Page 11 of 15

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:29 am
by Graham
12st 5lb, 44 1/8", BMI 26.8, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 40.8%, Fasting

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:35 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/2lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 40%, #

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:54 am
by Graham
12st 3 1/2, 43 7/8" BMI 26.5, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 40.6%

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:20 am
by Graham
12st 5 1/4lb, 44", BMI 26.8, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 40.4%, Fasting

I rather overdid things yesterday evening, I so enjoyed my meal - and then the dessert, and later on the beer, and then the ice cream...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:11 am
by Graham
12st 3 3/4lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.6, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 39.9%, #

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:40 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/4lb, 43 7/8", BMI 26.6, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 40.4%, #

I missed lunch. A 3 course evening meal (salad, spicy soup, cheese on toast) made it a red day - and gave me indigestion.

On the plus side: I rode my bike for the first time in months. A short trip to the shops and the chain came off on the way back but overall a positive experience. During the night some knee pain, was it the bike? I need more exercise!

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:26 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/2lb, 43 7/8", BMI 26.7, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 40.3% #

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:52 am
by Graham
12st 3 3/4lb, 43 11/16", BMI 26.6, WHtR 64.7%, Body Fat 40.1%, #

Tomatis singing exercises are undermined by fasting fatigue so I'll skip today and Monday too.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:37 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 39.9%, #

Fierce winds do blow. This week's red days were a mix of seconds and one chocolate bar. I was very hungry the chocolate bar day, actually dropped weight. Today I was wondering how a day of moderate eating would impact compared with the usual fast.

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:19 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 39.9%

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:06 am
by Graham
12st 6 1/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 26.9, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40.7%

I did eat plenty yesterday evening, and then a doughnut on top, for sentimental reasons - but a 2lb gain and 1/2" on my waist in one day is an unsettling result. Last day of Tomatis, singing so not fasting. That effort must wait a few more days. Emotional upheavals too.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:19 am
by Graham
12st 5 1/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.8, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 39.8%, #

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:35 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.6, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 40.1%, #

So is this what happens when I eat ice cream instead of eating "properly"? It does make me wonder about the wisdom of my diligent efforts to get my "five a day". It probably leads to me eating more than I should. Ice cream? Laziness plus opportunity, a night alone with the TV and the freezer.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:45 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/2lb, 43 1/2", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 39.4%, #

I have loosened my grip on the 5-a-day thing, it was requiring me to sometimes cook rather larger meals than I'd otherwise have produced. Last night, tired, I yielded to an offer of pasta, pesto and broccoli rather than the vegetable and protein dish I would have chosen. I had more starch than usual in the day, but perhaps less calories overall.

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:53 pm
by Graham
12st 4 3/4lb, 43 1/2", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 39.3%, #

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:43 am
by Graham
12st 3 1/4lb, 43 11/16", BMI 26.5, WHtR 64.7%, Body Fat 40.2%

Sunday weight/waist drop - a rare event! I went to a post-performance farewell party for dear dance teacher - ate, drank, danced tango.

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:33 am
by Graham
12st 3 1/4lb, 43 1/2", BMI 26.5, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 39.7%

10/3/2014 added this note: this is the day I drove to Southport, so weight/waist figures from Wednesday 26th (the next entry here) are now measured with a different electronic scale and tape measure.

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:16 am
by Graham
12st 3 1/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.5, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 40.4%, #

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:46 am
by Graham
12st 5 1/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.8, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 39.8%, # Fasting

The decision to fast wasn't easy. I do and don't want to, then it was time for coffee, black or white? And I chose black. So, that's it. I have had a stable weight over many days without fasting.

Last night I ate a generous meal late and with seconds, so the 2lb gain may only be a blip, and part of me was curious to know the truth of that, and therefore not to fast, but another inclination, a sort of yearning for a fast, won out.

