which was challenging. Went on a dizzy ride about 1PM that nearly made me lose everything from the weekend. It was my last one of the day :lol:

So, moral of the story - food does not help emotions - it doesn't give me strength or comfort or energy. It actually weighs me down in every aspect - emotionally, physically and spiritually. I didn't really feel guilty since Sunday was an S day - but didn't feel great about my choice - should have just gone to bed and gotten a good night sleep - that would have been a good solution for my anxiety.

Day 20 - March 30 - Exempt
Day 21 - March 31 - Exempt
Day 22 - April 1 - Success

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:09 pm
by KL
Day 23 - April 2 - Success

B - Canteloupe/sunflower seeds
L - Spring Mix/steamed broc, zuchini, kale/pumpkin seeds/apple/evoo/rye crisps
D - Spring Mix/steamed broc, carrots, onion/garbonzos/apple/evoo/sweet pot
E - walked some, swam some

Normalcy again - love N days - no decisions to make - I do love black and white thinking - need assistance on the gray (matter) :)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:37 am
by No BS
KL, your April thread is already looking pretty green!! :mrgreen:

Good job!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:56 pm
by KL
Day 24 - April 3 - Success

B - Cooked rice cereal/coconut milk/chia seeds/banana
L - Steamed broc, zuchini, kale/carrots, cucs/evoo/pumpkin seeds/apple
D -Spring mix/steamed cauliflower, broc, squash, carrots, green beans/evoo/hemp seeds/sweet potato
E - ran in morning and walked later in the day

Thanks No BS - yes it feels good to get some GREENS under my belt.

Have several more days of vacation - leaving on Sunday for home. I'm starting to crave my regualr routine - best way to end a vacay.

Been using the habitcal for flossing - it's really working - yay :D

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:25 pm
by KL
Day 25 - April 4 - Success

B - Canteloupe/banana/chia seeds
L - Steamed broc, zuchini, kale, evoo/carrots, cucs/sunflower seeds/apple/rye crisps
D - Spring mix/steamed broc, carrots, onion, evoo/garbonzo beans/baked potato
E - walked some

Okay day - icky body image - so tired of getting caught up in my head. Looking forward to getting home in a few days.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:34 am
by Eeyore
Thanks for stopping by!!!! I'm loving your fruit and veggie intake!

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:46 pm
by KL
Day 26 - April 5 - Success

B - Banana/hemp seeds/cinnamon
L - Steamed broc, zucchini, kale w/evoo/carrots, cuc/pumpkin seeds/apple
D - Spring mix/steamed broc, zucchini, carrots w/evoo/sunflower seeds/sweet potato
E - Ran in morning/walked some later in the day

Thanks Eeyore! Love, love, love veggies and fruit :D

Good day today - surprise connection with someone that I didn't think I had much in common with - nice bonding experience.

Feeling a little anxious about an S day tomorrow. Last 2 weekends on vacay have been a little over the top at some points. Am committing that I won't have any sweets before lunch. When I have them early in the a.m., it becomes a permasnacking/sweet free-for-all and then on Sunday I'm not hungrey at all until later in the day and feel I need to get some sweets in because I won't have them for a week. (oh, my what a run on!) Arghh! Progress not perfection, eh :?: :!:

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:13 pm
by No BS
KL wrote: B - Banana/hemp seeds/cinnamon
L - Steamed broc, zucchini, kale w/evoo/carrots, cuc/pumpkin seeds/apple
D - Spring mix/steamed broc, zucchini, carrots w/evoo/sunflower seeds/sweet potato
KL, I swear I am getting healthier just reading your thread!!

Have fun with your weekend! Be kind to yourself. :D

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:28 am
by Amy3010
KL, it looks like you are doing really well with lots of green days! Way to go! :D

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:57 am
by KL
Day 27 - April 6 - Exempt
Day 28 - April 7 - Exempt

Very good day on Saturday - only wanted one sweet - a large pb and chocolate chip cookie :) I so enjoyed it :!: Traveled home on Sunday - ate B on the plane around 11:00 and then had L/D around 4PM - didn't want anything else later
B - Sweet potato/apple/lara bar
L/D - Romaine/steamed broc, carrots w/evoo/walnuts/pumpkin seeds/crasiins/raisins/pear - started to snack on the walnuts etc. after my gargantuan bowl - then stopped myself - yay :D

Thanks for stopping by No BS and Amy - I'm feeling GREEN and healthy :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:30 pm
by SpiritSong
I should just start copying your daily meals. Probably the number one change I need to make to my diet is adding vegetables. It is amazing how easy it is to eat three meals and not include any FOOD. :roll:

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:22 pm
by KL
Day 29 - April 8 - Success

B - Smoothie- frozen banana & blueberries/coconut milk/chia seeds
L - Spring Mix w/carrots & evoo/steamed broc, carrots, kale/almonds/apple
D - Spring Mix w/carrots, cucs, red pep & evoo/steamed broc, carrots/sweet pot/strawberries
E - some yoga

Good day - getting back into the swing of things after being gone for a couple of weeks.

