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Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:00 pm
by NoSnacker
oolala53 wrote:That's why I said I usually hate it. But I've been at No S for 21 months now with a lot of full compliance time (but wild S days) under my belt, so it's not as if I'm jumping into focusing on weight loss. However, I'm totally willing to jettison the results orientation, and focus on supporting each other just to stick 100% Vanilla No S as written, and anything else we individually choose. I still wobble on making exercise consistent, but no one has to choose that, either. I would just like to have a sense of doing it with someone specifically. But no worries! I know what it feels like to expect too much.
Thanks..I totally understand after 21 months that weight loss challenges might benefit..but I certainly would love to do No S Vanilla with everyone..once my S days are considered normal...then I might consider a weight loss challenge :).

You are the best Oolala!

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:20 pm
by herbsgirl
oolala53 wrote:That's why I said I usually hate it. But I've been at No S for 21 months now with a lot of full compliance time (but wild S days) under my belt, so it's not as if I'm jumping into focusing on weight loss. However, I'm totally willing to jettison the results orientation, and focus on supporting each other just to stick 100% Vanilla No S as written, and anything else we individually choose. I still wobble on making exercise consistent, but no one has to choose that, either. I would just like to have a sense of doing it with someone specifically. But no worries! I know what it feels like to expect too much.
Wow, Oolala, you have really stuck with it! Good job! 21 months is really good. It means long term!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:25 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi there, thanks so much for stopping by to say hi..and young lady,,,,you never ever weigh in after the weekend...:) If I weighed in on Monday after the weekend I had I would be in big trouble.

It is Day 12 and no scale for me not easy, but I would be very discouraged.

I did get rid of my ticker with the turtle as I don't want this to be about the scale ya know, I want to just be able to survive without binging...

Why not just weighing on Friday before the weekend?


Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:49 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi, it's me again... :)

I noticed you took out your weight as well. I took off my weight ticker...

I guess it gives the wrong impression..I want to get healthy with food and to stay off the stupid scale..I really really wonder if I'll make it until October 1...only each morning will tell :).

Have a great week...

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:18 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi again No Snacker!

Thanks for your nice, encouraging messages. You make me smile !! :D :D

I especially liked your comment re. not weighing after the weekends! I know, what am I like? I think I must have some kind of ma*scochistic streak in me ! :lol: :lol:

Great idea to remove the weight log - especially if like me, you are struggling with the scales! But from what you're saying, 12 days without weighing - WOW!! That is indeed an achievement. I only hope I can follow suit. I like to tell myself that it makes it more exciting, the longer I leave it. So, I'm revved up (again) and ready to go. Not sure how long I can stay off it at this stage, but in my mind, I've decided around Christmas time.

Several years ago, when I was - ironically - much slimmer than today, I was able to stay off the scales for a year or two. I honestly have no idea how much I weighed then. But at 5'7" with a large-ish frame, I could fit comfortably into a US Size 6!! :roll: so I figure somewhere around 135 - 140 lbs. But that was then, and this is now, and I said I was gonna STOP focusing on weight...!!

Have a great week, and thanks again for stopping by!! xx

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:43 am
by NoSnacker was truly a struggle this morning to not weigh myself...just this morning I said..but ya know I feel kinda of fatter in the belly area so I decided not a good idea right now...I can tell when I'm losing as my stomach sinks in a very very little :).

Every since my weight watcher days that started when I was 27 I have weighed and weighed myself..27 years later still at it.

I guess it is all baby steps my friend...I feel if this slow process is going to work then the scale would be an enemy right now..maybe when I'm all nice and snug with No S and my weekends are what they should be then it might be a good tool.

Okay I know I talk too much about weighing in...

Have a super Wednesday!

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:09 am
by Strawberry Roan
You have more control that me, I am a scale freak. The only time I don't weight is if I don't have the batteries. You do whatever makes you feel the best. Just wanted to stop by and wish you well.


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:26 am
by NoSRocks
THANKS A LOT, GUYS!! Unfortunately, I caved in again and weighed myself this morning. I dunno, I seem to be enjoying it too much to give it up, right now. Enjoying myself I say....hmm? Well maybe I mean compelled rather than enjoyed! Oh well!

I'll try not to get too wound up over it, IF and WHEN I feel the time is right, I will try again. I guess if I even try one of these mornings just putting myself off and saying "I'll weigh tomorrow!" - just like I do when I feel like cheating on an N Day. I'd start tomorrow but curiousity seems to be getting the better of me right now. :lol: :lol: :oops:

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:17 am
by r.jean
When you get to the point that the scale is motivating you rather than depressing you, I believe there is no harm in getting on the scale. Monthly weigh ins were best for me at first, and that is still all I write down. However, I have found myself stepping on the scale more, and good or bad it keeps me going. However, when I do weigh, I weigh first thing in the morning in my pajamas. I never weigh any other time other than at the doctor.

So do what feels right and do not worry if that changes from time to time.

Weight loss is why I started No S. Peace with food and accepting gradual rather than drastic personal changes has been a fantastic side benefit!

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:52 am
by NoSnacker
NoSRocks wrote:THANKS A LOT, GUYS!! Unfortunately, I caved in again and weighed myself this morning. I dunno, I seem to be enjoying it too much to give it up, right now. Enjoying myself I say....hmm? Well maybe I mean compelled rather than enjoyed! Oh well!

I'll try not to get too wound up over it, IF and WHEN I feel the time is right, I will try again. I guess if I even try one of these mornings just putting myself off and saying "I'll weigh tomorrow!" - just like I do when I feel like cheating on an N Day. I'd start tomorrow but curiousity seems to be getting the better of me right now. :lol: :lol: :oops:
I agree with rjean, you must do what is right for you if it is a motivating factor for you than that is good.

I think adding extra stress by committing to not weighing isn't good either.

Once I'm past the first few minute of waking up and not weighing in the am only..I'm okay...we surely are all different..

Keep up the good fight!

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:35 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks, girls!! Such great advice from you both as ever and very grateful I am, too!!! :D :D

I so agree, if it is motivating me (and I have to say, right now, it is!)to weigh myself daily then that is a good thing! I am quite amazed to step on and find that my weight, despite the fluctuations, appears to be going down, slowly but surely! After such a long time of staying the same or going steadily up, this is wonderful. I just hope the trend lasts! I have thyroid issues and I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the losses right now. I can't rule out the fact I've added in the exercise bike (albeit very relaxed peddling for half an hour or so, a couple of nights a week) and the biotin supplement I started taking around the same time. I'll never ever give it up now! LOL!!! Weight isn't falling off by any means but the fact I'm losing anything is just great. Feeling very good right now. BUT ever the pessimist - ha!- I don't want to bask in the glory for too long because I know I can put on weight again just as easily - it only takes a couple of S Days - and I can never be complacent about it. But I am enjoying that I have lost the food anxiety and diet head mentality right now. Yes, the weighing thing does bug me somewhat but just to be able to walk into a cafe or restaurant and order whatever I feel like without worrying about fat grams and calories is just amazing!

Hope you all have a great Friday/weekend,
take care!