I'm in Southport, my father's old place, once again. I seem to go off the rails here one way or another, it tests me in many subtle ways, though it grants me some peace and privacy when I'm here alone. Unfortunately there are many obligations and unresolved issues to prevent me feeling the luxury of complete freedom. I'll enjoy the sunshine anyway.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:47 am
by eschano
I totally understand what you're saying about being in your dad's old place.

Can I ask please: what do you mean by fasting? Does that mean you're not eating that day?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:40 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/2lb, 43 7/8", BMI 26.7, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 40.3%, #

Fast went well though interruptions brought my exercise plans to naught. Today's figures might have been the same even if I hadn't fasted, the evening meal was generous. The No S fail is the result of a can of cola.

@Eschano, by fasting I mean that I don't eat from one evening meal to the evening meal of the following day. I do drink water, black unsweetened tea or coffee, sometimes ginger tea with lemon.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:32 am
by eschano
Thank you for explaining! I'm really impressed, I can't do that but might try one day.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:30 am
by Graham
12st 4 3/4lb, 43 7/8", BMI 26.7, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 40.2% #

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:18 am
by Graham
12st 5 1/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 26.8, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 41%,

The figures don't look great, and I have a stomach-ache. Actually yesterday started "good" - I rode my bike for about an hour in total for the second day in a row, discovering that I had become shockingly unfit over the time I'd not been cycling.

I made a great discovery on Friday - cycling didn't increase my knee problems at all! In fact it seemed to reduce them - only to replace them with annoying pains in about 5 other places. Well, that was ok - but as I said, totally out of the cycling habit, yesterday post-ride I felt really hungry. And I snacked.

I ate @400 grams of peanut snacks and drank a can of cola after I got home. Only later did I switch to healthy stuff - a salad and then a banana with cream. I believe my body was trying to replace and stock up on glycogen for future use, but my stomach is very unhappy today, and the numbers are rather disappointing too. Post exercise I know some of it is likely to be water as glycogen is held in the muscles in solution, but the waist figure, unless it goes back down, well that's me going backwards isn't it.

One suspicion I have: I might have had a better post-exercise recovery if I'd had chocolate instead of the peanut snacks.

What is bothering me a bit is this: I'm here on my own, I actually shunned an opportunity to socialise with my downstairs neighbour yesterday and I tell myself I'm glad to have a few days away from SO - but my eating behaviour yesterday looks a bit like I just don't manage well on my own, despite telling myself I like my own company.

I would like to change here, to get to a more honest and accepting place with my level of happiness/unhappiness as I'm pretty certain some of my eating is compensatory and becoming more conscious of what's going on within is, I believe, the way ahead for me. I'm noticing that my alone time, time to "get on with things" both inner and outer, is proving to be neither, so far.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:18 am
by Graham
12st 7 1/4lb, 43 7/8", BMI 27.1, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 39.5%

Unless this is the scales I'm in a mess. (I weighed myself twice, the first said 12st 8 3/4lb - which seemed crazy) What did I do yesterday? No exercise, a quiet day recovering from 400g of peanuts after bike ride hunger.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:10 am
by Graham
12st 5 1/4lb, 44", BMI 26.8, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 40.4%, #

When is a fast not a fast? I had milk in my morning coffee but then despite cycling and later DIY project with my neighbour, apart from a cup of tea, again with milk, I didn't eat all day!. Then had some toast before my evening meditation and eventually cooked a meal - vegetarian sausages with mashed potatoes and onion gravy. No seconds or the desire for them.

On the exercise/appetite front, I seem to have now made some sort of metabolic adjustment. I cycled for a similar distance to Saturday when I felt so famished - without any sense of hunger whatsoever. I think I now have my glycogen stores replenished.

I have been eating more salty food this week. Amongst the odd effects of being here was a yearning for ham or bacon. Eating bacon pushed up my salt intake quite a bit. Am I back to vegetarian now? Let's see.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:54 am
by Graham
12st 4 3/4lb, 43 1/2", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 39.3%, #

I'm not trying to hold to one plate at the moment, whilst adhering to no sweets and no snacks. I'm riding my bike daily, not managing 3 meals so a little untidiness around the evening meal seems tolerable, and liveable in a way one-plating wouldn't be.

