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Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:01 am
by lpearlmom
You're a total inspiration. Thank you for sharing your experience. It's inspiring and helpful.

The eating part is going well for me but I cannot figure out an exercise routine that I will enjoy/ stick to. I love the idea of yoga but not sure I have the patience for it. Maybe I'll give it a try though!


Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:33 pm
by Kittykat150
This weekend was exactly like two weekdays. No changes at all. Amazing....
I finally realized at the ripening age of 48 that this is all I can do...I can eat three satisfying meals a day with a few bites of a treat with dinner, if I like. No dessert needs to be more than three bites anyway. And I can move my body in a way, and with a frequency, that is enjoyable. No calorie-burning agenda. I'm too tired of all the rest. I couldn't do it if I tried. I correct myself, this is not all I can do, it is all I will do. I can wear every pair of jeans in my closet. As my grandmother used to say: "good enough"


Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:05 am
by automatedeating
Amen, sister! I think another thing your grandmother might have said is, "moderation in all things!"

I agree completely. I can eat 3 satisfying meals, have a dessert on the weekends, and move my body a little every day. And I feel so grateful that I have a healthy, strong body.

I CANNOT wear every pair of jeans in my closet. I have a stack of too tight jeans that I will probably never fit in again, but I am keeping them around to see where I am after a year of two of NoSing.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:44 am
by lpearlmom
Awesome Kat! This is a very healthy, mature place to be. I hope to be there at some point.

Linda :)

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:32 pm
by Kookie
Wow Kat! Amazeballs. So inspiring!! :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:54 pm
by Kittykat150
Thanks guys.
Automated: i have to tell you that my grandmother would not have agreed with moderation in all things. She was a short heavy round German woman from the farm. There was no such thing as food moderation or picky eating.She could cook food so good it would make you wanna slap your mama! And she really enjoyed eating. Fat thighs be damned! I wish I had her body image. Nothing kept her out of a bathing suit or off of a tropical beach... If she were alive today she would think I was too skinny and cook me something wonderful.
Here's to Grandmas!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:14 pm
by jw
When my maternal Grandma said "You're looking stout," she meant it as a compliment!

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:20 pm
by Kittykat150
I am happy to report another uneventful week. It is Saturday morning and I have no cravings for anything today. Nothing that I have to have. I intend to have two N days with dessert at dinner this weekend. If I keep this up, I may be able to live a peaceful life with respect to food. There is a true shift going on here. I am trying to go with the flow and not over analyze it. You know how a bunny freezes when it sees a human? That's me. Maybe if I freeze and "act natural" this will stick!
Peace to all my Sisters of the Sane.

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:01 pm
by Kittykat150
I think that my NoS habits are almost automated. I judge myself less and less with respect to food. My weekends are looking just like my N days. I have had a bite or two of "dessert" during the week (ex. Handful of cinnamon almonds on Tuesday, two chocolate liqueur cherries on Thursday) with dinner. But that is the same thing I am doing on weekends. I am not really having the S Day experience of my first three months. By allowing myself a small treat here and there during the week, my weekends have become as normal as my weekdays. Is that a mod? I don't know what to call it. Maybe lets call it Normal Eating. Finally.
I think the key for me has been that I am eating foods that used to be forbidden. Not sweets, but regular food. For example, quiche. (Not the diet kind). I started a tradition of going to a cafe next door to my hair salon every five weeks, after my cut and color. They make delicious flavors of homemade quiche. Eating that quiche is like a splurge, but with NoS, it can be a meal any day of the week. And I had a scoop of whole milk ricotta cheese on my collard greens today. These foods are as much a treat for me as some people's brownies or cupcakes. Real food is delicious, and "allowed" at every meal. This, sadly, is new for me. I have been having these occasional forbidden foods with trepidation, thinking that eventually it is going to sneak up on me with weight gain. But it hasn't. And I realize that this is because I am satisfied with a small wedge of quiche. Because it is not forbidden and I don't have to sneak it or wolf down the whole pie because I can never have it again. These foods are not my staples, but I have lost the guilt of enjoying them when I feel like it. I know that I have read these same words from others in so many versions that the concept of moderation in all things is not profound, but I really get it now. And that is profound. :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:33 pm
by jw
Yes! Here's to no more forbidden foods, Kat! For me, it's bread and potatoes and fruit, all those carbs. I never got into imitation foods (zero fat sour cream, low carb baked goods, fake eggs -- awful stuff) but some real foods remain highly charged with guilt! Like you, I am slowly losing that along with the extra weight. Yay!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:27 pm
by Kittykat150
Red, oh so red, last night! It started with a few nuts while I waited for my husband to get home late for dinner. Then I ended up eating without him anyway. When he did get home, I sat with him while he ate his dinner and added three peanut butter balls to my failure.
Red, red, red. One for each ball!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:36 pm
by Kittykat150
Winter is coming and I feel fat. I was so tempted to spark up yesterday. Luckily I had lunch with a friend and was able to stay in the green. I thought I was going to have to take an S event and for some reason that depressed me. But it worked out with virtual plating and she had no dessert. We had two glasses of wine, but that is allowed. So I was encouraged. I think my red day on Wednesday had me feeling low and discouraged. I am really tired of monitoring food and judging myself for it. Even green days vs. red days are getting me down. I just want food to be food. I want to be at my ideal weigh and not thinking about food. I never want to have to think about food again. Ugh. I promised myself that I would stick with NoS for six months before doing anything else. I have been with this for 3 1/2 months with no appreciable weight loss. I want to feel that maintaining is good, especially through the holidays. And I am not overweight. I am just so hard to please when in comes to this. I am a bully about it. Why is it so hard to just leave myself alone?
Good enough, Kat. Come on!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:13 pm
by jw
Kat, if you are not overweight, any losses will probably be in very small increments. One day you'll wake up and weigh and a pound or two will be gone. Losing quickly when you're already at normal weight can set you up for rapid rebound gains in the future -- as I am sure you know!

As for feeling fat, I think that must be contagious! It's all over the boards lately! I thought I was plumping up for the winter earlier this week, but when I weighed in this morning, I had lost another pound. So I think it's at least partly a seasonal illusion.

Be nice to yourself today! You so deserve it!

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 6:46 pm
by Kittykat150
Thanks JW. I forget sometimes that other people may be reading my rants! I feel better today. Having a normal S day. No snacks. Planning on dinner out, so probably a nice piece of cake after dinner will do it for me.
Thinking of the holidays got me in a funk. I was hoping to be at a certain size and it looks unlikely at this rate. Maybe next year!
I started a total-body strength training routine yesterday modeled after Reinhard's shovel glove. I used a ten pound dumbbell and timer set at 14 minutes. I will tell you, fourteen minutes doesn't sound like much but I feel it today. It was fun. I may add this to my weekday exercise routine. Maybe it is not my weight but my "softness" that bothers me. Too much wiggle. So I will try to tighten up.

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:45 pm
by Kittykat150
Wild eating Sunday. No need to be specific! Just sneaking, gobbling, wild day (yikes)...
On another note, I am just getting over my soreness from Friday's strength training session. Gonna go do it again now. I like sore muscles. They make me feel fit and trim.

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:47 pm
by automatedeating
I totally agree! Feeling sore makes me feel lean and strong. I guess that is one thing I like about more intense workouts!