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Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:14 pm
by Nichole
Congrats on 21 days, great job! Good point about being 17 lbs lighter in a few months. That's definitely the right way to think of it. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:04 pm
by kccc
Too funny about the friendship bread call! We will all be watching for the baby announcement! (Could you put in on the main page so we don't miss it?)

Great "script" on the door-to-door treats, and great thinking ahead on that. Figuring out potential rough spots in advance is a good strategy - it always makes me feel smart and in control, lol!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:43 am
by Vigilant2010
I'm amazed at how calm, cool, and collected you sound, given everything that's going on right now. End of school year, goodies/temptations, grandbaby on the way, full weekends...

you continue to inspire me! Did your ring come yet? My curtains came today and I like them! (last week's reward)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:19 pm
by mimi
Yeah, me too Vigilant! Normally I'm not this together! :shock: I think it may be spillover because I feel that I'm getting my habits somewhat in control. NoS does bring great peace into my life...I think that's what's behind my present calmness...although if you could have seen me running and screaming down the hall to get the telephone yesterday morning, you wouldn't call me *calm and collected* at all!
My ring still has not come - arrival date mentioned in their email was June 16th, I believe. I'm glad you're pleased with your curtains! So what's in store for you this week? I think I'll get my iPod Touch out and get it set up. I got it and a printer free when I got my new laptop, but I only set up the printer. That was at the beginning of the school year... :oops: I also have some iTunes gift cards that the kids gave me as gifts to use for downloading music and whatever...that should keep me busy. I just haven't had the time, or I didn't make the time, I should say, to do it sooner. Now watch baby come in the middle of all this and I won't get it done as planned! We'll see! I hope I can stay green at daughter's house while I'm there. She knows all about NoS, so she'll help keep me on track, hopefully.
Yesterday, June 9, was a green day for me - with some obstacles though. One of my sweet little students baked me chocolate chip cookies. I gave them away later in the day after all the kids were gone because I can't handle homemade choc-chip cookies at all. Boy, did I want to eat them! I wanted to munch last night too, so I did the milk thing again and went to bed. I don't want that to become a habit, though, relying on milk every night. I think I'm reacting to stress right now. Anyway, a glass of milk is very small against a full-blown binge, and that's how I'll look at it.
Already today a little girl brought me a huge piece of her mom's homemade lemon pound needs to go somewhere before too long!

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:50 am
by mimi
Two, actually three!
1. I gave the cake away after the kids went home today.
2. My ring came this afternoon and was waiting for me when I got home - it's beautiful - even prettier than it looked online. I'm so pleased. And that little elephant sitting on the green stone reminds me not to *forget* the rules for staying green!
3. Just got off the phone with my daughter...I think she's going tonight. Better get to bed EARLY! :D Might cause a dilemma in the morning because my little granddaughter's sitter will be at my school attending the Honors Assembly because her daughter is an 8th grader! I guess I'll have to take Makayla to school with me until it's over...oh boy!
I just have a feeling it'll be tonight! We'll see! Exciting times!

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:04 am
by Betty
mimi-- Congrats! Hope the delivery went well!

Oh yes, and congrats on making it to 21 days. I'm going to get there too!
Yesm I will!


Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:49 am
by mimi
Well - NO BABY! My *impending delivery* intuition was wrong! Her due date is not until Monday, so she's still okay...she didn't feel very well last night, and was kind of weepy too, so I thought for sure...

Wed., June 10 was a GREEN day for me - but tough with all the goodies floating around. I stood my ground, however. There's a team picnic this evening and a faculty picnic tomorrow. Tonight I plan to stay green - tomorrow I think I might make it an S event for the get-together. we'll see.

I'll keep you all posted...

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:10 pm
by Vigilant2010
Home made chocolate chip cookies and lemon pound cake?! Oh my. That is some serious temptation. A huge round of applause for giving all that stuff away!

So glad you like your ring. :) And have fun with iTunes--that's a cool reward in itself. I've thought about doing something with that when money gets tight(er), like purchasing a song for my iPod for a green week (at 99 cents a song, it's a pretty cheap reward). Good times!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:08 am
by mimi
Yes, Vigilant, I was proud of myself for that - with sweets being my downfall in the past. Thursday afternoon I decided to have a yellow event at the team cookout because one of the math teachers brought his wife's famous chocolate chip cheesecake. I ate a small piece, but only one plate of food, and marked my habitcal yellow. Movin' on! Maybe I'll stay green for the faculty picnic this afternoon (unless he brings his cheesecake there too!) :roll:
So today's it - teacher workday and last day until August! Whoopee!


Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:57 pm
by la_loser
Whoop for the last day! And the kids think THEY'RE the ones who are excited for summer to get here! And how thoughtful for that baby to wait till your schedules cleared. . . not typical of new arrivals who usually have a mind of their own!

Enjoy your time "off" -- the quotes because any teacher knows we're never really "off" even in the summer!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:19 pm
by mimi
Enjoy your time "off" -- the quotes because any teacher knows we're never really "off" even in the summer!

And the ones who are married to us know the truth! :wink:

New baby - come on now! We're ready!!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:53 pm
by ~reneew
we're all waiting...

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:30 pm
by Nichole
mimi wrote:Yes, Vigilant, I was proud of myself for that - with sweets being my downfall in the past. Thursday afternoon I decided to have a yellow event at the team cookout because one of the math teachers brought his wife's famous chocolate chip cheesecake. I ate a small piece, but only one plate of food, and marked my habitcal yellow. Movin' on! Maybe I'll stay green for the faculty picnic this afternoon (unless he brings his cheesecake there too!) :roll:
So today's it - teacher workday and last day until August! Whoopee!
Sounds like a lovely couple of days! :) I hope the baby come soon!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:01 am
by mimi
Well...they just left for the hospital - 5:30 a.m. EST! I'll keep you all posted! Baby today for sure!!

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:52 am
by mimi
Okay - well Sat. and Sun. were exempt, of course, and so much fun with little granddaughter with us all weekend. She's a lil' darling - so precocious - you never know what she's going to come up with. Definitely keeps us smiling! :)
Took her yesterday to hospital to see lil' *bruver* again. Momma looks great and baby is doing very well - a little cranky yesterday after circumcision, but eating well and sleeping pretty well too.
We'll go to the house later today when they've settled in - supposed to be discharged some time this morning. I'll stay all week, but I'll have my laptop with me so I can continue to post and stay green!
I had several *treats* over the weekend - but no time to *be an idiot*, so I'm back on track today. Had two pieces of Friendship Bread on Saturday, ate some chocolate yesterday while visiting at the hospital and stopped at Dairy Queen for our Sunday ice cream on the way home, but that's about it. Oh yeah, we popped some popcorn (my favorite nighttime snack!) in the Whirley-Pop and that was the last of the weekend Esses. Here's to a busy, but memorable week with new little Liam!