I've also let go of the 5-a-day aim. It was causing me to create some meals that were larger than appetite alone would have required. I'm guessing less is more here.

I'm not sure how my knee will hold up with regular cycling. Yesterday was my longest ride, nearly 1 hour and my knee (and seat!) did feel uncomfortable. I do value how I feel when I exercise regularly: a buoyancy that is otherwise lacking.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:41 am
by Graham
12st 5 3/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 26.9, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40.8% #

Visited a neighbour to watch England v Denmark. Accepted "hospitality" though I'd already eaten. I was torn between No S and "good guest" modes and some little appetite for ice cream dessert. I still didn't have to have seconds of that, or the chocolate I ate when I got home, that was pure excess. I don't enjoy the look or feel of the consequences.

Unfortunately my knee has now been aching two nights running and it seems I've gone beyond it's tolerance for exercise. I can't cycle off the excess, or not yet - maybe next year?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:31 am
by Graham
12st 5 1/2lb, 44 1/4" BMI 26.8, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40.9%, #

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 5:59 pm
by Graham
12st 5 3/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 26.9, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40.8% #

Good things about today: 1. I was able to cycle today. My knee was less bothersome last night following a cycling break, so I was happy to do it today.
2. I have discovered a really good weekend treat: Divine chocolate. It is a fair-trade brand, sold by Oxfam. It feels like a luxury. It's expensive enough to discourage excess, yet the profits are going to an extremely worthy cause, so I'm OK about buying it.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:08 am
by Graham
12st 5 3/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 26.9, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 40.5%

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:00 am
by Graham
12st 8 3/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.3, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40%, Fasting

What to think of this weight hike? The scales seemed a bit undecided about what to tell me: 5 3/4, 7, 8, 8 3/4lb was what it settled on, and re-weighing told the same story It motivated me to choose to fast, which I had been reluctant to do.

I've gone back to check: on my first Southport weighing, nearly 2 weeks ago, I weighed the same as in London, which persuaded me both London and Southport scales were identically accurate. The tape measure showed 1/4" gain, which was either a tape difference or a believable increase. Last Monday, and again today, a sudden 24-hour leap in weight. Is the scale wrong?

I read so many positive things about IF yet something in me felt sad when I thought of fasting today. Now I'm drinking my first bitter cup of black coffee and coping with that.

5:30pm Despite carrying extra reserves this fast has proved a challenging one! Hungry and weak in the morning, then I got over that, isometrics, bike ride, now hungry again. I have enjoyed contemplating my evening meal: what is it to be? A bean burger with veg or a Quorn sweet and sour stir-fry? When I eat I will know pleasure, but afterwards, will I know peace?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:00 am
by Graham
12st 6 1/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 26.9, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 40.4%, #

So, I'm thinking about the simplicity of cooking for one. Even if I choose to serve my meal as some, and then the rest, technically failing at No S, as I did last night, I've still determined the meal size in advance by choosing how much I cooked.

My fast seems to have taken my weight down almost as much as it mysteriously went up the day before. Neither was it a wasted day, I didn't drift through it. It had its tough moments, when it felt really uncomfortable to be so hungry, but fizzy water with lemon and ginger tea with lemon helped me through. And I coped perfectly well on my bike ride/shopping trip, except when I was buying food: I was strongly tempted to buy more than I needed. Actually, in my non-food shopping I also was tempted to buy more than I needed, and gave in, perhaps to comfort my neediness?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:58 am
by Graham
12st 5lb, 44 1/4", BMI 26.8, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 41.1%, #

I ate breakfast late - but twice! So hungry after plate 1 of fried potatoes, halloumi and egg that I made a second portion almost as large as the first. I didn't want to feel so hungry.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:59 pm
by Graham
12st 5 3/4lb, 44", BMI 26.9, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 40.2% #

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:04 am
by Graham
Back in London, forgot weight and waist (or was it too chilly?) A pity not to know, I ended up not having either breakfast or lunch as I drove back from Southport, the motorway service prices spoil my appetite. Then I found myself feeling oddly uncertain whether and what I wanted to eat once I was back home, searching for a missing cat. (now found)

I am maybe a little lighter, but who knows?

