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Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:11 pm
by animated
It's been just over 2 years since I've been around these parts.
NoS has been a huge help to me in the past, and got me on track with a proper frame of mind when it comes to food and health.

After my marathon in 2013 I gained back a bit of weight but found a pretty good balance.
I slowed down on my running a bit. doing over 50Km per week is a bit much.

All was well until last summer when I injured my elbow in Tae Kwon Do. I had to stop training because of the injury - which in turn made me pretty bummed out.
I also had to end the bicycle ride to work and back. The pressure on my arm is just too painful.

Then in February I had a few personal challenges come up. My grandfather passed away, and my wife was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

I totally spiraled after that. I ate my problems. I ate my sadness. And drank them too.
So it's been a pretty crummy four months, but I've made some personal discoveries along the way.

1: However much I might think that eating junk makes me feel better, it actually doesn't. It makes me feel worse.

2: Running brings me great joy. I should always run. Not always enormous distances, but I should run for the mental health it brings me.

3. Drinking. I like beer. A lot. But liking beer a lot shouldn't mean I should have a lot of beer. Just like the overeating - it may feel good for a minute or two - but it leads to sadness.

So here's the plan:

No Snacks.
No Sweets.
No Seconds.
Except Saturdays, Sundays, and the odd Special day.

I weighed myself three weeks ago and found that I was well above my starting weight from 2013. 245lbs. So I stopped the non-S-day consumption of beer, and started running 5k 3 times a week. Same way I started last time.

I'm back down to my official starting weight from last time - 239.9lbs.

So it starts again.

Re-Start Date: June 7, 2015
Current weight: 239
Goal weight: 199

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:40 am
by r.jean
I had to smile at this post because it hit home for me even though I am a 59 year old female vs a 35 year old male. I like my running and I like my beer. I have had a few semi significant injuries to overcome and keep running. I have done No S through the injuries and various other life challenges over the last 4.5 years and have always recovered from any subsequent eating relapses. Yet I am still struggling with my last 10-20 lbs of extra weight.

Fifty K a week is a lot. I am training for a half and only only have worked up to maybe 30 k a week! Good luck to you!
The journey is the reward.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:02 pm
by eschano
Sorry to hear you had a pretty crappy period and still some challenges. Your attitude, however, is completely inspiring. You can do it again. And 239 or not- you sound pretty fit, which is half the battle. Welcome back!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:13 pm
by animated
Thanks all!

I have to admit - the positive attitude is pretty new, and pretty forced these days.

It's similar to noS though - the more days in a row you have with a positive attitude, the easier it gets to maintain it.

r.jean - 30K is a great distance to train at. The trick is to have a "maintenance" schedule - where you can keep going for a long time, and a ramp up period - where you gear up for a certain race or distance. If you stay at mega training distances, you're going to get hurt.

eschano - thanks for the vibes! I think mental attitude can be a habit - just like eating. It can be a good or bad habit. It's up to the user.

Also, day 1: yesterday, SUCCESS