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Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:27 pm
by ellgee
You go girl!! Awesome job on the 21 days. You ARE in control! I can totally understand on eating things you want. I ate some crap yesterday that wasn't what I wanted but was just there and it just wasn't satisfying at all.

I hope to be strong like you and not let myself be sidetracked. I was toying with counting calories this week but I just hate to do that. I had a wonderful week last week eating foods I truly enjoyed and letting go of diet head. I don't want to give that up. So my compromise with myself is to try to eat more healthfully. That's it.

Rock on! Oh and I got on the treadmill Friday to walk for 30 minutes and this morning did 40 minutes of run/walk intervals and managed to sweat like a pig. Heaven! :)

Re: hey

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:50 pm
by r.jean
tobiasmom wrote: I've kind of become this crazed No-S supporter now.
Congrats on your great progress. I love your enthusiasm and I echo it completely. Who would have thought that such a simple plan would be so effective?!

I have also been telling others about No S as they have started to notice my weight loss. So far no one has joined me. For the most part, I have gotten some puzzled looks, some remarks like I could never do that, or just some plain old disinterest. Too bad for them!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:50 pm
by oolala53
Thanks for the support. Yes, this is pretty much the plan for me. As time goes on, I may continue to tweak what I have for N day meals and modify the weekends, but it will basically be No S. I do have some extra rules for my meals, but I'm happy with them and they were the way I had pretty much gotten into the habit of eating before No S. Meals weren't my issue.

Not sure what will happen if I follow the plan and my mods and don't lose much weight. Cross that bridge when i come to it.

You said you wondered how you couldn't have thought of this on your own. I think what I just couldn't have imagined accepting was not eating sweets 5 days a week. I'm on a binge-free board and women there are either saying they are going to give up sugar completely, or they say they CANNOT control themselves with sugar or they have to have a few cookies at least each day... and I was something like that. I kept thinking I could learn to be reasonable with it while being ad hoc about it. Some can. I hadn't been able to and No s is the closest I've come to control. I know some people believe the only problem with sugar or other binge foods is that we restrict them, so we go crazy when we can have them but that ain't completely it. There's a chemical response going on and I think it's somewhat reduced by having the gaps between meals.

anyway, keep up the good work! I'm glad you're having fun. I love my food!


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:58 pm
by tobiasmom
So today's officially four weeks on No-S! I'm feeling pretty good. I don't weigh til Monday, though, cuz I'm weighing the 11th of each month.

I'm a little down today, though. I just went to the doc and had to get another blood pressure medication. My top number is fine...but my bottom number is pretty high still. So they cut my current medication in half and added a calcium blocker for the bottom number. This really gets me down. My goal is to get OFF medication! I've been on blood pressure meds for three years...since getting pre-eclampsia during pregnancy.

I know that with all the walking I'm doing...3.5 miles a day....and following No-S I will slowly but surely lose this weight and hopefully lower my blood pressure! So when I say I'm down, I'm just bummed that my medical problems aren't miraculously fixed in ONE MONTH. ha. But I know that I'm on the right path. No-S is the plan for me.

I'll check in Monday with my first month stats......

You are not alone

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:47 pm
by r.jean
I also had my blood pressure medications increased at my last physical which is discouraging. I had been doing No S for almost 2 months at the time. I am hoping for an eventual decrease too!

I will cross my fingers for your weigh in!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:17 am
by ellgee
Well I know that has to be a bummer for you. I know in time you will reach your med free goal. Just keep doing what you are doing!!


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:59 am
by tobiasmom
March 2011: 211.4
April 2011: 207.4 (-4)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:13 am
by thtrchic
Great work. Congrats!


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:33 am
by NoSRocks
CONGRATULATIONS from me too!!! :D :D :D

Great job

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:18 pm
by r.jean

A pound a week is an ideal weight loss and you are there!

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:49 am
by ellgee
You go girl! Nice job on the weight loss!!

week 6

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:47 am
by tobiasmom
Well, I'm coming up on the end of six weeks on No-S!!! I did have my first failure on Monday, but that's bound to happen OCCASIONALLY. The best part is that I got right back on track the next day. That's a real success for me cuz I'm an all-or-nothing girl. I am just loving this plan. I don't feel like a slave to calories or points or carbs. I just eat. Plain and simple. I walk daily. That's it. My weight isn't coming off as fast as if I was totally depriving and starving myself, but when I do that, I lose 5 lb and then gain 10 back when I FINALLY binge and crash and burn!

This is for the rest of my life. I have a lifetime to lose this weight. I am in no hurry. I mean, of course I want to get to my goal NOW, but I know it will happen slowly but surely. That's what feels so amazing right now. I KNOW IT WILL HAPPEN. I've never been 100 percent sure I would make it to my goal. There IS light at the end of this tunnel.

Gonna work a little on my nutrition.....but just being mindful of having more veggies and fruit at each meal. They are delicious. And this heat here in Texas is shocking. Fruit is gonna be a huge staple these days.

Have a good one, Everybody!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:56 am
by Who Me?
Wow, your story is really inspiring.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:26 pm
by Sienna
Yay for 6 weeks! And congrats on getting right back on track the next day - I think that is the measure of true success!


Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:28 pm
by tobiasmom This was a weekend of majorly S days gone wild. Wowzers. I am feeling it today!!!! Oh, well. Moving forward. I got out for my walk this morning and I'm just continuing on. I do feel guilty for all the crap I ate this weekend.....but I think that's what makes this thing work. I will remember this coming weekend how bad I feel today. That SHOULD help me change my habits slowly but surely.

So I'm just here to be honest. Not feeling so well today....almost like a hangover. But that's not stopping me!

week 7

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:26 pm
by tobiasmom
Finished out another great week of No-S. We're headed camping for the weekend so I plan to have a much more moderate weekend than last weekend.

Continuing to lose a pound a week....and having the best time ever! Success, success, success!!!


Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 11:53 pm
by tobiasmom
So I went camping this weekend. I stayed completely on No-S.....but I ate pretty crappy food. Lots of salt. Chips and hot dogs and more hot dogs and more chips.......
Needless to say my weight was up this morning. Wanna know why I know it's up? Not cuz I weighed myself. No, the doctor weighed me!!!! I had my follow-up appointment for my blood pressure....and my weight was up AND my pressure was up. I know it's cuz of all the salt I had all weekend.............

But I considered quitting No-S. I actually blamed No-S in my mind. I thought, "Oh, I guess I'll go back to counting points then....even though it drives me crazy." After my appointment I was all set to drive-thru a fast food restaurant and just gorge on food and soda. Makes a lot of sense; right? Nope. Not one bit. But this is my viscious cycle. When I'm upset I eat. I eat A LOT, and it usually involves mass amounts of sugar!

