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Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:22 pm
by FarmerHal
That's great your MIL noticed! :) It's always nice to get those compliments! I am glad you're having a good monday.

I'm having a decent day. Actually managed to sneak in a nap. I put Evoli down at 1pm and then I could hardly keep my eyes open. Of course Noah was zooming around making his car noises and playing and such. I warned him 3 times to sit on the chair and watch his shows but when he continued to screw around, I turned off the tv and whaddya know?! He fell asleep and is still sleeping :) Niiiice.
So I got to slee for a couple hours- I am way behind since Ev still wakes so much. Oh what I'd give for one night by myself to sleep!

Eating is going well today. Did have chik fil a for lunch and one tiny pretzel stick just now (I've got heartburn), I don't consider that a failure. Still have the heartburn. And one of those head pounder headaches.
I have yoga tonight and I think I don't want to go. DH is going to make me I'm sure. Bleh. Don't wanna. Generally I sit inthe first row so I can see/hear my instructor clearly but it might be a back of the class day today LOL.

The flowers sound pretty. Periwinkles (vinca) are my favorite flowers.
We spent the weekend doing errands and burning our brush pile. SUch fun. NOT LOL.

Ok talk later.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 9:32 pm
by Jaxhil
I like vincas too! But I think they need part shade, I'm not sure. And shade is in short supply around here :roll: It's 82 here today but I bet it feels like 90-I am so grateful for air conditioning!

We have FOUR HUMONGOUS brush piles :!: YUCK. DH doesn't want to burn them because we have a ton of cedar trees and they apparently catch fire easily; needless to say we don't want that. So we have to cut them down bit by bit and haul them away or rent a shredder or something. Who knows.

Hallelujah on the nap!! :D :lol: I often invite the little guys for snuggling, and Michael almost always falls asleep. By now I have them pretty well trained to keep quiet and stay out of trouble when I need a nap. And of course it only happens (for the most part) while Gracies sleepin. I'm glad they both fell asleep-it will help their moods-and yours too, naturally :P

I still haven't worked out today. I got my Firm workout DVDs in the mail today, (I'm supposed to be happy, right? LOL) So I'm gonna try to do them tonight.

Well I have to get supper going I guess-ttylater!

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 6:14 pm
by FarmerHal
Yesterday went well. Had yoga class which was fun- didn't want to go at all but I did and it was a good time. I just.need.sleep. Ugh.

Anyway, I took a 4th meal because I had that desperate hunger that would've kept me up all night.

Today doing well. Not hungry, just tired.
I don't want to rush Ev's babyhood at all but I can't wait until she's sleeping as well as Noah does- all night in his own bed.

Ok, short note, talk later

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:55 pm
by FarmerHal
Well poop. I just had a pb&j to comfort myself. I am so stressed with the kids. With Evoli waking so much still (we're working on it, ugh) and Noah being so defiant (the terrible 2's were nothing! what about the trying threes?) I am just completely burned out!!!! :evil:

Sorry, I don't mean to be voraciously venting.
Next Monday was going to be 21 for me.
You know, I htink I'm going to stop counting days and just go day by day anyway.
Plus the scale just SITS there and I have cut down my food so much and hten spend nights beign hungry all night.
I'm becoming completely frustrated and while I don't want to stop noSing, I DO want some kind of results!
I talked to a friend of mine and she mentioned that bfing moms take longer to drop weight- I've heard the opposite, but who knows.

Blrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!! You know?!

Ok, well I'm calming down now. And still feel hungry.
This is ridiculous.

On the plus side, a couple of friends of mine and me decided to meet and walk in the mornings. So that's good.

My meals were good up till now.

I'm not leaving, don't worry :)

talk soon
disgruntled Tiffani

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:09 pm
by Jaxhil
Yes. I KNOW!!

I hear ya!! I've been thinking the same thing-I don't want to stop, but I DO want RESULTS!! :(

That's why it's good that my MIL said something the other day to me (btw, computer issues have kept me offline the last couple of days, sorry!). I *do* sort of feel thinner overall, too. And some of my pants feel annoyingly lose (can you believe that its a little annoying, feeling the need to hold my pants up?! LOL). I mean it is NOT fast by any stretch of the imagination, but no other method has worked AT ALL for me, so what point would there be to try something else? I should not have let my self slack , though, because once you do it's much easier to continue to slack! :roll:

I had the *same* trouble when I was bfding-I had heard bfeeding helps you lose weight faster, but for me (I was just thinking about this yesterday, so its funny you brought it up!) it was the opposite. I didn't start really losing the so-called baby weight (ha, I'm SURE it was BABY weight :wink: ) till the "baby" was at least 3 or four. I nursed each one as long as they would let me. Jacob (my first was the longest) and Grace was just a little over a year, I think..gosh I can't actually remember. Anyway, it didn't help me to lose weight at all, and I felt cheated of that supposed benefit. Sigh.

Btw, I'm curious, what weight did you start at? Mine was 174.6 or 174.something or other (can't remember exactly). So I think I've lost about 5 pounds overall. Not much since February 28, but better than I've done on anything else.

One thing that's helped me (I *think*) move it along a little in my mind at least, is stopping eating when I feel *satisfied* NOT full-ykwim? At first I was making sure I was good and FULL so I wouldn't be fighting hunger pangs before the next meal. Now I realize I can make it even if I get a little hungry, so I am trying to stop when SATISFIED. It's hard sometimes, but I truly think I wasn't losing at first because I was still overeating even with the NoS rules. And if I feel a growling empty stomach before my next meal, the kind where ya feel weak like you really need to eat, then I will eat a little something (and I mean small, just enough to keep me from keeling over) to hold me till meal time. This has only happened once though that I can remember, LOL. With you bfeeding it's bound to happen more frequently.

Tiff, I am really so proud of you. I KNOW how hard doing anything for yourself can be while taking care of your still VERY little ones (and I concur about the THREES being WORSE than the twos, LOL-Gracie is a great example-soooooo sweet mostly but sometimes :shock: AACK!!). You are doing PHENOMENALLY well, especially considering the kids and bfeeding. You hold your head up, girl, you CAN do this!! You are an inspiration to me, because I KNOW what you're going through and you just keep on keepin' on!! I was a total basket case when my kids were that age (just ask Jack, LOL). You are holding it together quite well, and you have stuck with this, and I admire that-I don't know if I would have stuck it out in your situation. You really are to be commended (there, you're officially commended :D )

Well I have to get to "work" now..just wanted to give ya a pep talk 8) And of course, you can vent at me all you like :P

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:13 pm
by Jaxhil
Oh I meant to say, yeah, I kinda let go of the counting too. I think seeing mostly green stickers on the calendar is enough for me, rather than the complete and utter failure of "gee I messed up my 21 day run" , I can look at the overall green-ness of my calendar, and say: hey, it's just a little bump in the road!". You know? MUCH easier to stay motivated (for me anyway) than the 21 day perfect run thing.

Anyway, just my 2 cents worth, LOL.

And try to sneak in at least one nap today :mrgreen:

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:41 pm
by FarmerHal
THANK YOU for the pep talk, I needed it :) Muchly! :oops: :D

I need to get some stickers- where did you find yours? I can go look at staples or something and see if I can find red/yellow/green. For now I do smiley faces (just hand written) and it's not a pretty effect like stickers would be LOL.

I guess maybe I can count tomorrow as a success. But I won't sweat it anyway. At the very least I'm not pigging out all day long.

I kwym about eating till satisfied. I try to do that and succeed most days. Though it depends on how stressed/hungry I feel and sometimes my plate piles high. I look forward to when Ev's weaned and I might be in better control of my appetite by then.

She's been sleeping better, thankfully. I think she "only" nursed about 6 times last night LOL.. Only. She did sleep in her bed the first part of the night and I know she rolled over there a few times after nursing throuhg the night. So getting better. Sleep deprivation is not my friend!

Today I'm walking with friends (should leave soon). So that's good. THank you for hte commondation :) :wink: I try my best!

I hear ya on the annoyingly loose pants! It's getting like that with my 20's and I tried my 18's and they are juuuust in need of me to lose a few more inches yet.
My starting weight Dec 16 was 245. I was 228 last Sat. morning (my weigh day). So that's 17 pounds at least! Whoa! :) Hopefully more comes off. I am so uncomfortable at this weight.

Ok, must get going, thanks again, you are the best and I am so proud of you too for your perseverance!


Talk soon

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 12:35 am
by Jaxhil
I'm glad to cheer you on!! Anytime, sweetie!!

WOW-you really ARE doing great!! (ok, I knew you were-grin-)SEVENTEEN pounds?!!! I would be flipping for joy :D I am jealous :P

I got my stickers at Walmart, I think-but any school supply section at a grocery store or office supply should have them. The stars come in red, yellow, green, blue, and silver. I don't use many of the other colors; I do use silver for sick days. I was actually thinking of switching to colored sharpie markers but you are right, they aren't as fun as the stickers, LOL.

I actually forgot to eat lunch today-can you believe that?! I was busy making my hubby's favorite cookies (oatmeal raisin-luckily they are NOT my favorite, so not too tempting!). By the time I was done I couldn't wait to sit down ( I made a large dbl batch).

For supper, I made home made beef enchilasagna. Those are enchiladas for people who are enchilada-impaired :lol: I cannot make a rolled up enchilada look good and stay together to save my life. They always fall apart, so I layer the ingredients like lasagna and Voila! Yummy enchies with no pain, hehehe.

How did your walk go? I need top get on the treadmill tonight, or something. I've been a lazy girl all week-I did play with my hoola hoop (5 dollar kiddie toy!) for about 15 minutes, and I gotta say, I actually got out of breath a little! Plus it was FUN!! 8) Gracie was impressed, too! :lol:

Well I gotta go join the family now-it's almost FRIDAY, YAH!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:19 pm
by FarmerHal
Your enchilasagne sounds good, dh would love something like that. :)

17 pounds seems like a lot, but I'm still so overweight and uncomfortable I *feel* like I haven't reallylost any weight.

ANywaY, i WON'T whine anymore about it.
I totally binged all weekend long. :roll: I knew it was a terrible thing to do but at the very least it was the weekend (s days). I won't even spare the details of the various binges. Blrrgh.

Back on track. I am walkign with friends at 9 this morning, so that's a start. Still working on the sleep issue. It's getting better. Trying to keep Ev in the crib from bedtime to 2am. It's going a bit better than I expected but I hate to let her cry- I'm right there with her rubbing her back and talkign softly but still, breaks my heart :(

Hey- is it hard to homeschool? I had been thinking about it, then dh mentioned something about it yesterday... I don't think I'm the strong type (I get distracted easily) to teach my own kids but the crap going around in schools... ugh.

B'fast was an egg burrito and 2 toasts (could've done well w/ just 1 piece here).
Have a good n week.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:12 pm
by Jaxhil
Yes you CAN home school-there are many wonderful curicullums (I canNOT spell that, arghh) available that cover every subject imaginable. Seriously, if I can ANYONE can!!!! :D

We have had an extremely busy weekend. Jack took Friday and Monday off to start putting in a fence around our front yard. He rented a hole digger (whatever they are called, lol), and marked off all the holes. Then he and his dbros (2 of 'em) dug the holes on Sat.and Sun. Overall, it went well. They did have one little snag, however.

They hit the underground power cables. :shock: :shock: :shock:

Thank God they didn't kill themselves! It's fixed now, and they didn't actually go through it, just seriously knicked it, but BOY that'll wake ya up, right?!

Then he took Monday off to recover a bit from his aches and pains :P

I had a somewhat wild weekend. I made brownies and actually I've gotten to where I can only eat a tiny (well in my eyes, its tiny :lol: ) one because it's just gross to eat more!

I know what you mean about feeling discouraged because you still have a long ways to go. My five pounds seems almost like NOTHING in the scheme of things. I don't look any different at all that I can see. Except my boobs (grrr). It's very discouraging. And I too am sick of feeling like a blob-I can remember when I had a completely flat stomach, so flat it actually curved IN. I had a 22 inch waist, and no, I wasn't anorexic! This was in my early 20's. My waist is now 33, but most of the blob is actually below my waist in my abdomen. I look 6 months pregnant :cry:

I think about the fact the I still have 60 lbs to go and its overwhelming. I can't believe I let this happen to myself. I overate for so long because there was nothing else to do (in my eyes, at the time). I don't have a social life to speak of (okay, at all, really!) and that is what I did for entertainment. Now I am SORRY. God willing, that time is OVER and I will not go back. But it's a long SLOW road of payback for the glutton I have been! Sigh. Sorry about the whining!!

I have so far not screwed up today :D So we WILL be happy, Tiff, that's an order!! 8) :D :P

I better get to work now-I will check in again later today!! I'm thinking about you, we CAN do this-have a good walk with your friends!

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 1:10 pm
by FarmerHal
OMG!! :shock: I am so glad your dh and his brothers werent' seriously hurt! Holy moly!

I had a big long post here but I deleted it. I was way too whiny. So I snacked yesterday. Ugh. I'm going to get back at it today.
I was just so edgy and anxious! I've been for the last several days.

Then last night, Evoli pulled a wooden tv table on her face and we had to go to the ER. She has a horrible bruise, 2 cuts (one was a gash but they used dermabond to fix it) and a swollen nose/eye. I feel terrible for her. And of course I have all these "should haves" going in my brain. I feel like it was completly my fault. I should've seen it coming. Ugh. Poor baby.

I have to take her in to her ped. for a recheck. Don't know what else they're going to tell me "yep, looks like a big bonk" lol.

Anyway, She's perky this mroning, playing with little people toys.

To make this nos related, I had some hodkins mills organic pancakes (hte dry mix you buy in a box). I have to say it was completely tasteless. Didn't even taste like grains or pancake or anything. Yuck. I may have lost my fancy for pancakes now!
And a coffee.

Lunch... probably a sandwich, carrots, crackers.

