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Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:51 pm
by Nichole
Yes, all very true... I'm bad when I look in the mirror because all I see is belly! I REALLY should have taken before pics! But yeah I have to remind myself that my clothes are fitting better than ever... I can be 153 at my heaviest so 143 is good!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:31 am
by Nichole
My weight was 144 something today! What?! I am gettingso pissed, I don't know what I"m doing wrong. I haven't changed anything. I know weight fluctuates but I'm worried that I'm gaining back the weight!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:52 am
by sophiasapientia
Hi Nichole,
Hmmm, it could be that you are eating too few calories, given that you workout, etc. I don't count calories but I've found this site to be very helpful as a general guide. ... _guide.htm

Or maybe it could be extra sodium from eating out? (We enjoy eating out and I have to remind myself not to freak out if the scale goes up for a bit afterwards due to sodium.)

Hang in there! You are doing great!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:49 pm
by Nichole
According to that site, I should be eating more like 1480. I don't know though. I just feel so bummed because for a while there I was a losing a little weight every single day, then it just stopped. And now it appears like I'm gaining. Or something. I have no idea what's going on.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:02 am
by bluebunny27
I was reading somewhere that you should allow a lil' bit of margin of error ... something like 3-4 pounds, because a person's weight can fluctuate for many reasons so it can be up a couple of pounds one day for no particular reason except that you had a salty meal, you are constipated, things like that ... there's usually an explanation.

Make sure to watch what you are eating in the next few days and keep persisting, I 'm sure it'll go down a bit ... the main thing is to avoid giving up or binging, this only makes your weight gain more important ... this is usually what I do, if I get stuck somewhere, I work out harder and I watch what I eat, 2-3 days later I have broken through the 'barrier' again !

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds - - - 06/23/2009 : 211.0 pounds
7 months 23 days / 69.0 pounds

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:53 am
by kccc
Nicole, don't rely so much on the scale. When I read through your daily thread, I see so much that reflects real success - clothes fitting more loosely, that kind of thing. So, try not to fret!

If it helps, most people I know (including myself) lost weight in bumps. I'd drop to a new number, bounce back up, then slo-wly go back to that initial low. Then I'd plateau for what seemed like AGES until repeating that pattern. Once I recognized that as "normal for me," my mental angst over it dropped considerably.

The only danger is that fluctuations may cause you to break your stride. Just stick with the HABITS you're developing, and success will follow - even if it's a frustratingly "lagging" result!

Hang in there - you ARE doing well.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:47 pm
by StrawberryRoan
As you know, Nicole, I agree with the theory that the body will lose a pound or two, then regain and try to hold on to the higher weight.

If you stay the course, you will reset at a lower weight.

honest 8)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:26 pm
by Nichole
Hi guys, thanks for all the input and support. I wasn't at a computer Friday, Sat, and most of Sunday :)

I went to the Jersey shore, which could have been a recipe for disaster (ha!). But what I did instead was pick one meal a day to splurge and ate light at the rest of the meals or only half. This is because we ate out most of the time. On Friday I allowed myself a couple nachos and a drink. On Saturday, I had a small chocolate and peanut butter Kohr brother's frozen custard - YUM - and a spaghetti dinner. I look forward to Kohr Brother's on the boardwalk every year. On Sunday, I had a small helping of boardwalk fries and a little bit of the chocolate chip cookie cake I made. Actually I kind of ended up substituting that for dinner, lol. I just wasn't hungry for dinner. I kept a basic account of what I was eating and that really helped. :) I didn't step on the scale this morning, too afraid, but I might tomorrow or the end of the week.

Next week I'm doing FOUR DAYS down the shore, eek! But I think I'll do well. I just try to stick to No-S and keep two meals low-cal and one FUN! :) Oh btw, I read this same tip in a magazine after already doing it, and it made me feel like a genius, lol.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:53 pm
by Thalia
That is exactly my pattern -- I'll see a drop to a new low, then I'll bounce back up for a few days, and gradually settle back to the new low weight until the next drop.

Honestly, the scale measures so many things that have nothing to do with fat -- the number just isn't that important.

Have a fabulous time at the shore! That sounds so fun.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:00 pm
by StrawberryRoan

Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend.

Weigh whenever you feel comfortable, I HAVE to weigh morning and night or Lord knows what I would weigh but I know many people who never weigh and they seem semi-normal :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:09 pm
by Nichole
I was 143.2 this morning... I really want to get to 140! I'll just keep trying I guess.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:12 pm
by Nichole
Today's Plan:

Total with Milk
Strawberry fields salad with chicken (homemade!), plus one piece whole wheat toast
Yogurt if needed
Crustless tuna quiche with ceasar side salad

That's it :)

Plus: 20 minutes on bike and 20 minutes Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Level 3. Level 3 is intense! Some parts are harder than level 2, other parts are easier. Some parts give my knees rug burn!