I didn't do it. I drove home and ate a peanut butter sandwich with a banana. I stuck to it. I won. It felt amazing!

I thought a lot this afternoon. I realized that it's not No-S's fault. I chose to eat icky salty food. Of course that's gonna cause weight gain and higher blood pressure. I don't have to quit No-S. I need to continue what I've started (it's week 8 this week and I've lost some weight without pain!) and try to make healthier choices. Not counting points or eating lowfat. Just eating like a sane person. You know, fruits and veggies and regular food. Not chips and hot dogs for every meal! ha.

I didn't get my walk in this morning. With my appt and watching the neighbor girl and the commissary and cooking dinner (yummy bbq pulled pork with roasted red potatoes), etc., I didn't make it. I am thinking of doing an exercise video after T goes to bed, though. I know that will also help me to feel better.

I still love No-S. I know it's the plan for me. I just need to stop being a knucklehead on the weekends and be happy with slow but steady weight loss.............

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:19 am
by r.jean
My bet is that as soon as you drink some water and flush out all that salt, you will find that you really did not gain. The key here is that you probably did better than you might have in the past in the same situation.

Keep on keeping on!!

Week 8

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 2:02 pm
by tobiasmom
Monday was a real turning point for me. Two months is usually my breaking point. I usually con myself into starting a new plan right away or just blow dieting off altogether and binge til I gain all the weight I lost back and restart another new plan. Monday I wavered in my mind, but I stuck with the plan anyway. The fight is won in my mind! That's where I'm weak. The truth body is strong!

I had an awesome week! I just stuck with the plan all week, and I feel amazing! I know this is working. My mind is slowly but surely learning to be moderate with food and leave dieting forever!!! I've followed No-S for eight weeks now with ONE failure. I think Starla said she was nothing if not consistent. I think that's the key. You don't have to do this thing perfect, but you DO have to do it. One day at a time. Stick with the plan. The results will come eventually.

My weigh-in for the month is next Wed...the 11th! We'll see.....

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 3:09 pm
by r.jean

It is hard to see consistency and habit formation as the goal rather than the scale. Let's face it, the reason most of us are here is because we want to lose weight. However, the focus has to be the habit or the weight loss will be temporary.



Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 7:25 pm
by tobiasmom
I had a failure yesterday. It's not a big deal. I finished out the day strong, but I just want to record my ups and downs during this journey. This is my second food failure in two months. I don't LOVE to have failures, but I know they are bound to happen OCCASIONALLY. I'm marking it and moving on!

Got my walk in this morning. It's really become a habit to walk that 3.5 miles every day. It's so energizing and relaxing! Time to myself too.

My month 2 weigh-in is tomorrow, and I want to record for all to hear and mostly myself that no matter what that number is tomorrow.....I am happy. This plan is working. It's not all about the number. The weight will come off eventually. Just want to make this loud and clear to myself so that tomorrow I won't let the scale control me. I'm making real changes.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 9:07 pm
by Who Me?
Good for you!!!!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 10:49 pm
by r.jean
Between the more moderate eating and the exercise, you must be feeling great. Congrats on completing another month!


Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 4:38 pm
by tobiasmom
March 2011: 211.4
April 2011: 207.4 -4 TOTAL: 4
May 2011: 205.6 -1.8 TOTAL: 5.8

I'm not overly happy with this month's number.....I was actually downright angry this morning. BUT on my walk I thought about it, and the truth is there is A LOT of room to improve. I need to clean up my weekends quite a bit (S days gone wild), and I could make some "healthier" meals. I'm down in weight, though, and I'm feeling great! This is the journey of my life. It's a marathon...not a sprint! I will get there!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:31 am
by r.jean
It must be frustrating to not see a little more change in the scale, but hang in there. You are much more likely to stick with it as a permanent lifestyle if you do not feel deprived. Enjoy life!!

(I know this is easy for me to say because I have had good losses in all months except my third month. I am not sure how I would have reacted if I had multiple months of poor results. I just know that I am not going to go back now, no matter what. No more yo yo weight!! Staying the same is acceptable. Gaining is not.)

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 12:16 pm
by Pangelsue2
The last time I was here, I lost 8 pounds slowly and had a few failures. Instead of hanging tough and staying with a program that worked with my lifestyle, I started to play around with it. Before I knew it, weight loss was stagnant and I had changed the program so much it was unrecognizable. I left and tried a number of other plans. I am back (because after No S counting anything sucks really bad) and this time I hope to be more patient with myself and give it time. You were correct when you said, you are not in a sprint but a marathon. I think the goal here is obviously to lose weight but even more importantly for those of us who have tried everything and failed, is that here we can create habits that will eventually mean eating will become less of an obsession for us and more of a lifestyle choice. I think this time I am trying harder to take responsibility for my choices. The plan (and actually many other plans) are good and works. We just need to keep practicing, getting better and hugging ourselves when we backslide. Learning what is going on in our heads about food is what we need to tweak. Not the plan.

I have not read your whole blog so I don't know if the doctor has you on BP medication or not. I had borderline BP issues for years and I was determined to handle it myself if possible. Salt does have some effect but recently I changed my vitamin program a bit for another reason and found it has also effected my BP in a very positive manner. All I added was ginko and fish oil. Obviously, you should check with your doctor before trying anything like that but I thought I would throw it out there. For me it made quite a difference.

me, oh, my....

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:48 pm
by tobiasmom
Considered quitting yet again this morning. Just feeling unhappy with my food choices lately. Is that No-S's fault? Nope. But I have to blame it on something; right? Nope. It's me. All me. Nobody forces food into my mouth. It's the one thing in life we DO have control over.