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:26 am
by Graham
12st 5 3/4lb, 43 7/8", BMI 26.9, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 40%

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:36 am
by Graham
12st 7 3/4lb, 44 1/4" BMI 27.2, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40.3%, Fasting

2 Litres of Ice cream seems to have been an unwise investment.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:05 am
by Graham
12st 7 3/4lb, 44", BMI 27.2, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 39.7%, #

My least active fasting day to date. I had a good book, spent all day reading it, then caught up on a TV series recorded whilst I was away.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:52 am
by Graham
12st 6 3/4lb 43 3/4", BMI 27, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 39.4%, #

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:57 pm
by Graham
12st 5 3/4lb, 44", BMI 26.9, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 40.2%, #

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:07 am
by Graham
12st 6 1/4lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.9, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 39.2%, # Fasting

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:09 am
by Graham
12st 4 3/4lb, 43 1/2", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 39.3%,#

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:28 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/2lb, 43 1/2", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 39.4%

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:54 am
by Graham
12st 6 3/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 27, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 39.4%, Fasting

Another crazy Sunday surge. I wonder: is it ice cream, or do Sunday surges happen without it? I will check. And this fast is inconvenient, as I have a new dance class this evening, and don't want post-fast tiredness to obstruct me.

I just checked: it isn't just ice cream, I've had 2lb Sunday surges before. And on odd occasions a mystery Sunday/Monday drop, but those are a quirky rarity. I don't know quite how I do it. But I do do it. It isn't magic.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:38 am
by Graham
12st 4 3/4lb, 43 11/16", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.7%, Body Fat 39.8%, #

My evening meal was stir-fried marinated tofu, onions, red peppers, pineapple and beansprouts with rice. I'm wondering which is better nutritionally speaking, tofu or Quorn.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:14 am
by Graham
12st 4 3/4lb, 43 7/8", BMI 26.7, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 40.2% #

I think I know what went wrong last night: a meal I made for myself ended up being shared with SO. So I was probably just under-fed when thoughts of chocolate and then ice cream came calling. And I'm dealing with some tricky emotional stuff too.

Perhaps I should not buy more chocolate or ice cream than I can consume on a weekend. And notice if a meal is too lacking in protein or "solidity".

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:06 am
by eschano
A great lesson for all of us. Thank you for sharing!

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:05 am
by Graham
12st 5 3/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.9, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 39.7%, #

A further speculation about Tuesday's lapse: instant mashed potato. I was recalling what I read years ago about addictive substances: one factor was how quickly they were assimilated and eliminated, the gradient of impact. Instant mash is a finely divided, fairly pure carbohydrate. Even though I make it with some milk and added some grated cheddar and mustard, maybe it was a trigger alongside the shortage of protein?

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:21 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/2lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 39.7%,# Fasting

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:54 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.6, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 40.1%, #

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:14 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/2lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 39.7%

And this is exactly where I was last Sunday... I have but one hope: that my eating today, though it be an S day, will be more moderate, and that a fast tomorrow or Tuesday (new dance class on Monday evening, post-fast stress not suitable) will build on that restraint.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:00 am
by Graham
12st 5 1/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.8, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 39.8%, Fasting

I want my fast to be impactful, yet not to exhaust me before a new dance class this evening. Tricky.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:38 am
by Graham
12st 3 3/4lb, 43 1/2", BMI 26.6, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 39.6%, #

By eating a middling-sized meal around 6pm I managed fine at the dance class. At home later, I had a gentle but resistible urge to eat more. I'm looking forward to my next fast now.