Have a great day :)
Tired Tiff

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 3:08 am
by FarmerHal
It's late an dI'm fried and this may or may not be entirely coherent but please know I am still here, i'll be here for you every day but i am having to just take a pause on the nos for a while.
Evoli is not sleeping well. I haven't had more than 2 hrs sleep at a time for MONTHS. I am really struggling during the day, just praying for the time to go by fast so Jess will come home and save me from the children. My house is a wreck, laundry not done, dishes not done. It's very hard for me to want to be motivated at all to do any of those things. It's just that I happen to like clean underwear.
We are trying to "sleep train" her, to get her to start the night out in her crib and stay there (would be nice to get 6 hours, but hell, 3 would be nice at this point). We are both exhausted and it's starting to wear on our relationship. :oops: This baby can scream like a stuck pig, she squeals and screams at the same time, it's ear piercing.

I just don't know HOW to get her to sleep more than 90 minutes at a time. So it goes every 90 minutes she's up to nurse to sleep. I don't think she's hungry, she loves table food and eats a ton. We give her a night time snack as well.

I can't wait till she sleeps like Noah. I am so tired.

So, for now, I'm letting the eating slide (not so strict, I'm obsessing about it and it's causing my anxiety levels to skyrocket, among many other things).
I will check in every day to cheer you on. Who knows, maybe I'll have a better time in a few days?.... I'm NOT leaving, don't worry.

Today I did well until the afternoon. The stress of no sleep plus Evoli not wanting to nap and Noah spending the entire day angry because he couldn't find a certain toy car and me worrying about my weight and trying to meet walking with my friends (this totally disrupts my morning routine, which is another reason the laundry/dishes sit there) and Dh saying he would come home early at 1pm to give me a break and then not show up till after 5, well, I ate oreos, dammit. I ate them. 11 of them. With milk. :( And I completely don't care.

I know this has got to be sleep deprivation talking. It's late here anyway and she's still screaming with Jess in the rocking chair.
Being a parent is surely the hardest thing I've ever done. I love them so much, they are my everything but dang what I would do for just one night of 4 or more hours of sleep.
Even dh is not sleeping, because he hears/feels us tossing around nursing and such.

Ugh. I hate to be a complete downer. I've tried to hang in there and push all this stuff off and the food is just one thing that is causing me great anxiety. I dont' think I will eat seconds or have a ton of dessert (since I really dont' like the aftereffects of those anymore) but I am not going to completely obsess over every morsel that passes my lips.

So there you have it, my complete late night freak out and prayers that she finally starts sleeping some (please... if there is a God and he loves me like they all say, he will help me out here in this sleep department!)

Anyway, I am wishing you many happy green N days and I'll be right here still.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 12:40 pm
by Jaxhil

I am so sorry to hear about Evoli's terrible boo-boo!! OUCH! Poor baby! Do NOT beat yourself up about this. Jacob broke his arm falling off a high chair when he wasn't even two-talk about guilt! And to top it off after bringing him home from the hospital (where they *carefully* looked him over for signs of abuse!! that was weird!) it had been raining and Jack was carrying him in and slipped in the mud and landed on top of him. AAAAGH!!But these things will happen, and try as we might, we can't prevent all of the accidents that happen with little ones. Please don't feel bad, all parents have things like this happen-you obviously take very good care of them and her happy demeanor this morn should cheer you on and let you know she has forgotten it already :o)

Oh Tiffani-YES THERE IS A GOD!! LOL and YES He DOES love you...just know, I know EXACTLY what you are going through. Man I wish I could reach out and give you a big long hug to tell you you are not alone in your misery..and that even though it seems like it will *never* end, it *will* pass. Eventually she will sleep. Especially if you are actively making an effort to put up with the screaming/crying. Will DH let you leave while he deals with it? I had to do that with Jacob, my first-I literally would fall apart, I could NOT take his crying, I wanted to go to him so badly it hurt. But hubby's are usually stronger in this area! At least Jack was. But I don't know if he could've taken it if Jake had been a girl-he is enamored of his "baby" girl, LOL. But it's worth asking. I agree, she's obviously not hungry-she just uses that as an excuse to get more cuddly Mommy/Daddy time, hehe. (don't misunderstand, I am not trying to make light of this, or blame Evoli-she is doing what EVERY BABY in the world does-making her needs-and DESIRES-known ;o)

I still have days where I pray for Jack to come home and save me from the children, LOL.

I understand about wanting to let the nos slide a bit-and I don't have the great excuse you do (believe me, I totally understand how it may be impossible to do while you deal with Evoli's sleeping issues). And I have been letting it slide a bit too. I had a small coke with a late 10am breakfast at mcd's and a tiny bit of brownie earlier than that :shock: I didn't have any other cheats, and overall I am still sure I am eating far less than before. I want to be normal. I don't want to obsess anymore about food. I ordered a bunch of books on non-diet weight loss (how to be a normal eater, a couple others), I don't actually remember the names. I still feel I shouldn't be drinking least not regularly, but man that one is so hard for me. But I have noticed I am MUCH more willing to stop eating when I am satisfied (as opposed to stuffed, like I used to) now. That is a HUGE gain for me. Plus I don't feel like having a snack after supper anymore, which used to be a really tempting time for me. In general, I don't feel the urge to snack anymore. I often want a little sweet like one cookie or a *small* brownie WITH my meal, which I have been considering doing..I don't think it would lead to problems, but I don't know. I understand though, about not wanting to be so strict. I do want to keep some rules, like the no snacking-but I don't think I'll overeat sweets because I just don't have the desire to anymore. Its just not appealling and it tastes TOOOO sweet if I eat more than a little. Bleck.

But man, i looooove oreos :D thats why I don't have any in the house, lol.

Anyway, do not worry about it! All in good time. Evoli will learn to sleep, trust me! In a couple years you'll have friends going through this and you will be sympathizing with them and tell them it won't last forever. Try (I know its hard!) to look at the big picture-she eventually will get it and you will have blissful sleep again.


Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 12:46 pm
by Jaxhil
Btw, I make great pancakes-if you want the recipe, let me know. The only way I like pancakes now (even my own!) is if they are made with blueberries and very little syrup.

8) yum that actually sounds really good-I must be hungry 8) time to make breakfast-ttylater!!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 1:52 pm
by Jaxhil

this is a great podcast-might be something useful, if you are of a mind to at least semi-follow nos still 8)


Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 4:56 pm
by FarmerHal
yes, I want the recipe :)

I am glad to know I'm not the only one then who has loosened up a bit. Today is better. Ev slept ok last night, a lot of nursing which means I wind up smooshed in a weird position but at least we finallly slept. She is so beautiful when she sleeps (her expression) but then aren't they all :)

B'fast and lunch have gone pretty well today. Haven't snacked, no need for seconds because I'm still balancing things pretty well. I'm in a rut for b'fast though and I just had cheerios. I got a little burned out on the egg burritos for now.

Thanks for the encouragement, you are the bestest :) Is you dh feeling better? I definitely appreciate the cyber hugs. It's nice to know also that I'm not theo nly one waiting for dh to come home and save me LOL.

I am going to go check out the podcast now,
I'll talk soon
How's your day going so far?


Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:38 pm
by Jaxhil
Hey there! Glad to hear from you :D

Yes Jack is feeling better-just in time for another beating this weekend, LOL. poor honey :P He's got to put in the posts this weekend, but thankfully, no more digging, hehe.

I have had a good day so far-I've been working on a pair of jeans shorts for Jack. I traced off an old pair of his shorts (his absolute all-time-number-one-favs that have a huge rip near the crotch :lol: ) and made a pattern so I could bring them back (so to speak!) for him. They are going surprisingly well, and look pretty professional so far if I do say so myself! Please, God, let them FIT!!! I would love to figure out how to post pics, so when they're done I could show you :D We'll see. I'm much better at sewing than computing, LOL.

I had an egg/fajita/cheese leftover taco for breakfast(and the rest of that brownie,cheater cheater!); for lunch a sandwich on whole wheat homemade bread with a few fritos..I am STARVING now. Okay, I'm REALLY hungry 8)

Here's my famous Pancake recipe :P

2 cups milk or buttermilk
2 eggs
1/4 c sugar
2 ts vanilla (optional, I don't usually, but its reaaallly good)
4 tbs melted butter (use butter, trust me!)

Mix first three ingredients well, then slowly add melted butter while continuing to whisk the milk/egg mixture, to avoid cooking the eggs!

Then add the following:

2 (even 2 & 1/4, for thicker pancakes) c whole wheat or all purpose flour
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 ts salt

Mix together-little lumps are fine. I use an ice cream scoop with a lever to put them on the hot griddle, then I add frozen (or fresh, of course!) blueberries to each one. Flip when ready and cook the second side. Top with butter and a little syrup, or you could cook a blueberry topping. Its easy:

Blueberries (a cup?); add a couple tbs water or so, and 2-3 tbs sugar 9to taste) and cook till blueberries start to break up.


Gotta go someones crying!
If using buttermilk, add 1/2 ts baking soda as well.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 1:01 am
by FarmerHal
Thanks for the recipe!! I am going to try it! :)

Today was good. I had an extra meal (bagel) since I was hungry mid day.

We made hot wings, which were so yummy (and spicy!)

Been working out in the back yard still clearing the brush piles and overgrown landscaping. Oh what a few years of neglect will do to a place.

We are deep into sleep training Evoli. I hear her crying upstairs with Jess. He said he read it would take 2 weeks to get her able to just lay her down and sleep for several hours.
I feel terrible- both because we didn't start sooner and because it hurts me that she's so unhappy <sigh>.

I guess it's better sooner than later since Noah took F O R E V E R to sleep train (I kept giving up :()

Ok, gotta get Noah in bed, have agreat long weekend! :)

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 11:40 pm
by Jaxhil
I'm glad to hear the sleep training for Evoli's commenced! I know, I feel your pain! Just remember, it's for her (and your0 own good, and she will be *soooo* much happier when she can get fully rested! Not to mention when Mama's happy and rested too, how much better will that be for everyone?!

Yes my yard is really more of a weed filled nightmare. We have gotten so much rain they are taking over. Sigh. I have ignored them and the continual mud makes it difficult to do anything about them. Oh well, I will have to deal with it eventually...

Went to see a movie today :shock: we NEVER get to do that; my mil babysat. We saw Pirates of the Carribean 3 (what ever it was called!) I liked it, but I don't get out much :lol: 8)

I gotta go feed the family..oh, and a first for me-I got WATER at the movie, because i didn't WANT soda :shock: :shock: :shock: WOW. :lol:

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:20 am
by FarmerHal
It's so great you didn't even WANT soda!!! Woohoo!! :)

Today went well, no snacking even though it's an S day, and my S tonight is a pb&j bagel, my fav. :)

today we worked on fixing up the playground in the back yard. We need more mulch yet to fill it all in (we did 3 loads today), probably need 2 more pickup loads (we get free at the landfill).
Then if We want to clean up the landscaping probably need 5 more loads for the back and probably 5 or more for the front> I will be SO happy when it's done. It's been a rental for 3 years so it's seen a lot of neglect. I know we shouldn't be putting so much work into it but dh and I can't stand to just let things go.
Now if only they'd give a discount on our rent and let us redo the kitchen, baths, carpet, siding, roof..... LOL

Tonight it only took 20 mins of me patting/singing to her in her crib for her to fall asleep. It's so heartbreaking. Right now we had both kids in bed by 8:30 (!!!!!!!! :shock: ) and it's just me and dh watching a movie. I feel very very weird and guilty that there are no kids down here with us in the tv room! Soo weird.

So that's how it's going now. Hope things continue to go well for you guys.
Glad ytou and dh got out to a movie too, it's been so long since dh and I have.

Well 'intermission' is over, time to watch the rest of the movie :)

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 2:27 pm
by Jaxhil
That's so funny you feel guilty-no way you should feel GUILT :D You should feel PEACE, lol...they are in bed happily dreaming and snoozing, while you get some *well-deserved* private time with your hubby 8) Just the way it should be! (ok I do sorta understand about the guilt, but believe me, you will get over it :lol: ).

Jack's off today, for Memorial day-yah! We had plans to start putting in the posts this weekend, (nice 4 day wkend!) and it rained off and on the entire wkend. So we got NOTHING done outside. I'm glad y'all accomplished so much though! Sounds really nice-and a great thing to get your mulch for free! We are the only people in Texas who don't have a pickup truck :roll: :lol:

I better go spend some time with the family-I've been hiding in the bedroom for a while now, lol! Talk to ya later!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:43 pm
by FarmerHal
We coulda used some of that rain here! It's getting veyr dry already and parts of the lawn has been burned :(

Pretty much ate my way through the weekend. Jess bbq'd a lot of meat, and it was so yummy! I'm already a bit snacky right now, having a 90 calorie granola snack pack thing. Eh.

I do think I should get on the tread mill.

Ev's sleeping and Noah's having some teddy grahams so it' snow or never LOL.

Talk soon,

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 12:02 pm
by Jaxhil
Sorry its been so long! I've been busy trying to implement more of a schedule around here (I'm what you call a spontaneous type, lol-I'm bad at keeping to schedules!). It's keeping me on track a bit better though already. Although I still haven't managed to do my scheduled morning workouts :roll: Have I mentioned I'm not a morning person? That's not a good thing with four kids :P

I am doing pretty well eating wise...I think, haven't weighed myself since Friday. I feel skinnier though! LOL. Who knows if my "feeler" is accurate!

My anniversary's coming up on Sunday and Jack and I are going out on Saturday-probably to the Riverwalk downtown San Antonio somewhere. I'm excited, going out 2 weekends in a row-WOOHOOO! :lol: 8) I am making a sheath style empire dress for the occasion, out of a tropical looking red stretch woven fabric. So far so good (fingers crossed!!) I hope it fits!! I just have to put the zipper in, sew the side seams and hem it. And maybe do some more top stitching. I finished some shorts for Jack last weekend and they are too big-I have to take them in like four inches :shock: But better too much fabric than not enough, that's for sure!