I even got out some of my diet books. Guess what? After looking at them and getting this pit in my stomach at the thought of major restrictions again........I got my head back on straight. I'm moving forward. Just wanted to come here and be honest with myself so that I remember my struggles years down the road when I've hit my goal with No-S!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 1:03 pm
by Pangelsue2
I don't know if you ever watch Biggest Loser but weight loss is such a strange thing. Sometimes people on those shows try their darnest, do everything right and eat perfect meals all week and then get on the scale to find they have lost nothing or maybe just a pound. They beat themselves up and then cry the next week when the same thing happens. Then the 3rd week comes along and they drop 5 pounds. No matter what science says, weight gain and loss is much more than just how many calories we take in. Body type, metabolism and our stress levels all play important rolls along with many other things. Again, on Biggest Loser, the trainers always say that when the person is going through a lot of stress, they can't expect a big weight loss week. I say all this because you are correct. Whether we gain or lose isn't the fault of whatever diet we are on. But it isn't also only our personal fault either. We can control what we eat and how active we are but there are many other factors we can't control and those from day to day and affect our progress. Hand in there and eat well. The scale will eventually support your efforts. :)

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:52 pm
by sarah.grace
Don't have much to say- just wanted to stop by and say WOO-HOO! for sticking with it! It is so much easier to give up (I should know, after my recent escapades..) but you keep plugging along.
You are building the "mark it and move on" mindset (SOO powerful), you ARE losing (and it is SUSTAINABLE loss!!), and you KNOW that this is a 'marathon' journey. You are doing GREAT! :)

(Sorry for all the random CAPS.. I guess I'm just excited for you! :))

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:27 pm
by Grammy G
Stick with us! i have been a drop out at least twice and regret it each time I stop. ..and then I come back and find everyone so supportive and welcoming tthat I wonder.."why did I leave?" that is something I am still going to have to work on...
No one here is perfect (even Reinard) and we are all on a journey of our own making ..but we do meet up with some nice, supportive folks along the way.. especially if you stay here...can't hurt, might help! :wink: No calories involved in posting!


Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 2:28 pm
by tobiasmom
Thanks for the support! I'm feeling good this week. I've felt great this whole journey. It's the darn scale that screws everything up!!!!

I will NOT quit. Every time I think of quitting, I think, "I know I'll be back so why not just stick with it now?" ha.

I am TRYING to actually enjoy this journey. Life is short. I need to enjoy each and every day!


Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:46 pm
by Grammy G
:D back attcha! :D

week 10

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 1:49 pm
by tobiasmom
Today marks 10 weeks on No-S!! I'm feeling awesome. I weighed myself this morning, and I lost 3.6 pounds this week! So I was definitely bloated at my weigh-in last week! In 10 weeks I'm down 9.4 lb! Yay. My goal is one pound a week or so. I'm right there!

Guess what else? I ran a mile today. It wasn't the most fun I've ever had in my life. In fact, I kind of hate running. But the feeling of accomplishment afterwards makes it worth it! I plan to just continue walking every day...but adding a little running once a week just to kick it up a notch! I haven't added any strength training yet. So I really have got to start thinking about adding that.

I am just so so thankful I found this plan. I can't explain why, but it just works for me. I have been so stuck in dieting for years and years. This is freedom!!!!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 1:57 pm
by KareBear are doing so great. Doesn't it feel good to look back over the last few months and see that you have lost 9.4 pounds? I think that is amazing. More than that, you stuck with it when things looked bleak. That in itself is HUGE.

Keep it up and keep posting. You are an encouragement to a lot of us trying to stay with this habit. On another note, I have been a runner (I use the term very loosely) for about 12 years. It is one of my favorite ways to de-stress and I, like you, started slow. I don't always enjoy the during but I have always LOVED the after.

Congrats again and have a great weekend.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 9:55 pm
by KareBear
Thanks for stopping by and for the encouragement tobiasmom. I feel better after counseling. At least he gave me some direction into how to help my son and some other things to be on the look out for. Overall, today has been a good day AND, I just got called to go to a job interview this afternoon for a job that starts Monday. Well see what happens but the family is in full support so that really helps.

Talk to you soon :P

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:25 am
by r.jean
Great work Tobiasmom! One pound a week is the best way to lose! Just think... if you continue at your current pace, you will be down about 25 lbs at 6 mos.

week 11

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 2:39 pm
by tobiasmom
Well, weigh-in on Friday wasn't too great. For no good reason at all I was up 1.2 lb! I ate perfectly healthy all week and worked out HARD. I totally lost it mentally Friday because of it. I had a failure. Then I had S days Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday I considered just throwing in the towel AGAIN! It's amazing how often I think of quitting! I bet if I read this journal I would be totally embarrassed by the amount of times I think of quitting. But you know what makes me ecstatic? That in 11 weeks I have NOT QUIT. Even though I've thought about it almost once a week...ha....I haven't quit! Consistency will win the race.....

So I'm still at it. Working one day at a time. And, yes, I do love this program. I just get so absorbed with the scale. It's ridiculous, really. But the truth is I do need to lose weight. So I know it will happen eventually. I'm creating habits right now for a lifetime!!

I will NOT quit.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:59 pm
by SpiritSong
If weighing yourself makes you want to quit, throw out the scale, and keep No S! 8)

I thought I was above having a "scale fit" but one bad weigh-in showed me I was wrong. So now I have switched to monthly weigh-ins. I may cheat and weigh myself during the month once in a while, but those readings don't count and don't get recorded.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:52 pm
by Pangelsue2
The scale can really be debilitating. We all go along feeling good and proud of ourselves and then one weigh in and we think we are losers. I looked for a good scale for years and finally googled "accuracy of scales". All the articles I read said they are only right within a 5-8 pound variance regardless of how expensive they are. They are affected by moving them around, by humidity and how we stand on them. They are also affected by heat and cold. So we should not depend on them like we do. They should only represent a ball park figure but if we hit them on a day they are not functioning correctly and we are holding water, they can sometimes undermine our strongest resolve. I wish I had the courage to throw mine out and just do the best I can without validation from a machine.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:19 pm
by Grammy G
Wow! don't we all feel the same way about scales! I was watching something (only half-listening, really so I'm not sure what it was) on TV last evening and one of the men (seems he was buying /selling items) said that folks not so long ago didn't have scales except at the dr. office or the feed mill and so "guess your weight' scales appeared in circus side shows. Thinking back, I couldn't even tell you how much I weighed when I was pregnant..or after i delivered... Weight wasn't an issue with me and I didn't go near a scale! i'm sure the doc weighed me but I'm also sure I never asked him what the weight was ..or remembered it if he told me! AAAAhhh..the good old days! :shock:

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:37 am
by r.jean
I swear by those once a month weigh ins! :mrgreen:


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:39 am
by tobiasmom
Thanks, everybody. So I do weigh-in once a month.....but I have these weekly "pretend" weigh-ins on Fridays. So I'm really weighing every week but telling myself it's only once a month. Does that make any sense? Nope....

The scale is NOT my friend. I wish I could just toss it and weigh only every quarter or something. I say I wish. Nobody is making me get on the scale. I definitely could just do it....but I won't. Why won't I? Cuz I'm obsessed! Do I have the willpower to just toss it aside for a few months? Hmm.....something to think about!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:39 pm
by Grammy G
I also do pretend weigh-in.. and keep a pretend graph of those weigh-ins! In my "real" mind, I only count the beginning and end of my 21 day challenges (that I give to myself)! I've given up trying to rationalize the behavior.. maybe it makes me feel good to feel bad if the numbers go up (as they often do) instead of down... what strange creatures we woman are :shock:!! I will say: the graph shows me that the lows continue to get lower and so do the peak weights that give my graph a "mountains going off in the distance" effect. I use different colored inks I can see what happens after a failure day or an S day gone willd or a N day with restaurant food (salt!!). I do find it helpful...and kinda lost when I don't do it. Go figure!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:22 am
by r.jean
Grammy G says.....what strange creatures we woman are :shock:!! I will say: the graph shows me that the lows continue to get lower.....