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:04 am
by Pangelsue2
Great attitude. A downward trend is what we are all striving for. And be ever so thankful if you are getting rid of diet head. I think that is where I am going too. I am getting more relaxed about eating. And with that relaxation, I think, slowly comes a lessening of the compulsion to eat. It seems to me that the less I worry about food, the less I obsess about it. That doesn't mean there are never any slip ups. But they do seem to be happening less often. Maybe that is just wishful thinking. What do you think?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:59 pm
by NoSnacker
Pangelsue2 wrote:Great attitude. A downward trend is what we are all striving for. And be ever so thankful if you are getting rid of diet head. I think that is where I am going too. I am getting more relaxed about eating. And with that relaxation, I think, slowly comes a lessening of the compulsion to eat. It seems to me that the less I worry about food, the less I obsess about it. That doesn't mean there are never any slip ups. But they do seem to be happening less often. Maybe that is just wishful thinking. What do you think?
I surely could have written this myself...ditto here..

Glad you are on the positive track Roxy....

I have a really good feeling that my weekend will be more on the tame side..

have a great night

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:51 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks, guys! Very wise words from you both.

I, too, could have written Pangelsue's post, word for word! As time goes on and I get more relaxed about eating and food, I've been finding that my compulsion to overeat or eat anything sweet on S Days is diminshing. I had a bit of a habit on N Days of baking treats and nibbling on them and am very pleased to report that recently this has become - unconsciously I may add - pretty much a thing of the past.

Thanks again for all your supportive and very thoughtful posts. Very inspiring indeed. Have a great evening and a wonderful weekend, all!!

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:11 am
by NoSnacker
my hearts desire this weekend is to really eat moderately with one snack, and perhaps one homemade binging..i think 3 months worth of binging on the weekends is not healthy and makes me feel like you know what...

so i'm excited to see if i'm tamed down a bit...

you have a great weekend...

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:36 am
by NoSRocks
Have a great weekend, too, hon! :wink: :D

Just ending my S Day Saturday here. Not too badly although I did buy a sheet cake at the store and sliced it up, scarfing up all the frosting that stuck to the knife, at the same time.!! Yeah - I know it is an S Day but I don't care much for my nibbling habit. Better to have had a decent slice of the cake and be done with it!

After dinner this evening, I had a magnum ice cream, 2 or 3 gummy worms, 2 small dove chocs, and of course, a good nibble of frosting and cake. oops! quite a lot, now that I am writing it down!!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:10 am
by NoSRocks
Went out with DH and the kids for dinner this evening. We all had the same thing: chicken wings and dip and a big 4 meat pizza shared between us (had about 3 slices). Hadn't been out for a meal in ages so we really enjoyed ourselves. Didn't weigh this morning (after S Day Saturday, I didn't think it was such a good idea). However, the bathroom in the restaurant had a full length mirror so I couldn't help but look in it :P) I noticed that my legs (which were the slimmest part of me to start with) are looking slightly slimmer. Just all of a sudden. I take it from all the peddling I've been doing on the bike. Not complaining,mind. I think it kind of took me by surprise a little since I haven't lost very much in lbs overall - maybe I should have taken note of inch loss when I started.

Anyway, enough rambling from me. Have a great week, all!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:05 am
by NoSnacker
Just wanted to let you know personally that I'll be hopping off the No S website for a few months. I'll be checking back in on January 10.

I wish you well and continued success.

Not giving up on No S, I just get way too obsessed about posting and reading.....I know what I need to do and hope to get my S days tamed..hopefully by January I will.


p.s. thanks for all your help!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:36 pm
by r.jean
It sounds like you are getting more fit and developing more muscle which is probably more important than losing weight. Good job!

PS: And I did notice that after a long plateau, you have also lost some weight recently. It all adds up.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:06 pm
by NoSRocks

First and foremost I'd just like to take the opportunity to thank you, Deb, for being such a great poster/online "bud" and wish you all the very best in your forthcoming ventures. I'll really miss you and look forward to your return to the board, whenever you feel ready! The emphasis is always on "YOU" and what feels good/right for your good self. It has been great chatting to you on here - take care and god bless (((((((((((hugs!!))))))))))))

rjean: many thanks for dropping in and sending on your good wishes and compliments :) Much appreciated!! Yes, it did take rather a long time to get the weight to budge, but I am pleased to report that slowly but surely, I am making progress! Last Friday, I weighed in at 163 lbs so very pleased about that. Not so sure what I weigh today though after my 2 S Days ...? :roll:

I've decided to give it a day or two before checking up on it - lol!! Thanks for your encouragement, jean, I think it does take a little while but eventually the peddling does start to add up!! I'm soooo glad that I went for this lower impact piece of equipment over the higher impact (which the sales lady tried to talk me into); I knew if it was too strenuous - esp at the start - that it wouldn't be long before I would give up in frustration. However, this being a gentler, go at your own pace type of work out (you can go faster and more intense if you desire which is the great thing about it too), makes me more inclined to stick with it and as we know and never tire of that great saying: slow and steady wins the race!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:55 am
by NoSRocks
Just trying out an experiment.... I put my weights back into my profile signature but I don't see them showing up??? :roll: :? :?

I'll try posting this one to see what happens. Fingers crossed!!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:57 am
by NoSRocks

I feel like I want to start putting my weight back in. After some consideration, I think it might be useful both for other No Sers and myself further down the road. Hopefully, it will be a downward trend if you know what I mean!! LOL!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:55 am
by r.jean
Good for you. I like to see the weight loss figures. I know that not everyone does No S for the weight loss, but that is why I got started and why I have stuck with it. I am also happy to have found a plan that has improved my relationship with food and that I will be able to stick with forever; however, I admit the main purpose was to lose weight.

It is great that you are finally seeing some results. Metabolism is a funny thing.

How is the exercise going?

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:06 pm
by snapdragon
Just stopping on to say hi. I hope your weekend is going well!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:00 am
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! Thanks again for popping in! Hey rjean: glad you like seeing the weight loss chart back in again. Apologies, all, for being such a flake - toing and froing when it comes to what I'm gonna do with regards to my No S approach, however, I thought about it and I do think its helpful for others and myself to see the weight written down. Even if I do go up again! :P

Exercise-wise: thanks for asking! Yes, I am managing to keep up the exercise bike. It has been a great boon: there are times when I can't get out and walk or just haven't had the time but with the bike, there are no excuses and I do so enjoy it. I just sit at the pc and pedal. Nothing difficult or high impact and I just do it as and when I feel like it. I am assuming it is the bike which has helped me to lose some of the weight. Or it could be the biotin supplements. Either way, I am extremely happy the way things are moving. I've had two S Days and they weren't bad at all but ate a few bread based meals. I will not be surprised if my weight is up a couple of lbs tomorrow (if I dare to weigh ) but it usually comes down again after a few days. My lowest weight to date is 163 lbs and I'm recording it on my signature since it has been there pretty consistently for the past week or so. Hoping for 160 lbs for Christmas but will be happy if I can maintain for a while. As long as I don't start putting weight on again, its all good! Have a great week, all! Thanks snapdragon for popping in too - hope you had a good weekend, also.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:32 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi there..thanks for welcoming me back..if I can just make it thru one day and break my binging streak I'll be good.