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:24 pm
by kccc
So happy for you and everyone celebrating the addition to the family!

Amazing how treats are not that important when we're busy with happy things. Or rather, they assume their rightful place - nice, but our lives revolve around more meaningful things.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:28 am
by mimi
Thanks KCCC
Today was a green day for me without much problem. I'm not sure about exercise this week, whether I will be able to fit any in. My daughter has a treadmill, though, so we'll see. We also talked about taking a walk early in the day with the baby in a stroller, but we're not sure if he can go out yet or not. She'll ask the doctor on Thursday.
I'm wearing my jade elephant ring to help me stay on track while I'm away from home this week.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:01 pm
by Vigilant2010
You're doing great, Mimi. Keep it up!

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:23 pm
by mimi
Okay, baby report! Monday night was sort of a nightmare...not much sleep for anyone :cry: Tuesday night was better - he nursed often, but was much *quieter* in between feedings. He's learning!
Report for NoS - going well! I've had 3 meals each day and nothing more...getting easier all the time!
I do love my jade green elephant ring, by the way, and every time I glance at it I smile - knowing that I'm shrinking with each meal that I eat! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:44 pm
by Nichole
Ooof, newborns. I'm not a big fan of that stage! lol. Glad to see you and everybody is doing so well. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:50 pm
by bluebunny27
Multiple feedings ?? Huh, shouldn't the baby be on NO-S too ?? ;-)

It's hard to be green where there's a lil' baby around, but I'm sure you'll adapt your routine.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds - - - 06/16/2009 : 211.6 pounds
7 months 16 days / 68.4 pounds

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:46 pm
by mimi
Multiple feedings ?? Huh, shouldn't the baby be on NO-S too ?? Wink
Marc, fortunately babies and small children have an innate ability to eat when they sense hunger and stop when they're full. What happens to destroy that ability by the time they're adults, I don't know! He is just sensing hunger every hour on the hour! So, is not on NoS - unless it stands for NO SLEEP, Ha! wink: Actually, he did much better last night by letting several hours pass between feedings. He's getting better...and BIGGER!
His visit to the pediatrician this morning showed that he has already gained 12 ounces since leaving the hospital on Monday!
I have been folliwng NoS and just eating my three meals a day - marking my Habitcal green! My clothes are feeling looser! Won't weigh until July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd to compare to June's weight.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:49 pm
by Thalia
Yeah, newborns have tummies the approximate size of a peanut M&M or something -- OK, maybe they're not quite THAT tiny, but they need to eat pretty frequently because they can hold so little at one time, and plus growing is really hard work.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:34 am
by mimi
Yes, Thalia, you're right! He's doing better each day and stretching out a few of his feedings. I'm going home :( this afternoon for the weekend. Next week I'll come up to her house each day and help her out so she won't be lifting my little granddaughter and doing other things before she should be. I've been keeping her laundry up and cooking and otherwise entertaining little Makayla. It's been so much fun. I'm soooo blessed to live close by where I am able to do this. My mom died when I was 15 years old, so I never had any help with any of my three children and it was very hard. I shouldn't say I didn't have any help because my husband tried when he got home from work - but through the day, I was on my own. Some days were a nightmare - so Tiffani, I know where you're coming from! I never wanted any of my children to have to endure that, so I've tried to help them each time a new baby was added to our family. My youngest son is not married - so no children yet for him! Speaking of him...he called last night and said he's taking us away for the weekend to celebrate Father's Day and Mother's Day at the same time. There's a new national park in Ohio (we love to visit all the national parks and explore!) It's called Cuyahoga Valley close to Cleveland and Ackron - about a 7 hour drive for us. We're leaving later this afternoon to drive as far as we can, finish in the morning, see the park on Saturday and Sunday and come home. My son said there is supposed to be a train that runs the length of the park, so my husband is looking forward to that - he loves the old steam engines. The last one we rode was the Silverton/Durango train in Colorado. He'll be in heaven! It'll be a nice Father's Day for him. So, I probably won't be posting until maybe Sunday evening - we'll see!
Yesterday, Thursday, was a GREEN day for me, although my daughter and I did have some sugar-free hot cocoa made with milk last night around midnight. I think that was okay - I'm still counting it green! :mrgreen:
Looking forward to my Ess days this weekend! Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:33 am
by ~reneew
Good to see that you're still keeping your head with all that's going on... stay green, these busy and fun days are a good trial to keeping the No S plan forever. Keep it up!

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:08 am
by mimi
Had a great weekend - the trip was lots of fun! Spend Saturday at the park and rode the train for 3 hours Sunday morning. Then it was time to head home. Left at !:00 and were home by 6:30. This was an *urban* national park - unlike any others we have visited. Private housing within the park. Little towns. We ate at Panera's on Sat. for lunch, for example. BTW, I had a toffee nut cookie as a treat and it was wonderful!
Green today for me!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:39 am
by mimi
Yesterday, Tuesday, and today, Wed. June 24, were both green for me. Although today, I had some *twinges* of wanting to eat. They were more like thoughts of eating something, and I don't know why. Well, yes, I think maybe I do. I'm a little tired...last week staying at my daughter's and not getting much sleep...traveling the entire weekend...driving back and forth to my daughter's this week and helping her out. Need to get to bad a little earlier tonight! Tomorrow will be good!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:42 pm
by Vigilant2010
Mimi girl, my ridiculous laptop is keeping me from spending much time on this site but I wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you I'm thinking about you and our rewards system and still asking myself "what would Mimi think?!" Have you been wearing your jade ring lately?

Sounds like your next reward might be a couple of days to get some extra sleep and relax, eh?

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:26 pm
by mimi
Thanks so much Vigilant - you're so sweet! And yes! I wear my ring EVERY day and it helps me tremendously! I ordered another one on National Splurge Day ( see old thread - it was $20) and it's really pretty too. Visual reminders help me a lot!
I plan to rest over the weekend - AFTER I plant my new lilies! (See my post on your thread!)

Mimi :D

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:14 am
by bluebunny27
When in doubt you have to ask yourself one question ....
"What would MIMI do ??" ;-)

I like your idea of rewarding yourself when you are behavin' well, good work Mimi. This is good for your morale.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds - - - 06/23/2009 : 211.0 pounds
7 months 23 days / 69.0 pounds

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:24 am
by mimi
Thursday and today, Friday, have been GREEN days for me. I also walked for 30 minutes outside this evening after dinner.
It was a little sad, no, actually a LOT sad, leaving my daughter's this evening - bittersweet...we've had a beautiful two weeks together and I've enjoyed every minute of it.
My daughter asked me today, "Mom, when we go to the beach in August, you won't be able to eat ice cream or anything, will you, if you're doing NoS?"
I told her, "Of course I can! Our days at the beach will be S days - I mean how special can it get? Going to the beach with you and two of my sweet little grandchildren?!"
I'll probably just make them S events. We usually bring most of our food, so I will just be having treats from the boardwalk in the evening.
Can't wait to weigh next week - and I can't believe I just said that considering how I get along with the scale! But my behavior has been VERY good this month, and that was my sole focus this month, so I'm hopeful that there will be some weight loss to show for it. We'll see!