For the daily or weekly weighers, this is why I advocate only writing down the lowest weight of the week. Many things can make our weight artificially high, but I do not know of anything that can make our weight artificially low. So take the low weight and write it down for the week...It will gradually get lower.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:54 pm
by Grammy G
Good thought r.jean! I use my daily graph as a tool..along with a few notes on what and when I ate. From this I have learned to be prepared for a gain if I eat restaurant food or "bought" sauces.. ham, hot dogs..etc. I am not surprised at the gain I see and know it is temporary.. peace of mind for me!
I am also seeing (because I color-code my graph) I am better off splitting up my S days.. and not giving up my exercise on S days. Knowing these things about myself have given me a sense that I am in charge and in control.. something very important to me. Down the road, I may be able to give this up but right now, I need it! Yours sounds like a wonderful system to be aiming for! :)

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:16 am
by NoSRocks

...have just spent the last 20 mins or so reading over all your latest posts i.e. February till now and I must say I am very impressed not to mention inspired by your continued success with the No S Plan!! Very well done and you deserve a huge round of applause.

I, too, have been having issues about sticking with the No S plan - or not - and thinking about trying out other diet plans like Jenny Craig (just saw the recent ad w/Carrie Fisher and I have to admit it did pique my interest...if all of 5 minutes !!) since I feel I am not losing anything on this plan. HOWever like your good self, I too have a big issue with the scales!!! Just when I am feeling great on the No S plan, relaxed and not stressed out, thinking I am doing well.... what do I go and do?? weigh myself and get p&&&d off with the results since I am not showing losses and even put on a few lbs after a good few days' long(er) walks in an effort to up my exercise. Nothing worse - and it just makes me want to overeat to cheer myself up, too!! Decided its probably best to go by the way I feel (mentally) since that is a great part of the 'problem'... if I can finally relax around food and stop focussing on the negative (body image etc.) then No S is doing a great job!

... Looking forward to reading your next post(s). All the very best, from Roxy x


Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:26 pm
by tobiasmom
I'm coming to fess up. I've had three failure days in a row. I'm low. My mind is playing tricks on me. I went to the doc on Wednesday, and she told me she wants me to do the Paleo diet. It sounds horrible to me, actually, and I know there's not a chance in h$ll I'll be able to stick to it. She said it will fix all my problems, and she was very....VERY adamant that I try it. So I've spent the last three days binging and freaking out cuz I don't want to do that crazy diet. It sounds like torture to me......

So guess what? I'm not gonna do it. I'm gonna stick with what's been working these past 11 weeks - something I can stick to for life! Do you wanna know what else? My bloodwork was wonderful. My cholesterol was 160! That's low for me. Triglycerides were normal. The only thing that was high was my eosinophils, which signals that I definitely have allergies like I thought. I'm allergic to Texas! ha. But obviously with those numbers I'm doing something right. The only number they see that they don't like is my scale number. And I know that will go down eventually!

I feel miserable right now. No walking for three days. Junk and snacking for three days. Ick, icky, ick! BUT.....

I am back to my senses. I wrote in my post the other day that I would not quit no matter what. Well, despite my crazy mind AND doctor, I meant what I said! I will NOT quit.

S days tomorrow, but do I really need two more S days? I've had three S days this week! ha. I'm gonna take it easy this weekend for sure......

Sorry to be a downer. Just being downright honest. This journey is not easy all the time....but it's soooo worth it!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:53 pm
by Grammy G
I actually just googled Paleo Diet..I hadn't heard of it! eat like a caveman? :shock: Have you researched this diet and seen what others (besides those who have $$ involved in it) are saying about it? I haven't so I can't speak with any authority. I just know that, for myself, I no longer jump on any bandwagon just because my doctor/hairdresser/friend think it would be good for me. The last thing I got talked into was an estrogen patch that the doctor told me I should use for life. We all know what happened there! I now research and try alternate methods I feel will help me whenever possible. My doctor knows this about me and we have a good working relationship. Good luck with all of this.. I can understand why this stand-off with your doctor would have you doubting your judgment. Maybe you need a second opinion or another health care professional to just talk this through with you. Be strong..take time to reflect on the whole matter...remember YOU are an important part of the equation and you can handle this without looking for advice inside the frig! :shock:

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:46 pm
by oolala53
I have heard of the Paleo Diet and I'm surprised your doctor actually recommended it. Doctors usually think "those" diets are nonsense. I came on it after reading a book related to it called Neanderthin. The author completely recovered from debilitating rheumatoid arthritis with it. I don't doubt that such a diet COULD help SOME people who have severe health problems. My nephew (in his mid-30's and disabled from rheumatoid arthritis and MS) has never been told to alter his diet at all, and I don't think he's ever eaten whole grain bread. I can't believe for him it wouldn't be worth 3 months to try it out, but it's his life.

Did your doctor recommend Paleo over allergy issues? I would have thought you would have been referred to dietician to have foods tested specifically.

In any case, I think your plan to continue with No S as is, something you know you can do, is your best bet. As time goes on, you can experiment with the makeup of your meals a little more.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:12 pm
by Sienna
Failures happen. Sometimes they happen all in a row. But you have a great stick to your guns attitude, and that will get you through!

I'm with the others with my skepticism of the Paleo Diet. I know you are planning on just not doing it (which to be honest is probably what I would do...), but is there someone you could get another opinion from? I know I personally end up feeling uncomfortable when a doctor gives me advice that I don't believe in - and getting additional professional opinions tends to put my mind more at ease.

Have a fantastic weekend! Keep trekking!


Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:31 pm
by tobiasmom
Sienna: The truth is that the doctor just wants me to lose weight..period! So if I follow No-S and lose weight, I don't think there's gonna be an issue in the long run. She recommends Paleo cuz she does it. It's not for everyone! I'm sure it's a great plan for some.....

Oolala: I did read it is a really good plan for people with arthritis and all kinds of health problems, and I have no doubt it's an awesome plan IF you stick with it. I just know myself really well. I've tried low carb before. Not my cup of tea. I am definitely going to be working on getting the white stuff out of my diet, but that's just health, not a diet. The doc was recommending it not for my allergies (that's hay fever and pollen, etc.). She was recommending it for weight loss and PCOS that I have.

