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Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:55 am
by gingerpie
Hi Linda, family issues can be so tricky. I hope your trip to Hawaii goes well. The train trip sounds awsome. I've been wanting to take a trip like that for years but it has never worked out.

I need to get back on track today as well. We can do it "together". Good luck

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:02 pm
I agree with that uck feeling of eating too much - just had a 'bad' Sunday myself of not eating anything nutritious at all! I've made a big pot of vegetable and lentil soup to redress the balance. I'm not weighing myself today!

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:00 pm
by clarinetgal
I can certainly relate to eating too much, and boy do I understand about MILs! :( Mine sounds very similar to yours. Your train trip sounds lovely, though, and I hope you're able to have a nice time in Hawaii regardless.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:57 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you Heather, ginger & cookie! I know it's crazy how much better I feel when I eat moderately. I woke up feeling sick & lethargic and definitely did not weigh myself.

I was driving home from the store tonight and thinking about how much better I felt on N days and how I really understood the temptation to not have S days (or to save them just for special occasions) but then it occurred to me how we need to see the dark to appreciate the light sometimes.

I then kind of had one of those aha moments where I finally understood the value of mortality. We only really appreciate this life because we know it's not infinite. As I drove home on this beautiful day I began to have a new appreciation for my beautiful kids and supportive husband and my awesome mom. I even realized that while my sister wasn't always the sister I wanted (we have our differences) at least she kept life interesting. I'm not religious so it's amazing when these kinds of questions finally begin to make some sense.

Anyway I digress but pretty cool to get all that from NoS. it's definitely more of a philosophy than a diet I guess.

As far as my mil goes, I decided to really try harder with her. She requires a lot of detailed answers before she can come to understand (believe) anything so I will try to have patience with her and provide her with details. On the other hand, I'm not going to let things fester. I'm going to call her on her little remarks or when it's obvious she's not convinced. She does this on the minorist of issues. I.e. My mom went to the store with her to get dill seed and she didn't believe my mom when she said there wasn't any (my mom checked the aisle while my mil was getting something else). Then she got a sales clerk to look w her and the looked for 10 mins. Then she made him call around and try to find it. In the meantime I had already texted her that Google said I could sub for celery seed and not to worry about it. Ugh! Anyway I'm going to try to get along w her & hopefully my kids wil, follow suit.

Sorry you're having similar issues Heather. You live near your mil right? Any tips?

Today was good although a little bit of picking during clean up. I really need to tighten up my boundaries.

Break: gym rat smoothie, coffee
Lunch: veg meatballs, hummus w veggies, skinny mocha
Dinner: chickpea buffalo lettuce wraps, bean dip w couple of chips, glass wine

Exercise: 30 mins Pilates

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:38 am
by lpearlmom
Red day Blech... Just picking as I cooked today. Not sure how to stop this.

Break: overnight oats, coffee
Lunch: lentils w tomatoes, guac, chips, Apple
Dinner: vegan wedding soup, glass wine

Red moments: several bites of vegan nacho dip I made for my kids, several bites of baked tofu, crust of daughters toast. Hmmm no Bueno

Exercise: 25 min walk; 30 mins Pilates

Really enjoying the Pilates. It's making me more aware of my body alignment throughout the day. I. Hoping this will help with my back issues.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:31 pm
hmmm - picking - is something annoying you perhaps? or are you not eating enough? what's up? sounds like you're hungry?

well, whatever the reason - I hope you can figure out how to stop it!

Well done for doing the Pilates - it should definitely help with your back issues.

I've just started doing Tai Chi and am hoping that will help me keep my flexibility and balance etc. Feels good doing it anyway.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:11 am
by lpearlmom
Hi cookie: yeah I think it's more just a bad habit I've gotten into. It's hard because I kind of have to taste for seasoning when I cook but it's a slippery slope. Today was much better and I only tasted when truly checking for seasoning. I'm going to try to be really strict with myself for 21 days. Create a new habit!

Break: green smoothie, soy latte
Lunch: low carb tofu wrap; cashew queso dip, veggies, soy latte
Dinner: spinach-mushroom lasagne with eggplant noodles, beet hummus, glass wine

Exercise: 20 min Pilates

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:48 am
by osoniye
Hi Linda,
Sorry to hear the tasting while cooking thing is a struggle. Your meals still look so good and healthy!
I read somewhere about a chef using a toothpick to taste with when he was cooking to keep from taking too much. Don't know if that would work for the type of food you're cooking or not. Just an idea.
Best of luck!

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:57 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you Sonya! Now that you mention it, I remember one of our instructors in culinary school switching to a fork instead of spoon to do all his tasting (they tasted/critiqued everything we made) and lost 20 lbs as a result. I think I'll try that although was another green day-yay!

Was really such a relief to not have to cook today. I love it but it can be exhausting. We had leftovers tonight and I definitely feel more relaxed tonight. I put up another post on my blog and although I know it's all very rough still I don't really care. It feels good to have accomplished something and I know it'll get better over time. In 10 years, I bet it'll be amazing!:)

Break: green smoothie, coffee
Lunch: small salad & cup of black bean soup, skinny mocha
Dinner: piece of vegan lasagna (so good! ), beet hummus, chickpea salad, glass of wine

DH is losing weight without trying. I wonder if it's from the vegan cooking. I filled my freezer with meat about a month ago in case anyone started complaining about out meatless meals but I'm happy to report, it's still all there. :)

Exercise: 25 min walk; 30 min Pilates. I love the Pilates. First time in a long time that I've looked forward to exercising. Yay & definitely help with back as well. Double yay!!

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:51 am
by lpearlmom
-38.6 lbs
My body really seems to like it at this weight. I'm okay with it... I think.

Today was good but a little rocky at first. When I came back from dropping off my daughter at school this morning, my little dog got overexcited and peed all over the floor. Ack! We have travertine floors and acid is bad for it so I hurriedly grabbed some spray & sprayed it all over the floor. Unfortunately it turned out to be granite polish which made the floor super slippery & I slipped and hurt my back (temporarily--it's fine now). Fun times!

I went to the hair dresser this morning and she cut my hair into a blunt shoulder length, super blonde bob. It's the haircut I always wanted but was too fat to pull off before. Pretty awesome.

Break: two pieces of toast w cream cheese. ( I felt guilty for eating this:/)
Lunch: chickpea sandwich w avocado & tomatoes, beet hummus w a couple quinoa chips, banana, sf latte
Dinner: chipotle salad, grapes

Red moment: more grapes... A lot more!

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:40 am
by lpearlmom
I ate a lot today but not to the point of feeling sick so I'm calling it good.

Break: gym rat smoothie, banana, 1 pancake, latte
Lunch: small bowl of lentils & tomatoes w couple handful chips; 2 slices tofu
Snack: 2-3 vegan brownies--yum!
Dinner: large Mediterranean salad w bread
Dessert: vegan brownie; goat milk

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:42 pm
by oolala53
Add me to the list of people without many good friends. The ONE person I talk to regularly sounded a little peeved with me this morning, probably with good reason.

I've been overeating, too. This was after about four weeks of being my lowest weight in years. I don't know if it's related or not. But I also want to recover the feelings associated with moderation and non-random eating. I rarely set out to lose weight, but there is a little nagging thought that if I exercised more regularly and didn't finish everything on my plate when I get full, I'd be thinner. But who knows if my body would tolerate that? My body seems to like this weight, too. It's the weight I was when I graduated from high school and went on my first diet. I probably would have weighed a little less if I had not snacked and had exercised regularly then, too! But not much.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:14 pm
by oolala53
Meant to ask if you live in AZ. Maybe I knew that? I know Jerome! Cute place.

I bought a rental in Prescott Valley in Dec. of 2005. Probably have told you that, too. Terrible year! ONE Year earlier and I would have been fine, but hindsight is 20x20. Lost a lot of dough. I sold about a year and a half ago. I guess some could say it was a mistake, as it has gone up in value far more than it was predicted to. But since I would have had to pay 6% on the increase, and it would have actually taken another several years to actually have the price go up high enough to pay me back for all the extra costs (rent never covered mortgage and the few things that went wrong-lucky there-), I don't let myself dwell on it. It bothered me every month I knew that extra several hundred dollars was going to pay the mortgage, even though if I had penciled it out, I might have done better to use it there than have it sit in the bank at less than a percent interest this last 18 months. Oh well.