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:37 am
by kccc
It's so nice of you to come and take care of your daughter. My mom did that for me - despite the fact that I was in my 40's when my child was born. I was so appreciative! (Let me tell you, an emergency C at that age coupled with a baby who has days/nights reversed knocks you for a loop at that age!) I really hated when she left.

One "bonus" is that I feel that, if my mom ever needs to come live with us, it would be okay. That's a hugely important realization... I honestly wasn't so sure about that before.

You sound like an absolutely awesome "Mimi," - and it sounds as if your family appreciates you.

Hope that your compliance with habit shows visible results when you get back! :)

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:25 pm
by mimi
You're so sweet KCCC - thanks for your kind words. I've mentioned before that my own mother died when I was 15 years old, so I never had any help with my three children (no C sections though!) and it was a living nightmare. My husband worked long hours, so I was pretty much on my own most of the time. I cried a lot!
I promised myself many years ago that none of my children would ever have to endure any of that when their children came along, if I could do anything about it. My oldest son has three children, all 5 and under. My daughter-in-law's mother has MS, so I went and helped them each time too. It has been such a blessing for me - I wouldn't trade any of that time for anything!

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:29 pm
by mimi
Well, I'm finishing up the month of June with NO RED DAYS, it seems! Weekend began with a bang...
We were awakened on Sat. morning by a 5:30 a.m. telephone call from the nursing care facility informing us that my mother-in-law had taken a very bad fall - on her face while trying to use the bedside potty. They sent her to the ER where we went up and met her. She had two black eyes, a huge gash in her forehead requiring 7 stitches along with a sizable *egg*, and bruising down her entire left side. A CT scan showed no bleeding in her brain, but several small fractures in her nose. After getting her taken care of, we stayed awhile longer with her and then headed home. Stopped for breakfast first - that was nice.
We planted my dozen yellow reward lilies in the afternoon, and they look beautiful behind the orange tiger lilies. I am very pleased! It's very gratifying to *earn* things each week. Probably this week it will be something of no cost. I want to work with my iPod Touch and download some things. That's what I"ll work for next!
Had a great weekend and was VERY selective about the esses I had. I was up at Walmart on Saturday and planned to stop in at Panera's and buy a toffee-nut cookie. The one I had last Saturday was soooo incredibly good. I bought three and stopped at my daughter's house on the way home. She and her husband were out front working on a flower bed, so we stopped for a *milk and cookie* break! Fun, and not to mention delicious!
Sunday, we watched my little granddaughter after church while my daughter took the newborn to the pediatrician (her husband was working). She thought his umbilical cord was becoming infected, but not the case, thankfully! I think her baby blues are finally kicking in - I'd recognize them anywhere! She was extremely weepy, and worrying about not being a good mom (ha! She's the best - a natural!) So, she spent the rest of the afternoon with us and was happy when she left.
We visited my mother-in-law in the evening and stopped at Dairy Queen for our Sunday afternoon ice cream. I had a small hot fudge sundae with wet nuts. We popped some popcorn when we got home and I really enjoyed that. Can't wait to begin a new challenge - they have really been helping me!

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:31 am
by mimi
June 29-30: GREEN days - finishing up June with NO REDS! 30 minutes of outdoor walking both evenings.

I'm so pleased with how this month went - in spite of experiencing the ending of the school year and the birth of my fifth grandchild. What a whirlwind month! And I got through it with no red days. Focusing solely on my behavior was the best thing I could have done. Will continue to do it in July along with keeping an exercise habitcal. I want to make sure that I get in at least 3, but hopefully 5, days each week. I'd like to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day.
I haven't weighed myself since the beginning of May and kept a habitcal for that too. Tomorrow is day #1 of weighing. I'm anxious to see if there is a drop! Will post results tomorrow!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:44 pm
by mimi
July 1 - Success on two of the three counts - NoS diet and weighing. No exercise due to Wed. evening church services! Babysat all day for my sons three children while he and my hubby worked away building a deck onto the house. They have been working feverishly to get it finished for the Fourth of July. Our family always gathers at his house to cook out, play, and celebrate.

July 2 - Success for NoS and taking weight #2 in the morning. Almost success for exercising - and here's where my horror story comes in. Again, I babysat all day while son and hubby worked on finishing up the deck. After getting home and getting a pizza for supper, my husband announced that he was going up to his homeplace to mow. I debated about going with him, and then decided that I really needed to get my walk in and put a green on my habitcal. I knew the weekend would be crazy and maybe not much opportunity for exercising. I wish I had gone with him!

I had walked about 15 minutes of my walk, in the same neighborhood as always (although not mine) because there are good uphill climbs. Anyway, I was on the downhill when a pitbull came charging from somewhere down and across the street and viciously attacked me. He knocked me over like a feather (and I'm 5'9" tall) and proceeded to chomp into the back of my right leg. I managed to get up and was screaming for help. He doubled around and was coming in for a second attack when a man from the house called the dog and he ran back to the house. I'm not going to go into graphics, suffice it to say I was extremely fortunate given the circumstances. I have two bad bites with deep puncture wounds and terrible bruising in the bite areas. Another bad bruise on my left hand where I fell.

So, it required an interview with the county sherrifs to make a report and then a trip to ER, getting home after midnight. I won't be walking for awhile, and certainly will be petrified to walk that route. I keep telling myself that it could have been much worse - but what if it had been a child?

July 3 - weigh-in #3 Okay - here are my results...
down three pounds for the month of June!
Down 5.5 pounds since beginning on April 30. Am I pleased?


Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:08 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Oh my Gosh, how horrible. I used to walk (the country road I live on) every night until a pack of three dogs starting joining me. They weren't real aggressive but sorta gathered around my legs to where I got trapped. It scared me enough that I have stopped for now.

You must have been terrified. I am so sorry to read this.

But, the good news - you lost weight.

Hardly evens out, but still.



Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:48 pm
by midtownfg
OH, Mimi. That is so frightening. I was bitten when I was 21 and have been afraid of dogs since. It is unfortunate when things like this keep us from exercising. Not just during recovery but beyond out of fear. I fell down the stairs at home more than a year ago and now going down stairs is so stressful for me when it used to be the *fun* part of stairs. I hope you can overcome any fears once your injuries heal. Walking in the neighborhood shouldn't be scary. Get a big stick. Or carry the ShovelGlove. :D

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:55 pm
by mimi
Thanks Strawberry and Midtown! Yes, it was I was driving to the grocery store and a pick-up truck passed me with a huge rottweiler on the back. My heart just started pounding and racing like crazy. I know I will have a lot to overcome here, but I'll work at it. I don't want to stop walking - and I certainly don't want to walk in fear. I think time will help heal me, not only physically, but mentally as well. I'll probably map out a different walking route for awhile. And I will be armed in some way from now on! I love the idea of wielding a shovelglove Midtown - Ha!- that's a good one!
And yes, Strawberry, the good news is that I did lose three pounds in June! WooHoo!