Chopped romaine, about 2 cups or so?
Plain chicken breast, skinless, about 6 oz
4 tbls light balsalmic vinagrette
4-5 chopped medium strawberries
Sprinkle of parmesean cheese
Optional: Glazed or regular pecans (I leave these out b/c they're very high cal)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:33 pm
by Nichole
What am I going to do?

I am sleeping over my sister's house tomorrow b/c we are leaving for NJ on Friday morning. So I won't be able to exercise after work. I guess I could exercise before work. Then I'll be down the shore Fri, Sat, Sun, AND Monday. I know we'll be doing a lot of walking, but I don't know if I count that as exercise. Oh dear, what will I do? Should I just take a break for four or five days? I can't remember the last time I've gone more than 1 or 2 days without exercising.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:20 pm
by Nichole
I actually LOST a pound while on vacation. I was 141.2 this morning. Yay!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:39 am
by StrawberryRoan
No way!

Yay indeed. Hope you had a wonderful time, was wondering if you were EVER going to return from vacation :D

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:55 pm
by Nichole
Lol... Yes I'm back. It was alright, except my sister kind of complained the whole time about something or other - ugh! Plus, I had a really bad cold. Even had a fever at a couple points. So I felt pretty lowsy.

Today I was 140.2! A new low!


Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:45 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Love your graph,

Hold on tight, you're FALLING!


Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:13 am
by mimi
Woo hoo! Look at that graph! Glad you're back Nicole! And congrats on the weight - see, you're gettin' there!

Mimi :D

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:02 pm
by Nichole
Thanks guys! I was 139.6 this morning! :p Wow.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:21 pm
by Nichole
My theory is my body has now adjusted to the change in calories and is no longer in starvation mode - so now it's letting me lose weight again. Yaaay! :) I've read in many places that yes, your body does stop losing weight when you cut calories sometimes, but then your body adjusts. But at first it wants to hold on to the weight. I think I might be inclined to believe that.

-1 and 1/2 servings of Total Cereal w/Skim milk
-Left over homemade Greek Salad (yum!)
-Yogurt & cheese
-Dinner -Barbeque at my in laws. I'm guessing I'll have one serving of meat (probably a hamburger), one serving of rice, and veggies? I'll play it by ear. This is where No-S comes in - one plate only!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:18 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Yes, Nicole, you are exactly right.

Spoken from a long time veteran of the weight loss wars.

Your body will adjust to each new plateau and if you are consistent, it will reset at a lower weight.

You did exactly the right thing and stayed the course - do not be dismayed if you bounce back to 140 or 141, it will be temporary if you are still doing the right things.

and you are. :wink:

YEAH, Nicole weighs 130 something now.


Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:55 pm
by Nichole
Yay! I hope it doesn't fluctuate back up. Oh well if it does I guess. I would love to get down to 135. That's my new goal! :)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:59 am
by Nichole
I am definitely past my goal weight.. 138.6 today :) I feel happy because I feel like I've finally found a way to eat and exercise that works for me. The last time I dieted, I did strict No-S and the lowest I got was 143. Then I gave up because I was STARVING. LOL. But now I let No-S principles guide me, but I am really calorie counting.

Today I won't be exercising.. I like taking a break on Saturdays. But supposedly we're going to be out and about with his parents today so I don't think I'll be a slug all day.


Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:50 pm
by StrawberryRoan
So happy to read how well things are going - I think we just need to figure out our own bodies and adjust the plan to suit us as individuals. You seem to be on the right path.

I am sure you will get some exercise today if you are out and about. Enjoy


Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:40 pm
by Nichole
Saturday was a great day... we ended up going to some French festival, then went to a sit-down Mexican restaurant. Sunday was mostly nothing, but I went out on my own and went to Modells to get a gift for a my nephew, then to Party City for a couple balloons, then to ACME. Then we went to dinner at the Olive Garden for his 10th b/day. It was good :) It was nice to go shopping really early, when there wasn't a lot of people out.

Banana bread for breakfast (1 slice)
Taco salad lunch
Snack - uhh probably a granola bar when I get home
Chicken Cheesesteak w/salad for dinner - Justin's cousin is coming over.

139 this morning :)

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:59 am
by Nichole
137.6 today :)

Let's see. Today's plan:

-Total w/skim
-Granola bar (90 cal)
-Shrimp scampi w/whole wheat pasta & side ceasar salad.