But do look carefully before you sell. It might be worth it to keep, hassles and all. I don't remember the whole history on it. I do have a duplex in Utah that was a big pain =losses every month the first year and a half but it's making it now. I'll be glad to have the extra income later, I'm sure. However, I also have equity. If you don't, I can understand the dilemma.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:06 am
by lpearlmom
Hi oolala! Yep we are in Az but I didn't know about your rental(s). I know it's a hard call. We bought it in '06 (yeah!) and are still a little underwater. Every month we seem to have to be fixing something else and the rent doesn't cover the mortgage (almost). Our friends are living there & it makes it a little awkward at times although they are pretty awesome and try to help with fixing stuff on their own when they can.

My mom seems to think we should keep it but it stresses me out so much that I'm just not sure it's worth it. But mr soccer coach crush guy is also a real estate agent/property manager (how convenient) & he's going to sit down with us and go over our options so we'll see. It's totally normal to wear make up & heels for these kinds of meetings, right? :oops:

Today was good.. Fine. I ate a lot but not over the top. Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah and we each opened a little gift. I was so touched that DH bought me a little something. He usually gets me one big gift but I always go out of my way to give everyone a little something each night. Was so sweet he got me this little zip bag I wanted for my bike.

I don't know if I'm going to continue my blog. It was fun at first but now it's starting to feel like an obligation. I guess maybe I just needed to prove to myself that I could do it if I wanted. Also, I'm just not really good a commitment which is part of the reason I could never have a real job. Well I've had lots of real job but none of them ever lasted more than two years. I never got fired but just bored and moved on... Maybe a touch of ADD.

Break: banana, lowcarb egg wrap, yogurt, latte
Lunch: handful of nuts, few olives
Dinner: bowl of curry, grilled portobello mushroom & avo salad, 1/2 glass wine
Dessert: couple.. Few vegan brownies, glass goat milk

I am debating whether or not to try to go a bit hardcore for the next few months and reach my original goal of -50 lbs but it sounds like a recipe for weight rebound. Still it's a tempting idea.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:23 am
by clarinetgal
That is a tough call, about whether to keep the rental. I hope you can get some answers soon. That was sweet of your DH to buy you that gift! I've debated on doing a blog for awhile (my topic would be autism, because my older son is autistic and nonverbal). However, I don't have the web skills to design it, and I'm not sure about maintaining it, either -- especially since I'm busy with my kids, and my music.
Take care!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:54 am
by lpearlmom
Hi Heather yeah I have no clue what I'm doing either. :shock:

I've been reading about living without goals and I think this would be good for me to try because as soon I make a goal I have the sudden & urgent desire to throw it out the window.

I decided to work on my blog for 10 mins a day to sort of take the pressure off and I'll just see where it goes from there.

I also read this article on the problem with self-improvement & it really spoke to me:

Anyway, I ended up taking an S day today. My daughter was home sick & DH came home early and he brought me a mocha w whipped cream.. And he gave me a box of chocolates for Hanukkah so yeah I declared it an S day but I almost never take a nsw so I'm fine with it although the scale may not be so fine with it. We'll see.

Break: 2 pieces of lowcarb bread w pb, coffee
Lunch: chickpea & almond sandwich, cashew dip w veggies, Apple, mocha
Dinner: Tex mex vegan enchiladas, corn salad, glass wine
Dessert: few pieces candy

Exercise: 25 min walk; 15 min Pilates

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:21 pm
Hi Linda - Happy Hanukkah - I'm glad to hear you enjoyed some chocolate gifts from your sweet husband.

Thanks for coming over and giving me a *hug* - I really needed it. I'm going to read that zen thing now - thanks for sharing. I suffer with a 'what's the point?' when I'm feeling down - my son is all grown up and has his own life, work is just relentlessly demanding - and when the sun doesn't shine either - I get to feeling old, tired and sort of redundant! I found a helpful website for 'my' age-group called 'sixty and me' it has some good articles to help with these feelings.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:55 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you cookie! I've been having a lot of existential angst lately too. It must be in the air. I have a good life but it bothers me that I've never found my true calling and I'm sure it'll be even more of a struggle as the kids get older. I guess it's never too late though so who knows.

It's funny but till recently when I found out you had a grown son, I always thought you were in your twenties. You just have a very youthful attitude I guess. I'm glad you found that website and hope you know that you've helped a lot of ppl on here including me and I'm sure in real life you are a source of happiness to those around you. Hopefully this blue mood will lift for both of us soon.

My daughter has been home six days in a row and I think we're both going a little nutty. I'm really hoping she'll be going to school tomorrow because I really need a little breather. Other than that today was fine. DH has gotten me a gift every night for Hanukkah so far. I'm not sure what's gotten into him but I'm sure enjoying his thoughtfulness.

It does feel good to give though too. I talked to my mom today and found out her washing machine was broken and since I know she can't really afford one, I asked my sister if she'd go in on one for her. My sister agreed and my mom was so completely touched. It was hard growing up and having to watch her struggle with money. I'm only doing now what I wished I could do for her then.

Break: green smoothie , coffee
Lunch: chickpea salad, marinated tempeh, berries & nuts, handful of quinoa chips
Dinner: chipotle veg salad, banana soft serve ( ... tchn-93414)

Exercise: 30 mins Pilates

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:42 pm
30 mins of Pilates - check :)

Thanks for the cool compliments 8)

Banana (ice-cream) is my go-to 'treat' when I 'need' something like ice-cream :) yummy!

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:23 am
by lpearlmom
Yep, Pilates rocks cookie & so does banana ice cream! Listen to me I sound like such a healthy person, I barely recognize myself.

Unfortunately my emotional health isn't doing so good. I really feel like I've hit a low-point today. I continue to have this pattern of getting close to ppl & then sabatouging each relationship one by one. I can't seem to help it though. It's like I'm watching myself from afar doing these things but I can't seem to stop it.

There's like three friendships that feel like are on the verge of ending right now for different reasons, mostly my fault. Yet when I think about each of these ppl I'm not sure I even like them. I'm more upset about being friendless then actually not being able to spend time with these ppl. I guess maybe I should start by making friends with ppl I actually like. I don't know if I'll find anyone though. I should probably put myself out there more. Take a class or something.

I'm also disappointed in myself for never having a career. Also, my weight is up a few pounds (-37.2). And finally my oldest daughter & I got in a huge fight tonight and she accused me of always taking her younger sisters side. Worse part is she's right. :/

I feel like I'm failing at everything.... I know this will pass though. I just need some time to lick my wounds & re-group. *deep breath*

Break: gym rat smoothie
Lunch: small salad; cup of soup, skinny mocha
Dinner: veg & avocado sandwich, banana, raw bar

Red moments: bite of chocolate, couple bites tofu

Exercise: short walk

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:16 am
by Giada
Sorry that you're feeling down - it's not a nice place to be. And please don't let your thinking that you're failing drag you down even deeper - we all go through bad patches. As you said - deep breaths, lick your wounds for a while and then regroup. I hope you and your daughter have kissed and made up by now.

I'm an introvert, and making friends are difficult for me - and it becomes more difficult the older I grow. I like your idea of taking a class: having things in common is important in friendships. You could also join a special interest group - photography/birding/painting garden gnomes/whatever takes your fancy.

I really hope that today is a better day for you.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:18 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks again Giada! I'm an introvert too in the sense that I need a lot of quiet down time and I'm definitely a homebody but I'm not the least bit shy. I make friends pretty easily but it's the keeping them where I fail.

Much better day today *phew* I talked to two of those three friends today and they're not even mad at me. It's was all in my head. I'm my own worst enemy as usual. I'm not sure about the other one but honestly don't care. She's more DHs friend than mine (ex-coworker). I just don't have much in common with her so I'm fine with whatever. And of course I do like my other friends, it's just I haven't found that bff replacement from my college days I long for. But it's fine. I did look into taking some hobby classes which will be good for me.

I had a talk with my daughter and told her I'd work on being more fair if she'd work on her attitude/respect. She agreed and we're in a good place again--yay! But she's still grounded.

We did our big Hanukkah celebration tonight and it was really fun. DH make latkes. They are SO good. I would happily eat them everyday. Definitely my desert island food. We opened the rest of our presents and everyone seemed really pleased. I got the ugg boots I really wanted from oprahs favorite list among other things. My mil bought me some really beautiful earrings and now I feel guilty for not being nicer to her. I will try harder!

Breakfast: vegan pancakes w berries, soy latte
Lunch: chickpea & avocado sandwich, fruit, soy mocha
Snack: few pieces candy
Dinner: several latkes, couple pieces of baked tofu, few glasses wine

I haven't cooked any meat (except for the dogs) in a little over the month and have been waiting for DH to complain. Well today he finally told me he wanted meat so I defrosted him some chicken and baked it for him w curry sauce. I really would prefer to only cook vegan but guess it's not fair to him. Oh well.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:48 am
by Giada
So glad to hear that you're feeling better, Linda. I have those head arguments, too, and they're generally a sign to me that something in my life is off-kilter. Some introspection and some action usually sort things out (again, for me).