Mimi :D

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:47 am
by midtownfg
Yeah, shovelglove isn't really practical (or legal, probably) but it sounds good.
I truly wish you a speedy recovery.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:43 am
by Bushranger
So glad you are ok. :)

The gate was open, the dog rushed out to you, the owner was slack about it.

First move - lawsuit.
Second move - Animal control destroys the dog.

Seriously, a domesticated animal that attacks with no reason should be destroyed. No ifs and buts about it.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 11:17 am
by mimi
BTW, nice to meet you Bushranger! Welcome to NoS - you've just jumped right in and that's great! The message boards, daily check-ins, and Habitcal all help to keep you on track. There's always someone *out there* ready to jump in and help in time of need. These boards are terrific and full of wonderful folks.

In the county where I live, and in the town (where the attack occurred) there are strong leash laws. The owner clearly violated the leash law, and the town will bring charges for that. This will insure that my medical bills are paid. On Monday (due to the holiday weekend) the game warden will come to see me, and I'm not sure what will come of that. Maybe mandatory neutering and/or obedience school will be required - I'm not really sure. I'm just going on what others have told me. Right now the dog is automatically on a 10-day quarantine for rabies watch. If he is is found outside of the house during this time, the animal control will come pick him up. If he has made a prior attack to this one, and it was documented, he will be put down. The laws here wait until a dog has made two attacks on people before euthanizing. The deputies and local police said this is why it is so important for victims of such attacks notify the authorities when they happen. Otherwise, such a vicious dog could possibly be free to attack multiple times. I think once is more than enough proof that the dog needs to be destroyed, but that is a personal opinion. Had this attack been on a child, it probably would have had a very sad ending. The street where this dog resides is full of children playing outside in the summertime.
My wishes in this case are to have my medical bills taken care of, and to ensure that this doesn't happen to me again or to someone else. The laws that are already in place are out of my hands.
Thanks for your concern Bushranger. Will look forward to seeing you around on the boards!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:48 am
by Bushranger
^ All good news. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:08 am
by mimi
July 4 - exempt! Had a wonderful day at my son's where the family gathers each year. We officially *broke* in their new deck! Had a typical holiday cookout - steaks, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and brats - mac-and-cheese, broccoli salad, and the deserts were Lazy Day salad, strawberry cheesecake, and a Smores cake - and of course, Jello - there's always room for Jello!
I ate 1/2 steak with small servings of everything else. I sampled very small portions of the deserts because I found I was growing very full by that time. Partly because we had 5 little ones to get plates for and settled, and a baby we were taking turns with - so I didn't eat my plate all in one sitting. I found myself jumping up and down to do this and that in between - makes a difference in the fullness factor! We had a very late supper of leftovers warmed on the grill. Again - small portions for me.
No weighing today - I think I'm getting that habit down.
No exercise yet due to injuries. Hope I can get back to it soon.

Sunday, July 5 - exempt!Rainy, cold, Sunday here in Virginia! Had a lazy afternoon after church. Crock pot roast (meat + envelope of dry onion soup mix + can of stewed tomatoes), mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables. Pistachio pudding for desert.
Made a quick stop at our daughter's house on the way up to town for a quick visit with the kids. She didn't make it to church today - hubby is sick and just couldn't get the kids rounded up and ready by herself! Getting two children ready to go somewhere is an adjustment, isn't it?!
Went to the ER for a recheck on the bite wounds. No signs of infection, but terrible bruising. Pitbulls have extremely powerful jaws.
We then visited mother-in-law at nursing care facility and made a stop at Walmart. Dairy Queen on the way home where my S treat was a small Tag-a-Long Blizzard. Popcorn when we got home. Back to being a *nun*, as Renee would put it, tomorrow!

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:40 pm
by kccc
Glad to hear that your bites are better - sound as if they're not slowing you down a bit! (Though I'm sure they're painful... sending get-well vibes your way!)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:20 pm
by Vigilant2010
Hey Mimi, it looks like I missed alot while I was waiting for my new laptop to arrive. I am so sorry to hear about the awful dog attack. :cry: But it sounds like you are well on your way to physical and mental recovery and that you are on top of everything in terms of how they are going to deal with the animal. I wish you continued healing!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:29 am
by nubiennelady
Mimi - Congrats on your success thus far and thanks for the encouraging words on my log.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:27 pm
by ~reneew
Hi Mimi... I'm so glad to see your wonderful weight progress!!! Awesome! There is no way that I could wait a whole month to see. You have great patience!

About the viscous teeth chompin' undersupervised little shit of a dog... I love animals completely, but this one should be gone! Try hard to get it taken care of so it doesn't get anyone else! Also, I highly suggest spending some time quick with a sweet loving kind and gentle dog right away so you will lessen your fear.... you know the ol' get right back on the horse idea. I fell off a high speed horse when little and was terrified until I got back on.

Keep up the good work! :wink:

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:37 am
by mimi
Hey Renee!
There is no way that I could wait a whole month to see. You have great patience!
Patience...hmmm...I think that comes with working with 12-year olds on a daily basis! (Just kidding!)

I don't have much success with daily weighing, so I don't. This method, so far, has been working out. I have really tried to put weight loss out of my mind. I so much want to be successful this time with NoS and I so much want to be able to sustain it for the rest of my days, so I am really working on getting my habits down. So far, I've had great success with that, but I don't want to get overconfident.

I will know tomorrow what is to become of the dog. Hopefully the man will have some sense and turn the animal over to the animal control officer.
Thank you for your support, as always!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:01 am
by mimi
July 6 - green for NoS. Exempt for exercise - still too sore to do much walking.

July 7 - green for NoS. Exempt for exercise. That depresses me...
I had a good dental check-up today, so that is something to be thankful for!

July 8 - Green for NoS - and I went to a Pampered Chef party tonight. I ate NOTHING! I did drink a glass of wonderful lemonade though. Here's the recipe:

1/4 cup fresh raspberries
1 can of frozen lemonade
1 2-litre bottle of gingerale
sliced lemon
Mix all together and serve! Delicious!

Still exempt for rangering... :cry: Maybe soon!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:10 am
by mimi
Thursday, July 9 - green for NoS. Exempt for exercise.

Spent the day painting (actually hubby did most of the work - I was the *gopher*) kitchen, hallway, and basement stairwell walls. Next week we're having new linoleum put down in the kitchen. I hope it will look as nice as I think it will! Plan to paint my bathroom too, but will have to wait til next week - maybe a seashell pink, we'll see.

