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Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:59 pm
by Strawberry Roan
I hear ya about the snacks !

I have very happy birds right now as I just threw out almost full bags of chips, pretzels, Doritos, pork rinds, CheezIts - nobody was really eating them and nobody really needs to :roll: so they are gone !

Regarding your crisps, is there a way you could just add them to your meals like at lunch along with a lean turkey/lettuce wrap or something like that - even on N days you could have them and they would not be forbidden. That way, they probably wouldn't even be as desirable.

I see no real problem with you eating two bags for snacks on an S day, you could have eaten two gallons of ice cream or two pies or something :D

You are doing fine, stay the course. One cannot go wrong when they do right.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:17 pm
by wahine
You would probably have to go to a corner shop (which I call a "dairy") to get a single serve pack of chippies (crisps) rather than the supermarket. On the other hand, I dare you to turn up at work with crisp butties for lunch. I'd love to hear if you get any reaction :lol:

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:13 am
by Queenie
Wahine wrote:YOn the other hand, I dare you to turn up at work with crisp butties for lunch. I'd love to hear if you get any reaction :lol:
I had to search on google for that one. Best as I can tell, we'd call it either a potato chip sandwich or a french-fry sandwich. Neither of which I'd ever heard of before.


Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:46 am
by wahine
Potato chip can make them with French fries as well. I don't recommend them. I think it was mainly a way of filling up hungry teenagers more cheaply, not really a gourmet experience.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:57 am
by nettee
I have a small packet of crisps with lunch on an N day quite often. They are morish so just buying one is a good idea. Well done sticking to 2. We have multipacks of penguin bars for children's packed lunches and I have surprised myself by not eating them on N days nor eating all of them on S days. Will be interested to hear how you get on with your 4 remaining packets this week - good luck

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:44 am
Gosh, what did I start?!?!?!


Tuesday - taking a packet of crisps to have with my lunch today

8stone 9.75lbs

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:39 pm
by Queenie
Green Monday -- great start to the week.

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:16 pm

8stone 9.75lbs

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:13 pm
Wednesday SUCCESS

had crisps with my dinner (at work - sandwiches, crisps, apple, banana)

8 stone 10lbs

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:08 am
by natj
Reading through your post just made me laugh out loud (the CRISP conversation!).

Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say that your new year is looking great so far!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:15 am
:lol: Thanks natj! It's going well for me so far. I've got back into salad jars - thanks to a post by NoelFigard on the General Discussion board - which is making packed meals far more exciting!

Thursday SUCCESS
8stone 8.75lbs

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:38 pm

Oh my goodness, it was HARD today! I have just finished four long days of work, and I have three days off. So my brain seemed to think it was the weekend already! I woke up wanting to eat - so I had toast instead of my planned museli! Then I had a wrap, a packet of crisps and a raw cacao & maca ball on my lunch plate. Then I was hungry to eat as soon as it fell dark - so I cooked up a nice vegetable and bean curry, with rice. And I was still craving something .............

I had a mug of decaff coffee. I'm going to watch a DVD, then have a bath and get to bed.

I am really longing for Saturday to begin so I can have a cookie!

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:55 pm
by Queenie
Congratulations, Raw Cookie!

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:51 pm

I bought myself some new clothes today - and I needed a size smaller in trousers, tops and bra! So - even though I haven't lost a huge amount of weight, I must be changing shape/toning up or something. I've been running regularly for about 6 months now, and the reduction in sugar and snacks which the body stores as fat.... all this has had a positive effect that I hadn't even realised!

One of the sad things about my S days now is that I just don't physically have the appetite or the capacity in my stomach to eat as I used to prior to No S. I simply can no longer over-eat in any significant way! I had a few chocolate covered brazil nuts mid-morning (that were from Xmas - unopened) and then I didn't feel hungry again until about 4pm. So effectively, I missed a meal.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:28 pm
by lpearlmom
Great job on holding it together on Friday & yay for new clothes!

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:31 pm
by Strawberry Roan
YAY Indeed on the clothes, and yes your muscles are more toned so they take up less room than fluffy fat does :D

Enjoy your new clothes and I so identified with the new bra comment - the FIRST place I feel "fatter" is there. So, thus, the first place one would need to downsize should they get in better shape. It is certainly none of my business what anybody else does but that won't stop me from saying - WHY do these women get implants that make them so large - that would just make me feel fatter all over Not speaking about surgical reconstruction, of course, but just vanity sizing up to 44FF or something !!!!!!!!


Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:59 pm
I've got a fridge full of veg and fruit, and am heading for a week of Juicing (Jason Vale - Big January Juice Challenge).

The plan is to have juices or smoothies (plus soups and salads sometimes) five times a day. Now, as a No S person, this doesn't sit very comfortably with me. So, I had a bit of dilemma. I want to stick to eating three times a day - so I've kind of re-jigged the plan so that I can have soups when I'm at home, and a salad jar when I have dinner at work, and can carry one juice or smoothie to work if I'm there for lunch. If I'm hungry, then I'm hungry. It's only 7 days (on my S days I can have the full five if I want to).

I may go and post on the General Discussion board and see if anyone has had experience of this

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:23 pm
by natj

This juicing concept interests me. Don't know if you are doing it to simply lose weight, or for general health, etc.? Let us know if you are able to get around the 5 meal thing this week- otherwise, it is only 5 N days that you arent exactly on the habit.

Hope it has the desired affect for you!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:14 am
Thanks for your comment natj - I've decided to make the 5 N days into 'yellow' days - and view it like a 'treatment' programme.

I'm doing it to see how good I can feel really - to be refreshed and lively. I've been feeling rather dull and listless lately - everyone around me has had the winter viruses - and feeling gloomy. I want to flush my system through with goodness and see what happens!

Monday is :D yellow - because I'm on a mission for the next 7 days
My starting weight is 8st 10.25lbs

Breakfast: Beta Carrot Juice - apple, beetroot, carrot, parsnip, lemon
Lunch: Butternut Squash & Carrot Soup - butternut squash, carrot, onion, oil, pepper
Dinner: Avocado Crush - avocado, pineapple, lime, apple, banana, spirulina
Snack: Sweet Veggie Heaven - apple, celery, courgette, yellow pepper, lemon, ginger

Tuesday's meals are prepared as I will be home from work on Monday at around 11pm and back out again at 6.30am:

Breakfast: Blood Builder - avocado, apple, beetroot, carrot, lemon
Lunch: Spirulina Smoothie - avocado, apple, cucumber, celery, spinach, spirulina, orange
Dinner: Salad jar (feta, almonds, red pepper, radish, cucumber, mixed leaves)
Snack: banana (I had this mid-morning)
Supper: same soup as yesterday (when I get home at 8pm)

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:52 am
by natj

I hear you on the winter blahs and illness. Anyway, I hope the juices have the desired affect for you! I will check in to see how you are doing.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:07 pm
by Queenie
I feel healthier just reading the ingredients list for those juices. 8)

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:57 pm
First 2 days have gone as planned. I woke with a slight headache this morning, so had half a cup of tea and 1 Paracetamol - it went before I got to work thankfully!

Wednesday's plan is
Breakfast: Sports Fuel Smoothie - banana, avocado, apples, lime
Lunch: Biolive Berries Smoothie - berries, yoghurt, pineapple
Dinner: Soup - parsnip, carrot, butternut squash, leek, courgette
Snack: Body Balance Juice - pineapple, celery, cucumber, spinach
+ emergency banana (I had a few lychees instead)

8stone 9.25lbs

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:10 pm
Wednesday has gone well

8stone 9lbs

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:46 pm
Thursday has gone well too!

Breakfast: Fruity Bio-live Breakfast Smoothie: apple, museli, yoghurt, berries
mid-morning: banana
Lunch: Spinach Stout: spinach, pineapple, cucumber, carrot, lemon
mid-afternoon: Naked Bar, 3 'fresh' dates
Dinner: veggie soup: onion, leek, carrot, broccoli, courgette, curry spices, tomato puree (I intended to put some peas in, but forgot!)

8stone 8.25lbs

Friday's plan is:
Breakfast: Blood Builder: avocado, apple, beetroot, carrot, lemon
Lunch: Super Sporty Fuel Smoothie: banana, avocado, apple, cucumber
Dinner: Sweet Cherry Tomato & Roast Pepper Soup: onion, cherry toms, peppers, stock, garlic
Snack: Ginger Orange Smoothie: banana, oranges, ginger

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:23 pm
by nettee
Well done, sounds good. Are you feeling healthier after all those good things?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 4:22 am
by natj
Well, OK- doing great, I see!