Would hubby and the children be happy with one "meat meal" a week, or once every two weeks? What about involving them in preparing and cooking it? That will give you some time off, and they will benefit from some kitchen skills. (Of course, they might also decide to eat vegan with you rather than prepare a meal :roll: )

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:37 pm
by oolala53
Linda, regarding the meeting with the real estate guy, a little cleavage is also apropos. :twisted:

You sound so much like me. I have a hard time finding people I want to spend the effort on, though really, when there's rapport, it doesn't feel like effort. I've spent SO much time in the past going to meetups and such to try to increase my circle of friends. I do have a couple of women from African drumming who might pan out. And one from years ago in dance who has grown on me, though she's quite a drive away.

When I was on jury duty last week, I had a casual conversation with one woman whose hobby is playing pool. I can't remember the exact number of friends she said she has through that but I was astounded. But I believed her, too. I know a fair number through dance, but we don't hang out. She did with hers, though it's in pool halls. But that's the environment, and there's plenty of time for interaction. In dance, you have to make an effort to spend other time together. Excuses! One of the women I know through it has tons of dance friends. Oh, well.

The damn internet is so compelling and easy. It is my binge food now, or grazing food. I don't like that, but I'm not willing to go back to eating instead.

Didn't mean to hijack!

Your husband sounds great. I know, I'm sure you have your pet peeves with him, but you two sound good together. That is such a gift. But it's hard to keep our gifts in the front of our minds. That is actually because of a function of one part of the brain whose task is to look for trouble. MOST humans remember the negative more easily than the positive. Sometimes now I can see it happening and I can now even sometimes let the thoughts be there but in the background know they are like fake hunger. False and tolerable. But it's a long learning curve.

In the meantime, eat well.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 3:22 am
by natj
Hi Linda,

Thanks so much for stopping by to check on me. While catching up on your thread, I am continuously appreciative about how you are able to convey your thoughts and emotions so well in your writing! I know you sometimes judge yourself on your ability to "stick things out" but I hope that you are able to take pride in the fact that you have been so tenacious with your No S journey- no matter where it has taken you!

Anyway, that was a long-winded way of saying that I hope things continue to improve for you and that you have a good week. Happy Hanukkah to you and your family!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:43 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you Giada! Yeah this whole friendship thing is a pattern with me. Everything goes great for awhile & then for whatever reason I start to feel uncomfortable & overwhelmed and I just want to retreat from the world for a bit. I almost think is like a mild case of manic-depression which runs in my family but regardless, it's hard to maintain friendships throughout these crazy moments.

As far as the cooking goes, I'm still trying to figure it out. Ethically I feel inclined to not buy or cook animal products but I do think DH has a right to eat how he wants. Also, he is diabetic (controlled through diet alone) and so protein is pretty important to his health. I think I'll try to cook up a thing of free-range chicken for him each week so he can have it available whenever he wants it. My girls eat the vegan food happily. One is a vegetarian and the other is not so I pack her turkey sandwiches for lunch (her fav) but she's fine eating vegan dinners.

Oolala, I definitely relate to what you're saying. One of the things I find so painful with fb is that now and then I'll see an acquaintance talking about her girlfriends getting together, smiley pictures and all. I did have a group of friends like that for awhile (a moms group) but drama ensued and I distanced myself from them. I guess it's the kind of thing that looks so appealing but I don't think I'm really cut out for it. I do much prefer to have a few close friends but like you I haven't found anyone I've really clicked with in a long time to fit the bill. Let me know if you ever move to Az and we can form our own little clique. 😉

You are also so right about needing to realize how much I already have. Maybe I don't have a close knit group of friends or a flourishing career but I have a great relationship with DH and I'm fortunate to have kids that are generally well-behaved, healthy and caring. I also have a good relationship with my mom and financially we are in a pretty good place. Oh and my dogs, so cute. I'm going to work on practicing my gratitude.

Oh and yeah I had the meeting with mr crush guy and yep I did happen to wear heels, make-up and my most flattering jeans. Maybe a little cleavage too. ☺️ DH couldn't be there but I thought it would be okay because my cleaning lady was suppose to come that day. Of course she was running late so I was alone with him for a least a half hour. It was fine though. He's very easy to talk to but it's weird to feel this like intense chemical attraction. It's hard to think that he's not feeling it too, at least a little. I guess that's why it's hard for people to believe someone they have strong feelings for doesn't like you back at least somewhat.

Anyway, don't get the wrong idea. I have zero intention of ever doing anything to jeopardize my marriage and even if I wasn't married, he's not the type of person I'd get involved with. I just find these almost animalistic feelings fascinating.

Nat-so happy to see you back!!! Thank you, you always say just the right thing to make me feel better. Maybe I just need to cut myself some slack & focus on the things I'm already doing right.

Well today was good. I ate a little more than I'd like but nothing too crazy. DH was away so I took the girls to dinner and then I came home and made us cupcakes while they played with their new video game (yes, we're those parents).

Break: tofu scramble w lowcarb tortilla
Lunch: 3 pieces of toffee, Chips w artichoke dip, Apple
Snack: piece of candy
Dinner: seared tuna salad, 2 pieces bread, two glasses wine
Dessert: 2 vegan cupcakes, piece of chocolate, skinny mocha

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:13 am
by lpearlmom
Big fat Red day--ugh annoyed with myself but whatever moving on!

Break: lowcarb toast w baked tofu, goat yogurt w berries & nuts, coffee
Lunch: avocado & veggie sandwich, couple of chips, grapes, skinny mocha
Dinner: ancho lentil tacos, grapes
Red moments: A lot of grapes (why is this my weakness??); the rest of daughters taco, picking while cooking; 1.5 vegan cupcakes 😳

Why must I sabotage myself?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:30 am
by Giada
Linda, you are so close to your goal weight - could that perhaps be why you sabotage your efforts? But hey - you've come such a long way, so well done!

I hope your husband got a bit more cleavage than Mr Crush!

Here's to a green Tuesday for you!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:00 am
by clarinetgal
I hear you about the self sabotage. I am very interested in vegan cooking. I wouldn't do tofu, because I'm sensitive to soy, but I'm interested in trying out different vegetable dishes, plus I'd like to try some vegan baking, since I'm sensitive to dairy. I hope Tuesday is a good day for you!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 8:12 am
by Imogen Morley
lpearlmom wrote: You are also so right about needing to realize how much I already have. Maybe I don't have a close knit group of friends or a flourishing career but I have a great relationship with DH and I'm fortunate to have kids that are generally well-behaved, healthy and caring. I also have a good relationship with my mom and financially we are in a pretty good place. Oh and my dogs, so cute. I'm going to work on practicing my gratitude.
I hear you. Even though I'm a bit younger than you and oolala, I really struggle with keeping my few friendships alive and well. After graduating many of my friends either returned to their hometowns or moved abroad, and staying in touch has been difficult. I'm getting a bit paranoid about my still shrinking social circle, and it has probably contributed to my recent food issues and binging. But you two are so right - attitude of gratitude would be a much healthier way of coping with anxiety than shoving chocolate down one's throat.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:05 pm
Is it, do you think, 'coming down' from your previous three? S days that had sugar in them? I often feel much hungrier after a couple of sugary S days - and have to be really strict on a Monday morning especially. My theory is that it's to do with sugar - but I could be wrong.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:13 am
by oolala53
I boldly state my opinion about the concept of self-sabotage: if it actually helps to change behavior, keep it; if it doesn't, get rid of it. I think it normally just makes people feel worse, and frankly, I don't completely believe in it. I just think that the old neural patterns are very strong, and it is very easy to stimulate any one of the hundreds of triggers we all have after years of eating at the whim of fake hunger. Besides, when we are talking about what I call the unseen, such as psychological motivations, how can they be proved wrong? So, who really knows? The cure is the same: next time, resist and wait for a meal.

Big picture, you are doing great!

Regarding friendship issues, I believe it is a cultural phenomenon now. We live in such a mobile society, and friendship is usually based on proximity. Yes, there are the exceptions, but that's what they are. I think only the most extroverted of the population has an easy time with this. A price we pay for freedom and choice.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:08 am
by natj

Here's to a better tomorrow- Keep on movin' on!

