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Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:29 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Oh my, it is Thursday already??? Where has the week gone?

Been very busy at the office, in the yard, in the house. Going to the doctor with my husband tomorrow (normally my son goes with him and they have a guy's day out) but I want to see what the doctor says. We feel he will be released from home health and the prosthetic process can begin. We are hoping, at least.

Been eating great and feeling "light". Lots of high protein bars, Greek yogurt, salads, light veggie soups, salads, fruits, salads - hahah... I do know that diet soda is not my friend and when I drink just one I feel ten pounds puffier. Luckily I am doing the June challenge here and that is one of my challenges. No diet soda.

Exercise is going fine, lots of walking or biking. Did a couple hours of yard work last night so that felt good.

I love the feeling of knowing that I am in charge of my food and my exercise, a real feeling of control.

Wishing all a great day.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:58 pm
by oolala53
I haven't had that light feeling in awhile. Maybe I'll get it back this summer. Your eating routine sounds wonderful! I'm so glad things seem to be progressing for your husband.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:52 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks oolala. My husband is a working cowboy so keeping him in bed has been difficult. He is such a fighter, I am proud to accompany him on this journey. Truly an honor being by his side.

As far as the springy feeling I am having,

It is funny, there is about a four pound difference between me feeling light as to me feeling like I am have to really pick myself up and drag myself into a vehicle or something. Or maybe no weight if I have been drinking diet soda or eating the wrong foods.

Crazy, I know. But it always happens, I know it immediately in the way I feel when I move about.

And when I try on clothes. I guess that keeps me in line as I don't like that "heavy, dragging" feeling.

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:57 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Saturday All,

Had a great doctor's visit yesterday, they didn't release him yet as they are doing a paper on his journey and want the wound to be totally closed in the final photo. We go back in two weeks and they expect that to be his last visit with the hyperbaric wound care expert.

They said he is doing wonderfully, so that was so good to hear. We went to our favorite Mexican restaurant after the visit. We have been going there since we started dating 11 years ago, family operated by what seems like five generations!

When we were seated the owners, their kids, grandkids, kitchen staff, everybody it seems - came to our table and applauded my husband's return. They wouldn't let us pay for our meal, although of course we left the waitress a nice tip. Had a great meal and a great time!

Didn't overeat on the chips and salsa or the meal, had a not terribly huge salad and two pieces of pizza for dinner. Quite an international day!

Today so far I have had three pancakes topped with fresh strawberries, a sandwich and chips and a Light keylime pie yogurt.

Still diet soda free.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:24 pm
by eschano
Doing well Berry! Keep on doing what you do :)

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:10 am
by lpearlmom
So wonderful to hear about your husband and what a special way to celebrate. Glad things are going well!

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:02 am
by Simpless
Have a nice weekend, Strawberry. Glad to read your husband is doing so well. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:25 am
by ironchef
What a delightful post to read - so happy for you, and Mr. Berry.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:03 am
by clarinetgal
That is great news about your husband, and that was very nice of the restaurant to give you and your husband such special treatment. :D

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:20 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thank you very much my fellow Nosers :D

My husband is totally released from the hyperbaric care unit and home health and we are very glad. After a month or so of healing (as they said on his discharge papers, his wound is closed but not healed and still fragile) he will start the prosthetic process. Should be very exciting and interesting.

Doing great this summer, busy in the yard as everything is doing so well. We had a hard winter which many perennials need and a rainy (but not destructive) Spring. I haven't had to water my many, many perennial beds once, just my hanging baskets and pots of flowers.

Lots of bird feeders and humming bird feeders to keep cleaned and filled, of course.

Work is going great, could not love my bosses and co-workers more. We are a family and I am very grateful to them for all the support given me during my 4 1/2 months at the hospital with my husband. Never any pressure to return but the guarantee that my desk would be waiting when I was ready. They know how much I love my job and getting back to work was very cathartic.

Food is going well, lots of fresh veggies and fruits, very little junk. Greek yogurt, boiled eggs, cheese sticks, cottage cheese, peanut butter on whole grain bagels, stuff like that. And, of course, a giant salad every night!