Thanks SpiritSong :)

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:52 am
by KL
Day 30 - April 9 - Success

B - Canteloupe/banana/sunflower seeds
L - Spring mix w/carrots & evoo/steamed broc, carrots, kale/almond butter/apple
D - Romaine w/evoo/steamed broc, carrots/dried cranberries/sunflower seeds/walnuts
E - none

At peace today - had a later lunch than usual on account of 2 Bible studies back-to-back - yet I was so filled up spiritualy that it didn't phase me. :D I'm studying this book Calm. My. Anxious .Heart, and it is so spot on and full of gems. I want to memorize everything I read so I can recall it on a moments notice :!:

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:18 am
by KL
Day 31 - April 10 - Success

B - Canteloupe/banana/hemp seeds
L - Spring mix w/carrots & evoo/pumpkin seeds/baked potato
D - Spring mix w/carrots, cucs & evoo/steamed broc, carrots, kale/walnuts/hemp seeds/sunflower seeds
E - Ran

Finished breakfast this morning and immediately wanted to repeat it. There was lots of drama and emotions with the family this a.m. and I wanted to soothe myself like nobody's business. But one=done and by the grace of God I didn't have anything else - yay :!: :!:

It felt so good to run today - hadn't done much of anything for 4 days. I love practicing yoga and have a passion for it (hope so since I teach it :!: ) but running has a special place in my heart. Nothing like getting the endorphins going. :D The combo of yoga and running is just so complete for me. :) For the last several months, I been expermenting with HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training. You can do it with any kind of cardio - running, cycle, elliptical, swimming, etc. First 2 minutes warm up, then go all out for 1 minute, back to a slower pace for 2 minutes, then blast it again for 1 minute. Back and forth for 14 minutes (right up No S's alley!). A lot of times I go longer that the 14 minutes, if I have the inclination, but I also have the option of stopping if I want to. It is easier to do this on the treadmill instead of outside since I can be watching the numbers. I also like to run longer and slower outside - like I did on vacay. Anyway, it felt really good today - most likely because I was releasing the stress of the morning.

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:04 pm
by SpiritSong
Way to go holding to one and done during a stressful morning!

Good luck with your HIIT. I should do more of that, but my DVDs tend to be steady cardio. Sometimes if I think of it, I'll do my own version of HIIT with Leslie Sansone (walk for a minute, jog for a minute).

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:29 am
by KL
Day 32 - April 11 - Success

B - Smoothie - Banana/blueberries/coconut milk/chia seeds/kale
L - Spring mix w/cucs & evoo/steamed stir fry veggies/almonds/baked potato/apple
D - Spring mix w/cucs, carrots & evoo/steamed broc/hemp & sunflower seeds/walnuts/dried cranberries
E - great yoga class

Good day - emotions were peaceful - couldn't ask for more :!:

Thanks for the encouraging words SpiritSong!

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:35 am
by No BS
KL wrote: First 2 minutes warm up, then go all out for 1 minute, back to a slower pace for 2 minsutes, then blast it again for 1 minute. Back and forth for 14 minutes (right up No S's alley!).
Thanks so much for sharing this KL! :D Absolutely love love love it and will incorporate it on my "off-days" when I am not doing my C25K workout runs.

I just love reading your menus & food choices. :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:47 am
by Sweetness
KL Thanks for stopping by my thread, looks like you are doing well, my dear! Keep it up, its encouraging.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:38 pm
by sleepygirlzzzz
KL wrote:
Finished breakfast this morning and immediately wanted to repeat it. There was lots of drama and emotions with the family this a.m. and I wanted to soothe myself like nobody's business. But one=done and by the grace of God I didn't have anything else - yay :!: :!:
That's great that you were able to stay on plan despite a stressful morning. And even better that you were able to relieve some of the stress with a run. I'm very impressed by your HIIT routine. I've read about this several times but it just sounds like too much strenuous effort! Which I realise makes me sound very lazy :oops:

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:32 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
You are definitely doing great!!!