I am hoping that you are feeling great and wonder if you will keep doing this past your planned 7 days?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:09 am

Yes, I'm feeling great actually - lighter, brighter, more energy, sleeping well, calm - almost happy! After the 7 days I'm thinking I might do 1 Juice day, 4 N days, 2 S days. Doing the J day on a day off (as I work shifts over 24/7)

Breakfast: Ginger Orange Smoothie: banana, oranges, ginger
Lunch: avocado
Snack: fruit leather
Mid-afternoon: Blood Builder: avocado, apple, beetroot, carrot, lemon
Dinner: Sweet Cherry Tomato & Roasted Pepper Soup: red & yellow pepper, onion, garlic, cherry tomatoes, stock
Snack: banana

8stone 7.25lbs

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:35 pm
by Queenie
A couple of times during 2015 I tried having a green smoothie every day but I got very tired of them. It didn't cross my mind to try having them just once a week. I think that's a great idea.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:41 am

I'm posting this before I head off to work - will edit it later

The plan
Breakfast: Bio-live Berries Smoothie: pineapple, blueberries, yoghurt
Mid-morning: Naked Bar (sour cherry)
Lunch: Sweet Potato, Coconut, Chilli Soup
Mid-afternoon: banana
Dinner: Green Power Pesto Salad
Snack: Acai bite
Snack:Strawberry Mango Melt

I stuck to this plan 100% no need to edit it

8stone 7.25lbs

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:57 am
Sunday - and the last day of the Juice Challenge, my weight is down about 3.5lbs - it might go up again when I start eating nuts and grains - we'll see I feel great though - much more lively. I'm off to work for afternoon/eve/night/morning - so have packed up my food to go.

I've made up my own recipes today as I'm using up the fruit & veg I have rather than buying more!

Breakfast: Natural Skin Boost smoothie: avocado, cucumber, apple, pineapple, orange, lime
Lunch: Sweet Potato, Coconut & Chilli Soup
Snack: banana
Dinner: Salad Jar; sunflower seeds, radish, yellow pepper, spring onion, avocado, tomato, mixed leaves - olive oil, lemon, garlic dressing
Snack: Spinach Stout Juice: spinach, pineapple, orange, carrot, beetroot, lemon

Breakfast: Fennel Fuel Smoothie: avocado, pineapple, orange, apple, fennel, cucumber, lime
Snack: banana

Then I have to plan a menu for myself which brings other food back in gently - I'm fancying a curry!

8 stone 6.75lbs

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:03 pm
by osoniye
Hi Rawcookie- Looks like you've done a great job with the challenge.
Good on you.
Hope the transition to your regular eating goes well. Is there somewhere that you can take a nap at your workplace in the middle of the night, or must you be making rounds during the night or helping people who are not sleeping?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:56 am
by natj

You did it! Sounds like you enjoyed the experience and it provided the expected result (energy, vitality, etc!).

Sounds like you also thought about reintroducing typical meals as well. I'd be curious to know if you notice if reintroducing a particular food is difficult or not.

Anyway, congratulations!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:39 pm

My overnight shift is a 'sleep-in' so I get to bed and sleep a bit at work. I have to say that I was much less shattered in the morning than I usually am.

I made a guacamole for lunch and had some oatcakes with that, followed by a banana. That seems to be OK. For dinner I'm having brown rice, onions, mushrooms, cashews, soy sauce.

I've purchased the latest Jason Vale book which is a 5:2 diet type of thing. It's not quite the same as the original 5:2 diet though. Jason suggests 2 days juices (about 600 cals so effectively 2 low-cal but high nutrition days), 3 'normal healthy eating' days (ie N days), and then the 2 weekend days being 'more relaxed. Sounds a bit like No S to me and I think I can work it into No S quite easily. I'll wait until I've read the book before I decide about doing 2 Juice days a week. The science behind 'intermittent fasting' seems very fashionable at the moment - I don't quite understand it yet - but I will! I know there are several No S-ers who do intermittent fasting.