I have conquered the diet soda demon for the most part. At work we had an extra glass carafe saved from a coffee maker up in the cabinet. I took it one day, cleaned it up and filled it with water then added two of the Wylers little to go packets - 5 calories, no carbs - one lemonade and one of the raspberry - mixed it all up and poured it over ice. It was more than enough flavor and certainly was as refreshing as soda. Drank it all day for ten calories total and even some vitamins and stuff. That and unsweetened tea with lemon are keeping me satisfied. I drink hot lemon water every morning, just because.

Hope everybody is doing well, will have to visit some threads. Thanks again for your ongoing support and kind words.

To your health all, :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:49 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Thursday All,

Pretty day here in the Ozarks, we have had a lot of rain but nothing damaging so the flowers and trees are stunning.

Had a raspberry Greek yogurt for breakfast with flax seed and cinnamon, it was quite refreshing. Along with coffee w french vanilla creamer, that will hold me until this afternoon. Drank some water already and will continue to do so, my flavored waters are working out great. Don't even want any diet soda anymore. Will make some sun tea today and have it unsweetened (can't do the Southern sweet tea thing, grates on my teeth and nerves haha) Had a great spinach salad for dinner last night with garden fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.

So happy the summer vegetables are hitting the local farmer's market.

Have been exercising extra hard, getting in long walks at lunch and then hitting the exercise room at night. Feels great.

To your health all,

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:33 pm
by MJ7910
sounds like things are getting better, glad to hear it!

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 4:27 am
by Strawberry Roan
Thank you so very much.

Had a great day today, shopping with friends until mid afternoon then yard work with the hubby. Carried lots and lots of sticks and debris to a brush fire, we got the property all mowed, flowers waters, bird feeders filled, it looks like a park :wink:

Bought LOTS of good food today, Bing cherries were 2.49 a pound a WalMart and they are heavenly, got three pounds. Avocados were 29 cents a piece at Aldis, got ten! They look great, haven't eaten any yet but being they will all get ripe at once I imagine I will be eating them twice a day soon. Got bananas, strawberries, blueberries, grapefruit, cucumbers, tomatoes, Artisan lettuces, spinach, Greek yogurt, cheese(s), eggs, cottage cheese, whole grain bagels and peanut butter - lots and lots of yummy stuff.

I so love buying good food - and eating it !

Didn't eat much today, no breakfast, small chili and unsweetened iced tea at Wendy's, just picked at fruit and drank my raspberry flavored water during the evening, worked outside until after nine so wasn't in the mood for anything to eat. Neither of us eat very much food very late.

Got in a lot of exercise today, have been doing really good on that front. Feel so much better when I do.

Hope everybody else is having as much fun on this healthy journey we are taking together,

to your health all,

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:11 am
by ironchef
Ohhh, I am green with envy over here in Winter! What I would give for a lovely fresh, ripe, LOCALLY GROWN avocado or cherry. Sigh...

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:31 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Aww, ironchef, I wish I could share with you. My kitchen counter is an abundance of riches. Didn't even go down the potato chip, cookie or candy aisle at the store.

For breakfast, I just had a bowl that contained cottage cheese, sliced very small banana, a couple of sliced giant strawberries, a handful of plump, ripe blueberries - sprinkled with flax seed and cinnamon.

My husband had bacon and pancakes.

I win :D

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:00 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Strawberry Roan wrote:Aww, ironchef, I wish I could share with you. My kitchen counter is an abundance of riches. Didn't even go down the potato chip, cookie or candy aisle at the store.

For breakfast, I just had a bowl that contained cottage cheese, sliced very small banana, a couple of sliced giant strawberries, a handful of plump, ripe blueberries - sprinkled with flax seed and cinnamon.

My husband had bacon and pancakes.

I win :D[/quote

Happy Saturday All !

Lunch was a spinach/mixed greens salad with shredded carrots and sliced cucumbers, sliced strawberries, shredded cheddar cheese, chopped pecans and topped with red wine vinegar and cheddar garlic Texas toast croutons. Iced water to drink.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 11:50 am
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Sunday ! Raining here, the flower beds are soaking it up so it's all good!

Everything went as planned yesterday, got in a full hour on the exercise bike, had a big salad and two pieces of veggie pizza for dinner.

I made my husband an individual strawberry shortcake last night (with the little store bought dessert cup)- I have learned not to make a whole cake unless we are having company as we don't want to eat it all. He said, You're not having any? I said, Uh today I have already eaten a banana, some strawberries, some cherries, some blueberries, and about eight vegetables. hahahah... Got in my quota, for sure.

Ready for today - every day I challenge myself to see how well I can treat my body, the least I can do being it is treating me wonderfully :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:39 am
by eschano
Love your posts - so beautiful!

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:41 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Gee, thanks, eschano. I love reading your words as well. This is such a supportive place. I will say what has kept me honest and in my skinny jeans :D has been journaling my food. More than once I have thought, do I really want to put down in writing that I ate that? Noooooooooo

Went out with friends yesterday shopping (a weekly get together for the past decade or so) - ate a veggie burger and had lemon water. No breakfast - dinner was a Veggie Delite (every single vegetable, then drizzled with red vinegar) and water at Subway-half a foot long, will eat the other half later today, going to a bonfire tonight ! Also had some more of the yummy Bing cherries, they are SO good this year. Will take a big container of them along with whole grain chips and salsa or something to the get together later this evening. I won't be eating any hotdogs or s'mores or anything, that I do know. The good news is our family is very conscious of foods and exercise (health nuts, if you will).

Been getting in all my desired exercise and more. Having a great summer thus far, hoping the same for all.


Think I will have some fresh strawberries (red) Greek yogurt (white) and blueberries (blue, well purple but don't tell them) for breakfast in honor of the day! Sprinkled with cinnamon and flax seeds just because I am in a wild and crazy mood.

To your health all,

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:44 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Sunday all,

Don't get to attend church today as it is pouring rain and that's not safe for the hubby right now - on a walker :shock:

But, we can still be grateful to the Lord for another beautiful day right here in our home.

Went to the get together Friday night, a HUGE spread of food and desserts, I ate one slice of an heirloom tomato that my son had grown as he wanted me to test it (it was great!) That was all I wanted as I had finished up a bowl of spaghetti (with salsa and melted cheese) a couple hours before we left as I was cleaning out the fridge. I wasn't hungry, I didn't eat, nobody noticed, nobody cared - the celebration went on :lol:

Ate clean yesterday and will do so today and will do so almost every other day the rest of my life. (almost every other day being the key words, of course).

Breakfast today was a bowl of cottage cheese with sliced banana, fresh blueberries, flax seed and cinnamon. Yummy!

Got in a lot of yard work yesterday along with 45 mins on the exercise bike. Will do the Gazelle today probably along with the AbCoasterPlus, if the rain stops I will walk the property.

Hope you are all having a glorious, healthy day !

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:40 am
by Strawberry Roan
Hello All,

Hope everybody is enjoying a healthy, happy Summer. Everything is going great here. Lots and Lots of fresh fruits and veggies - today I was at a consignment shop and the owner was giving away zucchini and yellow squash - gotta love small town life! So I naturally took two of each.

Ate at Pizza Hut today, brand new so everything was pristine. (I normally don't trust buffets). Had a big salad, a couple slices of pizza - okay three :D (two veggie and one cheese) and a slice of cherry dessert pizza. Drank ice water with lemon. It was great, was with 8 friends (we were on our way to a committee meeting), just had a salad for dinner, had no breakfast so it all evened out. We laughed and laughed and had a wonderful time - and later a wonderful meeting.

Doing great on the no diet soda thing, don't even think about it anymore. Still loving the Crystal light flavored water - one little straw thing in a quart of water, just enough to be drinking "something" but no carbs and five calories in the whole thing. Still loving my plain ole water as well.

Exercise is going great, just did the Gazelle for 45 mins then went out and watered all the plants.

We talked to the prosthetic place today and my husband will have his preliminary consult in two weeks so that is exciting. He is amazing, I am so proud of his progress. Love, love, love him.

Work is going splendid. I have been walking on my lunch hour and looking at all the pretty yards in bloom.

Just doing grand I am. Hope the same for each of you.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:04 am
by r.jean
It has been a beautiful summer after such a terrible winter! Good to see you are still around.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:01 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thank you r. jean, always great to see you my friend.

We are having a lovely summer in the Ozarks as well.

Happy Saturday to all my fellow posters.

Ate well yesterday and got in two sessions of vigorous exercise.

Being my S days are really no different than my N days -Today has started the same as yesterday with cottage cheese, fresh blueberries and sliced strawberries - I so love the fresh produce this time of year. Ate half a piece of wheat toast the hubby didn't want, topped with butter and homemade strawberry jam (I made him scrambled eggs topped with shredded cheese, Jimmy Dean sausage patty and the toast - with orange juice!)

Lunch will probably be a sandwich or something light, dinner will be a giant salad with fresh slices of a ripe peach and some avocado chunks along with a dozen other colorful additions : Beautiful salads feed my body and my soul,

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:48 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Sunday All ! Another beautiful day here but it is going to heat up again in a couple of days. That's okay, it is July, it is Missouri. It will be January soon enough :shock:

Yesterday went exactly as planned, so far today is also going well.

Had no breakfast (we never eat before church for some reason). Went to lunch with the gang at the little burger joint/ diner after church, really nothing there I want to eat so I picked at a small order of fries which were fine. Their "salad" is shredded lettuce, a cherry tomato, about four slivers of shredded cheddar - I must stop now as that IS their salad !!!

My husband had a cheeseburger and fries and he said both were wonderful. We had a great time with about 8 others from our church.

Came home and made me a real salad (not small, not huge) and put a pot of ham and beans on the stove for dinner tonight.) Will be making nice hot cornbread as well. Come on over!

Did 45 minutes on the exercise bike, 45 on the Gazelle and about a hour outside work yesterday. Will hit the exercise room while the ballgame is on tonight. Looking forward to both - our Cards moved into sole possession of first place when the Brewers lost earlier. :P

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:51 pm
by automatedeating
Sounds like a great day!

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:37 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks !

Happy Saturday All,

Just finished an hour on the exercise bike then ate a small salad with chopped zucchini instead of cucumber. I normally don't eat the zucchini raw but it was very good. Got nine of them at the farmer's market yesterday, 3 for a dollar! Also got lots of great stuff at Aldi's (I know these stores are hit and miss for some but ours is WONDERFUL! - I got strawberries for 99 cents, blueberries for 99 cents, grape tomatoes for 99 cents - got five cartons of each. Froze the strawberries and blueberries already - individually - so I can grab a few to throw into my Greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, or in a salad. Am eating the grape tomatoes in salads and as "candy".

Made homemade biscuits and gravy for breakfast, was craving them and they were good. Didn't eat that much but enough to satisfy my quest.

Everything in moderation is soooooooooo true.

I really should leave my legal secretary position and get some kind of fitness/nutrition degree as I love all this stuff so much -- oh wait, maybe not, that would require a lot of work! I will just ramble on here. :D

To your health all,

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:48 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Thursday All. Today is actually the beginning of my weekend as I only work M, Tu, Wed.

Doing great here in the beautiful Ozarks. My flowerbeds are spectacular, hummingbirds, butterflies, birds and bees abound.

Yesterday was our tenth wedding anniversary! So grateful that my husband is still here to celebrate with. We have been through a lot together and it has only made us stronger, that is a fact !

Made him bacon and waffles for breakfast, I had cottage cheese, chopped fresh peach, flax seed and cinnamon. We each enjoyed our fare.

Will have some leftover spaghetti with salsa and melted cheese for lunch and a big salad for dinner.

Will have time to get in some extra exercise today, that is always a plus.

To your health all,

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:35 pm
by Dandelion
I haven't had biscuits and gravy in ages! No one else in my family likes it (I'll leave you to figure out what it sounds like to my British husband) I should make it before I'm back at work full-time.

Much as I enjoy cottage cheese and fruit, no way would I pass up waffles and bacon for it! I'll bet you don't even throw in extra cream in yours like I do with mine. Cottage cheese I mean- not the waffles :)

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:04 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hi, Dandelion! Just made my hubby pancakes and bacon - I am eating chunks of cantaloupe. :D I work M, Tu, Wed at a law firm so Thursdays are like the beginning of the weekend for us. I don't make breakfast on my work days (he eats at the local diner with "the gang" and they solve every single world problem, one cup of coffee at a time.) He never orders pancakes or waffles with bacon when he eats out because he says I make it best !! So, I usually make it on one of the days I am off work.

No, I don't add any extra cream in my cottage cheese, never thought of it. I learn something every time I visit this board.

It is good that you are the only one in the family that likes the biscuits and gravy - you get it all ! I use the Pillsbury frozen biscuits, that way I can make just a couple - not a whole tray full.