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:29 pm
by Nichole
A lot of big decisions weighing me down, though they're not driving me to eat. (To get pregnant in a year or save... we'll probably save for a house :/)

Anyway, it's Thursday. Horray! I can't wait for tomorrow........ it's Justin's nephews birthday. I decorated a cake with Thomas the Tank Engine and am buying balloons, and already have his present (Crayola Color Wonder stuff, which he loves). Justin is doing the music with his DJ stuff and really looking forward to it. Should be a nice summer night.

Weight today: 137.2. 12.8 lbs lost total. 5 lbs. in July alone :)

Food stuff:

Shrimp Scampi
Chewy bar
Thin crust pizza

A very carby day today. Oh well!

Also my husband is starting to exercise and count calories. He's lost about 12 lbs and is starting to fit better in his clothes! It's all self motivation b/c he realized he was over 200 lbs and didn't like that. I'm happy that he's having success and caring about his health. I knew he'd come around.

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:20 pm
by StrawberryRoan
I just love reading your posts, you are so much fun.

Way to go - Nicole weighs 130something - so there...

And, as I said, I see 135 in your future.

Trust me, have I lied to you yet?

Enjoy the party, sounds like fun.

And glad to hear your hubby is with the program, as they say. Gotta get you both in great shape to chase that baby around in a couple years.....


Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:50 pm
by Nichole
Haha, thanks! I am glad you enjoy my posts :)

I too think I might be 135 in a couple weeks. However, then I have to maintain it. I'm kind of nervous about that! Do I have to count calories forever? It's not just about counting calories though, I also just don't eat out a lot, we hardly ever get take out (even our pizza is homemade!). My last few months living with Justin's parents, we did A LOT of takeout and I ate a lot of Papa Johns. Now that I have my own household, I feel like I have control over my eating. I also used to eat a lot of Lean Cuisines - they have lots of sodium which might have contributed to water retention. So maybe if I just stay away from this stuff it won't be so bad.

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:28 pm
by mimi
Weight today: 137.2. 12.8 lbs lost total. 5 lbs. in July alone :)

Also my husband is starting to exercise and count calories. He's lost about 12 lbs and is starting to fit better in his clothes!

Congratulations on all accounts Nicole! Way to go!

Mimi :D

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:53 pm
by Nichole
Thanks! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:04 pm
by Nichole
I am bored!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:30 am
by mimi
Uh-oh! Proceed with caution! :shock:

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:29 pm
by Nichole
Lol... I watched way too much Sponge Bob this weekend.

I'm 139 today.

I'm going to see Green Day tomorrow, which I'm really looking forward to! :)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:23 pm
by Nichole
138.4 today. Still recovering from a high cal week! lol. I gain weight so easily.. I don't know if it's normal flux or the fact that I am on birth control.

Anyways, I am going to see Green Day tonight! :)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:10 pm
by Nichole
I just have to say that granola makes yogurt a hell of a lot better.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:28 am
by StrawberryRoan
And I just have to say you are right.

They had the Fibre One Oats and Chocolate chewy bars on sale at WalMart this week (they were handing out samples or I probably would have never even noticed.) They were two six bar boxes for four dollars but they had bonus boxes that had seven in them on their special... So fourteen bars for four bucks.

And they are yummy, nice and chewy indeed. I break one up into my lowcal yogurt, add some sliced fresh peach and a spoonful of flaxseed. About 250 calories total and very filling.


Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:00 pm
by Nichole
Mmmmm. I buy 90 Calorie Chewy Bars from Quaker. They're okay. I eat like half (or whole, depending on what I ate that day) before working out and it gives me energy, like spinach to Popeye! For my yogurt, I bought Wild Harvest Organic Triple Berry Granola (from ACME). Half cup is 250 cals, but I only put in about 2 tbls, which is about 60ish cals. :) I like my stuff with crunch - I even add jimmies to my pudding, lol.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:21 pm
by Nichole
I slept over my brother's house last night. His scale said I was 137 even! I can hardly believe I've lost about 13 lbs.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:18 am
by vmelo
Nichole, I've been following your posts with interest because my goal weight is about the same as yours (although I have MUCH farther to go that you do). You say that you're calorie counting in conjunction with No-S. About how many calories do you eat a day?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:31 pm
by Nichole
Hiya! I've been eating about 1200-1300 a day, or at least I try. 2 of my meals a day are homemade, usually, so I have to try to "figure out" what the calorie counts are, but most of my recipes have calorie facts. I've also been exercising.. I shoot for 5 days a week :).

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:33 am
by Nichole
I totally binged on ice cream last night... Justin was going to 7-11 to get himself a pint and then said that he wasn't going to get me anything, but then he came back with a pint Breyer's Oreo ice cream. I ate the whole thing... I am so ashamed :( Justin went to the computer room and came out all proud that he only a 1/4 of his and then I was like, "I ate it all" and he didn't believe me at first. But then he was shocked when he saw. Sigh.