Anyway I better try and get some sort of workout in. Blah. We're going to my Mom's today, for a shortish visit. She's still recovering from her knee surgery, and doing pretty well I think.

How's Evoli's sleep training going? I hope you're surviving it! Gracie's potty training is not going too well. I am frustrated and trying not to show it, lol. Man I am sick of diapers! Ok I am getting on the treadmill now :roll:

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 12:51 pm
by FarmerHal
Oh I love the riverwalk in san an! Good times there. :)

The dress sounds beautiful!

Yesterday was a complete disaster. i ate cookie dough that's how bad it was. :oops: We didnt' sleep very well at all the night before, both kids up crying middle of the night.

Last night we started Evoli in her bed but the first time she woke up I just asked dh to bring her to bed. Which means I tossed an dturned a lot with her but I guess it's better than nothing.
Tonight hopefully I'll get her back on track.
Being 9 months I"m starting to wonder if she really *needs* that midnight feeding. She tends to get up at midnight, 3, 5 and then 6:30 up for the morning.

IKWYM about potty training. I think Noah has grasped the idea now. The secret for him was to get rid of the pullups and even the UNDERWEAR! If you put even hte hanes undies on him, he will pee/poop in them. If you just put shorts or pants on, he will keep them dry/clean. He has a hard time recognzing when he needs to go poop, but he's getting better. Generally we end up with skid marks, and he grabs his bottom, that's how you know he's got to go.

I'm glad your mom's knee is getting better. That has to be pretty painful, I'd imagine.

Ok, Evoli wants me to hold her, Talk soon.

We can have a great N day today!!!!!!! :) I hope!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:34 pm
by Jaxhil
Boy, I had a really bad week..I cheated my butt off... and I gained a couple pounds :cry: :oops: I just basically ate whenever I wanted. I tried to wait till I was hungry but some snacking snuck in :roll: and last night I over ate. At least I did actually exercise yesterday! And I am sorry I haven't been posting- I have just had a really busy week. I took the kids to visit my Mom Thursday; plus I have been working on my dress (finished-yah! it fits!) and today Jack and my dbil are working on the fence, and tonight we go out. I CAN"T WAIT!!!!! (didja hear that? LOL)

Back on the wagon Monday. I'm glad I have such resolve on an s-day- :lol:

Btw, I *completely* agree about those extra midnight snacks for Evoli-she surely doesn't "need" them, she is just used to waking up and getting some nummy and she has trained herself to wake up at those times. It won't hurt her at her age to wait! LOL. She would probably disagree, however, hehehe. I love babies. I wish I could give her a kiss on her litle fuzzy head. Babies smell soooo sweet :D

I miss you! I am really sorry about slacking in posting.. I realize I need to keep my "gaurd" up so to speak to have this work, and keep our daily check in up. I have been sidetracked a lot lately. That's actually pretty normal for me, though :roll: arrgh. I wish I was born organized! Oh well.

I have to find time to paint my nails today (HA! lol) I only do that on our anniversary or holiday parties :lol:

I hope you're having a great week, and weekend! How's everyone doing?

I'll let you know how our evening out goes 8) Talk to ya later, Tiff!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:55 pm
by FarmerHal
I am totally slacking too! Baaaad week. Taking an S day today anyway but I'm sure I've gained weight, as it doesn't take much for me.

We've been sleeping like crap because Ev has 5 yes FIVE teeth coming in all at once. Then today Noah accidentally burned his hands on our burn barrel :( My poor poor guy. He ran up to it and slapped it like he was going to push it over. We sat in the ER for 4 hours and he was so pitiful. I wish I could've taken his place, he was in so much pain.
He's all bandaged and got the meds going. It was the very last bunch of sticks we were burning. UGH.

So, stressful week!

I will do better nex tweek. Hopefully!
If I get some sleep, then I'll have motivation to do more.

Monday or Tues we go up to childrens hospital to have his burns looked at to make sure there isn't any constriction which would reduce use of his hands.
When it rains.....

Well, I'll post tomorrow.
Talk soon!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:11 pm
by Jaxhil
Oh my goodness, pooor baby!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: I will pray for him, poor Noah!! What an awful thing. I hope he's going to be okay! Poor Evoli, too-five at once?! Ack!!

Well hopefully this week will be better!

I need to get on my treadmill today, haven't done it since Friday. At least the guys got a bunch of posts up for the fence this past weekend. So it looks like we may actually eventually have a fence :P Wouldn't that be nice! LOL.

I am not even going to discuss my sday over-indulgences. It was bad. Lets just leave it at that :roll:

I want to do better and at the same time I want to blow it off-arrgh! Frustrating!! I am hungry right now, though, so I am going to eat lunch!

Talk to ya later! Hug your little guy for me, and Evoli too-I hope they're both feeling better soon!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:34 pm
by Jaxhil

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:08 pm
by FarmerHal
What's up with the sad face? Everything ok?

I'm sorry I have not been posting much lately. We've been keeping busy with outdoor activiites and trying to keep Noah's bandages/burns clean. Add to that a crazy trip to children's hospital where we got lost twice and sat in the waiting room for 4 HOURS to be seen by a burn specialist.... crazy.

I have been squeezing in walking and trying trying trying to not snack. Generally I wind up with one snack a day though :oops:

Evoli is sleeping better now too, wakes up about every 3 hrs now instead of every 90 minutes. I am feeling less like a zombie.

Hopefully with better sleep will come better motivation to eat well and exercise.

I hope you guys are all ok and you're ok.
Can I help with something?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:12 pm
by Jaxhil
I'm just down in the dumps for the past week or so... doing TERRIBLE-okay, lets face it, I haven't tried at all for awhile. It's just so slow and OBNOXIOUS, you know?? I am not patient on a GOOD day, much less this 4-5 pounds in 3 months thing. Its really getting me down. Plus I think I have gained everything back. I am soo not getting on the scale! I have no one to talk to about the isolation I feel (no one who can relate, ykwim?). I am feeling blah in every way.

Sorry. I am having a pity party obviously :roll:

I hope Noah is doing better-did you find anything out about whether his mobility or functionability (I made that word up, lol) in his hand will be affected? The trip to the hospital sounds like a nightmare-I hate hospitals, and it's so much worse when it's your little ones.

Sounds like you are doing much better than me in the Nos department, I am glad to hear it. I need to exercise, at least. I tend to get depressed when I don't, so even if I don't do well with the "dieting" I can at least avoid being a slug.

I missed you, that's why the sad face-I didn't expect you to pop back in since you hadn't been in awhile. I know we get busy, so I understand! I am really glad to hear Evoli's sleeping better- that's great news!

Anyway, I'm sorry I shouldn't be a pouter! I will suck it up and get back on the horse (treadmill, that is). Thanks for answering, Tiffani 8)

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:41 pm
by FarmerHal
The mobility in his hands is going to be just fine. The blisters broke now, and it's tender skin there so I've been bandaging the lil guy now a few times a day. I am almost out of supplies again, but he really likes the silvadine cream, says it makes them feel better.

I'm so sorry you're down in the dumps. I can totally relate about feeling isolated. I have one friend here. We get along quite well but she's not yet a good friend, plus dh is not the type to build friendships at work, so we don't do anything outside of home and kids. Bleh. It definitely is frustrating and boring, and I envy the local families who have many friendships, family and activities together. I totally get what you are saying!

My noSing hasn't been very well either. I've been overeating and really piling my plate. But not snacking like i used to thankfully. I too wish there was a quick fix solution. It's just ridiculous how fat and flabby, etc I feel. I know you're right with me.

I dunno what the solution is... :oops: If I could get a full night's sleep, I might be motivated to eat better and exercise more. Maybe.

I got to looknig at my pic's of my wedding- where I thought I was so fat, I was so embarassed in front of everyone because I felt like I was a whale. I look at those pics of me and I was really pretty. At a good weight, etc.

It makes me wonder if somehting like gastric bypass would be a good solution?
I've been bummed as well for the last few weeks, for sure about this frustratingly slow weight loss. But then, I've been on a diet since the 2nd grade, so this shouldn't be so surprising to me, right?

Vent away as needed. And hang in there baby :)

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:25 am
by FarmerHal
How's it going?

Going ok here> Ev has a fever for the last 24 hrs so she's been a cling-monster. No other symptoms though, but she kept us up all night and hten slept most of the day.

Today's an S day, so had a brownie delight (microwave brownies) sooo good!

Tomorrow I want to make apple cobbler or something like that.

Talk soon

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:39 pm
by Jaxhil
How're Evoli and Noah? And you of course!! LOL.

I am good-been having computer problems the last few days, so it's been hard to get online. Seems much better this morning, hooray!!

I have been off the no-s... :( I had ice cream last night, but mostly I haven't been snacking. I was really hungry last night, for some reason. I had a whole extra mini-meal; half a sandwich on whole wheat, a few fritos, and the ice cream of course :roll: I exercised a lot yesterday, though, maybe that's why. I did 45 min last night on the treadmill, and 30 minutes yesterday morning on my exercise bike, which I just got. I LOVE it-I gave my old one (hard seat, manual tension adjustment) to my Mom. She seems to like it-but you should have seen what she was using before- :shock: -lol. I got a really nice one that has built in programs and is TOTALLY silent while riding-very cool! And it has actual cushioning on the seat-a huge plus :lol: It's a Schwinn 101, I looked it up on Amazon to find one I liked. I was originally looking for an elliptical but those are pricey for a good one, not to mention a whoooole lot bigger. Plus I found my bike locally so I didn't have to have it shipped and risk damage.

Anyway, I like it :mrgreen:

I am trying to figure out what level of no s I can handle. I am such a brat whenever I feel restricted in anyway after awhile I just want to do everything I'm not supposed to continuously, ykwim? I want to give up soda during the week and drink water. I know that much-I am sure that will help me a huge amount! Plus no snacks, of course. And no seconds. I don't ever do seconds anyway, so that's easy-peasy 8) So maybe:

no sodas.

hmmm. What do you think? I don't usually eat that many sweets if I don't snack-if I have a sweet in conjunction with a meal I can't eat that much because I'd get too full. But then at least I will have satisfied my craving and not gone overboard.

Am I rationalizing away my weakness? :?

Sounds like you are doing well-I'm glad to hear it!! You are my inspiration, you're such a trooper in your perseverance! I really need to get a grip and lose this weight. I am trying to increase my exercise without killing myself. I already did a firm workout dvd this morning. I hate them but they're effective-and if I get them overwith early I don't have time (or wherewithal!) to talk myself out of it :lol:

I have to go feed the hungry hoards out there now :P Talk to ya later! Hopefully my internet won't give me anymore trouble (fingers crossed!).

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:07 pm
by FarmerHal
Nah, not doing so well wiht nos currently. Given that I just ate a bunch of cookie dough. I'm so stressed out and I know things could be so much worse but I guess this is the way i'm dealing right now.

Who knew motherhood could be so hard?
IT's so much work raising a 3 yr old, he's got such mood swings, it's ridiculous. Then try to balance mother hood wiht \being a wife and maintaining a house, well I'm just pooped.

Ev still sleeps like crap. I did CIO last night and it took 20 minutes for her to get to sleep but then when I woke up at 6:30 this morning the crib was against my side of the bed again adn Evoli was in bed with us. I asked dh if he put her there and he said no, that I had gotten up and done that the first time she cried. I do NOT remember that at all, which is kindof scary, to say the least.
<sigh> I guess I don't mind her being in our bed if she would stay asleep for a decent amount of time.

Sorry, gratuitous whine/vent there.

I dunno when I'll get it together. I admire you for excercising. I really really really need to, because I think it's the key for my weight loss.

I'm so sad, stuck here at 231. I feel like crap after eating tha tcookie dough. Racing heart, icky tummy. Bleh. See, it only temporarily made me feel better.
Ugh. It seems as though I'll never figure it out.

Well, Evoli needs to nurse, talk soon.
Keep posting, hopefully sometime both of us will get back out of htis rut.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:31 pm
by FarmerHal
I've been thinking about your modified nos rules.
It's like I get to the S days and then I spend 2 days in a row completely gorging- and I think that negates all teh nosing from teh N days, honestly.

Whatabout nos for me:
No seconds, no snacks. But then maybe a sweet with supper?
And not an entire huge bowl of ice cream or half a cake like I've been doing on S days.

:roll: :oops:

Wonder if this will help me better stay the course on N days and not completely gorge on S days.

And after I read your exercising accomplishments, I put dd down for her nap, a cartoon on for ds and walked on teh treadmill on incline for 45 minutes. I read a magazine and aprt of a book.

<sigh> it's a start

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:57 pm
by FarmerHal
How're you doing?

B'fast today was a bageleggwich. Bagel with egg, canadian bacon and a slice of cheese. Yum.

NO SNACKING. No matter how stressed I get, snacking isn't going to solve anything, but it will make me tired and bloated and gassy and fatter.

Talk later

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:52 am
by Jaxhil
Hi Tiffani!!

I am so sorry I haven't been posting. We are having MAJOR problems with our internet service. Basically I haven't been able to get on the net at ALL during the day-right now its 5:30 am here (ugh) It seems to work before six am and then goes *bye-bye!* completely until who knows when-later than I stay up, thats for sure :x

Jack started a new 4-day work week-10 hr days/4days on, 3 days off. I am not sure we (me mainly!) are going to like it. This is day two, we already almost over slept :roll: But I really do like the peace and quiet in the house!! Jack thinks he'll love it, having three days off. I hope so! I will like that part 8)

I have been working out hard the last few days-I did 2 hours on my stationary bike, (did I tell you I just got it?), and a one hour Firm (yuk, but I made it!) I did separate workouts to make the 2 hours btw. Once in the morning and again in the evening. I'm about to crawl ( i would say hop, but THAT would be a lie!!! LOL) and get that over with.

