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Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:13 pm
by MJ7910
just realized one other very important thing - more vegetables. that's what i need to be doing! perhaps that is why i don't feel as full. that could be an answer. i eat a few pieces of fruit but very few veggies.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:04 pm
by MJ7910
Had a good green week. Enjoying my s days this weekend. Ran 5 ish miles this morning. Feeling better about the slip-up

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:32 pm
by MJ7910
Well i was a little nervous today because i thought for sure I had gained some weigh this month. But i was pleasantly surprised with 137.4 this morning. Looks like a slight loss from 138.6 last month. i have been trying to eat non processed food during the week, some great organic food. I even had a two day slip a few weeks ago of red days and it seemed to not affect me! So excited that Sdays are coming up this weekend. i have been surprised with my change to better eating how I haven't wanted to eat the really bad for me junk foods because i know my body will not react well from them. The last few times I have felt bad and it's made me have a lot of reflux during my weekly run on Sunday. I have somehow maintained 135-140 for over a year now! So pleased with this system. It definitely beats "dieting" and counting calories!

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:38 pm
by eschano
Congratulations! Well done.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:55 pm
by MJ7910
haven't had a lot going on which i guess is a good thing. after that small slump have been back on track. my running has been increasing, i am up to 6.1 miles for my weekly long run. doing a 10k in a few weeks so starting to get excited about that. not much else... guess that's good. :)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:12 pm
by MJ7910
10k went well. Got a new personal best of 1:01:09. Very happy with that!

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 12:17 pm
by MJ7910
ugh... 138.2 depressing... 0.8 lb higher. when i'm doing everything right this is highly annoying...

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:38 pm
by MJ7910
letter to myself...

Dear you,

you need to understand that you have made lots of positive changes in your life. You aren't bingeing every few days. You aren't feeling the enormous guilt you used to feel when you would "go off" plan. You don't have to work through those feelings of sadness and grief when you realize you are 15 lb heavier than your lowest weight. you are still a healthy weight. your BMI is still well in the 18-25 range and you're doing just fine. You are certainly more physically active than you used to be. You care more about yourself and your appearance than you used to. So sometimes things don't go as plan and you want some chocolate. sometimes you gain weight. hang in there because these are normal things. why beat yourself up and dwell on the negative. so much positive change has occurred. you can run 6 miles consistenly with a less than 10 minute per mile time. that is an incredible accomplishment. picture how you used to be, didn't even walk several miles, woudln't even get off the couch to do any physical activity. this is such a change from that. so what, sometimes you gain weight and like sweets. so does everyone. move on, keep doing NoS which has given you so much mental freedom and enjoy life! Enter more races, keep running and do what you love!

Sincerely, You

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:22 am
by eschano
Hear hear MJ!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 3:06 pm
by Strawberry Roan
MJ7910 wrote:letter to myself...

Dear you,

you need to understand that you have made lots of positive changes in your life. You aren't bingeing every few days. You aren't feeling the enormous guilt you used to feel when you would "go off" plan. You don't have to work through those feelings of sadness and grief when you realize you are 15 lb heavier than your lowest weight. you are still a healthy weight. your BMI is still well in the 18-25 range and you're doing just fine. You are certainly more physically active than you used to be. You care more about yourself and your appearance than you used to. So sometimes things don't go as plan and you want some chocolate. sometimes you gain weight. hang in there because these are normal things. why beat yourself up and dwell on the negative. so much positive change has occurred. you can run 6 miles consistenly with a less than 10 minute per mile time. that is an incredible accomplishment. picture how you used to be, didn't even walk several miles, woudln't even get off the couch to do any physical activity. this is such a change from that. so what, sometimes you gain weight and like sweets. so does everyone. move on, keep doing NoS which has given you so much mental freedom and enjoy life! Enter more races, keep running and do what you love!