Oh and then I exercised for 50 minutes on the bike out of guilt.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:08 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Uh, let me work on this one.

A. Dairy is good for you. Ice Cream

B. Chocolate is good for you. Oreos.

It's all good :D

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:21 pm
by Nichole
lol, but it was 600 calories! I had an 1800 calorie day!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:30 pm
by Nichole
According to my scale, I've been 139 for a few days now. But Wednesday morning, I was 137 on my brother's scale?? Who knows. I have seen new pictures of myself and I still feel like a look kinda pudgey. Isn't that horrible? i've lost 10-13 lbs (depending on the day!) and yet I still am not satisfied. I guess I want to get to 130, but I think that might really be a challenge. What do you think, reader?

My flickr has been updated:

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:30 am
by Nichole
Game plan tomorrow:

breakfast: total with skim
lunch: i dunno.....
Dinner: i dunno.

This is a horrible plan :(


Breakfast: granola bar
Lunch: Cereal
Dinner: Homemade grilled chicken sandwich and ceasar salad.


Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:51 pm
by StrawberryRoan
i dunno,

sounds okay to me :D

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:30 pm
by Nichole


My weight is back down to almost 138. TMI alert, but I get constipated and my weight goes up. I need to keep hydrated, it helps a lot. I don't know why.

Had a little sliver of cake and a scoop of Turkey Hill Party Cake ice cream last nite at my nephew's birthday party. If you've never had Party Cake ice cream, you must try it. It's vanilla ice cream with swirls of buttercream icing and colorful pieces of cake throughout. Delicious! I wasn't going to have cake b/c it's usually store bought and not worth it, but Amy is a great baker and made homemade cake with homemade icing. So that was way worth a little piece.

Someone I don't see often noticed my weight loss. She was like, "wow, have you lost a lot of weight??" Haha. People who see me a lot hardly notice, since I lost it gradually. Though, last week Justin was holding me and said, "you're so tiny." lol.

I finally got myself a lunch box. A nice, bright red one (favorite color). I use a lot of tuperwear-type bins for my lunch, so I needed a good size thing. Plus, at work EVERYBODY uses white supermarket bags, so it's usually hard to remember which one is your's! Hooray, I won't have that problem now. :)

My brother, Stephen, has given me a new project. That is to add color to a drawing our grandmother gave him that looks unfinished. Now I get to buy acryllic paints and brushes and HE'LL pay for it (yay!).

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:51 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hey 138 is great... And I hear ya about the TMI - makes a lot of sense to me. Drink up... They say oldtimers used to drink hot lemon water every morning to keep "regular". :wink:

Sounds like you had a fun weekend. I know what you mean about bakery cakes. They are just awful, I can feel the Crisco stuff on the roof of my mouth all day long. Homemade are the best. Once when my middle son was about eight, he went to a friend's birthday party. When he came home and I asked him how it went, he said, Mom, I felt sorry for John. His mom BOUGHT his birthday cake.


Bet it made you feel good when your friend noticed your weightloss. I agree that it is hard for someone who sees us every day to even see a major difference. Your husband's comment was cute and I bet you are tiny!

A red lunch box. What FUN! And a brother buying your art supplies. Even more FUN... Enjoy the project.


Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:33 pm
by Nichole
lol. Cakes from a real bakery are amazing, especially a reputable one. But ones from supermarkets taste so plain, basically have no taste. Stephen's cake was plain LOOKING but great tasting. :)

On Saturday we got take-out. I got a taco salad with no dressing (salsa is more than tasty enough) and no shell (too many calories). Ever notice how people eating fatty foods around someone trying to eat healthy always feel like they have to validate their choices? My MIL was like "I burned plenty of calories kayaking today, so I'm getting X" to make herself feel better about her sandwich with fries. lol. I understand this thinking, but it gets on my nerves.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:39 pm
by Thalia
I think it's really sad that eating has become so fraught that people feel guilty, apologetic, or resentful about what they eat (and I have certainly been one of those people!). It's one more sign of how distorted our relationship with food has gotten.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:54 pm
by Nichole
You hit the nail on the head! She didn't need to say anything; I don't really care what everybody else eats, and I certainly never comment.

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:10 pm
by Nichole
Today: 138 lbs.

Dunkin Donuts mocha iced latte - full fat (but no whipped cream). I was feeling down, so I got it. It didn't make my troubles go away.
Breakfast: Multigrain Cheerios
Lunch: Salad, piece of whole grain bread
Snack: Yogurt
Dinner: I don't know yet. Maybe buffalo chicken wrap salad. I might try making homemade turkey burgers, actually.