A new challenge: how to incorporate 7-a-day instead of 5 now the latest report says that up to 10 fruit and veg a day show life-extending advantages.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:36 am
by Graham
12st 5lb, 43 7/8", BMI 26.8, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 40.2%, #

I am so disappointed with these figures. I think my final meal, when it had got rather late, was the killer: rice and lentil dal with mango chutney and yoghourt. And I had seconds, almost 2 plates in the end.

It was moreish, I was hungry, and it wasn't the sort of meal where one plate brings me to a point of feeling I'm done and happy to stop. A combination of timing and the deliciousness and the "I need more of this" effect - perhaps of the spices? Or the carby nature of it? Or, was it that it lacked variety? If I'd had a vegetable to go with it: broccoli, say, might I have managed better? I think I might have.

After eating I knew I'd stuffed myself. I felt some regret and anxiety about what today's measurements would tell me, but it was too late. I still can't see any moment when I would have acted differently, unless I'd mentally halted myself with a "one plate is enough" command, but that would have made me feel disappointed in a different way, which sounds like no solution to me.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:55 am
by Graham
12st 6 1/4lb, 43 7/8", BMI 26.9, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 39.8%, #

Another disaster. I didn't just snack, I ate 3 unsatisfactory meals, and had a pint of beer. It was the day, a day I couldn't handle as a No S eater.

Breakfast was bitty instead of one plate. It is all muddle when I try to cater for SO and myself. Her preferences work for her, but not for me. It's a mess and excess then follows, and misery after that. Breakfast was late, and lunch didn't happen, but at tango class break there were biscuits, lots of biscuits.

Then home briefly before going out to a philosophy lecture in central London. This time SO cooked - a meal of leftover rice and dal with fried mushrooms and some toast. Felt rushed, it felt sort of more a snack than a real meal. At the pub where the lecture was held I had a pint of beer (Amstel, never again!). When we got home around 10:30 I felt hungry again, had fish fingers, peas, and a buttered pita bread. I knew it was not ideal timing yet to have gone to bed hungry would have felt wrong too.

I can't see my solution here where events block my usual meal times and throw me out of balance, alongside the problem of when starches appear more, and vegetables less. Am I to just avoid evening activities to keep my weight under control? Damn!

9:30pm: What 7-a-day looks like: Brunch: 1/2 grapefruit followed by fried tempeh and tomatoes on toast. Dinner: lamb chops (they'd been in the freezer for months, honest!) fried with onion, and steamed carrots, swede and spinach. - And a bit of bread. The tempeh I'm counting as one of my 7-a-day as it's basically a block of soya beans fermented together.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:50 am
by Graham
12st 6 3/4lb, 44", BMI 27, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 40%, # Fasting

Things not looking too good. Fasting now is just putting the brakes on to stop me hurtling downhill even faster. I got no exercise to speak of yesterday, I ate well, but not foolishly or excessively, or so I thought...

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:49 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/4lb, 43 3/4", BMI 26.6, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 40.1%, #

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:24 am
by Graham
12st 3 3/4lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.6, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 39.9%

So, I'm lighter and slimmer than yesterday, and last Sunday - but with no particular explanation to offer.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:39 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/2lbs, 43 5/8", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 39.7%, Fasting

Here in London I don't have a working bike to use. I haven't put any effort into remedying that situation, my bike workshop opportunities clash with a Saturday tango class and practica. The lack of regular cycling has some bearing on the weight/waist issues as exercise alters body composition. Not only muscle vs fat, but the weight of glycogen solution stored in muscle.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:03 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/4lb, 43 1/2", BMI 26.6, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 39.5%,#

This fast ended unhappily. I ate a decent meal with SO at 6, went to my tango class, danced a while, came home at 11 and sat with SO who was snacking - and I started snacking too.