I better go do it before I change my mind. No-sing wasn't bad yesterday. I didn't over eat I feel like for once in a long while! And no sweets pretty much-'cept for a little soda. Less than usual, but still. Arggh. Need to quit it!! I still did much better than I have been doing. Maybe I was too busy :P

Anyway, I'm stalling!! Hope you are doing well! Don't give up on me, I wish I hadn't had to stop posting but I will get on here in the AM if nothing else. Ok?


Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:09 pm
by FarmerHal
Sorry you are having computer trouble. I hate that when mine goes on the fritz. Seems to be working thankfully.

Nosing has NOT been going well. Today's already been ruined since I had a midmorning snack out of stress/boredom/lonliness. I'm in a funk.

I did go ffor a walk yesterday pushing 2 kids in a stroller, and then my little bichon, Darby decided to jump in the basket because she was too hot (it' was 98 yesterday!). So that's... 18lb baby, 16lb dog, 32lb preschooler, 21lb stroller... 87lbs to push LOL.

Anyway, you are doing great on the exercising. I'm proud of you. I'll be happy to hear from you in the mornings :) I wonder if there are so many internet customers there that the current system can't handle the load?

So here I am, a month of a bunch of :( faces on the calendar. I've just stopped marking them down at this point.

Still need some sleep here. Put ds in bed at 8, put dd in bed by 9. She was up at 10:30, 12:30, slept in bed w/me then till 4?30 where she woke up hysterical (did I mention she cried pretty much all day yesterday?) and then up at 6:30.

I really really need to work harder at keeping her in bed. I've gotten tot he point where I'm considering moving her to a seperate bedroom and lettin gher cry some :(

Sorry, if I'm bringing you down. I"m in a rut.
Dh is gone for the week, which makes things harder, but I'm thankful that he's not in Iraq somewhere.

Ok, I'll stop.
Talk later

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:10 pm
by FarmerHal
Sorry you are having computer trouble. I hate that when mine goes on the fritz. Seems to be working thankfully.

Nosing has NOT been going well. Today's already been ruined since I had a midmorning snack out of stress/boredom/lonliness. I'm in a funk.

I did go ffor a walk yesterday pushing 2 kids in a stroller, and then my little bichon, Darby decided to jump in the basket because she was too hot (it' was 98 yesterday!). So that's... 18lb baby, 16lb dog, 32lb preschooler, 21lb stroller... 87lbs to push LOL.

Anyway, you are doing great on the exercising. I'm proud of you. I'll be happy to hear from you in the mornings :) I wonder if there are so many internet customers there that the current system can't handle the load?

So here I am, a month of a bunch of :( faces on the calendar. I've just stopped marking them down at this point.

Still need some sleep here. Put ds in bed at 8, put dd in bed by 9. She was up at 10:30, 12:30, slept in bed w/me then till 4?30 where she woke up hysterical (did I mention she cried pretty much all day yesterday?) and then up at 6:30.

I really really need to work harder at keeping her in bed. I've gotten tot he point where I'm considering moving her to a seperate bedroom and lettin gher cry some :(

Sorry, if I'm bringing you down. I"m in a rut.
Dh is gone for the week, which makes things harder, but I'm thankful that he's not in Iraq somewhere.

Ok, I'll stop.
Talk later

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:06 pm
by FarmerHal
:oops: :( Well it's a lousy noS day and quite a failure. I cooked and baked this morning to kill time.

I'm lonely. And I'm eating because I'm lonely. And my kids totally stress me out. And I don't get to sleep at night. And dh is gone for the week (this could be much much worse, at least it's not a year in iraq).

These things are just getting to me. And a lot of it comes down to not enough sleep and no support system here for me. I hate this. I am ready to move again. I told my sister that if I was still 'only' 10 hrs away (now i'm a 28hr drive~) that I'd come for a visit and get some grandma help.

Anyway, yes, woe is me.

I did walk today,so that's a plus.

I know eventually I'll get back on track.

HOw's your computer troubles?
I bet you already did a lot of exercising. You're doing awesome. :)

Talk soon, Evoli just went out the doggy door! :shock:


Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:19 pm
by Jaxhil
8) Hiya!!

Internet has been much better, I sure hope it stays that way-man when you get used to it it's amazing how hard it is to do without!!

I am sorry to hear you've been lonely :( I sure know how that feels. Even my MIL is moving away-2 hr drive from here. It's not that far but still. We get along really well and I would go visit her pretty regularly. It's not like a girlfriend my age, but it was (much) better than no one. Sigh. Plus now we will almost NEVER get a babysitter-aaaaagggh!

I know what you mean about eating when you're lonely. I still do that too sometimes. I bought a whole bunch (2 seasons) of I Love Lucy on DVD's, and I find watching those gets me out of the doldrums -plus they're okay for my kids to watch too! They love them!! Even Gracie laughs although she doesn't know why. :lol:

you know what, I didn't work out at ALL yesterday :oops: But I did 3 hrs ttl Monday, 2 hrs total Tuesday, and 1 on the treadmill so far today. I am feeling MUCH MUCH better already. I was getting *really* down too, for the last few weeks. Feeling like a fat slug, blah!! So my dh has been telling me to workout like a maniac to get the weight off and then I can settle into a reasonable maintenance routine. He's been telling me that for ages. Finally I decided to just do it (hehe). I can do different things, like my bike or trdml, or DVD's. If I just make myself get ON in the first place, it's not so hard to keep going. All I have to say is I better lose weight!!

I really am feeling a WHOLE lot more cheerful, since getting my blood pumping. I feel skinnier, and I (shockingly) have been eating FAR less. I have been too busy? I don't know why, but I'm not feeling deprived, at all. If you can manage to get on for a bit everyday, I know it would help. And having a cheerful head space makes a world of difference!

I am taking the kids to Grandma's today, so I have to get ready. We can do this!! Forget the past few weeks, it's over and done! Move ahead, we are worth it! 8)

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:56 pm
by FarmerHal
Well I'm doing pretty good today. THe playgroup was a lot of fun, and I think that I'll be going again next week. One of the moms is also my neighbor behind me so I hope that works out and we can be good friends.

so far so good S day today. I'm having a coffee right now. I'm not even hungry, which is good, but it's tasty anyway.

Just a quick note, I am not going to look at June as a total loss, but more of a learning experience.

Talk soon

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:43 pm
by Jaxhil
Good!! Sounds like a great day for you so far, yah!!

I just noticed the last line of your previous post-Evoli went out the dog door?!! ROFLOL-thank God you caught her!!!!I always worry about that with Gracie when I go to my Mom's-they have one that goes immediately out to circular BRICK steps-AAAACK! Mama's nightmare! I fell down them myself when I was pregnant with Michael, my second son. Luckily neither of us was hurt. I remember falling face first and somehow twisting in mid air(through no effort of my own, I was freaking out) to land on my back. I must have hit a nerve because my body starting seizing and it was like I was in me but not, because I couldn't control myself. Weird! It didn't last long, thankfully!

Speaking of him, he's got a birthday coming up on Sunday, and his little bro Noah's is on Tuesday! We're taking the boys to see Spidey-man 3 on Sunday. we hardly *ever* take them to the movies, so they're pretty excited. I sure hope it's still playing :shock:

I should exercise again but I may wait, I feel nice and cool and clean for a change and don't want to mess it up :lol:

Talk to ya later 8)


Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:02 pm
by FarmerHal
I'm going to try to exercise every day, walk at least. I had Evoli asleep and I went to lay her down and Noah deliberately woke her up. Does he realize that by waking her up, I have no one on one time with him them? UGH.

IT's hard having little kids, and I only have the 2 of them. Anyway...

your dh is probably very right about exercising a bunch, losing the weight and then maintaining and backing off w/the exercise. I know when I have more time when dd isn't so little (she wants to climb on the treadmill as I'm going) i'll exercise more. Maybe I need to give myself credit for it is what it is and things will get easier.

Anyway, eating's going pretty well, not even hungry.

Happy Birthday to the boys!! Are you making a special cake or anything?

Eh. Ev's bothering Noah, talk soon

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:02 pm
by FarmerHal
I'm going to try to exercise every day, walk at least. I had Evoli asleep and I went to lay her down and Noah deliberately woke her up. Does he realize that by waking her up, I have no one on one time with him them? UGH.

IT's hard having little kids, and I only have the 2 of them. Anyway...

your dh is probably very right about exercising a bunch, losing the weight and then maintaining and backing off w/the exercise. I know when I have more time when dd isn't so little (she wants to climb on the treadmill as I'm going) i'll exercise more. Maybe I need to give myself credit for it is what it is and things will get easier.

Anyway, eating's going pretty well, not even hungry.

Happy Birthday to the boys!! Are you making a special cake or anything?

Eh. Ev's bothering Noah, talk soon

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:08 am
by Jaxhil
Good, about the exercise!! I am glad to hear it-it will at least increase your energy by heaps-and that in itself is reason enough to keep it up, in my book 8)

I ate like a pig today-lots of sugary junk :o( -Jack's first Friday off, and I took Michael shopping with me, errands, and he helped pick out a last minute (but very cool) gift for his little brother-an ATV remote control vehicle. Noah is going to *love* it :mrgreen: Plus I took him to the pet store to pick out a cage and stuff for his new pet-he's getting a parakeet!! It was a surprise, he didn't know where we were going, and he was so excited when he found out. Tomorrow we are taking them to see Spidey at the IMAX, WOW-LOL! It'll be fun, I'm even looking forward to it. I never get to see movies out, especially at the Imax. Daddy is staying home with Grace, and my Mom is going with us.

I am making the famous Texas Sheet Cake (aka *buttermilk chocolate sheet cake* awesome cake!!) for Mike's b-day, and Noah wants carrot cake. Aggh! two cakes in one week!! Help! LOL..I will have to run like a mad woman, or pedal or whatever :P Plus I will have to pick up some vanilla ice cream for the chocolate cake- who can eat chocolate cake without vanilla ice cream?? Not me. Guess I will have to do 3 hrs EVERYDAY next week! We need a smiley that falls over in a sweaty collapse, lol.

Well I better go spend some time with Jack!

Btw, my kids used to wake each other up sometimes too-talk about a grouchy Mama!! LOL. It will get better!!!

See ya later! Keep up the good eating, I'm proud of you!


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:45 pm
by FarmerHal
How was the movie and the cake? We had a good weekend. Went up to the dc zoo (gawd that was an ordeal getting there! just bad directions and twisty streets) and wound up at a friend's house for dinner. Was good seeing them.

Did ok yesterday and today as far as noS, thankfully. I could tighten up my meals some but I'm still fighting appetite like crazy.

Been trying to get at least a walk in, and not very successful at that, though today walked alongside Noah who is learning to ride his bike (he's loving that newfound freedom). Just to the stopsign and back probably a 1/4 mile or so.

Then just a little bit ago since Ev was sleeping ran on the treadmill for 11mins at 4.5mph. I didn't feel too bad and probably could've kept it up for another 10 if Ev hadn't awakened. Ah well I'll get what I can get!

Might be the plan to get her down for an afternoon nap and then jog for as long as I can.

I used to run 3 miles 5 days a week and then 7 on "7 mile sundays" and I remember dropping weight from 195 at the time down to 170. One thing I remember was going to bed I like to lay on my side and my legs together, my knees were poking each other on the inside and that was actually uncomfortable LOL.

I may have to figure something out to make it easier to keep running if she wakes up. I'm still sweaty so maybe I can hop on again for another 10 minutes.

It's depressing. I'm not getting any younger and if I just keep spending my day SITTING around, watching TV, hoping for life to get a little easier, the only thing that's going to happen is that I'll get bigger, fatter and die sooner.

Ok, so I'm feeling pretty positive. But then again, I did remember to take my fish oil and vitamin this mornign and the fish oil really takes an edge off my anxiety.

Ok, gone on long enough, talk to you and thinking of you!

ps 11 more mins run

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:25 pm
by Jaxhil
Wow, great job on getting in some exercise!! I hear ya on how hard it is to squeeze it in. I know what you mean about getting older (? you? HA!! you're a BABY). I look down at my hands sometimes and see wrinkled papery looking skin, like my MOM has :shock: :cry: AAAACK and I'm really depressed. I don't feel older inside, but I look it outside :roll: Not to mention the FAT blaeh. My DH is almost 6 yrs younger than me too, how depressing is that. Plus he's got this lovely olive skin complexion and looks younger because of it, imho. He does have LOTS of gray hair tho :P hehe. Me too, but I can color it :wink:

I haven't exercised yet this week. BAD girl!! I will get some in today, though, for sure. I just finished two more pairs of workout shorts-I am so glad I can sew, then I can get what I want instead of paying an arm and a leg (not to mention the misery of shopping for and trying on stuff I don't even LIKE) for stuff that will just get me by.

As far as eating, I don't even wanna talk about it. :roll: Chocolate birthday cake is my absolute FAV. And I have NOT been resisting, sigh. I have bben trying to drink water, though. But I am on sugar overload with the stupid cake. Thank the Lord it's almost gone!!!

Last night I made a really good (quick and easy too!) supper. Cooked up some penne pasta, and in a skillet cooked some cut up beef sausage with onions, garlic and chopped frozen (pre-grilled!) red and yellow peppers. When it was done you just tossed it with the pasta and 1/2 a cup of grated parmesan cheese. YUM! Got the recipe from Cheap. Fast. Good. Cookbook-I love that book :P

Well I better go, gotta get my little princess up 8) and make sure the big guy is doing his schoolwork-talk to ya later!! Lets make a commitment to run (btw, 4.5 is FAST!! in my book anyway!!) at least, what, 15 minutes a day, to start? I am sure I can make myself do that at least. What do you think?


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:59 pm
by FarmerHal
Ugh. I adore cake (love it best w/out frosting, actually). I have to make myself throw it in the trash come sunday night before bed. Otherwise it will call my name all week. Sometimes I freeze it for next weekend.

Your pasta dinner sounds good. I still need to look into getting that book, sounds right up my alley.