Ya know the funny thing is the scale obession surely is not an issue when I know I'm not so good :).

You are doing great....

I might put my weight info back on when I get the courage to weigh myself after being so off the wagon..

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:14 pm
by NoSRocks
((((((((hugs)))))))))))) Hi, No snacker!!

Thanks again for your nice, encouraging words. I also extend the same thoughts and best wishes to yourself. I, too, am a little up in weight this week... 165 lbs. But I've had a couple of bread-based meals and I find that they lay heavy in my stomach and this is the result! :roll:

I am trying not to get too frustrated or worried about it and hoping that within a few days, I will be back to 163 lbs again. I have a feeling that I might be bouncing around the 163 - 165 mark for a while. Then again, I shouldn't be coming across as if I'm complaining nor get disheartened as weight loss tends to be slow on No S and for a while, I wasn't losing anything. I guess like the rest of us, I get frustrated at the effort which goes into losing even a lb these days and oh, how easy it seems to go back on again ! :cry: :(

At lunch today, I didn't have the pbj roll and had 2 crackerfuls instead. It wasn't a hardship since I love the crackerfuls but its amazing how after just a few days, my body starts to crave the "comfort" of the bread based meals again!! Oh well....

Have a great day, all!!


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:45 pm
by tobiasmom
Hey, Buddy! Just wanted to say hi. I still picture the girl from Army Wives every time I read your posts!!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:17 am
by NoSRocks
I'm not in the least bit photogenic, so that's fine by me, tobiasmom! :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :lol: :D :D

(((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) so nice to hear from you as always and thanks for stopping by! Glad to hear you are doing good, hun, and most of all, feeling good which is the main thing!

Have a great week!!

Love, Roxy xx

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:55 am
by NoSRocks
Weight this morning - back to 163 lbs. Which makes me happy :D

Had a funny day at work today though - as in 'different' hours from what I'm used to. Started shift later in the afternoon and didn't get finished til approx 8 pm. Got to 6 pm and I was absolutely starving!! Nothing much in the way of a decent meal so i had to - reluctantly - resort to a meal replacement bar. It felt more like eating a sweet and I would have probably been better off chosing one of their pre-made sandwiches....except they were mega-huge and could probably feed a family of 4! (Okay - slight exaggeration but you get my point!)

Tomorrow is going to be the same; we're just doing a special project for the 2 days that involves working a bit later. Fortunately, after tomorrow, that should be it finished. It might crop up again that I will have to work these hours but hopefully not for a long time.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:20 pm
by r.jean
Great job! I admit I probably would have gone for the mega huge sandwich. The nice thing about No S is that either choice is okay. Most diet plans are not flexible enough for real life and the times we have little choice about what we eat. Thank goodness that No S is!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:35 pm
by NoSRocks
LOL!! Well said, rjean!! :wink:

I'm thinking on having a 'heavier' lunch this afternoon (before heading off to work) and perhaps a lighter dinner i.e. I could have a granola bar in place of the meal replacement bar which had 400 cals and 13g fat! :shock:

But it is true, whilst I've been NoS-ing, I don't pay as much attention to calories or fat grams, although I thought it was pretty hefty for 'just' a bar!!
Just as well these shifts don't come up too often, huh?

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:29 am
by Pangelsue2
Welcome back. I know what you mean about spending too much time here. I do too but it is so supportive to have a forum to work through these issues.
I never knew replacement bars had those kinds of calories and fat grams. Wow! I can remember I time I just used some of those as a snack. Yikes!

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:51 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi again Pangelsue !:)

Nice to hear from you too and I hope you are doing well this fine weekend.
Yeah, I hear you on spending too much time on the boards however I still like to lurk around here on a daily basis and read everyone's messages. I do feel a little guilty about not posting as often and I don't want anyone to feel left out so I every so often I might leave a short message on someone's thread or just post my latest ramblings (LOL) on here. I'm finding No S is slowly but surely becoming second nature to me and not worrying so much over my S Days which I posted about a lot at the beginning and I agree, everyone was - is - so supportive and it helped cheer me up whenever I felt hopeless or like throwing in the towel. Thank you ALL again, No S-ers!!

Those bars were indeed an eye opener!! Mind you, I felt extremely full and satisfied for the rest of the evening after eating it. I think its supposed to be very high protein which is meant to fill you up. My mind kept dwelling on the calories and fat content though and it did niggle me quite a bit. However, this morning I weighed in at 162-163 lbs so it didn't look as if it had done any major damage. I should be more concerned after my 2 S Days which, I'm afraid, are notorious for weight gain
:oops: This evening for instance, I had a huge cheddar cheese bagel with thick slices of butter and cheese ! ULP!! A little too much of a good thing and all that sodium is burning my tongue.....!! :P

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:00 am
by NoSRocks
S DAY SUNDAY: Had quite a 'heavy' No S Day today. Full fat greek yogurt and banana bread for breakfast; banana bread and butter and cheese for lunch and pasta bake followed by a ginormous slice of turtle cheesecake, ice cream and cream and a few squares of chocolate! :oops: ...feeling a tad full up now! :roll:

I don't think I'll be weighing in for a few days after that lot!

Just started back on synthroid (thryoid med) for hashi symptoms. Might have some affect on my weight i.e. gain. It has happened in the past.... fingers crossed it won't happen this time...!


Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:11 pm
by tobiasmom
Banana bread...mmmmmmm!! Today's a fresh N day!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:27 am
by NoSRocks
LOL! Just as well today's an N Day, tobiasmom - Otherwise, I might have Od'd on the banana bread! Needless to say, I'm back up at 165 lbs again on this Monday morning :(

I actually saw 162 lbs last week on the scale for the first time! Well, it was hovering between the 162 - 163 mark.... now I feel I am back at the start (almost) again! Ah well, it serves me right for buying up all those goodies, I suppose! Everytime the store has a cake sale, I'm right there, stocking up. :roll:

I'm hoping it might come off again soon as it went on so quickly in the first place (fingers crossed!) With this new medication, I'm not sure if it will affect my weight or not yet. If I can remember a few years ago when I first went on it, I did gain about 5 lbs or so. But now I am adding in the extra exercise so it will be 'interesting' to see what happens.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:10 am
by NoSnacker
Hey you scale girl....thought I'd stop by to see how you are doing..

Now you do know banana bread is heavy and definitely would affect the scale . Weighing in after a weekend does have a negative impact.

I haven't been on the scale thing lately, especially when I just ended a 2 week binge with a green day finally. Just one day can make one feel back on track again. I think the S days start my binge cycles up so I really need to perhaps visit what I can do about that.

Have a great Tuesday!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:33 am
by NoSRocks
LOL!! Thanks for stopping by and cheering me up, No Snacker!! I think I oughta change my name to Scale Lady instead of NSR :? :roll: :wink:

Yeah, it was kind of dumb of me to weigh in after a weekend of 2 S Days! At the moment, it just seems to be an engrained habit. Naturally, I did indeed weigh more (165) again. But I'm pleased to see that this morning, the scale was hovering between 164 and 163 so it looks like I will - fingers crossed - be back at 163 again soon. I wonder if I will ever get to the 160 lb mark? Even better, the 140-150 range would just be fantastic! BUT... I mustn't get carried away and just accept where I am right now. It's not such a 'bad' place, after all!