Sincerely, You


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:16 pm
by MJ7910
realizing it has been quite a while since an update. i lost a few lb again at the end of may/june but it is because of illness, not from trying to lose. had some kind of major inflammation that was probably a virus running wild. it caused all kinds of weird eye and neurological symptoms, joint pain, etc. went to a neurologist who couldn't find anything systemic. and now i'm somewhat back to normal. was still able to exercise, eat, etc. it was just weird. i started cutting back on sugar because i wondered if i was just eating too badly and that was causing some of the stress on my body. i think that may have been part of the weight loss too. now i am trying to avoid junky food even more than i was before. i am completely avoiding dairy because it seems to make sinuses/post nasal drip worse. I am wondering if it is more caused by reflux so trying to avoid those foods as well. basically my body wasn't happy about something and i'm trying to figure out what it was... went off birth control pills, trying to get back to basics of my body in its most natural state.

interestingly, i weighed 136.5 or something when all of this happened. i didn't actually care at the time. i know, that's a miracle in itself, me not caring about weight... usually i am excited over weight lost but felt so blah and down about whatever this weird illness was that i didn't care about weight or food. was just eating so that i could say i ate something that meal/day.

so who knows where it will be tomorrow. i think the last time i weighed myself was a few weeks ago. maybe it will be the same because as i felt better i have wanted to eat again, finally. just going to take it easy on sweets/dairy/acidic food to try to get to the root of my issues.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:04 am
by automatedeating
Hi MJ!
Glad to hear your update, although it sounds like some very frustrating health challenges.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:28 pm
by MJ7910
yes, definitely some frustrations . did my weigh in today and down to 135.8. haven't seen that number in about 9 months. looks like sept of 2013 i was around 135.6 and then i think the previous sept (2012) i was at that same weight too. of course with higher numbers in between but not too much higher. so if anything, i'm consistently between 135-139 for 2 years. i guess that's a good sign. going to keep with cutting sugar. still enjoying a treat or two on S days but not going to let it get out of hand with sugar. we'll see if things even out. i'd like to get hopeful that it's reasonable to aim for 130, but every time i do that i get frustrated again when i don't lose weight. so not going to do that to myself. my driver's licence says 135 so i might as well be happy with that! :) thanks for the nice words.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:21 am
by eschano
That's brilliant 1 Congrats!

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:17 pm
by MJ7910
taking today as an S day instead of tomorrow. today is my town's fireworks display and really like my Friday. The plan is to make tomorrow an N day because i can see how it would be easy to morph into a 4 day food fest if i let it. also planning to make Saturday rather moderate if possible. then Sunday after my long run if i want to indulge in a few treats that should be ok. don't want to let this become fourth of july weekend foodfest time! :) those are my goals and i'm stating them here for accountability! Also I've already indulged a bit tonight (Thursday night) and I think I can do ok tomorrow as long as I keep my plan in mind.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:30 pm
by oolala53
Has it really been a year and a half since you posted on this thread? Good for you! I don't spend quite as much time here now, but I'm still on Spark a fair amount and I still spend a lot of time browsing the net on these issues- acquiring habits, which often involves dealing with failure and thus often emotional issues, support for sticking to meals, combatting bingeing/compulsive eating. Lately, and I'll write about it more on my thread soon, I've gotten a little obsessed with diet and dementia concerns (not a big present condition, but one worth pondering and getting a bit more restrictive for, though I"m probably 80% in line on that). Like almost everything, there are such differing camps on it. I also struggle with still wanting to eat even though I don't get very hungry for my meals. Unfortunately, and this just occurred to me, it's kind of like being on a diet. Yet I don't really feel I am, either, as I'm not often wishing I could go back to some other way of eating or longing for some foods more often. SOME grieving over the concept of giving up a few of the foods I've enjoyed along the way. More on that on the thread, too.

Thank you for dropping in! And so glad you are still feeling grounded in the lifestyle. I don't know what I would have done without our tribe here and the Living Binge Free (mostly non diet/weight loss focused by my pressure) thread on Spark.