No word about the status of the dog...I am growing so tired of this whole thing...

Drank a glass of milk. I'm kinda hungry this evening, so it's time to head for bed. I really think I'm tired - not hungry!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:50 am
by Vigilant2010
Ahh, nothing like a fresh coat of paint, right?!

Sorry about this darn dog ordeal. Hang in there, Mimi. I know how tough and resilient you are!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:50 pm
by ~reneew
I'm painting my master bath soon too. I bought the paint today... vanilla cream. The paint mixer lady said that I'll be sitting in my soaker tub and dreaming of french vanilla icecream. Great. :roll:

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:22 am
by Bushranger
MMmmmmm French Vanilla Icecream. The most creamy and vanillary of the icecreams! Is vanillary even a real word or are google hits adverspeak?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:43 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Mimi :)
Hope you are feeling better!!
8) Debs x

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:31 am
by mimi
Thanks Debs! I'm getting there! Maybe sometime next week I'll try some walking - maybe 15 minutes to start with on level ground - no uphills for awhile and certainly not in that neighborhood! My husband has a stick ready for me to take with me when I do resume rangering! Thank you for checking in and thank you for caring. I've been so greatly touched by everyone's concern. You all are the best!

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:07 am
by bluebunny27
For total protection Here's what you need to wear on your next urban ranger session, Mimi !


Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
07/11/2009 : 206.4 pounds
( 8 months 11 days / -73.6 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 192.0 pounds ( 1 year / -88.0 pounds )

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:47 pm
by ~reneew
I agree Mimi... and leave it to Marc to come up with the answer! Imagine the great workout you'd get in that! :wink:

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:31 pm
by mimi
Yeah, not to mention the LOOKS! :D

You're such a riot Blue Bunny - I'll bet you're always the life of the party and the center of attention where ever you go!

Thanks for the great laugh - I really needed it! I laughed right out loud when I saw your idea for my new rangering suit! Wouldn't need any uphills in that get-up, would I? Wouldn't want to fall down in it, however...

And Berry could catch me for sure wearing it - but she doesn't stand a chance without it! :wink:

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:14 am
by mimi
Time to catch up a little...
Friday, July 10 - Green day for NoS. I'm excited because it's starting to feel like second nature now. I fix a plate and eat, but otherwise I don't fuss too much with it. I'm trying not to get overconfident, though, because I know how easily it can all come tumbling down. I need to remain focused!

Saturday, July 11 - Exempt day for NoS. Worked all afternoon in my office (home office) going through my computer desk and all the books on my floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. I cleaned out quite a few - lots of diet books that I've collected in my mad quest for the end-it-all-perfect diet. Well, I've found it now with NoS, so I won't be needing any of those books anymore- low carb, no fat, WW, intuitive eating, etc. Will take them up to the Booksavers this week. Had a delicious piece of Italian Cream layer cake after lunch today for my S Treat. I also ate a little bag of the new Strawberried Peanut Butter M & M's! Yum!

Sunday, July 12 - Exempt day for NoS. Made a S'more in the microwave for desert today. Hubby and I went for a long ride in the countryside this afternoon and stopped for black raspberry soft-serve ice cream cones on the way home. They were yummy! I enjoy my sweet treats so much more now than I did in my non-dieting days! Ironic, huh?!

I'm excited because all five grandkids are coming to spend the day at our house tomorrow. My daughter and daughter-in-law are coming too. Hubby and I filled up a little pool for them in the backyard this afternoon, and I bought all kinds of little water toys in the dollar store for them to play with. And of course I've got some little treats for them - but nothing really bad! They all love the Goldfish crackers, and the little Teddy Grahams and freezie pops. That's all! I also try to keep grapes, apples, and yogurt here for them too!

P.S. Haven't heard a thing about the dog...the 10 day quarenteen is up today...need to call the animal control officer to see what's up.

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:53 pm
by ~reneew
You are so there for us Mimi :wink: !!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:56 pm
by Nichole
Good to see you're doing well! :) Have fun with your family.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:27 am
by mimi catch up...
Monday, July 13 - Green NoS day for me...turns out none of the kids got to come, at least for the whole day. My son's three all came down with pink eye and upset stomachs - fun for him since he stays home with them. My daughter then called and said M's little right arm was limp and she wasn't moving it - crying when she did. To make a long story short I rushed to their house and we gathered the kids up into the car and were off to the pediatrician's office where her husband met us. Turns out after an examination and x-rays that she had "Nursemaid's Elbow" - her little elbow was out of the socket! After all the fiddling and moving it - doctor and x-ray techs, it popped back in. Never before have I heard of this! What a scare we had! They did then come to the house and she got to play in the pool for a little bit in the afternoon. The whole ordeal just made me realize how much we take for granted each day...
Still not walking...I think my leg can take it, but I can't get up the nerve to go...think about me!

Tuesday, July 14 - Green NoS day, but still didn't go walking...moved everything out of the kitchen and dining area so we can have new linoleum put down tomorrow. They're supposed to come in the morning...I'm excited!

Wednesday, July 15 - Green NoS day, but no walking...
I was beginning to feel nervous about going away next week, so I posted a thread asking for suggestions and help from everyone. Got some excellent feedback - I'm so grateful for everyone's input, and now I'm feeling much better about it. I have a plan now, and that's what I needed. I will follow NoS each day, but allow myself one S each day if necessary. This will work, I'm sure!
The new linoleum looks beautiful! I also bought paint for my bathroom (Art Deco Pink). Hubby doesn't care since it's my bathroom! This is my reward this week if I have 5 green days. So I have the paint, and I guess we'll paint after we get back.

Thursday, July 16 - Green NoS day - no walking. I am feeling really good about my eating habits here of late. It is feeling like second nature - not much thought given to it. I fill my plate at each meal, eat, and I'm done - that's it. I took a bunch of books (mostly diet and *diety* cookbooks - no fat, no carb, etc.) to Booksavers this afternoon and dropped them off. I bought a new cookbook with some really great looking recipes in it - true ingredients, good food - no diet recipes! Can't wait to try some of them! Maybe that will be my reward for keeping to my vacation eating plan - when I get back, I get to use my new cookbook! Yeah, I like that one!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:40 pm
by mimi
Friday, July 17 - Green NoS day - no exercise this evening - raining! Daughter came early this morning with the two babies and cleaned up her things that she left here when she got married (virtually her whole childhood lol!) She knew her little girl would enjoy many of the toys she had - so that's what we did all day...dug in boxes from over the garage and down in the basement and tripped down memory lane. I got lots of quality time with new baby too.
We are beginning to get cucumbers and summer squash from the garden. We had fried squash and cucumbers for supper. Yum!