Just got done with 15mins running at 4.5mph again and 10 fast walking on the treadmill. DD is napping, so I only have one kid to distract :) We watched Simpsons that I had dvr'd LOL. It's a compromise= we'll both watch it at least and I feel entertained moreso than watching the wiggles lol.

Doing better today with noS. I have to suck up all the willpower I can find (wow, does that word sound old-fasioned? nowadays it's no longer a matter of willpower, it's more like 'it's not your fault! it's these bad foods!')

Anyway, hope you are having a good day.

Oh, by the way... dh and I have been discussing places where we might retire. And we lived in Converse, TX and liked it pretty much. We were thinking about moving to San An in about 9 yrs when dh retires. Lots of stuff to do, not too crazy traffic (have you ever driven in DC? that has got to be the craziest traffic I've ever experienced, uffda!).

I want sortof rural but not. Like the neighborhood we live in now, the smallest lots are 1/2 acres and go all the way up to 4. The houses are 4 bedroom (though I would like all on one level instead of split level). Where are developments like that around san an? I need to look around just to see.

Well talk soon, got to get a shower in before dd wakes up,.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:37 pm
by Jaxhil
Wow, I did not realize it had been so long since I posted-sorry about that! Kids have been driving me insane (they're acting up as I type, I should be in there!) day in and day out-weather's been crappy, rain rain and hey! how about some MORE rain?? Ugh. Normally I like rainy weather but we've had waaaay more than our share, and so we are at a standstill on this stupid fence. And we're broke too :(

So now that I've cheered you up :P how are ya? LOL. Sorry. I am actually holding back-I feel like b*@(%@) a whole lot more..but I will try to refrain myself.

I exercised 2 hrs total yesterday, 1 hr so far today. I have not lost a single pound since I started. I am really depressed. I know its my fault because I have no social outlets whatsoever. Even my MIL moved away. I eat because I'm lonely and bored and stir crazy, you know? I do alright for a few days then I eat all the "bad" stuff(fries, ice cream, soda, chips etc) continuously and undo any good I have managed to do. Ugh.

Well I didn't hold back long, did I? :oops: Sorry :roll:

Took the boys fishing last Sunday-they had fun but didn't catch anything (thankfully! I really don't wanna clean a fish :shock: ). They did catch a bucket of minnows-with the bucket! LOL. Which they used for bait. Anyway they loved getting out and trying at least.

I have no clue what to make for supper tonight-nothing sounds good today. Maybe chili and cornbread, it's raining cats and dogs and ELEPHANTS right now. That might work, sounds easy too (and that's the most important thing, after all :P ).

Well, that sounds exciting about retiring so soon!! How lucky is that!! San Antonio and surrounding areas are still growing by leaps and bounds-I don't know how long the decent traffic will last. It is better than say, Dallas and NOTHING is worse (in TX) than Houston, imho. But it's getting bad here too. Just not that bad yet, lol. There is construction EVERYWHERE. And it never seems to get finished-why is that??

As far as partly rural areas, there are some but they are usually expensive (then again, that's relative, isn't it?). And honestly, I am by no means knowledgeable in this area. But I am sure there are plenty of neighborhoods (or smaller towns on the outskirts of S.A.) that would meet your criteria. And San Antonians are still really nice compared to lots of places I've lived.

Well I have to get out there and check out what the little monsters..oops I mean ANGELS :lol: have done to the sounds like a free-fer-all out there :shock:

Good on ya doing the treadmill btw! And suck it up is a perfectly legit phrase 8) But I am so not hip :wink:

Anyway-talk to ya later! I will post daily. I will post daily. I will post daily.!!!


Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:32 am
by FarmerHal
Vent away! :) I cannot imagine all that rain- days and days and being stuck in the house with kids the whole time :shock: yeesh!
Been running every weekday, about 15 to 25 mins and then walk until it's 30 mins total.

You know. I dunno. Maybe coincidence. Maybe the supplements I'm taking (gnc women's ultra-mega, gnc triflex, gnc fish body oil) or the running or what but I feel a bunch better. Just cheerier in general, although Noah can drive me up a wall still lol.

Just a quick note.
I ate ok... some picking here and there between meals but no major snackfests. I also ran today and then we all wen tfor bike rides, I was pulling Evoli in one of those trailers :o My legs are jello, pretty much!

RAIN RAIN GO AWAY!!!!!! :) There ya go, no-rain vibes.

Hang in there :) You are a strong woman and have set me straight many times! :)

Talk soon, Happy 4th tomorrow!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:51 pm
by Jaxhil
Good morning!

So far anyway :P

I am so glad to hear you are feeling better-I bet its mostly the running. But the vitamins are always a good idea! Maybe I should try some (other than the vit C and calcium I usually take).

I actually didn't snack yesterday for once, wow-first time in a while, I'm ashamed to say. We'll see how it goes today! I am really trying to climb back on the wagon. I am sick of the scale being mean to me (LOL) today it said my BMI is 40.6. All the exercise I do and it keeps going up, how can that be??? I think I should ditch the evil beast and just go by feel. It's to depressing to face. Or maybe I should just measure once a month on my Mom's cheapo 30 yr old (at LEAST) scale that doesn't say a thing about stupid BMI. Sigh. I wanna lose this weight so badly...Why do I keep sabatoging myself?!

I would love to have one of those trailers and be in a neighbor hood where the dogs stay in there on yards!! Sounds like that will be a great workout for you, if your legs are jello !! Hopefully you can walk again today :P

Thanks for the no-rain vibes, lol! SO far so good-no rain yet today, and I actually saw some blue sky between the clouds! But I gotta say, the radar doesn't look like it'll cooperate :roll: Oh well.

Have a happy 4rth!! Have some bbq for us :( 8)

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:49 am
by Jaxhil
Hiya Tiffani!

I hope you had a great weekend! I did, I got a lot of sewing time, completed two pairs of pants-one I really like and one, well, I need to fix them. They fit technically but they are tooooo high waisted-must be an 80's pattern :P

I already did a mile on the treadmill, yah! I have decided it's way too hard to get myself to crawl on that treadmill and get moving if I try to commit to a whole hour-or even 30 minutes. I just don't want to do it for long, it's so boring! Not to mention painful :roll: So I have decided to take Reinhards advice and just commit a relatively small chunk of my case it takes 15 minutes to run a mile, boy is *that* pathetic!! 8) Hey but I can still do it! So I'm okay with that for now! Plus I do a couple minutes slow walking on either end of the mile to warm up and cool down.

I think I can actually keep this up. Reinhard is so smart :lol: The thought of getting off in only 15 or twenty minutes is enough to make me happy to get on-lol!-who knew!!?

I'm gonna *try* to do 15 minutes in the evening too, but if I don't I won't beat myself up. As long as I at least do it once, 6 days a week I am good with that. And I hope to do a small bit on the bike-say 15 to 30 minutes, whenever I feel like it, as well. Nothing too strenuous, but it will add up in the long run and I will feeel sooo much better being active again. God willing!

I am feeling back on track, with No-S also. I have to lose this weight. I just can't do this fat woman thing anymore!!!! I know its going to take a long time, but if I at least see a little progress I know I can stay with it. Again, God willing!

I miss ya-hope you're all okay!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:31 pm
by Jaxhil
it's 4:21 pm and I am STARVING. It's tough starting over!! No soda (ok, ok, ONE sip this morning!) but I did cheat. Sigh. Already! 2 mini cinnamon donuts and 2 small lemon cookies.

On the pther hand, I took the kids (Gracie in the wagon! me pulling, of course, and she is not as light weight as she looks, lol!) for a walk, for about 30 minutes or so this morning. They had to count how many dead squashed toads they found in the road. :roll: Oh, the joys of country life!

Kids are driving me nuts. I have been hangin' out on the computer too much today and am feeling zombie-ish.

I am glad No-S is here to keep me sane when I think about all the fat I need to lose.

I miss you!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:24 pm
by FarmerHal
I'm here. Had a busy day just trying to keep the kids busy and make the time pass (dh out of town till late Thurs). I did finish up the rest of the choc chip cookies yesterday ugh! I stuck them in the freezer hoping I'd forget about them till saturday but frozen cookies are SO yummy! I love teh cool texture and the chewiness.

Anyway, other than that my meals were pretty good and I did go on a (very hot!) walk in the evening.

I am feeling lazy. Sleeping better but only because I put Evoli back in bed with me again. It will be goooood when she sleeps like Noah. Now it's 8pm- read a few books and a kiss g'night and he's off to slumberland!

B'fast today was a soy milk, 2 pc oatmeal toast and 2 hard boiled eggs.

Lunch- not sure. Supposed to go over to a friend's house today and let the kiddos swim in their back yard kiddie pool. As you see I'm totally motivated to do that LOL. NOt!

I miss you too. Let's hang in there. Things will get better. Right? LOL

I feel like porky pig though, that's for sure. I would just love to be under 200. <sigh> Still stuck around 230. That's just SOO much! Ugh.

Talk later

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:27 pm
by FarmerHal
For whatever reason, I"m not getting the email notice that a new post is on the thread :( I will have to come by and check more often, So sorry I left you hanging for so long! :(


Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:39 pm
by Jaxhil
No prob-glad you're back! 8)

I did my 35 min total on the trdml today; jogged a 15:47 mile (geez I'm slow!! Oh well) and walked the rest.

Managed to get the kids to do their schooling, it goes so slowly somedays! They piddle like crazy!

I have been cooking up a storm it feels like-my feet are aching! We made homemade italian bread (new recipe-yum!! it smells great!) in the bread machine. Well I baked it in 2 loaf pans in the oven. Noah helped with the bread. Then I made meatballs (2 batches worth) in my KA mixer (I call it the Black Pearl, LOL-I'm sucha geek :P ) and then a meatloaf to freeze. THEN I made spaghetti sauce for tonight's supper-I learned to make it when I was a kid, my Dad's recipe (well I add garlic, he hates that, lol). It I am sooooooo glad I don't hafta do low carb!!! The kids helped, it was great-Jacob did the onions and garlic (in the food processor) and green peppers by hand; Mike did the mushrooms-cut 'em in half and sliced them in the food processor (thank God I am so lucky to have these great gadgets! oh, and the kids too! :lol: ). Of course this was with supervision! Then Noah had to help stir the sauce and dump in the ingredients and spices so he could help more. He was quite bummed I didn't let him use the processor, lol.

I have done very well (for the most part) with Nos today. I did have a small kit kat bar this morning (the two section pack). But overall, I'm good. *Aaaal*most no soda :roll: Much better than I've been doing anyway.

I want to get in a second workout too tonight, either walking or stationary bike or calisthenics of some sort. We shall see if I do or not. I hope the kids go to bed early, lol!

Sounds like you're doing fairly well! Keeping up the exercise is a great thing, especially when its hot!! I know how hard it is. I try to get at least some in when I first get up, then it's not a total bust if I am too tired to get to it later!

So was the kiddie-pool-party miserable? Hopefully not too bad!! Maybe it wore out the little ones anyway, instead of YOU for a change-HA, fat chance , if it was me!! LOL.

And you *will* get under 200!!! SOOOON!! really! just keep at it -DO NOT GIVE UP!!! DO NOT GIVE UP!! We can do this, if we sincerely put in the effort. I know it's slow, but we can't quit trying. I am sometimes tempted to do some crazy diet still, but then I think, oh, wait! I don'twant to do something that'll be hard to maintain..I don't want to have to face "maintenance", you know what I mean? I want to reach my weight and be able to keep doing what I'm doing for the REST of my life. No S is the only "diet" I've ever seen that I know I could maintain.

Anyhoo, off the soap box now!

gotta go check on things-ttyl! 8)

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:48 pm
by Jaxhil
You know, just for an experiment, today I did my 35min on the treadmill, but I *walked* instead, just to see the calorie expenditure difference. I was very surprised! It burned almost exactly the same as when I jogged 1 mile solid :o Wow! Hard to believe! I was thinking it would be less, naturally-and it was -slightly-by about 10-15 calories (negligible, iow).

Anyway- so far so good on no-s today. BIG breakfast, one muffin and an egg and bacon sandwich on homemade italian bread (didn't come out very Italian-ee, but its good anyway!) And it *was* a homemade muffin made with mini chocolate chips, banana and high-fiber cereal. What? :P That's healthy, right?? :D That's my story and I'm stickin' to it :lol:

Hope you're having a good week!

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:29 pm
by FarmerHal
Today has gone well. Had a pb&j and toast with butter for b'fast. Yes, probably too much but oh well. Then lunch was some leftover beef/potato and some crackers. Having a decaf right now. Meals are going pretty well today.

Yesterday and Monday I did go on walks of 30mins or so. It's so humid out though, I feel like I'm melting! Went for a walk with my neighbor last night, she has 2 kids close to my kids' ages and we have the same stroller (sit n stand) so it was nice to have a grownup to chat with!

I have cleaned the house top to bottom and only have the toy room to organize as yet. Did 3 loads of laundry and have one more load to finish drying/fold.

You sound good today, glad to hear it. I did read something about fast walking being as good as jogging as far as fat burning...

:) Hooray that I'm finally back on track today, and you too! We may have to go with the big meals to get us going for now and then work on getting back on track.
Evoli only woke me twice last night, so that's making an enormous difference, because with lack of sleep becomes enormous appetite- I think I eat to just stay awake sometimes LOL. I"m sure you know how it is with these kids.

Just a quick note, Noah needs me to 'help' him on the v-smile :)

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:49 am
by FarmerHal
Ok, quick check in. Can't believe how busy I've been staying all week!

Had 2 good N days in a row and exercised M,T,W and today :)
Yay me!!
I thought about you at my meals today and when I thought I might just say screw it and eat. You saved me a few times today!! LOL

Ok, off to watch a movie and snuggle with dh :)


Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:15 am
by FarmerHal
How are things going with you?
I had kindof a weird N day. My lunch was sortof divided in half, I got to eat half at noon and teh other half around 2 LOL. Other than that, we went to this pizza place "Arizona Pizza" had a stone fire oven in the middle of the restaurant where they put the pizzas in. I got chicken cordon bleu, I could barely eat half. It was delicious but way rich! I didn't even box the leftovers.
And even got some bike riding in, 25 minutes.

