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Feb 20, Day 49

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:41 am
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: hamburger soup, orange
Dinner: red wine, arctic char, wild rice w/butter

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -41C, hike with the dogs; stairs x 1

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:56 pm
by MJ7910
i have an elliptical and like to do it at least 1x a week. i try to mix it up with running and other cardio dvds so i stay interested in working out.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:15 am
by Sweetness
I have to comment how much I enjoy reading your thread. You are very entertaining and uplifting. Congrats on all the success! Hope the sun shines for you soon. Here in Mexico we have a superabundance of sunshine and fresh produce. Wish I could send some to you! 8) glad to see you have some oranges now at least!

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:45 am
by No BS
Hi Sweetness (Patty):

Buenas dias, Senora. :D Thank you for your kind words.

The sun is back now, since @ Feb 11. It really is great walking to/from work in daylight! Our temperatures are quite cold though and will be so for about another month.

It's not too often, even here, when I get a chance to say "It's warmed up to -40C!"

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:02 am
by No BS
Hi MJ:

I love my elliptical. I appreciate it because even in brutally cold weather and 24 hour a day darkness I can get a fabulous sweaty workout without leaving my house.

I am still dicking around with upholding my commitment to workout on it daily. :oops: I know that cardio is so important for blowing the sludge out of my veins, blasting the fat off my a$$, and upping my energy levels. It completely revs my system to the point I feel terrific all day.

I am doing more elliptical days each week. I know I will get there, eventually. I am patient & no quitter. But for now I am bloody grateful that I am simply too fat to run. Yet. :lol:

You guys who work out so faithfully, and creatively, are my inspiration! :D

Feb 21, Day 50

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:08 am
by No BS

Breakfast: steel cut oats w/butter, cinnamon, vanilla, cream
Lunch: orange
Dinner: turbot, wild rice w/coconut milk & cranberry salsa

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -41C, hike with the dogs; stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:05 am
by Amy3010
Another success with the elliptical - way to go! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 2:12 pm
by No BS
Thanks, Amy! I'm still "playing" with it.

Feb 22, Day 51

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 2:14 pm
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: hamburger soup, medjool dates
Dinner: pasta with roasted red peppers, cream, butter, mozzarella, parmesan

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -28C, hike with the dogs; stairs x 2

It really warmed up & was a joy to be outside!

On Commitments

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:12 pm
by No BS
Interesting thing, commitment. If I don’t make a commitment I can’t really “failâ€, I just end up “trying†instead. That is me with my elliptical.

I “need†to do it daily. And yet I have been careful *NOT* to commit to a 21-day challenge with it to lock in the habit. :(

I “need†to do it daily. And yet I have been careful *NOT* to commit to doing it first thing in the morning, no distractions, to get it successfully done, before I am tired out from my day. :(

I “need†to do it daily. And yet I have been careful *NOT* to faithfully make it happen. :(

I “need†to do it daily. And yet I really don’t want to because it means that if I don’t do it, I fail. It means I cannot be lazy about physical activity just for me and not my dogs. And it means just another thing I have to add to the list of non-negotiable things I *MUST* do. :(

I have done more to ensure that I don’t do my daily elliptical than I have done to ensure I actually do. Weird. Perhaps I won’t risk the chance of *failing†but only allow myself the insipid effort of “tryingâ€. :(

This from an ex-smoker who has experienced great failure and great success. What a lily livered weenie I have been about my elliptical. If I don’t even have the courage to make a commitment, and honour it, how can I ever accomplish what I set out to do? :?

I am hereby stating my COMMITMENT to a 21-day CHALLENGE on my elliptical starting MONDAY, February 25!! Wish me luck!! :wink: Better yet, join me with your own personal physical challenge!