I just want to get through this week to Saturday. It's Justin's aunt and uncle's BBQ, it should be fun.

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:45 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Yeah, Nicole, sometimes we just "need" something.

Wishing you a good day, and a good week.

Berry :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:52 pm
by Nichole
Thank you, I hope you do too :)..

Tonight I am trying my hand at homemade turkey burgers...

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:39 pm
by Nichole
I made this recipe last night: ... mment-6922

and they turned out SOOO good! Nice and juicy, definitely the best turkey burger I have ever had. It made 4, we both had 1, so there are two for a meal next week :). I love cooking! I took pictures, but I fell asleep shortly after dinner last night, so they're not posted. lol. I was tired because I hardly slept the two nights before.

-Cinnamon Life
-Taco Salad with a slice of bread
-Yogurt w/granola
-Buffalo chicken salad

1:30 PM: I am sitting at work right now. Two hours to go!!!!!! I am so bored. Done all my work that's due immediately. I guess I could go through the stuff again. I am anxious to get home and cross stitch, watch Gilmore Girls while on the bike for an hour, and eat dinner with Justin. *sigh*

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:12 pm
by marleah
I just love having leftovers, it makes life so much easier sometimes!

What are you stitching?? I'm crocheting a baby blanket right now.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:19 pm
by Nichole
Yesh, left overs are like a free pass night on cooking :) Tomorrow is pizza nite and I have frozen dough from last week - yay!

Here is what I'm working on now:


I bought this b/c our honeymoon was in Disney. I actually only have one leg and his feet left to go now!

And this, but I'm taking a break b/c I'm finishing up Mickey and Minnie.:


Oh and here are the burgers:


Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:04 am
by Bushranger
Those burgers would lay a serious beat down on the fast food chain ones if they ever got into a fight! :lol: They look like they are the ones on steroids (when we all know it's the fast food ones that are full of them really). Looks very tasty! :)

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:53 am
by Nichole
Thanks!! Yeah, they turned out so big! But the turkey was healthy and all they really contained were some bread crumbs and half an egg - between four of them :). And they were so easy! I love to cook.

Recipe again: ... mment-6922

Okay, today I am STILL 138! I know I could stand to lose a few more pounds, but they are just not budging. *sigh*

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:34 pm
by Nichole
I want to try making homemade pancakes this weekend, as a treat. I'll need to buy syrup because we have none in the house! I'll probably make it for dinner since hubby is asleep during breakfast.

1 egg
1 cup flour
3/4 cup milk ( I usually add a bit more to my desired consistency)
2 Tablespoons oil
1 Tablespoon sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix your dry ingredients together, then add in your wet ingredients. Mix until smooth and to desired consistency. I pour into a measuring cup I have with a pour spout but you can use whatever. Pour out onto semi-hot griddle; not too hot or the middle of your pancakes won’t cook through. I use my tortilla griddle. When it’s bubbled up on one side, flip! Serve with your favorite syrup, fruit or sugar!

Source: ... pe-basics/

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:07 pm
by Thalia
Pancakes are easy -- and super-delicious! My husband makes them a lot on the weekend.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:08 pm
by Nichole
I can't wait to try homemade pancakes! I'll be sure to take pictures for my flickr, since I'm a weirdo.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:20 am
by Nichole
Today was most certainly a FAIL, but it doesn't FEEL like a fail. I worked out for 40 minutes, did my weight/ab work, made pizza from scratch.. And then I might chocolate chip cookie bars for tomorrow's bbq. What I usually do is cut them into squares and put them in a zip lock bag then the host/hostess puts them out on their own plate - no worries! So that allowed me to steal a small half inch square. Unfortunately I ended up eating the whole half inch row! I know it's not really a lot, but it is still a failure. boo! I'll feel less treated tomorrow at the party. I'm already debating if I should have calorific alcoholic beverages or if I should just skip them, etc. *sigh!* Homemade, chocolate chip cookies are a weakness, deifnitely.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:37 am
by StrawberryRoan
Nicole, your crossstitch pics are great. I used to do a lot of that, maybe I will take a pic of one for you. I did one for my late husband that I started on our fifth anniversary, finished on our 20th :D Honest. It is a meadow scene with a couple deer, etc. Very complicated. Some of the little flowers had about twenty different colors, sometimes just a stitch or two!

Your burgers were BIG, bet they were yummy.

Don't worry about the chocolate chip bars, just say - They were good and move on. Not enjoying them means they were wasted calories and we can't have that, can we?

Enjoy the bbq and the pancakes!
Berry :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:08 pm
by marleah
Oh, I always loved having breakfast foods for dinner! Homemade pancakes are just the best. And I know what you mean about not feeling treated on the weekend if you slip up during the week. Don't stress about it, and don't stress about the weekend - it's a weekend! And you're going to a bbq!