Hope you are doing well.


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:09 pm
by Jaxhil
Good morning! just a quick post, I have been playing on the computer tooo long!

Sounds like you are doing really well, and getting back on track-yah!!

I did really well last week on exercise, did 5 days, at least one session each day. I am determined to get in that exercise!! and the No-s of course. I did take 3 s-days (boo!) because of DH's new 4 day schedule(of course it's *his* fault! JK :P ) but they were far from crazy for a change-not nearly as bad as I've done in the past, so that is an improvement. I tried to keep that in mind, and it helped I think.

I took the time to look up exactly what Reinhard's workout schedule entailed, while he was first losing his weight. BOY was THAT an eye opener!! No wonder so many of us are having trouble losing as quickly and consistently as he did! He did shovelglove 14min a day; 20 min walking to and from work; plus an hour on his lunches! This was 5 days a week!! And I guess that's pretty much what he does now, too. Holy moley! That's a lotta exercise! So that's an hour and 40 minutes of walking a day (and I doubt he piddles around when he walks!) plus SG 5x a week.

I think I need to take it up a notch :shock: Plus he was very strict (from what he says) about not cheating-you know, "the fence around the law" thing

I really really really wanna be skinny (well, not anorexic, but ykwim!) I am SICK of being a blob. And I want to *feel* better too!

So I am going to *try* to get in close to that amount of exercise a day-3 30 min sessions is close enough for me-just walking, not jogging. and start the SG although I don't know how that will go, lol!

Anyway, not trying to push you, no pressure!! But I would love it if you want to try too-we could experiment to see if what he actually did works for us too!! But again, I know it's very hard with small babies! So no pressure!!!

I gotta go feed the munchkins-ttyl!!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:28 pm
by Jaxhil
did 45 min on the treadmill, and yesterday did one hour-walking, plus a session of shovel glove. I am a little sore from that, but nothing I can't handle at least!

Nos was good yesterday too. How are you?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:54 pm
by FarmerHal
You did great with the exercise yesterday! Great job! :)

Yesterday was crazy. I ended up having a couple snacks... but all of us have the 'dire rear' if you catch my drift, LOL something we picked up at the chik-fil-a playground. It smelled terrible in that little room and I only let them play 5 minutes but still we brought home the yuck. Sat, Sun, Mon and this morning early Evoli's had off and on fever/diarrhea. Noah's just felt crappy and had some diarrhea last couple of days. So it's been delightful at our house. Poop Patrol! LOL

I didn't get any exercise in at all yesterday but I'm going to see if I can today.
Hanging in there. Had a big breakfast this morning. PBJ and a minibagel with a half piece of brisket in the middle LOL. A bit weird but yummy still.

Someday when the sleep comes, it will be better, right? LOL.
Evoli was feverish and miserable from 1-4 last night... so I'm draggin... where's my coffee ;)

Ok, enough whining! I'll be thinking of you today :)


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:39 pm
by FarmerHal
Ugh. Not so good N day today. I overate at b'fast and lunch. I swear it is the no-sleep issue. DD is AWFUL at night. I HATE bedtime, seriously! And when she finally does settle down to sleep, I can't fall asleep because I lie there waiting for her to wake again- I feel like 'why bother' trying to fall asleep, I'm just going to be awakened soon anyway. And WHAT is with this every hour wake up crap? C'mon, don't babies have to sleep once in a while???

Sorry. Venting.

She woke up at 3:30 very angry this morning, so I changed dipe, gave tylenol (has front tooth coming in), fed her and she still wouldn't go to sleep. I ended up taking till 5am to get her to sleep in her crib (which is still next to our bed). THEN once she finally fell asleep, I hear DS in his room crying that he has a nosebleed!! UGH!! LOL
It was NOT my night last night, that's for sure.

I didn't know you could go months w/out good sleep. This is probably why I just eat all day long again. The fatigue has overtaken my willpower completely. I feel pretty discouraged but am trying to hang in there. I'm not leaving by any means but it seems like I"m just waiting for things to get better w/sleep so I can be something other than a zombie every day.

I just do not want to get out of my chair, if I don't have to and then I nibble because it gives me something other to *feel* besides exhausted all the time.


I know you know what I'm talking about, and you did it 4 times LOL, I am SUCH a weenie! lol

HOw is the exercise and your N day going?
I'm going to try to go snack free the rest of the day.

Talk later, Thanks for listening :oops: :roll: Tiff

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:57 am
by Jaxhil
I am sorry it's been so long since I've checked in-you are having such a rough time, I know how you feel. I ate for the SAME EXACT reasons!!! Honestly, you will get through will stop eventually! I know about finally getting ONE to sleep and then the other wakes-the other day Jack "helped" me by getting my oldest DS (12) to take the dog out for me at 5 am (Jack leaves very early for work!). And when he (ds) was done he promptly went and woke up ALL THREE of his siblings!!! :shock: :roll: :x arrrgh!!

I didn't go crazy over the weekend, but I didn't exercise either (i don't think, I can't remember, I may have done some on Friday...) Anyway. I did 45 min on the trdml (walking) this morning already. I really want to start doing 2 treadmill workouts, and the silly shovel gloving; I feel really silly doing it, but it doesn't take long, and if I'm careful no ceiling fans or light bulbs will be needlessly mutilated during my workouts :P :lol: He he. And it doesn't feel all that hard while you're doing it, but it definitely made me sore the next day-just a bit. I think mothers have a lot more upper body strength than people give us credit for!

I hope your little ones are both feeling better-I know aaaall about picking up the CRUDS, lol-I was just explaining to my kids the other day *why* I never let them play in the McD's playground-been there, done that-NO MORE!! LOL -mean Mama :twisted: With Gracie being so preemie I had the perfect excuse-we couldn't let Gracie go in there because her immune system was weaker than theirs, yada-yada-yada and even now that she's bigger, it still happens. We went to a jump place(what do you call those places??), for a second cousin a while back, and ALL four of my kids got sick. But I knew it was coming, *sigh*. They did have a GREAT time though!

Anyway, I missed you so I was glad to hear from ya! doing nos today? sneak in a nap if you can..speaking of which, Gracie (who will be four in a couple of weeks) has apparently given up nap taking already-WAAHHH!!-but I am going to keep trying anyway!! i think she's too young to not take one yet. Or I am too tired and therefore she needs one :lol:

talk to ya later!

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:19 pm
by FarmerHal
Just a quick note, the kiddos want lunch but the last week or so has been crazy! LOL The kids picked up a tummy virus so it's been one thing after another. It appears today that we might finally be through it.

I've walked about every other day or so, pushing the kids in the stroller in the mornings. It's been nice weather in the mornings. Got my neighbor going along with her kids too, so that's nice.

Eating the best I can. Spotty most days but I do pretty well.

Did you get all that flooding your way? Hope everything is going ok for you.
Sorry so short! I've been thinking of you and hoping everything is going well. Shovelgloving sounds painful LOL. I do have some hand weights and I've been eyeballing them but so far they just sit there.

Talk soon!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:51 pm
by Jaxhil
hey! How's it going?

I'm doing well on the exercise, for the most part-not so well (ok BADDDDDD) on the eating :o( I have lost count of the stupid lemon cookies I've eaten today. Sigh.

I just need to get it in gear. I don't want another year of failing to meet this goal of losing weight to pass. I am depressed all the time. Not good. I don't want to even get dressed half the time (I am in pj's and its almost supper) because-first of all, nothing fits. And second of all if it *does* fit it doesn't look good anyway so why bother. Waaahhhh! What a whiner I am and I hate THAT too, which just makes me wanna whine all the more.

I am bored, that's part of it. We *never* (really, it's pathetic) do ANYTHING. We stay home almost all the time. As a single income family we hardly have any disposable income (does anybody, though??). And we don't have a babysitter anyway, Mom's like a 45 min. drive, and I hate when she sits because Jack always feels like he has to be back within 2.5 hours. Mind you, an hour and a half of that time is spent DRIVING to get anywhere interesting!). So it's not even worth it. Jack's Mom moved 2 and a half hours away, so we are totally outta luck. I'm too paranoid to hire a stranger to babysit, too, lol. Not that I know anyone anyway :oP

Just needed to vent. Sorry! Hope you are have a GREAT day!!!
Maybe I need some exercise, haven't done that today-gotta go finish making supper! ttyl!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:05 pm
by FarmerHal
Sorry it's been so long since I posted.

Things are just ok. Doing a lot of snacking as I'm stressing out and probably I should just get a grip and get through it. 3yr olds are very stressful ... I just had a big long complaint here and deleted it. I'm sure you've had those days (weeks!)

Totally blowing every N day this week. I do get some exercise in and that has helped me lose a couple pounds, actually, even w/the random eating.

I hope things are going ok for you, and I do think of you and hope all is well!!
Talk soon

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:30 pm
by Jaxhil
I'm still here too..sort of! I have not had one completely successful day in I don't know how long. Sigh. It's depressing to come and post one failure after another so I just haven't bothered.

I still want to do this, so I guess that's something, right (I hope so!!!). I don't know why its been so hard lately! I am still exercising, so that's good. But I just wanna eat all the time. I think because I'm lonely-I mean I have the kids with me (almost continuously!) so I feel like I shouldn't be, but it's not the same as having friends, you know? My DH is good about letting me "get out of the house" but again, I'm still ALONE. Waaah!

And then there's the guilt for being such a big baby-I mean, lots of people have it way worse than me, so why am I such a whiner?! I have a good life (for which I am eternally grateful!) I should get a grip, right? Get on with doing something about my weight and QUIT making so many (LAME) excuses. :roll:

:( Aiy, yai yai! (I have no idea how to spell that, lol) I will be fine-I will do this-! I hope!

I miss you Tiff-hope you're doing better than me! :P It does help to get it off my chest, though, you know?

I need to put in a hundred and ten percent the next week or two and see if it actually makes a difference. I kinda peeked back at some of my early No-s days and there were an awful lot of "little" cheats that I let slide. Maybe that's why I haven't actually been successful at this-I've been far TOO lenient with slip-ups. I don't want to beat myself up but by the same token there has to be SOME self control involved in this. I think I will make some posters (like Reinhard's Habit cal) for my wall so I can see it everyday and I can have a goal of putting an honest green square up everyday...I think that might really help. I'll take the kids to the dollar store and get some poster board and markers and get to work 8) Having them help should be interesting-OH! I mean FUN :lol:

Talk to ya later Tiffani! I have been thinking of you too-stop by and say hello! Do you want to try the poster thing too? No pressure, of course, just a thought!

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:04 pm
by FarmerHal
Life just gets goofy, doesn't it?

I know all about the loneliness. I'm so far away from family (28hr drive) and I have only a couple of friends here that I'd call "good."
I seem them a couple times a week.

Add to that dh working a lot and me wanting to hide from my kids on occasion (and the worst is craving a night of sleep!! She still sleeps awful) and I use food to cover up all those awful feelings.

I'm still hovering at 230 or so. I went down to 227.5 last week but it was after every day of 30mins exercise. Which, if you thinik about it, isn't all that bad.

But still, I sit here and I care for kids 24/7 (I know you know what this feels like). You change diapers, referee between 2 kids, listen to crying all day, clean up poopy underwear (yes ds is still working on poop training), referee some more, try to eat your meal in one sitting w/out being interrupted a gazillion times, which usually results in speed eating, which then results in you not feeling full after wolfing down a full meal in under 5 mins so that you can chase after kids some MORE, which means you eat another muffin, or another scoop of rice, etc. You get the drift.

I keep waiting for life to get a little less stressful. When do kids get more self-sufficient and fun? When will we get to be that family that enjoys hiking, biking, going places and doing fun things without a major arguement from each child? :roll: :oops: I'm frazzled.

I'm not so good at keeping charts LOL actually. But I've been trying to keep up my calendar with smileys. ALthough most of them have been :( instead of :) but I am trying.

Well, the kids are argueing again and Evoli is crying and Noah is being bossy so I must go referree again.

I do think of you and I'll check in more often. Maybe that will get me back on track.

Talk soon

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:58 pm
by Jaxhil
Yep i am sick of poopy diapers too...12 years of diapers and COUNTING (believe me, I'm COUNTING!! LOL) Grace just is really not into the potty training at all; if I manage by some small miracle to catch her in the act, by the time we get to the toilet I've missed the boat :roll: If she's still going, she STOPS when her little butt hits the seat :x Oh well, someday...

And yes, it does *eventually* get easier to do things with them..I'd say anywhere from age 5 to 7 they get a leeetle more agreeable, depending on their training and personality, of course. It could be much earlier! Probably about the age they stop *wanting* to do things with you, LOL :roll: 8) just kidding! I hope !!!

Well we went to my Mom's today and it was stressful. Good to see Mom but she thinks the kids stress out my Dad (they do sometimes, today didn't seem that bad) and in turn it makes her REALLY stressed, and she's much more obvious than my Dad who just goes and hides in the back when they bug him. Sigh. So it coulda been a better visit, but I spent the time waiting for it to be time to leave. :(

Anyway I didn't get my poster stuff yet. I want to do this because I saw the Habitcal stuff Reinhard did and it looked like a great idea; however I couldn't get the thing to work for me so I thought I'd try a less technical approach, LOL. It'll give me a goal to reach daily, and something that I don't have to log on to the computer to see, ya know?

I took some tacos to eat at my parents house because I hadn't eaten breakfast yet. We got there about 10:30 am and I walked in with my 2 small tacos, and water, and my Dad says, "You eating AGAIN???" :oops: :( :x I told him I hadn't eaten yet. But still, he made me mad-don't know if it was a very loosely veiled stab at my weight or not, but being the sensitive type it felt that way to me.

And I was PISSED.

Pissed enough to kick this fat in the A** and get skinny. or healthy, (yep I meant healthy!!)