Hope you have a great week, NoSnacker. Chat to you again, real soon!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:55 am
by NoSnacker
I just noticed you have done really well so far weight loss wise on No S, so let that be an encouragement to are on your way.....

I would love to be 163 even for a day :) .... it will happen..when, only time will tell and my mental attitude.

You have yourself a great Wednesday!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:49 pm
by NoSRocks
Gee thanks, No Snacker!! :oops: Well done you too, for sticking with No S and hope you're having a great Wednesday too.

It's 'funny' how complacent or used we can get to being a certain weight, isn't it? Now when i see 165/4 on the scale, i get fed up and want to see 160 !@ If - or when (hopefully) - I get to 160, I'll want to be 150 and so on and so forth. I should just take time to enjoy and appreciate where I am now and what progress I have made. I guess its just human nature?!

Weather pretty good at moment so have been enjoying an outdoor walk earlier...just sat down to a very nice dinner with the kids (DH working a bit later tonight but due home in about 30 mins!)We're all having chicken casserole tonight. That's one of the many great things about No S: we can all enjoy the same meals.

Take care all, and I will chat to you all again soon.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:57 am
by NoSRocks
Hovering between 163 and 164 this morning! It's crazy...!! depending on which part of the bathroom floor I place the scale, I can fluctuate by as much as 2 or 3 lbs :roll: frustrating! I wish I could wean myself off the scale sometimes! It's my friend right now since it reflects quite a good loss at the moment, but I get upset when it doesn't move or I see a few lbs going on.... sigh! I seem to do better weight wise when i avoid bread even though many dieters swear by it (as long as it isn't swamped with butter etc.)

Tried the new caramel apple parfait at McDs today. Not bad but wouldn't get it again, I don't think. I prefer the regular fruit parfaits. Have gone off McD's and fast food places recently. I tend to favor coffee shops these days. I might be becoming a food snob at this rate !! :P

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:44 am
by idontknow
Hi Roxy - I know what you mean about the bread. I love bread but try to limit it to one slice a day because it makes a difference to my weight loss. If you are weighing every day are you tracking trends over time? It doesn't really matter if the scale goes up and down from day to day, so long as the overall trend is downwards. I've had to move my scales to the kitchen because the bathroom floor is just not reliable.
Good luck and keep going :D

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:01 am
by Strawberry Roan
Hi Roxy and all.

Just stopping by to cheer you on, you sound so optimistic and have the right frame of mind to succeed. Glad things are going well for you, snob.

:D Speaking of parfaits, I got the one at Subway one day at lunch with a friend (because I had a salad at work that I wanted to eat later in the day and the trip out was spontaneous). It wasn't anything special, not as good as McD's yogurt partfait - very small and overpriced.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:02 pm
by r.jean
I agree. McDonalds parfaits are much better.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:28 pm
by oolala53
I've been getting behind in the threads I'm watching. And the scale/beat goes on. I am weighing myself today and then not again until I finish my next round of RE90X. That means I'll have to go through the holidays without it. It's actually gotten easier.

No matter what you do with the scale, keep up the No S habit.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:11 pm
by NoSnacker
oolala53 wrote:No matter what you do with the scale, keep up the No S habit.
I definitely like this attitude!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:15 pm
by NoSRocks
HEY THERE!! THANKS EVERYONE for your marvellous input -- as ever!! GREAT to hear from you all and your support is second to none!! :D :D

Also - thanks for letting me know about the Subway parfaits not being as good as the McD's! I don't tend to frequent Subways as much these days but I was curious about those. Has anyone tried the Burger King Sundaes, btw? If so, are they as tasty as the McD's? I think McD's does one of the best ice cream on the planet :lol: and I love their McFlurries although I don't eat them much and if I did - of course - only on S Days :P :wink: :wink:

Another thank you - lol - to you all for asking about how I'm doing with the scales etc. Still weighing everyday ! :roll: Still at 165 ! :roll: But the overall trend was - until this week - that I am going down, slowly but surely. I'm not too worried about the next couple of weeks since my work schedule and therefore exercise regime - has changed. Working more hours and that is one of the most legitimate 'excuses' I suppose one can give for not being able to exercise as much - lol!! Also I'm working at a different location and the food choices are pretty dire.... mostly scones at lunchtime.... again, heavy on the tummy...and the scales. Sorry - forgotten who mentioned this - think it was 'determined' (?) that when she eats bread products, she tends to put on a little. Yes, I am indeed finding this to be the case - doesn't matter that I don't add butter/ marg etc., my body seems to take a while to process it. My sister (healthy and very slim ...!) advocates almost always eating brown/wholegrain bread, stating that it doesn't put the weight on the same.... hmm, not sure if that is only from her own personal experience. I really haven't seen much difference. Both still add weight!! As mentioned on one of my posts on the main board: I've also just started back on thyroid meds after a long (3 year) absence, from what I can recall the last time I took them, I gained weight, so I am a little 'concerned' about what may happen this time, particularly since 3 yrs ago, I originally weighed about 15 lbs less and gradually gained about 10 - 15 lbs.

Will keep you posted on my progress over the next few weeks, guys! Thanks again for stopping by - you guys are AWESOME!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:48 am
by NoSnacker
hi there, i think health wise whole grain bread products are much better for you. my husband said that white flour/bread/pasta's move slower thru the digestive track and expand into mushy stuff like paste. which makes sense...i do feel much more bloated the next day after eating while flour so with the wheat stuff...

but a calorie is a calorie, so regardless if we eat too much of anything we know what happens :)

you go scale girl!!

p.s. i found a great average tracker on the net..i did a virus scan on it and my softward detected safe...i'm going to use it and weight everyday, maybe that will help keep me on track...


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:04 am
by sophiasapientia
Hang in there, Roxy! You're doing great! Adjusting to a new schedule can take some time. I hope that your meds sort themselves out quickly, too ... Have a fantastic weekend!!! :D


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:53 am
by tobiasmom
Hey! Just saying hi! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:45 pm
by Who Me?
Scones are made with cream and butter and sugar. Very caloric! Watch out! It's not just flour and fruit, after all...

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:19 pm
by NoSRocks
LOL!! :D :D

Hey guys - thanks again for stopping in! Having a great S Day thanks, tobiasmom - best wishes to you too. Just to let you know: still very much here and rooting for y'all even though I don't post as much :) :)

Yeah, You're right about the scones...just a pity there wasn't a better selection of foods available - it was either a scone or a huge cinammon roll and the scone won out although scones to me are more of an S Day breakfast or treat!

Weight this am: 163 lbs. I'm back where I started again last week and very happy but I have a feeling I'll end as 165 lbs after the weekend - lol!!
I've had pumpkin bread from Starbucks for breakfast already!!