Grammy: Thanks for the support. I've done some research and have even been reading a book about it. Of course it looks like it would have great results healthwise. I just know I would stick to it for a month and quit. I have a horrible tract record with diets. No-S is the first thing I've ever done that I don't feel totally deprived and miserable! ha. I think of quitting No-S quite often, but this is the first time I've stuck with something despite thinking of quitting! ha.

I got out and walked this morning. That really changes my mindset. I am 100 percent all in with No-S. Not gonna give Paleo another thought. I'm sure it's a great plan for some, but the main thing the doc wants is weight loss. I know I will lose weight on No-S. Maybe not as quickly.....but at my six-month check-up, I know I'll be lighter!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:45 pm
by oolala53
I wouldn't do Paleo unless I was in real trouble. I love my whole wheat biscuits, my cooked rye and oats, my tortillas, my refried beans! And dairy. And I have lost, though I'm not thin yet. Another six months of better S days should help. You, too!


Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:59 am
by tobiasmom
Well, I got waaaaay off track this week. This whole month has been pretty off, actually. The good news is that we got all moved into our new house this weekend. I love it! It's a wonderful neighborhood and the house is awesome!

Still got a lot of unpacking to do, but we can actually cook some meals now! My goal is to make the rest of this month all GREEN! I am way up in weight, but I'm just gonna do my thing and stay away from the scale for a while......

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:32 am
by Grammy G
I can't imagine moving and trying to keep tabs of what you are eating! Good luck with the rest of the month. Don't be too hard on yourself!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:11 pm
by sophiasapientia
Congratulations on your new home! :D Moving is right up there on the list of "stressful life changes" and I agree with Grammy about not being hard on yourself. Your plan to focus on Green days and not sweat it sounds like a good one. :wink: :)


Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:35 pm
by tobiasmom
Just here to check-in and report a nice and GREEN week so far! I feel that momentum shifting back where it belongs! As I say over and over like a broken record, I just LOVE No-S. This is the plan for me...whether I like it or not! ha. I really just enjoy myself with this plan. This week I'm making homemade English muffins and some homemade tortillas.....and they are delicious and I don't care how many calories or points they are. I eat them and enjoy them in a moderate amount...fitting on my plate, of course! No more drama. No more obsessing. AND I'm still staying away from the scale for a while. It's just better that way for me mentally! This plan works. So if I'm following the rules, I don't need to weigh. I know it will work.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:26 pm
by oolala53
Homemade tortillas? Homemade English muffins? Holy mackerel!

I've been having an experience over and over recently where I sit down to my plate or as I'm preparing it, I'll think there isn't enough food, esp. the starch. Then as I eat it, I get full and it's enough. So enjoy you tortillas and English muffins! on the plate, with everything else. Yay!

week.....I'm not really counting anymore!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:29 pm
by tobiasmom
Well, I am so happy to report that I had an awesome GREEN week! I feel so much better too. The house is coming along. We still have a ton of boxes in the garage, but the house looks put together! I've been walking around the neighborhood. It's really nice. But, boy, is it super hot here in Texas these days. I'm gonna have to start walking earlier and earlier!

I've been focusing on eating my meals at home instead of eating out. It's cheaper and just so much better for me. I love to cook anyway. I did make my tortillas this week, which are lovely, but I didn't make the English muffins or homemade burger buns yet. I got these amazing turkey burgers with gorgonzola and I'm looking forward to having those next week on my homemade buns, and I also bought some yummy jam for the English muffins! I sure do love moderate portions, of course!

No-S continues to be the "bee's knees" for me. I am so hopeful that I will actually reach my goal and beyond this time!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:22 pm
by oolala53
Homemade hamburger buns? You ARE a kitchen goddess!

homemade buns

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:13 am
by tobiasmom
Oolala: Well, I wouldn't go that far. This will be my first attempt at homemade buns. I like to make my own bread...since it's so darn cheap and delish, and tortillas are a cinch too. So I thought I'd branch out! Ha. I'll let ya know.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:09 pm
by Pangelsue2
Congrats on the new house and on the decision to relax and give your own dieting ideas a try. Trust in yourself and believe you want to be healthier and you will slowly start to make better daily decisions. We can all do this.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:08 am
by r.jean
Great to see you are still here and doing so well. I also love no S and have reached a comfort level of habit maintenance so to speak. If I maintain the habits, I am certain I will eventually attain a reasonable weight. I plan to continue monthly weigh ins.


Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:12 pm
by tobiasmom
I think something has finally clicked in my brain. What I'm talking about is the SOMETIMES part of S days. For the first few months on No-S I went crazy on S days. But now I'm realizing that I just don't need all that stuff. This weekend I had one treat each day, and that's it. A few times yesterday I thought about having something else, but I realized I wasn't even hungry and I was only thinking about having it because it was an S day. And you know what? My body feels so much better today. I don't have a food coma from a weekend of eating crap!

I am not saying at all that I've got this thing down pat. I just see a bit of progress!! I also am starting to work on myself a little. I always watch Biggest Loser and all these weight loss shows and they talk about WHY they do this to themselves. Do you know I've never REALLY thought about it before. We all have bad stuff in our past. But I really don't think that affects me NOW. I've forgiven. I try not to let people's mistakes in the past affect me NOW. I might have "insulated" myself back then, but part of me thinks that now it is just habit. I love food. It tastes amazing.

I do use food as a comfort, though. So I'm just sort of working through that right now. Why do I use food as comfort? Does it REALLY comfort me? What could comfort me instead? Am I worth it? Are my husband and three-year-old son worth it? Just some stuff I've been thinking about lately.........

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:05 pm
by Pangelsue2
Congratulations on the S day sanity. I managed somewhat better this weekend too and you are right, it feels great. Good luck with finding alternate forms of comfort. Hope you find some that make you as happy or happier than the food did.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:15 pm
by oolala53
I know just what you mean. It does take a kind of internal sea change to not see food as comfort anymore. I know Reinhard mentioned ONE time in the book that it was not a good idea to turn to food for emotional hurts, it was a very bad idea. That was it! Just shows how dang sane the guy was from the start. For most of us, it takes a bit more examination and practice. 40 years for me.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:14 pm
by SkyKitty
Congratulations on both the sane S weekend and the self-awareness.

A sane S weekend lasts for 2 days, but hopefully the self-awareness will never leave you.

I think I will need to come back and read your post again next Saturday morning for inspiration. I had fewer S treats than previously this weekend. For me it has become about the power of choice and how much better a treat tastes because it is special, and it is special because I chose it over another treat.



Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:29 pm
by tobiasmom
So I've been struggling mentally again. I for no good reason threw in the towel and ate a bunch of coffee cake yesterday. It just shows me that this journey is far, far, far from over. It's actually barely getting started! I'm learning more and more about myself every day, and I just need to practice some patience with myself. I WILL get there. Slowly but surely.

Today was a GREEN No-S day, but I didn't get out and walk. I think I might need to try some exercise alternatives. It is so dang hot here in texas right now! Yikes! This Cali girl is not used to the heat. I think I might go back to my exercise poor dog needs walked, though!

My mom and gma are coming out July 26th for a visit. Their visit is welcome, but they do mess with me mentally. They are extremely judgmental about my weight and eating habits. I am seriously the ONLY person in my family with a weight problem. They think of me as a science project. Always giving me unsolicited advice! I'd really like to have a good month of successes under my belt before they get that I will be equipped better to handle their visit. The more successes I have, the easier it is to stay on track for me! I know this journey is my own. It's none of their business. I am going to try with all my might to take everything they say with a grain of salt........

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:36 am
by r.jean
I understand the family thing. My mom and older sister are very petite, and I grew up feeling like a moose even though I was very weight appropriate in my younger years. This led to a distorted body image and a dysfunctional relationship with food. My mom never said anything negative, but she always "noticed" when she thought it looked like I had lost weight (even before I was overweight). She is now 78 years old and about 95 lbs, and she still does this both to me and my youngest daughter (23) who is a very fit athlete of appropriate weight. She is probably at the top of the normal BMI range due to the amount of muscle she has, but she is not overweight.

PS Even though I am not a huge sweets person, a good coffee cake will tempt me every time. Don't beat yourself up. Just move on and be determined and good luck with the family thing. :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:36 am
by oolala53
Wait a minute. Can you not tell these women that comments about what you eat, your weight, and your body are off limits? I'm sorry, but you are an adult and adults can ask each other to stay out of whatever part of their lives doesn't actually affect the others. The fact that they have a problem with your weight is none of your business and you shouldn't have to hear about it.

When my mother came to visit me when I was in my thirties, she was making all kinds of comments. After she told me she thought I wasn't keeping my kitchen cabinets clean enough, I said, "You know, Mom, sometimes it seems like I can't do anything well enough for you." She actually looked a little shaken, and said she didn't mean to come off like that at all. It shifted a bit after that; she got a little more cognizant of not thinking of me as a child and I got more appreciative of her other fun qualities. (Another time later, she told me to stop making comments about how she interacted with my brother. I thought she babied him. I said touche. ) By the end of her life, I adored her.

Sometimes families can get the idea that almost nothing is off limits. But you can declare it. However, then you have to stop talking about it, too.

Good luck!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:02 am
by NoSRocks
Well said, oolala!!

Hey tobiasmom - just popping in this evening (after reading your latest posts) and wanted to give you a big ((((((((((hug))))))))))))))))))not to mention KUDOS to you for sticking with the No S plan and doing so well!
I also wanted to add that Dr you saw made me so MAD :x with her suggestion that you change your diet! I am stunned that she did not recognize nor acknowledge how well you had been doing on the No S plan, after all losing 10 lbs in as many weeks is fantastic progress! I'm also glad she didn't derail you - although I admit its easy to let it get under your skin. I speak from experience when on a previous occasion - I felt totally lost and depressed about my weight only for the dr to off handly suggest I join WW!
Anyway - now I have gotten that off my chest, just wanted to say Very Well Done for sticking to No S despite the unhelpful attitude of the dr!! Have a great weekend, lots of love Roxy x


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:45 am
by tobiasmom
Oh, how I wish I could say that I got my act together and was wonderful last night....but it didn't happen. I ate out of boredom! I am really struggling with being lonely lately. We just moved to this new house two weeks ago and have NO friends. That's to be expected, but my husband works nights, and after the little boy is in bed, food is my friend.

Not tonight, though. I've had an awesome day of super healthy eats. Lots of fruits and veggies and nuts and lean protein. I actually feel awesome tonight. I did TurboFire during T's nap also. So despite the fact that I screwed up again last night, I turned it around today. This is not a sprint. I know it's gonna take a while.

Thanks for the support about my mom and gma! That's an issue that's been going on for a long, long time. I need to be a big girl and speak my mind, but I've never been able to stand up for myself with them. They are like invincible when they get together. They are crazy! ha. So I'm just working on getting stronger every day and being happy with myself despite what they think or say. They usually don't say it outright. It's the insinuations and looks they give me. I have no doubt they love me and totally care...almost too much....but they are VERY overbearing! You can't pick your family; right? They're my family. I love them. I'm not perfect either. I just try to be a light.

So I am going to PROMISE that I will come back tomorrow with a successful night tonight!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:55 am
by oolala53
Yeah, if you can't tell them, you can at least try to just distance yourself. They are entitled to their opinions and your worth is independent of them anyway. I hope you can rest in that.


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:23 pm
by tobiasmom
SUCCESS yesterday!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:48 pm
by r.jean
One more word on family and then I will leave it alone. I do not even think about speaking up to my mom. I will not try to change something that I absolutely know is not going to change. I lost my cool with my mom once several years ago and told her some of the things that had been bothering me. She was clueless about how the things she said and did impacted me. Like you, I know she loves me and means well.

From that moment on, I was able to see my mom in a different light and I am able to ignore her comments....most of the time. :mrgreen:

Once I truly realized that I need to lose weight for myself and not for my family or for a special event, it became easier to stick with it.


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:17 am
by tobiasmom
I had a great weekend. Saturday we had friends over for a bbq, and I had a little ice cream for a treat. Then Sunday we had some other friends come to town just for the day. We went to a most amazing bbq place called Texas Pride. OMG! Yum. I had a little pecan cobbler and peach cobbler. So worth it! Then we went and walked around the RiverWalk. It was just awesome. I feel so happy today that I had treats that were delicious, but I didn't just gorge myself!

I'm planning to weigh myself finally this week. I've decided to weigh at the end of the month each month instead of the middle cuz of my girl time mid-month that causes major bloating and a sad, sad weigh-in! ha. I don't know if I'm down in weight or not, but I know I am loving this lifestyle and feeling much better!

I haven't gotten out for my walks lately, but I've been doing some fun workout videos during T's nap. It's lots of fun to change things up here and there. I'm also trying to work on getting out and meeting people! That's so hard to put yourself out there, but I can't just sit in the house and be lonely! Wish some of you awesome gals lived here!!!

daily check-in

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:39 pm
by tobiasmom
I've decided to start posting my meals again. I just feel like I need to be a bit more mindful of what I'm putting in my mouth...despite the fact that everything is still game as long as it fits on the plate. I'm totally following Vanilla No-S. I just think it would help to "see" my days more clearly. I have also committed to working out more....