Don't worry about it, and have fun! (Oh, and I love your cross stitches! The Autumn one looks beautiful.)

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:23 pm
by Nichole
Heya! Why did you stop cross stitching? I know I stopped for a few years in college because every second of my day was taken up and I just had no interest. I just finished a rather complicated one recently. It took years!:


I have done SO many, I wish I had pictures of them all.

I'm 137 today! My hard work not snacking here and there has paid off, yay! I was lax there for a week or two. It's great, but now I have to decide whether or not to have treats today. Maybe I'll try to eat really light at breakfast and lunch so I can enjoy my dinner, have a LITTLE dessert (ie one small treat) and a couple lite beers? Eh, maybe I'll skip the beers, I'm my husband's designated driver anyway :) Or I'll just have one with my dinner.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:24 pm
by Nichole
Chocolate chip cookie bars:


Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:47 am
by Nichole
OMG I went totally crazy yesterday at the bbq.

Appetizer: 5 wings, a few chips with delicious homemade salsa
Dinner: Hamburger, baked beans, mac and cheese, broccoli salad
Dessert: Piece of carrot cake, chocolate chip bars x 3!!!!, tiny boston creme thing, piece of tandy cake
Drinks: BL Lime and Raspberry Twisted Tea

Yipes! That's plus the cereal and pizza I had for breakfast and lunch! I felt so overly full and disgusting after it all. I couldn't wait to get home and rest and digest.

I didn't weigh myself today, but tried to keep it cool. I had a choc chip bar or two for breakfast, yogurt for lunch, and then dinner and another half of a chocolate chip bar. A lot of empty calories, but MUCH better than Saturday.

Wow.. I feel so sooo guilty.

Exercise: Well, I did exercise for an hour both days. I do a recumbant stationary bike and I think I did 20 miles total this weekend.

This week will be better food-wise! Shooting for five green days.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:35 am
by Nichole
I really want to lose 5 lbs! Can I do that without cutting carbs?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:24 am
by Bushranger
Nichole wrote:I really want to lose 5 lbs! Can I do that without cutting carbs?
You KNOW you can. But it just won't be inside of a month like most of us probably wish. On the plus, you won't rebound and put it all back on plus more once you stop low carbing either.

Did you know nearly all of the contestants on the Biggest Loser TV series put weight back on as soon as they finish the show? It's that kind of completely unrealistic level of training and dieting that brings ultra quick results but also brings an inevitable collapse and burn out. It's just not possible to live long term like that. I always thought that observation would be obvious but it seems most people miss it. After all, who could eat 1200 calories and exercise 6 hours a day for the rest of their lives?

One thing I find helpful is picturing myself doing something for a year solid, then that same thing for 5 years, then 10 years, then 20. If it's too horrible to imagine then how can you possibly stick with it? That's where NO S is so great. It's not hard at all to picture yourself in 20 years still doing the same thing. I apply this thought process to most of my long term habits and goals and have found it very useful in stopping myself from setting up unrealistic targets.

We are behind you. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:01 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Morning Nic...

To answer your earlier question, Not sure why I got away from counted crossstitch, think I just went to a different hobby like crocheting. I wear reading glasses now (uh, I am old remember) and it is straining to look at all those little graphs. So, do a BUNCH while you are young.

Re, the carbs. I LOVE carbs yet lost all the weight I wanted on NO S.

3500 calories is a pound, regardless.

Stay the course.

Berry :cry:

(think I will have a cinnamon raisin bagel for breakfast)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:04 pm
by Nichole
You are very right Bushranger... I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and hope for the best. I know cutting carbs is just a quick fix and I know I really feel weak without carbs because I'm pretty active. Between being fidgety at work all day, standing up for an hour cooking dinner, and working out for an hour every day - I need my energy...

I was 139.6 this morning. Ahh well.. It's time to hydrate and eat well and I will start to feel better. I learned a lot this weekend. Over indulging does NOT feel good, it made me feel sick. I was NOT hungry for dinner after the appetizers, but I ate it anyway. I should have just had a small portion of mac and cheese so I didn't feel left out.

The thing is, the appetizers were so hearty, I thought they WERE dinner, which is one reason why I ate soooo much. It was a misunderstanding. I feel stupid now because now it seems so obvious that they were appetizers. I wouldn't have had any if I would have realized! lol.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:45 pm
by Nichole
1 more thought to share:

I made homemade french fries last night - DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!! But, here's the bad part - it made my whole apartment smell like fried food. Ugh! Disgusting. It was so distracting that it was hard to get to sleep.