Her snacking isn't an issue for her, however, once I cross the line, it is like I've started a motor.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:30 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/2lb, 43 11/16", BMI 26.7, 64.7%, 39.8%, #

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:39 am
by Graham
12st 4 1/4lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.6, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 39.8%, #

I have a lot of music to practice before Friday night's choir rehearsal, I am doubting I can do myself justice if I fast tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:04 am
by Graham
12st 3 3/4lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.6, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 39.9%, #

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 9:06 am
by Graham
12st 3 1/2lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.5, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 40%, #

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:06 am
by Graham
12st 3 1/2lbs, 43 3/8", BMI 26.5, WHtR 64.3%, Body Fat 39.4%

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:12 am
by Graham
12st 3 1/2lbs, 43 3/4", BMI 26.5, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 40.3%, Fasting

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:53 am
by Graham
12st 2lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.3, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 40.4%, #

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:11 am
by Graham
12st 2 3/4lb, 43 7/8", BMI 26.4%, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 40.8%, #

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:53 am
by Graham
12st 2 3/4lb, 43 7/16", BMI 26.4, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 39.7%, #

Yesterday I count neither green nor red. I had no lunch, so tea with biscuits at 3 was more like a mini-meal. Then a rushed repast before choir another, and finally a 4th at 10pm. Not ideal, but not excessive. I would rather manage to lunch before Wednesday's tango class though, it would feel better.

Choir in the run-up to Easter is inevitably taking up extra time and effort, so I'll probably not fast now till next week.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:07 am
by Graham
12st 2 1/2lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.4, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 40.3%, #

Music to rehearse, choir every day till Sunday, not fasting.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:01 am
by Graham
12st 2 1/4lb, 43 1/4", BMI 26.3, WHtR 64.1%, Body Fat 39.4%, #

I am not insisting on "no seconds" at the moment, nor my 5 to 7 a-day veg and fruit. I am noticing myself eating less, with 2 possible contributing factors (plus one scary one) and not wanting to delve in case I spoil things.

Lots of music and the uncomfortable realisation I've left attending to it a bit too late. Somehow I didn't see this level of difficulty, the sudden need to be on top of 6 pieces coming. With only one nearly mastered I'm feeling the pressure. And an over-breathing cat to take to the vet. Roll on Sunday afternoon.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 8:47 am
by Graham
12st 3 1/2lbs, 43 3/4", BMI 26.5, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 40.3%

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:15 am
by Graham
12st 2lb, 43 1/2", BMI 26.3, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 40.1%

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:36 am
by Graham
12st 2 1/4lb, 43 1/4", BMI 26.3, WHtR 64.1%, Body Fat 39.4% #

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:11 am
by Graham
12st 2 3/4lb, 43 3/8", BMI 26.4, WHtR 64.3%, Body Fat 39.6%, #

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:12 am
by Graham
12st 1 3/4lb, 43 3/8", BMI 26.2, WHtR 64.3%, Body Fat 39.9%, #

So, a long time since I was below 170lbs. Not a happy day though. Sam, one of my remaining 2 cats, died last night. I'd had him since he was born about 16 years ago. Noisy and eccentric, insistently chummy. He was sweet, needing a lot of attention. The peaceful* nights to come, no longer to be interrupted by his random howls, seem a hollow prize.

*23rd May 2014: there weren't many peaceful nights: the remaining cat, Josephine, has taken up the nocturnal howling where Sam left off.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:50 am
by Graham
12st 1 3/4lb, 43", BMI 26.2, WHtR 63.7%, Body Fat 38.9%, #

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:51 am
by MerryKat
Oh Graham

So sorry for your loss! (((((((Hugs))))))) So hard to lose a Furbaby!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:20 am
by eschano
Sorry for your loss Graham! What a sad day. Remember all the good times together.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:11 pm
by Graham
MerryKat and Eschano,

Thank you both for your kind words. Sam was a very fine cat. In addition to his other good qualities I must add my admiration for how brave he was. I hope I could meet death as well as he did.

