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Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:01 am
by Graham
Wed 12st 9 3/4lb, 44 3/8", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.7%, Body Fat 40%
Thu 12st 8 3/4lb, 44 3/4", BMI 27.3, WHtR 66.3%, Body Fat 41.2%
Fri 12st 8 1/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.3, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40.2%

I am not sure how trustworthy my scales are these days. My mechanical scales, which have a scale too small for me to read when standing on them, seem to show something like 12 stone 2lb. No idea how true that is either, but they don't fluctuate as oddly as my digital scale. Wednesday, after one mouthful of tea, my weight "rose" .by 3/4lb.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:30 am
by Graham
Saturday 12st 10 1/2lb. I think I didn't bother measuring my waist.
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.5%

Tango at an art gallery in Croydon, then off to picnic in Battersea Park. A practica on the bandstand, a walk to the peace pavilion and finally home. A long day, and I'm lighter than yesterday, when I was perplexingly 12st 10 1/2lbs. Possibly the result of eating a starchy meal late in the evening. (Chickpea curry with rice, yoghourt and broccoli)

I finally finished reading "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer. Stuff about slaughterhouses in America was very hard to read. I felt hopeless wrenching anger. What goes on, the regular horrific brutality, the pathetic level of regulation. I hope it is better in the UK, but I know it won't be perfect, we too spend far too little on regulation and inspection to be certain the process is always decent. And we have factory farming too.

Few politicians would tackle the issue, it threatens the fiction of well-produced cheap meat. Now, what will I do?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:00 pm
Hey Graham - I've been vegetarian since I was 18 and realised that meat was, well, meat! And 42 yrs later, I'm almost vegan (not quite). I think you have several choices you can consider: if you want to continue to eat meat, and you can afford it, then buy stuff direct from the organic, compassionate farm sources. The 'meatless Monday' thing has been quite popular (I see you eat non-meat meals anyway so perhaps what I'm saying is superfluous!), or the 'vegan until dinner-time' - so, vegan all day, but can eat animal produce at dinnertime. Or - decide you won't eat any meat.

Which way do you think you'll go?

Having said all that - I have the same problems being vegetarian/vegan - there are so many brands and products which are dubious - rain forests, slave wages, air miles, environmental issues, additives, things that look 'OK' but aren't.......... with people like Unilever producing Marmite for example - I mean - how far can you go with this!

I think in London you should be able to find a source of compassionately-reared animal products. Good luck!

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 9:50 am
by Graham
12st 8lb, 44 5/16", BMI 27.2, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40.4%

Tango for @5 hours yesterday. Home to supper: chickpea curry, beetroot, broccoli, rice and cream cheese.

Hi Rawcookie, thanks for the thoughts and suggestions. My efforts to be vegetarian or vegan span many decades. By sympathy I would be vegan, but my palate and sense of well-being have propelled me back to animal products and meat time and time again.

My best success as a vegetarian and then vegan came when I was involved in a Japanese spiritual/healing practice called Mahikari. When involved in that veganism became comfortable. As I disengaged from Mahikari my sense of needing first cheese and eggs, and then meat, returned. Similarly many years earlier, when regular with TM meditation, I began to want more and more salads and less of other foods. I suspect spiritual practices produce physiological changes in me that make vegetarianism more natural.

Currently I do meditate but not regularly, I might try adding yoga, that would help, I suspect. Thing is, when my well-being diminishes, I tend to think first about what I'm eating, and I have noticed a certain lack of energy that I can remedy by, say, having roast chicken. I wish it were not so. I long for an energising compassionate solution.

As you suggest, my chicken, when I eat it these days, is organic. I understand beneath that umbrella term comes the highest welfare standard for both animals and those who work with them. The eggs and milk I consume are also organic. I could source high-welfare meat here in London, I'm pretty certain there are butchers in Islington specialising in that. Not a perfect answer, but maybe I will just do as much as I can for now.

I will also consider donating to PeTA and other such activist charities that are trying to shame the worst abusers into stopping their most disgusting practices.