I keep forgetting to write and tell you that I LOVED that article you recently posted about a critical view constant self improvement. It gives me a lot to think about as I have such a mixed opinion about the need to continually improve vs being content with myself... It's a concept I will continue to explore, but I suspect that in the end it will be about taking a moderate approach- improvement in some areas, contentment in others. Again, great article!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 6:02 am
by lpearlmom
Hey Giada! I don't know, my original goal was 50 pounds & I think that's kind of where my heads at still. I do think it's more about Mondays being tricky like cookie said and really just about the habit like oolala mentioned.

My habits got me this far but yeah it's that little sneaky over tasting while I cook that is really the next thing I need to lock down. Today went really well in that regards and I feel confident I will conquer that unhelpful habit.

I do agree with you oolala. I don't really buy into the whole self sabotage concept much esp when it comes it eating. More often than not I think it's just habit or comfort seeking or were just plain hungry from too much previous restriction. I guess I just said that in a moment of frustration. And you also make a really good point about how our society doesn't really support the kind of social interactions that previous generations enjoyed.

Hi Heather, check out Oh She Glows cookbook or Deliciously Ella. Both use no or very little soy products in their cooking. They use a lot of soaked nuts to mimic dairy products and I've really been happy with the results.

Imogen, it's good to know I'm not alone with these friendship difficulties but I love that you're working on your gratitude as well. I have a gratitude journal around her somewhere. I think I need to start using it again. 😊

Thank you nat! Today was much better!! I'm so glad you enjoyed that article. I think I need to re-read it!

Today was green yay!

Break: homemade granola w almond milk and fruit, coffee
Lunch: lentil taco, granola with vegan yogurt, banana, skinny mocha
Dinner: sunflower mac & cheese, broccoli, small bowl of yogurt & granola (yes obsessed w granola). It all fit on one small plate.

Exercise: 25 min walk; 10 min Pilates

Here's the vegan Mac & cheese recipe--was good!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:16 am
by natj

I just read through the recipe- I gotta ask, does it really taste like cheese? Either way, it is really creative. AND- I love sunflower seeds... anything, the seeds themselves, Sun butter, etc.

And, I also looked up goat yogurt and can imagine that tasting good.

I think you may have done this before, but can you also share your granola recipe? Thanks!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:23 am
by lpearlmom
Hi Nat! It didn't taste like cheese but had the same creaminess & texture as a cheese sauce with the nice subtle sunflowery taste. I think soaked cashews used in a similar way taste more cheese-like.

This nacho dip is a great example: ... she-glows/

It really feels like you're eating nacho dip but way more interesting/better (Imo).

Okay here's the basic recipe I use for granola: ... akfast.htm

You can use whatever nuts you like though so I use whatever I have on hand. This time I used cashews and pecans and then mixed in dried blueberries. It came out really good. Also, it says to cook it for 90 mins but I find sometimes it's perfect at 60 mins so keep an eye. I love making granola. It's so much fun.

I had a green day despite a bit of stress with DH then with my daughter. I swear she makes me so crazy! Probably we're too much alike!

Break: Thai tofu scramble wrap, banana, coffee
Lunch: small bowl of pasta, handful of chips w salsa
Dinner: veg chili w cashew cream, small piece of cornbread, wine

Exercise: 15 min walk, 10 min Pilates

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:23 am
by natj

Thanks so much for the granola recipe- I think I'm gonna do it this time, just need to get the maple syrup, as I have dried apples already! It sounds delish!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:10 am
by lpearlmom
Oh np nat! There's something very satisfying about making granola. It's a fun gift to give to people too. I put it in a mason jar with a ribbon. Let me know how it goes. :)

Today was good. Last night I posted this involved post about an issue I was having with DH but it was too much drama to just out out there even for me. Anyway, I decided to spare everyone and delete it. Luckily, I think it's been resolved now but it did make me realize I need to focus on keeping our relationship strong. It is and we have fun together and get along well but sometimes I get so caught up with the girls that he may feel a little neglected.

So making some time for him is now a priority. I also want to have more of a presence at his office just to kind of ppl know we're solid as well a way to just be more involved in his life in general. I surprised him with lunch at his work today and he seemed really pleased.

Girls are home for winter breaks for two weeks. I'm looking forward to not having to get up early, make lunches or deal with homework but oh the fighting!

Break: granola w almond milk & fruit, skinny mocha
Lunch: quinoa & kale salad, veg soup, carrot muffin
Dinner: bowl of chili w cashew cream and low-carb chips, glass wine

Exercise: 25 min walk; 15 min Pilates. (I can feel my core getting stronger-yay!)

I have idea what weigh-in will bring tomorrow.

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:56 am
by natj

I loved your post today.

I, too, have a great relationship with my husband, but feel sometimes that I get wrapped up with our son. I think it's a great reminder that we need to focus on them sometimes too and provide surprises and extra love! Great idea bringing him lunch- I bet he loved it!

I'll keep you posted on how the granola goes...

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:43 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you nat--yeah just a little bit of a wake up call. Need to show appreciation for what I have instead of worrying so much about what I don't. If you have plenty of good who cares if it's different from what someone else's plenty of good is? Okay I've had a bit of wine so not sure if that made sense but yeah it made sense to me. ☺️

Anyway, in the theme on focusing on what I have, DH & I took the girls out for a nice dinner at an upscale steakhouse. A little bit of an odd choice for a vegetarian (daughter-Zoe) and a wannabe vegan (me) but DH had a gift card from there that a patient gave him so we made it work. I do eat fish when we're out if there's no other options. My plan is to be vegan 90% of the time. I definitely had to make it an S event. Hope it didn't mess w my weight too much.

39.4 lbs--woot!!

Break: granola w almond milk, fruit, coffee
Lunch: soba noodle & edamame bowl, skinny mocha
Dinner: salad, salmon, little bit of mashed potatoes, spinach& mushrooms, 2 glasses wine
Dessert: shared carrot cake & lava cake

Everything was incredibly good & S worthy!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 8:43 am
by wahine
So do you do S events sometimes instead of the whole day? That seems like a good idea. We have family birthday dinner this Monday and I was thinking i should still try to stick to the system for the rest of the day.

Anyway, that's great that you had a delicious dinner with your family :D

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:59 pm
by lpearlmom
Hi wahine

Yes, I almost always take an S event instead of an S day if it's during the week. No reason to throw away the whole days when it's usually just one meal that needs relaxing. I did take an S day on Thanksgiving because we're cooking all day and things are just too chaotic for three solid meals.

Thanks for stopping by my thread. 😀

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:10 pm
hiya - thanks for checking out my thread today - hope you're having a happy weekend with the hubby and girls. Gill x

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:41 am
by natj

First of all, congrats on the downward trend in your weight!! Your hard work continues to payoff. Secondly, I like your idea of the S "even". I think that if I used this idea when I'm hemming and hawing about whether to break the No S "rules" or not, I could just take an S day and avoid the WTH effect during the rest of the day. Good idea! Finally, the meals looked yummy and I'm happy they were S worthy.

Enjoy your weekend and S days!

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 4:28 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks nat! Yeah the S event idea can be that perfect compromise for the right situation. Thanks on the weight loss too. I'm guessing it'll fluctuate between -37 to -40 for awhile. Not sure if it'll get much lower than that but we'll see.

Thanks raw!

We did have a very nice day. DH & I took the girls to the Star Wars movie & we all wore Star Wars tshirts. Yep we're dorks but it was a lot of fun. I of course ate way too much popcorn but oh well. When we came home, I took a bath then read by the fire. Later I played video games w my daughter. Was a really nice, relaxing day.

I was really determined to not pick all day and I did pretty good till after dinner. Still overall not bad at all.

Break: popcorn and d Coke
Lunch: bowl of veg chili w avocado, mocha
Dinner: veg burger, small salad
Dessert: yogurt w granola, piece of toffee

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:57 am
by wahine
We took our youngest boy to the Star Wars movie this morning. I enjoyed it. We didn't have t-shirts, on the other hand, my beloved has now been TWICE. So we are at least even on the dork scale.

Well done on the S day restraint.

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 4:59 pm
by Giada
I'm old enough the have seen Star Wars when it first came out... but haven't kept up with it.

And ditto what Kate said re today.

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:47 pm
by oolala53
I lived overseas when the first Star Wars came out so I've never seen it on a big screen. A teacher was showing it at work on the last day of the semester. It looked like it held up pretty well! I'll see this one in a theater.