B: plum and fig yogurt with pecans and blueberries, black coffee

L: mixed greens topped with bbq chicken breast and Italian dressing

D: having dinner at a friend's house. Pesto pasta, broccoli, 1 crescent roll, grapes

Workout: Turbo Jam Cardio Party (45 minutes) - this was so much fun. I was sweating like crazy AND having fun! I must make time for this workout more often. Swam for an hour in the evening too!

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:16 pm
by sarah.grace
Congrats on doing so well! :)
If you're going to list your meals now, I'll have to come by and snoop more often- get some ideas for myself! :P

I'm trying to get back into morning workouts... My library has a good selection of exercise DVDs, so I check out a couple at a time. Lots of variety this way.. of course, just having the video doesn't mean I'll do it!


Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:06 pm
by tobiasmom
B: cereal with milk, black coffee (boring and quick cuz we were busy)

L: BK veggie burger, apple fries, water

D: I need some more veggies so I'll probably make another mixed green salad with bbq chicken and Italian dressing. We had a bbq this weekend and have A LOT of bbq chicken leftover! I also want some of the leftover potato salad so I guess I had better save some room on the plate!

Exercise: walked the dog 30 min and TurboJam 20 min. video

Feeling good today. I am really sore from yesterday's workout, though. I'm also kind of tired, but that's cuz we stayed out late visiting friends. They are really nice. It really lifts my spirits that we are slowly but surely making some friends!

Monthly Weigh-in

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:27 pm
by tobiasmom
March 2011: 211.4
April 2011: 207.4 -4 TOTAL: 4
May 2011: 205.6 -1.8 TOTAL: 5.8
June 2011: 203.4 - 2.2 TOTAL: 8

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:55 pm
by r.jean

Congratulations on sticking with it!

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:41 am
by NoSRocks
Hear, hear! Fabulous news and Well Done!!

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:14 am
by thtrchic
Congratulations on another good months loss!


Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:48 pm
by tobiasmom
B: lemon yogurt with pecans, cereal, and blueberries

L: pesto pasta and salad

D: two slices delicious Chicago-style pizza (a very full plate but a plate nonetheless)

We had a wonderful evening last night. Got invited to one of hubby's coworker's house and had a blast. Two nights with friends this week! Yay. I'm finally meeting people.

Didn't fit in any exercise yesterday. Today I'm planning to do a workout video for sure!


Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:56 pm
by tobiasmom
B: coconut yogurt, pecans, and blueberries. Black coffee

L: mixed greens with bbq chicken and Italian dressing

D: turkey burger, corn on the cob, baked beans

One beer.

Activity: walked 20 minutes....but it got way too hot and the dog was trying to lie under the trees during the walk!

Yesterday was a HUGE success for me. Hubby was off work, and we took Tobias to see Cars 2. Hubby and Tobias got ICEEs and a huge tub of popcorn. I ate lunch before we went......but it looked and smelled so good! I really wanted to call it an S day (even though it was Fri), but I didn't. I just had water. I didn't even really feel deprived. I realized that I just did not need it. I know I would have felt horrible after the movie cuz I usually just gorge myself on popcorn during the movie and a huge soda. I thoroughly enjoyed my dinner after the movie, though!!!! I was starving by then.

Today is an S day. We are going to the Circus this afternoon. What a weekend for Tobias! fun, fun, fun! I MIGHT get something at the circus. But I had planned to make these tonight: ... glaze.html
They sound so summery!! I think I'll just stick with those!


Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:39 pm
by tobiasmom
Icky pina colada and cookie filled weekend. It's an N day. Moving on.....

Tuesday - Day 1 of 21

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:13 pm
by tobiasmom
So yesterday I decided to take a NWS. I've never done that before, but we were going to go to a bbq with all different kinds of stuff, and I just decided midday that I'd take a special day. BUT today it's back to the N-day grind!

I've been kind of lax and messing around too much lately. I need to get busy and really more "strict" with my N days and wild S days again....

Gonna start another 21-day challenge for myself!

Day 1 - SUCCESS!!!
Plan for Today:

B: baked oatmeal, black coffee

L: angel hair with olive oil, parmesan, and garlic; apple

D: hot dog on a bun, potato salad

workout: WATP 30-minute

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:13 pm
by sarah.grace
I'll join you for a 21 day challenge :)... I've been letting those red days sneak in- once a week (!).
I need to get busy and really more "strict" with my N days and wild S days again....

Here's to a successful DAY 1!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:45 pm
by Pangelsue2
I think you have been doing great. Keep it up. We all have back sliding days and you have been stressed with the move. Be good to yourself and you will make good decisions as a result of that. We only make bad decisions when we are being hard on ourselves. You are a good person who is doing the best you can every single day. That is all we can do.


Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:44 am
by tobiasmom
Thanks, PangelSue....but I know I've been just eeking by lately. I know I can do better. I just don't want to keep making excuses. This is the easiest plan in the world. So much freedom. I want to stay on the No-S train! Of course we have bad days, but I just see the trend on my HabitCal that I'm letting more and more reds into the picture each week. Just trying to nip it in the butt before I spiral. I am going to give myself credit where credit is due, though......more than four entire months sticking to something!!!!! That feels so great. Sanity!

Sarah: You're on!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:46 pm
by sarah.grace
Day 1 was a success for me too!! Good job!

I goofed up (today) day 2 though... wrote about it in my check-in thread. So I guess I'll count tomorrow as my new day 1. I'm still with ya though!

It seems like you are doing so well at exercising!
I need to do better at that.. I have a WATP video from the library, so I'll do that tonight. You've inspired me :) Haha!

Day 2

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:08 pm
by tobiasmom
Day 2 - SUCCESS!!


B: cheese on tortilla, peach, black coffee

L: hummus, wheat thins, salad

D: peanut butter and banana sandwich, chips

Workout: WATP 2-mile

Not the healthiest eats today, but I have a sick kid so I did my best. Can't believe how needy they can be..... But I love to cuddle my little boy so that's ok! I'm loving the walk away the pounds videos. They work my body, but I don't feel like I want to die while I'm doing them. They are fun....although she talks A LOT! Still doing my TurboJam videos too!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:18 pm
by NoSRocks
Hey tobiasmom! Just wanted to say THREE CHEERS to you for sticking to the No S Plan! You are doing fantastic!! I only hope some of your success and influence can rub off onto ME! I have had a few bad No S weeks recently - not sticking to the plan and trying different diet plans every day of the week (ALL of which included sweet treats....yup the perfect excuse to eat cra^p - not that I really need an excuse... LOL!)

Well done, and I hope you will keep posting here for many years to come....cos I just love your posts and they always resonate with me.