My granny's lamb stew started me on the road to my current state of conflict long ago - it was the most delicious food of my childhood. It wasn't just the taste, but a sense that it was actually good for me. All the goodwill in well-prepared food was in it, and the sad secret of it hidden from my knowing. I know people who just never liked meat, no-one had to tell them anything, but I was never like that. My solution cannot be war with myself.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:49 pm
by Graham
12st 8 1/2lb, 44 3/8", BMI 27.3, WHtR 65.7%, Body Fat 40.4%, #

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:23 am
by Graham
12st 11 1/4lb, 44 9/16", BMI 27.7, WHtR 66%, Body Fat 40.1% #

Not going in the right direction. Leaning a bit on convenience foods - noodles, for example.

My less sugar regime continues to feel effortful, and evidence of benefit is scant. I haven't bought any meat or fish since I read Foer's book, but I had some lamb in the fridge and didn't throw it away. I ate it. Enjoyed it. I am less than I would be.

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:45 am
by Graham
12st 8 3/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.3, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40%, #

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:42 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 7/16", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.8%, Body Fat 40.2%, Fasting

Despite weekend tango I'm finding reason to try a fast today. SO is away, no-one to cook for. I have a slight sore throat which will probably worsen as fasting seems to trigger them, but my digestion, I suspect, may enjoy the interruption.

Fingers crossed.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:42 am
by Graham
12st 8lb, 44 7/16", BMI 27.2, WHtR 65.8%, Body Fat 40.7%, #

The fast earlier in the week went OK till I ate my fast-ending evening meal. By then I felt odd, and continued to feel odd, so later I ate more hoping to feel normal. By the next day I was 1lb heavier than the day before! What was the good of that?

Last night was tango, which a) disrupts my eating schedule and b) burns calories, even if I do have a beer. Even a late-night snack didn't spoil the overall effect. Unfortunately I'm growing weary of that particular venue, despite some clever rhythm exercises. The music isn't charming enough, I need inspiration.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:45 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 13/16", BMI 27.5, WHtR 66.4%, Body Fat 41.1% #

This is a puzzle. Yesterday I was off my food, I definitely ate less than usual, also less bread. So, why a weight and waist gain? It was choir rather than tango yesterday, does that make sense of this? Seems insufficient.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:02 am
by Graham
12st 8lb, 44 1/2", BMI 27.2, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 40.8% #

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:36 am
by Graham
12st 6 3/4lb, 43 7/8", BMI 27, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 39.7%, #

@3hours Tango at the Marine Hall in Fleetwood, a pint of cider but no snacks. Tonight, the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool.

Not getting all of my 5-a-day, maybe 3 or 4. Never mind.

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:29 pm
by Graham
12st 6 1/2lb, 43 15/16", BMI 27, WHtR 65.1%, Body Fat 39.9%

Monster parking charges in Blackpool cut our evening slightly short, but the Tower Ballroom was something to see. Dancing to the live band, El Cachivache was a worthwhile experience. Now off to Fleetwood again, to complete the dancing weekend.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:42 am
by Graham
12st 6 3/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40.6%

Tango effect nullified by a chocolate bar? (and a cream tea, and pint of cider)

No matter, the DJ at Fleetwood was the best of the lot and I really enjoyed my dancing.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:09 pm
by Graham
12st 7 1/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.1, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 40.4%, #

Maybe I'm adjusting to almost daily tango? Very good tango teaching by Paris Allen in Liverpool on Tuesday and Lucy Wishall in Leyland and Preston on Wednesday and Thursday. Dare I risk the Dolphin Studio again on Friday?

I am sorry I didn't discover Merseyside and Lancashire's tango riches sooner.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:36 am
by Graham
12st 7lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.1, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 40.2% #

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:52 am
by Graham
12st 10lb, 44 1/2", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 40.3% #

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:46 am
by gingerpie
Hi Graham, Nice to see you back. How's the tango going?