I gave up the habit of having movie food years ago, even before No S, UNLESS it took the place of a meal, which was very rare. Sure, when I'm with someone who has popcorn, I might eat a couple of handfuls, but I've gotten to the point at which I get more of a kick out of NOT eating anything than I do from the freedom to nibble. Kind of like I feel when I check out at Costco holding my purchases in my bare hands instead of overflowing from a basket. Immature, but I'll take it!

You are finding your balance! It's a beautiful thing.

Keep cherishing that relationship; you found Mr. Right! He's the one that will be there after the kids are off on their own...

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:06 am
by natj
So did you like the movie? Do you think a 5-year old could sit it out?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:46 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you wahine--sounds like our Hubbies would get along. ;)

I'm old enough to remember too Giada! We re-watched all of them in the weeks preceding to this new one cuz that's just how DH is. Very thorough. :)

Oolala, I love having popcorn at the movies. It's the kind of thing I'd happily give up a meal for. I think it's just all those happy childhood memories for me. I also love an overflowing cart at Costco. When I line up my shelves with enough toilet paper for 3 months and fill my frig with enough food for a small army, I can literally feel myself breathing easier. I think it's just growing up with a mom who didn't budget so well. (We often had an empty frig). But more power to you for your ability to control yourself.

Nat: I really enjoyed the movie even though I mostly went for the family. I don't remember anything too scary so I think a 5 yr old cold handle it but my kids are 10 & 12 now so not sure if I'm judging it appropriately.

Anyway been a rough couple of days. Sunday was over the top then the last two days have been red. I'm up 4 lbs & slightly discouraged yet know I'll come to my senses soon. I've been on this baking kick and may eventually do something in the vegan/gluten-free/low-carb baking world. So I've been experimenting with different recipes and somehow convinced myself I needed to have a little taste of each batch. Well a little taste turned into a whole cupcake and after dinner tonight, I found myself picking off my daughters plate.

So yeah this needs to stop now. I'll just throw a cupcake from each batch in the freezer and do my test tasting on the weekends. In the meantime my family can be my taste testers. Hopefully my weight will normalize over the next few days. Annoying that I've let this happen but glad I caught it in time.

Break: granola w almond milk & berries, coffee
Lunch: veg burger on low-carb bread, stir-fry veggies, berries, skinny mocha
Dinner: porcini-tofu burger (delish), sweet potatoe fries, 2 glasses wine

Red: 1/2 veg burger, low-carb cupcake (on a positive note, these were amazing!).

Exercise: 40 min walk; stretching

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:24 am
by wahine
What do you put in a Low carb cupcake? Almond flour?? Sounds yummy

My experience is it is officially impossible to bake and not eat at all, but if you are going professional you will need to develop a system. Hope it goes well with the freezing plan :)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 1:23 am
by natj
Hi Linda,

I am just coming off a string of a few red days too and know how you feel. It's frustrating and I have an NWS day tomorrow because of the Christmas Eve holiday... however, I think I'm going to try out your "S event" idea rather than make it an entire S day! The truth is that I don't even like to eat Snacks between meals anymore, not to mention, it's rare that I ever want to take seconds (except for last night!). So, I think I'll just have an S event in the evening while making cookies with my little guy.

Here's to both of us getting back into the habit of moderation- whether it's tomorrow or even the day after, I'm confident that your body will drive you to a moderate and balanced N day soon.

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 6:32 am
by lpearlmom
Hi wahine--yeah I'll have to see how it goes. The cupcakes are made with almond flour & swerve (sugar sub). I used really good chocolate which helped and I even made my own powdered sugar with the swerve so I could make frosting to put on top. Came out really good.

Hi nat--I really like the S event concept. Let me know how it goes for you. My weight is back down 3 lbs so I'm feeling pretty good about that.

Today was pretty good. Feeling less stressed because I got the house back under control again and my weight is down so I'm generally feeling positive. One really stupid thing I did though was to accidentally invite our friends to stay at a cabin we've rented for a few days (next month).

How did I "accidentally" invite someone you might ask? Well I merely mentioned that we were getting a cabin and they should join us. What I meant was they should get a nearby cabin of their own... Well she thought I meant stay with us and she got so excited & was so thankful that I just couldn't find a way out of it.

Now I'm stressing about it because they're bringing their toddler who cries a lot and their puppy who is hopefully housebroken. Also when they stay at our house they almost never help with the cooking & cleaning and I'm worry it will fall all on me. And now my girls have to share a bed and ugh I'm trying to stay positive but I'm suddenly not looking forward to this. How do I always get myself into these things. It's because I wasn't to appear nice & generous but I don't want to actually have to do what's involved. Oh well I need to make the best of it. Maybe it'll end up being a lot of fun.

Breakfast: gym rat smoothie
Lunch: veggie burger, yogurt w granola
Dinner: curry tofu-kale bowl (was so good-- ... tofu-kale/)

ETA: I couldn't sleep so ended up emailing my friend that I didn't think having her come to the cabin w us was going to work after all. I feel terrible but I created this mess so had to get us out of it. I knew I just wasn't going to be able to enjoy the vacation otherwise. I may lose another friend over this but hey what's new?

Okay no more invitations I don't really want to give, no more agreeing to plans I don't really want to do. This needs to end now.

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:53 pm
Thanks for stopping by my thread Linda - congrats on getting your weight down a bit and getting back in control of the food! I'm sorry you got into the misunderstanding about the cabin - that's a really tricky one!

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:34 pm
by natj

Just finished reading your update- I am so glad you emailed your friend about the cabin situation. While it may have hurt her feelings, I think you did the right thing to ensure that you and your family enjoy your vacation. After all, that's the whole point of your vacation- to enjoy and relax. It didn't sound like you would have been able to do that with them, so I think it was the right (only) move you had. Well done.

Secondly, great to hear you are down lbs. again. It really can improve your outlook on things knowing that your hard work and tenacity continues to pay off.

Enjoy your S days this weekend!

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 4:46 pm
by LoriLifts
Hi Linda!
I can't wait to get to Arizona. We've got a boatload of snow in Albuquerque.
If you've got the time and want to walk around a 1 mile track for a bit, let me know. I can get you a number as a guest, I think it's good for 1 hour. I'll probably be on the track from 9-2 everyday.
Hope your holidays are going great (especially since you don't have to share a cabin!).

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:20 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks cookie!

Thank you nat! She didn't get back to my email so I thought she was mad but I texted her and apparently she never got it? Anyway she was super understanding about it. *phew*

Oh wow Lori I guess I didn't realize you got so much snow up there! I've been sick for the last couple days but will let you know. Thx so much for the offer.

I guess I caught whatever my daughter had. I laid in bed all day yesterday but just couldn't bear to do that again so tried to act like I was fine today. Now I'm exhausted but I am glad I had a normal day. I'm really frustrated with my back though. I feel like I've tried everything but it still bothers me a lot. Maybe time to go back to the doctor.

Anyway, I've been doing a lot of thinking (while laying in bed all day) and decided I really need to do some serious soul-searching about the whole friendship thing. I'm taking a break from social media--Facebook, Instagram and am going to turn off my phone during family time. I feel like I try to get validation from the outside world but need to work on myself internally. I'm keeping my friendship interactions to a minimal because I literally don't think I have the ability to maintain a healthy one at this point.

I'm one of those people who never lose their appetite even when theyre sick so yeah I still at my 3 meals but no snacks or treats as I wasn't in the mood.

Break: two pieces of toast w pb, banana & honey
Lunch: tropical smoothie
Dinner: tempeh kabobs w chimichurri sauce

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:59 am
Hi Linda - sorry to hear you're not well. I've had a cold virus which settled in my sinuses and I had pain in my TMJ all over Xmas. I dosed myself up with pain-relief and didn't let on. The upshot was - I still have the sinus pain, we all had a good Xmas, and I am exhausted! I was so tired by about 5pm every day - which I think was because I wasnt' really well!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:47 am
by natj
Aww darn... I'm sorry you are sick! I actually get mad when I'm sick because I can't go about doing my "normal day" routines.

It's good that you were able to get some things accomplished today. I know you will make sure that you don't overdo it tomorrow.

I am also experiencing major back pain daily. A few months ago now, I was bedridden for a few days because of my back and I'm so afraid to be in the same situation again, so I do stretches at least a few times per week, if not daily. I luckily got to enjoy a lovely (and long) massage when I was in Hawaii and I noticed that I felt better for a few days. It's a shame that I can't get one everyday! Anyway, just empathizing- Let me know if your doctor provides anymore helpful ideas. Thoughts on going to a chiropractor?

Also, am glad your friend was understanding about the cabin situation.

Last thought- hope the break from social media gives you some time to clear your head.

Feel better!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:38 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hi there !

Have a couple weeks off from work and am spending some time reading on this board - the most supportive "chat" place I have ever encountered.

I want to tell you that I have read your entire thread from the very beginning and want you to know that watching your progress was amazing Probably not as noticeable to you as you are living it day by day but you have grown so much in wisdom surrounding this whole process.

Just wanted to applaud you for your efforts thus far, truly inspiring. :P

Edited to add, I do hope you are feeing better by now.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:59 am
by lpearlmom
Aww thanks so much cookie, nat & strawberry. So nice to come on here and see your encouraging words especially after a kind of emotional day.

Cookie--sounds like we handle being sick similarly. I hope you're feeling better now.

Hi nat yeah the back thing is a bummer. It's been two years now & ive tried a lot of different things--new mattress, physical therapy, massage balls, exercise etc. I even tried a chiropractor even though DH is very skeptical of them (didn't help). I think the thing that worked the best was when I was riding my bike and do weights regularly.

Miraculously my back is suddenly feeling much better. (Knock on wood) I realized I've been doing a lot TO my back to try to get it better but I think it's just aggravating it to some degree. So I've been resting it through the Mackenzie method which involves a lot of laying flat on your stomach. Last two nights I was able to sleep without Advil-yay!

But yeah my overall plan needs to be strengthing, flexibility, stress-reduction and hopefully massage. (Massage in Hawaii sounds like a good plan!). Good for you for staying on top of your back situation.

Strawberry thank you so much. That's such a great compliment and it's encouraging too. Sometimes I feel like I'm just going around in a circle. I hope we'll get to see you around here more often. You add so much positivity to this board. 💕

Today was a little emotional. DH & I had a heart to heart talk about some concerns I had. I feel much better now that we got everything out. Then I had a talk with my kids about their behavior lately--fighting constantly, whining about being bored, disrespect etc. I know it was hard for them to hear but they needed to hear it. It's hard to have these talks and there were a lot of tears but in the end I feel we're all closer because of it.

Once the air was cleared, we ended up having a really great day. The girls had friends over and they played really well all day-yay!

Eating was okay although little bit of a red day. I'm not too worried about it. Looking forward to tomorrow. Girls going to a sleepover and DH & I going out to a nice dinner.

Break: banana, skinny mocha
Lunch: small popcorn, d Coke
Dinner: couple bites of sandwich (wasn't good so got something else), piece of enchilada casserole, banana

Red moment: handful nuts ☺️

Oh the enchilada casserole was amazing btw. It's vegan but kids and DH loved it kept raving about it. I won't lie, it is a bit of work but well worth it. ... ole-video/

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:59 pm
by lpearlmom
-40.2 lbs woo! Wasn't expecting this today!

Probably won't get to post today so just wanted to post a few end of year thoughts.

It's been a difficult year in some ways but great in others. I can't believe I'll be starting out the New Years 40 lbs thinner than last year. It feels like a huge accomplishment. Even though I don't like to stress the importance of weight loss, I feel so much physically better and have so much less body shame. I'm proud I stuck to NoS and proud I did something that was so hard for me to do.

I think now it's time to focus on a bit internally. My goals for next year are:

1) do self-reflection, heal all those old wounds & emotions I've been trying to hide away.
2) Master a skill
3) heal my back
4) establish an exercise habit I can stick to.
5) lose those last 10 lbs but slowly over the year if needed.(ok this one is going to depend upon if my body wants to cooperate or not but if I being honest I'd like to try).

I truly hope everyone has a Happy New Year and for everyone that's given me encouragement, I really cannot thank you enough for all your kind words. You have no idea how much they've helped me. Have a great one!

Linda 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:13 pm

That's a great achievement! Here's to a fantastic year in 2016 - thank you for your friendship since I joined this site back in June.
love of love
Gill x

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:39 pm
by Strawberry Roan
CONGRATS to you - just think you have lost the equivalent to carrying around two twenty pound bags of potatoes - all day, all night, every day, every night.

WAY TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:52 am
by ironchef
Congratulations on an amazing year! Well done :)

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:59 am
by clarinetgal
Congratulations on your accomplishment! :D :D :D Here's wishing you a great 2016!

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 2:56 pm
by natj
Congratulations! What a fantastic surprise to have made it to your goal!!! It couldn't have happened to a better person!

You are so inspiring, especially when you put it that you were 40 lbs heavier at the same time last year. I continually thank you for all of your encouragement, positivity and honest feedback.

Finally, I love your list for next year, it seems reasonable and realistic. Based on your track record, I know you will achieve it!

Here's to a HEALTHY and HAPPY 2016!

All the best to you-

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:49 am
by wahine
Wow! 40 pounds is amazing you know.

I hope you have a fantastic 2016. Your goals sound well thought out.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:52 am
by lpearlmom
Aww thank you Gill, Strawberry, nat, Katie, iron & Heather! I hope you all have a wonderful 2016 as well!

Today is the last day of the girls winter break. I'm ready for some time to myself for sure. We had a nice New Year's Eve. DH & I went to this very romantic restaurant with impeccable food. Then we stopped by a friends house for a drink. We talked, & talked about our feelings in a way we haven't done for years. He reassured me that I have nothing to worry about but I can't shake this feeling I'm having about his "friend" from work. I've never known him to lie not even those little white lies we all tend to do (or at least I do) so I just have to learn to let go & trust. I'm trying!

Anyway I've been doing a lot of soul-searching about my past and I came across this quotation:

"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you. " by one of my favorite philosophers Jean-Paul Satre.

It makes so much sense to me. I really don't want to stay stuck in the past anymore and realize defining myself by past hurts just isn't serving me anymore. Like old clothes that don't fit me anymore it's time to rid of them. I definitely feel like this is going to be the year of letting go.

This weekend was pretty tame. I'm finally at that point where I just don't see the point of free for all S days . Took me long enough for sure but I just don't want them anymore. In fact, I think it will finally be possible to have an S day that looks just like an N day. I'm keeping my 3 meals but if there's a dessert I really want I can have it. Or if there's something sweet I want with lunch that's fine but it needs to be part of my plate. Also, if I'm doing something special--out to dinner or going to a party, I can make it an S event but these S day snackathons are just no longer desirable to me. I never thought I'd feel this way & it may change but for now I'll enjoy it.

Break: vegan banana muffin, tea
Lunch: chickpea salad sandwich, non dairy yogurt w granola, skinny mocha
Dinner: two carrot dogs, small bowl baked beans, grilled eggplant, glass wine
Dessert: soy ice cream sandwich

Exercise : none--my first goal is going to be 15 mins/3x week of gym or biking

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:47 am
by Merry
Wow, Linda, that's so encouraging--congratulations! What terrific progress!

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:57 am
by natj

I'm so glad you got some time to spend with your husband and to take care of your relationship. I like those rare evenings when the stars kind of align and you remember just why you really like (and love) each other. Hope you can have more of them in 2016. And for this "friend" at work, I guarantee, she's got nothing on you- Ha! :D

Also, I'm feeling the same about my S Days, where I don't want them to be marathon stuff my face days. I'm not ready to put any rules on them yet, just trying it out along with you. I've noticed that returning to an N day today was also a lot easier. Interesting.

Anyway, have a great week!

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:10 am
by clarinetgal
I hear you on the S days! While I can say I may be just now starting to return to more traditional No S, I've binged enough times to know that it's really not worth it, so I'm going to try hard to keep my S days tame.
Your evening with your husband sounds really nice!

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:59 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Sweet to read -

Patrick Swayze (may he rest in peace) once said regarding his long marriage (34 years, he was 57 when he died) -

The secret is to keep falling in love over and over again,
with the same person. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:17 pm
by eschano
Wow, you're off to a good start :) Hat off to your S day developments.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:06 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you for the supportive comments nat, Merry , strawberry, Heather & eschano!

Oh boy it's been a very emotional few days. DH & I have been talking & talking & talking about all these feelings this situation with this other woman has brought up. I feel like I was just completely shut down emotionally for the past several years. I swear I could not cry for the longest time.

Well it's like some switch was flipped and the floodgates just opened up. So many emotions I forgot even existed and this is tmi but my libido is suddenly on par with a teenage boy. I think I just kind of shutdown after becoming a mom & then gaining weight and just not wanting to cause any conflict. God knows there's enough drama around here with the two girls. I guess I just didn't want to create any more.

But it's good. I feel like I'm remembering who I am again. Remembering who my DH & were again before we had kids and bills and all the stress that comes with being grown up.

This week went pretty well. I'm up 2 lbs but I guess that's just normal fluctuations. I don't know if I'll ever lose more weight... We took our girls out to dinner to celebrate their report cards so I took an S event. I definitely went a little overboard. It was just SO good.

I bought some new clothes today. The kind I thought I'd never be able to wear again. Fitted and a little sexy and I don't even care of I'm too old or still chubby to wear it. They fit and I like them and life's just too short to wait for the perfect moment and all that.

Break: granola bar, yogurt, fruit
Lunch: 1/2 sandwich, cup soup, skinny mocha
Dinner: A Lot of Thai food, wine, Thai iced tea

Exercise: walked dogs--went to the gym twice this week and will try to go this weekend--yay!

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:13 am
by clarinetgal
Good for you, Linda! I think it's great that you're rediscovering yourself, and not waiting until you're the 'right size' to buy clothes that you really like.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:14 pm
by natj
Hi Linda,

So, I just stole the below quote from your comments on oolala's thread:

Linda writes, "But one thing I do know now that I'm older is that beauty or sexiness or whatever isn't about being a certain size or being in perfect shape or anything like that. It's about taking a little time to put yourself together, it's about embracing your own sexuality, it's about having that little glint in your eye and mischievousness to your smile, it's about being open and interested in other people and excited about life. Those are the things that make people least to me. How I wish I'd known this when I was 20. I could have taken over the world instead of fretting about how I looked in a bathing suit. ☺️"

I completely identified with this today and just wanted to say that I wholeheartedly believe the same thing.

I think this may be what you are "awakening to", and I'm sure it will take some time to adjust to being yourself again.

Anyway, I hope things continue to go well at home. It sounds like you are beginning to really find your way!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:25 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you Heather! I'm definitely glad to have clothes I feel good in. For so long I was just happy to find something that fit and didn't look completely dreadful. Still I can't help but think how much more fun shopping would be if I lost 10 more pounds...or 20? But that's dangerous territory. When is it ever enough? I'm not sure I have that answer.

I'm glad you could relate to what I was saying nat. It's funny but I've been looking at people differently lately and it's crazy how many people just kind of keep themselves closed up. Like most of us are walking around dead inside but I don't think that's really it. People are just afraid to be vulnerable. I get it. I am too but life is so much more interesting when you put yourself out there and at least attempt to connect with other people. Even if it's just a two minute conversation with your Barista.

Anyway I digress as usual. This weekend was pretty good but I feel like I ate a lot. I didn't snack all day long but my meals were heavier & bigger than normal so I'm a little nervous about weighing tomorrow. I know I shouldn't really weigh myself on Mondays but I kind of like to know what I can realistically expect for Friday weigh in.

We went out last night with another couple and we had a great time but I think I drank a little too much, showed a little too much cleavage and flirted a little too much with the waiters. I felt a little foolish in the morning but my friend did text me saying what a great time they had and said how great I looked. So I think it's all good. Though it made me realized how much I do love to drink and I just want to make sure I keep a handle on that. I've decide on the following limits to help me stay moderate.
M,w,f--one glass wine if desired; Sat-2-3 drinks but no more than 2 hard drinks.

Other than that it was a good weekend. Yesterday I took the dogs for a little hike and we even had to trek through water part of the way. My little dog almost floated away downstream so it was a little bit of an adventure. Today I took my girls to the zoo so lots of walking around time. As an added bonus my girls barely fought all weekend-yes! DH are getting along well and are continuing to communicate. I still have a bad feeling about that woman. I don't know why but it's unsettling. I guess it's just insecurity on my part. I'm working through it.

Break: 1 vegan pancake, 1 banana, handful nuts, nf mocha
Lunch: veggie burger & fries
Snack: small bowl of chicky (chickpea) salad
Dinner: large salad, small soup

I don't normally eat dairy but bad some today and it just does not sit well with me. Happy to be going back to my normal meals tomorrow!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:30 am
by osoniye
Hi Linda,
Thanks for stopping by my check-in thread.
Sounds like you are keeping to small meals on N days, and enjoying your weight loss and wearing new clothes! All good.
I am finding I feel better on a mostly vegan diet, too. I enjoyed my meals while away, but think it's a whole lot healthier to be back to making my meals at home.
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2016!

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:12 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you for stopping by Sonya. Good to see you back posting. Your post really helped me when you talked about it being okay to weigh a little more at times.

Today went well except for a big fight with my daughter re: a missing assignment. We made up but wow parenting is H A R D ! !!

-35.4 Blech, but oh well....

Break: gym rat smoothie
Lunch: veg burger, handful of nuts, skinny mocha
Dinner: Korean bbq portobello burger, sweet potato curry fries, salad

Okay that burger was omg goodness!!

Exercise: 25 min dog walk

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:16 am
by natj

The dinner sounded so good Linda! One of my girlfriends from college was 1/2 Korean and she introduced me to kimchi and korean bbq- truly some of my favorite foods! I love the idea of using portobellas for that as I think it may be as yummy (or even yummier) than using beef. Definitely marking this one to try out.

Hope you have a better day with your daughter tomorrow. And I couldn't agree more... parenting is HARD!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:04 am
by lpearlmom
Hi nat! I know I love Asian food and this burger was so good. Way better than meat imo but I'm finding vegan cooking so much more interesting and fun than when I was cooking with meat in general anyway.

And yes much better day with my oldest. I love her to death but boy does she push my buttons like nobody else. We had a lot of fun today though so that's good.

Break: soy yogurt, fruit nuts, coffee w creamer
Lunch: small salad, handful of chips with cashew cream dip, skinny mocha
Dinner: gravy bowl with broccoli {vegan}, handful of chips w dip

Btw, gravy bowl was yum. I put it over quinoa for DH & I and over sweet mashed potatoes for the girls. ... n-51208410

Exercise: none DH didn't get home till 3:30am last night so I got up & and heated up his dinner for him. Then he kept getting calls from 6:00am. I went home after I dropped off the girls and napped for a couple of hrs but he had to work all day till 7:30 pm. Poor guy :/

I'm really liking my new alcohol limits. I just like having a plan in place to make sure my drinking stays moderate and it feels good to have days where I don't have a glass of wine at all. NoS rocks as usual. 😀

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:43 pm
I am LOVING your menus! Thank you for the recipe links Linda!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:58 am
by clarinetgal
I'm glad you were able to have a good day with your oldest. Yes, parenting is hard sometimes! I'm glad No S is helping you in other areas of your life, too!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:32 pm
by mitchelll
i am definitely going to have to try that gravy bowl recipe. it looks delicious!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:40 am
by Strawberry Roan
One question - what's a small salad? :D

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 4:20 am
by natj
Linda, sorry for the randomness- So, I have been meaning to ask you...

Now that you eat (mostly) vegan meals, how do you make your Skinny Mochas. I have tried using Almond milk, and while they are lower calorie, I'm just not as thrilled with them. Do you have a recipe you'd be willing to share (even if it's with almond milk).

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:10 am
by lpearlmom
Hi All! Just got back from my family vacation and finally finding a moment to post. We had a great time. There was tons of snow but it wasn't too cold to enjoy some outdoor time. The cabin was perfect for us but anymore people and it would have felt too small. Also, there was a really scary steep ladder up to the loft area. I think that would have been a nightmare with a toddler around so I'm really happy we kept it just the four of us. We brought our dogs too and they were in absolute heaven.

I stuck to NoS but we are some pretty heavy meals so I'm a little nervous about weighing myself. Still whatever it is NoS will reign it back in so I'm not overly concerned.

Cookie: so glad you're enjoying my menus. I'm loving the vegan thing although it was a bit harder on vacation.

Heather: thank you !

Mitchell: it was super good!! Let me know how you like it.

Strawberry: I don't remember what was in it but was small enough to fit on my small plate with some other stuff. 😊

Nat: I'm always happy to talk food! I haven't been overly thrilled w almond milk mochas either so I usually order a skinny mocha with soy at Starbucks. I know soy is controversial but I've decided from my limited research that I'm okay with it. When I'm at home I usually just use a non-dairy creamer cuz yeah I'm basically lazy. ;)

Breakfast: egg white omelet w veggies; fruit; coffee
Linner: falafel w pita, hummus

Exercise: none but we did quite a bit of walking & playing in the snow these last few days so I'm happy about that.

DH & I continuing our relationship talks. I guess we still had some old stuff to deal with but that's bound to happen when you've been together 25 years. We did a lot of stupid stuff in our relationship when we first dated because we were young, foolish, impulsive etc. It's been draining to deal with everything (lots of crying) and hard but I haven't felt this close to him in years and I'm feeling really good about where we stand. Yay! Maybe we can just enjoy each other for awhile now. :)

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:34 am
by natj
Wow- 25 years?! That's so awesome and inspiring!

