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Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:16 pm
by r.jean
Summer is so hard with a lot of leisure activities and fun food. Let's hang on together. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:53 am
by Strawberry Roan
We can do it, one meal at a time. :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:15 pm
by Pangelsue2
I agree with Joy. If we can't talk here, where can we? Good thought. You are struggling and I think T's mom was right when she said those of us who are struggling need to find out why we sabotage ourselves over and over again. Of course food is good and if you have a sweet tooth, it calls loud and often. The only counter to that call is so much self love and self support that it overrides the cravings. All of life has rules and guidelines. We can't ignore road signs and drive however we like because we are risking ourselves and others. So we take driving lessons and learn to drive using the rules of the road. It helps and protects us. It serves our best interests. We can't do just like we'd like at work because we'd lose our jobs. So we learn to follow the rules and get paid as a reward. We can't tell people just what we are thinking because we would soon estrange ourselves from friends and family. So we learn to treat people with kindness and respect. We are rewarded with love and companionship. I think the same is true with our relationship with food and our bodies. When we do just what we want, chaos ensues. We gain weight, hate ourselves, feel guilty and obsess about dieting. When we start a plan like No S, the stress is taken off the food. We can eat what we want at some point every day/week. That frees us to face the fact that the real obstacle we are struggling with is our own behaviors. But just like the other examples I stated above, with practice, we will learn this set of rules for a better life as well. Our reward will hopefully be health, looking good and feeling in control. That is why I avoid the word failure. It is not a failure but a learning experience. When we go off plan, we can learn something for the next time if we don't get swallowed up in guilt and self recrimination. Maybe we should try to think of this plan as eating 101. Learn the subject matter and then practice until we reach our doctorate in eating. Haha. Anyway, excuse the lengthy post but I got carried away. This was just a long way of saying let's be patient with ourselves. If we really want this behavior to become habit, it will take time. Best of luck and I know you can do this.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:43 pm
by milliem
Just wanted to send some *hugs* your way, how was your day?

It's odd how 'doing what we want' is so often eating large amounts of fatty, sugary (delicious...) food. Why is that the 'default' for some people? And why not for others? Maybe that's why changing our eating is so difficult, because we're having to force ourselves away from what we 'want' and towards what we 'need'.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:01 am
by NoSRocks
First of all, A BIG THANK YOU AGAIN everyone for popping into my thread and cheering me up with all your great and supportive messages. YOU ROCK!!!

Pangelsue: a special thank you for taking the time to write me in such detail - so genuine and heartfelt! (does that sound ott? not meant to but even so, who the heck cares !! :lol: :oops: :lol: :wink: )

millieM: your post made me smile! I know exactly where you're coming from, having a sweet tooth myself. I often joke to DH about why veggies and all other foods that are good for you taste boring and the stuff that's 'bad', tastes good, wishing it were the other way round, etc. etc. and all the other crazy mind games my head likes to play around with! big hugs to you too, btw!!

rjean - great to hear from you and isn't it strange that summer would turn out to be such a tricky time of year? One would think with all the salads and fruits available that it would be easier, NOT so!! LOL! Oh well we just have to take it a day at a time I suppose. You're doing fantastic hon and thanks for being an inspiration to me!!!

Anyway - had another good N Day today and no cheats and its almost the weekend again YAY!!! Have a wonderful day, girls and thanks again for stopping by and cheering me up. I feel good esp after reading Tobiasmom's recent weight stats. Wonderful and "No pressure" hon, if you know what I mean!!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:29 am
by NoSRocks
Sort of got into the daily weighing habit again. Started this past week or so. Trying to break it will be difficult, especially since I have an added 3 lbs weight gain that on this occasion doesn't seem to be coming off. (Usually I'm back to 170 lbs within a few days). Because its sticking this time, I feel the gain might end up being permanent. One of the joys of thyroid (Graves) I am discovering after reading some online articles. Graves which typically has the effect of firing up the metabolism so that one can lose weight quickly can also have the opposite effect and this seems to be how its working on me. :roll: :twisted: :roll: NOT that it is an excuse, of course. But its just another obstacle to get over. AND I WILL!! (puts determined hat on).

Just another note: I had been eating a rather hearty lunch of pbj on flatbreads (2) for lunch most days of the week whereas I might normally go for something lighter like crispbread and low fat cheese w/apple or 2 crackerfuls w/some kind of fruit. Not saying there's anything 'wrong' with pbj but FOR ME perhaps its too much over the course of a week. The jar of peanut butter is now finished so I'm thinking I won't buy any for a while. This is not a big sacrifice for me by any stretch: I do rather enjoy the crackerfuls etc. for lunch and was basically choosing pbj because it was there and to use it up as quickly as possible! LOL!!


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:54 pm
by tobiasmom
Hey, Girl! Glad I can be a little sense of encouragement! I seriously am the worst serial dieter on the planet! So if I can do it, anybody REALLY can do it! Just follow the plan day after day. You will get there. Seriously! Consistency is the key to this plan. I know the weight loss doesn't seem like much at first, but by the end of a year it will add up...and we would have enjoyed ourselves in the process!

I'm so sorry to hear about the Graves. Probably staying off the scale would be a good idea cuz your body will be bouncing around a lot. I'm weighing once a week, but I only count the weigh-in once a month! Even weekly things go up and down a lot. Weighing every day is good for some. For me it ruins my day when I see it up a bit just cuz I had some salt. We have to look at the overall trend monthly to see the number really is going down.

I wish I could meet ya in real life and give ya a big hug and say, "I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS. YOU WILL DO THIS!"

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:52 am
by NoSRocks
AWWW! (((((hugs)))))))))tobiasmom ! Thanks again for your nice message :) Always great to hear from you and as ever I look forward to reading your posts ! Scuse me if this message turns out a little whacky since I am up late as I sit at the computer typing away and starting to get a little tired.

Yeah, the Graves disease is a major pain in the whatsit! :twisted: I never would have considered myself to be hyper rather than hypo (under active) since I've always had a bit of a weight problem. Wasn't until I started researching it online that I discovered it can have the opposite effect on some people. I have to admit, there are times when I have wished to be the other way around but tbh I would not wish it on anyone since it has adverse affects either way! However, I am fortunate in that the doc says i am borderline at the moment. So fingers crossed it stays that way.

Meantime, have a great No S weekend, again excuse my ramblings as I am getting very sleepy!!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:55 am
by Joyofsix
Please don't be hard on yourself. You are doubly striving against your body with thyroid issues. I took my scale and moved it into a closet on a shelf. I can get it once a week but I'm not tempted every morning. Consider this a virtual pat on the back.


Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:25 pm
by tobiasmom
Have a great weekend, Girl! Any big plans?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:03 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi girls! joyofsix - thank you for your sweet post! You know, I hadn't thought about it but I was indeed being too hard on myself. I always have had a tendency to be a little over critical of myself and set myself high standards. Something I will have to be working on as I well as keeping to the plan.

tobiasmom: no plans for the weekend although I did -
:oops: buy a huge frosted cake that was on sale at the grocery store. I don't know if I'll even eat it...sometimes I get more pleasure from buying rather than eating if that makes sense ??LOL!!

Hope you have a great no s weekend yourself. Looking forward to your next posts!!

Love to all, Roxy x

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:13 pm
by oolala53
Hang in there. It will smooth out, I believe, if you are convinced there are no alternatives. I can't see what they would be. You can choose to eat whatever you want at your meals, which would allow you to eat the foods on any diet, if you want. Just can't have the silly snacks. Have 'em at a meal! I started having about half of what I would have had as a snack at my meals when I started No S. Still do, sometimes, or not. Not as much of an issue. It's doubtful any other plan is going to keep you not slipping up for the long run.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:24 pm
by Grammy G
Just finding time to catch up with everyone! I would say i agree with Sue.. be kind and gentle with yourself and treat yourself as you would treat others. (a little twist on that ol' golden rule here!) You are always so upbeat and encouraging in your posts to others.. be the same with yourself because you are the most important cheerleader to yourself. Write yourself an encouraging letter.. remind yourself of all your good points and successes and then put it away for a week or so. Read as needed. :wink: I'm glad you decided to join us here!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:56 am
by NoSRocks
AWW ! Girls! Thanks so much again for your nice messages and great advice. Grammy - I am so glad you find my posts helpful too and that I come across as upbeat and such. Thanks for the nice compliment!! Same goes for you too!! In real life, I am a pretty upbeat person - besides the weight issues and worries which other than posting on the No S board, I tend to keep to myself! But it was lovely of you to say so, esp since we don't often know how we are being perceived online vs. real life LOL!!

Oolala, I agree: what other 'plan' would I go on anyway? I would just be doing much the same thing but the only difference would be I would be stressing out about it and focussing on what I was eating all of the time! Very wise words from you, as always!!
Personally, I think the trouble is my mind is trying to trick me into a binge, you know the old "I can have such and such tonight since I'm going to be sooooo good after tomorrow when i start the diet" mentality and as Ive often said, we all know where that kind of thinking gets us, don't we ??

:oops: :roll: :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:53 am
by NoSRocks
Not too bad an S Weekend, I suppose. I ate more today (Sunday) in the way of desserts/cakes as I had quite a few in the house and wanted to use them up! The annoying thing was I was really psyched up to be super-good as I didn't have the usual cravings for sweet stuff/cra*p this weekend as I usually do. Not sure if its the chromium picolinate kicking in. TBH, I haven't seen much effects nor benefits from taking it and I am thinking I might stop taking it since Ive been reading online articles which state it isn't that good for you. Continuing on with the biotin and seeing great results with my hair and nails. Not so much on weight loss though! Typical!!

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:52 am
by NoSRocks
Hi, ALL! Sorry I've been a bit quiet this week.... having a spot of car trouble - gak!!

However, doing not too badly on the No S plan this week. Had one failure on Tuesday evening when I got a sudden sweet craving. Just so happens that my DD had some of her "famous" chocolate fudge left over so i ate a few squares. To be honest - after a few bites, it was quite sickly tasting and I should have and could have stopped, but the naughty voice inside my head was saying "what the heck? just finish it!" Didn't feel too good about it once it was all gone. However, I did my mark it and move on... and fortunately the rest of the week has been fine. Car trouble has been preying on my mind though and making me feel a bit stressed out with the result I feel like grabbing something sweet to calm my nerves - LOL! But have managed so far not to succumb to it.

Been getting a little extra exercise in at night. Dug out the old exercise bike I'd forgotten about and started pedalling on it for half an hour or so a few nights this week. I continue to do my walking around the neighborhood 4 - 5 days a week also. Current weight is 170 lbs. oops ! I know, I said I wouldn't weigh myself since I'm trying out the 90 day challenge... :oops: :oops: However, I was eager to see if using the bike made a difference. I suppose its still early days as far as the exercise bike is concerned. Quite enjoying it though so hopefully its something I might keep up since the treadmill habit got too boring and didn't last long!!

Mind, I was 173 lbs when I started the 90 day challenge around beginning of July so I've lost 3 lbs but I keep bouncing around that 3 or 4 lbs and never seem to get under 170 !! Maybe one day????

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:05 am
by oolala53
So many sweet things still taste fantastic to me. Maybe one in ten is meh. However, I still use stevia most days because I can't stand coffee without it and I don't like tea much. I'd like to think I could swear off it at some point for three weeks and see if it makes a difference. But not yet.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:09 pm
by mimi
Sweets are my downfall too Roxy! I've never met anything yet that was too sweet for me!

Hope you are getting the car issues resolved...they can be painful - especially to the pocketbook!

Stick with your biking - I have one too (got it after a dog attack and then a broken ankle). It was the only kind of exercise I could do, and I really learned to like it. I usually watch a TV program or read and the time goes by very quickly!

Have a great weekend!

Mimi :D

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:18 pm
by milliem
I'm jumping on the 'sweet things' bandwagon - they are definitely a problem for me, far more so than snacking or big portions! It's funny when people say that sweets just don't appeal to them any more or aren't 'good' enough - I could happily eat any old crappy chocolate and quite enjoy it :P

Anyway it sounds like you are doing really well Roxy! Hope you have a good weekend :)

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:04 pm
by r.jean
Way to go on pushing the exercise!

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:35 pm
by NoSRocks
Hey guys!! Thanks as always everyone for your wonderful posts and support!

Hope you're having a good S Day Saturday today! Feeling pretty darn positive for a change: Despite the fact that I've got into a bit of a bad habit of weighing myself daily (since I started on the exercise bike); I'm trying to justify it by saying it's just a test to see if adding the exercise bike might help move things along a bit! Well, this morning, I got a nice surprise! I stepped on the scale and for the first time in ages, I saw the needle slip below 170 lbs! :shock:
I'm 168 lbs! BUT... and there always is one, isn't there? For me, personally, this is the BUT...I don't like the fact I've been weighing daily since we all know how much weight fluctuates throughout the day! I'm a bit of a pessimist when it comes to my weight these days and I wouldn't be surprised if I weighed 170 lbs tomorrow or the next day. Now I'm not trying to sabotage my efforts or anything, just being realistic. I guess its 'good' to be pessimistic in some ways since I might not be so down when I discover I'm 170 next week. My point being, I think I should try to lay off weighing on a daily basis. BTW - I realize that many of us do weigh daily, and if that suits them, that is fantastic, I just want to stress I am referring to my self here and what would work best for me.

All 'pessimism' aside for the moment though - I will bask (however briefly ;lol) in the glory of being in the 60s again !! (again stressing for me, personally, getting to under 170 has been a goal for a while so I don't want anyone to get peeved with me or anything. I hope you know what I'm clumsily trying to say !)

PS: Yes guys - I am so with you on the sweet foods... i too have no qualms on having a second rate bar of chocolate or whatever either! We are all in the same boat, guys, and thanks again for your ongoing support. I really appreciate it and this board is AWEsome!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:49 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hey, the 60's is a big deal, now you officially weigh 160 something rather than 170 something. WOO .HOO...

A very big deal because once your body starts accepting the new weight, it usually holds if you are doing the right things (which you are).

Love seeing your amazing progress.


ETA, I weigh morning and night (except when my battery dies in my scale and I am too lazy to buy one for several months)


I will update my weight here monthly probably, to keep me honest.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:54 pm
by oolala53
I don't want to discourage you but I was down to 160 a few weeks back. Now I'm back to fluctuating in the 163-165 range. (However, this is down from the 167 range of a few months ago.) I thought the scale didn't have a hold on me, but I found it did. I went through a mini-depression and I think it snapped another link in the chain. It hurts some, but it's a good thing. It's so much better to just keep thinking, "This is how I eat. This is how I move. This is how I live." Not this is how I lose weight.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:32 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi again everyone! Thanks again for your comments!
...I feel like I'm always saying that, however the well known saying "I can never thank you enough" definitely rings true for this board!! :D :D :D

Had not too bad an S Day today. Ate regular foods at meal times and had a dessert after dinner of again one of those Edwards ice cream desserts with the warm apple sauce and ice cream. I added some fresh raspberries and a little cool whip - yum! Mashing the raspberries into the cool whip makes a really nice dessert too, btw. Because of my surprise reading on the scale this morning, I thought twice before I had the dessert and was thinking on not having it ... but then thought that might be counter-productive (it's all mental, isn't it??) No doubt my weight will return back to normal after the weekend... even now that my weekends are getting slightly more controlled/organized as in not perma-snacking... I always put weight back on over the weekend.

oolala: thanks for your interesting post. I did not realize you had got down to 160 - however, I also understand why you may have chosen not to write it down since I think it's very wise (of you) to give it a few days/week/whatever for weight loss to settle down or take hold as it were. Now I've come back down to earth since this morning's little 'victory', it might have been wise of me to have thought twice before posting my weight loss on here. Particularly as I had been weighing daily all of last week and with all the fluctuations etc. I feel I could potentially be setting myself up for disappointment if I don't ever - or on a more positive note - it takes a while for weight loss to show up again. But hey - what the heck, if it makes me happy even for just a day, I suppose I should just kick back and bask in the good news whist it lasts!! LOL!!

However, oolala, and it's easy for me to say - please try not to be too disheartened about the fluctuations as you have and are continuing to do brilliantly.

Signing off for this evening and off to do some more on the exercise bike. Take Care and Have a wonderful S Day Sunday, all!!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:55 am
by r.jean
Personally I think it is a very good sign when a low weight shows up on the scale. I have said this before but here it goes...I know a lot of things that will make the scale show higher than it should but I do not know of anything that will make the scale show a weight that is artificially low.

Overeating, drinking, eating a lot of salty processed food, etc are all going to spike your weight. You are on the right track when you indulge but do not go hog wild on weekends. The exercise and more moderate weekends are starting to show. Keep it up!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:07 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks r.jean! Very good analogy too, I might add :) I guess it gives me hope - however fleeting - that I actually can lose weight again. One gets to a certain age where it can seem like losing weight is virtually impossible!

I know I shouldn't pin my hopes on it too much but I was also feeling in such a positive mood today "just because" of a 2 lb loss! Fantastic!!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:24 am
by Who Me?
Sounds like you're doing well!

And it sounds like you need to become more of a food-snob, when it comes to sweets. Life is too short to eat lousy chocolate! (I'm kidding, of course.)

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:40 am
by NoSRocks
PS: just wanted to add: I am declaring Biotin a wonder supplement (she says, avoiding the d word for obvious reasons! :lol: )

Since taking the biotin, I have noticed vast improvement in my hair and nails which both of were thin, brittle and easily broken. Not sure if its psychological or not, but I've also been feeling pretty good inside, almost to the point of exuberance! Didn't think I was feeling down or anything beforehand but it just goes to show! My thinning temples are almost non existent now and I can hardly believe it. Biotin also apparently has metabolic properties but as said, I'm not going to pin my hopes on it too much for losing weight.

PPS: I also forgot to mention: I also had a troublesome red rash around my nose and mouth area and across the bridge of my nose. No amount of moisturizer etc. would get rid of it. It has also completely disappeared since using the biotin. Just reading online that the red facial rash is a sign of biotin deficiency, as well as "unusual fat distribution" on the face... whatever that means??? Also reading conflicting reports that biotin deficiency is pretty rare, (some argue that it very common), humans don't rarely need much supplementation according to some of these articles and can also get it from a variety of different foods rather than supplements. Apparently, egg whites can prevent biotin absorption and cause deficiency if eaten in abundance. Just more useless - or perhaps useful - information, guys!


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:34 pm
by tobiasmom
Sounds like I need biotin. I have unusual fat distribution on my whole body! ha. Just kidding. Glad to hear you may have found something that's helping! Hope you had a wonderful weekend, buddy!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:23 am
by mimi
Wow! Interesting information! How much of the supplement do you take each day? So glad you have had such positive results!

And congrats on the 2-pound loss! Yay!

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:29 am
by NoSRocks
LOL @ tobiasmom!! :lol: :lol: :wink: :lol:

Hi again, all! Hope you are all doing well this fine late July evening.

mimi: thanks for your question. I take - wait for it - it's a lot! 2 x 5000 mcg capsules of biotin daily. The Nature's Bounty variety. I've tried other brands but unfortunately, for me, they just don't cut it. Now, I realize this is a very high dosage but I have taken this amount in the past and not suffered from any adverse effects. I'm not saying this would suit everyone however, so it is very much up to yourself. From past experience, I have to continue to take it daily or the effects wear off pretty quickly. My nails are looking much better although not sure if this is down to using the keyboard, but unfortunately two of my longest nails snapped off this evening. Goes to show I am not out of the woods yet. However, i will continue on with the biotin indefinitely for now. I used to take it regularly for quite a few years and found it beneficial at that time, goodness knows why I stopped in the first place. The price of the Nature's Bounty can be a little pricey compared to other brands - again that is a personal preference and it would certainly be worth a try if one wanted to experiment with other brands. Hope this helps and again, thanks for your best wishes re. my recent weight loss. Haven't weighed myself over the weekend btw - I didn't go mad but I think my weight has probably gone back up again... but i might be pleasantly surprised. Will check it again sometime during the week.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:16 am
by mimi
Thanks for the in-depth reply Roxy! Funny that I purchased a bottle of Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin and Nails (containing 5000 mcg of biotin) last week before I even knew of your success with the supplement! Costco has them on sale at the moment, but with these you must take 3 caplets daily in order to get 5000 mcg. Anyway, I hadn't started taking them yet because I do take a daily multivitamin and these contain a host of other vitamins and I wanted to sit and look over the contents well before starting (thinking perhaps I would need to discontinue the multivitamin. Don't want to overdose on any one particular vitamin!)
In my case, my skin is very dry - probably even more so since going through menopause. I've noticed also that my hair is thinning somewhat at the forehead and temple areas - but only on one side (go figure!) I've never had really thick hair - it's always been baby fine. Anyway, I saw these caplets at a very good price and thought they might be worth a try. Then I read about your experience and was really encouraged. I don't think I have a deficiency, but adding the supplement at a lower dose might be helpful. We'll see!
Thanks so much for your help. I hope you have a great week!
Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:32 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi mimi! Glad to be of help! Good luck with those supplements; I'm sure they will work well for you. What a coincidence, huh? The ones I'm taking are the Nature's Bounty softgels, they're so small they are easy to take with a glass of water. I take 2 and sometimes even 3 but like yourself, I am wary of O'ding on them. I also take other vitamins: vit D, calcium and one chromium picolinate (500mcg) to help - supposedly - with sugar cravings. Not sure if they're doing much but will finish off the bottle anyway before i decide if i want to buy them again.

OMGoodess, mimi! I could have written your post myself: we are so alike in many ways. I too have gone through the change! One side of my head had more thinning than the other too. At first I was thinking it might be because I wear my hair up a lot but its evident since I started taking the biotin that it's probably hormonal/lack of the vitamin B. I think Biotin is Vit B7 if I can recall. It's also great that I seem to have lost a little weight, albeit very insignificant. I have been upping the exercise a little with the exercise bike etc. so once again, not sure if I can attribute it to taking the biotin. However, I feel really good inside and that's all that matters, isn't it? So I say, bring it ON!! :lol: :wink: :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:21 pm
by mimi
Yeah, bring it on!!!! I would love to be feeling better on the inside too...I have been feeling so sad the last few weeks. We'll see what biotin can do for me. I did decide to discontinue my daily multivitamin as these caplets also contain most of the important vitamins and minerals. For the time being, I'll just take 3 of these a day and also extra calcium supplements. I'll keep you posted on any changes I notice. Thanks Roxy for all your help!

Mimi :D


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:51 pm
by tobiasmom
Hope you're having a wonderful No-S day, Friend!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:09 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! Thanks for your well wishes, tobiasmom. You too!!!

mimi: sorry to hear you've been feeling down and hope you're feeling much better soon. I didn't actually realize I was feeling as down myself until I realized how much better i suddenly felt ! (does that make sense? :lol: ) I think your supplement plan sounds great and keep us posted on how you get on. As for me, I'm not sure if its been the biotin at work regarding my sunnier disposition of late - if so, it has been a huge boost.

Have a great day, all!!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:34 pm
by NoSRocks
A quick update from me: doing great and continuing to take the Biotin and getting my walks and exercise bike in. I know I shouldn't but couldn't resist weighing myself this morning. I am 166 lbs!! :D :D I am attributing it to both the Biotin supplements and the exercise bike which I try to do on a daily basis. So far, so good - I continue to enjoy the exercise bike so much so that I am starting to feel guilty/antsy if I don't get it in. That I guess can only be a good thing ! :roll:

I started a 21 day run of no S which coincided with my decision to join oolala's 90 day challenge thread. The 21 day stretch will end officially tomorrow however I expect my number on the scale to be slightly up because of the S Days. So... for the record: I started 6th July 2011 at 173 lbs and today, 30th July 2011 I weigh 166 lbs. A total loss of 7lbs. Yayy!

Now, I will carry on with the 90 day challenge (I'm 21 days in) and will record my weight at the end of it. I've also signed up to the no weighing thread but if I can get to the end of the 90 day challenge and not stand on the scales, it will be quite a little victory. I am aware of my addiction to the scales, particularly in light of my recent little weight loss and its a habit I want to break since I don't want to get disappointed etc. if loss is slow or I don't see a change...or get discouraged if i see a gain. Which is bound to happen throughout this journey. However, for now I am just very happy to know that it is possible for even me with my thyroid and hormone (change) problems to lose weight.

Today (Saturday) - I have had a reasonable S Day. Not OTT like it used to be and I am so glad I listened to all the great advice on here about the S Days gradually improving if you give it time - thank you all!! I still allowed myself dessert and ate heavier/snack type stuff rather than the balanced meals I allow on N Days.

Went to cafe for lunch with DH and kids and had 7 boneless chicken wings with blue cheese and ranch dips plus a diet soda. This evening, I had a big slice of pumpkin bread and butter followed by a dessert of apple pie and ice cream. Phew! I started to get full 3/4 of the way through but couldn't bear to leave the dessert so I soldiered on till it was finished. :oops: :roll: :oops:
That's something I hope I will be able to conquer given time and continuing to be patient. I didn't buy any fancy cakes or desserts at the store this week and the apple pie was something I had in the freezer. Once its used up, hopefully that will be it. Unless a very special occasion turns up.

Thanks for listening - Have a great weekend, all!!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:36 pm
by NoSRocks
PS: ever the 'optimist', :oops: :lol: :lol: - I won't update my "weight stats" until the 90 day challenge is over.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:33 pm
by r.jean
You will do great! Keep up the exercise! It is addicting!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:37 am
by NoSRocks
:D :D :D :D

Thanks, r.jean! I agree: once you find something that you enjoy doing, you're on your way.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:48 pm
by NoSRocks
Sooo... today is the start of the no weighing challenge. I was originally going to wait till I'd completed the 90 challenge to weigh (what date does it finish on, anyway? :lol: still to work it out!) However, Ive decided if I make it to 1st September, I'll be doing okay. Have a drs appt coming up - they will most likely weigh me then....will try to keep my eyes shut - LOL! TBH, their scales always weigh heavier anyway.

This morning, when I stood on the scales for my final weigh in of the month, I was rather disheartened to see my weight seems to be almost back up at 170 lbs again. I really didn't have an ott couple of S Days but it is what it is. Makes me think of trying not to have S Days anymore. I didn't really enjoy them this weekend tbh. The desserts seemed sickly and oversweet. However, I still had sweet treat cravings after I'd eaten my main course albeit most likely psychological. We'll see what happens this weekend. Not going to sweat it, she says, hopefully.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:06 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi, so glad you will be doing the 30 days with me and whoever else decides to hang out..

Don't feel so bad, my weight fluctuates a lot, I'm sure in a couple days it will be back to what it was for you..but no peaking now :).

You will be so proud of yourself on September 1. I toooo need to tame down my hog days.. :0

That is so cool we weight the same, just about..I'm 54, how old are you?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:12 am
by NoSnacker
Thank you so much for sharing your story on my post about S days. It was not long at all.

It is glad to know that if I'm patient it will work. Yes it is amazing how just knowing the weekend is coming, makes the weekdays so much easier.

I think perhaps I will really think about what dessert I want for dinner on the weekend, and I'll make sure it is special.

I might make oatmeal cookies again..they really were good last time I made them.

Have a great day.

p.s. boy was it hard not to weigh in this morning...yik!

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:50 pm
by NoSnacker
NoSrocks comment on deb's 30 day weigh in:
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to fight the lure of the scales this week!
Not sure if you saw the beginning of my post..I had a fail and weighed in on Saturday morning...thinking I will move my challenge to weekly for me :).

The call of the scale as we all know how loud that can be :)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:18 am
by NoSRocks
Hi there deb! Thanks for your nice messages and for stopping by my thread!

Age: I'm 48 and height is 5'7" so ideally I'd like to be 135 to 140 lbs, realistically though, I'd be happy to be 150 lbs but at this rate, even a few lbs would be fantastic! LOL!!

Unfortunately, I've not been able to keep away from the scales this week either. I have a feeling I was trying to be too ambitious by saying I wouldn't weigh for the 90 days or so, although I'm sure if one were in the frame of mind, they could attempt it and may be pretty successful! In some ways, I quite like weighing, particularly when I was seeing results, albeit just a pound or two. I haven't weighed this past few days since I don't want to get too discouraged and feeling a bit 'bloated' after my 2 s days at the weekend. Otherwise, I will no doubt go back to weighing every few days. However, your idea to try not to weigh was fabulous and please don't be too hard on yourself or feel embarrassed about starting the thread. Once we are in the frame of mind, we can always try the no weighing again, if we feel like it. Have a great week, hon! Take care and all the best to you.


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:03 pm
by tobiasmom
Man, I WISH I was 5'7!!! ha. Short, short, short here.

I haven't weighed myself lately either. I'm scared to see it. So I'm just gonna follow No-S for the week and then maybe get on the scale Friday. I think weighing can be very helpful on this journey......but I do have to really struggle to not live every day for that darn number on the scale!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:24 am
by NoSRocks
I know what you mean, tobiasmom! Couldn't have put it better myself, hon. On the one hand, it might be counterproductive to weigh regularly but on the flip side, the not knowing can be scary!

Around 5 yrs or so ago, when i was doing lots of physical work and dropping the pounds - ironically, I never weighed myself nor gave weight/diets a second thought! I was , for once, confident that the amount of work I was doing would be enough to keep the weight down and for a brief, blissful period in my life, that proved to be true. In hindsight, it would have been interesting to know what I actually weighed! I'm thinking around 130 - 135 lbs. As I've said before, probably too low for me to sustain at my weight/age. I'd probably have to starve to get there these days!! LOL!@!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:26 am
by NoSnacker
NoSRocks wrote:I haven't weighed this past few days since I don't want to get too discouraged and feeling a bit 'bloated' after my 2 s days at the weekend. Otherwise, I will no doubt go back to weighing every few days.
Wow, this is exactly how I have been feeling and was so tempted to get on the scale, but funny I can tell how my tummy feels if I lost weight or not, and feeling like this I say not yet.

I do have my habitcal going and giving myself a greenie for when I don't weigh and red for when I far this month only 1 red..and that is big in itself.

I'm with you on the weight..I at one point in my life was down to 130, that was when I was 39 and not eating enough...held 150 for many, many years and thought I was fat, now if only I could get to the 150 again....I WOULD not complain..:)

Have a great day.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:01 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi Deb! Thanks for your nice message ! We DO have a lot in common esp when it comes to our weight 'history', don't we? :lol: :D

150 lbs would be fantastic! I think given that I'm 'well over 40' it would be ideal and something that I could live with i.e. realistic.

Even 160 - 165 would be okay. When I first did the No S, I managed to get to 160 lbs (end of 2009) - and I wasn't happy because I couldn't get down any further. What I wouldn't give to be back there now !! :roll:

Although r.jean did a nice post which said if you can maintain your weight you are also doing really well. That certainly makes me feel better!!

Have a great day, deb!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:14 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi ALL! Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Life is hectic just now and I just don't always get the time, unfortunately. I still lurk around and read everyone's posts and I'm still very much on the No S Plan.

I'm still doing my walks (approx 3 - 5 miles, 4 or 5 days a week) plus the exercise bike whenever I can. My weight is fluctuating between 167 and 168 lbs. My S Days are fairly moderate. 3 meals a day (similar to what I have on N Days) with one really nice dessert after dinner i.e. a generous slice of apple pie or iced cake with cream/ice cream etc, etc.
But I wish I could get more veggies in! I really am lazy when it comes to the veggies!! Recently, I've been buying those little bags of carrots with the serving of ranch dip inside. They're about 50 calories for the whole bag. Or I'll have a couple of spoonfuls of tinned black beans and/or chickpeas which are full of fiber. I buy cauliflower occasionally but it usually goes off before I get round to cooking it! So I've stopped buying fresh veggies at the moment. I know its not really a good idea, nutrition wise but until I can get over this 'hurdle' i.e. aversion I seem to have developed towards fresh produce. Having said so, I do still enjoy my fruit and the watermelons and canteloupes are just gorgeous this time of year. I also enjoy the fruit cups from the deli at the store. (very expensive and I could do with preparing them myself - again too 'much work' and these ready prepared cups are so convenient!! )
:oops: :roll: :oops:
That's all for today, folks. Have been mostly green on N Days so doing pretty well with No S compliance. Have a great Friday, everyone!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:59 am
by r.jean
I also struggle with getting in vegetables. I like lettuce and tomato and onion on my sandwiches so I always make sure to add that. I also chop tomatoes into my cottage cheese. This week I bought some rather expensive single serving frozen cauliflower and cheese things to add to my lunches. A 4 pack was almost $3, and there is not much to them. I also buy and waste too many fresh vegetables because I do not use them up like I should. Sooo..if you come with any great and simple ideas for veggies, let me know!

By the way, your exercise is looking great!

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:49 am
by NoSRocks
LOL! Thanks, r.jean! Not doing so badly yourself, btw! :wink:

Those packs of cauliflower cheese: are they made by Green Giant, by any chance? I bought the Green Giant single portion veggie packs a while ago, thinking it might encourage me; ate one of them with dinner...... and ended up throwing the remainder in the trash several weeks later because I left them in the freezer too long, I'm afraid! (Not that I wish to put you off them or anything - sorry!! )

Sounds like you are making a good effort to get your veggies in somehow, hun - adding tomatoes to cottage cheese sounds like a good idea too.I guess we could try the V8 juice but I always wonder if there's enough/equivalent fiber in those!

Also jean: Many Thanks for the encouraging words re. exercise. The bike is working out really great, btw. I was tempted to try out another harder, more strenuous piece of equipment at one time but dropped it in favor of the bike since i really enjoy it and I know it is sustainable compared with other stuff.
Well, getting tired now so apologies if this note is starting not to make sense - I am so tired!! have a great Friday, everyone!!

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:24 pm
by r.jean
You were right on about the cauliflower being Green Giant. I took them for lunch at work so I will finish them but will not buy them again. They are not that great.

I do not like exercise machines but have challenged thtrchic to get her bike out this weekend and I will do the same. Biking is great exercise whether it is a stationary or real one. Now I have to really do it...hmmmm.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:09 am
by NoSRocks
LOL! hi again jean! Yeah, I thought those Green Giant cauliflower things were yu*cky ! I even tried the broccoli portions in cheese ... and they might just have been worse! Too much of the fake, gloopy cheese sauce and not enough veggies! I guess I will have to revert back to the 'real' diy produce at some point. I used to buy the steamer bags, cut the veggies up and divide them into portions then I'd have ready made for the microwave veggies every night of the week! however, whilst I am in this lazy, veggies-are-turning-my-stomach mode, buying the fresh stuff is just going to be a waste of money! Those little bags of carrots w/the dip are great, though. I wish I could find other varieties, such as celery in those little portions, then I wouldn't feel so 'guilty/under-nourished' ! since I only eat carrots, carrots and more carrots these days. :oops: :oops: :lol:

Exercise machines and gyms: two of my pet peeves! However, the bike is great in that I can visit all my favorite sites i.e. NO S and pedal away at the same time! Result!! Good luck to both of you on the biking outside idea. I don't have a bicycle anymore or i would probably join in!!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:42 pm
by NoSRocks
Weighed in this morning and I was very happy to see that I am almost 165 lbs! :shock: :D :o

I seem to be on a bit of a roll right now and I'm not sure whether its the biotin, the bike or a combination of both. The other day, I forgot to take the biotin so I took an extra capsule the next day to make up for it. i.e. 3 x 5000 mcg (15,0000 mcg) instead of the usual 2 x 5000 mcg (10,000 mcg). Wow! :shock: these are really high levels of biotin! I wouldn't recommend anyone else take this amount unless they were comfortable their body could tolerate it without any adverse affects. Again, I'm not sure if biotin is toxic in higher doses but I've read conflicting reports online so I am aware and using my own discretion on this. I have got a bit of a skin rash on one of my legs (hives) which is probably due to the biotin. I'm sticking with the 10,000 mcg daily (2 caplets) for now since *for me* the benefits, I believe, are far greater than the cons. I had been taking 1 x 7500 mcg of a different brand since January of this year and it did not have any effect. Whether it was the brand or the dosage, I figure the dosage wasn't high enough to make any difference. My hair and nails are much, much better - they still fall out/break at times but the texture of both is much thicker.

This morning (S Day - Saturday) I was all set to have a big iced cinnamon roll for breakfast (the fridge/freezer is fully stocked with goodies in anticipation of my S Days :roll: :oops: ) but I just didn't feel all that hungry this morning and it seemed 'counterproductive' for me to have the cinnamon roll if there was no desire for it (oops - all very well but I hope I'm not succumbing to diet head again!!) Perhaps my body is gradually and naturally adapting to less treats/sweet foods as a result of being on No S for a long stretch. I also take chromium picolinate supplement and this is supposed to help with blood sugar levels. I hadn't seen much change in appetite with the chromium before - maybe it is just starting to have an effect now. Gosh! I feel like I am really plugging all these supplements and vitamins all of a sudden - LOL!! I have to say I do feel good right now (as in energy wise and mood). I've lost food anxiety to some extent but I still weigh too much and too often for my liking. I know if I keep this up, I will get disappointed by the natural and inevitable fluctuations that happen on a day to day basis. BUT while the going is good, on a positive note, I am again very pleased and surprised to see that I can actually lose some weight, albeit a few lbs.
Thanks all, for listening to my ramblings. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Sorry again for not posting much recently - life is moving on at a fantastic rate (stop the world, I wanna get off! ) but I continue to read everyone's posts when I get the chance. Have a wonderful weekend, all! Love from Roxy xx

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:30 pm
by mimi
NoSRocks wrote:Weighed in this morning and I was very happy to see that I am almost 165 lbs! :shock: :D :o

I seem to be on a bit of a roll right now and I'm not sure whether its the biotin, the bike or a combination of both.
Way to go Roxy!!! Wow - doesn't matter what's keeping you on your roll...just keep rollin'! I love to hear about other people's successes! It inspires me and keeps me going stronger. Happy for you!

I am liking how the biotin supplements are helping my dry skin - particularly my hands and cuticles, as I mentioned before. I'm only taking about 3,333 mcg. each day (3 of my capsules = 5,000 mcg. and I can only take 2). We'll see what happens over time. Haven't seen any noticeable change with my hair, but I'll tell you something I did several months ago that did have a big effect on my hair...I bought a satin pillowcase and sleep on that every night! My hair is not as dry and much shinier, believe it or not. It wasn't a great expense either (they're pretty pricey on the internet). I found mine at Sally's for $7.99.

Again, congrats on your loss - that should keep you going all weekend!

Mimi :D

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:01 am
by NoSRocks
Well hi there, mimi! :D :D Thanks for popping in! Glad to hear that the biotin is suiting you and you are getting some benefits from it - fantastic! I, too, had very dry skin, particularly around my laugh line area i.e. the area between mouth and nose. Very red and angry looking sometimes as if I'd been out in cold weather. Now, I read online that biotin deficiency can cause such blemishes on the face in particular. Since taking it, I have noticed a great improvement in these marks (no amount of face cream, vaseline, gold bond etc. did any good). Recently, one side of my face has developed a little reddening again which is disappointing but I'm hoping the biotin will clear it up. My hair and nails have shown the most improvement. My toenails of all things have been affected the most it would seem :roll: not really the desired effect since they were always hard to cut in the first place! LOL!! My hair has thickened up somewhat and the texture is much smoother, not as dry. I still have thinning temples but just not quite as bad. Again, I read somewhere that biotin does not prevent the hair falling out, just makes the hair grow back in and a bit faster (hopefully) than it would have without it.

The satin pillow idea sounds great! Never thought of that before, so thanks mimi! I will have to head over to Sally's and get me one of those! Hopefully, it might help my complexion as well. I get a lot of wrinkling on my face overnight, some of which is here to stay!! tsk, tsk!!

Thanks also for your nice, encouraging words. It is great to hear that I am inspiring to others! I, in turn, have been very inspired by everyone's messages/threads too and I never thought that one day I would actually be an inspiration to my fellow no s-ers! Very humbling and thanks once again. I only hope I can keep it up!! The great thing about no S is it ain't like other 'diets' as has often been quoted on this marvellous board; in that one can pick up and start afresh the next day regardless of whether they have a 'green' or a 'red'. It's funny (for want of a better word) that it works in this way. LOVING IT!!! Have a great Sunday, mimi. Take care!!

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:16 am
by NoSRocks
S Day Saturday:

Recording what I ate -

B: Granola Bar, 1 Dannon Coffee Yoghurt, 1 tub mandarins

L: 1 scone and butter; 1 fruit salad cup; 1 lg black coffee

D: wasn't very hungry - 4 grilled rashers bacon; 1 small chocolate steamed pudding with fresh cream - felt 'obligated' to have an S ! :)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:18 am
by NoSRocks
P.S: Just incase anyone was wondering: I do cook 'proper' meals for my DH and kids! It's only when it comes to cooking for myself, I seem to cook separately or nibble on 'snacky' foods! :oops:

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:59 am
by r.jean
I thought of you as I made BLTs yesterday and went heavy on the LT. That is really the only veggies I got in yesterday. I have to do better than that!

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:43 pm
by NoSRocks
LOL!! r.jean - lucky you (as in thinking of me! :roll: :wink: ) - just kidding!!

Yeah, will have to get those veggies in somehow, i suppose... even if it is in a BLT sandwich, tsk, tsk!! Yesterday, I felt so bloated I couldn't even face a slice of toast! This morning, still feeling a bit bloated...I had my breakfast but it was just a standard N Day breakfast. Still haven't got round to those delicious looking cinnamon rolls yet! They will get spoiled and I'll have to throw them out, I guess. I also have a freezer full of scones and pumpkin bread slices (from Starbucks)which are just taking up space and don't seem to be calling my name lately. What a waste!! :oops: :roll:

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:59 pm
by r.jean
Just ate a big salad of romaine, bell peppers, tomatoes, a boiled egg, craisins, bacon bits, and cheese. I am going to a cookout for supper and anticipate brats and burgers so I felt like I needed a healthy lunch. It was good, but I just am too lazy to do it all the time...

That pumpkin bread would have been history if it was here. I love that stuff.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:52 pm
by NoSRocks
LOL! :lol: Yeah, those pumpkin breads are the businesssss!!! Wow, that salad sounded amazing, too! Good on you for getting your veggie fix today. Needless to say, I'm still working on it...:oops: :roll:

This evening, I was a little hungrier than last night. I had planned on sharing a big meat pizza with DH and the kids. However, something went wrong and the pizza ended up sticking to the wire tray of the oven! UGG! I managed to salvage most of it and gave what was there to DH and the 2 kids. I had a salami and cheese filled bagel instead. As it happens, it was very nice and I enjoyed it, probably more than the pizza which I hadn't really felt like eating anyway. So far, I've not had dessert; just don't feel like it this evening. Wow! Now that is indeed a first!! Are my OTT and indulgent S Days becoming a thing of the past??? Well, we'll see - just taking each day as it comes. Who knows?? Perhaps this wave of fullness will pass and I'll be ravenous this time tomorrow night - ha! Well, I won't be having any desserts since its an N Day but I might make it up for it next week. At least it will be legitimate, regardless of what happens and there will be no need for me to feel guilty. Have a great week, everyone! Talk to you all again, soon.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:56 pm
by NoSnacker
NoSRocks wrote: Are my OTT and indulgent S Days becoming a thing of the past??? Well, we'll see - just taking each day as it comes. Who knows??
Wouldn't that be grand!! How did you make out last night!

My Sunday wasn't too bad, I did have chocolate cheerios late at night which of course I wasn't hungry!

Hope you are having a great Monday to start off a Green week!


Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:54 pm
by tobiasmom
Ooohhhhhh........I see that 165! Awesome!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:43 am
by r.jean
Wow! So what are you doing different? Keep it up!

Re: hey

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:59 am
by Strawberry Roan
tobiasmom wrote:Ooohhhhhh........I see that 165! Awesome!

Indeed :D Way to go.

Loved your salad, have you tried the blueberry Craisins?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:09 am
by NoSRocks
Hi everyone!! Thanks all, for your nice messages!! I had a pretty good S Day yesterday although I'd forgotten that I did have an S Day treat of some chocolate throughout the day :oops: So not quite the 'perfect' S Day I had anticipated. Then again, what am I saying?? S Days are not supposed to be 'perfect' anyway! :wink:

This morning, when I weighed, it looked like I'd gone up a little bit... but that's because I'm weighing too often, and particularly after a weekend, too. Still, I'm trying not to think/fret about it.
As for the recent weight loss: thanks guys again for your lovely messages of encouragement. What I'm doing - I think - is taking a supplement of biotin and exercising a bit more i.e. exercise bike. If you want to read more about my 'adventures' with biotin, I'd been chatting back and forth with debrabuf (aka no snacker) on it recently - perhaps if you take a look at her daily check in, there are one or two messages on there. Thanks also for your interest! Have a wonderful week, guys, and I'll look forward to 'chatting' with you all soon. Lots of love, Roxy x

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:47 am
by NoSnacker
Hi everyone, I changed my profile name from Debrabuf to NoSnacker, as I need to become the ultimate no snacker kind of person. Mmmm, not so sure that it is me you are talking about the biotin? I do recall seeing on posts but can't remember where?

Yes Roxy, getting on the scale after an S day only brings pain :). I had a bad night last night and decided against the dreaded scale. I wanted to try and go until September 1, but my habitcal is seeing a few red bleeps!

Have a great Wednesday!

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:39 am
by mimi
NoSRocks wrote: What I'm doing - I think - is taking a supplement of biotin and exercising a bit more i.e. exercise bike. If you want to read more about my 'adventures' with biotin, I'd been chatting back and forth with debrabuf (aka no snacker) on it recently - perhaps if you take a look at her daily check in, there are one or two messages on there.
No, it was me...Mimi, on my check in!!!


Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:44 pm
by tobiasmom
Just checking in with ya! Hope all is well.

Have a wonderful day!

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:59 pm
by NoSRocks
LOL! Sorry guys - I got mixed up! :oops: :oops: - It was indeed mimi and myself who'd been having the conversation about the biotin! How could I forget, mimi?? LOL!

Hi also tobiasmom! I'm doing good, thanks for asking. Hope you are doing good, also.
I tend to weigh too often for my liking though. Scale said I'd put on 2 lbs (around 167 - 168 lbs) right now :( Have been eating more bread-based meals than usual this week so that could account for it. I'd bought some bagels over the weekend and no one seems to care for them except me. Once they're gone, they're gone. I might have to stop buying bagels becaus of this or keep them for my S Days! Not letting the fluctuation get to me too much though. I'm still exercising: walking Mon thru Thursday and getting the exercise bike in whenever i can.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:37 pm
by NoSRocks
I've come to the conclusion - AGAIN - LOL! :
Scales are crazy!! :roll:

This morning, when I weighed the scale said 167 - 168 then I noticed it was slightly off (minutely) so i adjusted it slightly and it looked like 166. Did my usual ritual of stepping on and off a couple of times just to be sure!

I know I should have just stopped there but NO, I decided to move it to another area of the bathroom floor, "just to see" .. 166. Decided to try adjusting the scale again (slightly above the zero to see what would happen/ if my weight would go higher. 166! Why did it originally show 167 then?? Put it back to the usual place on the floor and it still read 166, regardless of the zero being above, below or spot on! Makes me wonder just how accurate my scales really are??
I also figure I'm over thinking this too much! Yikes!!! :roll:
...Maybe its not the scale that's crazy????:oops: :D :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:08 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Love the scale story, something I would do for sure.

Funny thing I have found out, if I weigh before I take a bath (totally undressed) and then take the bath and weigh again, I weigh a pound less after the bath. Isn't that weird? Wouldn't you think that you might weigh more, maybe your body absorbed water or something? :D I did this accidentally one night, I weighed, the scale was still there so I stepped on it just for fun after my bath and noticed the pound loss.

I have done it several times since and always the same thing, strange indeed.

As far as veggies, that is one problem I do not have - I make a HUGE salad every night with lots of different veggies like different lettuces and spinach and tomatoes and cucumbers and red/green/yellow peppers and scallions and stuff like that - think I will use the and word some more

and fruits in it (always add dried cranberries or blueberries or raisins or apricots (dried or fresh) or mandarin oranges or something like that).

I do love my fruits and veggies..... :roll:

Add a bit of shredded cheese, chopped egg, garlic cheese croutons and top it all with red wine pomegranate vinegar and that is my dinner probably five days out of seven.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:35 am
by NoSRocks
Hi Berry! Glad you liked the scale saga - wasn't sure if I were coming across too pedantic/paranoid or whatever beginning with 'p' (LOL!)

It's almost as if i can't believe I've managed to lose a few lbs and am willing it to go back up again :roll:

That was indeed a funny story about the bath making you weigh less, Berry! Thanks for sharing! LOL!! I'll definitely have to try it out myself. I, too, would have thought it would make one weigh more, like you were saying, as the bath might plump up one's skin cells etc. However - now i think of it, don't they often say that people tend to lose weight after a sauna or turkish bath, but will gain it back as soon as they take a drink of water? I had forgotten about that!

btw - your salads sound absolutely great and really make me want to try having them again. Once I get into them, I do enjoy salads very much. They're good for filling you up, too.
I'm going through a bit of a lazy streak at the moment when it comes to preparing veggies or to be more accurate - I seem to have developed an aversion to veggies - period. Not so much raw/salad veggies, more of the cooked variety. I know i will have to be working on this at some point. I've been drinking the occasional glass of V8 but this doesn't really have the same fiber content and benefits as 'real' veggies. Next time I'm in the store, i will make an effort to pick up a salad. This is indeed the perfect time of year for them and I know I'd enjoy it.

Have a great Friday, all!!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:41 am
by Strawberry Roan
Good point about the sauna effect, I do like my hot bubble baths, well very warm I suppose would be a better description :D

I'm with you as far as the cooked vegetables, unless I am eating out where they serve the canned green beans or whatever, I prefer the fresh or the frozen which I cook very little (I have been known to eat half a big bag of cauliflower/broccoli/carrots - any or all - with just vinegar and lemon juice on them - as a meal. :wink:

And the good news is french fries and onion rings are vegetables :lol:

As far as your weight loss, I have a three year graph on another site that I look at now and then (it will predict the future trend based on past peformance). It will show lets say, 147 147 146 147 145 147, my body trying to hold on to a certain weight, then the trend will be 145 143 145 142 145, then 143, 141, 142, 143, 140, 142, 139 etc. but always settling on a lower weight. Our bodies really hate to let go of weight going back to the whole feast or famine days of early eating when food was scarce.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:04 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again berry! Thanks for dropping in and making me smile - as always! Just finished reading a women's magazine that advises one to take cold showers and baths as much as possible when trying to lose weight since it does something to the metabolism! It also recommends you eat ice cubes at any given time as it apparently has similar effect - YUK!! (I believe it was an excerpt taken from the Dukan Diet; don't know much about this diet but I won't be trying it or the recommendations anytime soon. I'm pretty much settled in and comfortable with No S and see no reason to change. Interesting theory, though. If anyone is brave enough to try it out, particularly the cold showers, then it would be interesting to hear how they get on.

Had a bit of a blow out this evening. A fruit scone and butter and a good sized chunk of coffee cake along with dinner. Feeling uncomfortably full now and not expecting a good result on the scale so may not bother weighing tomorrow. This week, I have been eating a lot of heavier, bread based meals. Think I'll get back to the crackerfuls for lunch next week. Its not a big hardship but I had a lot of bread and rolls in the fridge that needed using up and I don't like to waste it if I can help it.
I really must get a handle on my impulse buying!@!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:26 am
by NoSRocks
Today I was in the store and very tempted by all the goodies (as usual!) Those bargain basement desserts and cakes are truly my downfall. TBH, its more the pleasure of buying the goodies and anticipating scarfing them down on my S Days that brings me the most pleasure! A lot of what I buy gets put in ziplo*cs in the freezer only to get thrown in the trash several months later! :oops: :roll:

If nothing else this next month, this is something I seriously need to address. I hesitate to make sweeping statements about "not going to do this, and never gonna do that again" since I usually cave into the pressure after only a day or two - lol!! Its something I need to address but i realize that I would be better to try it gradually rather than expect to be 'cured' overnight. Having said this, i actually picked up two large iced cakes on sale this pm, only to put them back again since I knew it was just going to be a waste of money and/or I'll eat it if its there, tempting me.

I ate a scone this evening after dinner. Not focusing so much on this one particular 'failure' but tbh, I think I just ate it in order to make more room in the fridge. If I hadn't bought it in the first place, i wouldn't have given it a second thought. Even though I did enjoy it - feeling so very full up and uncomfortable now, several hours later. Perhaps my tummy is shrinking a little bit - LOL!!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:17 am
by NoSnacker
NoSRocks wrote:Perhaps my tummy is shrinking a little bit - LOL!!
I bet your tummy is shrinking, I could swear mine is...

As for the shopping urge, why don't you commit to only buying 1 thing, every other shopping trip..kind of like looking forward to the weekends..this way you know you will, but just not yet. Just a suggestion..and ya know what you will save tons of money..I don't buy snacks anymore..if I want something special I'll have to go and get it.

Also, I bought a buy one get one free what was considered a healthy snack, once I had one that I shouldn't have during the week and totally ate the whole box, 6 of them at 90 it was not worth me bringing into the house.

I hope your tummy feels better..I saw your note on our 30 day scale post and responded there as well.


Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:25 am
by NoSnacker
NoSRocks wrote:...Maybe its not the scale that's crazy????:oops: :D :lol: :lol:
Girl you sound just like oh man...when I read it I thought the same...once I got on and got off and pick up 10lbs of weight, and it was good as gold..I have moved it from here and there..funny I won't get on any other time of the day, just morning.

I even went and bought this new scale and gave my old to my daughter and guess what she does the same thing..

I think it is more of a girl thing..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:47 pm
by NoSRocks
LOL~! NoSnacker! Hope you're having a good No S Weekend, you deserve it!!

Yeah, as mentioned on the other thread - I am going to have to try harder not to weigh as much. It just messes with my head too much not to mention I get impatient and frustrated, particularly if as has happened, I lose a few lbs one day then 'inexplicably' put them back on again the next. :roll: :oops: I, too, only weigh first thing in the am, no clothes on, not even a hairnet ... I need all the help I can get (LOL!)

I probably won't weigh tomorrow morning (after 2 S Days). I don't tend to weigh after a weekend even though my S Days aren't as wild anymore - unless I'm in one of my ma*sochistic moods and want to tempt fate.

BTW, Just reaffirming here my intention to:

1. Try not to weigh until Friday (at the earliest)

2. Keep away from bread based meals this week.

Have a wonderful week, hon, and all the very best for the coming week.

Roxy x

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:24 pm
by NoSnacker
NoSRocks wrote:BTW, Just reaffirming here my intention to:

1. Try not to weigh until Friday (at the earliest)

2. Keep away from bread based meals this week.
I think these are great intentions...maybe I will join you and no scale until Friday..I blew it today though...


Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:04 am
by oolala53
Do not try. Do. Stay off the scale.
Signed, Schmoda.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:20 am
by milliem
oolala53 wrote:Do not try. Do. Stay off the scale.
Signed, Schmoda.
I agree with Schmoda here ;) When I gave up smoking, I pretty much did it by very rigidly telling myself that I AM NO LONGER A SMOKER I WILL NOT SMOKE. Not 'I'll try to stop or cut down and see how it goes'. Strangely it worked (avoiding my smoking friends for a few weeks helped too!)

Good luck! :) Hope your week is going well. If not I have a NoS sledgehammer here that might work on your scale...

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:25 am
by NoSnacker
milliem wrote:When I gave up smoking, I pretty much did it by very rigidly telling myself that I AM NO LONGER A SMOKER I WILL NOT SMOKE. Not 'I'll try to stop or cut down and see how it goes'. Strangely it worked (avoiding my smoking friends for a few weeks helped too!)
Ya, I remember when I quit smoking it was the hardest thing ever, especially after long quits like 10 years, 7 years, 5 years..couldn't even have one, that started me up all over again.

I suppose I can take my scale and put upstairs...maybe removing it from where it calls me from everyday..."oh you feel lighter, weigh and see", or "you better not weigh, you ate too much...and do anyway"....just like quitting smoking..oh just one last cig, which at times never ends up being the last one.

We can give up the scale NoSRocks...I'm going to move it to my upstairs spare room..

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:38 pm
by NoSRocks
Hey guys, Hey SCHMODA!! :lol: :wink: :wink: :lol:

Thanks again, all, for your supportive and cheery messages! Always great to hear from you!!!

Yeah, i think I will have to take you up on your offer of the sledgehammer, millie! since I have been weighing daily throughout August and can't seem to lure myself away. :oops: :roll: :oops:

I got a bit of good news this morning and yesterday since the scale read I was 165 lbs again. I just hope it will stay there for a while... not that I mind it going down of course... just want a bit of stability, rather than getting 'teased' by the scales and feeling p'd off when a few lbs go back on again. Perhaps THAT will be the reason for my not weighing for a while - just taking time for once to really enjoy/be happy that my weight has dropped a bit.

Anyway - enough from me: hope everyone is having a good week. I'm doing okay so far, so good. All green since Monday (food-wise) and continuing to walk outside/pedal away on my exercise bike. The extra exercise (bike) isn't a hardship btw - its something I really enjoy and that of course is key when we are trying to find an activity that is sustainable. The pedalling is all very laid back and I don't break much of a sweat but it makes me feel good psychologically and that is a bonus in itself. Have a great Friday, everyone!! Talk soon x

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:55 am
by NoSnacker
So glad you had a green week...and your scale is behaving....nice scale, nice scale.

I did not move mine out of my immediate vicinity, but didn't weight for 2 days as I'm hanging on to my last weigh-in.

Have a wonderful Friday...

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:23 pm
by NoSRocks

Unfortunately, I couldn't resist weighing again this morning... :roll: I'm finding it's okay whilst I like what it says :lol: :lol:


Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:08 am
by NoSnacker
Yes, it definitely is okay while the number is good :).

I had a terrible Sat day food I would like to be more tame. It will be 3 full months on Sept 10...when oh when will I give up the madness..

For now, Monday thru scale for me for a few days....

Have a great Sunday!

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:48 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi all! Again, sorry I've been a bit quiet lately. I've been doing okay and soldiering on with the plan so its all positive!... "Soldiering on" makes it sound like a chore! Not at all!!! :D

My weight has been quite steady at 165 lbs for the past week. This past few days, its been 166, but I think that's just from the recent S Days. I also had a few bread based meals (trying to use up the jalapeno cheddar bagels that are in my fridge - very delicious!!)

I'm trying not to let my envy of my friend's recent success get to me too much. Sorry guys, I don't mean to sound churlish; I am very, very happy for her but because progress for myself seems to be slow, it makes me think of giving up NO s and turn to 'goodies' for comfort! The complete opposite of what should happen - even if just for a split second! Thankfully, the urge for sweets seems to be getting better as the days pass. I didn't give into temptation entirely although I did find myself nibbling between meals for a few days. Albeit a little bite here and a taste there, it can start to add up! Still getting my exercise in.
Hope everyone is having a nice week and enjoying the weather. Till next time, take care all and "chat" to you all soon! :D :wink:

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:26 am
by NoSnacker
NoSRocks wrote:I'm trying not to let my envy of my friend's recent success get to me too much. Sorry guys, I don't mean to sound churlish; I am very, very happy for her but because progress for myself seems to be slow, it makes me think of giving up NO s and turn to 'goodies' for comfort!
Well we would all be liars if we didn't experience joy for a friend and some envy as well...we are after all human beings. My progress is slow as well and I have maintained for a couple months now..I lost the initial weight the first month I believe...but I keep believing it will happen...

I'm learning lately to enjoy life and the foods I chose to eat..albeit not always healthy, but that is okay..I have tried to eat diet healthy all my life and it got me nowhere.

You are fine...we all second guess ourselves...

and you are human with God given emotions..

have a great weekend...

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:05 am
by NoSRocks
AWWW!! Gee, thanks NoSnacker for your lovely, supportive message! :oops: - I feel miles better now!! Yeah, I hear you - it's only natural to feel a little envious and my friend is a really nice person too.... even if she does lose weight quicker than me....LOL!! Just kidding!

Talking of weight: I weighed this morning and it looked as if I was between 163 and 164 lbs!! Great! I expect it will shoot back up again after my S days though :)

Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for dropping in, No Snacker!!

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:21 am
by NoSnacker
Now stay off the scale :), at least for a few weekssss..

I just re-read the part on weighing in the No S helped me to see what damage it can do either when we lose or gain.

So far I made it 4 days without weighing in.

If i was brave enough I would throw it out! But that won't happen..

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:38 pm
by NoSRocks
STILL HERE GUYS!! Still doing good on No S !! I feel a little bad for not posting as much. Life is pretty hectic right now but I do think of you all and I still read over all your posts (whenever I get the chance). Another really neat thing, I guess, is that I feel in a good place right now. No S is suiting me really well and becoming an unconscious habit with me again AT LAST!!

My weight is still on 165 lbs - sometimes it wavers to a little below it. Almost on 164 lbs. I guess my main issue now is not to get too impatient and accept where I am now. I still have issues with weighing every day. At the moment, its rather enjoyable since I like what I see, but on the other hand, I sometimes get frustrated at the slow loss(es).

I don't really like to set targets for myself because - for me - that is often a ticket to disaster! However, if I could get to 160 lbs for Christmas time, I would be very happy indeed. I weighed 160 lbs in Christmas of 2009 when I embarked on the No S Plan for the very first time. I seemed to lose the 10 lbs much quicker first time around! (went from 170 lbs to 160 lbs in a matter of weeks! :roll: ) Never mind, what's past is past, and I am where I am NOW!! I'm not thinking about it too much though, in fact - I haven't really set an ultimate weight goal for myself. I guess in my dreams, my ideal weight would be 135 - 140 lbs, but realistically, I think 150 - 155lbs which would be really great. I also have to ask myself is it sustainable weight loss? That is the big one, isn't it? Again, setting weight goals I've realized is another disaster waiting to happen for me, so even though I mention these weights, I am trying not to focus on it too much. For now, I seem to have lost the diet head/food anxiety (apart from the weighing) therefore the peace and relaxation I get from feeling like this is wonderful and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Have a great upcoming weekend everyone and sending big (((((((hugs))))))))))) to you all! You guys ROCK!!!

Love, Roxy x

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:56 am
by NoSnacker
I'm with ya on the weight goal..ideally 130-140, but realistically 150-155, I'm 54 now and not so sure I can see those days again..and really don't care if I do anymore either...I just want to be in the healthy BMI range that's about it..if I want to work like a horse working out and dieting maybe one day I could, but that is too hard and too much work..

No S really dishes out sanity for me binging during the week is pretty much under control with the exception of maybe 3 days out of each month..but better than everyday..

Living life..

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:51 pm
by oolala53
OK, just wanted to be sure I am watching your check in thread. Let's do this! I hate using poundage off goals and prefer to go by behaviors but dare we commit to cheer each other (plus herbsgirl) to be a minimum of 5% of our weight off by Christmas? Of course we can go faster, but only if it seems it's not just a fluke. We want to be the same weight or less on Valentine's Day and the same or less by next summer solstice!

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:08 am
by NoSRocks
Hi girls!! Thanks for dropping in! OOLALA: sounds like a plan! I'm in!!! :D

I can also see where you're coming from in "this could just be a fluke"; at least by St Valentine's day we should have an idea of what's happening. At my stage of life (late 40s and post change), I will also be 'happy' just to maintain my weight! Though I can't deny, losing anything is a big bonus!!

Hope you're having a great S Day weekend, btw. Ate a little heavier this evening than I have been doing recently. I seem to have so darn much food in the freezer, taking up space! That's my genuine excuse... and i'm sticking to it... :oops:

This morning, I weighed in at 164 lbs. Don't think I'll be weighing tomorrow morning.... nuff said!!

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:32 am
by herbsgirl
oolala53 wrote:OK, just wanted to be sure I am watching your check in thread. Let's do this! I hate using poundage off goals and prefer to go by behaviors but dare we commit to cheer each other (plus herbsgirl) to be a minimum of 5% of our weight off by Christmas? Of course we can go faster, but only if it seems it's not just a fluke. We want to be the same weight or less on Valentine's Day and the same or less by next summer solstice!
Im in Oolala! 5% of our starting wieght or 5% from our wieght right now?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:10 am
by NoSnacker
Oolala, 5% would mean 8lbs for me by Christmas not sure that would work for I guess I can't join the commitment, but wish all of you the best reaching your goals..that would be too much pressure on me for sure...even if i tamed down my S days...

Everyone please keep in mind of the potential to start restricting too much and focusing on weight loss with any kind of weight loss challenge..didn't we challenge ourselves enough over the years trying to reach goals only to be fatter in the end..

Love ya girl, but I'm surprised at the weight loss challenge?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:21 pm
by oolala53
That's why I said I usually hate it. But I've been at No S for 21 months now with a lot of full compliance time (but wild S days) under my belt, so it's not as if I'm jumping into focusing on weight loss. However, I'm totally willing to jettison the results orientation, and focus on supporting each other just to stick 100% Vanilla No S as written, and anything else we individually choose. I still wobble on making exercise consistent, but no one has to choose that, either. I would just like to have a sense of doing it with someone specifically. But no worries! I know what it feels like to expect too much.