Not that I would eat a whole tray full 8)

Happy Thursday All !

Had a great visit with the prosthetic place, so much new technology. He starts his fittings and p/t in two weeks. Pretty exciting stuff.

Hope everybody is enjoying their summer. It was a cool morning so I got out some of my winter sweaters and stuff to try on. Everything fit fine so I am happy about that. I have some cashmere sweaters that are pretty close to the body so every little roll shows! Can't have that.

Actually was surprised to see the weight falling off the last couple of weeks, not really trying to lose but I guess it is because I am living on fresh fruits and veggies and getting in lots of exercise. I will sure miss the fresh produce.

To your health all,

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:14 am
by Dandelion
I haven't made a big breakfast in a long time. I should do that this weekend. We've been sleeping in a lot lately though, so that's probably why. We usually just get croissants from the local bakery one day and have something small, if anything the other day.

I did cook this morning though - eggs scrambled with cream and butter. They're cooked slow at a low temp, and just before they're done, you add more cream and butter.

I love cottage cheese with cantaloupe. I think that's my favorite combination. I take it to work fairly often. The other work breakfast I'm looking forward to is yogurt with peach butter, sprinkled with granola.

I bought more strawberries today (had them with cream tonight!). I was thinking today I need to load up on peaches, pluots and berries before fall!

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:34 am
by eschano
Hi Berry,

love your positive posts! And breakfast sounds delicious.

I find your husband's way of eating breakfast with his colleagues very inspiring. That would be a wonderful way of starting the day!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:38 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks :wink: Good to see you !

I cannot believe it is September already. My, oh, my !

Everything is going just great - work, home, rehab (he gets a 20 point evaluation test this next Friday to see which exact prosthetic leg will work best - they are amazed at how well he has done). He has amazed me from the day we met 8)

Eating right, exercising even more than normal as I have added the stretching bands in as we are doing them for him anyway. Lord knows if there is a piece of exercise equipment near me, I have to partake. More of a workout than it seems they would be, working hard on the triceps.

Kitchen is filled wit fresh fruits and veggies, I had black cherry Greek yogurt for breakfast, made a ratatouille dish for lunch and the veggies were all caramelized and yummy! ( zucchini, yellow squash, red/yellow/green peppers, red onions, fresh tomatoes and herbs from my son's garden) Will have my big salad for dinner and round up some more veggies for it!

I was listening to some infomercial on the radio while getting ready to go somewhere, about some supplement that will replace the 7 to 9 vegetables and / or fruits that NOBODY gets each day. I thought to myself, Huh, I get that many easily. Have beautiful fresh blueberries and raspberries to add to my veggies for my salad tonight!

Hope all are doing well, embracing their life and treating their bodies with the love and respect that they each deserve.

To your health,

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:06 am
by clarinetgal
I am drooling over that ratatouille. That sounds so good! I have days where I get at least close to the recommended 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies each day. That is a great reminder, to treat your body with the love and respect it deserves.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:45 pm
by r.jean
You continue to amaze me with your healthy eating. You also give me some decent ideas on menu items. I am working on healthier eating this year in the hope of losing the final pounds I sort of ignored after losing a good amount of it my first year. Of course I am also concerned about feeling healthier as I get older.

I prefer raw vegetables and use my vegomatic (remember those?) to chop zuchinni or turnips or other hard vegetables into french fry size. I use a cal ranch to dip sometimes or chop further and throw them in my salsa. I love salsa type garnishes with just about everything.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:08 pm
by oolala53
It's almost October already! I hope we'll hear a monthly update.

P.S. You must have known you are the exception with your freggies consumption. My habit of almost always adding freggies to lunch and dinner has wavered these last months. Can't say I'm ready to commit to changing that. (kind of pouting, I guess.) But I can't see myself paying for a supplement instead. I'm even worse at taking pills than eating well.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:29 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hi guys - always love to have No Sers stop by my thread. I really have been negligent in my posting - it is Fall in the Ozarks, what can I say? Lots of fairs and festivals going on, along with family birthdays and YES, family births! A new grandson born last week. He is adorable, of course 8)

I must confess that my eating has suffered a bit from all the celebrating but I am back on track. No one forced me to eat carrot cake and homemade cherry and apple pie (from my son's orchard) but I did! Hey, it was my husband and my grandson's birthday ! I swear one weekend of over indulgence threw my weight off by four pounds that did not budge for two weeks.