12:49 update: I think I'm growing tired of salads.. at least my lunch salads. Time to find something new for lunch. Hearty sammies, perhaps?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:30 pm
by Thalia
I like homemade soup for lunch, but not so much in August when it's so flippin' hot! I usually bring leftovers of some kind -- pasta, or chicken and veggies, or hearty salads like bean or grain salads.

Those cookies look fantastic!

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:39 pm
by Nichole
Hmmm. I think I might switch to roasted chicken with veggies and a piece of toast. We have all these steamed veggies in the fridge that we're not eating anyway, so might as well use 'em!

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:05 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Speaking of appetizers, have you seen what some of these places are offering as an appetizer tray - like four deep fried zucchini, four or five stuffed mushrooms, several chicken strips and a pile of onion rings.... Geez, who would want dinner? (This is an actual example from our Ruby Tuesdays)

Well, sadly, many people.

Often my husband and I have split an appetizer plate, had a drink or two and never needed a meal.


Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:20 pm
by Nichole
Yeah appetizers at restaurants are mostly all deep fried and huge! They look like they're really meant for large parties.

My weight is down to 138.4. Crazy fluctuations! Yesterday I was nearly 140 *shrug*.

1 cup of Cereal w/skim
1/2 Chinese meal, left over from last night, minus the rice
Yogurt w/granola
Left over homemade turkey burger with a salad.

Not a very nutritious day, but very moderate at least.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:35 pm
by marleah
It is really crazy how weight can fluctuate so much from day to day, and even on the same day. It's really made me realize that I can't just focus on that particular number!

Sounds like you are doing great - it doesn't happen fast, but it's been happening, so that is fabulous. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:23 pm
by Nichole
Yeah numbers are tricky. I am just happy to stay below 140 at this point I guess.

I want to try this this week: ... spx?strb=3

Now that we're FINALLY finished our ginormous container of Prego pasta sauce, I can now make my own, just like my grandma used to :) . I can't make it from fresh tomatoes, though, b/c we don't have a food processor. I'll be using the sauce of our homemade pizzas, which will now be fresh dough with fresh sauce. Only thing I won't take up is making cheese!

12:01.. I bought a cheap plate ($1 red Crayloa plate, lol) at the food store a few week ago and I finally used it! Transfered my chinese food to the plate. It was very nice, a lot nicer than eating out of the plastic container.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:34 pm
by Nichole
So I am doing well .. yesterday was a good day. My dinner was yummy. I ended up having my turkey burger, left over fries, and a half cup of baked beans. Yummmmy. My burger was so big so I was pretty full but not uncomfortably so.

Today I'm going out to dinner with my mom and sister :)

Cereal w/skim
Roasted chicken, brown rice, broccoli
Yogurt w/granola
Dinner: ?

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:46 pm
by Nichole
I want this! Too bad I'm on a budget

You may or may not know I have a Coca Cola kitchen: ... 919479495/

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:23 pm
by Nichole
Wow, my mom's house is out-of-control with sweets. I got there before her, let myself in with my key.

Let's see, on the dry sink, there was Reese's cups (individually wrapped), chocolate covered raisins, Kit Kat Bars, bite-sized Dove chocolates, all between 3 candy jars. Kitchen Counter: homemade brownies, spin wheels, peanut butter cookies. In the fridge: Drake's brownies, cookies, and so on. In her cubbard was a huuuge thing filled with chocolate chips. I only buy enough to make one batch of chocolate chip cookies at a time, so I don't keep them in the house. Though they're for baking, I would sooo be stealing from that all the time.

It was amazing. I just turned on CNN and tried not to think about it. I don't know how my mom does it. It's just her and my brother. No wonder he is overweight, though he does need some extra padding b/c of his Chrone's disease. However, she herself is only 120 lbs, 5'6". How does she do it? That's extreme will power!

Anyway, yesterday was pretty good. Two people yesterday told me I look like I've lost more weight, but I haven't. I'm still 138. But that is okay:)

MutliGrain Cheerios w/Skim
Cheese stick
Chicken & Veggies
Buffalo chicken salad

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:01 pm
by Nichole
I was 136.4 today! A new low!!!

I had a mocha this morning.. because I had a very vivid dream that I was drinking one. lol! I think that might be my breakfast as it's like 200 calories.

Tonight I am making homemade pizza as usual. Except I get to use my homemade pizza sauce! :) I made a big batch so I don't have to make it again for a while. So now it'll be homemade dough, homemade sauce, but no homemade cheese. I'll never make homemade cheese, lol!!

I just want to get home and work on my cross stitch. I am so close to almost done! I have a goal: finish it by the end of September. That would be 7 months, not too bad.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:22 am
by marleah
Nice progress! Isn't it great when you can tell that your hard work is paying off?