I think I'll set this up on the General Discussion Board. :D

FEB 25 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
FEB 26 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
FEB 27 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
FEB 28 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 01 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:45 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 02 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 03 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 04 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 05 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 06 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 07 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 08 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 09 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 10 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 11 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 12 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 13 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 14 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 15 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 16 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 17 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 18 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 19 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 20 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:45 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 21 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 22 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 23 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 24 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 25 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 26 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 27 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 28 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 29 - elliptical (8:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 30 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 31 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 01 - elliptical (10:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 02 - elliptical (11:00 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 03 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 04 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 05 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 06 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 07 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 08 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 09 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 10 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 11 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 12 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 13 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 14 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 15 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 16 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 17 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 18 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 19 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 20 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 21 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 22 - elliptical (8:00 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 23 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 24 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 25 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 26 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 27 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 28 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 29 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 30 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 01 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 02 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 03 - elliptical (1:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 04 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAY 05 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAY 06 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 07 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 08 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 09 - elliptical (8:00 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 10 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 11 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAY 12 - S-Day time out - :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:13 pm
by Sweetness
Good self analysis on your elliptical behavior! Accountability helps! Kudos to you on making a commitment. I'm sure you'll let us know how it goes! Congrats on 51 days! Does that mean 51 days w/o a fail? 8)

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:28 am
by No BS
Hi Patty:

Thanks for your cheery comments! :D

Yes, that is 51 days, well, with today it is now 52 days, of No "S" without a fail. I'm working on my third 21-day cycle without a fail. I find the food framework (no snacks, no seconds, no sweets) relatively easy to accommodate.

My struggle is with habituating cardio exercise. :roll: Thus my challenge. And it doesn't matter how healthy I eat, if I don't move my body I lose in the long run.

You are so correct - I definitely will report back! LOL!! It helps keep me focused and on track. :wink:

Feb 23, Day 52

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:31 am
by No BS

Breakfast: sweet potato, eggs
Lunch: sesame snaps, tootsie roll :oops:
Dinner: red wine, almonds, cheddar cheese, orange

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -28C, hike with the dogs; stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical (8:00 am)

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:45 pm
by ZippaDee
This is my firs time visiting your check in. VERY inspiring! Keep up the good work. Congrats on 51 day!! And you are gonna rock that elliptical! :D

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:27 pm
by Sweetness
WOW!!! Kudos to you for 52 days!! I'm impressed! :mrgreen: :shock: :!: 8)

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:38 pm
by No BS
Thanks Patty & ZippaDee for your kind comments! :D

I really am pleased with No "S" and the positive impact it is having on my day-to-day life.

Now, when I go 52 days with my elliptical, no fails, then I'll be doing my happy dance in my livingroom! And I suspect I will be able to dance for a long time, without huffing & puffing!!! :D

Feb 24, Day 53

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:39 pm
by No BS

Breakfast: almonds, cheddar cheese, cranberry salsa, applesauce
Lunch: seal meat soup, lemon poppy seed cake
Dinner: cherry compote

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -37C, hike with the dogs

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:47 pm
by MJ7910
your success has been inspirational! 52 days is great!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:22 am
by No BS
Thanks, MJ!

I note, too, on your new thread that you are working on your second 21-day cycle! Good job!

It does seem to get easier with practice, doesn't it! :D

Feb 25, Day 54

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:23 am
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: hamburger soup, orange
Dinner: halibut ceviche (turbot, onion, cucumber, seaweed), orange pepper

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -40C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical (7:45 am), shugging (6:00 pm)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:13 am
by MJ7910
No BS wrote:Thanks, MJ!

I note, too, on your new thread that you are working on your second 21-day cycle! Good job!

It does seem to get easier with practice, doesn't it! :D
i hope it does get easier with practice! i want to have another successful 21 days of course. however, when i put too much pressure on myself it can be bad so taking it slowly and trying to not overthink it! put in a few mods but not so much as to be restrictive, at least i believe. if i perceive it that way i will need to look at it because i dont' want sdays to be that way, but it can't be a free for all either!

oh and i do the elliptical quite frequently too. i really like it as an alternative to walk/run. especially when i have leg issues, it is a little lower impact on the joints.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:49 am
by Amy3010
Wow! I hadn't realized you were busy with your third cycle of 21 days - congratulations! That's great! :D

I know you'll be able to do the same with your elliptical with that kind of will power and positive attitude - go for it!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:18 pm
by No BS
Thanks, Amy. I'm going to keep plugging away at it. :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:20 pm
by No BS
Hi MJ: Totally agree about the elliptical being kind to the knees & joints, especially in my plus 50 rather heavy body!! :lol: It is about the easiest way I can think of (besides shugging) for me to work up a relatively "painless" sweat!

Feb 26, Day 55

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:23 pm
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: seal meat soup, orange
Dinner: rye,wheat,flax porridge with cream, butter, applesauce, cinnamon, maple syrup

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -40C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (5:30 pm)

Feb 27, Day 56

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:47 pm
by No BS

Breakfast: orange
Lunch: hamburger soup, cheddar cheese, macademia nuts
Dinner: mushroom, onion, mozzarella omelette; baked sweet potato slices w/cinnamon

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -41C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (5:30 pm)

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:05 am
by No BS
Some of the guys went up island on ski-doo for four days, hunting caribou. Camping in tents at -48C (windchill -58C).

Makes me feel rather silly complaining about the cold when I hike around the village with my dogs. :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:57 am
by Strawberry Roan
You are doing great! I agree, that frigid weather makes 14 degrees which we had last week seem like a tropical heat wave. :D

I tried an elliptical at Sears once and it made me dizzy. Dizzier than I normally am, that is. I do an exercise bike with the handles that move back and forth, a Gazelle which is wonderful, feels like walking on water. I can easily do it for an hour. Also do the AbCoaster Plus (that thing Montel Williams promotes). It really does work the mid section. And it is fun.

Also have an assortment of stuff that I don't use very often, weights, Body blades, cords and bands, etc. I do light weights every few days but find it so very boring.

Keep up the good work.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:38 pm
by SpiritSong
I admire your ability to follow No S while in a deep freeze. I would want to stay inside and fill up on hot food all day! :shock:

Sorry if I missed it, but what kind of dogs do you have?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:36 am
by No BS
Hi Berry! You are quite correct. -14C would look awfully warm these days. When it gets up to -30C it even seems nice in comparison!! :wink: Our low tonight is supposed to be -44C.

I am not so steady on the elliptical if I don't hang on!! I end up wobbling all over. I like it primarily because it is so kind to my joints. And because I can work up a good sweat pretty quickly & pretty effortlessly.

I will look up a Gazelle on the internet, I've not heard of that before. What is a "body blade"?

Totally with you on the "fun" part. If it doesn't make me happy to do it, & feel good about myself in the process, I know I'll ditch it as fast as I can! :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:47 am
by No BS
Hi SpiritSong!

You get acclimatized to the cold fairly quickly. In fact, I go through two trays of ice cubes daily in my ice water. And I adore cold meals and cold raw fish. My biggest response to the cold weather is craving carbs (like wild rice, pasta, sweet potatoes,polenta). Plus I eat a lot of fats (butter, cream, nuts). I wish our store would get in avocadoes - I miss having them around.

Thanks for asking about my dogs! They are both mixes that I picked up as unwanted puppies in remote communities in northern Canada. One is a belgian tervuren mix (spayed female) and one is a german shepherd mix (neutered male). They are wonderful company for me, and each other, & ensure I'm outside lots every day for long walks. :wink:

Feb 28, Day 57

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:52 am
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: polenta, mozzarella, salsa
Dinner: red wine, arctic char, wild rice w/coconut milk & cranberry salsa, strawberries w/maple syrup

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -42C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical (7:45 am), shugging (6:00 pm)

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:23 am
by Amy3010
Is the Belgian Tervuren similar to a Malinois? They sound like lovely dogs! I'd love to have one but my husband is very allergic.

Good job on the elliptical! I hope I can be as consistent as you are with this 21 day thing!

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:41 pm
by No BS
Amy, you will do great with the 21-day challenge you set for yourself! Quite simply, if you want something bad enough success is the only option you will reach for! :D

As I understand it there are 4 types of Belgian Shepherds:
1. Tervuren (long mahogany coat)
2. Malinois (arguably the most "famous" in NA due to police/military work) - smooth short coat
3. Groenendael (long black haired)
4. Laekenois (wiry haired)

The four are recognized as variants of one breed in Europe, but of course in NA some are treated as separate breeds. Seriously smart, hard working, easily trained dogs.