Sigh. Well, whatever it takes, LOL.

I am gonna check in more too-it really does help to know you're with me! Talk to ya later-I'm gonna walk another 30 or so min ( I did 45 this morning). I'll check in again tonight!

Btw so far soso today-I ate a candy bar at like 730 am (i know TERRIBLE) and had a very small amount of soda with lunch. I threw out the rest so I wouldn't be tempted to drink it!

Okay, see ya tonight!

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:46 am
by FarmerHal
Good to hear the update. Your dad sounds like mine. He gets very nervous around kids (we rarely visit but I get stories from my sister who has 4 kids). He hides in the workshop and my mom gets all anxious and weird because she knows he's freaked out by kids. Same deal LOL

So so on the eating today. I did have a small ice cream tonight :( I didn't really want it that much but since dh was having some.... Baaaaad habits!!

On the bright side, we did bike 20 minutes, I was drenched in sweat- I was hauling both kids in the bike trailer so that's about 65 lbs I was hauling LOL Up a big long hill and everything. Felt good. I didn't feel weak, which is nice. I may be fat but I don't feel like a sickly weakling anymore :) A bonus, for sure.
Then Another 20+ minutes walking the dogs, since they were very sad they don't get to accompany the bike ride. Being small, they just can't keep up. They were so happy to see me grab the leashes LOL.

So overall a good day.

Lunch was really healthy: chicken stiry fry over rice, and I made a TON of mixed veggies and pigged out on them. Supper, since it's so hot was a salad, strawberry/cantalope fruit salad, sushi (california rolls) and a slice of 'amish friendship bread.' Yummy

Good to see us both posting again. And it's nice to know that if I fall off the wagon, you'll still be here. It's what keeps me plugging along and not giving up completely.

Tomorrow's goal: No SNACKING!! I have teh no seconds down pretty well and have been slipping on the no sweets.
The truth is, I feel better eating just 3 times a day vs. grazing all day long where you feel bloaty and full and not really hungry for the next real meal. I am only eating out of stress and loneliness anyway, and when I take that last bite, it will all still be there.

Time to get the decaf out again, and I have some herbal tea too I can do.

Been nice chatting... :) Both kids asleep and I have a moment to myself again!!! :)

Talk later

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:20 pm
by Jaxhil
LOL-wow your sis sounds like she knows what I mean! :)

That is too funny (well weird) that you ate ice cream last night-so did I, and I blame it on dear hubby too :lol: He started it, by eating ice cream in front of me AGAIN!! He does it all the time (a fact which he vehemently denies!-HA! believe me I know :P ) Then I topped it off with 2 different kinds of chips and a margarita (so baad!!).

We will do great today though, right?! I hope it's better than yesterday!

I am glad to hear about your bike ride, and not feeling weak! You're right, that's a major accomplishment! Hooray!! It sucks to be fat *AND* a weakling! I always think that too-I'm glad I can still walk, and actually jog too if I want without croaking..completely...LOL.

Anyway, gotta go-DH is home sick today, so I have to try and keep the kids quiet today (fat chance, but I will TRY).


Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:03 pm
by FarmerHal
Hey Hilary, I hope you didn't think I disappeared off the face of the earth! I've been busy coping with Evoli's sleep issues- although I think since we 'got tough' at bedtime and let her do some fussing, we're all sleeping a little better. Only up twice a night now instead of every 90 minutes! I feel like a new person!
I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to the way I've been eating, although I don't snack all that much, or do desserts until the weekend (it's more fun that way anyway, since I look forward to that, they taste better to me, but then after a few bites are overwhelmingly sweet and so I eat less and crave less during the week). Or so it seems LOL.

Exercise has been going well. We try to only take off 1 day between, since taking off 2 days really seems to drop my level of fitness very quickly! The whole family goes biking- I pull a trailer with one or both kids, depending if Noah wants to ride on the seat on Jess's bike or in the trailer with Evoli. PUlling a good 30-60lbs has sure made a difference in my stamina- our development is very hilly and we go up and down and all over, for at least 30 minutes. I went this morning by myself with both kiddos. It was nice and cool and so much nicer than riding in the evenings, which we usually do.

Well, an update from me, must go put on the coffee!!
Hope you are well- did you get hit by all that rain/storms?

Talk soon

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:29 pm
by FarmerHal
Meh. So it was nice to have dh home for the long weekend. I deprived myself of the funness of baking an extravagant dessert each S day and as a result I overate and did a whole bunch of S's these past few days.

Top that with talk about dh being deployed to iraq and I've been a nervous eating machine.

At the very least, I've been exercising regularly every day, which makes me feel great and I think has a greater effect on my overfat than just dieting.

Ok, back on the wagon!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:47 pm
by Jaxhil
Hey, long time no see! 8) glad you're back!

I've been out for awhile too. Not doing so well in any way but still not giving up entirely, so that's something I guess. I am really glad you're back, I really missed you. Its so hard alone!!

I have been exercising intermintantly (sp?) but I need to get more enthusiastic about it and NoS. I want to I am just down because I know I have been slacking seriously lately. I basically feel I am starting again at square one.

Now I really need to go make dinner (blah, I hate to cook some days!)

talk to you later!

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:26 pm
by Jaxhil

Just wanted to say g'morning.. I wanted to give a report on my exercise this week thus far also. I have been good in that respect at least! I did an hour on the treadmill Tuesday evening (I walk about 2.25 miles in that amount of time..I've got short legs, so I cover ground slower :P ); Wednesday I did 2 one hour sessions (morning and evening); Thursday I did a 20 min or so outdoor leisurely walk with the kids and my Mom, and a 45 min stationary bike ride. Whew. And today I have done nothing useful yet except make sure the trash got taken to the curb and got Gracie dressed for the day 8)

Jack's out working on our fence. No, it's STILL not done :roll: Lot's of rain this year has slowed things down a lot-oh well.

I really hope your DH doesn't get deployed to Iraq :( :( Has he already been told he's going, or is it just talk right now?

I cleaned out my armoire this week and boy did it need it. It's all nice and neat and I can actually wear (most) everything that's in there. I am saving a few things I'd like to get back into :roll: but not much I guess.

Anyway, I hope you are having a good day. I am glad to hear you've been exercising-it really does help the moodiness, doesn't it? I want to keep doing it for that reason alone-almost :wink: I *do* of course want to lose this FAT.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:05 pm
by FarmerHal
Right now it's just talk but it sounds like next summer he'll be going for a while. My heart is breaking just thinking about that. Here is this person, he loves me so much, he adores his kids, he's the best person I know but I have always come in SECOND to the navy. whatever they want from him he has to do it. Ugh. I hate this stoopid 'war.'

Yes, exercise does help with moodiness. I am more patient around the kids as well. Last nigh tJess was out of town so I had boht kids in the bike trailer... lemme say, an extra 32 pounds is WORK! LOL Up and down the hills. Phew!
One thing about the regular biking and pulling that trailer, when I go out for a run, I can do 2 miles in 30 mins without stopping and with little difficulty (I get a side ache on my right side but not terrible). It has really made a huge difference in my fitness level. Still, it will be nice when I'm oh, say 50-60 pounds lighter to feel like I'm running better- lighter, faster, less buttjiggling LOL.

I probably haen't had a green N day in a long time. TOday I am tryign to stick to the N day and so far succeeding, but with the exercise, the weight still is slowly going down.
Last Sunday I put in a 40 minute run, I felt GREAT after (runner's high, woohoo LOL) and I dropped a pound this week.
I used to do "7 mile sundays" and jogged 7 miles every sunday.
It really made the weight fall off. I think in the coming years when I have more time to give to myself (when kids are bigger) I'll really be able to dedicate more time to my self.

Ok ds wants a cheese stick.
Talk later

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:40 pm
by Jaxhil
God willing it'll be over by then :( and he won't have to go...

I almost married a guy who was in the Navy. I changed my mind at the last minute ( I was really young and decided I needed to be on my own awhile before I went and got married!). My Dad is retired AF though, so I know about who comes first :roll: - not in his heart though!!

Sounds like you are really doing GREAT with the exercise~ you are obviously putting in some serious effort! TWO kids in the trailer?!? AACK! I feel like a wimp :lol: Oh well-I did an hour on my stationary bike last night, and an hour on the treadmill this morning already (yah! DONE!). I want to start doing some weight training too, just with the dumbbells I have here at home. I think it'll help me lose faster (I hope!!) and it'll make me stronger if nothing else.

Wow, I am impressed that you can run for forty minutes-that is fantastic! And doing 2 miles in 30 is great. I know what you mean about dreaming of how easy it'll be once the extra weight has gone. The butt-jiggling is really annoying, ain't it?! LOL.

I lifted a forty lb bag of dog food a couple weeks ago (with the help of my son) into our cart and was really struggling, I mean it was HARD!! And that got me thinking about the SIXTY-FIVE (give or take) lbs that I want to lose, and how much this weight must really be slowing me down... I didn't really think about it as being that bad until I tried to lift this 40 lb bag and realized, no WONDER I feel like S*%# all the time-I am lugging 1 and a half of these around 24/7/365 !!!

Anyway I am feeling more motivated to do this lately, since this "revelation", LOL.

Guess what? My husband actually walked 30 min on the treadmill last night!! WOO-HOO! I hope he keeps it up, he needs to lose some too. I love him the way he is but I want him to feel better and be healthier too!

Well I have to get the day started now-talk to ya later! Have a good N-day! I'm trying too, so think of me 8)

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:20 pm
by FarmerHal
So good to hear from you :P

Well my N day is pretty much a bomb, but I didn't go crazy, like just now I had an apple with cheese slices (sandwich cheddar slices- 2 cut into eight pieces for my apple which is sliced into 8 pieces).

Hey, I need that awesome bread and hamburger bun recipe when you get a chance. I've started baking our bread and I'm having some dense bread issues!

I had to search faaaaar and wiiiiiiide for some exercise clothes! Apparently there is no market for fat runners! The women's XL is for a waist 32-34! Crap that's a size 12! I'm a 20!

I searched every local store and my solution was mens XXL running shorts (compression liner with a regular short overtop so you can't see all my Thlob (thigh-blob) LOL hanging around my thighs.
It's crazy. And bras- dont' get me started. I need to lose weight just so I can have decent outfits apparently.

I plan on running tonight. Jess got me an ipod, which is so awesome! But so far he's not home from work. TIck tock. I might lose my motivation!
I don't like to miss more than 2 days inbetween exercise because it's hard the next time I exercise- I feel like an oldfart. :)

Ok, kids are at each others' throats,
Talk later

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:10 pm
by Jaxhil
Hi Tiffani! Sorry its been so long since I've posted-I am still here, still pluggin' away!

I so know what you mean about the exercise cloths :roll: grrr. Annoying, isn't it?? Especially the running bra thing. I can still squeeze into the largest size but its kinda painful :shock: And my waist is 34 but I am a size 18 in the A$$ Ugh, I am soooo glad I can SEW. Makes it a lot easier to get pants at least that fit, otherwise I'd have to run in my birthday suit (eeeek!! LOL)

I am still struggling with the food-mostly the soda lately, however I am getting much more consistent with the exercise. I have averaged 4-5 days a week at least an hour; usually on the bike or treadmill, and some weights thrown in. I could hardly walk for 3 days last week due to squats and lunges....oh my goodness it was terrible. Now I am over the worst of it, God willing. I have to do that set again tonight!!

I will get that bun recipe to ya-do you have a bread machine? If not, you can do it in a stand mixer or by hand if you dare! LOL-I am too lazy to knead that long by hand. Oh well, I am grateful for my Kitchen Gadgets!

Gotta go-I have a feeling the house looks like the kids run the place :shock:

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:37 am
by FarmerHal
I have the kitchenaid stand mixer. I am waaay too lazy to make bread by hand! :lol:

I'm with ya on the exercise but not so much the eating. Granted, I don't snack in as large of quantities as I used to but I've been grabbing a bit here and there. I'm NOT hungry. It's anxiety creeping in again and I need to remind myself that EATING is not going to make any of my anxiety better.

Things are looking up here. We started the dreaded sleep training with Evoli- after a visit to the ped. to check her out and get some advice! She has been waking like clockwork.. bedtime is 8pm, then up at 11:30, 2am, 4am, 6am and then up for the day 7ish. Each time I'd get up and nurse her and I was REALLY starting to resent that. Totally getting that weird creepy crawly feeling when she nursed!

We have been complete zombies for a year and both dh and I are starting to suffer. Plus ds- both of us are tired and irritable and he gets fussed at more than he should be, probably.

So this is night 3. Ped. said it it would take 4 nights for her to not fuss and sleep through. I nursed her both sides till she was very drowsy. Laid her down, gave her a sippy of water and her teddy. Yes, there was some unappreciateive screeching but only about 3 minutes. We'll see how the rest of the night goes!

First night she woke 6 times. Dh and I said if she cries for more than 15mins, HE would go to her. She never made it past 4 minutes before falling back to sleep on her own (hooray!) Night 2 she woke twice and didn't fuss more than a couple minutes. When I got her this morning, it appears that she is finding her sippy and having a drink. Tonight... we'll see.

I felt SO terrible being "Mean" but I've felt SO much better the last couple of days!! :)

I've been trying to exercise 5 days a week. TOday I took the bike/trailer and Evoli and I went and picked up Noah at preschool. 20mins both ways up hill! So that's good. I've been improving on my running as well, especially since I got an ipod. I do have the treadmill, which I could watch tv with when the weather is cruddy but I love the outdoors. I really should start doing more strength training- good job Hilary :)

It's good to hear from you as always, how is everything going?

Talk soon!


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:34 pm
by Jaxhil
Good morning!!

It's good to hear from you too :D

Things are pretty good here, too. The little boys are doing well on their reading lessons, school is going okay. I still have to really push Jacob to get his work done but he's getting faster. He really hates writing though and *that's* still a major pita!