Have a great weekend everybody!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:15 am
by r.jean
Good to see you doing well. Your posts are fun and positive. Keep it up!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:12 am
by NoSRocks
Why hi there, Jeanie :D :D !!

Thanks as always for your lovely compliments :oops: Always reassuring to hear :) TBH, I feel like I haven't been posting as much lately - mostly due to change in work hours over the next month or two - and ironically, now that I am getting to grips with No S and it's gradually easing into a normal everyday habit, I haven't been posting as much either! But the good news is I am on this for LIFE folks and it has been a 'lifesaver' for me. Truly! Thanks again to Reinhard for helping me to see the light.... no pun intended!!!

:lol: :wink: :lol:

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:16 am
by NoSnacker
Hi thereeeee....I'm very limited with my time on here recently until I get a grip..but still checking in.

Glad to see you are holding your 163, that is so awesome........

I'm looking to find a positive attitude and I'm sure I'll find it..

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:59 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi again NoSnacker! :D

Thanks again for your lovely encouraging message(s)! Hope all is well with your good self and kudos to you for sticking with No S!! It's the best!!!

Just to let y'all know: sorry I haven't been posting much if at all recently! As I mentioned, I'm working some extra/different hours this past couple of weeks. Things should be back to normal (if there is such a thing - ha!!) by next week. However, the upshot of this is I have not been weighing myself for the past 4 or 5 days. I have a feeling I may have put on a few lbs due to lack of exercise. I haven't been able to walk outside during the day since I am at work. BUT it is rather 'freeing' not to have weighed myself and I am rather liking it. I know I will have to weigh at some point - with the emphasis on I am doing what feels right for myself. I want to know how I am doing on No S and for me, weighing seems to be the most 'accurate' record. I guess I could also go by clothes/how I look in the mirror but looks can be deceiving - lol!!

I think I am still hovering between 163 and 165. Which is okay but ultimately I'd still like to aim for 160 lbs by the end of the year or thereabouts. No big rush !! That's the beauty of No S! I was thinking the other day if I'd like to set a goal weight for myself. But it could be self-sabotage. If I were asked, I'd say my ideal weight was 150 lbs (realistically) and 135 - 140 lbs in my dreams (lol). BUT to even be able to maintain where I am now would be okay by me. Its amazing how much more confident I feel just having lost a few lbs. PLUS the fact that I'm not as worried about what I'm eating these days. I just do it almost automatically now. NOTE: I never give a positive affirmation: (almost) automatically etc. I am a bit wary of making over positive remarks... only for things to change overnight. I have learnt that I can never become too complacent nor take things for granted when it comes to food/diet/eating habits/weight. On that positive note - just kidding - have a wonderful week everyone and I'll be back real soon to update!!

Love and hugs to all - ROXY xxx

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:26 pm
by NoSRocks
Have a great weekend, everyone! Just a quick message to say I weighed in at 162 lbs this morning. YAYY! I haven't been getting as much walking in as normal so this was a nice surprise. Fingers crossed it will stay at 162 lbs for a while but i won't mind if it goes down - LOL!! Not sure after two S Days where I may end up, however. Perhaps i got more exercise at work than I thought!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:39 am
by NoSRocks
Oh dear! Had a very heavy S Day today - one of the most indulgent i have had in a long time! Was at a party with the kids today and there were lots of goodies: chocolates, cheesecake, chips, cake (all the goodies begin with 'c', I just realized that!) and I'm afraid I've overindulged too much. It's ironic that after all my hard work and finally getting down another pound, that I had the party to go to! Feeling really overstuffed and uncomfortable now... pants are digging into my waist! UGH!! Why do I do this to myself?? Well, I don't suppose I shall be weighing myself for a good few days as I figure it will take that long to get back down again... :roll:

Never mind, it was good while it lasted.... lol!!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:29 am
by r.jean
I had an indulgent day today too and feel pretty silly about eating all that. Oh well...we will do better tomorrow. :shock:


Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:10 pm
by tobiasmom
We will all do better today!

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:30 pm
by NoSRocks

Haven't weighed myself in a few days which is a first for me... I'm kinda wary about doing so since I have been eating a bit 'heavier' meals recently. Not bigger portions - just more of the bread - based meals and last night I had half a chicken pot pie (it was pretty generous). My problem again is I went a bit OTT at the store last week and bought too much food/goodies. I hate to waste food (although I have chucked it out often enough, so go figure!) so I'm trying to use up all the stuff as quickly as possible in order to get back on track and use it all up so it wont be there any longer to tempt me! I know, I know, weird logic - LOL!!

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:36 pm
by milliem
I have exactly the same logic! Which is why I try not to buy big packs of food any more.... if I have a pack of 6 cookies, I'll think 'hmm if I eat them all now the temptation won't be there tomorrow' so I'll eat them all! Bad idea!

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:47 am
by NoSRocks
LOL!! I hear ya, milliem!!

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:43 am
by oolala53
Take your time with the food. Just because it's there doesn't mean you can't pace yourself eating it. (Just trying to be the voice of reason here.) You don't have to eat it fast or throw it out. Have your meals, enjoy what you bought slowly, and resolve not to buy so much at a time, even after this runs out.

This from a woman who sent four chocolate chip cookies sailing out into the canyon beyond my fence at 5:30 this morning. They were left over from my pigout on dough and cookies the night before. They were kinda burnt anyway. And people at work know I don't usually eat sweets during the week, so I couldn't have taken them there even if they were fine. Moral of the story for me: buy most processed food right when I need it.

Keep pegging away!

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:00 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi oolala! Thanks again for your very supportive message and words of wisdom (even though you're modest and will probably say it was nothing! :)

You're right - there is indeed no rush to eat all the goodies at once - I have frozen the treats (mostly generous sized fruit scones) and intend to keep them for S Day breakfast/lunch options. They are so big that I could in fact eat half and be fully satisfied. I thought they looked so delicious at the time that every time I went to the coffee shop, I kept buying them so I would have a little "stash" ! and we all know how it can add up. Well, if you're an impulse buyer like I am, it doesn't take long.

BTW - oolala - many congratulations on your weight loss! Fantastic job!! I weighed myself for the first time since last Friday and I was back up at 165 lbs. So you're catching up on me! All joking aside, well done!!!


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:47 pm
by tobiasmom
We have a fresh clean habitcal tomorrow. Let's make it a good month!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:36 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks, tobiasmom!! :D

I really need to make an effort since I have been slipping this past few days.... and I feel it in my clothes. I also had a failure this evening... scarfed some cake I was making for DH's birthday. :roll: :cry:

Feeling wary about stepping on the scales. Perhaps that's a good thing???

Have a good week everyone!!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:59 am
by r.jean
Good luck! Hang in there! See you in a fewweeks.


Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:05 pm
by tobiasmom
Thanks for checking in with me. Things are looking up. I think we're all well now!!!

And I am back in action! No-S rocks!

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:53 am
by NoSRocks
Hi there guys! Great to hear from you! Sooo good to hear that all is well with you, too, tobiasmom! and of course, little tobias. Thanks for keeping me posted.

Meantime, I was back at 163 lbs on Friday morning. Had a bit of a heavy S Day Saturday - so I will no doubt be back at 165 lbs before I know it - ha!!