Great to hear you are making friends in your new area. You are such a nice person that it would not take much effort. But I hear you on moving to a new place and getting to know people. All the very best in your new home and for the rest of this No S week!!

Day 3

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:20 pm
by tobiasmom
Day 3 - SUCCESS!


B: cereal with milk, black coffee

L: sandwich with potato salad

D: hot dog and baked beans

Workout: TurboJam CardioParty 45 min.

So I wasn't going to, but I weighed myself this morning. The number was down a bit so that was encouraging. I think the workout videos are helping! I workout much harder when I do a video than when I just walk around the neighborhood. Of course I'm still going to walk a few days a week cuz that's my first love...and my dog loves it. The heat here in Texas is unreal right now, though.

I'm just feeling a real sense of peace with No-S right now. I don't know if that's the right word. But I just know for the first time that I am going to reach my goal eventually. I've never been sure of that before. I know I will be able to stick with this for life! Yay! So whether it takes me two years or three years or more.....I'm going to make it to my goal! Not sure my exact goal cuz I've been overweight since Jr. High! We'll see when it gets closer......

Hope you all have a wonderful No-S day! I know I am going to!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:07 pm
by r.jean
Keep up the good work. The exercise is so important. Although I cannot imagine trying to get outside exercise in down in Texas. UGH!

In the winter here, I use WII and WATP DVDs when it is too cold outside, but I am not much for going to the gym. By the time you pack up an drive there and back, it just takes too much time.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:37 pm
by NoSRocks
FABULOUS tobiasmom! You are definitely my inspiration at this time!! (Hope that doesn't put too much pressure on you, if you know what I mean... Only kidding! :) :)

You are absolutely correct in that the exercise is helping you. I know from experience. Around 4 - 5 yrs ago, I had a very physical job for a few months, lots of moving around/lifting and carrying every single day of the week - I dropped pounds without having to diet due to the massive amount of physical exertion I was doing. Sadly, the job was only temporary and as soon as I stopped, the weight crept on again. I do exercise and like your good self, the outdoor walking is my favorite - in fact, its the only activity I have been able to sustain long term. It would be nigh on impossible for me to maintain the level of activity I was doing at that job (approx 8 - 10 hrs a day, 5 - 7 days a week) - not least since I have other commitments. If I could be bothered doing something more exertive like your home exercise video, I am positive it would make all the difference so KUDOS to you for taking it up and keeping it up!! This evening, I tried doing 14 mins on the treadmill. i.e. the magic no. that Reinhard suggests - as I was working today and no chance to do my 4.5 mile walk. Hopefully, I can do it on such days in future, whereas before i wasn't taking any exercise on my working days, so we'll see how it goes. Anyway - enough about me, all the best and many congratulations on your ongoing success with the Plan. I also admire you for realizing that there are days that won't always go according to plan (pun intended) yet still sticking with it and that is a very admirable and strong thing to do, probably half the reason why there are so many failed dieters since it is so "easy" just to throw in the towel!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:26 am
by Joyofsix
Great job! It's hard to eat and exercise well, especially if your kiddo isn't feeling well. Keep it up!


Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:55 pm
by tobiasmom
rjean: Ya.....Texas is a whole new ball of wax for me. We've only lived here nine months. I am definitely a heat weenie! I am a California girl. But we go where the military sends us. Exercise videos it will be! ha.

Roxy: Oh, Girl....we can do this! I am happy to be a bit of motivation for you. The truth is....I have been on this journey forever. I have been "dieting" since I was 10. Mom put me on Jenny Craig at 10. I am 34. This is the first time in my life I feel some freedom! I could never imagine myself as a success story before. But I am ready! No more excuses! I think the exercise is important. Nothing crazy. Just moving that body. I feel so much better when I get some form of daily exercise. No matter what we think....there's always time for a little bit of exercise. It's priorities! I'm here for you! We're all in this together...seriously!!!

Joyofsix (AKA my idol): Thanks! I can't imagine you needing to do any exercise. You are probably running around the house constantly! ha.

Day 4

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:04 pm
by tobiasmom
Day 4

Plan for Today:

B: yogurt, pecans, blueberries, black coffee

L: hummus, wheat thins, salad

D: shredded chicken tacos

Workout: Walk Away the Pounds 3-mile (45 min)

I have my chicken in the crockpot! So excited. Why, you ask? Cuz I got this chicken from a free-range organic poultry farm here in Texas. I bought 45 pounds of chicken! ha. I can already tell the quality is so much better than what I get in the store. It's a small family farm that's only in their second year. I totally love the idea of supporting local farms and produce. Of course it's not I have to budget accordingly. More home cooking from scratch!

I did my cardio party video last night at 8:30pm. I was so tired after I got the boy to bed, and I did NOT want to do it. BUT I knew I had written on here that I was going to do it.......and I knew I'd feel good afterwards. I did! It's amazing what exercise does for your mental state! As I've mentioned before, I'm struggling with being a bit lonely with this move to Texas. Exercising in the evening keeps me from eating on the couch and thinking about being bored. Win, win. Now....if I could just have a bit more energy at the end of the day!!!

Do I talk a lot or what? Well, this is me. I'm a big talker! ha.

Have a good one, All! I wish I could get together with some of you in real life. You all are wonderful!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:59 pm
by NoSRocks
Fabulous job on the exercise, hon! Unfortunately, I just could NOT get motivated this evening to do my 14 mins on the treadmill. (working today so I didn't get my outdoor walk in ). Did a bit of a walk round the stores at lunchtime for half an hour but not a great deal. I can't expect to lose at this rate but I'm not going to dwell on it. There is always tomorrow.

Have a great weekend, all!!

Day 5

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:43 pm
by tobiasmom
I ended up taking yesterday as an S day. We had friends over for dinner, and I made some delicious cookies. So I decided to have a few and I did overindulge a little on chips. The chicken was outstanding! And I made this awesome little sauce to go on the chicken tacos (sour cream, ranch, salsa, and taco seasoning). Yum. Since we have no plans this weekend I will take today or tomorrow or maybe both as N days. That's what I like about No-S. I can modify it occasionally to fit my week. I like to keep S days on Saturdays and Sundays, but sometimes Friday nights are happening! ha.

I also did my 3-mile WATP yesterday. Not sure which video I'm going to do today. My dog really needs a good walk so I might just go out for a nice long walk this today. Depends on the heat.

No plans today...and I love that! Tomorrow we're trying out a new church in the morning. I am excited about it cuz it's been nine months and we haven't found a church to call home yet. We'll see.......

Have a wonderful weekend, everybody! I plan to enjoy each day with my son and hubby to fullest!