Everyone thinks my Tervuren is absolutely gorgeous because of her long mahogany coat. Plus her personality is really sweet. Her nickname is "Farrah Fawcett" because her hair is so beautiful!!

Have a great weekend, Amy!

Mar 1 Day 58

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:44 pm
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: polenta, butter, eggs, salsa
Dinner: couscous with: butter, roasted red pepper, onion, tomato, golden raisins, cranberry salsa; strawberries & maple syrup

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -43C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical (7:45 am), shugging (6:45 pm)

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:52 pm
by Sweetness
Wish you could post a pic of your beautiful Farrah dog! I love dogs, but cats even more but haven't had a pet since 2006 when we began our migratory life (we had 2 dogs and 4 cats, all outdoors, we had to farm them all out). Planning to get a kitty this summer though, and transport her back and forth. I say "her" because I know I want a calico cat, and they only come in female. Enjoy your dogs, they're good company!

I notice you are keeping up on the elliptical, and congrats on the 58 days!!

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:11 am
by No BS
Hi Patty:

I love cats too! I have a beautiful calico cat with white paws and a white chest & belly. I call her my little "Granny cat" because she looks like every calico cat curled up in a painted/photographed Granny's kitchen!! I left her down south on this trip north. She bosses my dogs & they take it from her.

Do you drive back & forth between Minnesota & Mexico that you can take a cat? Or would you just fly with the cat?

Mar 2 Day 59

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:13 am
by No BS

Breakfast: smoked arctic char, hard boiled eggs, orange
Brunch: couscous with: butter, roasted red pepper, onion, tomato, golden raisins, cranberry salsa
Dinner: beer, couscous with: butter, roasted red pepper, onion, tomato, golden raisins, cranberry salsa

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -33C, hike with the dogs
Indoors: none

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:25 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Good Morning,
Ahem, have you sticked something metal into an electrical socket? :wink: Wow, totally supercharged, providing insightful thoughts and comments to all of us...
I like your energy.
Have a brilliant & successful February! (I know you will)

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:15 am
by Sweetness
No BS wrote:Hi Patty:

I love cats too! I have a beautiful calico cat with white paws and a white chest & belly. I call her my little "Granny cat" because she looks like every calico cat curled up in a painted/photographed Granny's kitchen!! I left her down south on this trip north. She bosses my dogs & they take it from her.

Do you drive back & forth between Minnesota & Mexico that you can take a cat? Or would you just fly with the cat?
Your calico sounds so sweet and sassy, that's what I want! I'm hoping to be able to train the kitten I will get this spring to travel well in a carrier. We fly. We used to drive back and forth, but Mexico has been very dangerous in the border states, so now we fly. I still have to check into how much it will cost, but I'm hoping she can fly with us under the seat. We only have 7 more weeks here, then we fly back for the summer. You said "this trip north"...So are you migratory too?

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:03 am
by No BS
Jonas Jonasson wrote:Ahem, have you sticked something metal into an electrical socket? :wink:
My steely resolve! :lol: :wink:

Thanks for making me laugh, Jonas! I must admit I do have fun reading & commenting on different threads! It is quite an interesting community we have here.

I most enjoy reading about everyone's progress and positive outlooks. It is a huge motivator for me.

It is only reading about you & others physical activities that lured me off my post-cancer comfortable cozy couch & moving my ar$e again. For many reasons I just couldn't seem to do it by myself.

For that I am so very very grateful. In truth, I am grateful for a lot of things! :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:13 am
by No BS
Hi Patty:

Yes, I suspect flying might be safer now than driving. Seems like the drug wars & the border are getting increasingly out of control.

I have flown lots with my pets but never internationally. I would be interested in how difficult the paperwork would be, coupled with the need to have her/him under the seat with you in the cabin. My cat travels well in the carrier, but she did it from the time she was a kitten.