Saturday, July 18 - Exempt for NoS

Walked for 30 minutes this evening! Hubby went with me and I had my stick! My heart pounded almost the whole time - and not from exertion - just from high anxiety. Didn't see any dogs, but we walked right down through the middle of town. It will get better each time I go. I'm just glad to be back exercising.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:51 pm
by kccc
Yay, Mimi! You go, girl!

Good for you for "getting back in the saddle" - and for taking it one step at a time. (Plus I'm sure walking is as good for your hubby as it is for you.)

Have a GREAT vacation, and remember - "s-worthy" treats! :)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:54 am
by mimi
Yes KCCC! S-worthy treats only!

Sunday, July 19 - exempt NoS and exercise Non-idiodic S day for me today...had a hot fudge sundae at Dairy Queen this evening. Other than that, normal eating for me today.
Need to pack tonight, as we want to get an early start in the morning. I'm so glad to be going away with a vacation plan this time! I will adhere to the NoS rules unless an S-worthy treat comes along. We'll be coming back on Friday because we have a prior comittment on Saturday. It'll be fine and good to get away a little. The whole *dog thing* has been such a downer this summer...but I'm back to walking, so I'm elated about that. I'll check in when I get back.
Everyone have a great GREEN week! I'll miss ya!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:32 pm
by bluebunny27
Yeah, I was on vacation the other week ... it was surprising though, because I didn't have a hard time at all that week ... I was following my diet and exercising hard for 51 minutes every day, even at the restaurants, I was ordering lean chicken breast salads, fruit salads and whatnot .... not greasy fried chicken, onion rings and huge ice cream sundaes ... I struggled more a couple of days before and after the week's vacation than while I was gone, lol !

Hopefully you'll have a SWELL time, 'Mi.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
07/15/2009 : 205.4 pounds
( 8 months 15 days / -74.6 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 192.0 pounds ( 1 year / -88.0 pounds )

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:29 am
by mimi
Monday, July 20 - exempt - vacation day! Green for exercise!
Thanks for all your encouragement Bunny! It means a lot!
Hotel has free Internet service, so I'll do a quick check-in! Today was a wonderful first day of vacation - in spite of the on-and-off-again rain! We spent the day in Jamestown and Yorktown (decided to forgo Colonial Williamsburg for today). Did LOTS of walking, and I did very well. My leg is tired, but I kept up! :D
Ate at a Golden Corral this evening...but I had my vacation plan already in place! I ate one plate of salad and other food. I picked one desert for my S-worthy treat - a piece of triple-chocolate layer cake. Yum - it was heavenly! I felt so in control. I'll be fine this week, I know it!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:03 am
by mimi
Still vacationing - but had time to check in tonight...

Tuesday. July 21 - exempt - followed NoS all day, and had one S-worthy treat - a waffle cone sundae at Busch Gardens. Plenty of exercise today!

Wednesday, July 22 - exempt - followed NoS all day, and had one S-worthy treat - a delicious piece of carrot cake. Plenty of exercise again today! Did a lot of shopping in outlets - and found a Bare Minerals outlet! Get out! I was in heaven! I LOVE my Bare Minerals. Hubby sat on a bench outside...gotta love him!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:07 am
by sophiasapientia
Hi Mimi -- Sounds like you are having lovely vacation! How cool that you found a Bare Minerals outlet ... I love the stuff too ... Your DH sounds like a sweetie. Have fun! :D

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:13 am
by mimi
Thursday, July 23 - still vacationing, so today was an exempt *special* day! I stuck to just three meals again today, but had 1 1/2 chocolate chip cookies with my coffee this evening. A nice treat at the end of a looong day! We did plenty of sightseeing today, and plenty of walking, so I'm really GREEN for exercise!
Heading back home tomorrow - :cry:
But, my daughter and I will be heading for the beach with the two grandkiddies the first week in August - that'll be fun...a long car ride with a 2-year-old and a 2-month-old! :roll: Might have to make lots of stops!!
Then, I go back to school on August 13... :( Where did the summer go?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:07 am
by mimi
Friday, July 24 - travel home day - Green for NoS, but no exercise. Good to be back home - although it was wonderful being away.

Saturday, July 25 - S-day! Went to a Steam and Gas Meet today (my DH loves old tractors). I love to peruse all the vendors and flea markets...found a really pretty green bracelet that I will add to my NoS jewlery collection. The visual reminders are very helpful to me. Got in plenty of walking today!

Sunday, July 26 - S-day! Quiet afternoon at home today after church and dinner. Later visited MIL in the nursing care facility and stopped at DQ on the way home. Had a small Georgia Mud Pie Blizzard ( or something like that! It was good!)

Can't believe that this is the last week in July! Whew!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:58 pm
by ~reneew
mimi wrote: Can't believe that this is the last week in July! Whew!
I know! Let's stay green til the end!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:41 am
by mimi
~reneew wrote: I know! Let's stay green til the end!
I plan on it - but we'll see! Thanks for the encouragement Renee, as always! I'm so glad you're back in the saddle again and full of enthusiasm!

Monday, July 27 - Today is my daughter and SIL's anniversary. They're away this week at a lake - should be a restful week for them. Next week we take the kids to the beach for a few days - can't wait!
Had a green NoS day, but no exercise. I had to practice my piano in the evening rather than walk, being I have a lesson tomorrow. Didn't get too much practicing in this week due to being away.

Tuesday, July 28 - had a tech class today on blogging and learned quite a lot. I already do a blog with my students where we discuss what we're reading, and that's a lot of fun. My daughter does a family one where she posts pictures, etc. Anyway, I enjoyed the session.
Had a green NoS day, and green for exercise too. I walked for 30 minutes (carrying my stick, of course!) but not in the *dog* neighborhood. I have to make two court appearances - one on Aug. 4 for the leash violation and one on the 13 for the vicious dog...I just wish they were over. This whole dog thing has cast a shadow over the whole summer. I know I shouldn't complain because things could have been so much worse. Focus on the positive!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:57 pm
by Nichole
Good luck with court! It sounds like you are doing great, keep up the good work :)

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:31 pm
by mimi
Thanks Nicole! I really appreciate the positive comments!

Wednesday, July 29 - Green NoS - no exercise. My three little grandkids were here all afternoon, so I guess I got more exercise than I think! They're heading away for a few days, so we watched them while my son did some things he needed to do.

Thursday, July 30 - spent the day riding 4-wheelers and had a good time. Got home, ate at Hardees, and went to visit MIL and the grocery store.
Had a green NoS day, but again, no exercise.

Friday, July 31 - Green NoS (it better be!) If it's not raining, I plan on walking this evening.
*edit* green for exercise!