Here's the Burger Buns recipe! (you will *LOVE* these 8) )

1/2 c water
1/2 c milk
3 tbs butter
1/4 c sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp onion powder (optional!)
2 cups whole wheat flour (I use King Arthur's White Wheat-Hodgkins Mills also carries it but their's is not nearly as good! Of course you can use regular wheat also)
1 & 1/4 c all purpose flour
1 Tbs instant yeast

sesame seeds (optional)

For a mixer (I use a bread machine) I would warm the water and milk with the butter until the butter is a little more than half melted or so. Then put the ingredients in your mixer bowl in the order presented, and mix with the dough hook. Of course just keep mixing til you have a nice soft dough that cleans the sides of the bowl. I personally would knead for at least 5 minutes on speed 2; I would probably go 10 if your mixer doesn't start heating up too much. It shouldn't with such a small amount of dough. Then let it rise for at least 30 minutes or up to an hour, and punch down. Shape into 12 rolls, flattening each to about 3/8ths of an inch thick and about 4 " diameter. (ymmv!) I find they fit nicely on a (greased) jelly roll pan for baking. Once they are shaped, I brush the tops with a little milk and sprinkle them with sesame seeds. I have also used dried minced onion if you like onion rolls, and that's really good too. Cover and let rise till doubled.

Bake in a preheated 375* oven for 12-15 minutes or until golden. Cool on rack before slicing.

I am making a batch of these right now-I love my bread machine :P

I did my legs last night (my weight routine that is :lol: ) It was still hard, but at least I can walk today-always a *good* thing, hehe.

No cardio yesterday though-shame on me! I will get some in today, though. I keep waiting till like 10 or eleven at night to squeeze in my work out-yes, I am the queen of procrastination :roll: But it's better than not doing it at all I guess!

Well I better go and get some brekkie. Talk to ya later! Have a great day Tiffani!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:27 pm
by FarmerHal
Bleh. I feel terrible about myself. I've not been eating well at all and my exercise has not been up to par. <sigh>

I'm riding my bike to Noah's preschool though to pick him up shortly.

I started using just to see how many calories I'm actually eating and why my weight just sits there at 227. Ugh.

Already this morning I've had 1070 calories, just eating bread and crap.

I need a kick in the pants. ANd I started watching biggest loser again so that makes me feel even worse because I weigh what a lot of those girls weigh, and they look awful so I must look that way too.

It's a crappy self-esteem day.

HOpe you are doing well,
Talk later

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:30 pm
by Jaxhil

I know EXACTLY how you feel Tiff.

I hate looking in the mirror. I had Jack take my *before* (I HOPE) pics last night and I am completely terrified of looking at them. I am always shocked (and disgusted) when I see photos of myself. I've never been particularly photogenic anyway, but now its completely humiliating. I need to get this under control NOW because it's just gonna get harder the older I get.

Although I've been exercising more consistently overall (this wk I've done almost none tho), I have been completely ignoring the No-S rules. I don't know whats wrong with me! I want this more than anything and yet I continue doing the exact same things that have caused me to stay FAT for so long!

I watch BL too-and even though I don't weigh as much as these people I am still over 40% fat (bmi) I am really short so though I may "only" weigh 176, I still have about SEVENTY pounds to lose..I am VERY small boned so this is not unreasonable (at 5'1"). It's very depressing. I have 48 inch hips...that's only 13 inches less than my freaking HEIGHT for cryin' out loud!!!

I have Jillian's book, Winning by Losing, and I have been trying to motivate myself to do her workout. I really really really want to get in shape. There's no reason why I shouldn't. Why WE shouldn't. And we CAN- I know it in my heart- DO THIS.

Are you up for trying to post everyday again? It really helped so much, to keep me accountable. I was actually getting used to no snacking. And I want to be accountable for doing my workouts too-I need to be accountable. I am tired of failure. I want to be a success story. LONG TERM success story, that is 8)

I am completely afraid to use a calorie counter. I am sure I'd pass out from shock. :shock:

I am really glad you're still posting-it's so good to know I'm not alone :wink:

Talk later! I hope today is going better for you.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:52 am
by FarmerHal
I will do my best to check in every day and give a report on everything. I went on a tiny bike ride, Noah was riding his itty bitty bike alongside, so not a whole lot of effort on my part.

I ate a lot today, well, actually I ate less than I have been but according to my calorie counter it's over 2600 calories. I'd prefer to keep it under 2200 at this point. I'm not going to obsess over calories, I just wanted to see what I was at, just to keep tabs and give myself some real reason to exercise some control.

DH is out of town till tmorrow night, and things are going quite well here at home. I get really stir crazy between 2 and 6pm, time seems to just drag along.

HOpe you are doing well, I"m enjoying my ME time now that the kids are BOTH ASLEEP!! Yeeeha :)

Talk soon

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:13 am
by Jaxhil
hola, Tiffani!

(hmm, did I spell that right? I have no idea :P )

I just had to check in and tell you about someone I met today. I was shopping at wally world (bleh) and I met a woman who worked there-she was helping me with the bikes. She was very patient and I was trying to decide which bike to get-I can't afford much, ya know! Anyway, I mentioned I wanted a fun way to workout and that I was trying to lose some weight. And she said, "I've lost 134 pounds" naturally (she's still a pretty big girl) I was flabbergasted, (my mouth was HANGING open! lol) and I asked her how she did it. She said *everyone* asks her how she did it. She said " I eat 3 meals a day; breakfast, lunch, and dinner..nothing else! :shock:

And she doesn't count calories or restrict what she eats at meals-she said she was having McD's for lunch, lol. She did say she doesn't do soda anymore, and I got the impression not much sugar-she did say she ate only special K cereal for brekkie (that cracked me up for some reason). I also think she doesn't take S-days (yikes!!) LOL!


Can you believe that???!! I mean I *knew* No-S was the way to go, but I had NO idea it could be this effective-the only exercise she gets is working at Walmart. She said its taken her a year to do this. WOW. I was SOOOO impressed!! She said she started at THREE HUNDRED and sixty-eight pounds :shock: Can you imagine?? This woman has inspired me-a real live person who has perservered and lost over a hundred pounds :!:

I am still in awe of that level of commitment. I soooooo want to do this!!

Anyway, isn't that cool? Just reinforces what we all know.

No-S is Best!!

Have a great day! I may post this in the general discussion also 8)

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:32 am
by FarmerHal
WOW!! That's a lot!

My sister lost 40lbs over a summer by eating only 3 meals a day, no seconds, snacks or dessert (this is before I knew about nos)

I am so inspired! I'm going to try really hard this next week. The S I took today was mainly snacking, which is completely unsatisfying, but tomorrow I'll come up with something yummy.

I'm also checking serving sizes (nutrition info on the boxes) so that I'm taking the right amount instead of going overboard.

SOrry so short, I have to try to convince Noah it's bedtime, I'll check in tomorrow.


Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:39 am
by FarmerHal
Here I am. Had a fun day. We went to the corn maze/pumpkin patch and had a good time with the kids. Went on hayrides and tractor rides and had a blast at the petting barn and corn box (sand box w/corn!).

I was really crabby today though for some reason, just in a funk I guess.
Ate pretty crappy but it is an S day. Had an ice cream brownie sunday. It was ENORMOUS. I made it through half and couldnt' finis the rest. Blech. Too much. It's like my eyes are bigger than my stomach. And I think I want the whole thing (and get really exciteda bout it) but then I realize it's just too much and too rich and I get grossed out LOL

I wasn't planning on exercising today (since I was too grumpy), but I wound up getting p'd off and went for a nice quiet run just as the sun was going down. It was so nice and cool (I hate the sun glaring in your eyes), ut was a good run, so I'm happy about that.

How was your weekend?


Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:21 pm
by Jaxhil
Hi Tiffani!

I had a pretty good weekend-spent too much of it in the car though, trapsing back and forth to San Antonio trying to get the shopping done. Then the dog (Super-Dog, that is) broke the FOURTH D&*@$# collar I have bought for him and I had to go and get another. Until we have our fence finished we have to use a tie out (it's in a nice shady spot, of course!). And he gets *very* excited when he sees the raccoons that come in the evening-VERY excited!! :roll: I'm just glad he didn't run off, he came right back when we called him. He was very proud of his hunter-protector-guard dog expertise, lol.

So I bought the scariest biggest thick-ringed collar I could find this time. Let's hope even Super-Dog can't break out of it :P

I ate a lot too, but it was an S-Day, like you say. I wish I had been there to help you polish off your brownie -sundae thing-yumm! Sounds good! But I know what you mean, I always find that my eyes are bigger than my tummy. Usually about *double*.

Today I've been (mostly :x ) very good-2 homemade (small)choc-mint cookies at about 6am-great breakfast, right? Then...

1 egg-canadian bacon taco and a small blueberry yogurt

1 chicken salad sandwich on wheat and 1 (small) homemade choc-chip cookie

Nothing since then. Supper's in the works right now! I had to take a nap this afternoon, we've got a t-storm headed in and my sinuses were really bothering me.

Anyhow, hope you're having a great day-sorry yesterday was so grouchy for you-but I bet the run really helped! It sounds very peaceful. A lot of times doing things that are fun for the kids can have the opposite effect on the parents... why is that?? Not fair! LOL

See ya later!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 12:14 am
by FarmerHal
I didn't know you have a dog. I adore dogs, used to do a lot of obedience, agility and conformation with mine. Now they're couch potatoes, but I love to groom them (was a groomer for several years too!) Sorry about his collar. Lupine makes and guarantees collars no matter what caused the collar to break...

Today is the FIRST successful n day in a LONG time B'fast was wheat bread one wiht honey and one with butter. And coffee/creamer.
Lunch was tuna salad with grapes mixed in (actaully no mayo, just honey/mustard). in a wrap and half of the kids' small french fries from mcd's (they wanted happy meals after the park this morning).
Supper was homemade pan fried chicken, furst time I've made it, was good, would have liked more spice to it, plus mixed veggies and rice and soy milk. Yum.

And this afternoon I really really wanted to eat. Midafternoon comes and I get all weird and anxious, wishing it would go faster and usually I eat to pass the time. But, you'll be so proud, I resisted. And now I feel like grazing butnot going to.

Went for a walk, 30 minutes.

So turned out to be a good day for me. :)

Talk to you tomorrow!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:23 pm
by Jaxhil
I just posted a LOOOONG post and my STUPID P-O-JUNK computer ATE IT. AAARGH. :x I'll get over it one day.

So far so-so. Pretty good but I did have soda (about 6 oz) with breakfast-I will not submit again to that today!

I am determined!! I wrote a lot more but I am too irritated to try to rewrite it, so this is much shorter. I had trouble not snacking yesterday too-I wanted to very badly but we made it through!! And we can today too! We will succeed this time. I always wish it would speed up too, lol. Good that you went for a walk! I need to get back to exercising daily-I rode my bike on Sunday but not for long, yesterday did nada (nothing, zip!).

If Max breaks this collar, I will look for the brand you mentioned; thanks for the suggestion!

Alright, I gotta take care of the kids I guess :P Later!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:03 pm
by FarmerHal
Yay! We both had good N days then :)

Today is going well. I WANT to snack right now for soemthign to do, to pass time. Not gunna!

Haven't exercised yet today, might bike or go for a run when dh comes home.

Short note, gotta keep up with dd and see what she's into.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:21 am
by FarmerHal
Well had a good day. I did NOT snack, not even one little bite. I did have a snack size almond joy with dinner but only because it was originally for ds and he decided he didn't want it. AJ's are one of my weaknesses, I lurve me an almond joy!
I won't count it as a loss, since my major issue is snacking and I was successful. ;)

Took a day off exercising.
Had a good day otherwise. Hope you are doing well :) Look forward to hearing about your day.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:51 am
by Jaxhil
Yah!! Good day for both of us, then!

I count today as a success too, not ONE snack-no bites, and no S's..well I *did* have that DP this am, but it was with a meal not outside-just like you, snacking is my main problem!

My loving DH is having ICE CREAM in the other room, which he asked if I wanted and I said NO without hesitation-aren't you proud of me? 8) :lol:

I am glad to be checking in regularly again-I forgot how much it helps! I am trying to think of a list of things I will be glad for when I lose this weight. I figure if (ok, *when*) I am tempted to cheat, I can think of the things on the list and remember why I am doing this-and if I think its worth the -s- to not have the reward (make sense?).

Here's #1: I will be glad when I can get up and down from my chair without hobbling and pain!

#2: I will be glad when I have more than one outfit I can wear comfortably and feel good in!

#3: I'll be glad when I can put my shoes on without cutting off my AIR supply!

#4: I'll be glad when I can look in the mirror and not feel like a fat slob, but a healthy and slender, confident woman.

that's it for now, gotta go spend time with Jack-I think he finished his ice cream (the traitor! LOL)

talk tomorrow!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:43 pm
by Jaxhil
So today is going well so far-no snacks and only 3 teeny-weeny sips of DP.

Brekkie was an egg sandwich w/ canadian bacon, strawberries, and small blueberry yogurt. Lunch was a bit of tuna pasta leftovers w/ veggies and 2 1/2 small bean and cheese chalupas.

My kids are begging to watch a dumb movie and I keep saying No (school isn't finished!) and they keep asking anyway :roll: Very annoying. I'm getting some laundry done and wanting desperately to squeeze in some sewing time but so far the only thing I've managed to do is fixing the holes in a pair of my old ds's shorts (not too exciting, as you can imagine, lol).

Guess I better get out there and make sure they finish their school at least (yee-haw!) LOL-talk later! Hope your day is going well!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:14 pm
by FarmerHal
TOday's going well. Weird meals, like pb&j for breakfast and lunchmeat, cheese stick, grapes and ritz crackers for lunch with a steaz organic raspberry soda.

A short walk around the block today.

Some shopping at jcpenneys :)

That's it for now.
Talk soon, must chase kiddos :)

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:58 am
by Jaxhil
triple post :roll:

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:59 am
by Jaxhil
triple post, stupid computer!