I usually take regular breaks to my place in southern Canada. Although this trip I have been up north for 1.5 years without a turnaround.

If I stay away much longer, my little "Granny" cat is going to forget who we are (me & the dogs)! :wink:

Mar 3 Day 60

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:14 am
by No BS

Breakfast: Snickers bar :oops:
Brunch: oatmeal w/cinnamon, butter, coconut, dried cranberries, maple syrup, milk
Dinner: smoked arctic char, almonds, orange

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -22C, hike with the dogs

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:15 am
by ZippaDee
You are doing AWESOME!!! YAHOOOOO!!

I had a snickers bar over the weekend and don't feel a bit bad about it! That's what S Days are for right?!

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:16 pm
by Sweetness
WOW looks like you are about due for a trip south! And I will soon be flying north (in 7 weeks). We are having a bit of a cool spell. It went down to about 48 Fahrenheit, 9C, here sunday morning. We have no heat, so it was about 60 F, 15Cin the house yesterday morning, a bit warmer today, and supposed to go up to 86F, 30C. Still quite cool for our hot season, which is Mar, Apr., and May. There is snow on the volcano about 30 miles away.

Curious, with your constant sub-zero temps, how warm do you heat your house?

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:09 am
by No BS
Hi ZippaDee: Thanks, Zipp!! :D ......snicker!

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:34 am
by No BS
Hi Patty:

You'll be looking forward to coming home for a while, too, I bet! I like the idea of snow on a volcano. The two seem oddly incompatible! :lol:

I keep my house around 21 to 22C otherwise we get too warm.

Mar 4 Day 61

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:36 am
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Brunch: polenta, salsa
Dinner: scallops w/ garlic butter & lemon juice, orange/yellow/green pepper slices, apple, cheddar cheese, almonds

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -26C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 2
Indoors : elliptical (7:45 am), shugging (6:15 pm)

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:56 am
by Sweetness
No BS wrote:Hi Patty:

You'll be looking forward to coming home for a while, too, I bet! I like the idea of snow on a volcano. The two seem oddly incompatible! :lol:

I keep my house around 21 to 22C otherwise we get too warm.
It's beautiful with snow, take a look. It's a very active volcano, usually has a plume of smoke coming off it.

I thought maybe you would keep it cooler in your house, because you have to dress so warm outside. That's about what I had my thermostat set for in Minnesota when I was there last month, but I turned it down to 19C at night. :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:48 am
by MJ7910
Sounds like a great week so far!

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:26 am
by No BS
MJ, I am having a blast this week! :D

Patty, absolutely beautiful snow covered mountain! Thanks for the link. It must be a lovely place to spend the winter. :)

Mar 5 Day 62

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:28 am
by No BS

Breakfast: orange
Brunch: couscous, golden raisins, cranberry salsa
Dinner: raw peppers: green/yellow/orange, apple, cheddar cheese, almonds, strawberries w/maple syrup

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -23C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1, kicksledding
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (6:15 pm)

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:32 pm
by eschano
Hi No BS,

First off: big fan of your screen name. Also, reading your thread was a true pleasure and made me realise that I did miss this forum despite doing really well on NoS. What a great community with people like you!

Anyways, best of luck (and fun) and thanks for stopping by my thread!

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:21 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
In truth, I am grateful for a lot of things!
I quite believe it. Brave girl!

Mar 6 Day 63

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:42 am
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: eggs, sweet potato w/olive oil, apple
Dinner: red wine, almonds, turbot (Greenland halibut), couscous w/mushrooms & butter

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -16C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical (7:45 am), shugging (6:15 pm)

I get to leap on a scale TOMORROW!!!! I weigh every 21-day cycle. I am hoping I will have lost 3 pounds. Wish me luck!! :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:52 am
by Amy3010
Fingers crossed for you - hope it goes the right direction!

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:37 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Me too! Me too! Wishing you success.

Either way, you can't go wrong by doing right. If you are doing what you should be doing, you are on the right path!


Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:27 pm
by Sweetness
congrats on 63 days of success! Wow, impressive. You, my dear have a very good habit! 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:03 am
by MJ7910
i hope everything goes great tomorrow! sounds like you are having great success on this plan.

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:39 am
by No BS
:D Thanks so much everyone! You guys are always terrific!

So I weighed myself this morning and lost 1.5 pounds over the past 3 weeks! :D It makes me happy. I'll take it!

I am super thrilled with No "S". It seriously works for me with minimal effort & fuss. I see it as my life, rather than a "diet".

I have completed three 21-day cycles of vanilla No "S", no fails, and with tame weekends every weekend. 64 days if I count today. I feel habituated & comfortable enough to tweak (minor) my portions & my actual foods.

Since it is no longer -40ishC, I am going to dump a lot of my fats. Get rid of (meaning eat less often) most butter, cream, cheese and nuts but I'll keep the wine! And I'll pile my plate only half as high as the sky!! :wink:

And, instead of weighing every 21 days, I'm going to weigh every Monday morning. Just to remind me more frequently that health & fitness are only two out of three of my personal goals. :D

I feel steady and on-track with my physical activities. Life is good. :wink:

Mar 7 Dy 64

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:41 am
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: eggs, couscous w/mushrooms, apple
Dinner: red wine, scallops w/lemon juice, pineapple

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -22C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 2
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (7:30 pm)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:56 am
by Amy3010
Good for you on your 64 days of success! :D This is inspiring to hear - before you know it you'll be posting a testimonial!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:17 pm
by SpiritSong
Congrats on your 1.5 pounds! I am aiming for 0.5 lbs. a week, so that would be right on track for me. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:55 pm
by Sweetness
Happy for you! I noticed you've had a serious warmup! Nice! 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:10 pm
by Strawberry Roan
That is great news !!!

The whole thing is really funny when one steps back and thinks about it. At the end of the day, we can each say that we ate good, healthy food and got some exercise - and enjoyed it. That is so... well....normal, isn't it? 8)

No matter how many billions of dollars are thrown at advertising the next best way to achieve weight and health nirvana, it really really is,

Eat right and exercise.

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:28 pm
by milliem
Nice work on losing those 1.5 pounds! I love that -22C is a warm up :shock: It's +10C here and I'm ACHING for some sunshine and warmer weather!

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:37 am
by No BS
Thanks for your wonderfully kind & supportive comments, you guys! :D

This BB & community of like minded souls is such a terrific help in keeping me motivated & focused. And it is so easy to stick my face in here & "chat" instead of sticking my face into the fridge! :D

If it wasn't for all you faithful, physical exercising souls, I don't think I would have so successfully kicked sand in the face of my exercise demons. Thanks, eh! :wink: You sure helped jump-start this stalled engine of mine!

Have a glorious weekend - let's all enjoy our fabulous, hard won "S" days!!

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:41 am
by No BS

Breakfast: orange
Lunch: eggs, channa dal w/tomato,onion,garlic, garam masala; apple
Dinner: red wine, arctic char w/dill & lemon, raw green/yellow/orange peppers, cucumber

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -22C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 2
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (6:00 pm)

Mar 9 Day 66

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:27 am
by No BS

Breakfast: thick cut oatmeal w/cinnamon, dried cranberries, maple syrup
Lunch: channa dal w/tomato, onion, garlic, garam masala; raw carrots
Dinner: chicken thighs, applesauce w/date paste, macademia nuts and cinnamon

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -24C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 2

Mar 10 Day 67

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:29 am
by No BS

Breakfast: eggs, sweet potato, polenta, cranberry salsa, apple
Lunch: 3-bean salad (yellow/green/lima/garbanzo/adzuki beans with diced onion/peppers)
Dinner: red wine, arctic char w/capers & lemon juice, pineapple w/coconut , dried cranberries, maple syrup

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -19C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1

Mar 11 Day 68

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:30 am
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: 3-bean salad (yellow/green/lima/garbanzo/adzuki beans with diced onion/peppers)
Dinner: red wine, 3-bean salad, apple

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -25C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 2
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (6:30 pm)

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:39 am
by Over43
The work looks good No Vs. Keep it up. Your choices of food looks more varied than mine, but I am a blunt instrument at times.