The first August weigh-in is tomorrow morning...I'm anxious to see if I made any progress in July...I hope so. Will weigh on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and take an average - then calculate weight-loss-to-date.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:00 pm
by mimi
August 1 - Okay, I weighed this morning (#1) eager to see any progress made in July...down one pound. (I know that I am going to weigh Sunday and Monday and take an average, but I'm thinking that it probably won't go down much - if anything, it'll go up being there are two S days! :roll: ) Anyway, my initial reaction was disappointment. I feel smaller judging by how clothing fits, and look smaller in the mirror (particularly in the stomach/midsection area). I think I have lost more inches than pounds, and I wish I would have measured myself at the start in May. I know I have heard many posters here mention that the scale should never be the sole standard of measurement of your NoS success. Never too late...I'll go from here. I took some basic measurements and will have them for comparison in the future.
Here are some of my successes so far:
• down 6.5 pounds in 3 months - that's an average of 2 pounds a month. In a year from now I could be down 30 pounds. I would love that, but have made a committment to let my body be the judge of its weight, not me.
• NoS habits are becoming solid - no snacking anymore - particularly the nighttime eating which was my worst nightmare. I have conquered that seemingly.
• S-days are calm and not too much different from my N days.
• no red days in June and July.
• *diet head* is almost nonexistent. Very rarely does it rear its nasty head. Whew! What a relief to lead such a peaceful existence with food and eating!

Looking over this list gives me some things to feel very good about. The best thing is that I AM losing weight and eating the foods that I love and enjoy.

Not disappointed anymore!

Today is an S day, but I plan to walk 30 minutes this evening.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:30 pm
by BigE
Thanks, Mimi, that helped. I just weighed myself again, and went down another half pound. Proof that it should not be the only indicator.
And truthfully, I should be quite pleased that after the number of times I've had my mother-in-law's home cooking, late dinners at restaurants of rich foods, AND the lack of exercise . . . a pound lost is quite good. In my "pre-No-S" life, I probably would have gained five pounds in those conditions.

YOU are doing fabulously! What a great strategy to reflect on all the SUCCESSES!

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:35 pm
by kccc
Mimi, I love your list! No-S really covers more than weight loss, doesn't it?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:26 am
by Bushranger
Solid mimi, very solid. Great work. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:53 am
by bluebunny27
Peace and harmony, good work , Mimi ! That's right 2 to 3 pounds per month average, that's what you need, after a year, those 2-3 pounds every month definitely add up ! ;-)

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
08/01/2009 : 206.0 pounds
( 9 months / -74.0 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 190.0 pounds ( 1 year / -90.0 pounds )

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:08 pm
by mimi
KCCC wrote:Mimi, I love your list! No-S really covers more than weight loss, doesn't it?
Yes, it certainly does KCCC!
Peace and harmony, good work , Mimi ! That's right 2 to 3 pounds per month average, that's what you need, after a year, those 2-3 pounds every month definitely add up !
That's my thinking too Bunny! Slow and steady...
Solid mimi, very solid. Great work.
Thanks, Bushranger! I really appreciate your support!

Sunday, August 2 - exempt for NoS and exercise. An enjoyable S-day! Weigh-in #2 was exactly the same as yesterday. All's good.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:05 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Mimi, I wanted to add to your list of things to be proud of..
You survived an extremely upsetting and painful experience recently.
Do you have any idea what a perfect excuse that could have been to just get depressed and eat and eat?? You didn't do that, so good for you!
I actually just came by here to see how you've been healing up.
Glad to see you made some headway in July!
Go Mimi!
Hope you've been feeling much better :)
8) Debs x

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:56 am
by bluebunny27

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
08/03/2009 : 201.8 pounds
( 9 months 3 days / -78.2 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 190.0 pounds ( 1 year / -90.0 pounds )

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:55 am
by mimi
gratefuldeb67 wrote:Hey Mimi, I wanted to add to your list of things to be proud of..
You survived an extremely upsetting and painful experience recently.
Do you have any idea what a perfect excuse that could have been to just get depressed and eat and eat?? You didn't do that, so good for you!
I actually just came by here to see how you've been healing up.
Glad to see you made some headway in July!
Go Mimi!
Hope you've been feeling much better :)
8) Debs x
Thanks Debs! I really appreciate your concern and support. Yes, in the past, the dog incident would have been the perfect invitation for me to eat and continue eating...this has drug out the entire summer it seems. Like so many others on these boards, I am an emotional eater.
As for how I'm healing up...physically, my leg is all healed except for one spot (where the deepest bite occurred). That particular spot is still very sore - it's deep in the muscle, I presume is why. Mental healing - that's another story. I am frightened to death of dogs now - particularly big, strange ones that bark. I go into panic mode, and it makes me very angry. Just seeing a dog on the back of a pick-up in the grocery store parking lot starts my heart racing. I don't want to have to live the rest of my life being afraid of dogs.
Good news is, I am back to rangering, just not in that neighborhood - and I carry a hiking stick. I'll never be able to walk there again - nor do I want to! Last week I mailordered a little device that sends out a high-pitched sound only heard by dogs, and it's supposed to stop aggressive animals in their tracks. I figure with that device and my trusty stick, I'll be well armed and much safer! The town is charging the owner with permitting an animal to run at large and the court date is this afternoon. My DH and I are going (the officers want me to show the pictures) and then my daughter and her children and I are heading for a few days at the beach! I'm really looking forward to our little get-away because next week is back to school for me. Our kids come back on Aug. 25 in this area.
Thanks again Debs - and wish me luck this afternoon...I've never had to appear in court before.

Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:57 am
by mimi
bluebunny27 wrote:Image

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
08/03/2009 : 201.8 pounds
( 9 months 3 days / -78.2 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 190.0 pounds ( 1 year / -90.0 pounds )
Love it, Bunny! You keep us laughing, and that's great!

Mimi :D

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:24 am
by Bushranger
Good luck in court, Mimi. I'm so glad to hear this loser is being charged properly. The fear of dogs is very hard to get over; I still am scared of them over 15 years later. But it's not totally irrational when you think about it; a large dog IS a potentially dangerous animal. I really like the steps you are taking to protect yourself while walking and continuing to walk instead of letting it defeat you. Well done. You always have support here.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:51 am
by winnie96
Bushranger wrote:I really like the steps you are taking to protect yourself while walking and continuing to walk instead of letting it defeat you. Well done. You always have support here.
Nicely said, Bushranger ... and Mimi, you know he speaks for lots of us -- you do, indeed, always have support here.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:46 pm
by kccc
I'm going to "ditto" Bushranger and Winnie on how impressed I am at the steps you're taking - addressing fears by exercising caution without being imprisoned by it... a well-balanced approach.

And what Deb said is also right on target. To make it through something this rough without using it as an excuse is an ACCOMPLISHMENT!