I'm hoping I can keep my weight at a new low of around 119 lbs

8stone 7.25lbs

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:53 pm
by Queenie
119 lbs! I guess you're very short? : )

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:52 am
I'm 5'3" - so I guess that's on the short side ;)

Breakfast: ground oatmeal, grated apple, ground flax, soaked overnight in yoghurt and soya milk.
Lunch: broccoli slaw (broccoli, onion, carrot, dried blueberries & cranberries, walnuts, mustard, olive oil, apple cider vinegar; banana
Dinner: stir fried veggies, brown rice, cashews, ginger, soy sauce; cherries and coconut cream

I felt fine after yesterday's food. I was able to ignore the chocolate biscuits at the training day today. It was a good N day :)

8stone 7lbs

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:35 pm
Wednesday FAIL

I did OK with my three meals until the evening when I had two pieces of a chocolate 'healthy' flapjack a colleague offered me at 8pm at work. Then, on the way home at 10pm I ate an apple that was left in my lunch-box. When I got home I had 3 Ryvitas with a buttery spread on them. I had had a 13hr work day - but that's no excuse really.

8stone 6.5lbs

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:57 am
by lpearlmom
Sorry about the fail! If I mess with my regular eating patterns, I really tend to rebel although I do really understand the appeal of fasting, juicing, cleansing. I'm just pretty sure it'll backfire on me so I haven't tried it.

Anyway I'm sure you'll get back on track tomorrow.

Linda :)

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:30 am
Thanks Linda - it was a small, conscious fail. I woke with a headache this morning too - so my body didn't like it!

Thursday SUCCESS

8stone 6.75lbs

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:08 am
by lpearlmom
Glad it was just a small blip!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:18 pm

8stone 6.5lbs

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:46 am
Saturday :D

am having a Spirulina Smoothie for lunch .......... on an S day :shock: what's happening to me!!!!

I had chocolate pancakes for breakfast - and seconds! they were from Happy Herbivore - so vegan and virtually fat-free except for the quarter cup of cocoa powder and a little oil to stop them sticking to the skillet - topped with sliced banana - lovely!

8stone 7lbs

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:16 pm
by Queenie
Don't be going all crazy there with spirulina smoothies on your S days! 8)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 7:35 pm
:lol: I know - crazy isn't it!

I had a couple of cookies and hot chocolate as an evening snack at work - today I've enjoyed some cake I made at Xmas (had some slices in the freezer) - and a few bits of shortbread - oh, and a few chocolate-covered Brazil nuts (also from Xmas). I'm having a great S weekend :)

8 stone 7.25lbs

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:44 pm

8stone 9.25lbs

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:35 am
Tuesday FAIL

This was definitely 'emotional eating' today - I had a good breakfast, a good lunch - but then caved in after work to a bag of chocolate brazils and a multi-pack of baked cheese & onion Crinkleys (Jacobs snack biscuits). Bleah - that meant no dinner. I feel depressed and it took me down today. Going to bed with a DVD to watch, a hot-water bottle to snuggle up to, and a mug of tea to wrap my hands round. This doesn't happen to me often - and I'm surprised about today - it was almost like because I felt bad emotionally I felt driven to make myself feel bad physically as well - self-harming behaviour. :(

Interesting, for me, to see that my post S weekend rise in weight, has fallen away again by Tuesday - I used to go up to 8.11 and down to 8.9, now I'm going up to 8.9 and down to 8.7. My aim is to maintain this lower set-point.

8stone 6.75

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:08 pm
Wednesday SUCCESS

despite really, really wanting to EAT this evening after work, I am not going to! I have a mug of tea - and posting here helps.

8stone 8lbs

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:35 am

I have packed a really comforting lunch-box today - to help me stay on-track with my three meals. I have a soft, wholemeal sandwich with feta, avocado, tomato; a few blueberries for the 'pop'!; and a raw bar (dates, cashews, cacao) which I can put in the microwave for a few secs to warm it up and it will be like a brownie. Comfort food - definitely - I just have to get through this day! Then I have THREE DAYS OFF - which I am SO looking forward to!

Later: I made it! When I left work I really wanted to EAT something! But I went into a cool cafe and bought a Gunpowder Green Tea to go - and sipped that on the bus. It was so bitter I could hardly drink it - but it certainly took the edge of my appetite! Now baking a sweet potato which I'm going to load with veggies and hot spices - yum!

8stone 6.25lbs

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:57 am
by lpearlmom
Awesome job! You're food sounds delish. Did you make the raw bar yourself? Also, congrats on the lower set point. Mine seems to be stuck!

Linda :)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:03 am
by natj
Here! Here!

That food sounds AWESOME.

I am obsessed with feta and would LOVE that sandwich.

Also, that RAW bar sounds super yummy- would you mind sharing the recipe?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:40 am
Hiya! No - I didn't make that raw bar - but I do make raw chocolate brownies. Here's the basic recipe I use, from Jennifer Cornbleet


Yield: 8 brownies, 4 servings

These are truly one-bowl brownies--you'll never have to wait more than 5 minutes again when that chocolate craving strikes.

1 1/2 cups raw walnuts, unsoaked
dash salt
8 pitted medjool dates, unsoaked
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa or carob powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons water
1/4 cup dried cherries

Place the walnuts in a food processor fitted with the S-blade and process until coarsely chopped. Remove 1/4 cup of the walnuts and set aside. Add the salt to the remaining walnuts and process until finely ground. Add the dates and process until the mixture begins to stick together. Add the cocoa powder and vanilla and process until evenly distributed. Add the water, dried cherries, and reserved walnuts, and process briefly, just to mix.

Pack the mixture firmly into a square container. Stored in a sealed container, Brownies will keep for up to one week in the refrigerator or one month in the freezer.
- See more at: ... /#brownies

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:42 am
Friday SUCCESS - that's January done with just two red days - not too bad. Ending the month with two lovely S days :D

Day off - what a treat! Only the slightly sore throat has developed into a cold - bleah!

8 stone 4.25lbs this morning - I could have stepped back onto the scales to check, and it would probably shown something quite different - but my rule is to only step on once, read and record. I haven't seen anything that low before!!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:09 am
by osoniye
Hope you get to feeling better really soon!

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:46 pm
Thank you :)

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:37 am

It's an S day - I might defrost a slice of cake to enjoy with a cup of tea this afternoon. It's also a minor 'sick day' as I have a blasted cold again - but it doesn't require any extra food! I have bought a bag of Hot Bombay Mix for my snacks this weekend - l love it!

8 stone 6.75lbs

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:45 pm
by gingerpie
Just stoped in to say "hey". I still lurk sometimes but don't post much any more. It seems like you have hit your stide with no-s. Best of luck to you in February.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:01 pm
I've had a lovely day today - and used my S day 'allowances' enjoyably:

I woke early (at 5am!) so got a cup of decaff and a couple of bits of shortbread and went back to bed to read - then I dozed again until about 8am.

I went for a run along the coast path - which was SO good! Then came home and enjoyed toast and marmalade with more coffee (all decaff). Then I had Seconds :D

I put a 'what's left in the fridge' curry in the slow-cooker for the day.

So I ended up not eating lunch - but had some cake at about 5pm with a cup of tea. The cake was a vegan fat-free one I'd made at Xmas and I froze the remaining slices. Very nice. Then later I had my curry with some rice. I followed it with some chocolate coins left over from Xmas!

I did a 50 min session of yoga - and now I feel all sort of relaxed and happy with the chilled day I've had. Looking forward to a similarly lovely Sunday. So nice not to be at work this weekend :)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:14 am
by lpearlmom
Sounds like a really lovely day! I'm kind of envious of your freedom. I cannot go 20 mins without someone needing something from me it seems. Even when i just go to the powder room, the dogs come looking for me. Seems like you really have a handle on your S days.

So glad you don't have to work this weekend--enjoy tomorrow!

Linda :)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:50 am
by osoniye
So glad you're enjoying your weekend off! Sounds like you're mostly over the cold?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:00 am
Thanks for your reading my posts Linda and Sonya - lovely to see your comments.

I'm not sure what's happening with the cold - I'm coughing at night.

Yes, I do have a handle on my S days (mostly!). And, yes, I am lucky to have my 'freedom'. I did my 'time' bringing up children (my son, and two step-children) - and I can remember that lack of any personal time or space!

There are pros and cons: I am 61 yrs old, a single mum, my son is married and lives a couple of hundred miles away. My work is very intense with lots of people making demands of me - and when I'm home, I do enjoy being alone! The cons are that I don't have anyone to greet me when I come home, and no-one to give me a hug, or cook me a meal - or just listen to me. I'm a bit of a loner really - not lonely, nor unsociable - but basically an introvert who prefers peace and quiet!

Sunday is another quiet day - I have some things on my To Do list - and open house at 2pm for people to come and chant with me (buddhist chanting) - but perhaps no-one will come.

8stone 7.25lbs

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:18 am
by lpearlmom
yes I guess there are pros and cons to everything right? I totally get you on the introverted thing. I never thought of myself as an introvert because I'm hardly shy but once I read that introverted simply means someone that needs time alone everyday to recharge their batteries, I knew that was me. It also said that being w/ people is enjoyable but also draining. So totally me as well.

I hope your cough gets better and your chant goes well.

Linda :)

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:21 am
Thanks Linda. One person came to chant with me - and stayed for a cup of tea and a chat (and I could offer and share the cookies as it was an S day!)


8 stone 7.25 this morning - if that's my 'set point' after an S weekend, I'm more than happy with that!

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:05 pm
Tuesday is a JUICE day! Four juices totally approx 500-600 cals - it's an intermittent fasting sort of thing I'm trying.

I had to add in an avocado at 6pm - before going to evening class. So I've had about 600 cals in juice, plus an avocado: that feels like 'success' to me :)

8 stone 7.25lbs

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:45 pm
by Queenie
Somehow I thought you were in your 20s, Rawcookie! (I'm 58.)
The cons are that I don't have anyone to greet me when I come home, and no-one to give me a hug, or cook me a meal - or just listen to me.
I live alone, too. I share Appreciations (like a gratitude journal) with a friend who's married. She often appreciates that her spouse prepared dinner or is taking an extra turn at the dishes so my friend can write her Appreciations.

Then one day I asked her why she so often works at her home office on Sundays (back-office type work of sorting her papers and getting her desk in order for the week). She said she does that because her spouse works on Sundays, and that's the one day my friend can spread all her stuff out and leave it spread out all day long.

In that moment, I had no more "envy" for the prepared dinners, help with yardwork, etc.

I absolutely LOVE the freedom of being by myself. No one else to consult with or consider how it will affect them on ANYTHING.

Anyway -- just saying, I hear you on enjoying being a "loner".

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:00 pm
Thanks for that Queenie!

One of the slight 'problems' I'm encountering with No S is that there are now fewer opportunities to eat! I'm not complaining about that in itself - but I now have so many delicious recipe ideas that I want to try out - and not enough meal-times to fit them all in!

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:14 am
Wednesday SUCCESS

and after my one day of juice (and avocado) my weight has gone down to 8stone 4.25lbs (which it did last week as well - just for a day) - this is very encouraging! It will be back up again tomorrow after a day of food - but I'm curious to watch what effect this system (Jason Vales 5:2) has on me.

8stone 4.25lbs

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:21 pm
by lpearlmom
Wow you are doing great and really seem to be enjoying it too!

Keep up the good work!

Linda :)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:50 pm
Thanks Linda! Yes - things seem to be going well for me! It's funny how No S sort of gets into your brain, isn't it? I met with a friend this morning and had a diary-check for planning a day out walking. This would be a sort of 'eating day' with a packed lunch, and possibly stopping for coffee/tea somewhere. I found myself mentally calculating and rejoicing that it would be a Sunday - therefore I can eat what I like!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 8:01 am
Thursday - it's a Juice Day :P and it went well; four juices - lots of vitamins and minerals consumed - yay! I tweaked it to make sure I had something kind of sweet at 4pm and something with avocado in at 7pm - that worked for me this week. I daresay every week will be different!

8stone 5.25lbs

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:45 am
by Queenie
Nice reminder about your Juice Day. I'd forgotten about that. (Filing it away in the back of my mind again. One day...)

Looks like a nice green week for you.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:25 pm

I am looking forward to my S days :)

8stone 4lbs (it's the third time I've seen 8.4 now!)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:01 am
by lpearlmom
Woot! You give me hope that I can still lose more weight!

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:05 pm

Yes Linda - I have been down to 111lbs and still had fat to lose - I'm hoping that be going down SLOWLY it might actually become my 'normal' state. (also avoid any unwanted comments from well-meaning friends!). I haven't been brave enough to measure myself yet - and there is a skirt in the wardrobe that I really like, that I haven't worn since I WAS 111lbs - that I'd really like to get back into.

Today was a rubbish S day really - I managed breakfast and lunch, then 'permagrazed' through the rest of the day on cookies, chocolate and potato chips - yukky! Still, in some ways, it's good to do that occasionally to remember how rubbish it is! Work really got under my skin today - and because it was an S day, I turned to food. Scary how that eating thing is still there when the No S rule is relaxed. It's like the scaffolding is taken away and the whole building comes crashing down!

8 stone 5.25lbs

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:29 pm

8stone 6lbs

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:15 pm
Monday - I took an S day today as it was my town's Feast Day - and there were 'irregular' eating events that I wanted to partake of!

8stone 9lbs

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:49 am
by lpearlmom
No idea what a feast day is but sounds fun! Sorry Saturday was "rubbish". Why do I feel like S days will always be somewhat tricky? Oh well, I guess it keeps things interesting, right?

Enjoy the rest of your week and thanks so much for your continual support on my thread!

Linda :)

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:31 am
Tuesday FAIL

Pancakes were enjoyed for breakfast! Banana-oatmeal pancakes - one plate, with lemon, banana, vegan cream cheese, agave - delish!

Today was RED because I nibbled grapes and cheese whilst I was preparing dinner, then I ate a second course after dinner. I am glad I only ate three times today - but I wasn't totally on habit - so RED it is!

8stone 7.25lbs

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 5:18 pm
by Queenie
You had pancakes for breakfast and I'll be having pancakes for dinner tonight. My mother's church is having a pancake supper this evening.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:41 am
by lpearlmom
Ah well sounds like it was a special day so not too bad overall. Thanks for posting that recipe. That'll be good for dh because of its lower GI index.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:54 pm
Wednesday SUCCESS

Back on habit :)

8stone 7.25lbs

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:49 am
Thursday SUCCESS

I have a good plan for today: breakfast, lunch, dinner

I'm doing a sleep-in shift at work, so I shall include a hot-chocolate drink to enjoy late evening when I need a sort of 'hug-in-a-mug'. Overnight oats for Friday morning's breakfast at work.

8stone 6lbs

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:51 am
Friday was SUCCESS I ate more heavily, but I only ate three times
I had overnight oats for breakfast, a vegetable pasty for lunch, a vegan pizza for dinner.

It's Saturday morning - I'm off to work for a long shift and have packed soup for lunch, a hearty salad jar for dinner. I've got three snacks and I'm going to eat one with lunch, one with dinner and one mid-afternoon. Trying to be more planned about it without being too restrained (leading to deprivation, leading to rebellion!)

later: my plan failed! I ate all three snacks during the morning (responding to the tedium of work by eating - I wouldn't even feel hungry on an N day!) - then buying more snacks for the afternoon, and so on, and so on - S day gone wild! Oh well - it's an S day - and I'm on a journey here.

8stone 7.25lb

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:29 pm
Valentine's Day

It's not as wild an S day today - I've eaten fewer vitamins and minerals (more carbs and fats) but am not stuffing my face today. It quite often seems to be that Saturday is a 'heavy' eating day, then Sunday I am calmer. I've listened to podcast 34 again - S days gone wild - really helps me stay calmly following the No S system.

not weighed myself today

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:14 pm
by lpearlmom
One wild day and one sane S day sound pretty good to me. Sometimes we just have to let loose a little bit I guess.

Happy V day!💕

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 6:52 am
by wahine
Looks like you're going well.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:24 pm

N day - easy! where do all those S day urges disappear to on Monday morning - it really is like turning a switch off - I had no idea my brain was so easy to manipulate!

8stone 7.25lbs

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:30 pm
by oolala53
Maybe BECAUSE it knows it doesn't have to be forever?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:35 am
Tuesday FAIL

I spoke too soon! I was fine until mid-afternoon, then I had a small snack, then when I left work I had another snack - then I had a sweet after my dinner. It was almost a sort of What The Hell evening. I made less harmful choices than I would have done previously - which was heartening. I think my breakfast and lunch were not satisfying enough. I was also a bit fed up at work - and herb tea didn't do the trick!

8stone 6.5lbs

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:21 pm
by Queenie
RAWCOOKIE wrote: my plan failed! I ate all three snacks during the morning
LOL!!! I see myself in your "plan" and results!

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:22 pm
by Queenie
lpearlmom wrote:One wild day and one sane S day sound pretty good to me. Sometimes we just have to let loose a little bit I guess.