Mar 12 Day 69

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:25 am
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: polenta, cranberry salsa, eggs
Dinner: quinoa w/sauteed button mushrooms, tomato chunks, garlic/basil pesto, daikon radish sprouts

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -32C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 2
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (5:30 pm)

Mar 13 Day 70

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:55 am
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: quinoa w/sauteed button mushrooms, tomato chunks, garlic/basil pesto, daikon radish sprouts
Dinner: deboned skinless chicken thighs

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -26C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 2
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (6:00 pm)

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:26 am
by Amy3010
You are really on a roll - doing awesome! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:27 am
by No BS
Bless your little heart, Amy! :D I do feel happy & nourished & exercised & I am sleeping like a baby at nights. I have hit a weirdly comfortable groove that seems pretty much effortless, like rediscovering a comfortable old pair of shoes I misplaced somewhere for a few years!

I miss reading the BB and catching up with everyone but will do so on the weekend when I can come up for air from work. :wink: You guys help me so much to stay on track & focused.

Mar 14 Day 71

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:29 am
by No BS

Breakfast: organic dried cranberries
Lunch: quinoa w/sauteed button mushrooms, tomato chunks, garlic/basil pesto, daikon radish sprouts; pineapple chunks
Dinner: arctic char, stir fried mushrooms, green/orange/yellow peppers w/olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt; orange

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -21C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 3
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (8:00 pm)

There were oranges in the store today. First time in weeks. Happiness is a juicy fresh orange! : )

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:17 am
by childoftheking
No BS, I read your Feb 7th post and I just got to say YOU ROCK! I want that too! I know if I keep working on the habit, I can get there with you.

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:26 pm
by MJ7910
Sounds like you have really adapted well to the structure of nos. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:31 pm
by No BS
Hi MJ, I truly love No "S". It has helped me get my life & sanity back! Such incredible, joyful relief. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:39 pm
by No BS
childoftheking wrote:I know if I keep working on the habit, I can get there with you.
I know you will, too! :D And the rewards are enormous!

When it comes to food, I just focus on my one plate & forget about it the rest of the time. Plan your days meals FIRST, though! :lol: And then go about the rest of your day.

Plan your meals, plan your plates and then forget about it and get on with the rest of your day & the rest of your life.

And the pounds will come off and keep coming off as time goes by.

It really is that easy. Who knew. :shock: :?

Good luck, eh. I'm going to read your thread! :D

Mar 15 Day 72

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:40 pm
by No BS

Breakfast: orange
Lunch: couscous w/sauteed button mushrooms, green & red peppers, tomatoes, olive oil
Dinner: red wine, couscous with cranberry salsa

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -19C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 2
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (6:00 pm)

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:14 am
by Amy3010
Hope you're having a great weekend too! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:34 am
by No BS
Amy3010 wrote:Hope you're having a great weekend too! :D
I had such a terrific weekend I forgot to post since Friday! :lol:

It warmed up so much that I had a blast playing outside with the dogs.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:35 am
by No BS

Breakfast: almonds, orange
Lunch: scrambled eggs with duck fat fried potatoes, onions, mushrooms, sea salt
Dinner: quinoa w/fried onions, mushrooms, yellow peppers, golden raisins, tomatoes, spices

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -26C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 2


Breakfast: fried eggs with quinoa & veggies, orange
Lunch: thick cut oatmeal, almonds, shredded coconut, dried cranberries, maple syrup, milk
Dinner: couscous with cranberry salsa & golden raisins

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -8C, hike with the dogs


Breakfast: orange
Lunch: quinoa w/veggies & baked beans (beans, tomato, onion, molasses, maple syrup, spices)
Dinner: turbot filet, quinoa w/veggies & baked beans

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : 1C, hike with the dogs
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (7:00 pm)

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:47 am
by No BS
I decided to start weighing myself on Mondays since I completed my third 21-day cycle of No "S".