It seems like I am swinging between 163 and 165 lbs right now but its all good. I let myself get a little envious and thus discouraged by a friend whom is losing weight hand over fist right now. Friend isn't following No S btw. I was tempted to try some of DF's meal plans to see if it might move things along a bit.... but that turned out to be counter productive since I found myself wanting to binge on my N Days whereas before, I hadn't given my N Days a second thought and had been for the most part extremely compliant. I've decided to put DF's success to the back of my mind even though I am extremely happy for DF. I have to consider what is right for me and realize everyone is different (metabolism wise etc. etc) and there's no point in trying to compete nor cast undue hardship or criticism onto myself.

With those words, I will finish now by saying hope you all have a great S Day Sunday and a great no S week! Talk again soon.

Love, Roxy xxxxx


Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:13 pm
by tobiasmom
I struggle with this very same thing. My neighbor is on a new diet too. I started doing all this research and thinking maybe I should do it. It is sooooo strict. It was stressing me out just considering it. She deprived herself all week this week and did not lose one pound. Not that that's what it's about, but that would have caused a HUGE binge for me. We need to stick with what works for US! And this is definitely it!!

Hope you had a wonderful rest of the weekend.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:30 pm
by oolala53
Hi, again!
Not to be sour grapes about your dear friend, but the only person I've personally seen keep weight off on a strict regime in the last few years is a colleague who had the surgery. Man, she is skinny! and I think she will stay that way. A campus assistant lost 100 lbs. and has gained back about 80, it looks like. Another teacher lost quite a bit for his wedding a few years ago. He's heavier now that when he started.

This doesn't mean there aren't those who diet strictly and keep the weight off, but it is often after much yo-yoing. Most "losers" say they just finally accepted that it was for keeps and they really couldn't eat much rich food. I think we have a chance of getting to that point without wild fluctuations.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:06 am
by NoSRocks
Hi oolala and tobiasmom! Sorry I haven't been posting much lately but still very much here and thank you both for your nice messages. Hope all is well with you and yours :)

Thanks oolala for the info/insight into the various weight loss results. It is interesting and indeed frustrating that so many of us tend to put the weight back on and then some, after a "diet"! I also asked myself (after reading your most helpful post) if I would really want to go much stricter than I have been doing in order to lose a few extra lbs. My friend doesn't sound like she is having much fun/leeway on her diet and I wonder (not to be pessimistic I hasten to add) how sustainable it can be. Good luck to her anyway. I am sticking with No S !

BTW - weight up a bit this week but I've started eating a little more heavily/erratically this past couple of weekends so I shouldn't be surprised. Otherwise, still enjoying myself on this wonderful eating plan and trying to keep up with the exercise. Until next time, folks - take care and have a great No S weekend. If I don't write before then, also a very happy Thanksgiving to all my No Sers!! xxx

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:47 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi everyone! Once again, many apologies for not posting as often on this wonderful board. However, I guess that in itself is a 'testament' to how good this eating plan is and has become almost an unconscious habit these days. It doesn't rule my every waking thought as other diets have in the past! :)

A brief update: Ate heavily over Thanksgiving last week... lots of chocolate, candy, chips, couple of drinks... things I don't even have on No S Days. At first, the No S in me was wary of going overboard last Thursday but the flip side of my sub-conscious was saying "It's an official S Day, make the most of it!" So I did, and the best thing about it was, I didn't feel guilty! I was even able to get right back on track the next day. N Day Friday. I also thought about going N on one of my weekend days... but once again, my sub conscious was telling me "No, its an S Day, make the most of it again!" The upside of this was I was able to overindulge and then get right back on track on my 'official' N Days without any struggle or second thought. The downside of all that eating was (surprise, surprise :P) I put on a few extra lbs and was at 168 lbs. at the beginning of the week. After a couple of N Days, I am now at 166-167 lbs. which isn't too bad. This past few weeks (pre-Thanksgiving), my weight had been holding steady at around 165 lbs, after dipping down to 162 lbs the month before. Not sure if I will make my goal of 160 lbs for Christmas....but will keep trying. I think I had been eating a little heavier on my S Days, i.e. more S Day treats, no real structure, as I had been doing at the start of No S. I won't make it a hard and fast rule (because that doesn't work for me) but I will try to make my S Days a bit lighter, ie. sticking to one nice dessert after dinner and laying off the candies, etc.

Hope everyone is doing well. Still check in every day or so to read all your posts! Have a great No S Weekend, guys!

Lots of love, Roxy xx

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:59 pm
by Pangelsue2
Sounds like you are doing really well. Congratulations. You seem more relaxed and in control. All good.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:37 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks very much, pangelsue! :) :D :D What a lovely supportive message! Thinking of you hon and hoping you are doing okay too.

Love, Roxy xx

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:00 pm
by snapdragon
Just saying "Hi "

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:50 am
by NoSRocks
(((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) thanks, Snapdragon!! A big HI to you too!

Sorry for being so quiet these past few months - think of you all and rooting for all of you too!

Lots of love, Roxy xx

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:30 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! Long time, no hear, huh?? :oops:

Just checking in to give you all a quick update and to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ... and a very Happy Holidays to No Sers who don't celebrate Christmas also :)

Anyway - they say that no news is good news, and to some extent, I haven't been posting as much because No S seems to be pretty much second nature to me these days. HOWEVER, on the weight front - I am really fed up right now since I seem to be gaining weight again. :roll: :roll: :evil:

After holding steady at around 165 - 166 lbs this past month or so, I stepped on the scales yesterday and was shocked to see 170 lbs! I haven't been doing anything differently other than the dr upped my thyroid medication approx. one month ago and tbh, ever since I started on it, I had gained a few lbs. I could - sort of - live with that, but it really angered and discouraged me to see all my hard work going down the drain yesterday. I mean, I have been sticking to the No S way of life to the letter and for several months there, things were going great. I could not have been happier. It wasn't as if I attempted a crash diet where one loses quickly and therefore may put it on just as quickly too. I tell you, the thyroid is a very strange thing. Particularly when it goes out of whack!@! I also haven't felt myself (mentally) recently and I can pretty much attribute this to the thyroid medication too. Sorry for the gloomy message folks and I hope this won't discourage any of you on the No S plan, particularly newbees who are keen to hear positive news. BUT I do not, stress, do not, attribute any of this gain to the No S lifestyle because even if I do overindulge a bit on the weekends (I need for my sanity and it keeps me on track) this way of eating has without a doubt pretty much stopped me from worrying about diet plans/what to eat today etc. and I can't tell you what a relief it is.
The good news is my dr is going to try me on another brand thyroid med to see if I can start to feel better. Also, not sure if it is just coincidence but today I was advised not to take it/postpone it since I was going for a blood test, and quite honestly, I feel much better than I have been for a while. My weight had gone back to 167 lbs this morning too. Not ideally where I would like to be but at least it hadn't shot up again. I was starting to worry that I might wake up with another 5 lbs on top of what I already gained! Irrational or not, this is what happens to me sometimes.

Sooo..... again I hope this didn't come across too doom n gloomy. I basically felt I had to vent and also to keep everyone updated and let you guys know I am still very much here even though I don't post as much these days. Perhaps I should start posting more often as it might help with my goals!! We'll see what happens over the holiday season...which I hasten to add, I am soooo looking forward to and there won't be any dietary restrictions made during this time! This is definitely one time of year I get license to let my hair down... and I fully intend to. Then it will be back to good old vanilla in the new year. I don't face new year/new diet with the same dread I used to before no S and isn't that just a wonderful thing????

Bye for now guys and I will let you know how I do with the new medicine and what if any affect it has on my weight.....fingers crossed, please!!!

love from Roxy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:17 pm
by oolala53
What a drag! I thought thyroid medicine was supposed to help weight loss?

I'm on a forum on Sparkpeople for maintainers. Those women are mostly damn thin, if you ask me. And some of them eat frighteningly little. Others eat pretty generously. Some are fitness freaks almost, but most just walk. I say all this because it's a bit of a crap shoot how thin we can get with reasonable, moderate eating. I eat so well so much of the time, I don't know how I was 20 lbs. lighter 25 years ago. I ate more crap and I wasn't that much more active. Actually, I do know. My bingeing got worse and I went up to 30 lbs. more than I am now. It's a lot easier to overeat for a long time than to undereat long enough to counteract that. The irony is that I am more accepting of my body than I was back then. Some wisdom with age!

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:17 am
by NoSRocks
Hi there oolala! Merry Christmas and thanks very much for stopping by my thread :) I just finished reading a very good and inspirational message you posted on someone's thread (sorry I can't remember whose, it might have been Who Me?) for someone like myself who was struggling/getting frustrated (just like I am right now) re. their weight gain.

Yes, it is a drag indeed - and I fully put this recent gain down to the thyroid medication since I can recall the same thing happening the very first time I was put on it (approx 3 yrs ago). One of the reasons why I came off of it in the first place.... now I wouldn't advocate that anyone do so without checking with their dr/endo first. I think I was borderline hypo and I also had Hashi's where the thyroid levels go up and down plus I checked with my endo before doing so. Anyway, I am now back on the medication and my endo even said herself that I shouldn't be having weight gain but it definitely can and has happened. I've heard others' who are on hypothyroid meds speak of similar and frustrating weight gain so it can't all be imagination! :roll:

However, guys, I am still with No S - tempting as it is to go and try out another 'miracle/crash diet' - I realize from past experience that 'crash' diets, won't work long term and up until recently, I had been very pleased with my progress on No S. It wasn't as if I crash dieted the weight away either - I was holding pretty steadily around the 163-165 mark for several months! But there is no use crying over spilt milk and moaning and complaining! BUT I did help to vent and get it off my chest just the same - lol!! I am hoping that it might settle down again once I've been on the medication long enough and that this may be just a temporary hiccup. I also have to consider that this time of year is just not going to be conducive to losing weight too. I am determined to enjoy Christmas with all the trimmings - literally! Perhaps - just to be sure - I may be better to do the 21 day challenge after the New Year festivities because I figure that is when I may need it the most. I also think I should stop weighing as much over 2012. Not completely. But like your good self oolala who only posts their weight every 3 months or so. At least I would be keeping track of my weight but I wouldn't get so despondent over the daily fluctuations! We'll see... but for now, I am just looking forward to Christmas without the they're on S Days too. Added bonus!

Have a very Merry Christmas all No S-ers and I look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year (if not before!) Lots of love, Roxy xx

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:31 pm
by NoSRocks
Well, I hope you all had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Just popping in for a little know, I really think its time I started to post regularly on this board, again. It may help with my weight loss efforts - especially now that i have been hindered somewhat by the thyroid medication ( :twisted: ) I had been doing great till then. I felt a bit fed up and overwhelmed and - gasp - just about to throw in the towel and join a "National slimming company" in the new year! Now I've come to my senses again, had a "great" two days of non stop eating. (Felt very overstuffed and uncomfortable yesterday since I haven't been used to having so much rich food in such a short period of time for a while... that in itself is progress, huh? lol!!) I also felt VERY inspired and re-invigorated (if that's a word) by reading oolala's recent posts and her ongoing success. So much so, that I am not going to abandon No S in favor of another plan. Hopefully, once the holiday season is over etc. and the medication 'settles down' (remain skeptical) my weight will start to go down again. Obviously, I will have gained a few extra Christmas lbs so it will be both pointless and "s*adistic" to weigh myself over the next week or so. On a more positive note, weight fluctuations aside, I am approximately the same weight I was when I (re)started last year and I have No S to thank for this. Have a wonderful festive season everyone and all the very best for 2012 to you and yours! Chat to you again soon! Love, R x

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:25 pm
by snapdragon
I would be thrilled to have a veteran no sser around!!!!!
Hope things get sorted out with your thyroid.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:01 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks a lot, snap! Nice to hear from you too. A lot of the regulars seem to be missing in action these days.
..haven't been posting as often myself since I was starting to get comfortable with the plan and it was becoming second nature to me... before the dreaded (under active) thyroid reappeared ...argh!!!
:twisted: :twisted:

I just wish I had better weight loss results to post for y'all. TBH, haven't even weighed myself since before Christmas since I know for sure i have put on... in part due to the festive feasting i've been partaking in this past couple of days. However, I have managed to stick to the plan; I only overindulged on the weekend (Christmas eve and Christmas day) and have managed to regain my composure until the next round (i.e. the New Year!)

All the very best to you and yours and many thanks for posting. I'm not sure when I'll next be posting due to holiday commitments etc. but I'd just like you to know I'm still very much here and following the plan.
Bye for now!! :D

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:43 am
by NoSRocks
EVENING ALL! A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL - even though its still a few hours away for many of us!

Just sitting in front of the pc, glass of wine in hand, and enjoying reading over all your recent posts. I also wanted to confess that i have been an absolue glutton today and probably will be tomorrow. I'm hoping I will be able to get back to more structured weekends (no S days) once the holiday season is over but for now, I'm determined to enjoy myself. Funny thing is, I've not been as hungry today as I normally am and have been forcing some food (goodies) down in order to get the cupboards and fridge clear for a new, fresh start. Not really starting over from scratch since I intend to carry on with No S for life and this will actually be my 3rd year on the plan. (despite having a break during 2010). All in all, I think I weigh exactly the same as I did this time last year. There were some excellent months i.e. July to November when I reduced by almost 12 lbs and a lot of (food/body image) stress along with it. Unfortunately, since restarting on the thyroid meds, (I am attributing it to this anyway) the weight has come back and very quickly too. However, I am determined to keep going with the plan, despite the temptations of other quick fixes and crash diets :roll: I am not going to make any resolutions other than I am going to try not to weigh as often during 2012. I like oolala's plan of 3 month increments. So I am hoping to aim for this. I think it will give me a better overall picture of how I am doing on the Plan. I hope I can do it ! lol.

oolala: if you are reading this post tonight, just wanted to say a BIG Thank You for your ongoing inspirational posts. I have said this often, but will say it again, it seems like we are similar height etc. and have similar weight loss goals. I was sorry to read you were feeling a little down this evening. Easier said than done, but please don't be too hard on yourself! You have done/are doing a fantastic job on the No S Plan and you inspire me to keep going so kudos to you, hon, and I hope you will continue to post throughout 2012 and beyond. I love reading of your progress (trust that isn't too much pressure, if you know what I mean ! :p)


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:57 am
by oolala53
Thanks for your kind words! I know it's temporary to think this way.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:18 am
by NoSRocks
You're welcome! Thank you TOO. I also have been feeling rather frustrated and unhappy about my weight loss or lack of but I too believe its only a temporary state of mind especially since I will be following the No S Plan and its a wonderful way of eating. Nothing else has worked for me so far and its the longest I have ever stuck to a "diet" in my life !