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:18 am
by Vigilant2010
Wishing you a nice last bit of vacation before school starts again. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:47 am
by mimi
Thanks all! You're the greatest bunch of folks ever! I appreciate all your kind support. Unfortunately, the court hearing didn't go well at all...the judge didn't appear to have time to listen to anyone - well, at least not the town police officers, anyway. He let me speak and the dog owner's LAWYER (I can't believe they hired a lawyer!). Bottom line, the guy said yes it was his dog and yes it was out and attacked me, but he didn't let it out...his brother-in-law did.
Judge's response? Unless the town officers could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the owner let the dog out, then he wasn't guilty of ANYTHING. So, not guilty - no fine - no NOTHING! I have never been so shocked and disappointed in my entire life. If the dog's owner isn't responsible for his animal, then who is?
The beach mini-vacation with DD and kids couldn't have been at a more perfect time! We had a wonderful couple of days.
Here's a recap of the past few days:
Aug. 3 - NoS - green, no exercise
Aug. 4 - Beach! NoS - green, exercise - green
Aug. 5 - Beach! NoS - exempt, exercise - green
Aug. 6 - Beach! NoS - exempt, exercise - green
Aug. 7 - traveling home! NoS - green, no exercise
Aug. 8 - S-day
Aug. 9 - S-day
Aug. 10 - Conference all day! NoS - green, no exercise
I was very proud of myself today. I was at an all-day Smartboard conference, and they ordered boxed lunches from Panera Bread for us. Included was one of their huge, delicious cookies. Had mine been a toffee-nut cookie (my newest S treat), I'm sure I would have caved and eaten it...BUT, I wrapped mine up and took it home and put it in the freezer (thanks Renee!). I was proud of myself - and because of that I had a green day!

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:08 pm
by mimi
Tuesday and Wednesday - green NoS both days - no exercise.

Yesterday (Wed.) was my last day home before starting back to school -and, the day of the second court appearance (dangerous dog charge). To make a long story short (and HAPPY), they did NOT make a mockery of our law system or court officers, or me, this time.
The ACO (animal control officer) found that this is the second time this particular dog has attacked someone...he was called, but then the case was dropped because evidently they settled out of court or something.
Verdict? The judge ordered the dog to be registered as dangerous and along with that come all kinds of regulations - muzzling whenever it goes out, fenced in yard, castration, special licensing (expensive, and yearly), notifying the ACO if the dog gets out, bites someone, moves, or dies. Oh, and he also has to get a $100,000 liability insurance policy for animal bites. Good luck.
Bottom line - the neighborhood is safer for all of the children and urban rangers. That was my goal.
Now I just have to find a way to get past this fear of dogs...anyone have any ideas?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:17 pm
by Nichole

Panera Bread - my husband's work did that for them a few weeks ago.. He said it was delish!

The Dog - I'm glad all that happened to that dog. Castration? Dang. lol. As far as your fear... I don't know. I guess just take some precautions to make you feel better on your walks? I suppose just do what you feel comfortable with. And take your time, it just happened.

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:19 pm
by Thalia
mimi, you have done such a good thing by pushing through all the court hassle -- you've made everyone who walks that street a little safer!

For the fear? I don't know, would carrying pepper spray or something help, so you don't feel defenseless?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:43 pm
by kccc
Mimi, I'm so glad they took you seriously. You've made your neighborhood a safer place.

Hope that you find a way to make yourself feel safer. I know that you will be proactive and look for whatever actions you can take - and "intent" is half the battle. So, I have confidence that you WILL heal on this front too (but give yourself the time you need.)



Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:14 pm
by mimi
Thanks KCCC. I think I have tried to go out and walk again by myself far too soon. I got up the nerve last night to go, and it was awful. The anxiety created for me far outweighed the benefit of the walking - even armed with my hiking pole and high-frequency sound thingy. I encountered two men walking their BIG dogs...the first one I saw ahead of time and knew that I would overtake them and have to walk past I chose to go up a side street (good uphill!) instead. Well, as I turned the corner, there was a man walking his HUGE black dog (on a leash!) and it startled me so badly. My reaction? I froze in my tracks and stood there whimpering and unable to move. The man said, "It's okay, it's okay, come on boy!" I felt like an IDIOT because I'm sure he thought I was one. I cried all the way up the hill. That is no way to be, so I think I will walk on my treadmill in the basement for awhile. It's just too soon, I see now, to be walking alone outside. I'll go if my husband can go with me, otherwise it's *basement rangering* from now on!

On the NoS front...Thursday and Friday were green days for me. It seems to be *normal* for me now to eat my three meals and live my life. BUT - school starts for real on Tuesday (these past two days have been flex days where we could go in and just work in our classrooms uninterrupted) with meetings, meetings, and more meetings. Then on the 25th the kids come back. I'm looking forward to a new year, but a little apprehensive about dealing with the stress. In the past, I would be eating uncontrollably. I plan to continue with my good NoS habits - or be drinking a good bit of milk and juice! We'll see. I will start getting up 20 minutes earlier next week and doing my treadmill...and we'll see about any other exercise. Maybe that will be it for awhile.
Last Saturday was an over-the-top-S-day-gone-wild for me. It was my little granddaughter's 2nd birthday party - a carnival theme - and I ate WAY too many goodies and other food. I felt stuffed and horrible leaving their house. Sunday was much better, with just a Blizzard for a treat. I was glad for Monday to come and get back on vanilla NoS!!
So, happy S day everyone! Enjoy your Esses!

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:37 pm
by TexArk
I see you are a schoolteacher also. Next week will be presession days for me and there is always food around including a catered meal and then the big cookies for snacks, etc. Those are always easy for me to resist though because I do well in public. LOL

Maybe the school year schedule will be easier for us to get our routine down. N Days are school days and I like the structure. Instead of 21 I am trying for 7. Baby steps for now.

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:33 pm
by buttercreampillow
Mimi, I'm so sorry for what you went through with that dog. Our fears are so hard to control, and you have that bad experience to get over. Thank goodness the judge recognized that the animal is dangerous. I hope the knowledge that that dog is off the street will be some comfort to you.

Hope you have a happy S weekend!


Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:09 am
by howfunisthat
Mimi...I just read about your horrible experience with that awful dog! I'm so sorry it happened to you....and I'm so very sorry it's still so frightening. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to walk alone for a long time. You were brave to try it, and I hope you don't beat yourself up because the fright still lingers.

What grades/subjects do you teach? I have the utmost respect for teachers!

Have a good evening...janie

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:27 am
by midtownfg
Hi Mimi - I really hope you can get over your fears soon. It is no fun to be scared like that, I know. And I'm sorry that I can't offer any good advice since I am still afraid of dogs and it has been more than 15 years since a Rottweiler lunged at my face and ended up with a good clamp on my upper arm. But today on my walk 2 big dogs came bounding towards me, one putting his paw up on my thigh and nuzzling my crouch, and I just used my hip to push him down and kept walking. So maybe I am not as afraid as I was or as I thought. But I am cautious. And that's a good thing to be. Give yourself some time. It will get easier. Maybe the more exposure you have to nice dogs the easier it will be. I didn't have that.