But, back on the salad for dinner train. Have lots of fresh fall apples and grapes, a beautiful cantaloupe and every known vegetable there is I do believe.

I can say in all truthfulness that the better I eat, the better I feel. Basic intelligence would tell anybody that but I have to keep reinforcing it myself. I also noticed with just a few pounds that I was no longer carefree in front of the closet, I would try on a pair of slacks, another pair of slacks, etc. etc. It surely is all in my mind but when I am at my ideal weight (for me, not by the charts), there is no issue with dressing. Everything just looks and feels perfect.

I do think I like the challenge...... I love this board because I am totally honest here, post when I eat great when I don't and everything in between. We are all on this journey together.

The good part about that is that I never stray too far away, gotta get geared up for the holidays now :roll:

Hope everybody is doing well. I am getting a lot of outdoor exercise due to cleaning up the beds for fall, planting tulips and other bulbs, etc. I really need to hit the indoor exercise room more but I guess that will be my only option when it is cold.

The prosthetic fitting is going well, a very fascinating process to be a part of.

To your health all,

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:12 pm
by oolala53
We are having one of our fall heat waves here in SoCal. I am looking forward to the surge of energy to use on gardening and the garage once it lets up. Not to mention other kinds of fall fun you alluded to. It does my heart good to think of you enjoying it there where you are.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:20 pm
by ironchef
Strawberry Roan wrote:Lots of fairs and festivals going on, along with family birthdays and YES, family births! A new grandson born last week. He is adorable, of course 8)
Congratulations! "Every baby is the sweetest and the best" - L M Montgomery.

I must confess that my eating has suffered a bit from all the celebrating but I am back on track. No one forced me to eat carrot cake and homemade cherry and apple pie (from my son's orchard) but I did! Hey, it was my husband and my grandson's birthday !
Well, that's the most S worthy S that every did S. Surely any sustainable eating plan must let you eat homemade, homegrown apple pie on your partner's birthday!

Glad to hear you are well and the prosthetic fitting is going well.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:28 pm
by eschano

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:19 am
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks !

Everything is still going well. Eating and exercise are back under control - I hate being out of control !!!! Doing a lot of yard work every night after office work during the day. Some nights I am so tired I don't turn on the tv or the computer. But it's a good tired. Planted all my Fall tulip and giant hyacinth bulbs. Hopefully the squirrels have enough nuts and persimmons to eat that they will leave the flower bulbs alone. Hopefully!

We are going to p/t one day a week followed by appointments with the prosthetic guy afterwards. They have him in a shrinker sock now to form the stump, next Friday they are making the first cast to start on the new leg. Exciting process to be a part of! My husband is the first above the knee amputee at this new facility so they said they are going to put his photo on the wall.

He said 8x10 please - with lights !

We are making an adventure of the whole experience and trying a new restaurant after therapy each week.

Hope this finds all my No S friends doing well. I am so happy to have this board to come to for friendship and support.


Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:38 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hello All.

Hope your Thanksgiving Day was wonderful. Our was, we have a LOT to be thankful for this year - and always. I did fine with the eating, feel very motivated for the upcoming season of gluttony. I have increased my exercise, doing the 100 lunge challenge with some friends. This morning I could barely walk, but it felt good !

My husband had bacon and French toast for breakfast, I had spinach salad wilted with red wine vinegar.

Hope you all are healthy and happy,

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:32 pm
by LoriLifts
Strawberry Roan...Just stopping by to say howdy.
And a 100 lunge challenge is mega-tough! You rock!

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:53 pm
by kccc
How nice to see you here - thanks for stopping my my thread! (Doesn't it feel like going to someone's front porch to visit? I'm so glad to see your welcome mat out!)

Very glad to hear things are going well with your hubby.

And I am in total AWE of your lunge challenge. Are you really doing 100 in a day, or is it broken out over more time? Lunges are one of my toughest exercises. They're built into the FitStar program I do, but whenever the video guy says "I love lunges!"... well, I talk back to him. But I do them, because they are great exercise. Just...100??? Wow, just wow.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:19 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hi ! walkerlori and KCCC, and yes this forum is like sitting on the front stoop or chatting over the back fence, depending on your locale. I love all of my No S friends.