On that note, I will sign off for this evening and wish you a Very
Happy New Year.... not long to go now!

:D :D

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:34 pm
by NoSRocks

Hope everyone is having a very enjoyable and (relaxing?) day - lol!

I have been an absolute glutton today and yesterday. The odd thing is, its a special holiday and an S Day to boot - and I really haven't been feeling very hungry, especially for sweets, but true to form - been scarfing them down since its an S Day and I can :shock: :twisted: :roll:

However, I do feel confident that I will go back to my N Days successfully this week and I hope i will be able to have some degree of normalcy on my S Days too. All this ott bingeing is starting to get tiresome (she says non convincingly, :oops: )

Enjoy the rest of your day guys, and look forward to checking in next time!

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:01 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hi there, Happy New Year.

I say, enjoy the gluttony and embrace a fresh start.

That is what I am doing, not sure what I weigh but I KNOW that it is less than when I started here so that is a good thing.

Le't's all just embrace a new start. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:47 am
by NoSRocks
lol! Hi berry and Happy New Year to you too. Great to hear from you again. I am sooooooo ready for my fresh start! I may find it a little more challenging this year since my dr. has me back on thyroid meds which seem to have had the unfortunate side effect of putting weight ON! :evil: :twisted:

However, my aim is to weigh less often and try to have less ott S Days this year. I think I'll copy oolala (if she doesn't mind lol) and limit to 3 month increments with regards weighing. I did actually go a whole year once without standing on the scales - gasp!@ so I know it can be done!


Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:21 am
by oolala53
Anyone can copy any of my behaviors here. I have not monopoly on tri-monthly weigh ins! However, I cheated today but I'm not going to tell until I write my testimonial, sometime between tomorrow and Jan. 8.

It's never too late for a fresh start!

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:48 am
by NoSRocks
Hi oolala! I think your idea of weighing in 3 month increments is great! What is it they say: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? :D :lol:
....and thanks for the seal of approval (half joking!)

By the way, I really cannot wait to read your testimonial. I'm feeling excited for you and looking forward to reading your no S journey. I hope it will keep me going through this recent rough patch! In fact, I know it will.... no S is with me for LIFE!!

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:05 pm
by snapdragon
Happy New Year!
Let's get these habits cemented into out brain!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:16 am
by NoSRocks
Hi Snappy! :D :D

Thanks for popping in!! Happy New Year to you too! :D :D :wink:

Well today was my first N Day after the very overindulgent holiday weekend. I am pleased to report that I did just fine and didn't suffer from too many withdrawal symptoms, thank goodness, esp after all the sugary sweets!

TBH, I'm pretty okay with my N Days but i will have to address the S Days which haven't quite settled down / moderated yet. My plan is to have one special treat after dinner this weekend and that's it...but I am not going to overthink it (try not to anyway!) since that always backfires on me. I am trying my best not to concentrate too much on how much I weigh since I might get despondent and feeling this way, also leads to over eating in my experience.

Again, taking it as it comes and trying not to plan too much ahead.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:58 pm
by mimi
Hey Roxy! Just popping in to say hi and wish you a Happy New Year!

So wise to take each day as it comes and not plan too far ahead. I feel much better if I set some small goal each day - it doesn't always have to be health related - and at the end of the day when I've reached it, I feel so good.

I have been off track for awhile, and am working hard at getting back...I've never "quit" NoEssing, I just haven't had lots of green days. My December was probably an equal mixture of red and green, but it certainly fit the season :roll:

Anyway, wishing you the best!
Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:55 pm
by NoSRocks
HI MIMI! Lovely to hear from you again and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TOO! Thank you so much for your kind and inspirational words. I can certainly relate: I too have remained on the No S Plan but found myself nibbling a little bit now and again on my N Days over the festive season. Mainly because I was baking goodies and of course I just had to test them out, didn't I!! :oops: :roll:

Today has been another successful N Day I am pleased to report. But oh my! My stomach is really showing the extra poundage (trust this isn't TMI? lol). Needless to say, I have stuck with my resolution not to weigh!

Now guys, I would be very grateful for any/all of your input on this: I just got a call from a slimming club I joined and had been with on and off for around 4 or 5 yrs. My membership is up for renewal and I wondered if you think I should go for it or not. At first, I was very faithful to this club and I did lose weight with them....albeit with a lot of ups and downs. I rejoined last year but only went once. i know, it sounds weird but I always think if I don't renew and then decide to go back later, it might cost me a lot more money to get my membership back - if that is even an option. Sooo.... I'm kind of undecided about what to do. I even thought I could stick to No S and do this diet at the same time! But I think its not really a long term solution whereas No S is or can be - if I ever get the thyroid meds sorted out
:roll: :twisted: PLUS I only have a week or so to decide....

Decisions, decisions!

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:05 am
by thtrchic
I can't imagine you wouldn't be able to get your membership back again later. They're in the business of selling them so I'm sure it'll be available. It is possible that you won't get the deal they are offering now, but if you're not using it you're losing more money by paying in the meantime than if you just wait until you actually need/want it and then start it up. Obviously I don't know the value of the membership to you, but it sounds like it hasn't been very high if you only went once last year.

The question I ask with these things is what am I getting that I can't just do myself? Like, if I join a gym what am I getting that I can get with walks outside and exercise videos? If the answer is enough to merit the cost, then go for it.


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:17 am
by oolala53
I paid gym fees for a year and a half before finally accepting that I wasn't going to go. (It was one where you did have to pay an upfront fee if you let your membership lapse, so I know what you mean.) I have some weights at home and a ton of videos, but I mostly do exercises I've learned over the years (peudo Shovelglove) and walk the neighborhood. I imagine if I lived where the weather wasn't very good, I might consider a gym, but I honestly can't see myself going regularly soon. I keep thinking of Reinhard just going his merry way investing only in sledgehammers. I gotta make do! But some people are inspired by the company.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:23 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again guys - great answers by the way and thanks for your input!

thtrchic - I think you must have been reading my mind - lol. Thanks for helping me to see the light (no pun intended!) The thought had crossed my mind about being able to join at a later date, yes the fees may be higher or not last the whole year as this "offer" would but it seems crazy tbh (now I have my non diet head on) that I would shell out for a whole year and not even take advantage of it.

So I think I'll just leave it for now like you suggested. It does help to get others' views and I am very grateful to you both.