Mmm, homemade pizza. Sounds delish!

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:25 pm
by kccc
Homemade pizza... mmm.... I need to put that on my menu.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:36 am
by Nichole
It was yummers! I think I'll have some of the left overs for breakfast... maybe. Hmmm.

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:58 am
by Nichole
136.8 today :) I had a great weekend. My mom and brother came over and I made everyone burgers, homemade baked fries, baked beans, and my mom brought a salad. She also brought a DELICIOUS cake! I had two small pieces :)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:34 pm
by Nichole
Still 136.8 :)

..Even though I had a piece of cake yesterday...! No more goodies for me until Saturday!! We're going to a Mexican restaurant that serves awesome fried ice cream. I'm going to be green the rest of this week so that I truly deserve my special treat. I'm also just going to get three chicken tacos, a la carte, no beans and rice. They don't taste that great anyways.

My hubby says he can feel my abs getting muscles underneath my soft part of my belly. I'm not so sure, still all feels flabby to me.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:51 pm
by Nichole
And since this is my own check in, I feel free to say that I don't see all the hoopla about that silly Time article on the main page. Anyone who thoroughly researches nutrition/exercise knows that eating right and exercising go hand in hand. You can't eat a ton of food, exercise a little, and expect to lose weight. It's about balance ... Most good articles will tell you to do both ... I don't see why an article like that had to be written in the first place. Oh well.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:41 am
by Bushranger
I agree. Anyone with some semblance of intelligence knew this stuff since the beginning of time, real time that is, not the magazine. :D

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:48 am
by Nichole
lol! Yes. And the article of the title is misleading - though I suppose it's to get your attention to get you to read. Oh well!

Since I may be trying for a baby in a year with my husband, I've also been researching exercising/eating right while pregnant. I already have the goal of at least just doing 30 minutes light work on my exercise bike and maybe continue with my light weights. I know it's a year away, but it's worth thinking about... And I'll definitely talk to my doctor too, of course!! It's comforting to know I'll still be able to do some - at least for 6 or 7 months- because I get stressed out and I need exercise as my outlet and for endorphins.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:48 am
by Nichole
I am 135.8 today! I know it's practically 136, but I haven't seen the scale say 135 in soooo long!!! :) Happy about that. Oh and I can finally see my abs! *happy dance*

Chicken and veggies
Subway sammie, 6"

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:07 pm
by marleah
I can't speak from experience, but I have heard that pretty much any exercise you did before you were pregnant, you can do after you are pregnant. Of course, maybe not right up to the day, but you can do a lot. There was one girl who worked at the gym that I go to who would also go to the exercise classes and that kind of thing, and she did Zumba classes all through her pregnancy! And those classes aren't exactly relaxing or anything - they are pretty active. I was very impressed!

That is one of the reasons I am trying to eat right and exercise well now - so that once we decide to have kids, I will be more ready for those challenges on my body, and I'll already have the habits down to set a healthy example for the kids!

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:39 pm
by Nichole
Yes, that's what I've read too! And since I've been exercising pretty steadily for the past few years, I'm not too worried. By next year, I'll have been biking for two years, so I think that's a pretty good foundation. I'm really looking forward to it :) Most of our debts will be paid off and we'll have the extra cash to afford a little Ferello, yaay. Money will still be little tight but we both really want to have a family. :) I feel fortunate to have at-home equiptment, too, since I know once we have a little baby I'll be much more tethered to the house... not that I go out that much anyway haha.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:50 pm
by Nichole
marleah wrote:That is one of the reasons I am trying to eat right and exercise well now - so that once we decide to have kids, I will be more ready for those challenges on my body, and I'll already have the habits down to set a healthy example for the kids!
This is a great attitude! I read several articles yesterday that said the better shape you can be before having a baby, the better. It'll be easier to walk around, easier labor, etc. And setting a healthy example is always good. You don't want little Oreo cookie addicts, hehe.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:29 pm
by Nichole
A girl at work just told me that I'm looking really good and can totally notice the weight loss... lol. :)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:12 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hmmmm, let me think here a minute.

Who was it that could foresee 135 in Nicole's future?

Oh yeah, that was me. :D

Congrats, girl - I knew you could do it!


Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:42 pm
by Nichole
Yes you did! But that's partially because your encouragment helps me keep trying :)

But I'm practically 136, though.. 135.8 is soo close to 136. Sooo I'm not counting it as 135 til I'm 134.9 or something haha.

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:02 pm
by Nichole
I have officially lost 15 lbs as of this morning! :) 135 even-steven! :) Now I can say... you were right Strawberry! lol.

Here is my updated chart:
