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Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:52 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Janie, that is so nice to hear about the safe return of your niece and nephew...I'm sure they'll have lots to share with you!

Glad you had a green Tuesday, I did as well but a battle to beat the "want to eat thoughts"....but I made it...

I will try and work on my weekends..seems they start me off and running...

Have a great Wednesday!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:07 am
by determined
Hi Deb....You might have battled for that green day - but you won!!! Well done!!!


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:13 am
by determined
Wednesday....It's "Stay Away from the Snack Table at Study" day. I'm not going to get close enough to that table to hear ANYthing call my name!

Yesterday was green. I had a hard time resisting ice cream last night, but I did it. We're having a wonderful time with my nephew & his wife...they are delightful people. It was difficult to avoid the kitchen when ice cream sundays were created at about 9 last night. I'm so glad I did feels like a great green day!


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:49 pm
by nlb
Oh, is that the Bible Study snack table? Think I remember reading about that. I recently joined same type group on Monday a.m. Hurray - no snacks, just coffee. Good discipline on the ice cream sundae. Remember you can always have one this weekend!


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:28 pm
by determined
nlb....Yup, it was the Bible study table. It was REALLY loud today! I heard it call my name a couple of times. I had to plug my ears and say, "La la la la la la la la la" until I got far enough away!

Thanks for the encouragement on the ice cream. I'm SO glad I didn't have any!!!


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:16 am
by gk
determined wrote:nlb....Yup, it was the Bible study table. It was REALLY loud today! I heard it call my name a couple of times. I had to plug my ears and say, "La la la la la la la la la" until I got far enough away!
LOL! Good job resisting - you're doing great! :)

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:10 am
by NoSnacker
Good resist!

We had Bible study here last night and we usually only have drinks thankfully as everyone is on a diet :).

It is so great Bible study fellowship!

Have a blessed Thursday!


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:06 pm
by determined
Thanks gk & Deb!

I'm TIRED today! Not exactly sure why, but I guess that doesn't matter. I could have slept another hour without any trouble at all. I have to really be careful about eating today..."hungry" & "tired" always seem to go together for me. Thankfully today is Thursday...just two days to make green until the weekend...


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:46 pm
by thtrchic
Hungry and tired totally go together for me too. Being aware of it is really the trick, I think.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:34 pm
by determined
So far I've survived....and I don't usually have a hard time after dinner. I think you're right though...being aware of how dangerous being tired is really helped today. I had a bit more than I usually have for lunch & I think that helped too. I didn't overeat, but I normally wouldn't have a whole sandwich. Today wasn't the day to work on was the day to just be sure I didn't break any rules. AND, tomorrow is Friday...the best day of the week.....

Thanks for dropping by thtrchic....


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:45 am
by NoSnacker
Glad you were able to stick to the rules..that means a green!

Me, not so good..but that is goal for October was green with no more than 2 failures.

p.s. when I lost all my weight before without dieting, it was when I ate a normal breakfast, larger lunch and smaller dinner with a small snack at night..those were the days..

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:26 pm
by determined
NoSnacker...Hang in there chica....this is going to be a great month...


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:42 pm
by determined
FRIDAY...FRIDAY...FRIDAY!!!!! Fridays are wonderful. I found myself in the middle of unjustified discouragement yesterday. This is such a common place for me in this eating adventure. I did not, however, give up. The weight loss might be agonizingly slow, but I am not giving up. Period. On days like yesterday I have to stay out of the kitchen (which is difficult since I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom), keep busy, and not think about food. My downfall comes when I start counting how long I've been doing this or how far I have to go or dwell on all my past failures. I have to keep my eyes & thoughts on today....just today. I'll be concerned about tomorrow when it gets here.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:14 pm
by NoSnacker
determined wrote:My downfall comes when I start counting how long I've been doing this or how far I have to go or dwell on all my past failures. I have to keep my eyes & thoughts on today....just today. I'll be concerned about tomorrow when it gets here.janie
Yes, makes all the sense in the world...

Have a great Friday!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:52 pm
by r.jean
Permanent change is hard and slow and you are doing great!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:41 pm
by determined
r.jean wrote:Permanent change is hard and slow and you are doing great!
It's sometimes AGONIZINGLY slow, isn't it? LOL....

Thanks for dropping by....


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:58 am
by determined
I made it to Saturday!!! There are lots of opportunities to be an idiot today. We're heading to a harvest party at the farm across the fields from us & there are always tons of treats. (I'm bringing Peanut Butter Killers.) I'm planning to have a good lunch before I go & keeping myself far away from the tables. I'm sure I'll have something, but I hope to choose wisely & not eat just because it's there...

Here's to a great day for everyone....


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:50 pm
by NoSnacker
I know I shouldn't but I'm hoping to eating normally and have one dessert in the evening...just one I have to tell myself..

Hope you have a great time at your event today..I'm sure you'll be walking away encouraged that you passed up a lot of snacks!

Thinking no S.


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:10 pm
by determined
Hi Deb...

I think "S" days are a day to eat as you'd like to eat...and if that means eating like a green day & just adding a dessert after dinner go for it! I'd definitely call that a great day!

I had lunch before I went to the party & after I looked over the table I realized that I didn't want anything....WWHHAATT???? I don't know what came over me, but I just walked away with a bottle of water. The party was fun, but I'm glad to be home....I'm tired. I'm very content that I chose not to eat just because it was there.


Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:07 am
by NoSnacker
determined wrote:I had lunch before I went to the party & after I looked over the table I realized that I didn't want anything....WWHHAATT???? I don't know what came over me, but I just walked away with a bottle of water. The party was fun, but I'm glad to be home....I'm tired. I'm very content that I chose not to eat just because it was there.janie
What progress!!! That is great you just didn't want anything verses struggling to avoid something...

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday...


Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:30 pm
by determined
Thanks was definitely a notable day!


Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:27 pm
by Who Me?
Nicely done!

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:20 pm
by determined
Thanks Who Me?!!


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:24 pm
by determined
I guess I forgot to check in yesterday. I wasn't feeling well in the morning, but thankfully it didn't cause me to overeat. I did get a mile in at the pool in the early evening & that felt great. It was my 10th mile. By the time I got home I didn't have time to get the weekly ice cream completed. I had one spoonful, but the rest went in the freezer. I have a feeling there won't be any left by next weekend, but I can make more. I'm not giving in to it on a potentially green day.

Off to start the next green week...


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:24 am
by NoSnacker
Glad your day turned out well. Hope you are feeling better today.

And good for you, 1 spoonful...ahhh that will be the day I can do that and not wake up the lion in me.

Here's to a successful Monday was red as I'm still struggling with my binging... :(

Oh well, I can give today a shot..


Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:26 pm
by determined
How did it get to be Thursday already? I'm not sure where the time went. I'm doing fine...marking my greens & trying to get to the "Y" and swim whenever I can. So far I've been reaching my goal of swimming 3 miles a week. I think I'm on the fourth week of that. I'm not counting the months of working up to that...just the miles I've logged after reaching a mile at a time.

I didn't know if the apple muffins I made this morning were a sweet or not, so I just avoided them. My nephew & his wife were here overnight & I really made them for my guests anyway. I might wait to eat until after my dentist appointment. I'm a dental wimp & I'm trying to avoid a sick stomach. Lunch will taste much better after I'm through with the appointment.


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:13 am
by NoSnacker
Hi did your niece and nephew tell you a lot of adventure stories, how things went for them...They must be great kids...

I read your post reply on the general boards, the one on reaching goal weight...

I was truly inspired when I read it...I plan to dig my heels in and be strict as Reinhard says.

We are going out with some friends tonight for dinner at a Chinese buffet, now the challenge will be eat what is on my plate and no seconds. No throwing in the towel, just because....

Hope you have a great Friday..

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:08 am
by sophiasapientia
I hope that your appointment went well yesterday. I'm a dental wimp as well and understand.

Anyway, way to go on logging those swimming miles and greens! You're an inspiration! ... Hope that you have a fantastic weekend! :D

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:39 am
by determined
Deb...It was really lovely to have my nephew & his wife here. They had a very positive experience in Armenia, but are very happy to be back in the States. I spent a couple of years overseas in the late '80's so it's been nice to share some of that with them too.

sophiasapientia...Thanks for asking about my appointment. I almost cancelled it, but followed through. They know of my dental phobia there & are very gentle with me so it went fine.

I'm not feeling much like an inspiration, but more often like a rock climber hanging on for dear life! LOL...but thank you so much for your encouragement. I'm convinced I wouldn't be where I am without the kind people here...

Have a great weekend!!


Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:47 am
by determined
I forgot the "check-in" stuff again!

Yesterday was fine. It was a very busy day, but it was all good. I'm in the habit of eating my breakfast later - around 10:00 or 10:30, then lunch around 2:00, but for the past two days I knew I wouldn't be home then. Fearful of stopping somewhere and buying an idiot lunch, I ended up packing myself a lunch. I know that's a normal habit for so many people, but since I've been a homeschooling mom seemingly forever, I usually eat at home. My "normal" pattern for after the dentist would have been to buy a huge lunch somewhere to "reward" myself for enduring the dentist, but I know where THAT behavior would have steered me - straight to an ugly red day! I've eaten out a few times since I started this round of NoS & been fine, but I had a feeling that a meal alone after the dentist wouldn't be a good situation! Two days of lunch sandwiches in the car worked really well. I still struggled with wanting a Friday night snack, but I didn't. Overall, I'm very pleased with the week.


Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:01 pm
by Who Me?
Sounds like you're doing well. Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:20 pm
by determined
Thanks Who Me?!!

Yesterday was non-eventful....and when it comes to this adventure, that's a good thing!


Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:32 pm
by determined
Yesterday was okay...not great...but okay. I ate more than I usually do on the weekends, but I wasn't an idiot. I'm glad Monday is here again...two weekend days is more than enough!


Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:36 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Janie, hope you had a great Monday!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:41 am
by Pangelsue2
You have really come a long way, Determined. Your name fits you. There were a lot of times in the last 2 weeks that you had temptations and resisted them totally. That is huge progress. Please be insanely proud of that. You are heading where you have always wanted to be. By the way, you sometimes talk about being tired at the end of a day where you made some tough eating decisions. I think that is normal. It is a lot of work and focus to break a habit. It is like learning any new skill. The learning process takes a lot out of you. Keep up the good work. Your are an inspiration to us all.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:05 am
by determined
Pangelsue2... certainly know how to encourage someone! Thank you SO much for taking the time to write all you did. I truly don't know what is making the difference this time around with NoS...perhaps it's a combination of things. I still feel as if I could so easily fail again, but that fact seems to be motivating me this time instead of being a discouragement.

I never connected the feelings of tiredness with the hard work of the adventure we're on. I think that's brilliant! It makes so much sense & I'm glad you mentioned it. I know I'm working hard at swimming, but the emotional work of breaking these life-long habits is just as significant, and most likely more so.

Thanks have no idea how much your kind words mean to me.


Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:58 am
by determined
Wednesday morning & I've been doing fine this week so far. I was very tired last night & wanted to snack so badly, but I remembered Pangelsue2's wise words...breaking life-long habits is just plain hard work. I avoided the tempting snacks & just went to bed.

Today is our second son's 18th birthday so I might consider it a special day, but then again, he really won't care if I have a piece of his giant birthday cookie or not. He' probably just consider there to be more for him! LOL! I have a loaf of sweet cinnamon bread in the oven right now so he'll wake up to the treat. I have a feeling that might be harder to avoid than tonight's dessert!


Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:05 pm
by thtrchic
Those are very wise words. I'll remember them too. Congrats on staying strong. And sounds like you already have a nice series of things planned for your son -- enjoy the day, whatever that ends up meaning to you.


Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:09 pm
by Sweetness
Pangelsue2 wrote:You have really come a long way, Determined. Your name fits you. There were a lot of times in the last 2 weeks that you had temptations and resisted them totally. That is huge progress. Please be insanely proud of that. You are heading where you have always wanted to be. By the way, you sometimes talk about being tired at the end of a day where you made some tough eating decisions. I think that is normal. It is a lot of work and focus to break a habit. It is like learning any new skill. The learning process takes a lot out of you. Keep up the good work. Your are an inspiration to us all.
Those are great words, and I agree, you are doing so well, you should be very proud of yourself! Go for the GREEN this week!!! :mrgreen:

Janie thanks for stopping by my thread.
I've been having a struggle too this week resisting the snacking, but staying strong. It helps that I'm not alone.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:30 am
by determined
thtrchic...We ended up having a great day with Josh. We surprised him with something he really wanted and he was very thankful for the food I made for him....he's a guy & food is a happy thing for him. He's very fit & active & has none of the food dysfunction I developed from childhood on. It's very fun to watch him enjoy food in such a healthy way.

Thanks for dropping by!

Sweetness...We're in this together!!! We CAN do this...and CAN beat this...all of us!!!

Thanks for your encouraging words....

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:52 am
by determined
I had a great day with our now 18-year old son. I made some quick bread for his breakfast & ended up eating a slice for my breakfast too. It was sweeter than I would have usually allowed myself on a weekday, but I decided that if I just had one slice I'd feel fine about it. Josh asked for chicken wings, hushpuppies and mozzarella sticks for dinner. Nope, not nutritious at all, but everyone at our house gets to pick their meal on birthdays. I had some leftover roasted chicken, a couple mozzarella sticks and a couple hushpuppies. The best part was that I enjoyed a plate of food without analyzing the calories or fat grams. I joined in the fun of eating with my family & I stopped when I was full. WHAT????? Let me say that again so I don't forget this...I enjoyed the birthday dinner with my family without any guilt & stopped when I was full.

What's even more amazing is that when it was time for the giant, frosted chocolate chip cookie, I realized that I was still full from dinner. I could have declared the day an "S" day & had dessert, but it wasn't an internal discussion - I just didn't want any dessert! I've never experienced this sort of change...I can't wait to see more....


Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:09 am
by Sweetness
determined wrote:I had a great day with our now 18-year old son. I made some quick bread for his breakfast & ended up eating a slice for my breakfast too. It was sweeter than I would have usually allowed myself on a weekday, but I decided that if I just had one slice I'd feel fine about it. Josh asked for chicken wings, hushpuppies and mozzarella sticks for dinner. Nope, not nutritious at all, but everyone at our house gets to pick their meal on birthdays. I had some leftover roasted chicken, a couple mozzarella sticks and a couple hushpuppies. The best part was that I enjoyed a plate of food without analyzing the calories or fat grams. I joined in the fun of eating with my family & I stopped when I was full. WHAT????? Let me say that again so I don't forget this...I enjoyed the birthday dinner with my family without any guilt & stopped when I was full.

What's even more amazing is that when it was time for the giant, frosted chocolate chip cookie, I realized that I was still full from dinner. I could have declared the day an "S" day & had dessert, but it wasn't an internal discussion - I just didn't want any dessert! I've never experienced this sort of change...I can't wait to see more....

This is WONDERFUL!!! Celebrating with you! Yay for you!! Isn't it great to enjoy food without guilt again? And like you said before, your son didn't care if you had some of the cookie! 8) :lol: :D :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:44 am
by determined
Thanks so much Sweetness. It's wonderful to feel so supported & encouraged...


Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:26 pm
by NoSnacker
What a great scripture: Psalm 57:2 "I will cry to God Most High, To God who accomplishes all things for me".

Thanks for your constant reassurances that things will be okay...

I did get 40 minutes elliptical in this morning..almost talked myself out of it but tricked myself into "just a 1/2 hour" most of the time I end of doing more.

Have a great weekened!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:07 pm
by freegirl

Thanks for stopping by my post and offerig encouragement.

Your last post shows what we all long for - to be free around food (where do you think my screen name comes from?). You are able to follow the structure, but still allow yourself enough flexibility and trust yourself enough that you don't have to act like a policemen around your every bite.

I wish that your journey continues in the same spirit!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:23 pm
by Pangelsue2
Happy birthday to your son and congratulations on the "determined" decisions. I have had the experience of passing on food lately too and it is a really freeing experience. Also, once the decision is made to pass on whatever food that might be, it doesn't look as appealing as it did when we were tempted. Maybe, as with many other things, the anticipation is better than the real thing.
We always got to pick birthday dinners on our special day too. Really fun.
Have a good weekend.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:24 am
by determined
NoSnacker, freegirl & Pangelsue2...thanks so much for dropping by....I love the encouragement from my cyber-support team!


Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:30 am
by determined
Where did the weekend go? I haven't checked in, but I'm doing fine. My husband & I had dinner with friends on Saturday night & it was great fun. I enjoyed Italian food & ate my meal without any guilt...what a concept! Yesterday was fine. I got my mile in at the pool & that was important. For some reason it was a difficult swim to finish, but I did it. I think I'm swimming faster, which is good, but I have to adjust my breathing & that was throwing me off yesterday. I got it done though & that felt great.

Last night's homemade ice cream flavor was mint chocolate chip....yummy.



Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:55 am
by tobiasmom
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Do you have a good recipe you could share for the homemade ice cream? Hubby bought me the ice cream maker attachment for my KitchenAid for xmas LAST year, and I have not used it yet. I would love to, though!

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:19 pm
by determined
Tobiasmom...I have lots! Our favorites are on the web...

Blueberry... ... eam-231541

Strawberry... ... rys-122151

German Chocolate... ... etail.aspx

Chocolate... ... colate.htm

These were all hits at our house!


Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:14 pm
by determined

I don't have anything new to report. Yesterday was fine. I went to bed hungry, but I'd rather do that than end up with a red day. Knowing I'll probably always struggle on Mondays makes it easier.

I took a walk with our dog yesterday morning & I think that helped make the day successful.. We live in the country & the fields behind our house are a wonderful place to walk. Our neighbors mow a mile & a half path around the's like having our own personal track!

After I drop our daughter at her church program tonight I'll head to the "Y". I don't have enough time to get my swimming done, but I'll spend some time on a bike or treadmill. I love swimming three times a week, but I know I need to get more exercise in between those times.

Off to work on a green day!


Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:43 am
by determined
It's a dreary day here....clouds...rain...chilly temperatures. My daughter & I are off to our study at church & then home to finish school and hopefully put the final touches on her pumpkin costume. After dinner I'll head to the "Y" to get another mile in on my swim chart. That's definitely the part of the day I look forward to the most.

Eating has been fine lately. I ate an apple and crackers yesterday at 4:00 because I'd forgotten to eat lunch. I had to have something even though it was almost time for dinner. What I had would have fit on a saucer so I'm calling that a late lunch. The rest of the day was easy. I'm not thinking about food or weight loss very much these days & that feels amazing. I feel as if I'm getting to the point in this journey where I just don't feel much of a need to analyze or dwell on my eating. This is definitely new...and so incredibly freeing.

Green I come.


Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:30 pm
by r.jean
determined wrote: I'm not thinking about food or weight loss very much these days & that feels amazing. I feel as if I'm getting to the point in this journey where I just don't feel much of a need to analyze or dwell on my eating. This is definitely new...and so incredibly freeing.
Great job! I have also experienced the realization that No S has just become a habit rather than a chore. It is incredible.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:15 pm
by determined

Thanks for dropping by. I'm amazed at the change! I know I'm not done with this adventure. I'm sure it'll get more difficult again & I don't want to let me guard down, but at the same time I'm beginning to actually believe this life-long battle with food is nearing its end. There will be days when I doubt I can keep going with this...and there will be days when I just want to completely give up, but it feels so much different this time around. It's as if I've FINALLY stopped struggling and am learning to just do what I need to do to be healed of all this. I feel like such a different person....I just keep shaking my head over it all!

You're so kind to drop by to encourage me. Knowing you've been so successful is inspiring.

Have a great day!!!


Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:22 pm
by Sweetness
You are doing Great!! 8) :lol: :P :wink: :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:38 pm
by determined
Thanks Sweetness!!!

Yesterday was HARD....really, really hard. I don't know why I struggled as I did, but I wanted to give up from the time I got up until I went to bed. I actually do know why I struggled. It was all an emotional response to seeing a new photo of myself. I am 150% on board with this plan & know this is the only option for true health for me, but the slow progress is sometimes agonizing. I know I've lost weight & I feel better than I have in years so I'm absolutely heading in the right direction. It took me 51 years to get where I am so I know it'll take a long time to get to the weight I should be. I'm not giving up...and if I can make an emotional day like yesterday turn out green, I can accomplish today.

I'm off to swim at the "Y".


Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:58 pm
by r.jean
Hang in there Janie!
I think we all struggle at times, but what I have found is that each month it gets easier. The losses slowly add up at the same time as the habits become more ingrained. Congrats on surviving with a green yesterday!

Here are some of the things I tell myself
-It is healthier and more sustainable to lose weight gradually.
-At 55, it is especially important to not rush weight loss due to the danger of skin sag. Gradual loss and consistent exercise are crucial.
-As long as I am going in the right direction, all is good.
-I need a minimum of one year on this plan to experience the challenges of each season in order to develop strategies to combat different challenges.
-So what if I overeat one day or several days? Normal people do that. Skinny people do that.

You are doing a fantastic job with your swimming combined with better eating habits. You will get there.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:35 pm
by Who Me?
Sorry to hear that you had a rough day.

You really *are* doing well!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:58 pm
by determined

THANK YOU!!! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you stopping by to support me. I don't know how you knew what I needed to hear, but you hit it right on the head. Your words were just right....and very encouraging.

Many, many thanks for your support.


Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:59 pm
by determined
Who me?

THANKS for stopping by! Today is already so much better....


Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:33 am
by Sweetness
r.jean wrote:Hang in there Janie!
I think we all struggle at times, but what I have found is that each month it gets easier. The losses slowly add up at the same time as the habits become more ingrained. Congrats on surviving with a green yesterday!

Here are some of the things I tell myself
-It is healthier and more sustainable to lose weight gradually.
-At 55, it is especially important to not rush weight loss due to the danger of skin sag. Gradual loss and consistent exercise are crucial.
-As long as I am going in the right direction, all is good.
-I need a minimum of one year on this plan to experience the challenges of each season in order to develop strategies to combat different challenges.
-So what if I overeat one day or several days? Normal people do that. Skinny people do that.

You are doing a fantastic job with your swimming combined with better eating habits. You will get there.
I agree, great advice, we have to talk to ourselves. I should print this one out! 8) I'm 56!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:10 am
by determined
Patty....I think I'll print it out too & put it right on my fridge!!!


Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:01 pm
by determined
It feels wonderful to report that I have nothing earthshattering to report! Yesterday was a relatively easy green day. This morning I'm enjoying cinnamon bread for breakfast & enjoying every bite.

Thanks again r. jean...your encouragement made a huge difference in my week!


Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:21 pm
by r.jean
Glad it was helpful!

I have gravitated toward the posts of several members in their 40s and 50s including you and Patty. I regularly find helpful clues to keep me going. Thanks everyone!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:49 pm
by Sweetness
:D :) :lol: :P :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:43 pm
by determined
I've had an interesting few days, but little time to update. Sunday I threw out half of a donut. That doesn't seem very significant to the majority of people, but my daughter & I were at church early and I bought her a donut...a fresh one....with frosting....and sprinkles. She ate half of it and decided she was full (a concept I'm still learning). I hadn't had breakfast yet & could have legally eaten it since it was an "S" day. I looked at it and knew that if I ate that sugar-stuffed donut, I'd be wanting sugar all day long. I chose to throw it in the trash with no regrets...well....maybe a minute of regret! What a freeing moment.

Next, we took our daughter trick-or-treating last night. She had a great time & came home with a bucket full of candy. When my boys were little you couldn't pry a piece of candy from their hands, but our daughter spread her candy out on the table & started to make piles for everyone in the family, based on what she knew they liked. So there I was with a snickers actually IN my hand...on a Monday...on night, hours after dinner. And honestly, it held no interest for me what-so-ever. I might eat it this weekend, but I might not. This is a huge change for me...huge. I woke up ready to keep going on this adventure. If I can turn down a Snickers, I feel as if I can keep winning this battle.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:33 pm
by Sweetness
determined wrote:I've had an interesting few days, but little time to update. Sunday I threw out half of a donut. That doesn't seem very significant to the majority of people, but my daughter & I were at church early and I bought her a donut...a fresh one....with frosting....and sprinkles. She ate half of it and decided she was full (a concept I'm still learning). I hadn't had breakfast yet & could have legally eaten it since it was an "S" day. I looked at it and knew that if I ate that sugar-stuffed donut, I'd be wanting sugar all day long. I chose to throw it in the trash with no regrets...well....maybe a minute of regret! What a freeing moment.

Next, we took our daughter trick-or-treating last night. She had a great time & came home with a bucket full of candy. When my boys were little you couldn't pry a piece of candy from their hands, but our daughter spread her candy out on the table & started to make piles for everyone in the family, based on what she knew they liked. So there I was with a snickers actually IN my hand...on a Monday...on night, hours after dinner. And honestly, it held no interest for me what-so-ever. I might eat it this weekend, but I might not. This is a huge change for me...huge. I woke up ready to keep going on this adventure. If I can turn down a Snickers, I feel as if I can keep winning this battle.
This is a cause to celebrate!! Amazing and wonderful isn't it? I used to love snickers, but I was on Prism diet a few years ago. NO sugar for 6 months. I have not wanted a snickers since, its too sweet. I have tried them, the fun size a few times, too sweet! I also know how sugar makes me feel. I'll stick with my extra dark chocolate, even on weekends, thankyou. I had flan this weekend, it tasted good, it wasn't super sweet, but afterwards I felt yucky.

You are winning! 8)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:27 pm
by determined

Thanks for your encouragement. I agree with you...sugar seems so much less appetizing these days. Wow...I NEVER thought I'd say that! I bought a bad of candy last night at the grocery store since it was on sale from Halloween. I plan to hang on to it and put some in our kids' Christmas stockings. If I had done that last year I'm confident there would be no candy left by Christmas. I would have eaten it all before the month was up. I hesitated when I picked up the candy at the store, but then felt completely confident that I can put the candy away & not dig into it. It just holds so much less appeal than it ever did. I'm so very thankful!!!

I hope your time in Mexico is a blessing. One of our sons is heading for El Salvador with Young Life over his winter break. He's been on one other trip, but he's especially excited about this one. The organizers are on top of everything & we're impressed with the projects they have these 50 kids accomplish in a short time. This year they'll be working on an irrigation system. Also, he'll be taking his juggling equipment....his rings, pins and 7 balls. He's pretty good at it & I think he'll really enjoy juggling for the kids.

Thanks again for dropping by!


Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:33 pm
by determined
I'm not posting as often these days because there isn't much to report - and I find that wonderful! It's not that I want to be absent, but I'm just not thinking about food & eating nearly as much as I was. I'm still having difficult days & I am anticipating those to continue for years, but sometimes I'm going days without even a thought of snacks (my typical downfall). I find this amazing. But, this whole journey is amazing. My goal has always been to lose weight & be healthy, but I had no idea I would ever be able to see such internal changes in the way I interacted with food.

Now that I've said all that I'll probably have a really difficult! But that's okay...I'm determined to get through this.



Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:35 pm
by tobiasmom
Great job with the sugar! I seriously hope I get there some day!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:50 pm
by Pangelsue2
Wow, you just wrote the post we all would love to write. Congratulations to you and savor the rewards of all your hard work. You are an inspiration to so many on these boards.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:31 pm
by Sweetness
determined wrote:Patty...

Thanks for your encouragement. I agree with you...sugar seems so much less appetizing these days. Wow...I NEVER thought I'd say that! I bought a bad of candy last night at the grocery store since it was on sale from Halloween. I plan to hang on to it and put some in our kids' Christmas stockings. If I had done that last year I'm confident there would be no candy left by Christmas. I would have eaten it all before the month was up. I hesitated when I picked up the candy at the store, but then felt completely confident that I can put the candy away & not dig into it. It just holds so much less appeal than it ever did. I'm so very thankful!!!

I hope your time in Mexico is a blessing. One of our sons is heading for El Salvador with Young Life over his winter break. He's been on one other trip, but he's especially excited about this one. The organizers are on top of everything & we're impressed with the projects they have these 50 kids accomplish in a short time. This year they'll be working on an irrigation system. Also, he'll be taking his juggling equipment....his rings, pins and 7 balls. He's pretty good at it & I think he'll really enjoy juggling for the kids.

Thanks again for dropping by!

I'm sure your son will have the time of his life. 8)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:13 am
by gk
determined wrote:I'm still having difficult days & I am anticipating those to continue for years, but sometimes I'm going days without even a thought of snacks (my typical downfall). I find this amazing. But, this whole journey is amazing. My goal has always been to lose weight & be healthy, but I had no idea I would ever be able to see such internal changes in the way I interacted with food.
Congrats! What a major accomplishment. Very inspiring! :D

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:43 pm
by determined
Tobiasmom...We're ALL going to get there! We're in this together & we'll win together too!

Pangelsue2...What kind words! This sharing stuff is a two-way street. I can't tell you how many times I decide NOT to eat something I shouldn't because I know I have NoS friends encouraging me. In my opinion, YOU are the inspiration! Thanks so much...

Sweetness...I absolutely believe he will! The two years I spent overseas changed my life. I know that this is just a week trip, but he'll have a life-changing experience too.

gk...Thanks so much! I appreciate the support so much!

Hugs all around...janie

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:51 pm
by determined
So far it's been an uneventful Saturday. I took a nap, read a book, and now I'm catching up on emails & Nos posts. I had pretzels for a snack this afternoon & I'll have some dinner in a bit.

Swimming is going really well. I wish I could get to the "Y" in between my times to swim three times a week, but I can't seem to get it in the schedule on a regular basis. I need to work on that. I'm very happy with accomplishing 3 miles of swimming a week though. I'm usually not very good at seeing the positive things I do though, so perhaps I just need to be content with what I'm currently doing.


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:37 am
by gk
Loved reading your posts about resisting treats. I hope to someday be able to do the same with ease. (Amazing how a little piece of chocolate can hold so much power over someone! :?) .

Also, you're doing great with your me the itch to start doing that myself.

You're a great inspiration! Thanks for posting! Keep up the great work! :)


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:10 pm
by tobiasmom
Hope you're having a good week! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:10 am
by determined IS amazing how powerful chocolate can be!!! Thanks for your encouraging words...

Tobiasmom...Thanks for stopping by. I'm not sure where the week has flown to! All's's just been a busy week. Thanks!!!


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:21 am
by determined
Oops...forgot to really check in again...

This week has just flown by. I like being busy, but this week has been even more full than usual. My hubbie & I spent Monday visiting a couple of colleges with one of our sons. We packed lunches for the trip & when we stopped at McDonald's to buy drinks, I found myself having no desire at all to buy anything other than a diet coke. My husband bought just one order of fries to share, & I had about 4 of them, then realized that I really didn't want them.

I just keep going back to "Trust the program", and that helps me on a daily basis. Everytime I start doubting if I'll win this battle or not, I try to stop the thoughts and just focus on the day and meal at hand.

I swam my personal best tonight....I accomplished 80 lengths (72 is a mile). I'd love to work up to a mile and a half at a time, but today I'll be happy with what I did.

I'm so very grateful for all the support & encouragement I experience on a daily basis here. I know I wouldn't be nearly as far along without all my NoS friends....


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:13 pm
by Who Me?
Wow. That's fantastic.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:43 pm
by determined
Thanks Who Me?


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:45 pm
by determined
YIKES!!!!! I'm baking my son some chocolate chip cookies to take on a weekend trip....they smell wonderful. I just wanted to write about it & I'm hoping someone will ask me tomorrow if I conquered them or not!


Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:32 am
by Sweetness
I do not think I could bake chocolate chip cookies and not eat six. :oops: How did you do?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:54 pm
by determined
Sweetness...Thanks for asking!! I needed help!

I DID conquer the cookies. :D I decided the sink was my friend. As soon as I was done with a spoon or the beaters, I immediately ran water over them. I knew that if I tasted that dough I'd be eating my way through the bowl. I ate a late lunch & didn't even let myself lick my fingers. PHEW!!!

Oh...and I did put a few in the freezer for the weekend! :D

Thanks for stopping by to hold me accountable!!


Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:53 pm
by thtrchic
Just coming by to check and see how you did with the cookies and it looks like the answer is AWESOME! Good work!


Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:38 am
by gk
Great job resisting the cookies! That shows ALOT of resist them when they're warm out of the oven. YUM.

Treats taste SO much better when they are guilt-free on the weekend. Enjoy - you definately earned it! :D

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 3:15 am
by Sweetness
Good for you! enjoy your cookies tomorrow! 8)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:20 pm
by determined
Julie, gk & Sweetness...Thanks so much for checking on me! It helped so much to know I could log in and get some support against those cookies! I was going to call them "evil", but they aren't evil today! :D

Thanks again...janie

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:56 pm
by determined
It's Saturday, but it's not really Saturday. My sister is coming from out of town this week & I plan to make a dessert with dinner on Monday and also make homemade ice cream before she leaves on Friday. I really don't want to declare those days extra "S" days, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner. I've shifted my "S" days to Sunday & Monday this week and Friday & Saturday next week. I don't usually mess with my weekends but having the freedom to have dessert with my sister sounds like it would be worth it.

Swimming continues to go well. Peg regularly goes to Curves in NC so she'll go to the "Y" with me this week. I really don't want to miss any exercise...that's helping me stay on track with eating.

Off to have a green day so I can enjoy dinner with friends tomorrow...


Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:21 pm
by determined
I'm so glad I made yesterday a green day. I'm looking forward to dessert with our friends tonight, and another dessert with my sister tomorrow. I rarely have two desserts in one week, but I rarely get to cook for my sister either!

Yesterday I had to keep saying, "Trust the program" to myself. I look in the mirror and see the same body I had 6 months ago. I know that's not true since I'm wearing clothes I haven't had on in years and I'm swimming more than I've ever been able to do, but my emotions are still trying to trip me up. I've failed at conquering this weight thing so many times, but I'm trying hard this time to capture those negative thoughts before they affect my eating. Trust the program....period.

I'm off to enjoy the day....


Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:57 pm
by gk
determined wrote:Yesterday I had to keep saying, "Trust the program" to myself. I look in the mirror and see the same body I had 6 months ago. I know that's not true since I'm wearing clothes I haven't had on in years and I'm swimming more than I've ever been able to do, but my emotions are still trying to trip me up. I've failed at conquering this weight thing so many times, but I'm trying hard this time to capture those negative thoughts before they affect my eating. Trust the program....period.
"Trust the program"........wise, wise words.

You are no longer "failing to conquer this weight thing" anymore. This time you are pulling through even during times when your emotions are trying to get the best of you. You are doing awesome. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:40 am
by Sweetness
gk wrote:
determined wrote:Yesterday I had to keep saying, "Trust the program" to myself. I look in the mirror and see the same body I had 6 months ago. I know that's not true since I'm wearing clothes I haven't had on in years and I'm swimming more than I've ever been able to do, but my emotions are still trying to trip me up. I've failed at conquering this weight thing so many times, but I'm trying hard this time to capture those negative thoughts before they affect my eating. Trust the program....period.
"Trust the program"........wise, wise words.

You are no longer "failing to conquer this weight thing" anymore. This time you are pulling through even during times when your emotions are trying to get the best of you. You are doing awesome. :)
You are! 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:12 pm
by determined
Patty...I honestly came close to tears when I read what you wrote. This life-long issue has been such an emotional one. Just hearing you say that you see me as actually winning this was amazing to me. Thank you so much, Patty. You're always here with a positive word & you're truly one of the reasons I'm experiencing healing around this. Thank you. Your support is such a blessing...


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:44 am
by Sweetness
determined wrote:Patty...I honestly came close to tears when I read what you wrote. This life-long issue has been such an emotional one. Just hearing you say that you see me as actually winning this was amazing to me. Thank you so much, Patty. You're always here with a positive word & you're truly one of the reasons I'm experiencing healing around this. Thank you. Your support is such a blessing...

You are welcome, but do notice I was quoting and agreeing with gk, who wrote the words that I think really helped you. You are winning!
Hugs back to you,

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:16 pm
by determined
Sweetness...Oops! I DID read gk's response & that brought tears to my eyes....and then when I went back to answer I addressed you & not gk. The bottom line is that I'm so very thankful for each of you! I can't tell you how many times I want to just give up and then I remember how many people are cheering me on!

Thank you gk & Sweetness & everyone else who stop by to add encouraging words. I'm very, very grateful!!!

Hugs all around...janie

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:16 pm
by determined
I'm having a great visit with my sister. Yesterday was a green day, even though "sister" DOES start with "S". :lol: We went to the "Y" and I got a mile done in the pool. It was unusually difficult, but I knew if I gave up in the middle I would have an even harder time accomplishing my goal for the week.

I'm taking an "S" day today. I'm hoping to keep it under control at least until I make the maple walnut ice cream for dessert! We use to stop at a farm store in norther PA every time we went to visit my great aunt Milly when I was a kid. We'd always get maple walnut & loved it. I hope this batch of ice cream is as yummy as that was.

Oh....the best part about yesterday was that I tried on the mother's ring I have, but have never been able to wear on my right ring finger. It fits perfectly & I'm hopefully going to see it everyday as a reminder that this battle CAN be won.


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:50 pm
by gk
determined wrote:Oh....the best part about yesterday was that I tried on the mother's ring I have, but have never been able to wear on my right ring finger. It fits perfectly & I'm hopefully going to see it everyday as a reminder that this battle CAN be won.
That's wonderful!!! :D And good job sticking with No S while having company yesterday. That is a big accomplishment in my book!

Enjoy your S Day with your sister. Sounds like alot of fun. :)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:37 pm
by gratefuldeb67
thanks for your encouraging words on my thread janie :)
i have to catch up on other peoples threads here, including yours.
but i did read the thing about throwing out the donut a few posts back.
that's amazing. it's a big thing, not a small one!
good for you :)
hope you have a great day and weekend.
deb xxx

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:35 am
by Sweetness
Thanks for stopping by my thread. Hope your weekend was great! :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:59 am
by determined
gk, Patty, Deb,

Thanks so much for stopping by. Your encouragement means so much!