Happy V day!💕
Linda, how do you get those images to show up (the hearts, for example)?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:06 pm
Wednesday SUCCESS

no weigh today (away from home)
ate three hearty meals today - and read a gripping novel (day off relaxation)

(OK- the gripping novel is The Girl on the Train - oh my goodness, I just can't stop reading! I might be up late into the night!)

PS - I got it all read by 10pm - but it was not a book I could have put down - it was a fantastic read - and there is a twist which I didn't see coming!

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:50 am
Thursday SUCCESS

My lunch & dinner were both packed meals at work - and I made them hearty. For lunch at 12.30 I ate a sandwich, and a packet of crisps, and a fruit&nut bar (like a Lara bar) and a banana - it almost felt like too much to eat, but I have noticed that if I don't load up, I'm more likely to want to snack later - and I knew I had to keep going for 6 hours at least. It worked! I enjoyed my dinner at about 7.30pm I had Ryvita with peanut butter, a tomato, two large strawberries, a bag of dried fruit and nuts with a couple of squares of raw chocolate mixed in. This worked a treat - I felt really 'fed' physically and emotionally.

8stone 6.5lbs

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:53 am

I was encouraged by yesterday's success and packed a hearty dinner for my late shift at work today. It feels great to be able to check in here with a :mrgreen:

I've bought myself some treats for the weekend: 2 small lemon single-serve sized cheese-cakes (I'd seem someone eating them in the week and they've been on my mind!) and also some shop-made cheese & leek stuffed flat mushrooms (they've been on my mind since Valentine's Day - and I didn't let myself buy anything shop-made!), and a packet of wasabi peas - hot, spicy, crunch snacks. Yay - S days ahead!

8 stone 6lbs

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:08 am

I weighed in at 8stone 7.5lbs this morning - that's fine, but it's interesting to me that those extra things in my meals for the past two days (the crisps, the nuts & raisins & raw choc bits) have pushed my weight up slightly. Now that I eat in a No S way - I am really starting to see how those small 'extras' would push my weight back up again.

It's just as Reinhard says - you can overeat with 3 plates a day - but you KNOW you're overeating! Just as when you permagraze, you really DON'T KNOW how much you're overeating!

I had two buttered crumpets, and two cookies for breakfast - then I stopped. There were three more cookies in the box - which I could have scoffed, but I realised that my stomach felt quite full - so I stopped! Amazing! (I'll eat the other three later for sure - but that's OK)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:26 pm
by gingerpie
when you permagraze, you really DON'T KNOW how much you're overeating!
I hear ya! I wish my mind was as good at "seeing" what I don't want to see as it is in hiding what I don't want to know :)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:00 pm
by oolala53
Well, it's unlikely your weight gain is fat, if that makes a difference to you. The body doesn't usually react that fast to relatively slight variations in calorie increases. Glycogen has more water in it than fat does. And it sounds like the extras helped you either not obsess or eat even more. But I think the trend is for you to be eating less, no? No matter if not: you are at a fine, sustainable weight!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:00 am
by wahine
I see you went down the cookies for breakfast track like me. Glad you got to appreciate your own restraint :D

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:35 am

My S weekends wasn't really 'wild', but I did eat well! I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies on Saturday - and that was Dinner on Saturday! I felt groggy on Sunday morning due to the sugar mostly I think (and lack of fruit & veg!). Sunday was OK - I felt hungry and had a fruit bar, a couple of chocolates, a shortbread cookie in the afternoon. Not a lot of stuff - but nibbly and unsatisfying. I think staying off sugar all week then eating it on a weekend, does kick the body into panic mode!

This morning I am 8stone 9.75lbs

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:45 pm
by oolala53
The attachment to those bites on S days comes and goes. I did find a bite of a Christmas cookie in the freezer this weekend and popped it in. It was my only sweet. But I could have gone without. Remembering that I've had plenty of days just grazing helps, not as a dagger hanging over my head, but just that, yeah, I've done that a lot. I don't need to anymore, esp. because it's gotten so "joyless," as Reinhard says- at least, as of today. As he also says, there's only before and during.

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:20 pm
thanks oolala :)


8stone 8.75lbs

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:45 pm
by Queenie

It's just as Reinhard says - you can overeat with 3 plates a day - but you KNOW you're overeating! Just as when you permagraze, you really DON'T KNOW how much you're overeating!
Oh, I like that thought. Thanks.