Yes, the lunges are work but after a few days I don't hurt as much anymore :D . I do four sets of 25 throughout the day - alternated with four sets of 25 squats (they are easy).

Think I will post my "menus" daily again as that seemed to help me. My food choices are so basic compared to some but - I am a pretty basic person. It helps me because if I know I am going to have to post that I had the handful of pretzels or the hard candy as I passed the candy dish on the conference table, etc. I will be less likely to indulge.

For breakfast at work I had a whole grain cinnamon raisin bagel, toasted and spread with a little peanut butter, not a whole lot. Hot green tea. Had coffee at home, decided to forego all the extra flavored creamers, etc. and just start drinking it black. Heard some doctors discussing this yesterday and they said the healthiest way to drink coffee is black. Well, okay! They did say research is showing amazing benefits, especially regarding diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer's in regards to about four cups daily of black coffee.

I had a goal earlier in the year to ditch the diet soda and that has turned out to be easier than I thought it would be. I have the Crystal Light pink lemonade straw thingies as back up if I want something now and then but the chemicals in them are probably just as bad. Green tea, black coffee, fresh orange juice and ice cold well water should serve me well. Milk now and then but not very often.

Just had lunch, mixed a can of Campbells Homestyle harvest tomato basil soup with a can of mixed vegetables (about 350 calories total for it all) - it will make several bowls of soup, easily. I ate a bowl with a six pack of Lance four cheese crackers (200 calories). I don't really count calories but I do take note.

Had a big spinach salad for dinner last night, found a good bag of fresh spinach leaves that I had totally forgotten about. I bought them while getting the Thanksgiving supplies and VOILA ! there they were. I was so excited (thought I was out of salad fixings). My husband said one would have thought I had completed a successful drug buy. I said - spinach is my drug of choice 8) . Made a nice salad with mandarin oranges, red onion slices, cubes of cucumber - topped with a sliced boiled egg, crunchy lemon pepper crisps and Texas toast Caesar/cheese croutons, sprinkled with red wine vinegar. Ahhh, happy me.

Not sure what dinner will be tonight, we have leftover spaghetti. I think I will make that and use salsa as my sauce - top it with shredded cheese all melty and hot and add a piece of garlic toast.

Exercise is going great, that is the easiest part for me. I hate when I don't have time to exercise, makes me very tense. Luckily that is rare as we have an exercise room in the house and I usually just say - Off to exercise, grab my headphones and the hubby sees me in an hour or so.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:32 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Saturday All !

Things are going very, very well around here. I have gotten back on track, truly love it when I take back my control. I have eaten good, clean meals all week, haven't touched the candy bowls or snack bags. No diet soda or sugar in my coffee (never put anything in my green teas).

And am still out and about enjoying life :lol: After we went to physical therapy yesterday, we went to Pizza Hut as we both were craving a big salad. We got the buffet, ate a really big salad each (I had vinegar on mine), a couple thin slices of pizza (leaving the big old crusty ends) and a couple of the little cinnamon strips. It was very filling, very good and all that either of us ate yesterday. No breakfast, no dinner, just a nice lunch.

I am so happy my husband loves salads - big platefuls of salad with all kinds of veggies - as much as I do. He really loves the little florets of raw cauliflower and broccoli they have at our buffet.

We then went grocery shopping and I got even more salad fixings!

BUT the best thing that I have been doing the last week or so is much more exercise. I have been doing 100 lunges, 100 squats, 100 pushups (not the floor kind, I do the against the wall or countertop of the island), as well as lot of other stretching, bending type of exercise - and of course, my biking, gazelle and AbCoaster Pro. I truly love to feel my body nice and strong. The older I get, the more important it becomes. I will be 66 in a few months and feel stronger than I did at 36.

I have slept so soundly, ready to go at 5 a.m.

Ate an oatmeal/cinnamon type breakfast bar at 11, probably won't eat much more until mid afternoon, then maybe a piece of cheese or two and some whole grain crackers. Then for dinner - a salad :wink:

Hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful S (Sane) Day.

To your health all,

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:52 pm
by LoriLifts
Wow, you're doing great! Congrats on getting back on track, I'm almost there too.
I'm so happy for you!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:35 am
by eschano
Happy New Year Strawberry Roan!