Today I weighed and found I have lost 3 pounds! Serious joy! :D

So far I have lost 12% of what I wish to lose! Serious serious joy!! :D

With a minimum of fuss, bother, inconvenience! Serious, serious, serious joy! :D

I know it is because I ramped up the exercise and faithfully worked out for a complete 21-day cycle. So I am just going to carry on with my exercise routines and vanilla No "S" and see where it continues to take me.

I am No "S" since January 3rd (in my fourth 21-day cycle) and exercising faithfully since Feb 25 (now in my second 21-day cycle).

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:16 am
by Jonas Jonasson
You big show-off!

:wink: (Just trying to make some friends around here, hehe)

What I really meant to say was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:18 am
by Sweetness
No BS,
So happy for you, seriously!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:20 am
by Strawberry Roan
Great news! Glad you enjoyed your weekend.

I agree with your assessment, it really can be that easy. We only make it difficult.


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:38 am
by No BS
Jonas Jonasson wrote: What I really meant to say was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Anyone who can spell, nevermind say, "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' is pretty much aces in my book! :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:39 am
by No BS
Sweetness wrote:No BS,
So happy for you, seriously!
:lol: Thanks, eh!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:48 am
by No BS
Strawberry Roan wrote: I agree with your assessment, it really can be that easy. We only make it difficult.
I profoundly regret :oops: how much time I wasted moaning about my weight and about how out of shape I was instead of doing something about it. The peace of mind I have now, daily, weekly, working tangibly and productively at addressing my issues, far outweighs the momentary inconvenience of self-discipline and is infinitely more gratifying than the previous self-loathing that used to be my norm. :wink:

No "S" is easily the very best birthday present I have ever given myself! :D It has given me my self-respect back.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:50 am
by No BS

Breakfast: none
Lunch: almonds, baked beans, orange
Dinner: eggs, baked beans

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -6C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (5:30 pm)


Breakfast: none
Lunch: green lentils with salsa
Dinner: scallops with lemon juice, pineapple w/maple syrup

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -9C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (6:45 pm)

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:30 pm
by SpiritSong
Congrats on your progress (both physical and mental)!! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:19 am
by No BS
Thanks, SpiritSong! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:21 am
by No BS

Breakfast: almonds, apple
Lunch: eggs w/morels, onions, duck fat; orange
Dinner: red wine, arctic char, wild rice w/cranberry salsa; macademia nuts with maple syrup, cranberries, coconut, cocoa, date paste

Stella : SUCCESS
Outdoors : -20C, hike with the dogs, stairs x 1
Indoors : elliptical (7:30 am), shugging (7:00 pm)

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:15 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Have a nice weekend, lion-heart.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:19 pm
by No BS
Jonas Jonasson wrote:Have a nice weekend, lion-heart.
You too, Jonas!! I am simply amazed how fast the time is speeding by and how quickly the weekends keep appearing! :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:48 pm
by No BS
I am feeling positively "decadent" this fabulous Friday afternoon. Not only is the sun shining and it’s warm (relatively, only -19C) outside, but I knocked off work early & sloped out of the office. I took my gorgeous dogs for a long glorious run up the valley (run for them, walk for me) and a lazy drive in the truck.

Picture a mostly flat frozen ocean, pierced by occasional icebergs, sloping away from a tiny village perched on the shoreline, all framed by blue sky and red rock mountains swept by snow and flooded with sunshine. And away up the valley the village is entirely out of sight, not a soul around as far as you can see. Only this ancient land & ancient rock where visiting geologists have speculated that this region is the oldest exposed part of the earth's crust.

Now, the decadent part. I am sipping a fabulous single malt scotch (Islay) and sniffing appreciatively a small rack of pork ribs gently cooking in my oven.

Life is good. Weekends are even better!! :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:01 pm
by Sinnie
No BS I loooove your decadent Friday description. I am so envious! Your thread is truly inspiring. I was planning on eating a bunch of crap I shouldn't, then read your posts and now I don't want to do it anymore :) You are doing so well, thanks for the inspiration!

What are your weekends like? Do you go crazy on the snacks/sweets?