Even through these tough times, being able to work through things together is such a gift. I hope that you two are through the worst of it and that you are now coming out on the other side.

I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation and it's such a good thing the other family didn't come!

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:33 am
by lpearlmom
yeah nat it's crazy but we met when I was 20 and we had a few really dramatic break-ups. I guess it's to be expected but there's just stuff we never really dealt with that has still been following us all these years. It's so nice to be able to discuss these issues now that we have the maturity to do so calmly and with empathy. Anyway I feel like we have finally dealt with the past appropriately and I'm excited about enjoying the rest of our lives togehter. Although I realize we will still go through tough times, it's still a pretty good place to be right now.

Today was good. I really really want to lose more weight. This whole thing with dh has unleashed something inside me and I just am remembering that I'm more than a mom. I enjoy looking attractive again. Im enjoying dressing up and looking good. I want to lose more weight for me though nobody else. I guess it sounds super shallow but it is what it is. I'm hoping to lose 20 more pounds this year.

Break: granola with almond milk, coffee
Lunch: veggie burger on low-carb bread, handful chips, scoop of hummus, skinny mocha
Dinner: Large salad with vegan ranch dressing, small bowl of vegan chipotle mac& cheese, 2 glasses wine

chiptole mac and cheese was crazy good: ... l-sprouts/

exercise: 20 min dog walk; 20 min rowing

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:34 am
:D I think it's great that your own self-esteem is now in the driving seat - I recently treated myself to a couple of new bras, a nicely fitting pair of trousers for work wear, and a comfy, smart top. I can't believe how good I feel in those new clothes - it really does make me feel more confident. Enjoy being who you want to be xxxx

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:29 am
by eschano
Hi Linda,
wow, it sounds inspirational how you and your husband are dealing with things.
I so agree with your (much) early comment that weight obsession can stand in the way of us dealing with the really big stuff and I love watching you tackle one big thing after the other. It's, well, there I say it again, an inspiration!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:18 am
by natj
Hi Linda,

Isn't it so interesting how much more level-headed we get with age? It's good that the discussions were handled well. I know I'm reminded constantly about how I'm able to handle emotions so much more as I get older...

I hope you are able to achieve your goals this year- for you.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:43 am
by Queenie
lpearlmom wrote: I really really want to lose more weight. This whole thing with dh has unleashed something inside me and I just am remembering that I'm more than a mom. I enjoy looking attractive again. Im enjoying dressing up and looking good. I want to lose more weight for me though nobody else. I guess it sounds super shallow but it is what it is. I'm hoping to lose 20 more pounds this year.
I thought you were at goal, Linda. Your footer says that your goal is 40 lbs and that you've lost 40 lbs. Am I misreading that?

Or was 40 lbs an interim goal, and now you'd like to lose a total of 60?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:16 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks you guys for the awesome support!

Queenie: My original goal was 50 lbs but things started slowing down so I decided to go with 40 lbs, but I'm feeling re-energized and would really like to lose 10-20 lbs this next year. I'm a size 12 so I'm not exactly trying to get down to some crazy unreasonable size or anything. Still I have no idea if my body will cooperate. We shall see!

Break: chia pudding w/ granola and berries, tea
Lunch: veg burger w/ lettuce and tomato; handful chips and salsa
Dinner: casear salad {vegan};slice lentil loaf; cauliflower/mashed potatoes; 2 glasses wine

Exercise: 25 min dog walk; 10 min strengthening

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:22 am
by lpearlmom
Well I thought we were done but apparently not quite. We stayed up till 2 in the morning talking (him) and talking (me) and crying (me). Apparently when you shut down for 13 years, there's quite a bit of unfinished business that needs to be dealt with when you finally decide to wake up again. That's how I feel, like I've awoken from a long nap. Anyway we're good. I mean we're getting there anyway. *phew* It's exhausting to feel so much.

Anyway was good.

-40.8 lbs woot! A new low for me.

Break: chia pudding w granola & berries, skinny mocha
Lunch: piece of lentil loaf, nacho dip {vegan} w handful of quinoa chips; banana
Dinner: chipotle salad w guacamole {vegan}; banana

Okay that chia pudding w granola is my new go-to breakfast. It's SO good. I've been looking for a vegan replacement for yogurt and this is it. I like soy yogurt but it's expensive & has a lot of sugar. Here's the recipe if anyone's interested. Tons of calcium & protein so lasting power. ... m-scratch/

The nacho dip is crazy good too. My girls beg me to make it and dh could not believe there wasn't cheese in there. It's so nutritious too. It has cashews, carrots, spinach & tomato. What more could you you want in an afternoon snack? ... she-glows/

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:26 am
by natj

Congrats on your new low!

I was intrigued about your chia pudding so thanks for posting the recipe- looks so good, especially with the banana soft serve. Mmmmmm! I will likely try that one.

Anyway, I keep reading in your posts about "waking up" and it is interesting to think about. 40 lbs is a significant loss, and it's probably changed your life in many ways, but not necessarily every part of your life- just a lot to get used to, I'm sure.

Either way, I hope the good talks continue until you guys get through this patch.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 5:05 am
by lpearlmom
Hi nat! Yeah I really like the chia pudding as a base for my granola and berries. It's easy to make and so healthy. DH calls it chia pet poop though so I guess it's not for everyone. :oops:

Yeah I think I'm going through a mid-life crisis type of thing. I think it's a combo of age, the weight loss and my kids getting older (needing me less). These feelings of jealousy seemed to open the floodgates of emotions that I've been trying to bury for the last several years. DH & I will be okay. I definitely need to work on myself though. I'm starting therapy on Wens. Ugh, I know it'll be good for me but oh so hard.

Today was good I think. I definitely ate more than usual but nothing crazy. Still I'm really hoping I can maintain my new low and move forward. I'm hoping to be down 45 lbs by our hawaii trip in the middle of march.

Break: 2 vegan pancakes, coffee w/ creamer, small bowl of chia pudding w/ granola
lunch: mashed chickpea sandwich w/ avocado, arugula w/ dressing, banana
snack: 1 chocolate chip cookie, handful nuts
Dinner: boca burger in lettuce wrap w/ guac, side of fries, two skinny margaritas
Dessert: small bowl of cashew milk ice cream, 1 choc chip cookie

These are my go-to vegan pancakes. I'm quite happy with them:

My go-to chocolate chip cookies. Vegan and better than regular. My kids love them:

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:10 am
by natj
Hi Linda,

Just I took a look at the recipe for the chocolate chip cookies and found it interesting, especially the canola oil substitution (for butter). Based on the info I've recently read on some No S discussion threads, I wonder if coconut oil would also work (Berry, if you're reading this, the thought was inspired by you!)? Hmmm... I must give this a try.

Also just wanted to say that a during a very difficult time in my life, I found therapy to be EXTREMELY valuable and helped me sort of my thoughts and feelings and move onto a wonderful phase in my life. I hope it has a similar effect for you.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:01 am
by lpearlmom
Hi Nat!

Yeah you can definitely use coconut oil. Just make sure it is refined which is better for high temps. Also you will need to melt it in the microwave first. I noticed you said you didn't like coconut flavor and can relate. I used to not like it either but since I've been doing the vegan thing, it has really grown on me. It's used a lot in vegan/healthier cooking so I just kept trying it till I liked it. Actually I've always liked coconut milk in curry and such but I didn't much care for anything else. Anyway, that's a long way of saying, maybe just keep trying it in different ways and see if it grows on you too.

I definitely think therapy will be good for me too. It's just hard facing everything. Things with DH and I are good today. I think we're both ready to take a break from the intense drama of the last few days.

The girl's old babysitters (sisters) came over today for a visit and it was so nice to see them. They are just such wonderful people. Immigrants from Mexico that have just done amazing things with their lives. Really good role models for my girls and was a nice reminder that there's people out there with which I actually enjoy spending time. I also dropped my daughter off at her book club last night and remembered how much I like the mom hosting it. I think it's a good sign that I'm starting to feel like connecting with other people again.

Definitely ate more than usual. More than I'd prefer even for an S day, but not belt bursting or anything so it's all good. Still I'm ready to bring on the N days for sure!

Break: vegan muffin, coffee, smoked nuts
Lunch: soft pretzel, couple bites of mashed chickpea sandwich, skinny mocha
snack: bowl of granola, handful nuts
Dinner: smoked egg salad sandwich, handful rice chips
Dessert: 1/2 carton of cashew milk ice cream (YIKES!)