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Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:38 pm
by Lovedby2
Hi MerryKat!! I have really loved reading your posts! I really relate to the low thyroid, not liking getting up in the mornings and exercise!! You are doing great. I was hoping you could share your exercise routine in detail for me. I struggle with exercise and it sounds like you do too. Starting slow and easy is key for me. You are an inspiration!! Keep up the good work.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:05 am
by MerryKat
Hi Lovedby2

Thanks for the encouragement. The thyroid is a pain and it can be a really good excuse to just not do anything but to me that is just giving in and I am not prepared to do that.

First major part of my plan is obviously No S - I have been doing it long enough that it really is habit. I have days (& weeks) where I slip but I always come back to it as it makes sense.

The second part is the exercise:

I set myself a measurable goal - 6 weeks of 5 days a week doing exercise first thing in the morning.

I have dusted off my exercise bike and have been using that for 5 min every morning to warm up. I am slowly upping the difficulty each week.

Through many trials & errors I have found that the body weight exercise & yoga are effective for me and I enjoy the feeling of achievement doing simple exercises that show results.

M-W-F I am using the Angry Birds Workout which is freely available on Nerd Fitness (I have found some super inspiration and motivation for the exercise side of things on this site). This is basically 4 exercises (squats / push-ups / back rows / planks) which have various levels and targets - I do 2 sets each morning.

I started on the first morning by doing as many in 1 set as I could do of each exercise while keeping the correct form & without stopping. I then repeated with a second set of the same number. On each day there after I have tried to add 1 more of each exercise. In this way I have kept pushing myself each day. With the push ups it has taken longer to up the number but slowly week by week I am getting stronger.

On T-T I am using yoga as my alternate exercise as it is also something I have found I enjoy and which benefits my body. I have done yoga before in a class situation so I understand the breathing and how to get in and out of the positions correctly. I get into a pose and hold for a certain count, push a little further and then release. I have been slowly week by week increasing the count. I am using a free plan called 8 Yoga Poses for Runners (from Runtastic website) which gives my muscles a good stretch.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:20 am
by MerryKat
4 Weeks Done and dusted of my 6 week challenge!!

I am feeling good and people around me are starting to mention they can see a difference!

On to Week 5 tomorrow!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:14 pm
by eschano
Well done! Brilliant effort :)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:13 am
by MerryKat
Tomorrow I will finish my first 6 Week Challenge!

I cannot believe it is over, it seems to have flown! I have only missed 2 days and that was due to illness so I am happy that I have succeeded 100% with my challenge!

Being someone who has always battled with exercise this has been a fabulous experience and have mostly enjoyed it. The mornings I have not enjoyed, I have done anyway because I now know "I Can" and I know I will feel better afterwards!

I did my measurements before I started and then again this weekend.

The scale has not changed (which in all honesty is frustrating but I am learning that it is not significant). The most important thing is that I am looking and feeling smaller & more confident.

I am over the moon that I have lost centimetres:

Overall (Neck to Ankles) - I have lost 10cm (3.9 inches)
Body (Neck to Butt) - I have lost 14cm (5.5 inches)
Arms & Legs - I have gained 4cm (1.6 inches)

Wednesday I will start my Second 6 Week Challenge:

This will consist of much the same as the First - No S / Body Weight Exercises / Yoga just using different plans to mix it up a bit & keep the interest.

Mo's 6 Week Challenge from 25/02/2015 to 09/04/2015goes something like this:

Goals (Still the same as Challenge 1)
* Establish Healthy Habits
* Lose Weight in 2015
* Increase Energy Levels
* Stablilise & reduce Chronic Medication Levels

1 - No S Diet
2 - 3 x Week (M/W/F) Basic Body Weight Exercises (from Nerd Fitness Site) - consists of Squats / Push Ups / Lunges / Rows / Planks / Jumping Jacks
3 - 2 x Yoga (T/T) - consisting of Salute to the Sun & 15 Minute Wake Up Routine from one of my Yoga books
4 - Warm Up using Stationary Bike for 5 min (I am working on increasing the resistance)

I think I can now say after my first 6 Weeks that I now have an exercise habit in place!!!

On toward the Second Challenge!!!


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:41 am
by Lovedby2
That is fantastic!! I know how hard it is for those of us who stuggle with exercise. Congratulations! Thanks for the workout routine suggestions, which i have not started yet. :shock: [/b]

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:33 am
by MerryKat
Thanks & You are most welcome Lovedby2.

Start small - make a schedule & fill it in!

I can't believe how fabulous I feel in myself for sticking to 6 weeks of exercise both physically from the actual exercise and mentally & emotionally from the sense of achievement.

I am so looking forward to starting a slightly different set of exercises for Challenge 2.

I have been having fun setting up new challenges for myself and I already have Challenge 3 & 4 ready & waiting :D

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:21 am
by eschano
To look good one has to be toned as well as at a comfortable weight so this is a great inspiration for me! I'm currently doing a 44 day yoga challenge (5x/week)