I do not mean to suggest any of my other cats, or cats in general, met death less well. I just happened to be there, to witness his final moments and reflection brings both sadness and admiration, it was humbling.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:16 am
by Graham
12st 3 1/4lb, 43 5/16", BMI 26.5, WHtR 64.2%, Body Fat 39.3%, #

Missed lunch, had a generous evening meal but it didn't suffice: the offer of dessert, apple crumble, with cream - I did not say no. Does that alone explain the weight/waist hike?

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 8:43 am
by Graham
12st 3 1/4lb, 43 1/4", BMI 26.5, WHtR 64.1%, Body Fat 39.1%

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:34 am
by Graham
12st 2 3/4lb, 43 1/4", BMI 26.4, WHtR 64.1%, Body Fat 39.3%

Didn't fast, new schedule: Monday is to be allotment day, so it can't also be a fasting day. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday already somewhat too busy to be allotment day. I would have preferred Monday and Thursday as fasting days if I wanted 2 fasts in a week, but other scheduling issues clash with that ambition, and maybe one fast a week is enough for me now?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:19 am
by Graham
12st 2 1/4lb, 43 1/8", BMI 26.3, WHtR 63.9%, Body Fat 39.1%, #Fasting

I think my digestive system would appreciate a rest from food till this evening. I felt a momentary pang of sorrow as I decided to fast, but my stomach is somewhat acid today, and the idea of a fast also brought a sense of relief.

I do not want to provoke rebound appetite and excessive eating. I don't want to oppress or overrule any part which will then set me off eating to excess out of anger or sorrow or whatever else. I have noticed recently that I am not piling on the pounds over the weekend, I sense a greater steadiness around weight/waist issues, I'm not sure exactly how I achieved it, but I certainly don't want fasting to spoil it.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:39 pm
by Diligence
I, too, am sorry for the loss of your cat Sam. We have a bunch of cat lovers in this household but don't have any due to allergies. I imagine we might be overridden by cats if the allergies weren't an issue. Did you ever read the picture book Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag? My cat lovers love that book.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:39 pm
by Graham
Hello Diligence,

thanks for the kind thoughts about Sam. I was not aware of "Millions of Cats". The information about it on Wikipedia is intriguing, I may try to hunt down a copy, it looks charming.

Looking into that led me to "1001 Children's Books You Must Read Before You Grow Up" by Julia Eccleshare and that looks like a treasure too. Thanks for putting my feet on that path.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:27 pm
by Diligence
Thank you for sharing that title. I am going to see if I can find it in the library and probably borrow Millions of Cats again while I'm at it. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:09 am
by Graham
12st 1 3/4lb, 43 1/8", BMI 26.2, WHtR 63.9%, Body Fat 39.3%, #

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:26 am
by Graham
12st 2 1/4lb, 43 1/4", BMI 26.3, WHtR 64.1%, Body Fat 39.4%, #

I can't blame it all on the strawberries with sugar and cream, or SO's idea of a portion, though they played a part in my regaining all my pre-fast weight and more than my pre-fast girth. That was the only part that felt like excess though.

I must monitor the effects of fasting. I also rode a bike yesterday, for the first time in over a month, and that would have had some impact on weight and appetite. Too many changes to draw definite conclusions about future behaviour.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 7:01 am
by Graham
12st 1 1/4lb, 43", BMI 26.2, WHtR 63.7%, Body Fat 39.1%, #

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 6:30 am
by Graham
12st 1 1/2lb, 43 3/8", BMI 26.2, WHtR 64.3%, Body Fat 39.9%, #

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 3:45 pm
by Graham
12st 1 1/2lb, 43 1/8", BMI 26.2, WHtR 63.9%, Body Fat 39.3%

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 10:30 am
by Graham
12st 1 3/4lb, 43 1/8", BMI 26.2, WHtR 63.9%, Body Fat 39.3%

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:15 am
by Graham
12st 2 1/2lbs, 43 1/4", BMI 26.4, WHtR 64.1%, Body Fat 39.3%, # Fasting

When I woke, remembering what seemed like modest eating yesterday, I was more disappointed than I can bear to say by what the scale and tape measure told me. I find a fast inconvenient today, as I have a dance class this evening, but it can't be helped.

The day before yesterday, but especially yesterday, I noted with interest that I didn't seem to want to eat much, nor sweets much, and I felt some confidence that my weight would have fallen this morning, so I got a shock. I begin to wonder was it the food supplement I was taking, and stopped taking last week, that had been the author of my recent success?

I am weary of supplements. I just want to eat food, and not to struggle over it, but that is not on offer to me, this body isn't like that. I cannot accept this ever-bulging middle, yet feel so helpless to control it. I can fast, I will have some success, but if previous experience is a guide, I'll reach a point where fasting will bring a succession of sore throats, I'll feel chronically unwell and I'll still have an unhealthily bulging gut, despite a "safe" BMI. Why can't I fix this? Why can't I find a remedy?

Everywhere I read the assertion that IF is "good for the immune system" - so why does it lead me to such frequent sore throats? Who do I complain to about this and what are they going to do about it?

And exercise, also touted as a belly fat solution: when I was using my rowing machine effectively, I began to experience surges of such disagreeable emotions while rowing that that too was unsustainable. I feel like I'm hemmed in on every side.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:31 am
by Graham
12st 2 1/4lb, 43 1/4", BMI 26.3, WHtR 64.1%, Body Fat 39.4%, #

It was an odd fast, it felt rather slack. I didn't do much except prepare my evening meal. I cooked the chickpeas in the morning, then started on the curry about 4, all was ready for dining about 6. Perhaps a chickpea curry with quinoa, broccoli and sweet potato is too carby as a fast-ending meal?

I then spent about 2 hours dancing tango with barely a break, came home, ate a buttered roll, do I call that a mini-meal for green, a snack for red or "who knows how to categorise that" for orange?

Anyway, hardly any result from my "efforts" unless I assume I've interrupted the recent stealthy climb of weight and waist.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:17 pm
by Graham
12st 2 1/4lb, 43 1/4", BMI 26.3, WHtR 64.1%, Body Fat 39.4%, #

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 9:02 am
by Graham
12st 2 1/2lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.4, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 40.3%, #

Green day - but with chips (French fries). SO is away, it was a chance to get the deep fryer out.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 9:25 am
by Graham
12st 4 3/4lb, 43 1/2", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.4%, Body Fat 39.3% #

Stepping back from how upset I could feel about these figures, there is the sheer surprise at what a day off the rails can do to my body! I had rather more starch than usual during the day, (I had gone "red"by early afternoon, into the "what the hell" mode with hot crossed buns and lemonade) Then I got invited to a surprise birthday gathering. I got a bit drunk, ate pizza and cake, but I never stuffed myself, I am amazed at what my body has achieved on a seemingly modest input of garbage food.

I find the worst of this is the feeling that I just don't know how this could happen. If I'd weighed say, 12st 3 1/2lbs, I would have accepted that, but 12st 4 3/4? How did that happen, how is that even possible? I do not understand my own body, except that it doesn't need much encouragement to enlarge itself, and shrinks with great reluctance.

Note to self: when I buy stuff, even bargain stuff "for the weekend", it doesn't mean I'll actually wait till the weekend to have it. I could maybe get a bit more sensitive to what is going on at such shopping moments, and save myself from later folly.
* Edit: That bargain stuff would've been OK if it had gone in the freezer

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:57 am
by Graham
Sunday 12st 4 3/4lb, 43 5/8", BMI 26.7, WHtR 64.6%, Body Fat 39.6%
Today 12st 3 3/4lb, 43 1/8" BMI 26.6, WHtR 63.9%, Body Fat 38.7%, Fasting

Today's results follow my new "Roast chicken and ice-cream diet" I'm wary of making it a long-term thing...